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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24572606 No.24572606 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Ina so irrelevant? She used to be seen as "the cute one", but now she's largely isolated within her own dwindling fanbase. Every other member of EN - even fucking SANA of all people - is branching out, accepting collabs, and spreading their influence beyond just mandated streams.
Everyone except Ina. How long until this waste of space graduates? Her laziness and contentment with mediocrity sickens me.

>> No.24572665

Vtubing is just a hobby for her so I dont think she will graduate any time soon. Good, I enjoy her streams a lot.

>> No.24572671

she was my oshi and i havent watched her since she was sick in the middle of january
i disagree with graduating, she's still the best myth member

>> No.24572702

>dwindling fanbase
Lmao. She gets the best numbers in EN apart from Gura.

>> No.24572724

Uh huh. Bait harder please. She was JUST in an Overwatch collab like 3 days ago.

>> No.24572740

ughhhh anon didn't she have a recent overwatch Collab with Gura and the Gang?
And i dont know but there is thing called TakoTori, you might wanna look into it

>> No.24572752
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I'd rather watch the boring artist rather than the lazy latinx.

>> No.24572759

It's because she has the personality of a wet towel.

>> No.24572782
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see file name

>> No.24572843

shut up bitch

>> No.24572847

I'm not saying she DOESN'T collab. I'm saying she rarely does and when she does, they're usually boring because she's a shrinking violet who can't wiggle out of her social anxiety long enough to be social.

>> No.24572874

Bruh, the wactor fans are probably angered by that statement

>> No.24572893

>contentment with mediocrity
Is this /#/ speak for comfy? Not everyone has to be a Kiara level numberfag.

>> No.24572920

I used to watch her a lot but now it feels like she’s just there. Like you said, she becomes painfully mediocre and her streams aren’t comfy like they used to anymore.

>> No.24572946

I haven't watched one of her streams in months and she used to be my favorite in Myth.

>> No.24572985

/vt/ speak for uninspired and lazy. Every vtuber chases numbers - it's a measure of success. You'd know that if you watched anyone but desperate, monotone 2views.

>> No.24573040

not even a fan of Ina but saying she got a dwindling fanbase is kind of an exaggeration lol.

>> No.24573365

If it's not flourishing, what is it doing?

>> No.24573381

its not a #'s thread because Ina is a EN darling for them since she is so steady (9-10k streams). One of the few who has inclined. Sucks because she got hired to be part of a anime team so she is busy and will get even busier since that anime releases at start of next year (reason for the graduation rumors).

>> No.24573528

I guess you also missed the Minecraft collab with Bae, Mumei and Gura two days ago too, right?

>> No.24573570


>> No.24573573

That doesn't count. No one watches Bae, Mumei, or Gura.

>> No.24573613
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Getting pretty decent numbers?

>> No.24573621

And as I mentioned before. This is bait. You've been presented with evidence that refutes your claim and you ignore it because you feel like it. Stop being a troll and go somewhere else.

>> No.24573626

The only thing chumbuds deserve is the rope.

>> No.24573658

The only people who think this are people who oshi numberfags and project that mentality onto everyone else because they can't be bothered to do their reps and learn that people are different

>> No.24573675

If Ina is so popular, why aren't you watching her right now? That's what I thought. False flag Tako.

>> No.24573692
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>> No.24573782

No matter what you might think, every vtuber wants views and donations. If they don't get those things, you'll notice their streams start dwindling towards one or two a month, or they just flat out graduate. No one is content to stream to two lurkers.

>> No.24573784

I am watching her. I've got more than 1 monitor, and even if I didn't, split screen is a thing. She just talked about food.

>> No.24573809

As others have pointed out in the thread, she's fine in all metrics and it's just your own headcanon.

Like I don't watch many holoJP girls at all. But I would be a fool to say they have a problem.

>> No.24573825

>Best numbers.
>lowest lifetime views of her gen.
>Won't be at 100 million lifetime views until after the birthday stream and the cover does well, maybe.
Lot of front forward watchers but not a lot of VOD watchers it seems. Not surprising since I think most of her fans watch clips more than her actual stream. Here's a really good example. 257k people watched a clip of her April Fools character appearing than her actual stream which was a little over half at 132k. It's also the 2nd lowest viewedof the April Fool's streams only beating Kiara's which is at 121k. Of course it lost to Gura's but it also lost to C-Man, and all of Council & Hopes short voice switch streams as well. She could probably fix that by streaming more but with her job, and doing everyones MVs, that doesn't seem like something that'll happen in the future anytime soon.

>> No.24573857
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>She used to be seen as "the cute one",
She still is seen as the cute one >>24573499

>> No.24573904

>Dwindling fanbase
>Has more subs than Kiara
>Has more subs than any Gen2
>Has more subs than any ID
Okay sure faget whatever you say.

>> No.24574019

>but now she's largely isolated within her own dwindling fanbase
People starting to realize that "comfy" does not equal "entertaining" and in her case it means the exact opposite, ironically enough.

>> No.24574078

>No one watches Bae, or Gura.

>> No.24574113

I wish she'd stop with the fake cutesy voice. If she just streamed in her normal voice it would be a lot easier to have on in the background. I don't know who is telling her that that voice is good.

>> No.24574126

"Comfy" is such an overused word when it comes to Ina, and I doubt most people could define it if asked. "Comfy" to me means "the same boring shit she's done since debut". Fuck, even Calli has switched it up since then.

>> No.24574273

Every time I tune in to check up on her, she is around 10k views. Wtf are you talking about? And she is still cute btw.

>> No.24574336

She's relaxing to listen to, no sudden screeches or yelling. Her laugh is calming. I can watch her streams and not have to hyper focus on it.

