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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 83 KB, 392x493, IRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24608214 No.24608214 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24608367

Just redraw the face to be cute instead of looking like a burn victim. She stands out like a sore thumb when placed next to other Holos, and not in a good way.

>> No.24608772

Just remove her from Hololive.

>> No.24608780

Just remove yourself from this thread.

>> No.24608851

Same design but different artstyle. Redjuice's artsyle is fucking retarded even random fanarts are still better looking compared to the his design of irys

>> No.24608874

Just remove yourself from this universe

>> No.24608900

there is no option for having sex with me
very flawed poll

>> No.24608976

Redesign! Too hard to draw and the design is too edgy for someone so girly and cheerful.

>> No.24609049

Where's the whiten skin option? Or does that fall under "redesign"?

>> No.24609104

OP here, I consider that as redesign.

>> No.24609323

Not until IRyS gets a 3D model.

>> No.24609369

IRyS is perfect and if you disagree you're wrong

>> No.24609436

A 3D model would be hilarious

>> No.24612769
File: 111 KB, 366x580, poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60% people are content with IRyS’s current appearance (most of them want 3D model)
40% people prefer a change in IRyS’s default appearance. (half of them dislike the face, another half dislike the entire design)

>> No.24613218

>non-scientific poll on the 4chin.
Take it with a huge grain of salt.

>> No.24613246

3d model adds functionality, so that's a no-brainer compared to the rest of the list.

2nd choice would be to make redjuice wake up and actually do stuff like all the other artist "parents". Her design is fine, but she should frankly have 2+ outfit variants by now on top of her base.

If 2nd choice isn't possible for any number of reasons (be it the artist's interest, money, live2d riggers refusing to work with the art, whatever), take her design sheet and have another artist who will actually work redraw her and take over. Make up some lore nonsense to play it off.

>> No.24613705

I'll take it.
Case closed.

>> No.24613906

>3d model adds functionality, so that's a no-brainer compared to the rest of the list.
1) most Holo's 3D isn't pretty as L2D
2) you can only make good use of 3D in live

3D are basically not useful in daily stream? A more aesthetically pleasing L2D would give more value (maybe)

>> No.24613957


>> No.24614001
File: 574 KB, 621x617, 1649442040062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.24615756

Just 3D model. Any changes after that is within reach without twitterfags making a fit as long as cover is "aligning with the new model".

>> No.24618484

Not being able to do a live because she didn't debut with 3D was the biggest mistake of the whole project, a shitty live2d is just an inconvenience because they didn't plan around her streaming so much

>> No.24620815

Oi thats mean

>> No.24620863

Give her a gun.

>> No.24623653

Shes perfect tho

>> No.24623835

>Choose one thing for IRyS
Me and only me

>> No.24623874

You must hate her

>> No.24627111

That's really all there is to it. She'd look way better with a facelift

>> No.24628768

3D is perfectly usable for day to day streaming. Doesn't even need any extra software/equipment compared to L2D.
See: Sora, Roboco, Miko

>> No.24634052

my heart

>> No.24634782

All she needs is a new hairstyle.
That melting spaghetti monster doesn't work in motion, holds back fan art being impossible to draw, wont look good in 3D and no amount of rigging can save it

>> No.24636070
File: 291 KB, 532x461, shitty father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the get a new artist option?

>> No.24636291
File: 421 KB, 1337x732, FIRE REDJUICE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60% of people aren't real fans and want IRyS to keep suffering

>> No.24637329

I like her overall design but the model is fucked up. Especially around the shoulders. A proper 3d model sidesteps the issue without having to admit they fucked up

>> No.24637476

Girls with daddy issues are wilder in bed. Thank you redjuice for doing your part.

>> No.24637607

grow up

>> No.24646693

She is literally turning into an alcoholic

>> No.24656707

I think some people find no problem in IRyS's appearance because they are IRyStocrats who fell in love with her. They aren't able to evaluate her appearance objectively.

Every fan has beauty filter for his oshi. The first time you watch your oshi you don’t feel like she’s a dime, and now her face is absolutely mesmerizing, every little thing she does is charming in its own way. HOWEVER her model hasn’t changed at all, WHICH MEANS you are getting more and more biased.

Especially when IRyS’s personality is so charming and cute, IRyStocrat’s beauty filter for IRyS is enormous. But new potential fan has zero beauty filter for IRyS. This might filter potential fan while current fans find nothing wrong with IRyS’s appearance.

>> No.24660599

IRyS’s face usually looks far better in fanart. What does this mean? Why do you think so?
This signifies one thing, her model’s face isn’t good enough and is weird in its own way. This is the only reason why most IRyS fanarts look prettier than her, AND look more IRyS than IRyS.

Fanart IRyS should be an alternative/fantasy version of L2D IRyS, but not a superior version.
If you feel like most Fanart IRyS look surperior to L2D IRyS, the L2D is doing a bad job and it needs rework.

>If you’re having thoughts like this one. . . .
“Why are most IRyS fanarts so damn good? Almost 10 times better than her model. But I never think her model is ugly”
> . . . . you’re consciously/subconsciously not satisfied with her L2D

>If you’re having thoughts like this one. . . .
“This fanart capture IRyS’s vibe very well. The artstyle is unique too.”
> . . . . you are satisfied with her L2D

>> No.24660824
File: 1.31 MB, 2564x1808, FOTNDXYVEAcwgqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of her fanart sucks and it's very rare that a fanart is able to capture her vibe well. They're just generic anime girl with IRyS colors
