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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24822671 No.24822671 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so alone in Council. Everyone suddenly springs to life when I leave a group collab :c

>> No.24822921

I love Sana's model but since the Pokémon mini-tournament I haven't found any of her widely spaced streams to be any entertaining.

>> No.24823161

The rest of en is racist thats why even IRys your common nigger

>> No.24823686
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That's because Sana has this very dominant bitch energy, even if she doesnt know it.

everyone shuts up when shes speaking, even when she brings up boring ass talking points, or lame attempts at a cute joke, or brings to add her kinda useless input to a conversation that doesn't quite fit what the girls where heading

they never ridicule her, just acceptance. so she's like this awkward bump in the carpet they learn to live with.

she is cursed, because anytime she interjects, the conversation is turned on her.
and when she leaves, the conversation has some natural bounce.

dont get wrong. I love Sana, but this is a girl who confidence does no favours for. She's an awkward oddball. The classroom weird girl who only has a few friends she can vibe with,
and just. does. not. fit in with the rest of the classroom Stacies like Gura and her comedian crew.

Sana is girl at the back who plays her ds and talks about video games all day, and tho able to talk and be normal, is better mixing with quiet friends like Ina, and Ame, and their litlle introvert lifestyles

>> No.24823880
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Sana bros?

>> No.24823922

Why did she say that? I thought it was a joke.

>> No.24823965

Why she don't just collab with Ina as a duo team

>> No.24824301
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Love Sana, literally only watch Sana, and will only watch collabs when Sana's there. If the other girls can't be natural with her, then that's a reflection of them and their lack of flexibility.

>> No.24824465

So what are you doing with other 29 days of the month?

>> No.24824494

Source on her saying this?

>> No.24824499

Hololive en is starting to fracture into groups. The bullying arc is now under way.

>> No.24824518

Well thankfully you don't watch streams in the first place.

>> No.24824540
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Would you watch this podcast? would it have potential?

>> No.24824579

She's just like me if I had talent

>> No.24824592


>> No.24824752

>Sana's roommate and Ina's roommate have been close friends for decades
>don't collab
>draw less
>now Ina's on "break" and Sana is basically permanently crippled while refusing to provide updates or use alternatives like Twitter spaces
At this point I'm just indifferent. If she wants to get left behind in sebut mode, whatever. I'll just get the occasional Pako art.

>> No.24824792

How did this talentless bitch ever make it past the first round of auditions? No wonder they gave her the nigger model. Fuck I hate this bitch like you wouldn't believe. Do you realize how many 2views would kill to have a spot with a model half as pretty as hers? Come on, man. Her fans are probably even worse for supporting her.

>> No.24824866

It's that exact mentality which is why she's in the position she's in. She makes it so hard to be natural around because she's so stiff herself. She can't read a room and everyone pities her. I want someone impatient like Kiara to just tear Sana open and make her realize she doesn't have to have so many walls up. You can tell Sana is actually a cool girl with a lot of talent, potential and creativity but is too insecure to see it, so she sticks to her little Nintendo childhood comfort zone, riding out whatever's left of her contract. Such a fucking shame.

>> No.24824873

>Sana has this very dominant bitch energy
>proceeds to describe how introverts are usually babied when they finally speak up

>> No.24824989

sana and ina not taking advantage of their chemistry is retarded
imagine if gamers never interacted with each other

>> No.24825036

yeah, its that pitying 'oh she's speaking!' treatment, that the girls basically hand her 'dominant bitch' crown in a sort of submissive-behaviour to get her to break out of her shell.

>> No.24825063

>quiet autistic girls: the podcast
absolute kino, inject into my veins

>> No.24825196

This is a good take. I like her but she’s awkward and her comments in collabs don’t really add anything to the conversation. I think her break so soon after debut created a rift between her and the rest of EN as Council started finding their niches and forming bonds with each other and Myth. So now she’s the odd one out and probably thinks it’s too late to change anything.

>> No.24825376

>would it have potential?
Even if Ame shut up the entire time, Sana and Ina have a ton to talk about BUT THEY REFUSE TO COLLAB

>> No.24825440

Is Sana's back injury THAT bad?

