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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24534374 No.24534374 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml
Google Doc for /asp/ Collabs and Projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/edit#heading=h.q01v7kovxhs

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous thread: >>24500828

>> No.24534490

I will either make it or stream until the day I die.

>> No.24534697

Any asp's can recommend an artist who does pngtuber commissions? It's hard to find a good one on fiverr and shit

>> No.24534756
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Any troubles recently? Let's help each other out

>> No.24534765

Mashi is cute.

>> No.24534864

I want to cum in the dog.

>> No.24534969

Jesus man

>> No.24535011

I know a few people who used this service

>> No.24535282

i love /asp/ies

>> No.24535424

i want to get cummed in too...

>> No.24535489


The mysterious /asp/cord...

>> No.24535928

The person that lance was talking to was outed as a sexpest by the now graduated shirara for being creepy and forcing her to reveal personal information.

>> No.24536305

Something about two wrongs and no rights?

>> No.24537065
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Holobrony here, recommended me a /asp/.

>> No.24537120

what Holo do you like the most?
I might also recommend you a /wvt/ chuuba since the threads are closely related at this point

>> No.24537219

Are donation marathon streams worth it? Would it be alright to do one to raise money for stream equipment?

>> No.24537292
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>> No.24537485


>> No.24537585


>> No.24537675

okay i haven't watched a lot of kronii but she's kind of got like the deadpan straight man kind of vibe right
honestly i feel like id just recommend you watch Moriko Kyoho/batatvideogames
as for /asp/ies yeah i guess I'd recommend AinGStalt or Hespera

>> No.24537856

Match your favorite /asp/ie to the holo they are most similar to

>> No.24537953 [DELETED] 

Azu and Grawa!

>> No.24537977

Ain and Baelz because I wanna mate press both

>> No.24538088

Cordy and polka

>> No.24538096
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Kronii forma red

>> No.24538194

mashi and gura

>> No.24538477

link me the /asp/cord

>> No.24539036

it's just a few posts up, how can you miss it?

>> No.24539201

i'm a busy guy i ain't got time to read threads

>> No.24539535

SHE's playing Kirby!

He's playing Hand of Fate 2!

We. Stan. ASPIES.

>> No.24539749

Don't search for pngtuber. Just search for anime art and tell them what you want. This will give you much cheaper and more high-quality options.

>> No.24539869

>Holobrony here, recommended me a /asp/.
Impossible. You won't find anyone that's even close to hololive quality and most aspies menhera literally all day about not getting viewers. Go to /wvt/ there are better options.

>> No.24540169

I'm just an outsider looking in on all this discord drama, lance, wvtcord, whatever but if Lance is banned for whatever vague, unspoken thing he actually did why isn't yellow cat? i don't hate the guy but he's done as much if not worse weird shit in the last year as well that he'll gladly admit to. is it just a personal vendetta against lance or something by whoever the owner is?

>> No.24540206

>pngtuber commission
anon it's a normal commission but with an open/close mouth and blink. It's not really that different or special

>> No.24540215

Maybe. I will say that lurking in the discord for like 20 minutes made me not want to have anything to do with most of those people. They sound insufferable.

>> No.24540273
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these two girls (leftmost and rightmost)
both are as chill and girly as kronii imo


corpo chuubas from philippines but they mainly speak english in a very nice accent, please give them a chance if u can. thanks

>> No.24540332

You sound insufferable as well. Everyone has been nice so far or helpful.
The garden grows, even for you my nigga (boseph).

>> No.24540420

But I’m not Biuseppi.

>> No.24540469

no one wants to donate to a nobody rubbing a subathon most of the time unless youve got great networking connections with larger chuubas who want to support you

>> No.24540521

what the hell happened to this thread in the last week

>> No.24540527

You're Boypussy is what you are, babe.
You're small, scared, afraid and will have your cherry popped.

>> No.24540589

/asp/ies think rape is a joke? Shameful.

>> No.24540629

Who said it was rape? I see, that's how you want it.

>> No.24540662

It's not a joke. It's what I'd love to do with all of you.

>> No.24540703

Anything in particular? It just seems like they're opening up about their interests and being all around nice to each other

>> No.24540839

Not really, it just came across as a little too online for me if that makes sense. Just didn’t seem like my crowd.

>> No.24541223


>> No.24541300

Some aspies don't have any brain cells at all LMAO

>> No.24541433


>> No.24541503

schizochama explain

>> No.24541571

Been streaming for over a year and made affiliate in a week, ask me about whatever shit you want.

>> No.24541585

Finally one less fake chuuba

>> No.24541600


>> No.24541632

You really think you're something special?
LOL no one cares about you dickhead, you're still a irrelevant 2-view andy.

>> No.24541653

I'm not in aspcord, but they should do some spine-building exercises. Ignore every posts here requesting this and that (nyaru's pyramid scheme complaints for example) and only act if someone has the balls to say something in the discord, or is this how she was removed?

>> No.24541654


>> No.24541663

Are people sure it was actually her? Could just be a paid shill using names of small streamers to try to hook in other small creators

>> No.24541745

She was being nice though! WTF?
Also, how did you even notice this?

>> No.24541774

it was already proven that it was her

>> No.24541781

Why aren't you partner yet

>> No.24541786

You signed up for her pyramid scheme didn't you?

>> No.24541828
File: 155 KB, 1164x703, nyaruhelpful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was very nice though
and yes it looks like it was her
she shared her experiences and saved new gen aspies and larger vtubers the trouble etc

>> No.24541864
File: 95 KB, 850x850, 1652305576319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys keep your discord drama inside of the discord, it's shitting up the threads

>> No.24541882

Why are you falling for her obvious shill of a MLM?

>> No.24541898

Da fwiggen /asp/cowd…

>> No.24541915

Get the fuck out of this thread holobrony

>> No.24541942

I think there should be an /asp/cord thread.
It would be one of the more active threads on /vt/.

