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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 18 KB, 284x284, asp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24935613 No.24935613 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml
Google Doc for /asp/ Collabs and Projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/edit#heading=h.q01v7kovxhs

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>24887130 (Cross-thread)

>> No.24935716

anon... your previous thread reps...
actual previous thread: >>24920948

>> No.24935776
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>> No.24935877

I'm going to take Alto's first kiss and you can't stop me!

>> No.24935878


>> No.24935993

Why are /asp/ies so horny

>> No.24936032

It's not just aspies.

>> No.24936052

It's fine, considering it's your atypical dry Euro accent. Nothing special, but at least clear. You can't really undo decades of your native tounge in a few weeks for vTubing champ. Projection or tone maybe? But that requires professional help. Listening to English speakers in an MMO raid daily isn't going to heighten your pitch. Merely provide you more slurs. My counterpoint is this. Why don't you stream in your native tounge if English isn't pulling in the views? EU hours don't have much variety on Twitch bar the French and odd Russian

>> No.24936064
File: 171 KB, 656x609, stawga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strawberry cat

>> No.24936083

>Odette is pretending as a new vtuber called bunnelope in the new /asp/cord


>> No.24936134

… babi?
No response defaults to yes

>> No.24936212

What does she do, just stand pretty?

>> No.24936234

thats actually nekumavt, i think they just post 3d model work in the discord

>> No.24936280

I don't like talking in german, english is a cool language and maybe i should actually get professional help to improve my voice. There are a lot of german streamers and even vtubers and maybe my voice would fit better there but i doubt it actually. I feel decently comfortable speaking english, i just need to speak slower so my translation can keep up.

>> No.24936458

I’ll be sure to refuse when Odette/Bunnelope asks for an off collab.

>> No.24936510

I'm gonna send boxes of spiders to her house and draw pictures of her with a bloody nose!

>> No.24936537

I'm going to send boxes of flowers to her house and boop her nose!

>> No.24936539
File: 766 KB, 1159x1159, IMG_20220526_005400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be a shota because I clearly have a hag voice no matter what I try,
I ended up going with a bishoujo model, but I bought an adorable general use one on booth to use in calls with friends and I'm having the time of my life.
Fuck, why couldn't I have a softer, more boyish voice. I just want to be cute online... I love this little rabbit...

>> No.24936543

>There are a lot of german streamers and even vtubers and maybe my voice would fit better there but i doubt it actually
So you haven't actually attempted it? Just a baseless assumption. That's frankly retarded You have the chance to double dip into the vTube space and instead, you opt to handicap yourself into a race with the most active runners? Please anon, you're doing yourself dirty because "English is cool"

>> No.24936580
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>> No.24936586

Just fucking do it. Be what you want to be.
t. babi who has been told to use a male model over and over

>> No.24936660

I'm gonna tell her the seizure jacket actually looks good!

>> No.24936672
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The aspcord discord

>> No.24936678


>> No.24936690


>> No.24936726
File: 191 KB, 486x684, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys shill your own drawing streams here?

>> No.24936793

Aspies, pls collab

>> No.24936825

honestly could be any of the thread babis

>> No.24936887

the methods of getting into the viewercord are only known to a few in the back

>> No.24936903


>> No.24936952

Cowboy and Dog are having a collab tomorrow

>> No.24936953

I wish I was brave enough to do it without feeling silly! I see my voice coming from that dinky little rabbit and suddenly get embarrassed. It's such a mismatch.
I really respect babis... Hopefully I'll join your ranks someday. Maybe I'll look into further voice training to see if I can get it softer.

>> No.24937215

Post a vocaroo or join the discord

>> No.24937271

That model is beautiful!

>> No.24937412

Here's the listing if you want him too! Treat him well, he's very cute.

>> No.24937420

shill any content as long as you are a vtuber

>> No.24937433

Cowboy needs to advertise it on his twitter

>> No.24937439

I believe in you anon. One day.

>> No.24937503

I would but Im slow and bad

>> No.24937588

Not me.

>> No.24937640

God I’ve fallen into such a depressive slump. I don’t even know if I want to be a chuuba anymore. I have fans but I feel like I’ve just fallen so far from where I was…

>> No.24937680

Pride month is upon us. So any of you of the LGBT+ variety should abuse the pride tags on Twitch and consider collabs to maximise the use of said nonsense. Be gay and get paid

>> No.24937721

/asp/ would lynch me for doing this.

>> No.24937775

Most of /asp/ don't stream

>> No.24937813

Honestly it's not that jarring when you get used to it.
Take that rabbit for example. She has a deep voice with a strong Spanish accent coming out of this cute furry body. But one hour in watching the stream and it feels normal.

>> No.24937858

i guarantee nobody actually cares

>> No.24937870

Jesus that model is so beautiful but my voice wouldn't do it justice

>> No.24937883

The way i see it, it's baseless assumption against baseless assumption. Yes there might be less german streamers but there's also less german viewers.

I'm not trying to dismiss your advice, and i did agree that i probably sound a tad bit better if i just spoke german, but this isn't really about changing stuff just to get more viewers. If i'm eternally cursed with my voice then i guess i'll have to compensate otherwise.

>> No.24937988

why should we? half the thread will just get pissed if we dare associate with someone of the opposite gender.

