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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24503794 No.24503794 [Reply] [Original]

Shondo thread

>> No.24504166

I'm going to kidnap my future wife, Shondo.

>> No.24504935
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Shondo sexy.

>> No.24506385
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why does she talk like a retard

>> No.24506437


>> No.24508767

did she do schedule like holo and niji livers?

>> No.24509144

She does but right now her PC is shitting itself and she's sick, so she's just streaming when she can.

>> No.24513118

is she dating her mod yet?

>> No.24513772

No she's dating me

>> No.24513811

I posted this

>> No.24514147

I love her cute and funny voice

>> No.24514725

It's a little embarrassing though because it serves as a constant reminder that she has a DDLG fetish.

>> No.24515011


>> No.24515018
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She’s obviously into size difference but I don’t know why you’d assume that specifically, I don’t see her as a daddy sort of girl. Now, imagine her calling you onii-chan during sex…

>> No.24515131

why am I so attracted to her and pippa?

>> No.24515242
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I wonder what her relationship with her actual brother is like. We know they’re really close, she tells many stories about him, about her forcing hugs and kisses on him even though he’s too big and strong for her now, how he babies her despite her being older, which seems funny to think about when you remember she calls herself the imouto wife. He has appeared in her streams before, he’s a mod. I wonder what he thinks of her shtick.

>> No.24515316
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Emotionally immature girls activate breeding instinct. The younger they are/seem the more babies you can produce with them. They also activate the natural need for a man to protect a young, fragile woman.

>> No.24516658

I've wondered that too. She's posted all her loli stuff with him around on her server and Twitter so it makes me wonder how he feels about it.

Realistically these kinds of girls would not be able to take care of children so not sure about that

>> No.24517154
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You say that, but I'd still mating press her and raise children with her anyway. Nothing must ever get in the way of my love for my daughterwife Shondo!

>> No.24519488

Holy shit, is she feeling better? I hope so.

>> No.24519575

If you mean ty, one of us schizos actually grew enough balls to tell her that her mod was kind of being a drag. Long story short, she asked him to tone it down, something happened behind the scenes, and now he's no longer her mod and they don't talk to eachother. My money is that absolute retard threw a temper tantrum and stormed off. I hope she never lets him back in because the dude is a textbook abusive piece of shit.

>> No.24519644

For anyone newfag to shondo, she's actually asexual. Or at least that's what she claims on her twitter.

>> No.24519888
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>> No.24520018

She's been saying so for years, so I'd be inclined to believe her. Evidence also points to this being why a certain relationship didn't work out. We also know she's suffered some kind of sexual trauma as a child, which is probably tied into that, hell, probably why she roleplays as a virtual loli.

Not GFE dumbass, IDWE (imouto daughter wife experience)

>> No.24520143

>spoilered text
Well shit, I'm less sexually attracted to her now. Really is a shame how reality works. I still wish the best for her though.

>> No.24520409
File: 142 KB, 850x1464, kabeshondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather be Shadow's real brother
>live in same house as her
>confirmed taller and stronger than her, she can't fight back against you
>she constantly wants to spend time with you and forces affection upon you
>probably spoils you
>you are probably her IRL emotional clutch given how often and how fondly she speaks of him
or Shadow's cat Marley
>sleep in the same bed as her
>you are a cat
>you can control Shadow's life completely, stop her from streaming if you want to by being annoying as shit and breaking things
>cuck her whole audience by having her shower you in kisses during streams
>you cannot have sex with her (you are a cat)
>you get to lick her forehead and drink her tears and also be there for her when she is sad late at night

>> No.24520775
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I'm really sexually attracted to Shadow but truth be told I do feel kind of bad about it, and I'd never act that way in front of her, in streams or on the discord or whatever. I don't think she minds people feeling that way given some of the art she's commissioned and her anything goes policy towards fanart, but still it feels weird. When she says things like she's a jumpy sleeper and she couldn't sleep if anyone was touching her it hits me that's trauma related and I feel terrible for wanting to ravage her. I guess even if I had the opportunity I probably wouldn't fuck the real Shadow for how shitty I'd feel about just the thought of it. But the fantasy of it is nice.

