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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 67 KB, 863x235, iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25326058 No.25326058 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most iconic EN vtuber stream of all time?

40 minutes of the biggest earner in the English scene telling women they are NOT dating, treating his best friend Reimu harshly makes him disgusted and he hopes they stop watching for good.

>> No.25326698

People that think women are gonna drop Vox need to realise that men and women have different reactions.

>> No.25326720

That would be Coco graduation

>> No.25326747

Lol no.

>> No.25326804

fujos love that shit though
they were all wet while watching that stream

>> No.25326858
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Go back

>> No.25326956

Honestly, as someone who doesn’t watch Vox, this was kind of based. He absolutely didn’t handle it right in the beginning but I’m glad he finally nutted up and took some sort of action.

>> No.25327171


>> No.25328187

You just know his most unhinged viewers will just spin that shit as "aww he's being tsundere for me <3 uwu"
But if anything, choosing the latina over the chinks and telling the femcels to fuck off was based and not gay

>> No.25328250

>I hate you, you are not my fans, I never want to see your names again
Nah I think he was harsh enough.

>> No.25328261

>He said this while posting a picture of non-chuuba

>> No.25328263

holy newfag

>> No.25328330

There's nothing iconic about a mediocre bitch graduating. That shit happens everyday

>> No.25328331

>EN vtuber

>> No.25328342

Not really iconic when nobody watches you

>> No.25328378

Probably not the most iconic but it's something that will be talked about.
Not everyday that you get someone to step up and defend themselves and others. (Even if it had to take two attempts at it)
If only Rushia did this. She'd still be in Holo, with all the money, connections and support of those around her without having her name permanently stained with "Willing to break NDA"

>> No.25328631

>If only Rushia did this.
You mean mafumafu, Rushia was the one getting harassed by his fangirls

>> No.25329406

actually its very based that he stands up to his audience

>> No.25329828

No, it’s melodramatic grandstanding. He’s not actually changing anything and it costs little to adopt shallow moral stances masquerading as taking a stand (no one is going to publicly approve of death threats). All this does is prove how weirdly incapable many Western VTubers are of providing the service of virtual intimacy in a professional way, which is incompatible with the NijiEN super casual ‘LOL we’re just funny comedians’ attitude. He can’t stop the people he’s condemning from watching his streams and he’s going to keep taking their money, but he won’t take responsibility for his own content and still wants to act like he’s just an ‘internet funny man’ because he can’t cope with the fact that providing the British sex vampire service to Chinese femcels means he has to manage that in such a way that these incidents can’t happen. The only statement should’ve been a simple condemnation of harassment and death threats, but going forward Vox either has to stop providing this service or make sure nothing like this can happen as best he can, which means no more funny interruptions from other streamers during his intimate roleplay. That may not sound nice, but there are no alternatives besides those because you can’t control who decides to watch your stream and put themselves in thrall to your personality, and Vox is not prepared to face that. This will just happen again if he’s too wrapped up in self-deception to understand that he’s a virtual host and no one is watching him do a bathing roleplay because of the comedy.

>> No.25330074

Guy only gets half of my respect for at least admiting how fucking stupid he was for thinking he could let crazy fujos run free without repercussions.
He'll get the other half when he snaps again at a schizo femcel.

>> No.25330247


>> No.25330386

what did he mean by this?

>> No.25331669
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>Is this the most iconic EN vtuber stream of all time?
Think again newfag

>> No.25333072

Reimu should sit on my face.

>> No.25333775

based Mika

>> No.25334792

try to type without crying next time okay?

>> No.25335024

Women are pretty forgiving when it comes to cheating unlike men. If a woman leaves due to cheating it's because she was already looking for an excuse to dump you or already had someone better to replace you.

>> No.25335206

What a cuck.

>> No.25335309

>EN Vtuber

>> No.25335501
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based milordy

>> No.25336547

Vox went to hard didn't he, its going to hurt him.
He probably should have said this as going forward behave and theres a path to forgiveness don't do it again. But he just went straight up if you feel this way i dont want you leave.

>> No.25337034

>to(o) hard
It's not always about numbers, if here is where he decides to take a stand then that's fine. I'm happy for him.

>> No.25337097

Why are so many vtubers, both male and female so ignorant to the fact that they parasocial entertainment.

>> No.25337118

nijiniggers getting uppity

>> No.25337177

>blah blah blah
silence, woman!

>> No.25337190

This shit is hilarious ngl.

>> No.25337435
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1627344566123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo are there anymore pics of Gura cosplayers who are thicc? The ones I see are usually sticks.

>> No.25337715
File: 76 KB, 1080x1350, 1638364700507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File contains audio
>File (ass) too large

These 3 are the only pics/vid I have of this cosplayer. And yes true.

