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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 152 KB, 1749x1413, 1653062402747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24793092 No.24793092 [Reply] [Original]

For the ケイソン組 and 桐生会
Previous: >>24605220

>> No.24793815

Of course she's playing ark

>> No.24793828
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>> No.24793851

offstream ark counts as resting

>> No.24793915

You've got to be kidding me.

>> No.24794014

Chiho is streaming ARK, you can see her there.

>> No.24796219
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>> No.24796370
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Boss, get your rest...

>> No.24796413
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>> No.24796552
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>> No.24796647
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>> No.24796813

this dumb chorogon NEVER learns

>> No.24797783
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>> No.24798007

Pika is also online.
Well at least kson is well enough to play Ark, but it doesn't really help with my kson addiction

>> No.24799667
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>> No.24800211 [SPOILER] 
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I love this bitch and her big round butt

>> No.24800247
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>> No.24800347

Can everybody tell Kson to stop taking Covid boosters? That thing is going to kill her

>> No.24800369

That's a long pussy lips

>> No.24800394

for you

>> No.24802604

ARK boss fight happening right now.

>> No.24802819

Is that the beta again? I can't see shit, Chiho's bitrate is so low.

>> No.24803087

They're brainwashed at this point. Literally weakening her immune system with every shot.

>> No.24803989

op didnt put the thing in the subject so i got lost...

>> No.24804051


>> No.24804673

that's not how vaccines work though

>> No.24804893

It's not a typical vaccine. mRNA blocks receptor sites for viruses rather than stimulating an immune response by introducing a piece of the virus into the body. These shots are ineffective at best and really deadly at worst. Strokes and heart problems have shot up worldwide in the past year.

>> No.24805157
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>> No.24805350

>ineffective at best
you just said how they are effective though

>> No.24806861

I've been away for 3 days, what's new?

>> No.24807370

Not much. She did a chatting stream as a return to streaming after the booster shot, beat ARK Lost Island gamma and beta bosses with her friends and then fell ill.

>> No.24810059
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, cocos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24810410

i want a coco cosplayer gf
theyre all menhera carpet munchers tho

>> No.24810800

>decided to sit down and finally set up my Twitch account on my computer to take part in those streams more meaningfully
>saw those tweets about being hospitalized
Well now I want to procrastinate more one it.

>> No.24812522
File: 85 KB, 506x621, s16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24812823

I miss her, so much...

>> No.24815637

The receptor it blocks is so specific that it's different for every mutation strain of COVID so it's basically pointless to get boosters that are always lagging behind the mutations. Only the spike protein is doing anything and apparently that's where the vax injuries causing nerve issues and myocarditis/pericarditis are coming from.
You are literally better off getting Rona and recovering and then having natural immunity because the vaccine essentially erases the antibodies you gain from previous exposure. CDC said this a year ago. I don't even argue with people about it anymore because most are too far gone to try to learn anything an feel comfortable listening to authority rather than science.
Scary thing about kson is if she ever has a debilitating health issue of any kind, there's a high likelihood she will an hero. Just going off of her really strict DNR tattoo.

>> No.24815936

the statistics of vaccinated people dying from covid are insignificant compared to those not vaccinated though

>> No.24816023

Where did you get this information and who from?

>> No.24816320

How do you think kson was like 10 years ago? a menhera? even more of a weeb? even more hyperactive? it hard for me to think about her without her wise / calming aura

>> No.24816335

As I said, I'm not into arguing this stuff anymore. I'm fucking done with it. I just hope for the best for kson and that she fully recovers.

>> No.24816490

She's still playing ark...

>> No.24816539

we're on the same wavelength

>> No.24816667

i'm sad that she didn't accept me as a friend on steam

>> No.24816763
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>> No.24816805

I think you got tricked by internet schizos and are too proud to admit it.

>> No.24816911


>> No.24817048

She's gonna play all night until her doctor's appointment in the morning most likely

>> No.24817052
File: 46 KB, 724x178, 1645486499778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancel the request, block her, unblock her and send the request again. Worked for me... last year.

>> No.24817072

It's Imsomnia arc all over again...

>> No.24817191

She most likely isn't going to add anyone else unless you're a huge superchatter. Her friends list is probably near the max and she needs to have spots open for all her new vtuber friends she's making on twitch.

>> No.24817286

let's fire up the candles

>> No.24817390
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>> No.24819667
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>> No.24821644
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Man, I still feel a little sappy when I see full yonkisei stuff, even if it's just one member with icons/symbols of the other four. Even when Towa gets a new background, or whatnot. It's just a brief pang of happysad.