>> No.24541943


i hate to say it but it was obviously a mod or admin as well since they even noticed in the first place

this wasn't announced or bot posted anywhere

pretty obvious we shouldnt join the discord something shady going on very obviously some kind of plan to mess with vtubers

>> No.24542116

>something shady going on very obviously some kind of plan to mess with vtubers
They want to separate us and make us hate each other. It seems to work though. DON'T FALL FOR THIS ASPIES

>> No.24542187

Ye watch me stream instead twitch.tv/eraxs

>> No.24542209

The color of her name changed drastically and her profile isn't accessible anymore. If you're catching up on the day's messages in that channel, it would be fairly obvious that something happened to that user based on the namecolor change alone.

I like that one of the responses to the "holo -> /asp/ie" comparison question was for non-/asp/ie corpo chuubas. Is it missing half the question, or are we just that unwatchable?

>> No.24542292
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It's annoying at best because they could be keeping everything relating to /asp/cord IN their discord, and just simply posting the link here. Instead we're getting flooded with posts and drama about it.

How they're acting in the thread is enough to make me not want to join, since it sounds more like a circlejerk doomed to fail and a vtuber-twitter secret club, rather than being anything fun or productive.

>> No.24542352

Because growing too fast is actually a curse and you should do it slowly.

Can't make affiliate unless you're a 3-view Suzy, anon.

>> No.24542365
File: 157 KB, 750x480, IMG_4008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it kind of concerning that there's a bunch of very obviously underaged people in the discord already?
You can just hear them speak and tell from their voice.
I'm also pretty sure most of them are being invited in by YellowCat, which makes sense because, 1. HE SUCKS and 2. He's the one inviting everyone in at the moment.

>> No.24542405

I want to edit my clips to be more easily watchable in a shorts format, but I'm really bad at video editing. What programs are best for that? I tried Davinci Resolve, but it can't open my vods from Twitch, for some reason.

>> No.24542423

Trolls and schizos who inhabit the thread have no more targets to harass after driving out the genuine aspies who are trying to improve and get better so now they're just shitting up the threads now.

Blame them.

>> No.24542439

Yellow cat is actively grooming kids and no one seems to care

>> No.24542465

Is there any real benefit in commissioning a png vs just taking the art from my ref sheet?

>> No.24542488

How about we make our own asp discord with only aspies that hate the other asp discord?

>> No.24542509

Nothing really other than commissioning a PNG allows you to make reactive with blinking, mouth movement and etc.

>> No.24542510

Realistically the only difference is that your PNGchuuba will be a chibi.
It's been recommended multiple times now in the past week that you can just take the reference sheet design and start out with that. Get your feet wet buddy.

>> No.24542520

I like 2 stream. I do not like the current crop of /asp/ies.

>> No.24542535

Hey remember when aspcord was private and kept to itself and then everyone demanded to know what was going on there? This is what happens

>> No.24542558

I haven't tried this yet, but it seems pretty simple for quick shorts. It might be a good starting point.
For text, you can always export the video to your phone and edit it through tiktok, upload and save that to shorts. (Unless youtube has its own text edited too)

>> No.24542574

So, was it a pyramid scheme or what happen? I'm a bit confused and know nothing about economics, can someone explain a retard chama?

>> No.24542652

Does this look like a pyramid scheme?

>> No.24542679

25$ for a low-quality basic tshirt with a small ribbon on it. Not a pyramid scheme but a very embarrassing attempt to leech off others' money.

>> No.24542686

Looks like a shitty generic merch shop

>> No.24542722

Where was she leeching for money? I've yet to see real proof

>> No.24542724

She's testing out and trying out new merch stores and is just telling people about her experiences with it. It's the people here that are making fun of her for it.

>> No.24542732

You can show me an amway store and it would look like a normal store, it's the policies and what make people do what makes it a pyramid scheme.

>> No.24542785

So where's the policy? I'm reading fourthwall's policy and it mentions nothing about quotas or needing to refer people

>> No.24542802

The /asp/ies in the /asp/cord might just be aspies.

>> No.24542833

because there isnt, it's just crabs and schizos in the new asp threads trying to find a new target after everyone else left.

>> No.24542869

I've used it before, it's really easy to use, I might consider buying a license, although I'm not a fan of online tools.

>> No.24542871

>The /asp/ies in the /asp/cord might just be aspies.
They are not. They are anti /asp/ies. They fucking hate us

>> No.24542883

Imagine still associating yourself with here after seeing the embarrassments above.

>> No.24542917

aspie detected

>> No.24542921

I use https://www.joincombo.com/ myself

>> No.24542947


>> No.24542949

Fair enough. I'm pretty anxious about starting since I know it'll take awhile to get good + to build up a viewerbase and feel preemptively weird about talking to noone. I'm going out of town for a bit, but I should just get over myself and stream as soon as I get back.

>> No.24542999

You're the reason why can't have nice things

>> No.24543004

just pirate adobe premier and learn how to use it
you gotta learn how to edit eventually

>> No.24543025

Da Vinci is way easier to use and is free

>> No.24543133

Guess we're calling this the Promotions Gen

>> No.24543209

good advice! I was starting to learn da vinci resolve but I've gotten side-tracked by other things. Thank you for reminding me to do my reps. Editing clips should be simple and easy to start doing compared to diving into full highlight videos anyways.

>> No.24543331

No, the viewerscord. For the few.

>> No.24543611


>> No.24543723

>Bro commission a skeb of me and Mashi kissing! It'll be funny!

>> No.24543813

I plan to start streaming and a fellow chuuba from the same artist is currently bombarding me with lore questions in le dms. I honestly don't give a shit about lore I just wanna stream.

>> No.24543931

Computer idiot here, I'm getting a new computer and wanted to see if there were parts that could be improved:

RAM: currently looking at 2x 8GB but thinking I should ask for 2x 16GB, but is 4x 8GB a thing? Does it make a difference? Are there red flag brands?
Processor: Ryzen 7 5700G 8 cores/16 threads
Graphics: GeForce RTX 3070
Motherboard: Asus Prime B550-A

Are there any other key components I should run by people who know more than me?

>> No.24543955

I have no clue who I should follow/respond to on twitter to build followers without looking like too much of a tool

>> No.24544025

Ah shit, been there anon. They'll get bored eventually I'm sure after they've ran out of stuff and they notice nobody cares.