>> No.25337769

only good post in this thread

>> No.25337813

No, everyone will stop talking about this as soon as the next thing rolls around. Coco's graduation, Kizuna AI's last live, those sorts of things crush it.

>> No.25338229
File: 255 KB, 480x473, 1640470422361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kindly anon. I knew browsing catalog threads would pay off eventually

>> No.25338284

I'll see if I can remove the audio and post the webm in global
I don't know why this board doesn't have audio webms

>> No.25338350
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>> No.25338740

NijiEN vtubers don't understand BFE/GFE well because they constantly condemn anything parasocial while providing it at the same time.

>> No.25338850

I agree, don't think he really understands the niche he's carving to himself. He wants to be a good person, but that's incompatible with being a good content creator

>> No.25338948

he literally shifted the blame onto the ghost girl LOL

>> No.25339001
File: 2.79 MB, 810x1080, vklhvg2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvklhvg.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a soundpost

>> No.25339013

Beyond based

>> No.25339065

How is it that years of GFE content can go on with very little fanfare of "harassment" and "death threats" from the male fans towards male vtubers who collaborate with female vtubers (no, shitposting on /vt/ is not harassment and death threats), meanwhile one stream of Reimu messaging Vox on Discord like they've done several times over before triggers the femcels into blind fury? How come Vox never received harassment and death threats for speaking to Reimu?
I think we all know the answer to these questions.

>> No.25339163

The only sane post in this thread. He can keep lecturing his viewers about how he's not their boyfriend but that means nothing if he has a boyfriend rp stream scheduled in the same week.

>> No.25339275

this isn't even the first time. there was this other time where he wanted to do asmr stream with that leech from twitch and his paypiggies said "noooo this is my intimate time with milord you cant do this" and he folded, and now he's going back on that. they're all bitches.

>> No.25339386

It doesn't matter if a woman wants to leave or not. If she finds out you're cheating, she will use every cancellable source about you to ruin your life and reputation. If there aren't any, she will make them up.

>> No.25339391


>> No.25339460

Because his fans are Chinese, so mental illness and zeal are inbred to them.

>> No.25339486
File: 1.83 MB, 1032x954, 1625141690112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first nijien male yab already happening
>SC dropping
>hyakuman desuwa viewers already reclining as well
Did you enjoy your golden week? Not gonna happen in another 5 years again.

>> No.25340255

I mean it was hilarious and I'm glad I can say I caught it live but ultimately he's blaming his fans for a problem he created. If you do BFE you will get gachis, and they will behave like mentally insane people always do. I guess it's "iconic" in that he successfully shifted the blame and came out looking like the good guy while doing nothing to address the underlying problem or take responsibility.

>> No.25340485

fuck off, stop shilling your dying dead channel

>> No.25340746

Realistically, if YouTube were to somehow have a 100% accurate setting to prevent mentally-ill people from watching their streams I doubt any of them would actually use it or if they do it wouldn't for very long.

>> No.25340848
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You have to be at least a little mad to be in wonderland

>> No.25341615

Hopefully they listen to him and all of them stop watching.

>> No.25341727

he cares more about reimu than his fans who kindly donate their money to him, so they should drop him

>> No.25341973

That would be either Gura's debut stream that is now sitting at over 5mil views, or her cat shark outfit reveal which, at the time, broke the record for highest CCV a vtuber has ever gotten during a livestream (still in 2nd place I believe).

>> No.25342072

>getting scolded by milord
how many chinese women orgasmed over this stream?

>> No.25342118

He created a second yellow river

>> No.25342218


I love coco but that was the cringiest most fake forced shit i have had the disgust of watching in my entire life, they basically treated her like she was dying of terminal cancer then months later she just came back as you know who.

>> No.25342287

And it created a huge standard for what constitutes a "real" goodbye so when they quickly shoved Rushia out of the door, even if she did fuck up and left not so amicably, it felt 10x as jarring
And so will anybody else who graduates in the future and doesn't get the Coco red carpet treatment

>> No.25342381

we know your kind doesn't have emotions chang, no need to flaunt it.
Good job on not making monkeypox, i'll give you that.

>> No.25342530


>> No.25342732

Yes, the whole thing has ruined NijiEN for me and left a bad taste in my mouth for Western Vtubers in general. Especially given the amount of money made from what he's condemned.
Taking this stance makes him feel morally obligated to return all of the money made from people he's misled. Which of course is an insane idea, proving what an insane moral ground he's pretending to take.

>> No.25342951

source please?

>> No.25343029

But if there arr females who don't behave like chimps and like that kind of content whilist just peacefully enjoying it and aren't harming anyone in the process, wouldn't it be pretty retarded to stop providing them ASMR streams just because some subhuman chinks went apeshit?
Why should good fujos who don't harm a fly be deprived of their harmless fantasy?
Wouldn't that be just as hypocritical from Vox?
It's better to just keep doing it and getting apologybux from that "iconic" stream in the OP
Are we really talking morals in a job that collects funds and investment from random people. He's not a fucking politician

>> No.25343072

Did he just dunk on Unicucks? Based faggot.