>> No.24521172

She really needs to pick her friends better...
Good job the schizo with balls.

>> No.24521352
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nice take anon

>> No.24522291

A lot of people say they're sexually attracted to shadow but I really don't think they'd really be so much into her irl. She has lots of her own issues for sure. Makes me feel bad but thing is I don't think she does too much to help herself so it doesn't matter how much you try and help. She's always been that way. I personally don't see vtubing as a loli a good or healthy thing for her.

>> No.24522386


>> No.24523479

I became Shondopilled since discovering her recently and watching her vods. I'm attracted to her, but it hurts because I used to know a hikikomori dropout loli exactly like her but I never went that route because I was too hikikomori myself back then, now I feel regret. I hope that girl turned out OK.

>> No.24523811

Shadow's personality is 100% my type. I love her. But I've also experienced what dating girls with "daddy issues" (literally ANY sexual trauma) is like. No, you cannot fix her. It's very sad.

>> No.24523965

I think a lot of us see part of ourselves in Shadow, or someone we know or once knew, whether that's a little sister, a girl you liked, just someone you knew a little about and wish you got to know better. I wish I could say I'm sure she's fine, but Shadow has an iron will and I think I would've snapped many times over facing half of the shit she's faced. How she keeps getting back up and going back at it again bewilders me.

>> No.24524148

>How she keeps getting back up and going back at it again bewilders me.
I'm glad she has that going for her. Sometimes it's all you can do.

>> No.24524295

I thought more about it, and it's probably because she has no other choice. Her will is admirable, but she loves her family and loves us, she has to keep going because she has nothing else.
I am glad that if anything we can give her reason to keep trying. I hope one day she can be truly happy.

>> No.24524718

Saying she wouldn't be here anymore if it wasn't for vtubing allude to that. I hope she can find happiness, too.

>> No.24525181

>Some nigger botting the drawing poll
My uoh ToT...

>> No.24525454

I'm not worried, this is only the first poll. She said in discord she knows it's being botted and this one is just to gather suggestions for the second. She's gonna go through manually and select the ones she likes. You have a chance anon.

>> No.24525762

I can only hope...

>> No.24530164

Magical girl has 7500 votes... seems legit.

>> No.24535472


>> No.24537680

I have no idea who this is

>> No.24540777
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>> No.24541025
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Shondo Stormrage

>> No.24543871
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>> No.24543977

Because Shondo activates your "must protect" instincts and Pippa activates the "must rape violently" instincts.

>> No.24544114

>Pippa activates the "must rape violently" instincts.
Not showering or brushing her teeth for months is attractive to you? I can just see her sitting there in the monitor's glow, sweaty and disgusting with stripey hair and an oily sheen to her face, one leg up on the chair and scratching her fat hairy pussy that stinks so bad you can smell it from outside her room.

>> No.24544620

Uoh. How often does Shondo shower?

>> No.24544801

Stop, I can only get so hard

>> No.24544911

I will trick her into letting me help her by making her think she is helping me instead. As an example, getting three square meals a day, I would ask her if she wants to help me cook a good meal, even if she doesn't, she might feel guilted into wanting to help because It would make me happy to spend time together, and she might sit down and eat with me and we can talk about whatever.
I would ask her if she wanted to cuddle around bed time and she might one day fall asleep in my arms, so both of us would get enough sleep for a change.
Maybe its fucked up but we would both be helping improve ourselves but for another person instead.
I want to improve my life but hate myself, doing it for someone I care about seems worthwhile

>> No.24545367

I would rather be myself
>cum inside shondo without a care

>> No.24546249

she is deserving of love and adoration by someone, and is clearly capable of dishing that out herself. i wish i was good enough to be that person for her. i could survive off an occasional hug and seeing her smile.

>> No.24547946


>> No.24548388

damn cats always being so smug

>> No.24549634

so what happened to the ex-Mod that went crying on twitter, is he back? (out of the loop)