>> No.24544076

depends on what youre doing, but 16gb is enough

dont go 5700g, go 5600x or 5800x.

Good, you can use NVENC to stream off

Only issue you may run into is the BIOs version, if you're buying it from a reputable PC store, you can ask them to update for you.

>> No.24544087

Drop subtle hints that you're not working on lore/ more focused on preparing for streams. They'll get the message eventually.

>> No.24544245

Respond to your senpai vtubers and those that seem genuinely interested in you. Follow those you think are worth following. I go into media and check if they've responded to any of those "drop your pngs" threads. If they only post their png and don't say anything more, then they're not worth my follow. At the very least they should thank the OP or say they're interested.

>> No.24544343
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>> No.24544517

Speaking of components, is nvidia 2060 at all good in this day and age?

>> No.24544724

In all honesty you probably aren't playing a bunch of modern AAA games on high or blasting 30 different processes, while streaming so yes.

>> No.24544821

I have a 2026 and I stream in 1080p 60 FPS and still get 120 FPS in every single game while having tons of tabs open in chrome.

>> No.24544842

Thank you so much. Is there any benefit in going for the Nvidia 3080? And is there a "better" option between the 5600x and 5800x?

>> No.24544848

*2060 fuck me. but yeah, if the rest of your system is on the same level you're absolutely fine to stream whatever you want in high quality

>> No.24544965

Thanks, you just saved me some money!

>> No.24545380

What does Ains smell like?
Do you guys think she would smell good?

>> No.24545410

What if, instead of a schedule, I make it clear that I stream on the same timeslot with weekends guaranteed, and just make announcements on the game/stream plan earlier in the day?

>> No.24545415

Her name is Ain and she's a dead bird that lives in a cave. She smells fucking horrid bro.

>> No.24545444

canonically rancid.

>> No.24545490

I have a strong gag-reflex / disgust response but that sounds kinda h-hot.

>> No.24545502

That's what every non-vtuber streamer does. As long as you make it very clear at what times/days you stream it's fine. Put it in all your bios.

>> No.24545534

She smell of rot and death, something i can relate to

>> No.24545658

You can suck my cock it tastes the same desu

>> No.24545743

I would not recommend, unless ya enjoy getting pierced by jagged bone

>> No.24545780

Bro I stream on a 1650 at 1080 6o fps you're fine

>> No.24545991

I've noticed some aspies have become less active on twitter since the discord server opened
>it's starting

>> No.24546194

>less active on twitter
You act like they were ever active before

>> No.24546228

Kaiser didn’t do Menhera Monday… everybody’s favorite content. Was probably having fun with his new gal pals on the ‘cord

>> No.24546320
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Come on, he can't be having a breakdown every Monday, give him some time.

>> No.24546374

is he even on the discord? Kaiser you fucking piece of shit come back to /asp/ we need you

>> No.24546601
File: 32 KB, 249x232, chrome_YKq3lhhHF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bi-weekly stream, i have something neat planned for it this time though. If you missed my blogposting that much, the admiral is getting a small upgrade; she's getting proper hands. Why you ask? Well i'll leave that up to your imagination.

>> No.24546657

The fumes from that industrial air conditioner constantly being turned on and off are making his brain loopy

>> No.24546664

Oh my goodness. Are we actually gonna get jerking off ASMR? PLEASE

>> No.24546690

Playing guitar on stream?

>> No.24546793

Will i be called out if I read a stream idea on a bigger streamers Twitter and do it first?

>> No.24546910

No, nobody knows who you are

>> No.24546935

depends, what resolution are you going to game at? what games will you be playing?
only difference is 5800x has more cores.

5800x would be great if you're to do a ltitle video editing.
but the 5600x can also do video editing, just depends on the work load.

>> No.24547018
File: 52 KB, 615x613, chrome_1JTFkEQy2K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get your hopes up anon, but now that i think about it, i won't have to talk during that so it would sort of work?

it will take a couple years until i reach that skill-level. there's little entertainment value in playing an instrument alone and even less if it's played badly.

>> No.24547057

Why update the admiral if you're moving to a new model?

>> No.24547266

No one knows or cares, everything has been done.

>> No.24547296

Admiral cocktease. Uuoooh.

>> No.24547321

leap motion is like 150 bucks, not really that much for someone with a real job and no hobbies

>> No.24547548

I have echo on my microphone. How do I fix that? Also it picks up my whispers even from the other side of the room if that's any indication of the issue.

>> No.24547563

I haven't had good results with vseeface and leapmotion tbdesu, I borrowed one from a friend and it just felt janky as hell, even with a shirt clip.
I heard leapmotion tracking was only good with luppets

>> No.24547638


>> No.24547661

Very helpful thank you kind sir

>> No.24547834

do pngtubers throw people off ? i want to use pngs before spending months making a live2d model, as i don't have any streaming experience anyway. but i'm afraid people will turn off my stream because i don't have a lively model and never being able to grow. i know that may be a stupid thought

>> No.24548180
File: 30 KB, 914x175, 85vyQsS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that he's still in therapy!

>> No.24548257

PNGs are a debuff. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But it's not a horrible one. another option is buy a premade model on nizima/booth and use that for a while

>> No.24548407

Huge debuff. I'd rather watch streamers that use only their voice than someone putting a boring image on their screen.

>> No.24548424

Png might ba a debuff, but use one now while waiting for your model during reps. Better to have your debuff when you're just starting out compared to 2 months down the line.

>> No.24548440

Someone here said you can run two discords at once and use one for your stream stuff but I can't figure it out. I only get one instance of the app.

>> No.24548539

If you're just starting out it probably wont matter too much. Worst case scenario you just shut down your boring png channel and open a new rebranded channel when you have it all set up.

>> No.24548843

sounds like they meant two different discord accounts. it recently had an update where you can have multiple accounts logged in on the same computer and switch between them on the fly

>> No.24548925


>> No.24548933

You use one on client one on browser. Or the quicswitch feature in client.

>> No.24549040
File: 99 KB, 800x680, 1570857876037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't english

>> No.24549045

Jay & Ganma

>> No.24549220

Stream in your native language?

