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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24802999 No.24802999 [Reply] [Original]

>earns like 30 bucks during the stream
>still does superchat reading for those 3-4 messages
>complains about having to buy Smash Bros for the collab: https://youtu.be/tdOzy3rDpQY?t=9250
>nobody takes the bait, earns like 20 more bucks total
>ends the stream disappointed
>the collab is "postponed" https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock/status/1528056232862531585

i mean at this point i won't be surprised if she either does spicy peppers tier stuff on weekly basis to earn bucks or just fucks off and streams sana mode from her parents' place since there is no fucking way streaming is earning her enough (according to her standards at least)
sad to see, very sad in fact, she had potential but it's clear that a couple of bad decisions can fuck you up for the rest of your career, no need for yabs even.

>> No.24803213

Not like it matters, she's going back to college to get a Masters degree soon. She will definitely graduate from NijiEN this year.

>> No.24803276

It am in tough spot with her. Don't want to drop her but don't want to support her either since i felt like she was taking advantage of people like me last time i did. So I am just there, keeping my membership and watching select few streams, hoping she finds her drive to stream again.

>> No.24803294

I dont think she cares at this point since she's clearly fucking off by the end of the year or earlier maybe along with petra if the rrats about petra are to be believed

>> No.24803326

qrd on petra rats?

>> No.24803334

>if the rrats about petra are to be believed
What rrats?

>> No.24803342

whats the rrats with petra

>> No.24803422

its just the same old rrats with how management is playing favoritism

>> No.24803453

Oh. Meh, as long as her friends like Elira and Pomu are still there she will stay.

>> No.24803537

Whatever happened to her top whale. Haven't seen that sakuya guy around in a long time

>> No.24803538

>makes everyone feel as if she was about to fuck off
>loses support of people because she doesn't talk about her plans etc in a more open manner
even if she stayed, the damaged is done. she fucked up by alienating her fanbase on so many levels it is hard to fix. and she's not the type of a person who knows how to fix stuff. she doesn't like being open etc. just look how she handled sekiro twitch stream thingy - forgot to enable vods on twitch so she just deleted the tweet about the stream taking place and pretended it didn't happen. being secretive and hiding behind half truths etc like that always been working against her and she hasn't learned.

>> No.24803585

Rosemi was really fun early on
she didn't survive collab spam, nijimales, and having to stream as a job and not something fun on the side
her creativity and drive kinda just died
it's a shame really
hope she gets in Holo EN3 for the complete tour

>> No.24803600

she complains about having to buy smash because she'd rather play tekken and not a party game

>> No.24803617

The evidence that she was a flaky hoe was there from the start.

>> No.24803624

I mean isnt that one of the more spicier rrats about how continuing school is a code for jumping ship

>> No.24803674

she can always deny the collab or idk, suggest to play brawlhalla instead, nijien have experience with that game (including her) and it's free on steam. it's on her to join the collab she doesn't feel like participating in just to be there.

>> No.24803677
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>holofags still begging a year later

>> No.24803687

>Masters degree
In Gender Study.

>> No.24803716

Rosemi can't say no and has made it her personal goal to be more social. She is just doing it to be there sometimes probably

>> No.24803720

Nah, she's an accountant or someshit. Back when she debuted she was doing practice as an OL in a bank before getting promoted to an actual job position.

>> No.24803725

>holo's wanting another sana

>> No.24803739

>nijianti thread turns out to be YET ANOTHER holobegging thread >>24803585 >>24803624
Sasuga, catalogshitters

>> No.24803768

the most useless degree on earth right now thanks to automation

>> No.24803767
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We will welcome you Rosemi-sama, money isn't an issue here

>> No.24803771

no I just hope she ends up somewhere that would make her shine

>> No.24803779

Rosemi has literally never gone even 3 days without streaming or being in someone else's stream.

>> No.24803802

Funny how that ended up being one of the main reasons for her downfall: by the virtue of wanting to be more social she ended up being a beta orbiter cocksleeve for the males.
Pomu went throug something similar at the beginning of this year but she noticed how much it would fuck up her career and went back to having creativity streams and playing classic games.

>> No.24803857

being more social is all about picking your battles and knowing when you want to hang out with people too. no point in being a fucking downer and then using an excuse of "oh but i want to make friends"

>> No.24803881

Rose Schizo doesn't quit eh?

>> No.24803909

This is some real schizo shit. You think Fulgur is cancelling his collab with loads of NijiEN members meant to be joining because Rosemi of all people didn't want to buy the game?

>> No.24803918

go back to your hugbox rosefag, last time i checked you called everyone "ficklebuds" and jerked off how cute she is, too bad you survived only 30 messages or so.

>> No.24803953

its the nijifag who wish their oshi to be in hololive that called holobeggar, newfag

>> No.24803956

Why did she only earn 30 buck to begin with? I'm not into NijiEN but that sounds way too low for a full fledged stream.

>> No.24803955

No >we won't. She hates streaming as a job, is going to be busy with school, and might be even worse at communicating than Gura. She's the last thing holoen needs right now.

>> No.24803991

I think OP is just laughing at ROsemi for wasting her money buying a game for collab that gets cancelled.

>> No.24804003

Can I get a qrd on the whole rosemi situation?

>> No.24804017

she clearly was very sheltered by overbearing parents, which hasn't been good for her social skills or assertiveness
getting thrown into the normalfag niji blender that quickly was too much for her

>> No.24804022

if she doesnt enjoy niji then she wont enjoy holo,best route for is to just not stream at all and focus on her school

>> No.24804020

Rosemi is cute. So cute in fact it causes schizos to seethe

>> No.24804073

its no big deal actually, OP is exagerating.
but lets be real no one in /vt/ watches Rosemi because she's fuckign boring

>> No.24804079

last 2 streams of her were like 50 bucks each. she had a spike in donations during the ygo stream because she was doing gacha and people donated for "gacha funds". but that's not really earning much since she had to spend money first. her usual stream earns her 100-200 bucks, now take niji cut and yt cut...

>> No.24804107

She has some real dedicated antis, especially here. I get it though when all your actions are signaling that you might be done with a character soon makes it ripe for your biggest fans to turn on you.

>> No.24804139

July of last year:
>has a stable job
>has fun doing streams as a way to unwind
>puts in effort into doing creative stuff
Fast forward to February of this year:
>quits her job
>streams less hours than when she had a job
>stops doing creative stuff
>good part of the streams billed as solo end up as collabs with the males
>is going back to college in the near future and will reduce her streaming time to bare minimum needed in NijiEN, which is 3 streams of 2 hours each per week

>> No.24804147

>sheltered by overbearing parents
She can leech on her parents so you don't have to worry about her, are you jealous because you have to work to pay your meal everyday while Rosemi can just shake her ass and enjou life without a proper job?

>> No.24804154

>if she doesnt enjoy niji then she wont enjoy holo
Holo is for autists who do well with solo streams
she'd be much better there

>> No.24804159

>work 30 days a month
>make 1500 usd, worse than a job at Walmart

>> No.24804178

Pink girl bad.
But honestly tho, no one watches her so rrats are free to come out whatever in their ass.

