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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25264702 No.25264702 [Reply] [Original]

>Parasocial creeps need to touch grass, btw buy my gfe voice packs and superchat my asmr dating streams please
What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.25264860

7 fucking threads

>> No.25265326

Must suck being a hololive fan when the other companies drama is more interesting than your own streams.

>> No.25265615

what streams?

>> No.25267806

It's called being based, dumbass.

>> No.25267899

You don't need to murder them!

>> No.25267949

No, being a Hololive fan is perfect. Your own company acts professional and respects their audience, while their competitors always put on a fucking clown show.

>> No.25268003

>Respects them
I remember a bunch of threads full of nerds crying because the purple woman called them losers or something

>> No.25268069

You mean pink woman? She's an exception. All your "livers" act like this.

>> No.25268088

These ones

>> No.25268236

You forget about Ina, whom treats chat as though they were children. You also forget about Ame who has been abrasive and often vented her anger onto her chat. As for Council and Gura see, >>25265615 .

>> No.25268261


>> No.25268273

Probably because GFE is roleplay and you're expected to not be a fucking schizo that actually believes he's in a relationship with a vtuber

>> No.25268301

No, I didn't forget about them. Take your meds.

>> No.25268588

Stop projecting onto me. You should drop the depression, pain meds, and probably your oshiis, because none of these things are helping.

>> No.25268656

I want money, but no strings attached teehee FEEESH

>> No.25268671

I'm not dropping anything. I'll keep watching the most popular and respected vtuber company, with sensible hiring practices and real consequences for fucking up (Rushia), while you keep getting cucked by your favorite "livers".

>> No.25268731


gfe isn't real dumbass, it's a product

vtubers are a service industry stupid fuck

>> No.25268774


2 active threads anon

>> No.25268889
File: 234 KB, 2048x1205, X0oJTJYigi0UaFoDN9n8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, you didn't even deny the depression or pain meds. Now, on a scale of 1-10, describe how painful the average Hololive stream is.

>> No.25268891

>i-it's all RP bro
You're acting like they don't know exactly what they're doing. They're exploiting the mentally ill and they unironically need to be corrected for that.

>> No.25269041

>you didn't even deny the depression or pain meds
I don't need to deny anything because it's a strawman. Having standards doesn't mean you need to be depressed or on pain meds.

>> No.25269417

Can you at least let the other threads die before shitting up the catalog you motherfucker

>> No.25269446

This is what you get with most of NijiEN.

>> No.25269686

Imagine thinking that only hololive fans are making these threads. When whores do dumb shit they get blasted and people make threads to went and post silly shit. Imagine me saying that everything that happened with Mori, Rushia or whoever was involved in some drama, were Nijinigs spamming the board. Tribal faggotry is rotting your brain away.

>> No.25269768

Exploitation is all the mentally ill are good for.

>> No.25269815

mentally ill hands typed this
beware anons, dont end up like this

>> No.25270326

Mass media is inherently parasocial, she is no more parasocial than any other vtuber or streamer.

>> No.25270455


>> No.25270900

>Imagine thinking that only hololive fans are making these threads.
But it's them. Nijis often collab with other small corpos and indies, as well as vshoujo, so no one outside the holo bubble is mad at them.

>> No.25270978

