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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24930331 No.24930331 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix her? Can Mori be fixed at all?

>> No.24930592

Buy me a bottle o Johnnie Walker blue, a box of red Cabernet and a 30 pack and maybe I'll tell you, or not.

>> No.24930643

Nothing you do can fix her, she has to unfuck herself.

>> No.24930660

Go back to bed, Mori.

>> No.24930808

I can fix her, but like in the same way you would get a cat fixed

>> No.24930833

I can fix her

>> No.24930859

Mori is easy fixable. She's not malicious, just retarded.
Literally hire 2-3 extra managers and she becomes HoloENs face

>> No.24930934

rape her to death

>> No.24930972

Unironically, her life wouldn't be as fucked if she didn't have any success. You cuckbeats enabled this.

>> No.24931028

Her success makes her untouchable I don't think even the managers at hololive understand it. Why try to interfere with someone who's actively making your company more successful, only vt shizo hate her but everywhere else she's incredibly respected and an inspiration to many.

>> No.24931094

give her more retro 2d pixel games to play
she likes those but she doesn't know

>> No.24931126
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>> No.24931292

>everywhere else she's incredibly respected
The only place aside from twitter that you won't get banned from shitting on her is here, and even here isn't always save.

>> No.24931356

I mean, pre hololive she were in a deadend job where she split all she earned on her music and alcohol, the only difference is that the alcohol is higher quality now
No matter what, she will eventually die by the bottle

>> No.24931484

You're fucking delusional mate, take a random indie and there's like a 95% chance she's one of their biggest influences. If you get banned it's probably because you're autistically screeching.

>> No.24931553

as someone who almost exclusively watches indies, this is false. stop making shit up cuckbeat. no one likes your oshi except for normalfags.

>> No.24931729

You sound like you are talking from experience, so could you provide one (1) indie who said that, im sure you can do that, otherwise you just been sprouting bullshit

>> No.24932145

*asian esl normalfags
Nobody English first language likes Mori unless they're also autistic. She's awkward and insufferable, and I feel bad for her coworkers having to put up with her.

>> No.24932876

>posts multiple times itt defending mori
>asked to back up his claims
>instantly goes MIA
very telling

>> No.24932947

She needs fixing?

>> No.24932998

You would have a better chance turning lead into gold.

>> No.24933144
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Yeah, she can be fixed. Like how monks take broken clayware and repair it using molten gold as a binding agent or whatever. You just gotta believe... Believe in Mori! Where would any of you be without a window of opportunity? A chance? Grant her the forbearance of a chance anew! Perhaps there is some fire left in her yet.

>> No.24933204

>Get abusive boyfriend who takes all her profits

>> No.24933504

Ok I'll give her another chance. Let's see if she doesn't waste it by getting drunk.

>> No.24933522

Here's how:
first, go apologize to kiara. Stop talking about how you were a bad friend, and actually make up for it. You live with her, stop working (or pretending to work for your own self image as a workaholic) and you cater to her needs.

second, cut off all contact to outside hololive. never even speak a peep of outside talent, they dont exist anymore.

third, drop all work outside hololive. for at least 3/4 weeks of a month, should be focused on hololive content.

fourth, now spend all that free time you arent either drunk with guilt or having outsiders rent free in your head, and collab with genmates. get back to working on hololive only projects. bring back mythbreakers, more 1-1 collabs with council. go back to minecraft.

when she puts the work she did in 2021 again, and stops yabai-ing and focusing on devilcube, and back to being mori, I will enjoy her again.
I think shes a cool girl, shes just unbelievably insufferable at this point, and not even trying.

>> No.24933598


>> No.24933722
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x767, Calli_Message[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1pl27o.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not malicious, just retarded.
After the Ina birthday yab I really wonder. I have no idea how her colleagues and management puts up with that shit. That was really fucking retarded optics wise.

>> No.24933779

>whiskey in thumbnail

>> No.24933845

Doesn't mean she was doing it malicious way.

>> No.24933929

It's your special day so here's a recorded message. You can't interact with me, and you can't talk over me if you want to hear what I have to say.
>It's your "birthday"

>> No.24934028

Don't over analyze that recording. Just say it was shitty not to call Ina.

>> No.24934039

im fairly sure she was busy at the time to the point she really couldnt make time in her schedule, what exactly should she have done? left a voice message with pauses so ina could talk in between? like what actually would make it so you wouldnt have left an angry post on 4chan

>> No.24934114

whether she was legitimately busy or not, leaving a voicemail for your genmates birthday on the same day you do a video for the competitions birthday is just downright bad optics. even IF she had good intentions (doubtful) she's still retarded.

>> No.24934274

Now this is some nitpicking.
She was too busy making a video for her other friends birthday!

>> No.24934336

too busy drinking, she did that video because she hates hololive and did it out of spite

>> No.24934376

jesus, the worst thing is that you're completely serious about this shit

>> No.24934383

You mean to make this place mad?