>> No.25343102
File: 303 KB, 1280x1920, 1651376235870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is UyUy

Full set:

>> No.25343188


>> No.25343296
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, 1643528020214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's done Ame and Coco too

>> No.25343310

no one cares

>> No.25343385
File: 228 KB, 746x497, ok chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25343387

why does her ass look so fake?

>> No.25343388

>Why should good fujos who don't harm a fly be deprived of their harmless fantasy?
I'm not saying they should be deprived, I see no harm in what he does. But HIS response is taking that away from them.
>Are we really talking morals in a job that collects funds and investment from random people.
Yes, a job that doesn't produce anything and only consumes. That's exactly why him ruining his BFE for so many good fujos bothers me. When the whole thing could have been avoided had he taken more responsibility than he has and his response.
His response is anti BFE, that's what I'm pointing out

>> No.25343407

all my cum in it sorry

>> No.25347226

Pretty much this.

>> No.25347288

>>25343388 >>25339163
Just looked at the vod to see what the fuss is about, I don't understand how that response takes the fantasy away from the good fujos?
I don't have a lot of experience with BFE/GFE content from vtubers since that's not my cup of tea, but BFE/GFE content had existed at least for decades.
Movie stars and boybands have told their fans they love them time and time again. Seiyuu have done countless "x listener" bfe/gfe drama/voice situation CD. POV porn exists.
The difference between the "harmless" ones and the "schizo" ones is whether they understand that the content they are enjoying is fictional and not actually addressed to them individually or not. And his response was just reminding them of that fact.
Honestly, I think it's a good statement to make, and if people are going to be THAT delusional, then perhaps it'd be nice to add a "this is a work of fiction blah blah blah" disclaimer.
It's like saying porn actor and actress cannot say they don't actually enjoy fucking random strangers are ruining the fantasy of the people fapping to them...

>> No.25347680

No harsh is filtering the toxic retards out and banning them live on stream like what jschlatt did with those dream stans on his stream

>> No.25348559

It's a mistake because it's an unnecessary statement. As I said, moral grandstanding: no one except genuinely delusional people actually think it's good to send death threats. This message will get through to no one who is actually like that and only strokes the egos of those who agree. It's Vox's responsibility to understand that this service of virtual intimacy will attract these people, and that he cannot stop them watching it. His statement about parasocial people is hot air unless he's going to stop providing it. But if he is going to keep making it, it's his responsibility to make sure that this can't happen as best he can, and talking with another woman on stream was a really stupid thing for him to do in that context. That's not on Reimu either because he should have thought about these boundaries himself instead of running with this 'I'm just an funny entertainer man' line. He's not taking responsibility for anything; he's putting out some of the raciest and intimate RP content in corpo English VTubing, making bank off it, and then acting appalled like these parasocial crazies just showed up to his relaxing variety show where he and his friends do cute skits.

>> No.25349598

It needs to be said in a location where he can just point if things get bad again. This honestly pretty smart move. Like sign at the door he can point to if things get bad again.
It also allows fans to show the crazies that that shit is not ok said by the liver themselves. Crazies will always exist that's just a fact but doesn't you should restrict or punish the good people because of them.
Should we ban alcohol because there are crazy alcoholics?

>> No.25349789

I'm basing my opinion on what he said+ heresay since I didn't follow the whole fiasco. So apologies if my understand is incorrect.
>unnecessary statement.
It was necessary since the death threats and hate message sending schizos were his fans, some were doing it under the impression that he wanted it and were even reporting back their action to him (in the "i told the bitch to stop disturbing your stream"way)
>This message will get through to no one who is actually like that
I heard some ex-gachi yume on weibo are saying they hate him now, and one of the people who sent the death threat to Reimu said they want to stab him in UK too and had deleted their account now. So it does seem to be getting through to the right people.
>it's his responsibility to make sure that this can't happen as best he can
That I agree, but personally I think making that statement and repeating / linking it ever so often is one thing he can and should do.
BFE/GFE is not inherently schizo exclusive. Yes it happens, movie stars and their lovers have got stabbed for it, but I don't see sane people say that means they should stop what they were doing. The most you can do is try to keep the delulu at bay...

>> No.25349965

Yes, its the origin and source of all the changes that will happen in the future for vtubing.

>> No.25350109

because it is, although her shots without the heavy photoshop still make her ass look a little good... if your into the fat 30 year old woman wrinkly asses

>> No.25350119

Based sane poster

>> No.25350670

People only like him because it proves that Women can be just as cancer as the neckbeards with vtuber tulpas

>> No.25354320

He handled pretty well, honestly
It's all for the better, plus the donations went pretty good