>> No.24825712

Gura, Fauna, Mumei, Kronii are all basically normalfags. That's the only reason why Sana doesn't fit.

>> No.24825791

self-awareness != normalfag

>> No.24825792
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She's just as awkward with Baelz, Ame, and Mori

>> No.24825794
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>> No.24825876

>That's the only reason why Sana doesn't fit.
Yeah it couldn't be because she had very little to work off of. Imagine if Ame dug up the drugging from her debut and nothing else a whole year later.

>> No.24825921

>anon admits he does have a life

>> No.24826011



genuine autists

>> No.24826159

I think she's like Ina - buried above head in work and commissions.

>> No.24826200

I remember people saying that Korone and Okayu are childhood friend and turns out they have the cutest relationship in hololive. Now just like you said, imagine the wasted potential if they only interacted with each other.

>> No.24826237

Mori is a genuine autist

>> No.24826244

This is accurate.

>> No.24826278

They are all normalfags. The only one that possibly isn't is Kronii. The other three obviously are, especially Mumei

>> No.24826326

>>24826200 (me)
>if they only (if they never)
The english mistakes here are atrocious but you got what i mean

>> No.24826344

Mumei is a functioning human, but she's a weirdo, it's not an act. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with that girl, but something is definitely wrong.

>> No.24826357

Mori has autism. She is successful regardless by virtue of being a woman but the fact that she is genuinely autistic is not up for debate.

>> No.24826427

RM knowledge, but yes, she has diagnosed autism and regularly taking meds for it. She also said there's all sorts of other problems with her head but didn't delve into specifics.

>> No.24826433

Only an autistic person could think something this clueless.

>> No.24826443

I'd watch her if I could understand a single word out of her mouth. Aussies sound like Bri'ish choking on a cock and a fifth of liquor at the same time

>> No.24826455

>while refusing to provide updates or use alternatives like Twitter spaces
The spaces thing is just baffling. Everyone was happy to just hear her talk about pizzas for a bit. No need to sit for hours, no need to set up a game they already have permissions for because we know that's sooooo totally difficult.
....but no, she did it like twice.

>> No.24826487

It’s an act. She’s legit really intelligent like Fauna.

>> No.24826531

The lone sanallite...

>> No.24826532

>Meds for autism

lmao not even denying it could be real but the idea of that is hilarious to me - I genuinely have no clue if that's a real thing

>> No.24826904

Then her play is too big brain for me. I've been enjoying Fauna's streams a lot lately, you're right, she's very witty. But Mumei... I know she shines in collabs, but I can't stand the way she talks, it's like mumbling about nothing, constant repeating, jumping from topic to topic, all ending nowhere. I can't listen to her.

>> No.24826916

It's obviously fake. Mumei seems like the most normal of all of them

>> No.24826997

>/nasa/ spends the majority of its time redumping art and making up stream ideas
It's kinda sad

>> No.24827175

I don't know if I've been spending too much time in /vt/ but in the few collab clips I've seen she's in, I've also been feeling this kinda awkward vibe, like she barely talks and when she does she never bounces off of anyone (and she's never the "main protagonist" of a collab clip)

However the few times she's with Ina it's like I was watching any other Holo collab with fun conversations to listen to, of course expected since they're childhood friends, and on top of that even, that Ina birthday message REALLY made me like her. It felt genuine and powerful, and it felt like that's how she should be interacting with the rest, yet it doesn't happen.

Is the not streaming/being too niche problem also something that's affecting her interactions with the other girls, or am I just overthinking stuff?

>> No.24827583

I think it's simply her not interacting enough with other girls. Everyone in council was awkward with each other for the first months. Hell, for the first 4 months.
Of course she's natural and open with Ina, like you said, they've been friends already for a long time. But who are those girls in Council? She first met them like half a year ago, that's nothing. But you know what, she could've tried to get to know them in those ~6 months. But nah, new people are scary. Also scary? Doing your fucking job.
I feel sorry for Pako, he deserves better. I feel sorry for sanalites, they deserve better. And I feel sorry for all those amazing indies who were robbed.

