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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2480177 No.2480177 [Reply] [Original]

>other four members of Gen 3 have now hit 1m
>meanwhile, the fifth member is nowhere near the milestone
>is even behind one of the ID girls
What is Flare doing wrong?

>> No.2480278

Nothing, they are indifferent to her for being a brown girl and really no other reason. She makes every collab she is in better with her positive energy, she is loyal to her friends and she sings well. Perfect in every way.

>> No.2480323

I keep forgetting she exists.

>> No.2480389

Fuck off pro-wrestling toddler.

>> No.2480416

Japanese are racist and don’t like her because of her skin color

>> No.2480473
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Even with the significantly lower numbers she is still making similar money through superchats. Shes super entertaining but she doesnt have anything that reaches out and grabs peoples attention like the other girls in 3rd gen. The fans she has love the shit out of her, she just doesnt get fans coming in left and right.

>> No.2480480

I think it's literally her character design looks like an NPC.

>> No.2480482

Based nippons.

>> No.2480491

They don't like big titty gyaru? I thought this was a common fetish.

>> No.2480496

She just doesn't have as many clippers as the rest.

>> No.2480519

She is not brown. I have tanned skin.
Tanned skin is sexual, healthy and attractive as a character.

>> No.2480543

She doesn't even use that costume with the awful rigging anymore though. It is only somewhat forced on her for certain 3D things like Graffiti which use the non-idol costumes.

>> No.2480551 [DELETED] 

3 of the other 4 are in the top 10.
She's like #30 in SC.

>> No.2480579

You will find her as long as you watch Hololive.
Perhaps Hololive members will not recognize you as a fan. You are hated by them.

>> No.2480605

Alright, Anonetty

>> No.2480617

she got a super hot outfit/character model but never uses it, which gives the impression she doesn't like it, I don't watch her so I don't know, but that's why I don't

>> No.2480639

based fake fighting anon going over

>> No.2480686

The rigging isn't good on it, that simple. Her newer outfits don't have this problem. And a guy above you called it her NPC outfit, so apparently you can't please everyone here.

>> No.2480710

She doesn't hate her first outfit. I have stated that I like both.
She understands that her initial movements are bad, but she prioritized new outfits. But her designer says she wants to fix the initial move someday, so it will be improved someday.

>> No.2480750
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Yes, and brown skin even moreso.

>> No.2480754

Honestly, just give her a new warrior outfit at this point that fits the fantasy theme. It can even be based on the original but with some new elements. Think of it like the Miko revamp.

>> No.2480794

I think a lot of people get the wrong impression of her at first, I know I did.
I thought she would be a no fun allowed type, I dont even know why I had that impression now

>> No.2480803

In Japan, tanned skin is regarded as an attribute of a character, and it is one of the elements of moe and is not associated with race.
Her problems are only due to poor initial models, 3D implementations, and delayed improvements in live2D.

>> No.2480845

Noses are too small, hair too straight and colorful, eyes too varied in color. You don’t like brown women you like tanned women

>> No.2480858
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>Flare of Africa

I think we all know why

>> No.2480859

Which gen is going to have all members at 1 million subs first?

>> No.2480898

I hated her when she was doing that boyish voice, but how wrong I was. I have no one to blame but myself for being a clipwatcher.

>> No.2480930

>I think it's literally her character design looks like an NPC.
Holy shit you fucking nailed it. She really does feel like a background character

>> No.2480938

She has been working hard to increase her fans even though she was given live2D with terrible movements in her third year. In the same way as here, Hololive fans and antis have been blamed for criticism, and although it is heartbreaking, it has reached the current mid-level position. All of the third generation love her, and she continues to strive to increase her fans with her abilities without the help of the third generation.

>> No.2481015


>> No.2481091

Flare is fantastic. Hopefully ENGen2 collabs with her. Dont expect to see Flare in Holotalk or Reddit Review

>> No.2481101
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Oh look it's yet another retard who thinks subs are all that matter

>> No.2481108

it's not. It's a very unpleasant existence, as was the case with Nene and Mel. Her growth is now second to none.

>> No.2481132

>Dont expect to see Flare in Holotalk or Reddit Review
I agree with the former but since Flare has gone to reddit and collabed with reddit dragon I don't see why she wouldn't do the latter.

>> No.2481133

its surprisingly good and funny

>> No.2481139

>You don’t like brown women you like tanned women

>> No.2481177

She sucks so people don't watch her. Simple as

>> No.2481184

I'm shocked that GFE Lamy isn't doing better than this really.