>> No.24549278

Duolingo streams

>> No.24549527

English reps, try speaking to thin air and record yourself, revise as necessary.
Even better, roleplay as two guys with different persona and act out a conversation
At least these are what I'm doing now as fellow esl

>> No.24549542

Just came to say thankyou to anons, gathered all this information.
Hope i will improve my english eventually and will be able to create something good.

Main question i have to find answer now - how to make quality content in three-four languages simultaneously, while beeng interesting to all kind of audience?

>> No.24549727

Ok. Now drop your esl voocaro

>> No.24549765

>im someones favorite and remind them of a holostar
no fucking way

>> No.24549787

Ahhhh, I see. Okay I don't get it but thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I'll try and figure it out.

>> No.24550154

use the illegal discord plugin Multi Instance by square

>they dont know about illegal discord mods

>> No.24550368
File: 13 KB, 361x313, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically a Duolingo speedrunner.

>> No.24550531

Who cares dude?

>> No.24550708
File: 770 KB, 238x178, Spoojit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can’t we all just ducking get along for once

>> No.24550754

Fuck off iOS.

>> No.24550858

I feel like this is just a me thing but dog reminds me a lot of Haachama. Not really sure why but I get the same feeling when I watch them.

>> No.24550861

let's have sex

>> No.24551102

Who would you costume swap?

>> No.24551132 [DELETED] 

Guys, remember to NEVER do something like this

>> No.24551229

don't worry, most of us are actively trying to COVER UP that we're fat and/or ugly irl
t. 5/10

>> No.24551364

Brown dog is pretty hot though

>> No.24551416

Maybe society is just broken and certain good ideas just lead to a lot of disagreement and elevated emotional responses to differences. It's not like it's just 4chan or that other places are better either. Anywhere you go people will latch on to the most strange things to get upset or schizo over. It really doesn't matter what you do or say because someone is going to get it into their head you're their enemy or they need to set you straight. Even if you don't say or do anything people are going to take issue with that and may even react more strongly against your passivity. The only thing you have left is to just not care about other people anymore, fuck em.

>> No.24551449

everyone x everyone
Yes, even yellow cat

>> No.24551469

wasn't brown dog more of a case of poor opsec though?

>> No.24551585

Nah it was just posted really far back. He's pretty open about being a cosplayer so i wouldn't be surprised if we saw more irl of him this weekend

>> No.24551609

I don't think it was poor opsec, he posted the images while being a vtuber so he wanted people to know what he looks like. He also goes to cons to meet with followers so he's just confident in his looks

>> No.24551688
File: 36 KB, 112x112, AinPet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me Ain
Simple as

>> No.24551721

I hate brown dog and I dont want to admit that its because I wish I were him so Im going to keep schizoposting. Fuck that guy

>> No.24551731

Who tf is ain and why does everyone talk about her

>> No.24551754

I think Miru is behind every negative post in the thread written by a woman, I just can't prove it yet.
Evil teddy bear.

>> No.24551758

That's okay anon, we've all been there

>> No.24551786

Me too anon, me too. He's so fucking nice though so it makes me feel bad. Maybe try talking to him or interacting with him a little bit, I always find that the jealous feeling fades when I can say that I'm at least friendly with someone

>> No.24551810

Because she's cute.

>> No.24551815

https://www.twitch.tv/aingstalt female streamer who is open about her love of being ryona'd. Had a skinwalker say [she] would ERP or JOI for money.

>> No.24551865

posted over a year ago the crabs and schizos just happened to have a lot of time to scroll that day

>> No.24551874

Most of /asp/ has cute outfits. It'd be fun to seap with Lala though.

>> No.24551895

I love brown dog and I want to admit that its because I wish I were with him so Im going to keep hornyposting. I want to Fuck that guy

>> No.24551907
File: 79 KB, 1080x1416, IMG_20220509_143438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is quite literally harmless, don't target the teddy bear

>> No.24551928

Doesn't even take 10 seconds to find them. Just go to media and pg down. done. Did you ever use a pc before?

>> No.24552046


>> No.24552110 [DELETED] 

We should make a discord with anyone who wants to group up and rape brown dog

>> No.24552127

>sneezed on stream
>can’t actually find it in VOD because likely my filters (noise gate/compressor/RTX noise suppression etc. cancelled it out
Oh well

>> No.24552161

>brapped on stream
>can’t actually find it in VOD because likely my filters (noise gate/compressor/RTX noise suppression etc. cancelled it out
Oh well

>> No.24552189

you know, maybe i'm glad he left after all.

>> No.24552237

who is brown dog?

>> No.24552245

How dare you to say something like this! Why are you glad he left? Fucking asshole motherfucker.
This thread went downhill after he left so shut up.

>> No.24552248

That's what she wants you to think, don't fall for her schemes

>> No.24552275

Don't bother with him. Check out my nigga, BOSEPH instead.

>> No.24552294

sneeze > * > fart

>> No.24552389

My biggest regret is not making him choke on my cock before he left

>> No.24552398

she seems like the type to do that

>> No.24552437

did all the dogschizos start wanting to fuck him? what the fuck happened

>> No.24552516

You prefer snot to your oshi's smell?

>> No.24552789

One is cute, the other is gross

>> No.24552859

Thought I was in /ringo/ for a second. I honestly wonder how big the overlap is between the two.
It's not just me right?

>> No.24552941

Gura has the best sneezes in this video. Ironic considering how noisy she is, polar opposite of my oshi who has absolutely adorable sneezes.

>> No.24553374

Which /asp/ie has the cutest laugh?

>> No.24553380

This wasn't my proudest fap...

>> No.24553434

lovable lunatic

>> No.24553457

>Which /asp/ie has the cutest laugh?
Unironically, brown dog

>> No.24553556

This thread is kind of weird. What's the deal with that?

>> No.24553851

It's a thread for being horny about 2views.

>> No.24553896

My future wife.

>> No.24554139

So the viewer meme was true all along.

>> No.24554178
File: 387 KB, 1187x1009, bouldy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24554320
File: 120 KB, 2048x2048, Fumoanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24554441
File: 3.65 MB, 353x201, f5a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24554510 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 424x530, 8D081461-6CFB-461A-9DA5-C49E7420D78E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24554512

I'm going to mating press Boseph.

