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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 85 KB, 182x269, 1612747670270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24616479 No.24616479 [Reply] [Original]

>etc. etc.

>> No.24616550

She cannot contain her unhinged lust for pussy, please understand

>> No.24616601

bros...has it been that long?

>> No.24616627
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>> No.24616740

Jealousy is an ugly color, OP. Maybe you'd have a harem too if you spent less time shitposting on 4chan and more time doing your pussy reps.

>> No.24616824

It was rather obvious she has no talents other than "people do not tell me to fuck off enough" right from her debut

>> No.24616875

>Why is this woman literally unable to stop forcing ships with herself?

A) be a lonely whiny bitch that looks like an outcast
B) be part of teetee duo which makes you no longer an outcast

What would you choose?

>> No.24616925
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>He thinks Reine didn't fuck her

>> No.24616963

She's afraid of men and desperately wants companionship

>> No.24617047

because she wants to share tasty fried chicken with people

>> No.24617063

she's a slut

>> No.24617094

She successfully became Japanese and does what every JP chuuba do. 95% of your complain about Kiara can easily be explained by "she is too Japanese for you" or "she is too European for you".


>> No.24617108

>Why is this woman literally unable to stop forcing ships with herself?
She thinks it will get more subscribers, because she views all fans as horny, fat, and ugly basement dwellers. She doesn't like male fans at all.

>> No.24617233


>> No.24617399


>> No.24617482

She's literally an /u/schizo btw
her currently life is parasocial /fake yuri relationships and cats

>> No.24617670

Reine is just Kiara and Moona combined so I don't mind their shipping.

>> No.24617989
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it gets good views and attention, duh.

>> No.24618029

There OP, you got the answer you want. So stop wasting thread on something stupid like this again

>> No.24619905

truly she is one of us

>> No.24619982

It's a clever ploy to enrage spastic fanboys so they'll keep obsessing about her.

>> No.24620259

t. seething woman

>> No.24620348

Go back sex

>> No.24620422
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shes learning from the best

>> No.24620438

this should be a bannable offense

>> No.24620500

I want to have a threesome with Miko and Kiara now.

>> No.24620578
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if this doesn't mean sex, i don't know what does

>> No.24621636
File: 2.72 MB, 640x360, Kiara Failed Takamori [SERIOUS][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9rduoc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24621854

holy kek she actually said that

>> No.24625424

This time it's not forced.

>> No.24625577

She just wants someone to love her

>> No.24625603

I bet they had a good bath and had some good wine together and then scissored like there's no tomorrow.

I don't care what you niggers say I am happy for this orange woman and meep girl. Orange woman needed a win and I think courting the hag turkey is an absolute win

>> No.24625668

lol. im sorry kiara is so much better than your oshi that she can actually be fun and make friends with people

>> No.24625702

>afraid of men
She's not a Japanese school girl anon

>> No.24625731

time passes and i still have no idea how to listen to sound posts. can someone transcribe.

>> No.24625764

To distract the audience from the fact that her roommate gets gangbanged at cons, if /vt/ is to be believed

4chan sounds player script on tampermonkey

>> No.24625776

I hope A Cruel Angel's Thesis was playing in the background as they were doing it.

>> No.24625945

oh my god......that hollow laugh after she said it....

>> No.24626037

>if /vt/ is to be believed
It’s not

>> No.24626308

reps, honest to god, do them.
They're not even that difficult to find so don't waste any time being spoonfed in here.

>> No.24626644

>doesn't have evidence
>d-do your reps.
There is not a single piece of evidence of any of the rumors. Unless you count deranged /jp/ posts as evidence.
I have done my reps and you are full of shit.

>> No.24626802

She doesn't "force ships". She is just flirty and thinks it is funny. She mainly does it as a joke.
Everybody except Mori is ok with it.

>> No.24626840

You're too weak.

>> No.24626942

Write something that makes sense.

>> No.24627030

Found the Nijibeggar, cope Nijinigger, Kiara will never collab with her

>> No.24627045

I don't watch Reine; think she would've made a move on Kiara? I think Kiara would've dropped her spaghetti like mad, but maybe Reine finds that cute.

>> No.24627068

Its just the fans fault who think you cannot hang out with someone without having romantic feelings for them, they are so prude and clearly never heard of casual platonic sex

>> No.24627160

Lonely cat lady.

>> No.24627164
File: 629 KB, 1278x670, 1653020565656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's lonely and forces herself on to others into a friendship that is one sided.
I would know because I used to be like that until I gave up trying to force people to be friends with me.

>> No.24627205
File: 80 KB, 600x750, simpsons-crazy-cat-lady-01-chung-in-lam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone edit her into Kiara.

>> No.24627334

do it yourself, egg.

>> No.24627437

>Reine said she had bruises from the vacation
Angry German sex confirmed.

>> No.24627507

Because Mori’s roommate was tired of being hit on by fat lesbians

>> No.24627662

Takamori, Moritori, I literally don't care what she calls her stupid ships.

>> No.24627811

>NijiMales flirt with each other and making ship
>HoloEN flirt with each other and making ship
I guess we al know the problem.
Shipping is not good.
No Gay and lesbo.

>> No.24627969

don't care about shipping bullshit, i just want to rim her asshole.

>> No.24628363

>I don't want to just be known as bottom-left, stop shipping me with Calli
>drops off the face of the earth, streams boring RPG's, and starts over the top flirting with every single girl near her
Kiara was a mistake

>> No.24629193

I choose to believe

>> No.24629319

Why is OP a faggot ? Many such cases

>> No.24629325

Go back

>> No.24629407

You are confusing Kiara with your parents marriage.