>> No.2481266

Few reason
1. People didn't like her voice originally, even then it's still kind of a filter. She has a weird voice
2. Her rigging upon debut was very poor and she had a extremely unsettling face at times due to it.
3. Lets be honest, out of every gen there is destined to be 1 design that's not as good as the rest, unfortunately in gen 3 it's Futan. I guess in a way it helps or doesn't help she hated her original design because of the titty window and felt the "warrior" thing wasn't really her. (Kind of like subaru and her relationship with her original, minus the dislike of titties)

Anyways subscribe to Flare! She's a cute hag!

>> No.2481274
File: 225 KB, 1079x891, Screenshot_20210412-131946_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs mean jack shit, Flare has made almost the same amount of money as Noel in the past month despite having half the subs


>> No.2481318

>Flare has made almost the same amount of money as Noel in the past month despite having half the subs
And not being a tittytuber at that.

>> No.2481324

She doesn't easily take away the popularity of the top members. Rather, she only collaborate when she can give something to the other person.
This can be seen from the fact that she always encourages the registration of collaboration members at the end of the collaboration.

>> No.2481332

>Flare is below low grade Nijis
Absolutely pathetic on her part. She should probably retire.

>> No.2481353

>Inui Toko
>Low grade
She mogs your oshi and mine in every facet except playing video games

>> No.2481389

EN, and it's not even close. Okayu and Miko will hit 1M before that happens though.

>> No.2481504

Holofags who don't regularly watch Suisei (and I guess Ayame) are simply ignorant of how powerful Toko is.

>> No.2481558

What about the other 3, anon?
Why you didn't post the rest?

>> No.2481560

She is 8th in total.

>> No.2481603

Anonchama, Toko is the 14th most subscribed Niji, shes even higher than Utako, Mikoto and Claire, and you'd be hard pressed (or absolutely retarded) to call those 3 "low grade"

>> No.2481628

Outside of her being gay for Noel she isn't very memeable and she doesn't do anything to cater or pander to non-Japanese. If you actually watch her though you'd find out she's great and also one of the best singers in Hololive.

>> No.2481651

Kiara might never break 900k again

>> No.2481663

Not dark elf, half elf is a pretty awesome meme though.

>> No.2481772

By that dumb metric Noel is even a bigger failure because she made 20-50% the money the other 3 members this month despite having the 1M celebration buff, which again only goes to prove that sub counts are completely meaningless and don't necessarily translate into money

>> No.2481790

Why is it that every time someone criticizes any Holo someone comes out saying that she is a great singer or one of the best?
What's the deal with that?

>> No.2481804


>> No.2481815

Different people have different tastes and may subjectively really like someone's singing than you find mediocre or even bad.

>> No.2481833

Because singing is a difficult talent to learn and people should check out karaoke streams even if they are an EOP/ESL with no Japanese knowledge?

>> No.2481839

not enough clibs
btw check her episode in the quiz show with nene and watame, it was great

>> No.2481843

>dumb metric
>still doesn't post them.
Makes you think.

>> No.2481850

She has handed over the golden time delivery time to another third generation, even though she was unlucky.
Nor do we build excessive relationships to steal numbers. Her collaboration will be a great delivery with really close members selected.

>> No.2481939

Those are March stats, so Noel doesn't have the 1 million celebration buff there.
Calling either of Noel or Flare a failure is retarded though, since they both out earn every single chuuba outside of Hololive with the exception of Kuzuha.

>> No.2481947

She's doing fine. She was streaking MonHun today with 10k viewers, you'd think people are getting tired of watching this game but she keeps up the good numbers still.

>> No.2481960

She is probably the most treble singer in Hololive. In addition, the bass range can be produced, and long-time karaoke streams can be handled without difficulty.

>> No.2481962

>Noses are too small, hair too straight and colorful, eyes too varied in color. You don’t like brown women you like tanned women
What does any of that have to do with the fact that they're brown?

>> No.2482172

Depending on her efforts, the JP generation, which first reached 1 million people, may become the third generation.

>> No.2482186

ESL chama?

>> No.2482265


>> No.2482322

I'm going to count Gamers as a generation just because. And they will get there first.

>> No.2482399

I said that Flare made as much money as Noel and that Noel makes 20-50% of her other 3 genmates, sorry you can't do basic highschool-level A = B and B < C therefore A < C logic puzzles, but I gues I was expecting too much from a numbernigger

>> No.2482423

Flare may overtake Mio depending on the effort. Mio is also left behind in Gamers.

>> No.2482437

Mio ;-;

>> No.2482599

I'm pretty sure EN will be first. Kiara is at 900k and Ina is very close. Their sub growth will only accelerate as they get closer to the milestone.