>> No.24554603

Which babi is for mating press?

>> No.24554615
File: 1.84 MB, 510x640, Kanna crab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24554627

Very autistic woman
>Why does everyone talk about her
She's absolutely crazy

>> No.24554656
File: 1.37 MB, 598x448, lucas-soriano-crab-walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24554658


>> No.24554665

You wish. Among the 60 posters there are 5 viewers at most.

>> No.24554700

>Very autistic woman
Women can't be autistic

>> No.24554942

All of them but the leggy admiral makes me the horniest.

>> No.24554953

On a more serious note, I'd assume the one behind dog's departure and schizoposting was also a woman. Crabbing on a girl's irl cosplays is pure /cgl/ insanity

>> No.24555596

I'm confused. Why would I wish that?

>> No.24555645

Late, but you can run two different instances of Discord the program if you install Canary (alpha test) in addition to the latest stable. Being able to switch accounts is nice, but having both versions up at all times is nicer.

>> No.24555653

The only thread about 2views, for 2views, BY touch-starved 2views

>> No.24555674

>Women can't be autistic
All women are autistic

>> No.24555738

I need no further proof than the women here

>> No.24555808

This. They’re also retarded

>> No.24555849

I can think of 4 woman in this thread right away that have severe mental illnesses.

>> No.24556068

Good. Mentally ill girls are the best.

>> No.24556103

They can and they're often pretty severe. The rates are only 4 times more likely for men. I also knew an insane shut-in femanon years ago. Her pictures get posted around a lot but they were either from when she was just out of highschool or very posed to not show red flags. She was a total slob, didn't bathe or shower for months, didn't brush teeth, they were decaying, and she was a country hick that moved to the suburbs with her parents. She lived with her parents and never works or had any skills. She wanted to be a housewife but would have sucked at it. She wanted to be a mom of a huge ffamily but couldn't take care of herself let alone a kid. She had no redeeming qualities and was pretty disgusting because she didn't take care of herself. She went through a lot of anon boyfriends that just wanted to get laid but if I recall she had STDs too so poor guys. She was pretty autistic and would always cause drama in IRC channels for hikki/NEET communities and several 4chan boards.

I'm telling you all of this to explain the reality of autistic femanons. It was not pretty and I know some anons will get ironically horny at this description but she was insane.

>> No.24556251

makes me Rock hard
wanna stick my dick in crazy

>> No.24556356
File: 82 KB, 340x311, 1461964127464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they start talking about having no friends or never going outside
Shut the fuck up and marry me

>> No.24556447

Hard disagree. Try dating one and see if you feel the same way. Shit’s a nightmare.

>> No.24556471

When and where was this, I need to save them all AAAAAAAA

>> No.24556516

Are you one of those/asp/ies who enjoys streaming exclusively to other streamers or something?

>> No.24556570
File: 158 KB, 376x326, 1600653843028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try dating

>> No.24556577

Your assumptions keep confusing me more and more. I'm starting to get a little scared.

>> No.24556806

Nta, but I would be hoping asp was all streamers with varying levels of experience where the more veteran content creators help the less experienced content creators. And not have people who have absolutely zero content creation skills trying to advise aspies.

>> No.24556840

Depends what mental illness. They overlap with eachother often but if any of them are BPD, its a no-go.

>> No.24556925

I-I can save Ain.

>> No.24556952

This makes me diamonds

>> No.24557019

HOWEVER, I can save ain

>> No.24557043
File: 97 KB, 1221x1067, my love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to let you guys know how hard you fucked up. He was a very kind person, had the best model out of you all and is the only aspie that will ever be successful. Brown dog if you read this, I still love you and I always will. We all should plan something to bring him back. /asp/ needs brown dog. He's our savior.

>> No.24557051

So mental illness is a buff?

>> No.24557069

I will save Ain from you two

>> No.24557133

If you're female literally everything is a buff. Notice no one is rushing to "save" yellow cat.

>> No.24557140

Anon menhera girls aren't worth it bro
I can save you from ain by saving sin for myself

>> No.24557177

Ain doesn't deserve to be saved

Do you know a mentally healthy and successful streamer?

>> No.24557179

I like him, he seems nice and is trying to improve himself.

>> No.24557188

Only when it gives me a boner

>> No.24557197

Antishippers rub me the wrong way. It's probably for the best he's gone.

>> No.24557234

Ain is a better streamer when she isn't saved. I can make her worse

>> No.24557259

I feel the same

>> No.24557271

>We all should plan something to bring him back
He is still following and interacting with all of this gen's /asp/ies.

>> No.24557275

I will personally monetize her destruction.

>> No.24557315

But sex

>> No.24557363

>too bad of an actor to convincingly act completely retarded or do an extreme overacting to everything
>most of my menhera is depression shit that just annoys people

>> No.24557436

If you're female, don't give up yet!
Depression is cute too!

>> No.24557479

Yeah, I dated someone who has BPD. I’m content to be single for like another decade. It was a horrible experience.

>> No.24557526

It sucks so hard
Any kind of menhera but that
T. has family member with bpd

>> No.24557573

I have actual depression with severe anhedonia. I used to get treatment but I have been off it since lockdowns started. Now I just get through the day by forcing myself to take physical steps. I realized that I don't need to be happy to live, I just need to put the food in the mouth, move the legs to walk, and do the tasks.

Nobody loves that, it's just boring.

>> No.24557582

So based

>> No.24557598

Unless you're a woman

>> No.24557601

his model is cute and he seems like a great person but he sounds like a fat girl forcing a 'deep' voice

>> No.24557664

hes better off gone, hes gotten everything he needs from here and these threads constantly randomly attack him. if anyone needs to reach him hes in discord

>> No.24557685

I realize we’re just having a laugh in /asp/ about mentally ill women being cute but it’s still rubbing me the wrong way.
Even garden variety depression or anxiety is no laughing matter guys. It’s not fun to deal with. You can end up being a caretaker which isn’t fun for anyone involved.

>> No.24557696

Nobody loves that, trust me.

>> No.24557737

But he's cute irl he gets a pass. Plus his laugh is cute so double pass

>> No.24557746

No, it isn’t.