>> No.24938023

I have a big collab upcoming! Please wait warmly for it!

>> No.24938103

And the other half get pissed just from the mention of collabs. Can't tell you how many timeloops we've had where anons sperg about how collabs achieve nothing and no /asp/ies should do it.

>> No.24938166
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>caring about what /asp/ thinks

>> No.24938263

all /asp/ies' viewers are from here and they'll keep caring if it stays that way

>> No.24938596

La Coneja

>> No.24938635

So aside from gaming content, what do you /asp/ies provide for your channel? And to follow up, what do you intend on adding to the mix?

>> No.24938742

que linda

>> No.24938882

i was thinking of doing crafting videos. I am probably going to make a youtube video of my experience building my first aircraft model

>> No.24939015

Collab and do what exactly?

>> No.24939086

we got a nice collab on july 4th if all goes well

>> No.24939128

Sex with

>> No.24939138

Ultra torn on this, but I've been considering doing cosplay making streams to motivate myself to get back into crafting my own stuff. Biggest issue for me though is fear of doxxing if I ever did "make it"

>> No.24939287


>> No.24939301

Cordy's feet

>> No.24939310

Assuming you are American, you guys have like 50+ cons unlike Europe. You should be fine

>> No.24939383

Why is LaranBonnie deciding to do english streams? Is the spanish vtuber scene not growing plus less competition?

>> No.24939455

I've been finding a bunch of 2views that seem really cool and I want to be friends with them but I don't really have time to watch their streams so it feels weird.

Pretty sure I could just talk to them anyway and be cool but it feels weird.

>> No.24939518

I sing and draw; kinda cookie cutter chuuba shit

>> No.24939561

An /asp/ie literally announced he was going to Anime Central on his social media accounts you're going to be fine

>> No.24939622

ASMR and song covers. Also I want to collab with everybody that I like even if it isn't necessarily through a stream.

>> No.24939722

I want to do more totsu content and potentially read uncopyrighted works, but that'll be if I ever have more than a few viewers that'll watch the whole thing.

>> No.24939781

>wanting to appeal to spics
spics are the worst

>> No.24939787

I really hope one day I can do a cover collab with someone. My dream is to have a duet Turing Love cover complete with a cute MV and everything.

>> No.24939790

Honestly, I'm a guy without an amazing voice & vtubing is just a hobby for me so the chance of me getting big is low enough that it probably isn't worth worrying about anyways. Might as well just do it if I ran rig together a decent setup.

>> No.24939860
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Continuing first playthrough of Witcher 3.

>> No.24939898

I want to sing but I know that I'm really not cut out for it

>> No.24940080

you and me both. it's gonna take a near infinite amount of time for me to get a voice to suit hard rock and metal

>> No.24940175

cover collabs are really neat! i've done a few both with actual mixers and some that were just shitposts thrown together in a few minutes

>> No.24940221

big streamers even if they are friends with each other basically never watch each other's stream, unless it's a big event
as long as you watch like 3 hours a week of their content you'll be able to talk with them without issue

>> No.24940548

nta aber ist Shylily kein guter Beweis dafür das deutsche Akzente im englischen Sprachraum beliebt sein können? Ich streame übrigens auch nur in Englisch, mir ist Deutsch irgwie super unangenehm. Ich glaube bei mir liegt es daran, dass ich einfach daran gewöhnt bin Englisch online zu sprechen und meine Persönlichkeit im englischen mehr offen und sozial als im 'echten Leben' ist.

>> No.24940596

Best male artists and riggers in that pastebin link or elsewhere? I'm willing to shell out up to $1000, and I have a PNG model for the artist to base the new Live2D-ready design off of. I commissioned a Jap artist for the PNG; the design is nice, but I regret it because they weren't very responsive, even though my moonrunes were coherent. So if there happens to be a Japanese artist accepting gaijin commissions, I hope I don't have to wait months.

>> No.24940699

well you could do it in karaoke night anon, doesn't have to be a cover but it counts as a duet

>> No.24940714

Dog posted in the discord asking what an appropriate price range for a model was to price his work and it seems to be pretty low end price range. If you like ikemen style you could camp his commissions opening or just DM him about them.

>> No.24940800
File: 124 KB, 735x422, saitamasweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you're saying dog could be my mama? T-this sounds too good to be true

>> No.24940968

Okay I joined it but I'm still trying to figure out how it all works.

>> No.24940975

>mama dog
this takes impregnation and insemination jokes to a whole new level

>> No.24941224

Anyone but me

>> No.24941258

Just hang out and ask questions and stuff people are there to help

>> No.24941766

>I hope I don't have to wait months.
You likely will for a JP artist unless you get someone that doesn't normally make them or have never made one

>> No.24941786

Who said they were jokes? I'm going to shoot my seed in the dog.

>> No.24941925

For all of /asp/'s sake I hope he doesn't come back and see this

>> No.24941962

Convierte mi pene en diamante con sus tetas

>> No.24942005


>> No.24942059


>> No.24942100
File: 58 KB, 935x404, tal reverb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry, wet? What is this, cat food?
I just want to sound less like shit when I sing.