>> No.24821811

ill still never forgive that slut tower for making me cry at cocos graduation

>> No.24822956
File: 363 KB, 680x665, ogey9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24824343

Good morning, my ass... go to sleep

>> No.24825179
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>> No.24826717
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>> No.24828748

I miss Daikou, she wasn't either souchou nor coco, she was something else...

>> No.24830351
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>> No.24830527

>mfw I'm addicted to ark
>she's addicted to ark

>> No.24832341
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The thigh pinch on that middle cosplayer...

>> No.24832420
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>> No.24833016


>> No.24834474

Wow that's an old clip. Also what is this fresh hell YouTube has come up with. This interface is so bad I can't see the clip length or change time or anything.

>> No.24834477
File: 1.09 MB, 1050x1400, FBmqAjhVIAE_9dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was cute

>> No.24836075

is a short, some kind instagram/tiktik kind of video

>> No.24836726

I love her old voice. I'm not mad at her recent voice, but I love how she sounded during the Southern English classes.

>> No.24836936

yeah it was extremely cute, like some sort of coco beta voice

>> No.24837555

bruh, she's basically skin and bones during that stream.

>> No.24839091
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See you tonight... possibly... hopefully

>> No.24841832
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I also hope she's well enough to see soon.

>> No.24843991

No chance bro.

>> No.24844297
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>> No.24845054

No, Kanata, it wasn't your fault, it's just your friend is a dum bum who can't keep herself in bed

>> No.24845720

what did she say?

>> No.24846307
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She needed some alone time with her friend

>> No.24847777
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>> No.24848850
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>> No.24850165

I didn't know what you meant but I just saw the trailer. Too bad she doesn't like FPS games.

>> No.24851733
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>> No.24851738
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>> No.24852024

inb4 8 hours of ARK

>> No.24852706

>diagnosis of exhaustion
>will absolutely proceed to spend several more sleepless night playing ARK
You just know it

>> No.24853245

No you don't get it
The Japanese are injecting their breeding age women with a death vaccine while their demographics are collapsing for pfizer stock capital gains

>> No.24853356

34 years huh, her eggs...

>> No.24853598
File: 453 KB, 678x671, 1634775229932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were married married before I was born

>> No.24853738

Oh nevermind I thought it was a new tweet

>> No.24856546

Imagine getting sick of playing Ark so much because you don’t sleep
What an autist

>> No.24856595

Playing ark whole night is not considered resting
change mu mind.

>> No.24856988

Has Haachama sent Kson a gachikoi message?

>> No.24857736

If she wants to relax she should go on an onsen trip with her wife, she can't play Ark there.

>> No.24858564
File: 618 KB, 816x926, 1635351457137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes just like me except replace ark with my own autistic obsession

>> No.24859740

Anon, what is your obsession?

>> No.24859920

modded minecraft

>> No.24861839


>> No.24862568

watching kson

>> No.24864686
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>> No.24864897

Kson sleep schedule, I'm actually good at foreseeing break days just paying attention at the time she wakes up or hoe many hours she probably slept

>> No.24866841

Huh. Has she sang その血の運命?
I know there's a karaoke archive like Cocodex, but for Souchou, but I failed to bookmark it, and can't find it by searching.

>> No.24866942


>> No.24867022

I didn't realize fans got ahold of her .com lol that's easy to remember.

>> No.24869790


>> No.24870230

does anyone know that video in which Kaichou goes from one screen corner to another while shouting "WOAH WOAH WOAH" ?

>> No.24870256

3d debut?

>> No.24870385

holy fuck I'm retarded. Thanks!

>> No.24872002
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>> No.24873292
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>> No.24873686


>> No.24874339

Man, this brings back memories.

>> No.24875730

why did she stop singing volare

>> No.24875878

She was overcome with disappointment when she learned it is an Italian song. Now mention of the song only brings painful memories of the lies she was told.

>> No.24875954

italian, spanish, french, portuguese.. its all the same thing

>> No.24876013
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>> No.24876071


>> No.24876119

She hates Italian pizza...

>> No.24876316

She probably just forgot about the song
Well to be fair it is a italian song, covered by an french group who added some lyrics in spanish, even I had to look it up and I'm spic

>> No.24876450

>you will never squish her tummy playfully while she laughs and tell you not to do it...
Why even live...

>> No.24876481


>> No.24876780

Yup, that's the one. Thanks, anon!

>> No.24880595


>> No.24880704

have a bump
t. haaton

>> No.24881822

best kson song?