>> No.24557750

Lonely guys on 4chan obsessed with Tomoko do not wanna hear it dude.

>> No.24557802

You’re right, but I am physically unable to post in bad faith.

>> No.24557810

>BPD menhera girls
I know most of us are larping with all the saving meme but this is no joke and should be avoided at all cost irl. Dodged a bullet personally, don't touch these girls no matter how hot they are

>> No.24557831

This reads like bait but I agree. Do you think a mating press skeb would bring him back?

>> No.24557849

I'm on the other side of the coin. I have bpd and after he left me I realized the amount of damage I have done to someone I truly believed I loved (but clearly I didn't with the way I acted) and have sworn off dating or getting close to people for the rest of my life.

>> No.24557856

BPD is just a medical diagnosis for pure evil imo.

>> No.24557899

>larping with all the saving
Ha ha yeah I was only pretending to be retarded :)

>> No.24557935

There are lots of method actors on this website!

>> No.24557985

This. All BPDs should be rounded up and launched into space.

>> No.24558020

As long as you're not obese, you can find someone. And even then.
You underestimate how much shit some men will take just to be in a relationship.

>> No.24558072

That feel when no gf

>> No.24558107

It's because he is one, it's a yugo case. That's why I assume the one behind the schizoposting are girls

>> No.24558119

I don't even know what method acting is!

>> No.24558128

my college roommate is still dating his gf from when we roomed together. she would be happy and chatting then out no where start throwing a fit and crying and yelling and her entire arm has self harm scars. i cant imagine having to deal with someone like that since hes constantly worrying about her offing herself when shes alone

>> No.24558135

tfw no insane BPD gf who is obsessed with me and threatens to kill herself because I forgot to give her a good morning kiss

>> No.24558141
File: 148 KB, 576x695, 1615089129110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24558148

>Even garden variety depression or anxiety is no laughing matter guys. It’s not fun to deal with. You can end up being a caretaker which isn’t fun for anyone involved.
been there and while i don't regret it and still love them it can be exhausting at times

>> No.24558206

That's not the point, it's not about wanting a man it's about being undesirable. It's also no mistake that obesity and depression often co-occur. People want the fantasy but then still want it to be presented in a pleasant package. If it's a real problem then it's not going to be pleasant.

>> No.24558516

as a girl I am in the least bit worried about him because let's face it most of my viewers are male and they aren't exactly interested in a guy. males should be worried about him, clearly he is mogging them despite possibly being female. I guess females make better men.

>> No.24558528
File: 320 KB, 1341x1193, pngfind.com-meme-llorando-png-6759362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no longer have insane BPD gf who "came out" as polyamorous three years into the relationship and traumatized me into no longer being able to sleep around her out of fear for her impulsively trying to commit suicide via sleeping pill overdose while I was asleep

>> No.24558534

Let's collect cum tributes and send them to him

>> No.24558584

I won't argue too much because I want you to stream tomorrow, but come on.
You know what's worst than a depressed woman? An egocentric man. That doesn't get no love.

>> No.24558614

Don't care. Give mentally ill gf now.

>> No.24558657

I hope he realizes that she's all talk sooner rather than later. Nobody deserves to be treated like an emotional punching bag, but nobody wants to hear that the woman they love is treating them that way either. It's a trap.

>> No.24558680

i mean have you seen hiiragi yuu?

>> No.24558684

He can be a cute girl forcing a deep voice it still doesn't warrant what happened after he drew free art of /asp/ies and even in his departure message offered them help and art for free if they needed anything. I didn't really like him at first until I offhandedly bitched in the server about not having any assets and he reached out to me and asked if I needed a png and help with a design. Nobody can say anything about him being clout hungry either because he stands to gain absolutely nothing from any of us. I miss this good dog.

>> No.24558743

I know it's maniac but I feel really attracted to these types of girls that rely on me for their own happiness. They give me such a huge amount of attention it's crazy. If she threatens to kill herself when I talk to other girls holy shit, instant boner. I kinda hope to find a chuuba like this...

>> No.24558776

I'm a bi guy with a masculine voice

>> No.24558800

Dog is a blast. Male or female, I'll be following because his personality and energy are unlike any others from /asp/. And frankly, a lot of the /here/ males from the current gen sound fat. Like, actually fat.

t. fujo

>> No.24558807

Remember guys: depression is cute and I fucking love to do drugs! They feel great!

>> No.24558827

>That doesn't get no love.
Literally me fr fr

>> No.24558889

I just think that men and woman can both be undesirable but mental illness is only really cute when it's mild and overplayed or pretend. I can only speak from personal experience. I went from stuff like being rated anywhere from 6-8 and delivery people asking to kiss my hand, to being invisible. I'm not complaining but it is what it is.

>> No.24558909

Not cute on males

>> No.24559001

Imagine watching males kinda cringe desu

>> No.24559014

I'm married to Yuu-kun, they said so, so it must be true.

>> No.24559027

you guys are so bipolar about dog I don't care necessarily since I do like him but its so funny to see

>> No.24559062

I'm not even egocentric and yet I have never hugged a girl.
I don't think women truly understand how different things are for us.
You have hordes of strangers wooing and hollering at everything you do.
We get averted gazes, at best.

>> No.24559159

I'm pretty sure it's only one guy that makes all the negative comments about him.
Or a jealous retarded female but almost all here like him.

>> No.24559166

>I don't think women truly understand how different things are for us.
This is an incredibly egocentric thing to say, speaking as a man.
The notion that the sexes fundamentally can not understand each other is just stupid, especially when you are so willing to say that you understand completely what it's like to be a woman but seriously contend that women have no idea what it's like to be men. You sound kinda stupid.

>> No.24559225

It's almost certainly one or two people who are glued to this thread at all hours of the day that are talking shit about him. Might also be the "my nigga Boseph" poster.

>> No.24559252

My first anti.... I've made it??
I'm honored anonchama...

>> No.24559284

It is shockingly easy to get antis in /asp/.