>> No.24804204
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>7 days of streams
>tons of pandering with RFA, duolingo, ygo, asmr and YGO
>still earns half of what she used to make back in Jan/Feb
yea she a failure

>> No.24804209

I'm actually amazed that she has a dedicated buttlicker here, I don't even watch her, how can you stand watching her boring stream with that annoying fake voice of hers? Do you take drugs?

>> No.24804225

are you ok anon?
need a hug?

>> No.24804224

That's the thing, she doesn't do well with solo streams either

>> No.24804227

there is no situation. OP is a crazy autist

>> No.24804255

I doubt it. There's nothing actually stopping her from doing that in niji.

>> No.24804265

>>24804204 (me)
i meant Minecraft at the end, didn't realize I said ygo twice

>> No.24804270 [DELETED] 

HoloSEAfags and eggs mad that she didn't join their shitty idol corp.

>> No.24804273

she used to before the collab meta

>> No.24804286

Anon, superchat is like 10% of their earnings.

>> No.24804288

Duolingo is literally useless. No one has ever learned a language on Duolingo.

>> No.24804298

/rose/ - Rosemi anti general

>> No.24804321

Wtf there are twitch indies with 30 viewers who make twice as much in a stream, why don't nijifags send superchats?

>> No.24804323

you sound like Reimu. tons of shittalking but no real argument. prepare for your stream bitch, all your 200 viewers are waiting.

>> No.24804326

what happened to the Rosemi general?

>> No.24804329

ITT: holofags forget once again that nijisanji uses streamlabs

>> No.24804336

Even if she failed in streaming, her job, and can't leech off her parents, she could still find a lucky guy and be a wife. She's cute so no problem in that.

>> No.24804342
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>$1.4k in the last 7 days
Jeez that's bad. She should ask Pomu on how to milk paypiggies

>> No.24804366

Abandoned after it was overrun with schizos

>> No.24804392

schizos took over it because rosebuds are dumb and gave them attention

>> No.24804401

Her bigger problem is her clear lack of social skills,even before males come into niji she sticks out like a sore thumb during collabs being really quiet and stuff.If she cant do that in now then she wont be able to do that in holo later too

>> No.24804402

Oui, moi.

>> No.24804412

fags like those stream though and donate often. hence the pandering

>> No.24804434

>>24804342 (me)
Also this isn't taking into accout Pomu's streamlabs, which is where her biggest paypigs donate now. And over 1k of gifted subs she's got ever since opening them.

>> No.24804444

I don't even care about nijiEN but watching any stream is enough to know you're full of shit.

>> No.24804453

Mikeneko's thread is flooded with schizo and yet they survived? Just admit no one is watching her and there's nothing interesting to discuss and that is why the general died, this anti is actually doing a better job keeping her threads alive than you guys. What a shame.

>> No.24804482

my rrat is that most of rosemi's viewers nowadays are tourists or new people who don't want to donate that much. you rarely see 6 months membuds in the chat or comments anymore.

>> No.24804492

OP is a schizo trying to make drama from nothing because he lacks testosterone to actually go outside and get a life or even improve himself in the smallest of ways.

>> No.24804504

Actually Petra is doing worst compared to Rosemi. OP, just admit that you hate her.

>> No.24804517

yes anon,cuz being an anti means watching her streams and being able to explain it in details

>> No.24804529

Mikeneko fans are also schizos so they are in good company regardless

>> No.24804548

it only takes a single look at her chat to see that you're wrong but I guess watching a stream is too much for the people here

>> No.24804558

wrong, i made this post from work and i'm giggling to myself while dumping all the work on interns and getting ready for lunch with my gf. stay mad loser, you will never be relevant, just like your pitiful oshi.

>> No.24804564

Petra, Reimu, and Finana are all doing far worse than Rosemi these days. Nina too if you ignore her collab leech streams.

>> No.24804570

Why are you so mad?
You can counter this anti and post interesting Rosemi clips to promote her instead, but all you do in this thread is whining like a fool. You are as bad as that schizo.
You are schizo too.

>> No.24804607

Based phone and computer

>> No.24804615

OP is actually a crazy schizo who's made like a dozen of these threads.

>> No.24804630

>but I guess watching a stream is too much for the people here
NTA but with how boring Rosemi is? Yeah. Still funny how rosecucks were trying to tout her as the superior Pomu. But then she left her job and everything went down the shitter. The Jackbox collab was especially funny because it made clear how much of a talentless hack Rosemi is compared not only to Pomu, but also runt of the litter like Petra and Finana.

>> No.24804644
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>3 members compared to spam of greys later
pretty much the same case in comments.

>> No.24804652

Let's see last month she made $8k superchat + she probably has around 1k members with 28 emote slots used. So that's around $13,000 - youtube $9,100, halfed with anycolor $4550 not including ad revenue, sponsorships she has done, merchandise and voicepacks she has sold. I'm thinking she is definitely making enough to support herself.

>> No.24804684

Nice fantasy you worked up in your head and she isn't my oshi.
>"Oh hey I can telepathlically read emotions through text on a screen!"
No you can't you're a schizo and a weirdo. I already said I don't care about her. Nor is it "whining" for pointing out bullshit when I see it. Drink some fuckin milk and grow up. I already said I don't care about her, I just hate you fucking sea/spic niggers more.

>> No.24804685

Nooooooooooooooo Rosemi is failing and it's all because she talked about Luca positively once or twice. Damn those males and damn Rosemi!!!!

>> No.24804693

>I'm thinking she is definitely making enough to support herself.
And yet she was supabaiting just a couple of weeks ago about needing to find a cheaper apartment ro go back to living with her parents.

>> No.24804696

.... guys Rosemi is here.... say hello.... good morning......

>> No.24804709

Management preferring the moneymakers isn't a rrat it's blatant and expected. She still won't leave, she can't do better.

>> No.24804732

Did she really do a superchat reading for 3-4 superchats? That's kinda sad.

>> No.24804734
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Its so easy to pick and choose a single block to show whatever you want

>> No.24804736

My mistake on that one. Typo.

>> No.24804765

Thanks for playing your schizo hand OP.

>> No.24804768

don't forget her crying not being able to afford a new chair. it's obvious she is not earning enough to cover her spendings, whatever it might be (rent/taxes/student debt + idk what else sluts buy)

>> No.24804769

its 4chan dude, it's not high school.
why do you care so much for a typo
oh iknw you are a schizo!

>> No.24804773

Based Rosemi still caring about her fans

>> No.24804802

You guys do a better job at propaganda than the ccp. You should look for government jobs in gaslighting shit.

>> No.24804817

Yes she did. She spent 30 minutes doing superchats reading, compare that to her usually doing it for 5 minutes at the end of the stream. In the past she wouldn't bother switching the scene to SC reading for petty stuff like that.

>> No.24804851

Show us the number before you shitpost OP

>> No.24804875

>her intro where members spam emotes during the music
>compared to the standard screenshot of the chat during the gameplay
i mean yea but you are the one clearly manipulating the outcome, right

>> No.24804894

Isn't the point just that she has lots of 6+month members watching her still? Who cares how much they spam chat

>> No.24804904
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>two schizos arguing at each other
Nice thread.