>> No.24882418

Sousei No Akuerion

>> No.24883164
File: 93 KB, 264x222, udekumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon's Cocoon

>> No.24883645

How many animes has this bitch seen? or maybe she's more of a manga weaboo...

>> No.24883702

She mentioned she reads manga a lot more than she watches anime

>> No.24883885

She takes her meds guys. Do you?

>> No.24883901

yeah i medicate if you know what i mean

>> No.24884081

She's 漫画派

>> No.24884308

I've started taking my psychiatric meds and now I'm sleepy all day but I don't know if it is because of the meds or my shitty sleep schedule

>> No.24884515 [DELETED] 

That kinda sucks but at least you can do your sleep reps. My father is taking meds for his anxiety and there're making him more anxious it seems...

>> No.24884557

That kinda sucks but at least you can do your sleep reps. My father is taking meds for his anxiety and there're making him more anxious it seems, those things can backfire easily...

>> No.24885289

>Well to be fair it is a italian song, covered by an french group who added some lyrics in spanish, even I had to look it up and I'm spic
Yeah I was being sarcastic anyway. I remember her being shocked/surprised, and I THINK it was the last time I heard her perform it, but I do not seriously think that is connected or casual.

>> No.24885476

I don't know how to rank "best", but my favorite from the Souchou era is tied between 千本桜 and Rage Of Dust.

>> No.24887349
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>> No.24890388
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>> No.24890877
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>> No.24891166

Haachama is on twitch now.

>> No.24891493

I can smell the collab from here...

>> No.24892204
File: 150 KB, 1294x1142, __akai_haato_kson_and_souchou_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_isuka__cb80c1e8806796ac1ac266c703c462fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24892369

I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. Maybe after her 1st year graduation anniversary.

>> No.24892559

Was there ever a vid/reaction of Kson logging in to Ark in Pikame's cage?

>> No.24892704

at 24 mins

>> No.24892894


>> No.24893640

Lol, it's her goal actually a collab?

>> No.24893785
File: 1.24 MB, 1887x1066, firstly beliebe you are haachamachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beliebe in The Chama.

>> No.24894222
File: 135 KB, 258x276, 1591835383408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beliebe

>> No.24894258

>Haachama inspire Kson to be chuuba
>Kson inspire Haachama to be the strongest chuuba
Their bond is unbreakable

>> No.24894614
File: 472 KB, 794x448, 1627182681716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss them

>> No.24894714

I don't remember Sneed's Feed & Seed being in that stream? Is it a shoop? Either way, I should rewatch it sometime. I miss these dorks interacting.

>> No.24895080

It's an edit.

>> No.24897359
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 2e81218d0a57862ebfce2975a62b5b39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planned to stream on Mildom a lot before she gets demonetized
>2 weeks pass with only 1 unarchived stream
>only a couple days left to do a final onsen stream
Not looking good mildombros...

>> No.24897505

>Haachama inspire Kson to be chuuba
That was Kizuna AI, not Haachama.

>> No.24900084

I don't think there's gonna be stream until Friday.

>> No.24900333

It's over for that site anyway, they are dismissing all the authorized streamers.

>> No.24900363

>they are dismissing all the authorized streamers.
what happened?

>> No.24900427

I don't know, I just saw people talking about it on Twitter.

>> No.24902135

Sounds like a dLive situation to me.

>> No.24902519

They're probably looking to get bought out.

>> No.24902970

how many holomem has seen kson naked?
I know aki did

>> No.24903324

Are we gonna loose the archives?

>> No.24903393


>> No.24904333


>> No.24904938

>how many holomem has seen kson naked?

>> No.24905025
File: 2.79 MB, 378x658, 1646321073475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, time to play some stellaris
keep this thread alive anons

>> No.24905350

Yura/Ribbon collab right now btw

>> No.24905627

She's in the free chat.

>> No.24907069
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>> No.24907388


>> No.24908853
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>> No.24909501

Is She OK?

>> No.24909947


>> No.24910392

Hey You guys said her mildom is dead lol

>> No.24911237
File: 628 KB, 1200x600, 146845154875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK addict...

>> No.24911283
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>> No.24911319

She sounds like she's on sleeping pills again.

>> No.24911375
File: 259 KB, 850x829, 1606752567408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, it brings back memories

>> No.24911538

I'm on mildom, but there's nothing

>> No.24911545

thought the same

>> No.24911562


>> No.24911612

Many thanks

>> No.24912405

I guess I will start archiving her Mildom streams for when the site inevitably dies

>> No.24912626

You have less than a week to do that

>> No.24912717

Her archives expire in a week?

