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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25156216 No.25156216 [Reply] [Original]

Talent >>>>>> Hardwork
Talent ALWAYS trumps Perseverance.
Prove me wrong

>> No.25156272

things go viral for literally no reason

just look at morbius

neither talent nor hard work mean shit, just luck

>> No.25156329

Sana has talent and refuses to stream ever or use said talent but Koyori has no talent and streams constantly.
Koyori is the better streamer.

>> No.25156366


>> No.25156555

if hololive is the wwe of vtubers, she is brock lesnar, just go to work a few days a year to collect the paycheck while everyone else works all days

>> No.25156645
File: 83 KB, 1364x920, FT7QLNoaUAA5dOb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent and luck is an undeniable part.
hardwork can only get you so far without any of the above.
even hololive success was brought by a Christmas miracle

>> No.25156689

Morbius (or at least the idea of it) going viral has a very specific reason behind: mockery at its poor quality. People are making fun of it.

>> No.25156782

it's still making fucking bank

>> No.25156907

>it's still making fucking bank
No, no it isn't. The box office returns have been complete dogshit and people making fun of it online isn't generating any profit for them.

>> No.25157024

>The box office returns have been complete dogshit
cope, it made more than twice its budget

>> No.25157072


>> No.25157099

Hard working is a jew meme. It is the talentless way to achieve success (in a minor scale).

>> No.25157156

shup up hoshino

>> No.25157205

If that's true, which I seriously doubt, it still has nothing to do with what I said. Bad movies can make money. Good movies can be financial failures. I didn't say the reason for being memed was it failed at making money, I said it was of its poor quality.

>> No.25157362

Protip: that's not "making bank", that's the BARE MINIMUM to be considered viable.

>> No.25157373

keep coping, retard

>> No.25157715

This is a lost cause

>> No.25158155

There are too many factors involved to make such a broad statement. All talent really is in the end is pursued interest.

>> No.25158374

Talent and luck. Pretty much.

Hard work is there only to make the plebs think being abused by the system will pay off some day because of some cosmic truth.

If you're smart you'll work hard on yourself: your voice, your body, your charisma, your work ethic, so when the opportunity arises (luck) you'll rise to the occasion (talent)

>> No.25158491

Well said anon. I would give you a firm ass smack if I could.

>> No.25158603

Ayame has no talent though. She just has a cute voice and laugh.
Other than that she's lazy and can be quite a cunt. Desperate weebs, especially in the Holo random, will just forgive everything if you're cute enough

>> No.25158969

>She just has a cute voice and laugh.
That's what talent is. Things you can't or don't have to learn.

>> No.25159158

By that logic everyone is talented in some respect.

>> No.25159230
File: 316 KB, 1080x1765, talent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what talent means anonchama...
Having a beautiful face or having long legs, is not a talent

>> No.25159242
File: 21 KB, 360x450, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work smart not hard

>> No.25159284

Yes? Doesn't mean all talents can earn you money or make you famous.
>the natural endowments of a person
>a special aptitude

>> No.25159324

suisei exists. suisei succeeds. your argument is invalid.
rent free. take your meds.

>> No.25159524

Are you retarded? A cute voice is not an endowment and even less special "aptitude".
Hundred of millions people have cute voices. Hell even 3/4 of Hololive have cute voices.
If everybody is talented then nobody is. A talent is supposed to be such because it's different from the norm.

>> No.25159558

What a retarded cope post.

>> No.25159627

>Loses the argument
>"N-no you!"
Ogey moron

>> No.25159864

>suisei exists. suisei succeeds.
tryhard carried by her talented coworkers, despite being part of the elders, she did absolutely nothing to put hololive on the map unlike Miko Matsuri FBK or Haato and now cash in on the fame she didn't contribute to.
At least Azki has the decency to not larp as a diva.

>> No.25160366

what talent

>> No.25160418

>Hard work is there only to make the plebs think being abused by the system will pay off some day because of some cosmic truth.
>If you're smart you'll work hard on yourself
So which is it, retard? Does hard work matter or not?

>> No.25160428

oh no no no anon is morbing out

>> No.25160492

Talentless, lazy losers such as yourself always latch on those instances of pure luck paying off to excuse your own failures in life.