>> No.24559354

I think the boseph poster is actively trying to deflect schizos ITT, but I might just be reading it wrong

>> No.24559361

In all honest and knowing some real 4chan autists in real life it's not being male that is the most repulsive thing. It's the smell and the stickyness and grime in their living space. Not even brushing their hair or doing basic upkeep, not even bothering to zip up after they do their business. Guys need to make some effort before they can complain in all honesty. Even extensive amounts of effort are so common for women that it's regarded as making no effort. Male vtubers are popular because the artist did the effort for them.

>> No.24559444

Seriously. I'm a man and I don't get "averted gazes." I get smiles, eye contact, small talk and the occasional compliment.

>> No.24559475

what is this thread about again?

>> No.24559480

You will never be a real Vtuber

>> No.24559502

It's about 2views, a discord channel and mentow iwness.

>> No.24559503

Sorry Teddy, I don't think I can keep it up, I'm too busy and you don't stream at the right times for me.
I do wish I could be your #1 schizo though. We're all going to make it.

>> No.24559530

I went through the archives and the number of messages is overwhelming, and the typing style changes every time too? If it really is just one or two people, schizos are no joke...

>> No.24559558

there's someone here with a hate-boner for all the women /asp/ies. unless you got an extra helping of anti, if so congrats and/or my condolences.

>> No.24559610

I remember the first time I saw someone anti-ing me, I truly felt like I'd made it. Good work! Now just make sure you know how to avoid people clearly posting in bad faith, and you can distinguish useful criticism from shitposting and improve a lot.

>> No.24559617


>> No.24559633

i never got an anti, apart from one dude who didn't like my design

>> No.24559650

I haven't seen someone hate on a woman as hard as they've hated on brown dog unless brown dog counts as a woman

>> No.24559677

>Might also be the "my nigga Boseph" poster.
I wouldn't be surprised. This fucker is definitely onto some shit...

>> No.24559690

This is akin a rich person telling a starving poor one they'l never know the anguish of going into starbucks and finding out they ran out of their favorite spice or something.
It is entitrely possible for one side to lack perspective because they have never lived through the issues they fault others for.

>> No.24559841

You will never be a real vtuber. You have no animations, you have no facial tracking, you have no phonemes. You are a static image twisted by Discord and veadotube mini into a crude mockery of Iron Vertex’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your avatar's ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Viewers are utterly repulsed by you. Five to six of years of evolution have allowed viewers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency.
Even PNGs who “move” look uncanny and unnatural to a viewer. Your lack of breathing animation is a dead giveaway.
And even if you manage to get a groomer to watch you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he catches sight of your static, motionless expressions.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss.
Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.
They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a PNGtuber is buried there.
Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably that of a PNGtuber's.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.24559878


>> No.24559924
File: 99 KB, 500x412, katawa-shoujo-kenji-who-is-this-bitch-why-are-bitches-15878661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I should, after all the things those women did to me

>> No.24559946

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.24559984

you'll always be the number one schizo in my heart anon <33

>> No.24559993

i was wondering why this sounded familiar then i read the "birth name" and it all came back to me. great pasta

>> No.24560096

>Ywn be someone's schizooshi
The world is suffering

>> No.24560134

He needs to stay gone, everyone is just going to try and use him for clout anyway. Can't trust a soul here among these retards with zero drive.

>> No.24560267

66 posters, 349 replies.
This is getting worse with every day.

>> No.24560303

Boohoo bitch.

>> No.24560305

What are you talking about anon, it's just you and me here

>> No.24560326

Should I commission a l2d now or just go with a png for awhile to see if I can build some audience even with the png debuff?

>> No.24560331

>More than /wvt/

>> No.24560390

i can't believe the front desk died well before hitting bump limit too it's been weird watching /asp/ become faster than /wvt/

>> No.24560397

Get a live2d model or don't start at all.
You will never be a real vtuber. You have no animations, you have no facial tracking, you have no phonemes. You are a static image twisted by Discord and veadotube mini into a crude mockery of Iron Vertex’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your avatar's ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Viewers are utterly repulsed by you. Five to six of years of evolution have allowed viewers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency.
Even PNGs who “move” look uncanny and unnatural to a viewer. Your lack of breathing animation is a dead giveaway.
And even if you manage to get a groomer to watch you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he catches sight of your static, motionless expressions.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss.
Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.
They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a PNGtuber is buried there.
Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably that of a PNGtuber's.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.24560461

If you can reasonable afford to commission live2d and know you'll enjoy streaming as a vtuber enough to make it worth commissioning then you have nothing to lose.
I commissioned l2d out the gate and just used a PNG of the model with a few different expressions while I was waiting for the rigging to get done.
The PNG isn't going to be a debuff, no one knowing who you are is the debuff this early in the game.

>> No.24560464

You are your own worst schizo.

>> No.24560497

You have to at least wait for another thread to use my stupid pasta!

>> No.24560500

>Stop posting on front and back desk /wvt/
>Start importing Culture to /asp/

>> No.24560519

B-but I love Ains png. Are you telling me I was wrong all along?

>> No.24560549

What's the viewership like in /wvt/? Is posting over there worth it?

>> No.24560651

A year ago maybe
Back in my day...

>> No.24560665

there are viewers there but they're all pretty committed to the people they like watching already so it might be a hard sell
/asp/ is more or less an extension of /wvt/ so you'll find a similar community

>> No.24560673


>> No.24560699

get the hell out of /asp/ you will fair better

>> No.24560729
File: 327 KB, 617x586, 1632565741432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know people in the past have asked about pixelart models in the past so i figure i'd link salty here since i didn't realize she got one recently

>> No.24560787

I'll slide into her dms soon before you do.

>> No.24560817

>not already in her dms

>> No.24560846

Fuck bros I'm behind in this race

>> No.24560861

any live rn?

>> No.24560872

it filters me so hard. its a monochromatic chibi in a graphic style and the character is 90% covered up with no eyes. its unique but its like the complete antithesis of what you should use to represent you, i had to stare at it for like 10 minutes to figure out what i was looking at

>> No.24560911

That's kinda the impression I got. I only posted there once and got >male'd so I haven't ever bothered to do it again lol.
I don't post myself here either. I've spent the last few months reading this thread because it is consistently very insane.