>> No.24804933

Millie leaked her earnings dashboard. She's making $120k a year before Niji's cut. Probably around $80k a year after Niji's cut. Rosemi is more popular than Millie is. OP's retarded fantasy that someone with over 1k viewers "can't afford" a streaming chair, or a videogame, is completely out-of-touch ridiculous. I don't think he really understands how much streamers make.

>> No.24804947

The quality of her streams dipped and she became less enthusiastic. She used to send monthly letters to her members, but she missed one month and this mindbroke some schizo into becoming an orcschizo tier anti.

>> No.24804948

It's nice that she did but how the hell did nijiEN girls fall that far down to only get 3-4 SC in a stream? That's 2view tier SC amount, no wonder she wanted to hustle a little more.

>> No.24804972
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>> No.24805005

>Rosemi is more popular than Millie is.
This is false. Millie and especially Enna have been performing on the level of Selen and Pomu which are way above Rosemi.

>> No.24805036

Millies ASMR vods alone boost her ad revenue to another level compared to Rosemi.

>> No.24805047

How do you miss a monthly letter? You literally have a month to come up with some bullshit

>> No.24805061

>but how the hell did nijiEN girls fall that far down
This phenomenon is exclusive to Rosemi. Pomu for example not only makes similar amount of SC she always did, she makes now much more money through streamlabs.

>> No.24805075

superchat is just a tiny portion of earnings. You also have memberships, and ad revenue, and merchandise, and sponsored streams. That's why several hololive girls have said that superchats are an insignificant total of their income, despite making $500k a year in superchat. They're making 10's of millions a year.

>> No.24805095

>Shows a shilling stream and valoshit stream

>> No.24805103

She's not making 1400 bucks a month but I'm sure her merch sales are down massively too.

>> No.24805104

Because Fulgum won't apologize, so the holofags aren't giving the hololite niji a chance.

>> No.24805115

You asked for numbers in the OP, and I've shown you them. Also the Project Sekai stream wasn't a shill stream retard.

>> No.24805126

Anon....that's a sponsored stream isn't it.
She probably made like $10k by doing that stream.

>> No.24805136

I like Rosemi, but that's really sad.

>> No.24805141

retard, someone posted the entire week earlier, it's like 1.3k or some shit.

>> No.24805145

That's what I thought initially, then I considered the possibility of the letters being individual to each members. Is there any way to look up a channel's members?

>> No.24805165

No, Project Sekai was not a sponsored stream. It was a normal stream like Petra done some months ago.

>> No.24805171

>Project Sekai stream wasn't a shill stream
Oh hey that's good!

>> No.24805178

>They're making 10's of millions a year.

>> No.24805202

>i felt like she was taking advantage of people like me last time i did.
She's literally taken advantage of you idiots from the get go..in all 3 of her Vtubing lives. It's good people are waking up to it.

>> No.24805206

not a sponsored stream, you can check yourself on playboard. Petra had sponsored stream for this one a couple months ago.
if it was shill stream, it would be marked as such on playboard and youtube, stop coping anon

>> No.24805213

She ignored my SC outright so whats the point? If she doesnt give a shit about money then why give it to her? This is based.

>> No.24805225

If you actually think your average holo or niji are earning more than low-mid 6 figures at the top end you are delusional.

>> No.24805224

>Oh hey that's good!
It's not though when there are members that make that during a random Minecraft stream.

>> No.24805226

This thread is literally just 2 discord fags or just one guy switching between phone posting. Move on.

>> No.24805232

yup, it's the truth. Matsuri said that superchat was less than 10% of her income, and she made $600k in superchat. Matsuri makes over $5 million a year, and she's a mid-level hololive streamer. The others are making much more. Gura makes $2 million a year on memberships alone

>> No.24805241

>Rosemi is more popular than Millie is.
Not really. Millie gets more SC than Rosemi and has multiple 100k+ ASMR vods. Millie is likely earning more than Rosemi.

>> No.24805294

No I think you're delusional. 1 month after a hololive girl debuts she's suddenly moving out of her house. I wonder why that is. Got her first paycheck.

>> No.24805326

Rosemi absolutely can afford to support herself, but she's within the bottom 5 of nijiEN in income and may be down with Petra and Reimu soon.

>> No.24805348

Did she say that she made 5 million or did you multiplicate whatever she made on SCs?

>> No.24805358

Yea I noticed this too.
Abandon thread.

>> No.24805376

you can literally count on 1 hand the number of holos that actually own a home lmfao you are a fucking retard if you think renting a new place means you're a millionaire

>> No.24805382

nigga what

>> No.24805403

>nijisanji thread
>holofags making it about their whores
Like clockwork

>> No.24805410

>Gura makes $2 million a year on memberships alone
one of the funniest posters i've ever seen on vt actually

keep it up numbers retard

>> No.24805416

She just didn't feel like doing it. Like I said, it's true she became less enthusiastic. She probably thought nobody cared.

>> No.24805434

Screw whatever it is actually called in english, but how did you arrive at what she was making?

>> No.24805437

Sadly, this only applies to Holo, Anon. Niji's girls need to rely on SC and males also need to rely on that.
Roboco, the weakest jpholo earned around 140,000 $ minutes ago.

>> No.24805438

They're lying to you in order to get donations out of you. Creating the impression they're not all millionaires. They absolutely are anon.

Like I said, Millie makes $120k a year with a CCV average of 1k.
So wouldn't someone with 10x the CCV average be earning 10x as much? And Millie doesn't even have any merch to speak of, while these other people absolutely do.

>> No.24805454


>> No.24805456

Haven't been able to catch Rose streams lately. What has she said about going back to college?

>> No.24805459

Miko, who doesn't make that much on superchats, was talking about how she could buy a home but that since vtubing is a volatile market she should be cautious
the implication being that she can afford it
lots of holos clearly make money from other things than superchats

>> No.24805470

Obsydia's 1 year anniversary is gonna be a disaster after the kino that was Lazulight's.

>> No.24805476

Damn bro look at those IPs

>> No.24805499

money comes from merch incel

>> No.24805501

Just birthday merch alone is half a million.

>> No.24805520

Not many details, like everything Rosemi talks about lately. Just that she's going back to get a Masters degree and will be reducing her streaming time to minimum.

>> No.24805522

miko is also one of the biggest streamers on the entire planet. there are maybe like 10 holos who have even a sniff at miko money

>> No.24805544

Did Millie leak?

>> No.24805546

Rosemi should just become a yugioh streamer
She just needs to put in some effort in learning and she can make it to diamond.

>> No.24805579

>from merch
Rosemi's merch sells like shit. Her First Step Goods, the only merch she got so far, is at the bottom with trash like Reimu and Petra.

>> No.24805587

ny point is that superchats are a drop in the bucket when you have sponsorships, merch, youtube ad revenue (lol), and so on

>> No.24805611

Translation for us retarded niggas:
>"Basically, I'm going ride off your membership money and the money you toss at me while I do as little work as possible and spend more time doing what I want now that I don't have a job."

>> No.24805614

Too afraid to make these posts in /NijiEN/? Don't tell me you're scared of a bunch of women.

>> No.24805645

So Rosemi is either sucky because she isn't making money or she's sucky because she's poorbaiting while making money?
You guys will just not let Rosemi get off easily huh?