>> No.24942330

Dry is the input signal, wet is the output signal after processing. You can even mix the two together (I think)

>> No.24943104

I was waiting for Zun's permission and to iron out some details

>> No.24943165

interested in the song covers.
if it's really her... can she use the asmr mic like a regular mic or is it just an expensive weird noise maker? i think she really needs a better main mic

>> No.24943416

What do you need permission for you guys are just playing mahjong

>> No.24943686

Using a 3Dio for regular talking is oddly comforting, but she'll need to make sure to give both ears some lovin'
I hate when streamers only talk in my right ear.

>> No.24944208

if you're just starting out leave it on the default and don't touch shit.

>> No.24945283

I mainly wanted to be sure he was ok with being tagged, and he asked me to move it a bit earlier so if i had gone without asking i would've gotten the time wrong (I still got my first draft wrong tho, i had originally envisioned doing it on his channel but it's gonna be on mine, luckily i deleted it before anyone saw it)

>> No.24945301
File: 17 KB, 199x199, C2EC110C-43DE-4396-8D2B-C5DC232823F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you do Flat Fuck Friday but with chuubas?

>> No.24945443

Going live with some card games if anybody wants to watch

>> No.24945608

>Going live with some card games if anybody wants to watch
/asp/ies seriously ask yourself if you saw a random 0view on twitch with this title or a twitter live post with this, would you click on it? get creative, start clickbaiting.

wimpy ass title
>no one clicks it
clickbait title
>30 people click it, 1 sticks around
do your reps

>> No.24945730

Shut up and be quiet. It's the sexy aussie. You are insignificant. You do not matter. Shut up. Crab.

>> No.24945945

if you listen to viewers from 4chan, none of you will never make it

>> No.24945991

pick one

>> No.24946063

with who and playing what?

>> No.24946190

You're trying too hard. Very obvious you never streamed before.

>> No.24946270

Why are you not doing it on his channel? I thought the whole reason anybody would even want to collab with tranny dog is for a few free follows.

>> No.24946535

he's nice and funny and is good conversation, you are just a numberfag. neck yourself.

>> No.24946565

Tell me you don't stream without telling me you don't stream

>> No.24946584
File: 470 KB, 565x575, ryt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing art while listening to the CnC Remastered OST
Also too lazy to make another pic

>> No.24946692

You sound like the kind of shithead that doesn't stream and doesn't watch streams

>> No.24946702

Covers, original songs & rantsona-style videos. Those are the only things I can keep my attention on for multiple hours at a time.

>> No.24946775

White women are back in /asp/...

>> No.24946817

I wanna make crude claymation interactions of myself with other chuubas and do their voices but that would be pre-recorded content.

>> No.24947082

I want to do more art, and some themed zatsudans, and also do some streams where I teach basic computer science concepts (when I find time to make a lesson plan between streaming and commissions)
I really want to do simple bread boarding projects, and work my way up to bigger DIY electronics stuff and make cool things and possibly some stuff for fun stream activities (heart rate monitor, and definitely some fun micheal reeves type of stuff)

unfortunately the latter might have to wait a bit since I am too terrified to have a handcam at the moment, but I'm working on my confidence and anxiety so I can. I also need to get a budget for bigger projects, but I could make do with what I have now

>> No.24947116

Collab follows really aren't worth much if you aren't making content together consistently, especially if you're...well, most /asp/ies who they'll click on and immediately leave after seeing the content most of them make.

>> No.24947361

Is it this easy to get a collab with dog? Wish me luck, I'm going to ask for a collab and then I'm going to rape him on stream, come and watch.

>> No.24947479

Get comfy with him in the VC first to up your chances. Looking forward to the rape

>> No.24947609

Found the Kiwi

>> No.24947690

He didn't delve into details, but he said his pc isn't capable of streaming rn

>> No.24947816

With his pc parts? I guess it makes sense considering he hasn't streamed in a while though

>> No.24948223

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Ain G. Stalt.

>> No.24948291

spill it

>> No.24948342

So do I anon, you're not special! All my viewers have information that could lead me to my arrest.

>> No.24948455

She is my wife

>> No.24948509

Printed hentai!

>> No.24948574

Have a great day everybody!
I know this is mostly an EN community, but I really wanna thank you for cheering me up and pushing me to move and start asap without looking back!

I'm going to make a pre-debut (aka some test runs) this Friday!
Seriously, thank you very much for the links, suggestions,and the pastebin files!

Unfortunately, since my English is not good enough yet (B2 conversational, apparently), I will make my streams in spanish.

Even so, thank you so very much and I hope I get good enough to be noticed by this wonderful community!

Have a great, great night!

>> No.24948576

My hands typed this post

>> No.24948695

Suerte anon!

>> No.24948796

Muchísimas gracias, anon!

Les deseo mucha suerte a ustedes también en esta aventura!

Saludos cordiales, gracias totales!

>> No.24949994


>> No.24950182

We are entering Thinking Positive Thoughts Friday.

>> No.24950214

I mean Thursday. Fuck
Friday is Feelin’ Fine Friday. I’ll see myself out

>> No.24950252

Futa hits different on a Friday. I can't wait for tomorrow.

>> No.24950385
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Only positive thoughts!
I can't want until Friday for my debut! But also I want to finish these Twitch panels before going to bed...

Feeling a little anxious already

>> No.24950428

It wasn't me, but I do plan on using 3dio for karaoke and zatsu streams as well as asmr. When I actually do get the 3dio I'm gonna upgrade to a podmic or something, and maybe some soundproofing equipment too..

