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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25139369 No.25139369 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.25139450

Come up with a more original thread subject newfag

>> No.25141204

Kana was fairly large indie. Then she just... poofed.

>> No.25141335
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>fairly large indie
No she wasn't

>> No.25141382
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Ditched youtube

>> No.25141493

Holy shit, bitch killed herself

>> No.25141584
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>> No.25141621

She’s right, but that doesn’t mean she should say it, let alone in a public discord filled with HER fans. If you really want to make it as a chuuba—and by that, I mean cultivate a large group of fans who’re willing to give you money and support your content—then playing into parasocialism is almost a necessity. There’s a reason why GFE and BFE VTubers make so much damn money. If Kana wasn’t stupid, she’d know to keep these things to herself, as anyone with an audience probably filled with lonely shut-ins who rely on a fake relationship with their favourite streamer to feel happy should.

>> No.25141645

I mean she's not wrong. Especially the last paragraph.

>> No.25141693
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She agreed with you at one point

>> No.25141794

>Solution is liying.
What an amazing person.

>> No.25141810

The henreader model didn't skyrocket her viewerbase as much as she thought, so her motivation died with it.

>> No.25142550

Her new model made me feel unease, like some creepy doll. Old model was perfection.

>> No.25144354


>> No.25147525

the twitch venture

>> No.25147978

>expect favours for your action
Does she think people who act as a vtuber will do it for free and not expecting favour in the form of money?

>> No.25148421

Donating to a vtuber is a tip for services already rendered, not payment for future services.

>> No.25148710

tip? in what world?

>> No.25148796

how did anyone watch this bitch?
how the fuck did she even get big?

>> No.25148924

In sane people world.

>> No.25148959

Is it lying if it never gets brought up or acknowledged at all? I agree with what she said but the easiest solution is to just keep your mouth shut and keep your roommate separate from your vtuber persona.

>> No.25149033

Your worid doesn't exist. Who even tip random girl to play game and entertain them?

It is lying and unfaithful

>> No.25149088

What is roommate? Is it the real life form of vtuber?

>> No.25149331

>Who even tip random girl to play game and entertain them?
I do and many more people as well.
Why do you donate to vtubers then?

>> No.25150445


>> No.25152847

Nachoneko model

>> No.25153021

It's absolutely not lying. It's only lying if you say things like "I've never kissed anyone~" "I've never had a bf, but I only need you guys!"

>> No.25153059

same face syndrome with gura

>> No.25153454

That's the fun part, I DON'T

>> No.25153585

So you're just a poorfag SEAnigger talking out of their ass.
Why do you think anything you say matters?

>> No.25153779

>solution is lying
Or you could, you know, not have a boyfriend while streaming
And also keep yourself pure until marriage (to me)

>> No.25153914

It doesn't, but neither does yours.
This is just a pointless thread on a retarded website, are you really this disfunctional that you truly believe what any of us say matter even the smallest bit?

>> No.25155235

No, she's not.
They aren't obligated to provide content, but they are obligated to not be an asshole or waste people's time on stupid drama & shit.
And expecting people to not grow attached to a vTuber is idiotic for vTubers whose whole gimmick is to be sympathetic.
And most of all, if a vTuber's real personality turns out to be crap, that's the vTuber's fault, not the fans'.

But I don't blame her for being immature at that age.
Notice how the hags never get caught posting stupid shit like this.

>> No.25155460

She's right about everything here.

>> No.25155652

Didn't she throw a dedicated fanartist under the bus? A relatively well-known one?

>> No.25155847

>And expecting people to not grow attached to a vTuber is idiotic for vTubers whose whole gimmick is to be sympathetic.
If you get attached to a chuuba, that's no one's fault but your own and it's up to the chuuba if they want to tolerate that or not. Most of her antis are used to getting the hololive treatment where they just tolerate everything so being presented with a chuuba that doesn't tolerate parasocial bullshit pisses them off.
And that's where her vocal group of antis on /vt/ come from, they don't know what it's like to interact with a chuuba that isn't held back by corporate management.

>> No.25156431

I never said it wasn't the fault of the individual viewer.
That's obviously true.
It's just dumb as shit for a Vtuber to expect it to not happen, or get upset that it does.
Like stepping in an ant-hill and getting pissed about the ant bites.

>> No.25156479

>Something that misleads or deceives
The purpose of a lie is to deceive or mislead, so simply omitting information can be considered a lie

>> No.25156560

Post your SSN or you're a fucking liar.