>> No.24805716

Did you think you were saying something insightful when you wrote this?

>> No.24805718

You really can't use that cope with nijien girls right now.

>> No.24805723

they can't samefag as easily in /nijien/

>> No.24805736

Grad school is a massive waste of time. It seems like she's the type that can't really commit to anything.

>> No.24805743


>> No.24805747

Ok, but how about this? Getting only $60 in a stream from superchats is, like, horrendously low for someone in one of the big corpos. Even if only a tiny bit of your income is superchats, to only get $60 in a stream as a Nijisanji member must be a massive blow to the ego.

>> No.24805749

They keep making fun of me, it hurts my feelings

>> No.24805753

Are the NijiEN girls really earning that poorly compared to Council? Surely they're still making a comfortable amount.

>> No.24805763

I made sure to make it as insightful as the 160 posts preceding it.

>> No.24805788

>Surely they're still making a comfortable amount.
Yes, see >>24804342 This is a Rosemi problem.

>> No.24805821

They're fine, it's people like OP and /#/ that conveniently forget that NijiEN has access to Streamlabs donations, unlike HoloEN.

>> No.24805849

why is Reimu doing so bad? i feel bad for my fellow spic

>> No.24805881

Rosemi doesn't gets any streamlab donations. From the girls the only ones that did shill their streamlabs and moved good part of their paypigs there are Pomu and Nina. The rest barely get any money on there.

>> No.24805957

>hope she gets in Holo EN3 for the complete tour
I'm tired of following her to the next thing, she's so non-committal

>> No.24806012

I don't think sweaty YGO would be good for even biweekly content. Rosemi won't want to dedicate time to improve because the game is so broken due to BO1 format and a nonsensical banlist. It's a game for masochists. It's popularity has plummeted.

>> No.24806020

same desu, changing the avatar every year won't change the fact she lacks personality of her own.

>> No.24806032

Yeah nobody would lie on the internet right. Especially the most menhera human being alive.

>> No.24806041

she has no niche and almost any of the other girls are more interesting than her

>> No.24806080

She realized she doesn't really care about being a streamer after quitting her job, she's finishing her master's degree and will eventually quit being an entertainer

>> No.24806092

You don't exactly need to be earning that much to afford a house, especially if your job is completely remote and you can live wherever the hell you want. 6 figures is still a lot of money. Even many of the biggest twitch streamers often barely break 7 figures in sub revenue.

As an aside, a massive cut of the merch will not reach their hands, though it's undoubtedly important to their income.

>> No.24806095

Rosemi's YGO streams saw a huge decline anyway, after she got destroyed by Pomu and Shu (whom played maybe like 10 hours of it compared to Rosemi's hundreds) during a tournament Rosemi herself organized kek

>> No.24806099

>why is nijisanji en functioning like nijisanji jp where the first person to certain sub goals get things first
why are you retarded

>> No.24806114

That and a lot of people just found Reimu kinda annoying

>> No.24806156

Even for nijis merch tends to be the biggest money earner. You could see it in that one report they made when going public.

>> No.24806163

I just don't feel the need to be membered anymore, why donate to a girl who just treats streaming as a lazy way to earn money for her real career later
Rosemi is basically treating vtubing like being a stripper in the early 2000's

>> No.24806191

She latched onto Vox's cock and basically turned away SO many potential simps.

>> No.24806209

>Miko, who doesn't make that much on superchats
Miko is one of the biggest in the industry you dense retard

>> No.24806212

Pomu is fully invested in being a streamer, rosemi completely killed off her audience investment, why donate to a habitual graduator

>> No.24806237

I remember a dude dropping 100s if bucks on Reimu's streamlabs back in December before Reimu become an accessory to Vox. Dude's nowhere to be seen these days.

>> No.24806243

the entire streaming as a career killed the thing for me. I only watch og fags now who already made it and can now fuck around doing whatever they want. watching all those retards going for a rat race and failing/alienating their fanbase in the process got tiresome quickly.

>> No.24806314

That nigga Whitefox. He was Reimu and Millie's main oilbaron, second the Vox saga happened, he bounced.

>> No.24806341

She's actually an awful, awful streamer. The worst in a big corpo maybe.

>> No.24806350

I'm a Holofag and like Rosemi, but to be honest...I don't think Hololive needs another streamer that streams infrequently due to school or another job. She MIGHT fit in better during Hololive collabs. There might be less people with whom she can play games like Valorant impromptu, unless she reaches out to the JP branch.

>> No.24806390

Ever since he dropped the 1k I think he hasn't donated. He was like an Aaron type that donated frequently until he did that.
>muh party game
It's clear she was aiming for money with that comment, and according to Tekkenfags only Tekken is a fighting game. Seriously, we get an "FGC" chuuba who has streamed fighting games like 6 times if you include Smash, if not less.

>> No.24806392

As is expected

>> No.24806425

im also a holofag who likes rosemi, and i personally just think it would be extremely fucking funny if she somehow got into holo and skipped corps once again, so it should happen

>> No.24806426

Yeah, a lot of the good streams to watch are all by streamers that never have to worry about money but still care about interacting with chat
I've followed rosemi for way too long and there's just a pit in my stomach that won't go away ever since she said she's going back to school
It's obviously what she wants to focus on for her future, but I donated all that money to her because I wanted to support her streams, not some career I will never see

>> No.24806504


>> No.24806523

Among the biggest money earners are voice packs(at least for some) since almost all of that goes to the Liver in question. Obviously not a huge money maker for the company I guess

>> No.24806540

It would undoubtably cause a shitstorm because it antis just need to point out how history is repeating itself. Everyone would know it is her after 5 seconds of speaking because she can't hide her mannerisms. I think Hololive fans that know Rosemi would be happy to have her. I don't know how Niji fans would react.

>> No.24806567

>I think Hololive fans that know Rosemi would be happy to have her.
Speak for yourself faggot I don't want her anywhere near Holo.

>> No.24806635

can we stop with these threads already, its depressing enough as it is

>> No.24806682

Hilarious /rose/ gets like 20 IPs and with 3 fags spamming image desperate to keep it alive saying
>lets discuss the rose
And then they don't say anything. Amd actual discussion is treated as anti shit.

>> No.24806687

There’s no way...even Covers’ homos make that

>> No.24806735

Still better than shit like philosophy

>> No.24806780

If she ditches Niji to join HoloEN it would cause a huge unquellable surge of tribalfag shitposting, like the kind Luna used to have but 10x, and it would completely cement her status as a flake.

>> No.24806795

She's boring, has an obnoxious voice, is ESL, her game choices are garbage and she can't make them entertaining because her whole personality is being a loud obnoxious whore when she's not being Vox's cocksleeve, is so shit at singing despite being an utaite for years that even trash like Pomu performs better.

>> No.24806814

Why do almost all the NijiEN girls end up accessories to the males? it’s not even like that in NijiJP, what’s the difference?

>> No.24806820

a lot of us have moved on, me personally i have more productive things to do than to be mad about the direction rosemi has decided to go in

>> No.24806873

She's super boring solo, picks boring games, she's a bit of a cunt (goes for the spicy latina personality but just comes off as an asshole), during collabs she's gigaloud and talks over everyone and just spoils the fun every time she's around, and she's ESL. She also spams collabs all the time, half her content is collabs.