>> No.2482672

Go toko go

>> No.2482682

Flare will absolutely overtake Mio. Despite her "low" sub count, Flare actually has a decent following which will give her a boost similar to Noel eventually. On the other hand, nobody watches Mio, lol.

>> No.2482711

There is no doubt that EN will be the first. The first JP will be determined by who will reach 1 million first among Mio, Flair, Choco, Aki, Luna and Nene.

>> No.2482774

Why do you Nijiniggers feel the need to poke your slimey noses into every hololive thread? Talk about your shitty Niji whores somewhere else.

>> No.2482802
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her sub count doesn't matter

>> No.2482824

I don't want to compare good or bad. Mio is a wonderful mom and has various talents. Hololive members are at a high level.

>> No.2482837

Its a race between Flare and Nene (and maybe Luna). Choco is lazy these days and Aki and Mio's channels have stopped growing.

>> No.2482858

Stay mad.

>> No.2482868

Are you the faggot who made this an issue in the first place? You or one of your retarded pals brought up Niji and others responded to the nonsense. Own it you piece of shit.

>> No.2482873

Your argument is dumb. If I gave Roboco 3 million dollars and made her the most super chatted holo does that suddenly make Roboco the most successful and popular streamer in hololive?

>> No.2482910

Yes, because money is how the Holos measure their own success. Numberfags use metrics the girls don't care nearly as much about.

>> No.2482915

It's literally the only objective metric of worth. If someone liked you enough to give you 3 million dollars then yes, you're more successful and popular than the people that received less.

>> No.2482920


>> No.2482985

The important thing is that every generation will have a lower rank member. Don't think it's always bad to be inferior number. Hololive has the idea of supporting generations and idol unit .

>> No.2483056

You mean streamers don't care about stuff like live viewers per minute?

>> No.2483062

Get out of here. The fact that I called a Niji whore trash and had immediate replies yelling at me shows that you fags lurk here. Go back to your own thread.

>> No.2483114

This is a Niji bait thread anon. Stop responding to it or use the features provided so that it stops getting bumped.

>> No.2483275

sub count is irrelevant when it comes to a streamers success dumbass. earned income is the only good metric. superchat money + some ratio of views:money. people don't get paid more for having more subs. it's a secondary measure that is mostly determined by the views anyway.

>> No.2483342

>weird nasal voice
>lizard face
>boring design
>not loud and ‘memeable’
>brown skin debuff
I like Flare but it’s easy to see why she’s not as popular as the rest of her gen.

>> No.2483362

Her original model had a fucking derp face
Her original outfit got shadowbanned by Youtube all the time because of the boob window
Gen 3 is a fucking powerhouse

>> No.2483532

More people should give this elf a chance, she's great

>> No.2483933

nothing. she gets so many scs despite her subscriber numbers. which only means casual eop faggots just dont subscribe her. eops basically care only about shitty stuff like "cute noise", obvious autism, blatant lewd shit. while her charms are being a good sis and such. also eops cant into low pitched voice.

>> No.2484006

>weird nasal voice

>> No.2484317

yeah wow only $700k in 8 months what a failure.

>> No.2484523
File: 165 KB, 900x1024, 7C08E9EA-D4AB-4EC7-A500-504DB684E0B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all right, Flare is awful. Everybody please stay out of her streams so it can be just the two of us.

>> No.2484679

If your making more than bank than people who average x2 more viewers than you, who gives a shit about viewers?

>> No.2484720

Already she has 579,000 subscribers. She will never be two. Maybe you are alone.

>> No.2484882

I'm pretty sure according to one of the numberfag threads she makes as much as the other Gen 3s, she just doesn't have as much dead subs.

>> No.2484977

Okay, Kintsuba.

>> No.2484981

she's ninth in the world for all time superchats. she makes more than all but 8 of her coworkers. she just filters EOPs naturally so her sub count isn't inflated by people who don't like her enough to donate.

>> No.2485412

I don't know, everyone got an upgrade on their first outfit, Flare was the only that got it on her new year's, initially her face was equally as bad as the original one but remember that it was reworked, and guess what, reworked on her new year's outfit.

>> No.2485518

Are you really trying to say your headcanon that Flare hates her first outfit is more real than Flare herself saying that she doesn't hate it? If she hated it she wouldn't have used the at home 3D so much when it was her turn to use it. We got the original outfit for over a week straight.

>> No.2486283
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She's tanned, not a neggress.

>> No.2486881
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>> No.2487017
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>> No.2487793

I tried to watch her GTA streams but she had her BGM going while she was playing the game which was annoying as fuck.

>> No.2487816

She's top 10 most superchat vtuber in the WORLD. She's fine.