>> No.24912778

She is leaving the platform, I don't remember if she is going to delete the channel.

>> No.24913047

just the member only archives since she will turn off the monetization. The normal archives apparently will expire after 3 months.

>> No.24913215

Did Mildom staff tell her that or is that what chat speculated? I missed most of the beginning of the stream since I had to go potty.

>> No.24913226

Place your bets on when she'll go to sleep today

>> No.24913324

speculated. Maybe they can make an exception for her, who knows

>> No.24914706


10 am

>> No.24915212

manga name: I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could

>> No.24915255


>> No.24915429

>I can't sleep
She's not even trying to sleep...

>> No.24915518

>Bro the only way to have a way to not get the virus is to get the virus so you have natural immunity to the virus
Do you people even listen to yourselves?

>> No.24915843

where's the kson sleep schedule expert

>> No.24916134

>kson sleep schedule
There's no such thing.

>> No.24916201

Well that's plenty of time. Also I just counted and she has over 90 hours of Ark on this site.

>> No.24916758

Is that even worth archiving?

>> No.24917603

>Sleeping pill
Let's fucking go!

>> No.24917633

Jesus Christ... just go rest

>> No.24917664

Do rich people do this everyday?

>> No.24918782
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>> No.24920728
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>> No.24920774

sex i get it sex sex sex

>> No.24920973
File: 218 KB, 850x1222, 1624160658498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm did I hear sex?

>> No.24921000


>> No.24921010

sex with Ark

>> No.24921043

tek rex sex

>> No.24921154


>> No.24922862
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>> No.24924476
File: 2.14 MB, 1414x2000, FAm3xY5VgAI7qGf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24925169

She's not playing right?

>> No.24925256

She's logged out of the server after the stream ended

>> No.24925498

The sleeping pills kicked in.

>> No.24927850
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>> No.24928552
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>> No.24928876
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>> No.24930873
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why is this emote a wrinkly old lady anyway

>> No.24930953

I think it's a reference to Cocokaine.

>> No.24932878

Well she finally went to sleep at a reasonable time (allegedlly), so she might stream tomorrow again, but she hasn't sleep property so she might wake up late in the morning...

>> No.24934675
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>> No.24936307

hot in a uncanny way

>> No.24938206
File: 137 KB, 1397x1316, FSAakj5akAEWbiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24938610

I don't have context for this but normally it means "meeting" so you don't have to be rich, just in business.

>> No.24941827

aaaaa ppt heal kson plz

>> No.24943011

ppt stop fuckin kson all night let her rest

>> No.24945149
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>> No.24947620
File: 110 KB, 850x733, __kson_souchou_and_yashiki_ciel_indie_virtual_youtuber_and_1_more_drawn_by_kapibara_ani__sample-12fc5f8e9e012f7377e9e491577e6c46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24950726
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kson doko?

>> No.24950862
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>> No.24951078

Resting, hopefully. Like holy fuck, I want her to escape this loop of "got sick and had to rest > Kanata has to be her MVP by treating her > get better and destroy your sleep schedule again by playing too much > get sick again". Obviously she's doing other stuff like business appointments (especially since it's gonna be 1 year since Coco's graduation soon), but I just want this dork to not push her limits the moment she leaves the bed.

>> No.24951501
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>> No.24953352
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>> No.24954943
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>> No.24956273
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>> No.24957706
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Looks like those pills did the job

>> No.24957841

That maid headband was so fucking cute I want more of it.

>> No.24961075
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>> No.24963371
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>> No.24963778


>> No.24965489
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Not even 2 hours, what happened

>> No.24967889
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>> No.24968471
File: 90 KB, 720x101, ayass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24970187

I guess that week when she was streaming from 7:00 and then again from 20:00 she was doing something really demanding physically or mentally between stream. Dunno what though

>> No.24970237

i think the high from coming up with gyaruson wore off

>> No.24970408


>> No.24972388
File: 221 KB, 800x800, _SOB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...

>> No.24973250


>> No.24973756
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>> No.24976278
File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, E9uTr-iVEAgrssd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24978495
File: 584 KB, 1000x2400, FSFGRmnaIAE8tgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24980404
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>> No.24981942
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>> No.24983849
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>> No.24984022
File: 272 KB, 407x415, asdghfhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24985044

Why she is always sabotaging herself?

>> No.24985843

She might have low self esteem, she literally considers herself as a delincuent just for liking games

>> No.24988290

I missed the tail wagging the first time I saw this. Very cute.