>> No.24806883

Stop being so reasonable. What the fuck are you doing on this board?

>> No.24806902

Saying she's shit at singing is a stretch, that makes (you) sound salty she blows your oshi away. Since you mention Pomu, it makes sense pomudachis seem to love shitting on other's singing ability when Pomu is pretty terrible outside of anything in her operatic range.

>> No.24806943

>when Pomu is pretty terrible outside of anything in her operatic range.
At least Pomu has that, Reimu sounds like a badly tuned vocaloid all the time KEK

>> No.24806972

>she's ESL
damn i am never making it as an ESL

>> No.24806985

whoreshojo rejects

>> No.24807001

Holo took over the western market entirely. The men get away with it by pandering to china instead.

>> No.24807031

I ain't mad. I am just saying why I think Rosemi finds herself where she does and find it hilarious Rosebuds cannot discuss her. They're retarded ritualposters. At least the ones left, they don't know how to discuss their oshi.
It's pathetic.

>> No.24807076

Did you miss the paragraphs of essays posted after you shitposted and left

>> No.24807142

Alright, what would Rosemi need to do in order to convince you guys that she is dedicated to streaming? Give me something besides the obvious "stream more" and more specific than "be more interesting.

>> No.24807178

Probably hates the fact she didnt get into HoloEN where youre set for life and can stream twice a week to 7500+ loyal viewer averages

>> No.24807179

Put in actual effort again? She dropped doing skits and creative streams to play lowbrow trash like The Walking Dead.

>> No.24807220

its just ive already been through this with rosemi before, theres no point to ranting, she will do whatever she wants to do
shes taught everyone not to get attached

>> No.24807234

>Rosemi is not dedicated to streaming because she spent dozens of hours playing a game she is not even allowed to turn donations on for

>> No.24807245

Renounce MTG and apologize for playing it

>> No.24807268

>Give me something besides the real answer
Just put out actually good content. I don't even mind the stream frequency.

>> No.24807274

i dont watch her, but she should talk about her plans on streaming, things she wants to achieve etc. I mean holo talents constantly remind people how much they enjoy what theyre doing and things they want to do during the year, so the idea of graduating doesnt even enter people's mind.

>> No.24807310

Because they choose to be. NijiEN males got a huge buff by being the 1st large corpo specifically "EN" male branch on the scene, so of course the underperformers and leeches want a piece of the pie. It's kinda sad, I miss the days of pre-Ethyria where smaller guys like Bobon got featured more.

>> No.24807322


>> No.24807348

Announce she will not be going back to school.
As long as she wants to go back to college she is telling everyone that streaming isn't her future and that she will half-ass it.

Look at haachama, she's been focusing so much on school that her streams have been completely half-assed

>> No.24807354

Hi Rosemi

>> No.24807375

Why are schizobuds like this?

>> No.24807394

Rosemi would never ask that. She didn't give a shit.

>> No.24807466 [DELETED] 

>Ever since he dropped the 1k I think he hasn't donated. He was like an Aaron type that donated frequently until he did that.
My new rrat is that he is roseschizo. Gave her all that money for quitting her job and going full time streamer, then she goes in a different direction than he wanted.

>> No.24807482

You mean...besides when she asked it on stream before and failed to even really take the feedback to heart?

>> No.24807562

Is he a schizo for not sending money when he doesn't enjoy her content anymore?

>> No.24807567

I feel like i only ever see these kinds of threads about Rosemi from nijiEN. Does she actually do anything bad or did she just cultivate a schizo fanbase like holos did

>> No.24807580 [DELETED] 

He would be if he was the one making all these threads every week

>> No.24807593

I love those Rosemi hate threads. Keep em coming

>> No.24807658

No, school would be the better financial option for Petra.

>> No.24807668

Tell me how you don't know what an accountant is without telling me you don't know what an accountant is

>> No.24807696

I almost feel bad for wanting more of these. I know some of you care about these girls, but I can’t help but bring out the popcorn when someone’s doing stupid shit and imploding their own career, it’s too fascinating.

>> No.24807705

Imagining that someone else is a boogieman makes you the schizo anon, that's not a rrat

>> No.24807776

Cover is done poaching talent from Niji. Luna was the first(?) and last time they'd do that. If you get into Niji, you won't be able to get into Cover later on.

>> No.24807787 [DELETED] 

schizo threads deserve schizo posts

>> No.24807823

Anon, stop doing this to yourself

>> No.24807902
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No matter how much they say that Rosemi is a bad Vtuber, I love watching her streams, she always makes me smile when I see how clumsy she is for everything, and that even though she has changed her "character" she is still the same when I see a video of her PL.
I understand that for many it is frustrating that she hasn't changed and that they feel that she is going to graduate soon and that's why she doesn't put effort into her streams, but the only thing I see is a girl that has a hard time saying her opinions and getting along with people, and I feel bad to see her being attacked for that, yes, she may not talk about everything that happens to her like other girls, but she is a Vtuber, not your girlfriend or your property to know what she does with her life every hour or that she has to say everything that goes through her mind.

That's why I'm a member, not because I think she's forced to "meet expectations", but because I enjoy her content and want to support the person behind it, so stop being so obsessive, nothing good comes out of being like that Rosebuds, I used to be that way but you know what, in the end no matter how much you are watching every single thing about a person, you don't have control of their actions and you will only get frustrated, you have to enjoy the moments we spend with Rosemi without trying to complain every second, if you don't like her anymore go with another girl and that's it.

I love Rosemi, and even if she said that next month she is retiring I wouldn't stop loving her or watching her videos until the last day.

>> No.24807994


>> No.24808009

You have reached acceptance in your stages of grief.

>> No.24808062

Wow, she actually mindbroke you.

>> No.24808080

Based truebud

>> No.24808158

>not your girlfriend or your property to know what she does with her life every hour or that she has to say everything that goes through her mind
nobody sane expects that. people just prefer not being treated like means to an end. it's pretty obvious her goals lie elsewhere and she just wants to coast along until she achieves them. i watch another streamer who is pretty vocal about wanting to earn money via streaming. he gives heads up about sponsored streams, explains why streamlab donos are more profitable than sc etc. at the same time he makes sure to do at least 3-4 hours of normal stream before sponsored segment and always tells people about breaks/his switch to part time streamer because he accepted a temporary gig in 2-3 months. and he's not some gigachad, just an autistic dude playing minecraft and stardew valley to 100 people. you can be transparent and not share 100% of your life with people. it's on her in this case.

>> No.24808171

sounds perfect for Hololive.
>disappoints fans
>sucks at collabs
>treats streaming as a side gig
>but is a cute girl
Does she have any mental or physical problems that can also hinder her streaming schedule? If so there might be a spot just for her

>> No.24808398

First of all fuck you. But yes, in Hololive openly streaming a side gig doesn't necessarily make you unpopular. Streaming less as a consequence of the main gig might.

>> No.24808513

"I pity Rosemi"
What a way to pick your oshi; based on pity. The state of Rosemi.