>> No.24934402

Even if she is inspirational "to many", she's still only inspirational amongst a subset of the vtuber engaged population. Nobody else gives a flying fuck who she is and she's aware of this (probably why she drinks ;) )

>> No.24934477

You think this place is mad? People are just having fun shitting on that retard. She is giving them the material to shit on her some more.

>> No.24934538

>more 1-1 collabs
Please dear God no... Last thing we need is her infecting other Holo content with her absent-minded meanness & awkwardness

>> No.24934557

Anything to do keep herself relevant.

>> No.24934593
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Now you're being obstinate.

>> No.24934617

>don't have friends outside of the corporation
>don't have a job outside of the corporation
>eat, sleep and shit thinking how you can make Cover greater
Holobronies, everyone

>> No.24934657 [DELETED] 


>> No.24934755

Tits too small.

>> No.24934820
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>> No.24934842

>more 1-1 collabs
Nigga, she has literally done this a billion times now. The Mori time loop is literally:
Yab so hard even the reddit and/or twitter hugbox disapproves of her behavior > Starting spamming collabs where she tries for a week or two > go back to basically ruining all collabs by being comatose during them.
More collabs is the last fucking thing she should do.

>> No.24934869

1on1 don't work with Her. Mori needs at least 2 other people to carry her weight.

>> No.24935172

There's no fixing her at this point, just wish she would break NDA already and get fired instead of keeping leeching the holo name for the failure that is her roommate's career

>> No.24935221
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>Mori needs at least 2 other people to carry her weight.

>> No.24935340

Best case for everyone is if she transfers into a pure music role, let her switch contract with Iris, so she can stop pretending she cares about her gen mates and just go all in on music
Her antis will be happy she is in no more collabs and her fans are happy she makes more music, everyone wins

>> No.24935518

This, Irys and Calli should have been swapped, Irys clearly enjoys streaming, so she'd be happy too

>> No.24935572

Looking at how IRyS is I Don't think Mori would be happy with it.

>> No.24935659


>> No.24935665


Only /here/ can you find schizos so schizo that they think mori should do all this even though she's is doing great from an outside perspective.

>> No.24935942 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing

>> No.24937541 [DELETED] 

I hope you die british scum.

>> No.24940710

Can't. No.

>> No.24941710
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>> No.24941748 [DELETED] 

态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.24941864

>Johnnie Walker blue
At least use black you hobo.

>> No.24947215

she's perfect

>> No.24947387

As if any deadbeat can actually last that long

>> No.24947573

You’re right but don’t expect the underaged here to listen

>> No.24947989

She needs to get sober. Some regular exercise would probably help her mental state too. But mainly sobriety. That's all it really takes to fix her.

>> No.24948079

you think she'd change after she got to be the second most succesful vtuber - as far as raw numbers are concerned - being the way she is? if anything, she probably feels like she'll be the change the idol industry needs.

Mori is a lost case. we can only hope she retires as soon as possible

>> No.24948181

The first step is admitting you have a problem.
Calliope Mori has an alcohol addiction, and deadbeats are addicted to enabling her bad behavior.

>> No.24948927

Do this for yourself then.
First go apologize to your co-workers that you haven't been pulling your weight. Cater to their needs.
Do not have any friends outside of your workplace. Forget your friends even exist.
Do not do anything to make money that doesn't directly benefit your employer.
Spend all of your free time meeting only with your co-workers to make your employer more profits.

If you're going to force standards on others, force them on yourself first.

>> No.24949031

nta but:
i work for myself, by myself
already done
see point 1
see point 2

now what?

>> No.24949041

By shooting yourself, probably. Why would you want to make her into some generic cunt like Kiara or Sora?

>> No.24949167


Everyone here tries to paint her as a mean person but she's not at all.

>> No.24951656

Same way you fix every woman. Find her a good husband who'll beat the shit out of her if she steps over the line.

>> No.24951710

is this fucking real

>> No.24953076

do actually watch hololive or are you just fuckin retarded

>> No.24955484

>implying there is anything about her that needs fixing

>> No.24956155

you're right. instead of trying to fix her we should instead try and make her worse so she self-destructs sooner.

>> No.24956637

>implying /vt/ of all places can fix her
even if she does need some fixing there's no way /vt/ can manage it when the autists here can't even fix themselves

>> No.24957172

I'll beam radio waves into her home that block all contact with E-celebs and make her brap uncontrollably whenever she drinks alcohol.
That'd start the road to recovery

>> No.24957233

Cuckbeats breaking down after kiara and reine called at 6am on vacation is still so fucking funny

>> No.24957283

Yes I do. Mori can be a retard at times but she is not a bad person. And before you start, one instance of lying or being autistic is not evidence that someone is a bad person.