>> No.24629433

Kek who the fuck believes the shit spewed on vt

>> No.24629445

Because she has nothing else to offer?

>> No.24629479

LOL schizos jelly that the chicken gets more pussy than them
You can still fap to your oshis anons, Kiara won't go to your basements and slap the dick out of your hands.

>> No.24629513

Its not nice to talk about your mom like that

>> No.24630009

4chan x > greasemonkey > 4chan sounds player

You can make your own soundfiles with catbox.moe and a link encoder

>> No.24630114

Nowadays I mostly browse 4chan on my phone. No sound posts for me I guess

>> No.24630372

He's ESL and doesn't know the difference between getting gang banged and being a man hating lesbian.

>> No.24630882

anons will be jelly for any reason i remember the seething of ina, fauna, kronii and mumei off-stream, just show how shallow are some people in /vt/

>> No.24631056

what are you technologically illiterate or something? grab a clover fork that has soundpost added

>> No.24631094

How else would she remain relevant

>> No.24631734

I guess you wouldn't know then anon

>> No.24632020

Hetero ship for once

>> No.24632102


>> No.24632153

Point taken for Takamori, but with Ametori and Pavonashi it's not Kiara's fault. She even said in a member's stream that she appreciated Amelia like a fan i.e. she'd a teamate if she weren't in Hololive. The rest is just /u/trannies spamming.

>> No.24632247

t. Cuck

>> No.24633372

The fact most anons here have to express their insecurities over A FUCKING PENIS 24/7 will never stop being funny to me.
Go ahead now, cry and call me names, I ain't giving two shits about it you niggers.

>> No.24633475

No, even worse. She's an outcast euro that tried being a japanese schoolgirl.

>> No.24633744

>afraid of men
>She's not a Japanese school girl anon
considering how much of a disaster her relationships were when she was trying to be an idol in Japan...oh and how she tried wrestling...

>> No.24633789

To be fair, Mori's roommate hates literally everything intimate with anybody, ever. Claims to be straight but she even managed to fuck that up.

>> No.24633823

>implying it was literally anything other than Mori being an ungrateful cunt that ended takamori

>> No.24633875

Anon, Kiara hates men.

>> No.24633939

She just wants to be loved. Who doesn't want that?
She needs to slow the fuck down though.

>> No.24634062

You forgot the early stuff with Nene too

>> No.24634219

t. Crying cuck

>> No.24634253

It's called leeching. She ships herself with anyone to stick onto them like Velcro.

>> No.24634302

Cope and seethe.

>> No.24635550

Come on you wusses, you can do better than that.

>> No.24637833

Why the straight schizo dont touched this thread

>> No.24638164

lesbians are often hyper-aggressive sluts like that, don't know why

>> No.24638217

pretty obvious this is the only way for her to stay relevant

>> No.24638323

>yeah that girl is a good person. She’s great

>> No.24638410

Because imagine trying to make an ACTUAL lesbian relationship work for real. You need to get not one, but TWO women, fully commit to a relationship, with principles of honesty and transparency at the forefront, and still be able to enjoy their lives after doing so.
Statistics say it's about 10% possible.

>> No.24642957

why are tophambraps like this?

>> No.24646957

It was Eggs that bullied kiara into stopping takamori, that and mori just being a shitty friend
Kiara 100% wants a real girlfriend

>> No.24647106

She has a long, publicly recorded history of no longer liking men

>> No.24656201

Watch nyanners

>> No.24656237

When will the Cuckbeats leave Kiara alone.

>> No.24656285

Pavonashi should unironically graduate and do lesbian porn if they don't care about Ina

>> No.24656416

Leave orange woman alone and let her collab with flat fairy woman

>> No.24656799

Kiara has sex with attractive women and OP does not. Many such cases

>> No.24656949

Kiara is also hot sexy woman, which op is also not.

>> No.24659490


>> No.24663118

This but only Kiara graduates.

>> No.24663302

This but you graduate from your parents house

>> No.24665546

how many anons are willing to admit that if they were in Kiaras position, they'd do the same thing and ship themselves with every coworker they have? None of you seem shy about posting lewds of your oshis and talking about how badly you wanna fuck them sweet sweet pixels, but somehow kiara wanting to fuck them too is bad

>> No.24665671

I dont see people complaining that they fucked, just people saying that they fucked. Because they fucked.
Also when we're /here/ we can let out all of our internal degeneracy with no consequences. It's like a form of therapy. Yeah, no shit we wouldn't act like this around friends/coworkers that are not of the /here/ variety. That would be retarded. The last guy that did that went to jail for raping his mom or something idk

>> No.24665712


>> No.24665749

Not even EhhSex makes that mistake.

>> No.24667591
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Amura is better anyway

>> No.24667752

Unfortunately that one is dead. We're not really sure which one of them killed it. Tbh I blame takamori crashing and burning, it probably left a sour taste in gura and ame's mouths.

>> No.24667870

Gura's greynames killed it.

>> No.24668098

How'd that happen

>> No.24668426

>Kiara is the fat lesbian in this situation

>> No.24668489

Among other incidents:
>Gura has trouble in Minecraft
>Chumbuds go to Ame's stream and tell her to help Gura

They tried to turn Ame into Gura's sidekick.

>> No.24668515

Lesbians in general, mori is straight. Kiara is desperate got any pussy at this point thougj

>> No.24669763

>Kiara has trouble
>Ame/Ina is always there to help
It is not fair bros, why do her genmates hate her, inb4 bonebros being delusional about Mori and Gura, when Mori just uses Gura to boost her own popularity

>> No.24672642

Drop the chicken voice and be a mom.