>> No.24808532

Lulu forma 3dpd is everything she wishes to be:
>successful in private life
>still has dedicated fanbase
>genuinely loves her community and spends HOURS with them
>shills merch but uses it to funnel those funds for creative stream ideas
>genuinely happy person that can not only live 2 separate lives but to connect them
Compared to her Rosemi is a fucking failure with only delusional cucks coping "she's not your gf:<<<<" and donating 5$ every 2 weeks.

>> No.24808544

If she's saving up for doing her Masters, then no that's not enough money.

>> No.24808552

>imploding her own career
Not really, in NijiEN she isn't even top 5 of being closest to graduation anymore

>> No.24808593

Have ONE kino stream and follow it up with a week of good streams

>> No.24808605

she still has her first degree to pay off. she is just forced to start Masters early. Probably funds running out and wanting to start it while she still can get some money off her rosecucks. 2 more waves and she will be indie tier.

>> No.24808649

Which is funny because Rosemi tried to connect her vtuber persona with her IRL self back when she was an indie.

>> No.24808659

Finana is a common variety twitch egirl, there isn’t anything that makes her stand out. Reimu is annoying and can’t drop the loud Latina stick. Petra is just boring.

>> No.24808721
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Based. Couldn't have said it better myself. She's such an adorable dork
I love wosemi!

>> No.24808820

>her first incarnation
>felt the most genuine too
sad times to be amiki

>> No.24808865

i was a member because i thought her becoming a full time streamer meant she was going to achieve her dreams
i stopped being a member once i learned those dreams meant her no longer streamer

i would rather oshi the cashier at my local walgreens pharmacy than a girl who is planning on disappearing after taking my money

>> No.24808911

>she was going to achieve her dreams
What were those dreams, exactly?

>> No.24808925

midwit stemcel

>> No.24808933

Looks like Rosemi didnt live up to the expectations

>> No.24808957

>264 posts
>62 IPs
>ITT full of holobeggers and retraded rosebud
Just pathetic you Rosebuds

>> No.24808963

She has some vocal dedicated schizos and the usual amount of disappointed viewers that chime in when she is criticized. Supporters/defenders are oddly silent.

>> No.24809015

It's called a discussion. Someone says something, you reply. They reply.

>> No.24809071

They can be making mid 6 figures before taxes, but if they're paying JP income taxes plus have tons of non-deductable expenses they're comfortably middle class at best.

>> No.24809160

She's my favorite NijiEN but the quality of her content started declining at the same time she went full time streamer. It feels like she's used all the good will she built up and no one has a reason to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore.

>> No.24809392

she's in Canada
school is really cheap here

>> No.24809450

You forgot to call us ficklebuds, cuck.
Post an image of Rosemi saying you love her. Rosebuds are a dronish collective incapable of discussion. But they love owning le schizos, which is why /rose/ is dead and why /OBSY/ was short-lived.

>> No.24809455

she told us she always wanted to be a full time streamer, it's an obvious assumption that it meant entertainment goals
telling us she just wanted to use streaming as a way to finance an office job is not what i was supporting

most fans support their oshi because it will continue the streams, if they told us from the get go that their money will directly cause them to eventually stop streaming, you will see what is happening to rosemi now happen on a much wider scale

>> No.24809536

>Oh look I know how to check IP.
Please fuck off to another thread if you have nothing important to say

>> No.24809539

I'll give this a (You) because it seems genuine.
But no. Her content really hasn't changed much since she went full time.
It's still mainly the same stuff as before. The only thing that changed was people stopped supporting her for doing what she wanted. She still has kino streams. Like her space stream. Her gunpla stream, her speed running IRL, and stuff like that.
The only thing is that yugioh is the only time her chat pays.
She gets at least $200 more than average per yugioh stream, so why put in the extra effort if you won't make anything off it?

>> No.24809572

Average salary in nipland is around 40k $, even after taxes earning six figure is way beyond middle class.
They make as much as successful white collar workers.

>> No.24809801

everything she does ends in failure lmao

>> No.24809803

Nina said she applied for the sole reason of wanting to be around the men, when she debuted. It isn't even a leech thing, really.

The other girls, because they're tired of grinding in solo streams so they became male accessories to get more popular.

>> No.24809879

Kiara and Bae are ESL, it's not that hard to make it.

>> No.24809899

>sucking on the golden teet of kuzuha isnt leeching

>> No.24809920

Kiara puts in a ton of time and effort into streaming in order to combat her ESL. Bae is on the decline.

>> No.24809922

Where did the money go?

And all this just a cause of regular audience turnover without an adequate influx of new viewers?

>> No.24809953

I don't watch her but she seems to be the go to Niji EN for Holo watchers.

>> No.24810080

>muh incel
Kill yourself retard

>> No.24810094

Getting master's degree is cheap in Canada? Really?

>> No.24810103

Thanks for the response. I'll admit that me watching less of her streams is mainly because of having less time for vtubers in general, so maybe I've bought into the rrats too much.

That being said, when I do catch her streams as of late, it feels like something is missing. Something that was there for all of last year.

>> No.24810163

That would be Pomu or even Selen

>> No.24810224

>t. holorosecuck deflecting

>> No.24810313

how are people with 300k subs struggling with money? Does Niggersanji take that much of their earnings?

>> No.24810316
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>> No.24810323

I love how obvious it is that the schizos are from the /#/ hellhole, they barely try to hide it

>> No.24810365

University is affordable anywhere other than burgerland. The rest of the world actually values education

>> No.24810369

If you're legitimately trying to say that the go to niji for Holofags isn't Pomu you might actually be deranged

>> No.24810421

source? let me guess, the voices in your head?

>> No.24810426

No, Rosemi is just a boring unentertaining whore. Pomu has multiple costly projects in the works, and recently said that she still has plenty of money left for whatever she wants. And this is with her paying for a private medical insurance and a 401k.

>> No.24810438

I know, but income taxes are much higher in Nippon than in burger land. Plus, they have a lot more non-deductable expenses than your average OL.

>> No.24810529

Keep deflecting rosecuck, it's really funny.

>> No.24810580

for the last time, Bae is not ESL, stop trying to force it every time you actual ESL retard.

>> No.24810623

I'm a holofag who only membered Selen and unmembered her months ago but I guess I was right about you being deranged

>> No.24810653

LMFAO sure you did rosecuck

>> No.24810668

The fact that, it was a shit show with antis when Luna joined. Also, Hololive doesn't need to leech off of NijiSanji anymore.

There's tons of former NijiSanji JP chuubas that Cover could of picked-up, but didn't.

>> No.24810744

pretty sure it's just fans tired of her bullshit.
pure "Anti thread"s wouldn't last for even 30 posts before getting bumped off, but Rosemi "anti thread"s reach bump limit every single time.

>> No.24810768

You know something is very wrong when critcism threads drown actual support threads. And no, the "schizos" crying about Ike and Luca do not make this shift in opinion.

>> No.24810809

I wouldn't say costly, but they are unique/different. Like the watercolor paintings she's going to be doing on stream that'll be used in an MV for an upcoming song cover.

>> No.24810819

I'm surprised you guys still have hope for her after going through all that. But love is blind I guess.