>> No.24989445


>> No.24990881

Hence why she is best friends with Matsuri and Haachama, those three are experts in the forgotten art of sabotaging themselves.

>> No.24990960

Sex with Kumichou

>> No.24991177
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>> No.24991609

I still don't understand why she got so sick?

>> No.24991762


>> No.24991844

Well fagtard, no one is advocating for intentionally getting infected. So no, no one is listening to the strawman you invented there.

>> No.24992052

Not sleeping properly + undiagnosed depression

>> No.24992551

>undiagnosed depression
I thought she was taking pills to make her sleep but she seems to be taking pills that also make her sleepy, which it's not the same; the letter might be prescripted by a psychiatrist to fight other issues...

>> No.24992615

*the later

>> No.24993141

I doubt it. It's probably something for a stomach ache or runny nose or something, Japanese doctors seem to hand out weird ass medicine for minor issues like candy.

>> No.24993197

Frame is up. Seems like a cute, themed zatsu.

>> No.24993629

Covid boosters, she always got sick after taking one

>> No.24994004

>10 hours away
im ngmi

>> No.24996367
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>> No.24998811
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>> No.24998991

Let's tell her to buy this

>> No.24999699

I'm gonna become her househusband and take care of her. I'm gonna take this bullet for you guys

>> No.24999883

fool, thats ppt's job

>> No.25002019
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>> No.25005502
File: 19 KB, 259x224, oyasumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream in 6 hours!

>> No.25008367
File: 278 KB, 2048x1206, FHn9sQwaQAgijIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25008653

Wtf is that, a 3D asset?

>> No.25010376
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>> No.25012976

sex with galson

>> No.25014370
File: 699 KB, 2618x3744, __kson_and_souchou_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_zeqqqqk__1879a81d3fe98420dc4ed6c792750d55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25015833
File: 205 KB, 800x735, FMXOw8VVUAE7a_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start!

>> No.25016165
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 01_KSON_HEART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25016220

Omg i missed this bitch. Just hearing her voice again made me grin like a fucking asshole

>> No.25016351

I missed her so fucking much like you wouldnt believe

>> No.25017139
File: 319 KB, 1600x1400, 1613135137191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25017162

why so smug, smug chorogon?

>> No.25017442

Is she saying something important? Taishi isn't translating and I can't understand japanese for shit.

>> No.25017710

Nah, just chill chatting with random themes for discussion and your usual "thanks for SC / membership gifting"

>> No.25018272
File: 287 KB, 844x1200, k10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.25018538

if you have time, clean her twitter tags, chinks got uppity again.

>> No.25018784

You mean the Coco tags? I don't see much on the kson tags (I think some are using #kson though).

>> No.25018896

Blocked all of them long time ago

>> No.25019213

>stuff gonna happen in a month from now
so it is 1 year embargo after all

>> No.25019827

Really a pretty bizarre situation if it's some kind of a non compete clause.

>> No.25020722

Oh no Chiho is an architect

>> No.25020919

>sending snacks to this lazy dork
yep, it's inevitable

>> No.25020949

Her moans, her moans I tell you!

>> No.25020962

>>25020722 me
>Sex noises
Ok I forgive her

>> No.25021002

Theyre all on lockdown for months now i hear thats why theyre bored

>> No.25022006

Based Yaman mama

>> No.25022047

Opposite situation of Oshio.

>> No.25022215

pls clip it later

>> No.25022788

>everything's better with big tits!
good motto

>> No.25022888

I mean, this is still largely unexplored territory so it was probably one of the bargaining terms. Plus, knowing her, she was fine with that wait since it would give her time to be thorough in her plans and not rush things.

>> No.25023149

YouTube you fucker

>> No.25023283

Just wait until she debuts her 3D model

>> No.25023369

It also helps that she was always a caring person who wished for the better to all vtubers, so with kson she just started helping indie vtubers with her experience and popularity (which she'll still do even after restrictions are lifted). She's basically doing the best available option right now.

>> No.25023404

Did she just sing SSS?

>> No.25024134
File: 226 KB, 1102x1076, 1634461944562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25024233

>bargaining terms
Oh yeah, she also negotiated to have Coco's channel and archives up so that could also have an effect.

>> No.25024235
File: 122 KB, 275x268, 1642691354558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40% of the fan letters are from females

>> No.25024370
File: 260 KB, 306x468, coc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gunpla tomorrow!?

>> No.25024470
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>> No.25024622

So who got married? Was it that RinRin guy?

>> No.25027031
File: 229 KB, 645x800, FOH8Y0LVUAUCdCc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEXT THREAD *clap clap*