All that being said, donate yoroshiku ..

>> No.24950435

>dark skinned
yup, RIP

>> No.24950490

Oh also @ the anon who had gay feelings for me in the last thread I love you

>> No.24950691

Would you kiss me

>> No.24950813

If you'd like

>> No.24951188


>> No.24951863


>> No.24952160

What's wrong with that? It's cute.

>> No.24953109

no! that was my going to be my kiss! my poor heart.

>> No.24953748
File: 71 KB, 640x896, mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember: if you're not climbing the mountain, you're part of the mountain

>> No.24954380

Me carrying my oshi's corpse up the mountain

>> No.24954453

Ryan Gosling vtuber when?

>> No.24954639

I'm sorry but I honest can't even hear that shylily is german I don't know what kind of witch magic she performed, but when i saw clips of her i never assumed she was until it was brought up.

>> No.24954844
File: 603 KB, 720x900, worthless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24954890

Cute, hopefully I'm awake when you are debuting!
also I never knew card games could be so tilting holy

>> No.24954960

How long did it take you guys to reach affiliate on twitch

>> No.24954995

Interacting with people again is making me feel very vulnerable, I might get hurt

>> No.24955185

>Still stuck on design
>Realizing that I need to get my IRL issues in order before that can even be a priority.
It's a start

>> No.24955268

1 month

>> No.24955335

I can't sing. Absolutely incompetent at it. I couldn't beat Rock Band world tour as the singer, because I was incapable of getting close enough to the notes.

Viewers don't really care. If you're having fun, that's often enough

>> No.24956003

a week

>> No.24956094

A day

>> No.24956095

slowly getting my life back together and streaming again... it is fun! i hope i can keep up and continue streaming, my regulars and my friends are still there, and that's cool as fuck

>> No.24956301

49 days from first stream

>> No.24956328

7 months (I'm surprised i even got it at all)

>> No.24956510

I was watching videos on how to grow as a streamer and I thought this one might be useful to some of you. Some of the tips actually fit some of you to a T.

>> No.24956920

>start a discord server
But /asp/ said if you’re male not to bother since you wont be harvesting goslingbux

>> No.24957105

Aspies are stupid discords are always good for engagement

>> No.24957270

feels overrated. i don't know anyone that grew with discord but there are people that met on twitter and later moved on to discord

>> No.24957704

nice. and that can be considered once i am more familiar with you

>> No.24957709

I feel discord is more for actually keeping your current followers. People love to get noticed, and discord does make it easier to get noticed.

>> No.24957799

gotta crank it out a few times before donating?

>> No.24957859

Even the sentiment is appreciated <3
Whatever helps you love me more

>> No.24957920

i don't know what causes this but i can easily chat with the vtuber for hours on twitch but chatting with them on discord is very challenging.
one vtuber that i like a lot is even my discord friend but i still prefer the stream chat

>> No.24957939

Miru you’re being skinwalked again

>> No.24957974

lol no. i meant watching the stream to see what kind of things she does and maybe what kind of person she is

>> No.24958154
File: 595 KB, 643x807, 1641821728690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtubers think that their model is too lewd for twitch
in a way it's funny that it's the vtubers that are the most paranoid about the tos things while the cam streamers give no fucks about it

>> No.24958211

Vtubers are opressed.

>> No.24958318

i hope it stops. i would rather watch some slightly lewd cute vtuber model than this weird porn

>> No.24958500

kinda sad too considering i thought about getting admiral's summer outfit but i think it's gonna still be fine since she's flat as a board anyways

>> No.24958514

costs more for a chuuba to get a new outfit for their model than it does for a camgirl to buy new dancewear.

>> No.24958604

Most people complaining haven't read the TOS and listen to fear mongering on Twitter instead. The pictured streamer's outfit is 100% within TOS, yet people complain as if they aren't able to do the same. As far as the attire discussion that's been going on on Twitter goes, Twitch is pretty damn generous with what you're required to cover. Vtubers just like to act ignorant of the rules to garner sympathy once they get in trouble.

>> No.24958678

that chuuba could just read the TOS before they spend hundreds/thousands on a model

>> No.24958781

Not disagreeing. That's what I did-- told the designer not to be influenced by my inspiration's thong and please give me full butt coverage because ToS.

>> No.24958832

Do not lie to me, /asp/
How much of a debuff are unnatural skin colors (like gray, lught purple and sky blue)? Assume the design has no mistakes or additional debuffs.

>> No.24958859
File: 108 KB, 350x509, __female_admiral_and_watabe_koharu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_pekeko_pepekekeko__37f2139f5ce298b1c000b2f93ba40d9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit? There's no underboob and she's wearing honest-to-god shorts that have close to full hip-to-butt coverage. Easily modifiable to exactly fit ToS, but even now it should pass muster. do it. you know you want to.

>> No.24958878

All vtubers should have exposed butts.

>> No.24958896

look at the vtuber tag and sort by viewers. Then find how many vtubers you see with unnatural skin color and you'll have your answer.

>> No.24958918

I don't know why this wouldn't fit ToS now, to be honest.

>> No.24959057

all live2d models are actually naked from behind!

>> No.24959072

It seems it is like 10% if you count furries and 5% when you don't. Scrolled the top 100 live right now. Also the most common unnatural color was paper white, followed by furry, followed by green.