>> No.24810836
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Based and redpilled

>> No.24810858

>I only watch og fags now who already made it and can now fuck around
>still have hope for her
reading comprehension reps, now

>> No.24810888

fans became antis after criticisms were ignored, worst thing to happen to any chuuba fanbase.

>> No.24810905

>it was a shit show with antis when Luna joined.
no it wasn't, nobody cares, she wasn't some high-profile niji

>> No.24810915
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>> No.24810921

Her own fault, rosemi and pomu are similar in that they both had the same issues, but Pomu overcame her main issues when Rosemi just folded
They both needed something new, a stick to stand out and keep a dwindling fanbase from disappearing and where Pomo picked metal gear and revived that dead meme with pure passion
Rosemi did master duel, got some new attention but never did anything with it, she had just as good a chance as pomu but messed it up

>> No.24810983

>Make a gorillion criticism threads
>"Wow can you believe there's more criticism threads than support threads?"
Nice try OP.

>> No.24811020

you fucker... you got me for a second

>> No.24811032

imagine being so bad at streaming that people can make thousand threads shitting on you and never run out of ammo.

>> No.24811066

No retard, I mean in posts. These threads have for months consistently outposted /rose/ and the Obsydia thread. I cannot think of a more objective proof Rosemi's stuff has gotten worse.

>> No.24811069

Yep, and unless you're retarded and live in Tokyo or something, you can live GOOD on an average salary, hell you can buy a house for way under 100k if you don't mind commuting.

>> No.24811149

That would be a good argument if it wasn't just 1 person making threads with the same "arguments" every time

>> No.24811202

>the usual "it's only one person cope"
sure amigo, that one person has multiple styles of writing and things to latch onto. he is also awake 24 hours to post at different times.

>> No.24811212

>schizobud thread hits bump limit
I hate you all

>> No.24811214

>support thread
>criticism threads
holobrony spotted, spamming the catalog over 1 liver isn't normal

>> No.24811237

You obviously saw this thread and decided to check, just to see if she maybe improved a little bit.
As long as you have that spark of hope, you will continue monitoring her, to see if she becomes who you want her to be.

>> No.24811250

Kinda funny how much Rosemi is defined by stagnation/the same thing.
Her content aint better
Her supporters like her cuz she is cute
Most people are bored of her because she has nothing outside being cute
Sasuga Rosemi, unmoving monolith.

>> No.24811280

>1 thread

>> No.24811284

When you're so deranged that even something as inconsequential as the content of the OP is "ammo" for you, you'll never run out. Rosemi could become the best vtuber ever and you schizos would still find something.
>I cannot think of a more objective proof Rosemi's stuff has gotten worse.
Yeah because the tone in which something is """discussed""" on 4chan is the ultimate metric of its quality.

>> No.24811297

Not to mention this thread has more people. /rose/ barely got 20 IPs.
Rosecoin is plummeting.

>> No.24811314

If you really feel this way, then donate $500 on her next stream.

>> No.24811315

You say that like being cute isn't just a result of someone's personality. You know, the main reason people like someone.

>> No.24811344

just because i like watching trainwrecks doesn't mean i hope they will be fine, that's some goalpost moving right there.

>> No.24811405

Karma for all those times rosecucks tried to push the narrative about how their whore is superior to Pomu in every aspect. Oh how funny it was to see them seethe during the Jackbox collab when it became obvious for everyone to see how much of a talentless whore Rosemi really is.

>> No.24811422

Wrong. Rosemi's cuteness arises from mannerisms/innocence. Her personality? Shy girl that wishes she could break out of her shell.

>> No.24811427

>nijisanji thread
>nijiniggers complaining about hololive
like clockwork

>> No.24811436

retard, the implication of making several threads to "drown" out other threads is spamming

>> No.24811504

Ironic you say that. Rosebuds' idea of discussion is:
>Rosemi-sama LOVE!
When more people can elaborate why they dislike her than show support, something is wrong.

>> No.24811519

Suppressing criticism won't help anyone Rosebuds.
Learn from Deadbeats, they had zero issues criticizing Calli when she fucked up and even now they are aware of all her flaws, but most of them love her in-spite of it, and encourage her to become a better person.
If you shut down all criticism, your oshi will stagnate.

And to former Rosebuds who want her to be accountable, I'm assuming you're spamming here because you have tried to post well-worded criticisms on her comments or as twitter replies/tags. Because if you haven't done at least that much, you probably weren't real fans anyway.

>> No.24811555

wtf is this? I thought this was a thread about Rosemi, but I see nijiniggers can't contain themselves from talking about hololive

>> No.24811568

Hey Rosecucks, your oshi's schedule is out.
4 collabs, all 4 including males.
2 solo streams, block game and gimmick stream.
She cares about you, I am sure she does.

>> No.24811608

>4 including male
Kek, just a unicorn huh go kys then. The males are not the issue but just collabs in general

>> No.24811684

>4 collabs, all 4 including males.
There it is.
And you retard antis wonder why Holo is brought up here when you don't even try to hide the fact that you're Holocorns.

>> No.24811692

all males are obnoxious twitchfags zoomers that bring nothing to the table. no need to be a unicorn to shit on them. if nina or reimu were there, i'd complain too despite them being females.

>> No.24811717

This. Holy shit those fuckers are so annoying in the /nijien/ general. There's a reason Dragoons and Pentomos don't want to share the /obsy/ thread with them and would rather stick to their own splits. Also they tried to merge with the Lazulight split like a month or so ago but everyone in there told them to fuck off.

>> No.24811743

I know it's one line above but I'll bump it just for you to see. If she collabed with ATP or Forsen I'd have no issues even though they are males. Nijimales are trash, don't @me.

>> No.24811789

>rosecucks being this desperate
rumao even
Face it: your whore became an accessory for the males and doesn't gives a shit about her fans anymore.

>> No.24811792

You just proved you only seen Luca. Noctyx unironically good streamers unlike Luxiem.

>> No.24811797

>all males are obnoxious twitchfags zoomers
You didn't have to make it even more obvious you're a unicorn who never watched them.

>> No.24811838

Its amazing how the men on this board manage to make 3rd wave feminists look like men's rights activists in comparison
>waaaaaaaaaaah malessssssss
not criticism

>> No.24811844


>> No.24811854

Yugo doesn't count, she's female larping as a dude

>> No.24811862


>> No.24811956

I've seen all of them. they are shit and some of them (Mysta/Fungus) on the verge of mental breakdown already. You need to have really shit taste to enjoy any male NijiEN shat out. Vox was ok but then he went full whore mode to pander to chinese female fans.

>> No.24811960

>literally just carbon copies of luxiemsharts except for one faggot that is boring as fuck that even he recognizes he's a trash streamer

>> No.24811999

To the anon that asked what she has to do get back support: she has to stop doing shit like this. I don't mind most males, Alban I actually don't like, but this collab bullshit.
Rosemi has no passion for streaming. She became a streamer to make friends.

>> No.24812015

I accept you concession

>> No.24812016

Rosemifags got mindbroken to the point they are now gonna defend the males? One of the biggest reasons Rosemi's streams went to shit? How much more pathetic can you get?

