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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 298 KB, 498x498, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24481657 No.24481657 [Reply] [Original]

I know we talk shit on /vt , but I would be genuinely sad if that happened.

>> No.24481706

No, she's an immortal being

>> No.24481741


>> No.24481752

We don't know what's happening yet. Let's wait until tomorrow before posting this shit.

>> No.24481779

Wait. Did something actually happened?

>> No.24481825

Everyone will die eventually

>> No.24481865

yes she got covid while seriously immunocompromised

she's fucked fr

>> No.24481922

Covid is a hoax though.

>> No.24481946

she's been dying for over a decade now. You really believe that bullshit?

>> No.24482007

Source: it occurred to me in a dream

>> No.24482240

>Oh no! I'm poor, innocent soul dying and needing to be separated from world due to my poor healthy!
> Anyway, let me stream for ENTIRE MONTH without any actual break. Please follow and subscribe to save my life tho!

People believing that she's actually sick are fucking suckers. Absolute brainlets.

>> No.24482350

>Claims she can't go outside due to her condition
>Confirms she doesn't go outside by streaming for a month without stopping

People believing that she's not actually sick are fucking retarded. Absolutely brainless.

>> No.24482424

Do you really think that actually seriously ill person would stream for 30 days?
You know, if she would be this sick she would probably need rest or have doctor's visit or some shit. Her streaming for so long is confirmation that she's not sick. But oh well, being brainles "muh poor mousey uwu" person is mental illness on its own.

>> No.24482470

I hope that you're happy that your pity coins are going on condoms for her fuckboy, fucker.

>> No.24482512

>but I would be genuinely sad if that happened.

why? One vshojo whore less, I hope they all die together with conur and other faggot orbiters kill all twitch die die die

>> No.24482550

a ton of twitch whores and manwhores did the same it's part of the "meta" as they call it.

>> No.24482663

Did she caught something or is that classic "I heard she terminally sick, will she die?" thread? She just has shit immune system, as long she doesn't caught anything dangerous she's fine.

>> No.24482701

My brother in christ you seem to misunderstand what type of illness she has. She doesnt have a "oh noesis im sick *rn* and i need rest so ill get better", she has a "oh noesis im moderately sick constantly now and forever until i die or a tech is developed to cure me".

fucking retarded brainlets who think that having a autoimmune disease means that you have the common flu

>> No.24482734

No they didn't. Shylily spent so little time on stream she went out and caught covid. Rainhoe was dropping into her chat asking for subs while her model 'slept' on screen. Ironmouse was one of few that actually did a real subathon, the majority were fakes.

>> No.24482758 [DELETED] 

Idk, if her health is as bad as she says it is maybe.

>> No.24482789

You moron, for a long time she claimed to be beridden, under pretty much permament blood transfusion and unable to eat.
That's not "moderate sick", that's being a goddamn veggie. But obviously it's all fake to make you throw your shekels at her. She's making millions on your stupid feelings.
Connor is fucking her and she's fucking you, the difference is that you have less fun than she has with Connor's cock.

>> No.24482817 [DELETED] 

I wish it were true, because the fallout would be hilarious.

>> No.24482832

I don't believe she's ever met connor but hope one day she's able to have someone fuck her brains out like she desires.
Not sure why you guys are so obsessed with connors cock but i think he's bi so you might have a chance to suck it.

>> No.24482846

She's faking it.

>> No.24482848

I have never shit talked mouse. I'm indifferent to Vshoujo as a whole but I never disliked her.

>> No.24482859

You're a jew

>> No.24482913 [DELETED] 

All men do on this board is hope their oshi gets some dudes dick. I’m sick of this fucking place.

>> No.24482923

I will be sad if she dies. She's genuinely a bright light in the world who makes it better for being in it. And I don't even watch her outside of clips, because I don't do twitch. But it would probably be one of the most traumatic things to happen to the vtubing community.

>> No.24482935


Go back on discord. Also you'll never be a real woman.

>> No.24482956

>I don't do twitch
what kind of mental illness do you have to avoid a specific content-driven website
Imagine saying "I don't do youtube"

>> No.24483005

Isn't her having super aids just a grift and all she really has is normal HIV

>> No.24483298 [DELETED] 

People do say that.

She’s one of the few vtubers I feel is actually doing it out of a love for the medium and not for a quick buck or to further her personal career. I would not be able to enjoy vtubing as much if she were gone.

That said, she is probably going to be totally fine and make serious bank off this.