>> No.24574400

>no sudden screeches or yelling

>> No.24574647 [DELETED] 

She's fine. Not really gaining or losing. Take a quick look at the last 10 videos of Kiara, Ina and Ame. Ina has better numbers. She doesn't have to change anything up unlike Kiara and Ame. She could probably take a month break and her numbers will still be the same.

>> No.24574733

that is not a screech or a yell, even if its too much for your autism to handle

>> No.24574739
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ina love!
trinity love!
myth love!

>> No.24574747

Except for the hundreds of chuubas who are 2views who didn't quit. Unless you are admitting that your oshi is less resilient than a 2view is.

>> No.24574837

It was sudden and startling. I was thoroughly shaken and it completely ruined my immersion, to say nothing for the ceaseless tears I produced.

>> No.24575144

She's doing better numbers than kiara and ame. At one point she had the lowest subs. So she's fine

>> No.24575463

what you need is a strong and emotionally constipated bf to be your rock in trying times like these.

>> No.24575468

every submissive Asian women is irrelevant

>> No.24575571


>> No.24575595

not now deadbeat

>> No.24575847

Because unlike what /vt/ thinks the fanbase still remembers how she called them losers. Once your viewers know that you think less of them they will gradually leave, and hololive have been producing a fair amount of new girls.

>> No.24576411

>She just talked about food.
You could say that at any moment during her streams and you'd be right

>> No.24576526

Ina has mastered the Hidden GFE Technique, where Takos will deny they're in a parasocial relationship with her but negative threads about her(like this one) will get guaranteed replies

>> No.24576586

no idea
anyways im addicted to her single instance of asmr she have on the net

>> No.24577147

She mocked her fanbase and her facade fell off.

>> No.24577210

numberfags are a plauge on this land.

>> No.24577314
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Woah same here I kinda stop watching vtuber in general around that time though I'll still tune in to a mio stream if I have the time and there's a translator on her discord

>> No.24577564

>Be me japanese only watcher
>HoloEN debuts
>Ok, I'll give them 1 chance
>Watch Ina
>10/10 good streamer, call of Cthulu was a great start
>Watch the others
>Stick to Ina and the JPs
2 years after
>Tried council, hellno.gif
>Tried Irys, got filtered hard by her model, she was kinda cool tho
>Tried NijiEN (I watch a few OG Nijis) almost puked
>Still watching Ina and the JPs
Bro, Ina is probably the only relevant EN member, I wish she did a few collabs with HoloJP but, hey, she's easy to understand so I won't complain
I have to admit that Kiara has improved a lot too, sometimes I watch her in dead hours if Ars isn't streaming or if she's streaming a kusoG

>> No.24580096

This, based, now no one needs to post anymore in this thread.

>> No.24580125

guess why this got clipped

>> No.24581210

based, I hate Ina

>> No.24581239

>Her laziness and contentment with mediocrity sickens me.
She gave Elden Ring a fair chance and she actually built useful things in Minecraft. Unlike Gura.
She has actual talents/skills. Unlike Ame.
She is an actual otaku and her singing is good. Unlike Mori.
Humble and not a normalfag like Kiara.
Almost the perfect chuubaba and only because of her self defeating attitude and bad comedy sense.

>> No.24581276

oh, is it ina's turn this week?

>> No.24585072

Boring bitch that does nothing to contribute to Hololive.
No. Art does not count

>> No.24585200

CCV wise isn't she like usually the 3rd-4th best performing after Gura, Mumei and Kronii?

Im more worried about the other myth girls sans Gura

>> No.24586135

When are you going to graduate from life?

>> No.24586221

This is bait. Nobody dislikes Ina. Most people even outright like her, even if not necessarily as their oshi.

>> No.24587442

>the cute one
Takos please stop making these bait threads and go excersize. Don't end up like your fat whale of an oshii. You can hear her mouth struggling to open from her fat cheeks weighing her jaw down!

>> No.24589580

Kiara still likes her!

>> No.24592833

Ina's "boringness" attracts a lot of people. She's still really popular. And my oshi loves her, so fuck off.

>> No.24593277

We'll see how she does with a month break after the birthday stream.

>> No.24593465

trinity got raped by bae. council was a fucking mistake

>> No.24593567

Is she loves her so much why doesn't she marry her?

>> No.24593685

I used to like Ina but her voice started getting annoying for me. She's still very popular though, so I'm not worried about her.

>> No.24593808
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I don't even care about this bait thread's topic, I just want to post about how much I love ina and gura.

flat ENs == best ENs

>> No.24594241

>Nobody dislikes Ina.
I do, actually.

>> No.24599656

Her cuteness won over a lot of people but beneath that is a conservative girl with the humour of a 5th grader.

You can only say yabe so many times

>> No.24599919

Who cares about a number that can never decline unless you get cancelled for being a child toucher. What her avg views you autistic cuck?

>> No.24600011
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>> No.24600104

stop projecting your insecurities and get a proper hobby you sad sack of trash

>> No.24600102

>goes on a break
>suddenly the amount of anti threads increases
I just want to enjoy my cute flat dork

>> No.24600166

Her streams are only good to have in the background as a noise while doing something else, or should i say that they're "comfy"?

>> No.24600196

>Ina having high average CCV
>Indirectly insulting Kiara, Mori and Ame
big brain

>> No.24601311

I stopped watching her when her voice became very nasally sounding. She used to sound cute but now she has the most annoying voice in EN alongside Mori, Kiara, and Mumei. Her content hasn't improved but I think the same can be said of almost all of holoEN so meh.

>> No.24601411

lmao "Ina is boring" is still all the antis have after almost two years of shitposts