>> No.24959099
File: 754 KB, 1200x1200, 1649982672021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just fapped like 10 minutes ago...

>> No.24959121

a model with this kind of outfit would be nice. vtubers need to get more creative with their outfits instead of using the same that everyone else

>> No.24959138
File: 124 KB, 350x509, strict-interpretation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be the strictest interpretation of the rules imo.

>> No.24959151

I see variety. What is the coolie cutter outfit(s)?

>> No.24959324

I feel like in this scenario correlation not implying causation. Most people aren't designing their models with unnatural skintones, so obviously there's far fewer and because there's far fewer, the odds of one of them being a larger creator are a lot smaller.

>> No.24959332

We do live in a society, but i'd be suprised if the admiral was too erotic for twitch, they don't permaban you for the first offense do they? I really like this outfit though, finally i'll break hoodie oppression.

In other news i got my skeb working so i can continue on requesting stuff for my other model. Maybe i should do some spicy admiral art... no... i can't do this.

>> No.24959345

Anon what about that outfit is creative? It's an extremely basic shorts/bikini top combo with a jacket. Get off the guy's dick already.

>> No.24959365

Why are you still using the Admiral? What happened to your other character?

>> No.24959531

It's still in the works, artist is very busy and i myself have to do a ridiculous (tl note: a little bit) of work to get everything conceptualized and set up. I always said it's something of a longer project, i always intended on using the admiral, i'd feel bad to just get rid of it entirely.

A couple people i talked to said they really like the admiral and don't mind my voice being attached to it and that made me think that maybe it isn't that bad. If at all possible i want to use the new model for regular streaming and the admiral for out of character streams if that makes sense. So for menhera monday (if i keep that a thing) it would feature the admiral, but if it's gaming then the new model would be there.

I have plans for the two to meet and set up sort of a little lore that connects them, but you know, it's work and i'm not your average chuuba workaholic, i'm just a guy. Thanks for your interest though.

>> No.24959582

It could be kind of cool to have the Admiral be 'you', and then the new model is who the Admiral vtubes as

>> No.24959653


>> No.24959717

....why? To any of this? Why not just start fresh with your new character? You could do really well if you just dropped that old model but it feels like you're too emotionally attached to "being" a character that doesn't even belong to you to do it.

It all just seems like a desperate attempt to keep the Admiral character around, not an attempt at making engaging content focused on one character. I like you but I feel like you consistently take the worst advice that just reinforces what you already want to do then have a meltdown about it in the middle of the month, and then rinse and repeat.

>> No.24959724
File: 86 KB, 227x414, tum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really accurate? Guess my genius fashion design of being covered by 3 little fairies won't fly then...

>> No.24959783

assuming this isn't a joke, the TOS in publicly available

>> No.24960044

i can prob f4f my way to the required followers since i meet the other requirements but i dont want to make people watch ads

>> No.24960145
File: 1.47 MB, 2489x1581, the-titty-rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24960366

What does “Anon…” look like to you?

>> No.24960590

I'm having trouble coming up with a name. Do you guys have any suggestions?

>> No.24960630

We know nothing about you or the character you want to be bro...

>> No.24960758

the nigerian prince vtuber

>> No.24960808

If you have a mama/papa/rigger working on your stuff, ask for their opinion. Otherwise you should look at your design and try to look up synonyms or words that relate to a design thematic and combine it with a unique or fantasy name
>example = scarlet, ruby, vermillion, carmine if you have lots of red in your design
You can also use titles if you're design fits into those themes
>lord, lady, captain, colonel
Once you have a word that relates to your design, just look at a name dictionary and try to find something that looks or sounds nice. Pick a letter you like and start searching.

>> No.24961068

I've been looking through a name dictionary but I cant seem to decide whether to go with a western style name or a japanese one. I'm still working through trying to figure out the right theme for my design and my designer's still weeks away from working on my full design so I cant really ask them to pinpoint things down at the moment.

So far I've come up with a 1 syllable japanese name I'd like but I wonder if I should extend it in order to make it roll off the tongue better. I still need to brainstorm more, I suppose.

>> No.24961162
File: 45 KB, 439x320, 1651998444647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compulsively visit /asp/ and the Discord due to massive FOMO
>Wake up one morning
>Decide to stop
>It's been a little over a week now and I've never been happier
Why haven't you /left/ yet? What's keeping you shackled to this blasphemous place?
inb4 "why are you here"; as a final send off to an anon, that's all. You might see me on other threads but never here nor there ever again.

>> No.24961206

male: kenji Watanabe, female: Haruka Lightguard

these were the stupidest most generic names i can come up with

>> No.24961401

Browsing through indie twitter, I still don't understand why there's always another Kenji debuting every other week. It's insane.

>> No.24961622

Your point hinges on your statement of "You could do really well if you just dropped that old model", but is keeping an old model really going to affect my ability to grow? I can't accelerate how my artists work so i have time to do whatever and i want to keep trying new things and improving and not just wait so in the meantime i just do that with the admiral.

I initially wanted a new model, because of the exact thing you said the character technically doesn't belong to me, but i have gotten permission to use her even for revenue generation so this is in fact an emotional thing. And since i started vtubing with her, my feelings changed ever so slightly.