>> No.24957348

well, being a bad person is sorta subjective. no one thinks they're the bad guy, even murderers have some twisted logic that makes them think they're the good guy. i don't honestly believe that mori is malicious, but i do honestly believe that some of her actions are definitely bad.

>> No.24957439

I really don't believe that any of those who shat on Reine or Kiara are deadbeats.
This board has wierd belief that deadbeats are some cartoon villains who are shitting on every opportunity other holos when their own thread is just global 2.0

>> No.24957454

lmao u dont work for yourself no one that does would of typed that turbo autist window licking shit you posted

>> No.24957456

>How do we fix her?
paizuri correction.

>> No.24957545

keep seething wagie

>> No.24957707

keep having delusions of grandeur and acting like you don't live off your family's kindness while also letting white anime bitches live rent free in your thoughts 24/7.

>> No.24957721

holy projection

>> No.24957852

classic...incapable of refuting or arguing anything so anytime someone makes a coherent thought towards you it must be projection, I hope you find the help you need, genuinely.

>> No.24957900

pop off king, let those random internet strangers know what you really think (/s because i already figured out you have autism)

>> No.24957909

Kill correction

>> No.24962060

I see her included in those lists of vtuber inspirations that get posted every few months, the lists seem to be put together randomly though

>> No.24962236

good thing she lies all the time then

>> No.24962655

I don't think mori needs to fix herself.
She just needs to figure out the limits of her abilities and always assume the worst stuation.
"It may take time to move money between nations, so let's prepare months in advance."
"It would be difficult to sneak out the event and call Ina, so let's send her a pre-recorded video."

>> No.24965327

>She's not malicious
She literally has a fucking song explicitly about knowing that she's a shitty manipulative person.
About how she just uses and abandons people
It's called bully, though I don't blame you for not listening to moris stank ass music

>> No.24965479

Fucking french, having no taste whatsoever.

>> No.24965530

Oh you think Bully is about that.
I though it was about her relationship with her fanbase.

>> No.24965692
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>And before you start, one instance of lying or being autistic
>one instance

>> No.24965758
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>> No.24965960

There is nothing wrong with getting drunk sometimes. Everyone does it

>> No.24965992

Key word sometimes, she is literally drunk all of her life, every minute of it, every day of it.
Even when she isn't shitfaced she is at least sipping on beer.

>> No.24968623
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>> No.24969030

fucking redditors trying to be edgelords in here, jesus

>> No.24969259

It's either, depending on which point deadbeats want to make at the present
truly the pilpul fanbase

>> No.24969444

Maybe I was thinking wrong song.
Still I doubt she is as malicious as/vt/ makes her out to be.

>> No.24969523
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>> No.24969849

she's not actively malicious, as in using people for own ends with no regards how they feel
it just ends up that way because she's... special

>> No.24971323

please stream poo in toilet again calli-chan~

>> No.24971370
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That used to be me, but I'm 2 weeks sober at this point.
May I never get back to that point, inshallah

>> No.24971438

Absolutely hysterical.

>> No.24971602

I believe there's a 15% chance she can bounce back. She just has to make an effort to try to actually give a shit

>> No.24971804

You mean like last year?

>> No.24971936

I have watched one mori stream during her entire time in hololive but from what people say she wasn't as autistic last year. Not counting nov/dec of course

>> No.24972172

But november and december were her peak streaming hours.

>> No.24972336

My bad. I meant January

>> No.24972988

Things that need to happen for mori to be "fixed"
1) admit to being an alcoholic and stop drinking
2) learn how to handle streaming in a group instead of treating it like a solo stream that needs constant input
3) cease making any mention of, allusions to, or coded messages about hololive in her RM activities
4) make more of an effort to reach out to the JP holos and form actual friendships with them
5) recognize she is terrible at faking enthusiasm and just be honest about not being into things

No need to disavow or cut anyone out of her life, or slavishly devote herself to hololive, just make an effort to be more tactful, honest and genuine, and work with her colleagues and peers more. When I started seriously watching hololive instead of just clips it was actually mori that I watched most frequently. I actually enjoy her when she shows genuine interest in something and can interact naturally with her fellow holos but it's very clear when she's not feeling it and forcing it. Her obstinence and poorly disguised airing of dirty laundry really soured me on her ever since the condom money meltdown.

>> No.24973053

>reply to me 6 hours later
>can't read irony
yep this is an autist

>> No.24973070

all of this except actually drop tt

>> No.24973232

Oh look, a retard.

>> No.24973369

>just make an effort to be more tactful, honest and genuine
rumao even

>> No.24973438

------The point--------

>> No.24973497

Let her join Vshojo and then she'll be fixed.

>> No.24974466
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>1) admit to being an alcoholic and stop drinking

>> No.24974536
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Yes, we can indeed make her even fatter

>> No.24976817
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>Tfw all vtubers are gonna be fat because they don't do anything but stream and stay inside.