>> No.24827696
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>Is the not streaming/being too niche problem also something that's affecting her interactions with the other girls, or am I just overthinking stuff?

no, its pretty obvious the lack of streaming is her downfall. we learn nothing about her. this awkward pocket she exists in? it will stay until she learns to break out her shell.

really, she reminds me of debut kiara. uber confident yet completely awkward/odd-one-out-ish.
I feel like once Myth got past the niceties, and started making jokes like
>loud kiara
>horny kiara
and made microagressions that poked fun at each others minor flaws or annoyances, they got closer.

soon everyone her genmates realised shes just brutally honest and unfiltered, but as passionate and energetic as the sun.

That moment of 'oh she's really like this' has yet to happen to Sana.
How does Sana fix that?
she needs to collab more, and they need to poke fun at her dead air, and lame jokes
they need to bully her a little, just so they can get rid of these anxious apprehensions that but space between them.
but...SANA. needs. to. collab. this shit dont fix until she moves.

>> No.24827742

No you’re right. The other girls are also scared to snap back at Sana, not realizing she’s constantly throwing Aussie bait but they don’t go along with it, then it ends up looking awkward when Sana is trying to have fun. Only Ina fights back. Sana craves Kronii banter but Kronii just takes the hits and gets bullied.

>> No.24827892

nta and I don't watch her RM streams so can't verify their claim. but regarding your question, it seems she'd be taking meds to treat symptoms/behaviors as I couldn't find any catch-all medicine for autism.

can read more here if interested https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/autism/conditioninfo/treatments/medication-treatment

>> No.24827935

well, i bet her manager has the easiest job in hololive

>> No.24828001

She said those meds make her hiccup incessantly. Every time you remember her hiccupping on stream or saying she barely managed to stop hiccupping before the stream - it was because of the meds.

>> No.24828173

You're a threadreader. Mori as no idea how to interact with people normally

>> No.24828427
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>> No.24828456

I still can’t believe Mori AND Sana hold the EN collab record. Over 11 hours of unhinged autism. Such a fascinating collab, like a real-time nature documentary on retarded women.

>> No.24828636

Papa Pako deserves a better daughter, this is the actual loss of the whole situation. He's just too pure.

>> No.24828641

i would eat up almost any combo of EN girls in a podcast format if they could make it a consistent weekly or biweekly thing

>> No.24828784

Normal, yes, probably the perfect daughter who always does what is expected of her, but for some personality types that also makes her a ticking timebomb once she tastes freedom

>> No.24828832

>would it have potential?
>Ina makes a pun
>Ame forced laugh
>Sana: "Wow you guys suck at podcasting"
>Ame: "yeah, it's true..."
>End of the 1st episode. The podcast never happens again since it involves Ame AND Sana

>> No.24828842

They were already friends before Hololive. There’s a reason why they’re so close.

>> No.24829018

One good thing I'll credit Sana with is introducing me to Pako, love his art

>> No.24829042

Is that actually true? Why would he draw a black design for her when she clearly didn't want it like that then?

>> No.24829110

I’ve been rooting for her but I don’t think she has it in her to be a streamer. Her latest stream had some autistic fuck donate about his depression and she mentally shuts down.

>> No.24829144

Cover will it

>> No.24829228

Fauna is not a fucking normalfag

>> No.24829259

It wasn’t drawn for her, just a cool coincidence that they both had company and project history/overlap. Pako, Ina and Sana all share mutual admiration for each other.

>> No.24829282

correct, fauna is fucking a normalfag. easy to confuse the two.

>> No.24829392

She could probably still have fun as a streamer, just not as a big streamer, like a huge brand like Hololive. There’s just way too much limitations, expectations, the pay is good but that means dealing with an audience that may be more crazy, like that you’d get from Anykara.

>> No.24829409

Do your reps, her streams during auditions featured a girl that looks just like Sana

>> No.24829463

Yeah right. If that was the case you would have just linked it.