>> No.25160942

>Cute avatar
>Cute girly voice
>Act retarded
>Have a big company

Recipe for success in the industry

>> No.25160951

Marketing trumps all of it.

>> No.25161055

This, just look at marvel movies. Poop but made billions.

>> No.25161307

>at least Azki has the decency to not larp as a diva.
this. holy shit, why the fuck does suisei act like that? it's insufferable.

>> No.25161343

Learn2read. I'll spoonfeed you this once:

"Hard work". As in: "work 14 hours everyday until success comes to you" is a fake, misleading, coping tacting given to workers all over the world so they keep working for cheap makung other people rich.

Actual hard work. Means working on yourself: your skills, your education, your networking, your negotiation skills, improving your strengths, minimizing your weakness. This type of actual hard work does pay off because when an opportunity comes your way you're prepared to make the most of it.

>> No.25161363


>> No.25161371

Is this that adorable dochi dochi girl?

>> No.25161538

You need to make at least 2,5x more than the budget to make money on a Hollywood flick. There's also a huge marketing budget (you need to pay FBK to shill your movie) and distributors take a bigger cut than youtube does on superchats.

>> No.25161564

>source: my ass

>> No.25161651

Do you think I'm fucking wikipedia? Just fucking google it if you want sources.
What a retard.

>> No.25161754

Stop being a fucking schizo. She never acted that way, in fact, everyone who meets her says that she's a nice girl

>> No.25162530

Isn't AZKi's original name literally "Virtual diva AZKi"?

>> No.25162613

yet Kiara has better results - seems like hard work wins

>> No.25162713


>> No.25162843

Did you really expect clipfags and niggers from reddit to know better?

>> No.25163000

Do KFP schizos really?

>> No.25163534

Ignoring the schizo reply, Suisei is a very good example of "work smart, not hard". Most of what she did in 2020 and 2021 was to train her voice and build her brand/connections rather than just "hurr stream more" like so many of her peers. It even turned into "idol who never stops promoting herself" memes which, as all memes do, just helped her brand even more. Sure, she did work hard back then, but now she can take regular breaks without issue and still maintain her fanbase. Compare this with someone like Watame who is also a legit hard worker, but couldn't break through in the same way.

>> No.25166957

t. doesn't understand how budgets work, and definitely doesn't understand how financial statements work

>> No.25167635

talent isn't a real thing

>> No.25172086

I agree its wasted effort but it is to your benefit in dealings with your local tribe to at least appear as though you arent a snake, but are actually kind hearted and hardworking. Social success is effiecient or ignorant hypocrisy.

>> No.25172527

Gura has both.10 years of grinding in multiple working fields plus she set life goals since she's like 12. what you see now is just her rewarding herself after an uphill struggle.

>> No.25173228

talent is a raising of your skill floor and your skill cap
getting to your skill cap is hard work

>> No.25173362
File: 382 KB, 920x900, nohope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real lesson here is a good model can overcome and lot of deficits and a bad model can hamstring you.

>> No.25174014

>Talent ALWAYS trumps Perseverance
Yes, most of time that is true. But picture is absolutely not related as there is no talent and perseverance

>> No.25176662

Nah. Even more talented Kobo beats them all

>> No.25176789

Miko had like 50 viewers for a lot of her time as a Holo in her first year FYI and got to where she is by grinding the fuck out of streams nonstop daily.

Fubuki was also the hardest worker of her gen, as was Aqua (at least until she dropped off, and Subaru is mega-successful now too and guess what, she works hard). Then Pekora in gen 3, Coco/Watame in gen 4 etc.

You can have flukes like Ayame where someone does absolutely nothing and gets rewarded heavily for it, but most of the time you end up with Akis and Mels where going weeks without streaming punishes them bad and they go into the has-been bin. I'd also bet that if Ayame actually decided to put in hard work she'd be one of the top Holos period, but she just doesn't.

>> No.25177374

In particular Ayame's model, voice and personality are all on-point and she could have been one of the most dominant chuubas in history if she really wanted. However she just squandered it all because hey it's nice to do nothing at all and still get paid.

>> No.25178364

underrated post

>> No.25181409


>> No.25182149

Pic unrelated

>> No.25185119


>> No.25185238

explain Gene Simmons then? he is neither of those