Maybe a point could be that the viewers don't want to get invested in two characters and are annoyed that i switch back and forth, between characters that are so different, and that's what i thought about aswell. I just have to hope that my viewers come for the person behind the model.

Another point could be me splitting up my efforts but it's gonna be 90/10 in favor of the new model, since the admiral wont get any changes after it.

I might seem to be very stubborn but i promise, i'll try to only move forward and not go menhera about my model every week.

>> No.24961854
File: 36 KB, 112x112, AinPet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I want to gush over /asp/ies and tell them how cute they are but I'm not brave enough to actually DM them.

>> No.24962078

its an unironically fun thread but yeah if you really care about streaming it will likely only hurt your mental. literally 0 reason to stick around too much after having the viewers help you hit affiliate.

>> No.24962134

Mainly force of habit, that and the fact i'd feel bad leaving with my current infamy as the thing to be remembered for

>> No.24962196
File: 144 KB, 850x1216, sample_8b1d8878a54651cdf4128ccea5bf90bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here and ctrl + f to see if people mention anything about me then leave usually. Not really shackled here desu.

>> No.24962239

When i get my model, i'll be moving over to wvt. I'll still be in the discord though, because i met some people i wanna collab with in the future. I like having most of the people in there around anyway.

>> No.24962575

yeah i dont get why people are so drawn to that name especially when its associated with one of the bigger males so you will forever be known as the lesser kenji

>> No.24963008

Absolutely blessed image. Couldn't help myself, just had to immortalize this as a PNG tuber

>> No.24963078

i am going to add another vtuber on steam for a collab, what stuff should I be careful with before I add them on my steam account?

>> No.24963173

depends on your paranoia. probably make sure that you don't have anything there that could dox you and set the friend list to hidden for everyone if you don't want that shared

>> No.24963385

one of my retarded friends left a message doxxing my name but I deleted it, is there a way they can see the deleted message or am I being too paranoid?

>> No.24963655

just create a new account solely for vtubing and family share from your primary to the chuuba account.

>> No.24964021

shouldn't be. and you would probably notice if you are interacting with someone that would be that malicious towards you

>> No.24964899

There is a service which can be used to look up previous steam name and profile pics asdociated with an account but to my knowledge no such feature works on the comments. Unless you got recorded by google cache or wayback you should be okay.

>> No.24965463

why are y’all obsessed over how often someone streams or third CCV? Why is it such a problem for someone to not immediately shoot up to 50+ followers in less than a month?
Y’all obsessed.

>> No.24965545

I still read /asp/ during downtime at work because the people who post here are mostly insane and I enjoy snooping around. I couldn’t deal with even lurking in the discord for more than half an hour, so I can see how that and thread came to wear on you.

>> No.24965561

Watching trends can offer great insight.

>> No.24965588

Do you say y’all irl?

>> No.24965998

im still practicing and try not to let the "just fucking stream more" posters get to my head. its kinda fun to do it for the sake of doing it sparingly and ive noticed i got really comfortable with rambling about insane shit so im happy with how im shaping my stream persona even if i got no numbers to show for it

>> No.24966140
File: 255 KB, 900x1200, 1653486854805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking for the female version of this. Anyone have it?

>> No.24966518

I want to be able to answer this, but I have no idea how adversely my character's fantasy skin color has affected the audience. At this stage, I can't exactly do A/B testing.
I like green girls though so I'm happy with myself, and isn't that what truly matters?
Probably not.

>> No.24966551
File: 176 KB, 1600x1200, dontforget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why haven't you /left/ yet? What's keeping you shackled to this blasphemous place?
Kind reminder that this is 4chan

>> No.24966656

The thread is ultimately not worth sticking around unless you're shilling constantly. The discord, however, is good for networking. You won't get far as a content creator without friends, and I find people from this place make the best friends.
The only mistake would be to stop there, this is only to help get your foot in the door. Don't snub them entirely if you start outgrowing /asp/, but don't treat it like it's the only place to market yourself.

>> No.24966970

Green elf makes my dick hard so good job.

>> No.24966979

I know I've said I never wanted to be lewded, but ugh I'm starting to see why vtubers like lewds of themselves so much

>> No.24967041

Why did the person who've made it put two mutually exclusive items in the central column?

>> No.24967089

They didn't think that far ahead.

>> No.24967094

I have commissioned skeb artists for NSFW of /asp/ies and half of them don't have NSFW tags. Woe is me.

>> No.24967164

Which? Who is next?

>> No.24967189

Who do you want to have an nsfw tag? implying they actually get art on twitter

>> No.24967259

Please tell which and share

>> No.24967307

Dog and Konrad's witch, waiting on a few others to be approved though I might cancel and resubmit to other artists because it's taking a while. Ain is probably next because she actually has a porn tag.

>> No.24967390

Thank you for commissioning someone to draw the witch! I probably should do an nsfw tag only for her, bc i know i don't want the cat lewded

>> No.24967489

I'm going to fuck you, cat.

>> No.24967502

Accept it. The cat is fine too.

>> No.24967538

I still can't think of good art tags...

>> No.24967729
File: 19 KB, 600x250, Done for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is that you both are probably being unironic

>> No.24968134

It's okay Konrad anons want to rape a dog every day surely you can deal with a penis or two

>> No.24968415

Mirror, mirror on the wall…
Who is the shittiest /asp/ie of them all?