>> No.24829585

I wouldn't call it shutting down, she just really didn't want to say the wrong thing. You can tell she's probably dealt with people like this before because she doesn't fall back on cliches, but it's hard to say anything genuine because you don't know this person. She's also trying to keep playing the game. I do think she has ADD or something and it's really obvious in situations like this when her attention needs to be divided.

>> No.24829593
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holy shit
someone gave a 500 dollar akasupa, 'im depressed' and she just starts laughing

>> No.24829654

There’s only so many kirby games too…

>> No.24829804

sorry I blew it out a few months ago

>> No.24829806

On the bright side, she could realistically play any Pokémon game she wants to stream. Doesn’t Game Freak do something weird with companies where chuubas are only allowed to stream new releases for a few months?

>> No.24829867

I'm pretty sure her manager must be one of those that manage multiply talents just like in holostars

>> No.24829886

OP why would you make a thread like that for her birthday...

>> No.24829958

I’m not risking a ban because you can’t google

>> No.24830080


>> No.24830085

She could become the Nintendofag of hololive and ONLY play these games. For better or worst, that's a niche.

>> No.24830104

The paypig Sanallites are pretty obnoxious
There's another in her general who always blogs about his life as if the Discord attention wasn't enough

>> No.24830504

>Made up some bullshit
>"I-I don't want vacations. Ye-yeah that's totally the reason."
Like pottery

>> No.24830627

She's a "fan" who hadn't touched any of the games prior to joining Hololive so the Kirby series alone is enough content.

>> No.24830666

She obviously is.

>> No.24830728

Don't link it then. Just write the name of one of the stream.

>> No.24831162

Ame is a lovely girl but she has almost no real chemistry with Ina despite what their schizo shippers would tell you, their collabs back when they happen were usually just harmless light yuri baiting from Ina with Ame laughing awkwardly
I don't remember any interactions between Sana and Ame, if there have been any
I think Kiara would work much better as the extra member of the InaSanaty podcast, or maybe Bae but with Kiara you could also keep Ame if you really want

>> No.24833305

Fuck you guys for trying to bait me into a ban lmao

>> No.24833725 [DELETED] 

I believe that. Anybody who watches streams knows she has a inner alpha bitch that unexpectedly comes out sometimes. When she became the champion in Pokemon Shining Pearl stream she did a 180° flip and went from speaking sweetly to the chat to acting domineering and bullying and mocking the chat/npcs all with this natural deadpan tone, you could tell she did it all very naturally too

>> No.24833774

I believe that. Anybody who watches streams knows she has a inner alpha bitch that unexpectedly comes out sometimes. When she became the champion in Pokemon Shining Pearl stream she did a 180° flip and went from speaking sweetly to the chat to acting domineering and bullying and mocking the chat/npcs all with this natural deadpan tone, you could tell she did it all very naturally too

>> No.24833898

hello discord

>> No.24834060

I don't use discord and you're a faggot, stay ontopic

>> No.24834152

The only explanation for why Sana joined was as a favour to Ina. They had that one awkward duo collab shortly after her debut and that was it.

Also, Sana is still active on twitter, just not as Sana.

>> No.24834312

It’s her speechless rapid eye movement that does it for me

>> No.24834346

Kronii and Mori are textbook autists. Kiara and IRyS are the only stacies.

>> No.24834418

I also felt this way too. Whenever she leaves the chat, the other party seems to be more energetic

>> No.24834528

Kronii finally made fun of Sana's 'back issue,' which shut Sana up for the night.

I fully believe the back issue is just her version of Ina's priestess duties.

>> No.24834553


>> No.24834604

It's ADD, Mumei has severe ADD.

>> No.24834732


>> No.24834760

Eh, those are nervous laughs with her trying to find the right thing to say and if you can't tell you're autistic as all hell.

>> No.24834821


>> No.24835358
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe. I wish it was her l real form, I want the voice changer to be on point that it makes me second guess my sexuality.

>> No.24835434

San and Calvin were the best of the gender swaps. Calvins music is better than anything Mori has put out, and San is a hot femboi.

>> No.24835663

Does she even enjoy being in Hololive? What was her reasoning for auditioning when she already has another job she's successful with?