>> No.24812072

>Males in Rosemi thread
>Males in Rosemi stream
Like fanbase like oshi

>> No.24812099

More Holofaggotry leaking out.
Keep digging that hole.

>> No.24812105

Rosebuds opted for an unironic Discord-tier supporter approach to everything she does. Discordfags are the only Rosebuds left, the ones calling others ficklebuds.

>> No.24812185

>gfe vtuber
>uhhhh if you have something against the males she is collabing with you're a holobronie durr
The "holobronie"s dont give a single flying fuck about her.

>> No.24812188
File: 15 KB, 292x257, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"good" when Sonny, Uki and Yugo (all of which have so little personalities they might as well not exist in collabs) are in the wave

>> No.24812227

More Rosecuck in denial that the person he's responding to actually watched them. Stay mad, she will earn like 20 bucks this week and bail next month either way.

this is true, they even circlejerk here, as evidenced in this thread >>23138543 when one of their retards made her say le meme phrase, very funny

>> No.24812262

>gfe vtuber
>has never done gfe

>> No.24812275

change the year dumbass

>> No.24812306

>has never done gfe
>has done intimate asmr

>> No.24812312

only seen that used here in the catalog alongside rosecuck.

>> No.24812341

the amount of money ya gave her say it all, now fuck off

>> No.24812391

>space police
I mean, if that's your fetish, more power to you

>> No.24812403

Thats not gfe... thats just asmr

>> No.24812473

>conviniently omitting the asmr where she tucks you in bed and kisses you
suuuuure rosecuck, keep coping

>> No.24812481

4 days ago

>> No.24812558

>lewd thumbnail
>has a heart in the title
>Rosemi-sama will lure you
>another lewdd thumbnail
Keep deflecting rosecucks.

>> No.24812568

>Thinks Luxiem/Noctyx are bad streamers
>Is a baj
LMAO Forsen is OBSCENELY boring. He has zero wit and no insights to make up for it.
His streams are hard carried by his chat, but even that's a low form of entertainment.

>> No.24812640

Holy shit BTFO instantly lmaooo

>> No.24812665

So rosekeks are blindly defending anything Rosemi does and refuse to even acknowledge her faults.
Why are they like this?

>> No.24812673

There is nothing GFE about just kissing the homies goodnight. That's as platonic as it comes

>> No.24812742

Just because she is whispering into your ears with your head in her lap that doesnt mean its gfe

>> No.24812771

Rosecucks are truly delusional if you think this is GFE, unironically touch grass.

>> No.24812777

Today's battle result: Rosebuds lose.

>> No.24812800

Thats all they have left when she is now a dedicated cocksleeve for the males

>> No.24812847

No one thinks Fauna is GFE outside of people who don't watch her, you're showing the same bullshit by implying this is GFE. Basically outing yourselves as retards who don't know the purpose of ASMR

>> No.24812857

Nothing new. They've been losing for months now.

>> No.24812886

*lost the second they picked a snake

>> No.24812928

this thread has so far had
> quality and quantity of streams degrading
> "creative" steams becoming rarer
> less solo streams
> less care for membership promises
> males
and you choose to ignore everything but the last one.
Your oshi will never grow Rosebud, no matter how much you "water" her with money.

>> No.24812990

Asmr is inherently sexual and by default falls into GFE territory
But hey what do we know. A woman whispering sweet-talk into your ears as you lay your head into her lap clearly means you are just homies hanging out.

>> No.24812998

sunk cost

>> No.24813011

Touch grass, my nigga. I'm not saying that to be rude or trolly, but it's time for you to step back from the vtubing world if you think any of these girls are innocent or she's "in a shell" when she wasn't in her last 2 iterations.

>> No.24813176

too lazy. Rosemi isn't worth it making a new bait image every time. I don't hate her or anything, she's just very boring. Her main shtick is "I'm poor and cute."

>> No.24813406

Why doesn't Rosemi just become a camwhore? She'd probably do good at it, can show and have sex with her BF, make more money, still be respected. Its 2022 Rosemi cmon no one cares anymore.

>> No.24813496

For how much Rosemi's content has been degrading its still no where near that level. As said before, shes not even the closest to graduating in NijiEN or becoming a camwhore.

>> No.24813609

who is the closest then and why

>> No.24813698

Rosemi will NEVER join HoloEN.
Luxiem will ALWAYS make you /#/fags seethe.

And Amelia Watson is a washed up has-been. The golden age of being a teamate is over. Move on.

>> No.24813719

Finana. Just check her PL's twitter.

>> No.24813742

Reimu the moment Vox dros her

>> No.24813756

Im not going to spoonfeed you, but theres still something like 3 maybe 4 who are more likely

>> No.24814005
File: 32 KB, 145x145, 1564163847972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that it's established that Rosemi's antis are schizo Holocorns, how likely is it that their hate for Rosemi is just an extension of their hate for Mori?

It seems entirely plausible that they've seethed at Mori so much that merely seeing a "pink woman" triggers a pavlovian response that strips them of all reason a human may have, leaving only a frothing husk of a man capable of nothing but posting schizo shit.

>> No.24814045

Unironically this. Same deal as Elira, who is a bottom of the barrel nobody /here/. Just being cute doesn't you a good streamer. And there are plenty of other vtubers out there who are also cute but bring something interesting at the same time.

>> No.24814052

rosecuck deflection

>> No.24814071

all me

>> No.24814076

>ctrl+f ame or amelia
>only this post as a result

>> No.24814133

Finana is months away from quitting to fuck a fan. I can feel it.

>> No.24814163
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1632102289986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like the golden age of HoloEN is over

>> No.24814182

Now that I think about it, Rosecuck is a holobrony insult since fanbase+cuck isn't a thing in NijiEN. Rosebuds don't really have an insulting name like Pomucorn, Fagelira, Fagoon or Aloucreep. Should think of something better, else we lower our standards to the common schizo

>> No.24814375

No no no. It's perfect. It's used solely by Holofags and thus exposes everyone using it as a Holofag.

>> No.24814407
File: 7 KB, 477x90, 1634589882539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since fanbase+cuck isn't a thing in NijiEN.
Nigga what are you saying? /nijien/ has been using it since September.

>> No.24814468

Damn you finally found us out anon. Us "holobrony" are the only ones that hate nijisanji and we do that by watching all of their streams

>> No.24814488

>back when everyone was just a holobrony tourist
Yeah, NijiEN developed beyond common Holofag memes

>> No.24814494

>rosemisharts trying to put the blame on holofans instead of accepting how trash their chuuba became
Not surprised tbdesu

>> No.24814495

i am fine being called holofag since i know i don't watch them and even if i was, there would be nothing wrong with that. on the other hand rosecucks like you will writhe and try to soften the blow since you are unable to deal with the fact that it's what you are - a rosefag who is a cuck aka rosecuck. so yeah, cope, seethe and dilate rosecuck.

>> No.24814499

Bro you're delusional

>> No.24814548

I have never saw a cope this obvious and pathetic

>> No.24814551

Women talking to you isn't GFE. You're delusional if you think she does GFE.

>> No.24814566

jesas they're already dead, stop hitting them.

>> No.24814593

They keep responding, not sure what they expected