>> No.24968477

I wouldn't really know because I don't watch any of them.

>> No.24968520

i mean you are already looking into the mirror

>> No.24968585

Without a doubt: the person who isn't pulling their daily or even weekly reps

>> No.24968665
File: 285 KB, 942x1657, 1876765765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24968749

>wait... I have to create content to be a content creator!?

>> No.24969024

Sometimes I wonder what happened to those /asp/ies that posted their designs but never came back.

>> No.24969049


>> No.24969105

For me, it's caffeinated Kronii

>> No.24969131

Did she have a design too or just the vocaroo?

>> No.24969141

What daily or weekly reps do you do?

I update my twitter and interact with other chuubas to boost my engagement, idk what else there is to do off stream

>> No.24969156

Green skin sort of works with the character, on a already known concept. Forest elves/dryads having greenish skin/hair/nails is a common fantasy trope, and apart from the color change, your model is an attractive woman.
Being a red demon would be similar, it's a known thing.
But going for a colour without an established trope/lore (being a mermaid with bright red skin; being a rabbit with green fur; etc) puts you into uncanny valley

I agree though, girls are pretty neat. And so long as you're happy with your model, that is what matters

>> No.24969173

>tfw no idea for an nsfw tag eventhough i want one

>> No.24969260

who are you, we can workshop one in thread, or in the general channel

>> No.24969323

Even if she's mostly remembered for the vocaroos, she did in fact post a design, a VRoid of a white haired owl girl, which was critiscized for barely looking like an owl girl

>> No.24969399


>> No.24969411
File: 53 KB, 600x250, DRKonradIsFineToo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for your tags, got any ideas? like GroveLove or something?

>> No.24969424

Wait, someone posted an vroid owl yesterday. Could it be?

>> No.24969439

you are not getting lewds

>> No.24969496

I updated my overlays, added affiliate stuff and made everything look a tad nicer. Did some networking reps talking to other fg chuubas as well!

>> No.24969570

A man can dream

>> No.24969656

It doesn't really feel like her, but i wanna believe

>> No.24969810

Coworkers are now looking at me weird for laughing at complete silence, fuck. Also honestly no ideas yet. I'll be brainstorming while being a wagie and try to get something. I could ask for ideas on stream tonight as well.

>> No.24969874

whatever happened to that male who did a masked jester design or that aztec male anon

>> No.24970047

i mean, you can dream, but you're a male streamer that doesn't fujobait. you're not likely to get much smut art if you don't comm it yourelf.

>> No.24970198
File: 183 KB, 590x1567, 0826_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is garbage for basic SEO, let alone art tags, so I think I'm fine not getting any non-commissioned or Skeb art

>> No.24970236

What lewd tag should the alien have?
The annoying one

>> No.24970321


>> No.24970453

nta but I got a couple

TirosAsslessChaps is pretty good

>> No.24970553

#Altóstata (like próstata)
Are the ones I thought of thanks to Google translate.

>> No.24970923

erotiro has my vote. Also are you expecting to get gay lewds alto?

>> No.24971058

>>24970553 (me)
I realized that #Altóstata could be for lewds and #Altostada could be for foods

>> No.24971435

>these niggas coming up with a lewd tag
I don't even have a regular one.

>> No.24971487


>> No.24971726

#DikuNobou is too easy probably.

>> No.24971749

Not him anon.
All I have is a doodle from one of those drop your png threads on Twitter, a doodle calavera made after I raided him and a meme/shitpost from the guy who made a twitter thread about mixing memes and vtubers.

>> No.24971859

I like that the times when /asp/ is the most productive is when finding out art tags for /asp/ies.

>> No.24972024

I have a shittily-named regular art tag only, but it’s not a problem because there’s no art there!

>> No.24972180

Get skebs.
Find someone willing to do a skeb for <1000JPY, just get a simple piece of art, ask them to post it, or just post it yourself.
Then do similar for NSFW if you want the NSFW tag, and get that uploaded.
An empty tag is bad. But not having a tag means it can be hard to find - I've got about three pieces of fanart from before I made an art tag and I don't know where they are

>> No.24972630

If it involves huffing their own farts, the /asp/ies are on it.

>> No.24972928

Probably, i wanted to commission Ichihime ryona
I really liked #EroTiro, #Tirorgasm, #LecheDeAlto and #AltoBigIron, gonna do a poll and pick the winner
Maybe, i wouldn't really mind getting them tho

>> No.24973359

me neither, unless you are friends with people that doodle often you likely wont get shit especially if you are a regular male, babis get some stuff tho

>> No.24973416

Bodysuit… no

>> No.24973571

I think Miru's freckles are cute, but I don't want to come out as a sexpest by liking the tweet.
Should I create a second twitter account with a random name for telling my fellow/asp/ies how much I would like to lick their earlobes?

>> No.24973724

>gonna do a poll and pick the winner
Don't do this until you have the art.

>> No.24973996

Eh, worst case scenario i'll comm something probably Ichihime ryona

>> No.24974001

maybe i havent watched you guys enough but none of you sound this unhinged outside of maybe bubble guy who always has bbc ntr on the brain

>> No.24974109

Mind if i ask why you hate Ichihime so much?