>> No.2488439

She's doing fine, lower numbers but dedicated gachikoi who shower her with supacha

>> No.2489836

Hate is subjective, better way to phrase it is that she wants her brand not to revolve around the original outfit anymore. That is why she insists clippers don't use it for thumbnails and why she even did a greenscreen photoshoot so people had new material to work with. I doubt she would object to a new warrior outfit that replaced the original completely either.

>> No.2489842

If you're suggesting that statement is a non-sequitur or somehow factually untrue, it isn't: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaFbmFSNWYs

>> No.2490215

She only gets 210k from that.

>> No.2490467

Even the runtiest of runts in any litter makes bank and is more popular than many, many vtubers. If Flare went full number fag she'd probably pick up meaningless subs but she makes bank doing what she does and I'm proud of her..

>> No.2490963


>> No.2490991

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.2491060
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Flare is super cute and talented. Give her a chance.

>> No.2492581

I dunno, just never found her very entertaining

>> No.2492697

I think a lot of Towa supporters, me included, are holding out on the hope that someday she’ll return to her natural voice. But yeah I can’t stand her high pitched nasal voice

>> No.2492748

>pic related
doesn't the teacher get molested on several occasions?

>> No.2492775

Never forget what antis took away from you

>> No.2492893

I have been watching hololive for a year now, who is this girl? New vtuber?

>> No.2494900

>What is Flare doing wrong?
not showing us her bare feet

>> No.2494925

Meh, leave Flare alone

>> No.2495196
File: 647 KB, 1920x1080, Flare explaining she is half elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't cater to non Japanese.

Ain't she trying to learn English with Noel so that she can talk to the "Overseas Bros"?

To answer the actual question, I think it's not a matter of doing anything wrong, and more that she has yet to find the explosive niche that drags her numbers up. She's essentially a side character with a dedicated, small fanbase. Then again, it's not like she isn't part of Noel's sphere of influence to begin with.

>> No.2495472
File: 575 KB, 1920x1440, 1593642560203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes the Larry Murohey of the bunch: she does a lot of good, but was always overlooked. Sanksei is like the red wings of the dynasty, and flare still produces
>marine=Steve Yzerman
>noel=Brendan Shanahan
>peko= Vyacheslav Kozlov
>rushia=Nicklas Lidstrom
theres a reason why every member of sanksei hits hard anyways, and they're all cogs to one another. The only ones with better chemistry is unironically gokisei, and thats very close

>> No.2495504

>Ain't she trying to learn English with Noel so that she can talk to the "Overseas Bros"?
You might be thinking of Marine, she's supposed to be taking private English lessons. I haven't heard anything about Flare trying to learn English.

>> No.2495826

Her voice could be a little bit of a filter when she speaks normally... or it used to be anyways. Maybe she got a new microphone or something cause her voice sounds a hell of a lot better and less artificial than it used to.

Othewise I can't really say why her sub count is low..

>> No.2495998

Anon 210k in 8 months is still a lot of money plus she also has a base salary and roomate channel

>> No.2496263

That's actually a good comparison but I wouldn't expect many people on /vt/ to get a late 90s/early 2000s NHL reference.

>> No.2496637

Not being a dwarf.
That’s it. That’s the thread. You can go home now.

>> No.2496741

Watch each players film and you’ll see why I gave each of them their comparisons

>> No.2497584

She doesn't get much clipper love for whatever reason

>> No.2497881

I don't think I am, like I remember her specifically saying that she's doing it so she can communicate with them more effectively, but I can't for the life of me remember where the translation was.

At the very least, most translations seem to indicate that she enjoys seeing us.


>> No.2497889


>> No.2501298

Anyone got that art of Flare getting nailed from behind while being peeped on by Marine?

>> No.2501404

No but I got art of Flare being nailed from behind by Marine with no one peeping
Close enough?

>> No.2501410

Eh, yuri isn't my cup of tea.

>> No.2508284

>0 results
The crazy rabbit is always averaging 35K+ concurrent viewers per stream. Why the hell don't Flare and Pekora collab? Their the same Gen and Flare could use the boost.

>> No.2508350

We all know the answer to this anon. Flare is loyal to friends, Peko is just a bitch by nature and likely made Flare uninterested in doing anything with her in particular even if she will be respectful in collabs.

>> No.2510042

Pekora is just to unsocialized to be have proper etiquette. Noel said Pekora is actually quite nice despite how she presents herself on stream.

>> No.2510359

Bro, anyone knows that.
Just ignore the schizos.

>> No.2510438
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>Pikamee that high

>> No.2510480

Based hockey reference

>> No.2510576

She's a jop streamer, doesn't speak English.

>> No.2513444

but.. she's on the pic?

>> No.2514385
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