>> No.25156775

LMAO i guess I'm a liar too just like Kana ;)

>> No.25156973

She rode on the hype of an advertisement campaign by a start-up (Tsunderia) indie company, built up a fanbase, then burned the bridge with that company. +1 menhara point. Then after she went independent with her original model she was incredibly abrasive on Discord. +1 menhara point. Kana then dumped her original fanbase on YouTube, left for Twitch and then dumped her original model. +2 menhara points. 4/3 menhara points, full strike out! Growth prospects in shambles, original fanbase completely alienated, and shed.

>> No.25157053

By your definition yes, everyone is a liar.

>> No.25157097

>Kana then dumped her original fanbase on YouTube
You know people can watch on more than one streaming website, right?

>> No.25157562

There is so much wrong with this. First point being, the audience already has a service that they prefer. If the streamer has an audience on YouTube, 90% won't transfer over to Twitch. Because what they normally view is on YouTube. Second point, is building identity and maintaining culture, the audience that the streamer knows on YouTube will shape how they interact with chat. That YouTube interaction will hinder growth when trying to capture the Twitch audience; or visa versa. Third point, stability if a streamer is in a growth phase going on hiatus, and dumping a platform will not bode well for future prospects.

>> No.25158339

As someone that's used youtube since 07, youtube sucks absolute ass now. They constantly try to get you to pay a monthly fee for things they used to offer for free, and that's only the tip of the bullshit iceberg.

>> No.25158416

Both YouTube and Twitch suck major ass, platform loyalty is retarded.

>> No.25159333

Yeah pomf is better.

>> No.25159421

Literally this, I watched mana a fair bit and only time she started to build momentum on her channel is when the algorithm pushed her and people noticed “oh hey she looks like Gura!” To the point she had to go on a drunken rant about it lol

>> No.25159513

>Cute Model
>Loli based
>"Woe is me"
>"I'd stream more if I could afford xyz..." (Proceeds to get 600 donated to her during undertale.)
Rest is history.

>> No.25161030

This. "Don't ask, don't tell" sounds reasonable enough. The problem is that schizos (like a significant portion of this board) will go digging into roommate stuff and then have a meltdown if they manage to find anything. You can't expect a chuuba to dedicate their entire life to pandering to unicorns and you can't expect them to scrub all their personal data off the internet either. I can understand wanting them to not talk about having a boyfriend in their streams or chuuba social media, but if you go digging into stuff you're not supposed to, then that's on you.

>> No.25161377
File: 132 KB, 850x1170, sample-5e67a854dc32dcba1f86632dfcaf7b9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice how the hags never get caught posting stupid shit like this.

>> No.25162270

Wasnt there rumors she was going to redubut under another model? She seems to have burned up all her goodwill though im pretty sure shed be in 2view territory

>> No.25162429

>1 hag
>every other time it's not a hag

>> No.25163563

its like a 50/50 coin flip, when vtubers that were on youtube move on to twitch and completely kill their channel by letting it collect dust.

50% that they'll get a new following and ditch their old fanbase like consumables
50% that they'll still face the same doom of being 1 or 2views and them killing their youtube fanbase didn't help at all.

maybe there's more but, eh.

>> No.25164258 [DELETED] 

Unironically, kill yourself, newfag nigger

>> No.25164428

Based summarization

>> No.25164520

I think this site mentally broke her after reading what everyone says about her

>> No.25164768

Depends on how they do it.
What Kana did was to simply stop streaming on Youtube from one day to the next. It took months until she at least made a short video announcing that she'd moved to Twitch. If you actually want your viewers to follow you from one platform to another, this sure as hell isn't how you do it. Perhaps she did it on purpose, I don't know.

>> No.25166161

There's no real tell, my best bet is that she did it on purpose, I mean, she already hated YT and the people that came from there. There's a really good chance she did it on purpose to shake the YT fanbase off her tail (lol).

>> No.25166332

And now she’s dead lol

>> No.25166397

She's still around?????? How?????

>> No.25166466

>You can't expect a chuuba to dedicate their entire life to pandering to unicorns
If you’re making enough money to support yourself on this shit then yes they can. Don’t like like it, don’t try to gachikoi farm. Whores that try to double dip deserve the burns they inevitably receive.

>> No.25166593

>Gura's step sister
>loli white fox
>Cute voice

>> No.25166801

She's a hag for sure, but still has the mind of a high school girl. She's only a hag in age only