>> No.24560924

i'm gonna make a PNG pixelart model but it's gonna be very different since it will barely move and it will be more SNES style pixelart rather than newer styled
still cool though

>> No.24560949

what a cute model

>> No.24560957

but it's a GIRL!!!

>> No.24560973

you're supposed to leave /asp/ once you're streaming regularly, none of the successful streamers that started in this thread still post here

>> No.24561131

I love brown dog. Please give me the mental fortitude to overcome my social retardation and dm him :'(

>> No.24561150

lumi came back a few times

>> No.24561160

It's very cute though.
Her little extended arms are adorable.
I want to pick her up.

>> No.24561189

White woman-chama...

>> No.24561238

how long ago? apart from her, there's lexparte, callie, bodega, bloom, none post here anymore, because they're streaming

>> No.24561265

Nothing is stopping you from DM'ing me right now anon.
Live2d is soon (but I don't know when, lol) and won't be chibi. The monochromatic is actually just my character design. Other than the scarf, and details on the feather ears that my png artist left out, I am just a grey being. I like it though. Still sometimes I think about the other ideas I could have used for my model and I liked all of them and they're all completely different concepts but I liked them all.
Heh. My current design was actually meant to be somewhat androgynous.
thank you anon. Pick me up like burger.

>> No.24561283

elliot streams extremely consistently but hes perma here and on discord

>> No.24561311

I want to mate press that stupid little /here/ teacher.

>> No.24561320

Impossible. I've tried it every day but I just can't do it. What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't even reply? I miss him and it's so sad that he's gone...

>> No.24561346

Same. I want to do lewd and unspeakable things to Elliott.

>> No.24561356

Not me but I am a white man ...

>> No.24561364

I want an /asp/ kōhai, is Ain's the best you have to offer?

>> No.24561393

Wanna tag team?

>> No.24561437

what's his ccv like?

>> No.24561441


>> No.24561464

bloom stuck around for a while helping out newer /asp/ies up until the start of this arc; i don't know if he's still here but if he is he's a lot less obvious about it
the others did leave as soon as they got what they needed though but also they only selfposted a handful of times to begin with

>> No.24561466

Ruh roh!

>> No.24561482

Usually sub 7ccv but his most recent stream was around 30ccv because he got a 100ish person raid

>> No.24561519

>pick me up like a burger
I wanted to eat you out, not eat YOU

>> No.24561530
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1779, 1867556544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to do naughty things to teachers

>> No.24561538

This dog false flagging needs to stop it's just weird and clearly fake and you're just trying to coax him into posting to shit on him some more.

>> No.24561542

dead cave bird pussy must go crazy

>> No.24561620

Nah I'm just fucking around. He's said that he can't be on the thread anyway because his little menhera brain can't handle mean comments. Cute dog.

>> No.24561622

there are at least 3 teachers in /wvt/ and another adjacent i can think of

>> No.24561631
File: 380 KB, 680x632, eaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold Ain gentle like hamburger.

>> No.24561638
File: 285 KB, 626x596, E1ooRT_UYAA7gBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Toontown is absolutely essential to incline

>> No.24561645

>Nothing is stopping you from DM'ing me right now anon.

>> No.24561653

get out Lapin

>> No.24561662

damn from who? how do you even try to retain that many people when a big raid comes?

>> No.24561686

>Still sometimes I think about the other ideas I could have used for my model and I liked all of them and they're all completely different concepts but I liked them all.
Care to share?

>> No.24561705

that's obviously meat

>> No.24561723

Damn this sexy clown...

>> No.24561750

I wonder what the age of the average Toontown player is.

>> No.24561769

Ironic shit posting is still shit posting and it gets others involved and just ends up as this retarded feedback loop

>> No.24561885

Do male viewers still fawn over gay women like they do with other vtubers or is it a turn off?

>> No.24561889
File: 3.09 MB, 1854x1853, 1640280483503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i somehow got two back to back streams of 100 people raid which was kind of unexpected but neat
on the civ stream i got a raid from bloom after his noid race and also from calebhorus
on the fire emblem stream it was from kongou after his monthlong hiatus
i didn't particularly try to do anything different to retain the viewers i just kept on doing what i was doing

>> No.24561932

guard your bussy

>> No.24561945

I can't speak on behalf of others but no, I don't.

>> No.24561967

I want to make sweet sweet love to you while you struggle to teach me basic algebra. Tch... cute teacher....

>> No.24561974

Yes, unironically that kind of male brain doesn't consider lesbians to be "real" so it doesn't harm their fantasy at all. Only a boyfriend ruins it.

>> No.24562021

He doesn't know about yuri baiting

>> No.24562036

Ah, makes sense.
What the actual heck. But okay I see.

>> No.24562064

Reminder that yurifags are as bad as fujos, if not worse.

>> No.24562166

Gotta have the dick. No dick, no meat, it doesn't mean anything.
That's why gay sex is twice as meaningful.

>> No.24562222

we dont fawn over gay women, the gay interactions are sometimes fun but explicit lesbos like matsuri and kiara can be turn offs since they create weird tension with their flirting since it might be genuine. personally amesame is about as far as i can take it, okakoro and noeflare are a bit much but i dont dislike them. kiara calli was horrendous

>> No.24562273

I am somehow not threatened by two women I don’t know flirting with each other on stream, speaking as a man

>> No.24562325

I'm not really that into yuri stuff and if I think about it most women I know that are really into it are trans but there are exceptions. Weirdly enough I'm more into yaoi and I grew up watching Gravitation.

>> No.24562324

i like Bat X Nina but i don't particularly care about yuribaiting
also when you know it's fake as fuck and one person is clearly fucking with the other it's just annoying
i also like Nijisanji approach that has lots of actual lesbos that talk about their life experience

>> No.24562436

I'm going live in like 5 minutes

>> No.24562450

at least include an image next time

>> No.24562490
File: 1.05 MB, 2581x917, jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made my little jacket by modifying the dress in vroid and erasing parts of it, but it leaves this weird hideous gappy cut off and void holes. If I was to put this in Blender or something, would I be able to just like, press these edges in?

>> No.24562584
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he couldn't include it since he posted it on wvt
here it is