>> No.24974165

alto, you're not either of those characters. Just get something of your character, and stop being so fucking weird. it's not funny. it's just like your oppai inspector all over again.

>> No.24974178

it's hard for me to watch the cute bear because she often overlaps with the skeleton

>> No.24974220

>bubble guy who always has bbc ntr on the brain
The discord sounds bad.

>> No.24974281

If you've gotten nsfw of dog already do you plan on getting any other males

>> No.24974287

I hide it quite well on stream. I am experienced in the art of blending in a society.

>> No.24974486

They're still either being worked on or haven't been approved. The ones I've sent in for tarot anon have all been rejected though, so I'll probably just do a random twitter artist. I think I'll cancel the one I commissioned for Alto though because he's weirding me out. Hoping that mimic anon comes back so I can get art for him.

>> No.24974563

unfortunately theres probably too many guys in society thinking about being ntred by bbc

>> No.24974566

Not him but if you had to play against nyaggers you'd hate them too

>> No.24974580

This gen of /asp/ies feel exceptionally horny and degenerate. You guys sound really lonely.

>> No.24974629

I guess i kinda went overboard, sorry

>> No.24974664

Isn't feeling lonely a prerequisite to becoming a chuuba?

>> No.24974857

what is the nature of these skebs if you don't mind me asking? like what exactly is going on? is the chuuba having solo action?

>> No.24974896


>> No.24975004

It's all gangbang no matter what gender. You're welcome.

>> No.24975322

The rigging got finished for my model today. Seeing my art in motion is making me very emotional. Nobody warned me how having a model of your very own makes your heart feel full...

>> No.24975427
File: 199 KB, 815x849, IMG_20220331_173634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a model mirror your movement activated something in my brain, the leapmotion added a lot of fun, i can't wait to use it on stream.

>> No.24975428

i wish it was easier for me to have feels like this. it's very rare for me to feel anything

>> No.24975460

No. I got into this because it’s fun and I want to do it for a living at some point.
I was lonely in the past, though, and watching streamers would alleviate that. I stream because I want to entertain lonely people.

>> No.24975571

>all /asp/ies getting gangbanged
holy shit

>> No.24975630

I want some Nasu cunny art

>> No.24975708

Yeah, can’t say that I’m really into it. Good for them though.

>> No.24975751

I can't help it, mine is just regular size. Just imagine their big juicy cocks.

>> No.24976028

Smiling and having it smile back at you and tilting when you tilt is so exciting. I got surprised seeing it track me, and it made the surprised face too! It sounds so dumb but it's really exciting right?
I hope streaming with your model goes well! Have a tonne of fun!
I was like this and it turns out I needed meds. I'm catching up on several decades worth of emotions by this point and I cry all the time, but it's nice.

>> No.24976172


>> No.24976252

im like 6 inch, not sure about the admiral

>> No.24976292

the admiral has a comically large futa cock

>> No.24976489
File: 76 KB, 324x333, chrome_nAOqk4hJkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the canon, it was shown that tenryuu could give her armaments (breasts) to another shipgirl temporarily and the admiral had the ability to equip the gear from shipgirls... so technically she could borrow musashi's large cannon

>> No.24976506

By other /asp/ies or random figures?

>> No.24976662
File: 186 KB, 470x352, miku archer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By GARcher

>> No.24976814

the last thing i expected in a thread was for kaiser to flex his throbbing 6 incher and theory crafting his model's ability to transplant a huge futa cock

>> No.24976841

>6 inches

>> No.24976862

Mob characters.

>> No.24976962

Alto's only problem is that he's desperate AND horny, horrible combo

>> No.24977006

/asp/ orgy drawing when?

>> No.24977029
File: 140 KB, 487x423, 1645889071584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24977046

i mean, me too but no one calls me out on it

>> No.24977066

are you a female?

>> No.24977088


>> No.24977122
File: 624 KB, 1036x664, 1245874215754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want to be?

>> No.24977156

alto is obvious about his.
and fucking weird. "i'm gonna commision some porn of random characters that have nothing to do with me and put it under my porn tag"

>> No.24977305

I'm fine with just being a lil guy

>> No.24977306

Anon I'm pretty sure miru would appreciate it if you tell it to her face

>> No.24977309

hey look, nothing wrong with tapping into different audiences.

>> No.24977383

i think hes just confused and thinks his nsfw tag is a porn dump for whatever he wants

>> No.24977581

I think he may have meant art of him with the character, still weird

>> No.24977806

/asp/ie with the best design?

>> No.24977977

Ain is the most unique

>> No.24978029

Which one is Ain...

>> No.24978050

/asp/ie horniness reminds me of the same kind of horniness I could see on Tumblr or deviantART

>> No.24978327

/asp/ adjacent but red kronii might be one of my favorites, konrad witch is also up there. mashi is good too but a bit too cutesy for me

>> No.24978332

Yeah, i meant me x Ichihime when i said that, i do realize it's weird tho
I need to work on that gomen

>> No.24978458

dog was definitely on tumblr.. is he the horny poster?

>> No.24978524

a lot of /asp/ies (and /here/chuubas in general) were so probably not

>> No.24978574
File: 35 KB, 112x112, Mashipat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too many I like. I would need to make a list.

>> No.24978765

In my opinion a good design is a memorable and easy to digest one, so mashi and dog take this cake for me