>> No.24483690

>rancid "culture"
>humor worse than leddit
>spamming emotes is like totally poggers sister!
>adds (don't care that there's a non-normalfag addblock out there, most twitch users are normalfags and they don't use it)
>recommending thots even if you're not interested
>banned for wrongthink
>deletes vods, so they have to rely on the competition to reupload vods
I'm gonna stop here so I don't sounds like even more of a schizo, but if you genuinely don't understand why someone would be opposed to using twitch then you're unironically retarded

>> No.24484259

She might have COVID

>> No.24484423 [DELETED] 

“Might” means she’s negative. She would have to know. Right? She’d be fucked.

>> No.24484483

How could she have covid if she isn't going out at all?

>> No.24484520

obviously she knows if she has it or not, the "might" is because we dont know yet

>> No.24484533 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1080x1794, ACC46427-A620-4D3A-B533-1733DD779F12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you saying to me, anon?

>> No.24484549

this. lmao

>> No.24484561 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 579x553, 1632306377933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't she talk about her kid anymore?

>> No.24484618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24484665

You know she's in contact with a few people like her nurse, doctor and mom, right?
If she caught the coof someone fucked up the protocol while having the virus

>> No.24484695 [DELETED] 

I know one person who never cared about the protocols. ;)

>> No.24484711

How do you get covid in 2022? Especially if you ‘never go outside teehee’

>> No.24484718

She said that one time, she talked about her daughter on stream that she will never mention her again.
It's understandable to not want to expose your own daughter to weirdos on the internet.

>> No.24484731

none of those things have anything to do with you actually watching the streamer
you're mad about the people who use the website

>> No.24484845

>none of those things have anything to do with you actually watching the streamer
>recommending thots
>deletes vods
>banned for wrongthink

>you're mad about the people who use the website
Mad? No one's mad here friend, I just don't subject my self to that shit
And yes, part of the reason why I don't use the platform is because of the permanently visible chat that the streamer responds to and mimics

>> No.24484868

Covid has reached the stage where it's a matter of when you get it rather than if. 95% of people will get it, if they haven't already, and not notice anything at all, maybe a scratchy throat for a couple days at most, and then develop natural immunity. Mouse is absolutely fucked though because her body can't fight it off and won't develop immunity. If it doesn't kill her outright, it will cause lasting damage that will set back months of progress because her lungs are already permanently wrecked by a lingering MAC infection.

>> No.24484869

Covid restriction relax, so it's easier to catch it, then her parents who aren't trapped at home and live with her come in contact with it.

It's really not that complicated.

>> No.24484874

Her parents go out all the time. Also, her room, has room has been more exposed, because they're in the process of preparing to move to her new house.

>> No.24484877 [DELETED] 

Don't you think it's manipulative to be taking donations from people who believe you're a 20 something with a terminal illness and not a 30 something single mother who just needs dialysis once a week?

>> No.24484919

NTA, but she never claimed to be in her twenties, and her age is pretty obvious in general from what she talks about. Hell, you should know just from the shit she watched as a kid.

>> No.24484922

it's insane how people believe her fake stories and drown her in money

>> No.24484952

use adblock
youtube has recommendations too
deleting vods doesnt stop you watching livestreams
i guess you can get banned if you chat, but if twitch chatters trigger your autism so bad why do you want to chat anyway

>> No.24485006

Have you ever seen her streams? If she's faking, then she deserves a fucking Oscar, especially since other streamers know what she looks like.

>> No.24485026

Mouse is impervious to retard-ier trolling, she's a good person

>> No.24485070

>other streamers
I see you're new around here. Good luck on the defense and mental gymnastics.

>> No.24485071

shes not lying about her illness and i understand wanting to keep her daughter a secret from all the internet weirdos. and as the other guy says she doesnt try to hide her age

this, if you watched any of her old streams it was super obvious how weak she was, i guess now that shes getting better the accusation are starting to increase lol

>> No.24485077

>rancid "culture"
twitch culture is very similiar to 4chan compared to many other places, but it depends on the streamer on how much is diluted with "normies", the same applies to youtube
>humor worse than leddit
it depends on the streamer, same for youtube
>spamming emotes is like totally poggers sister!
emotes are fun and helps to bury the cringe messages away (even if sometimes they are spammed too much, because some faggots have bots to be active in chat 24/7), if you don't like emotes I bet you don't like to post images on 4chan either,
>adds (don't care that there's a non-normalfag addblock out there, most twitch users are normalfags and they don't use it)
ads suck, but you have ads on youtube too even if they are 1/5 of twitch but you have banner ads on the webpage, twitch does not, still is a non problem for people with a brain
>recommending thots even if you're not interested
well yeah that's a problem and not everything is algoritm based like youtube, and you don't discover twitch streamers because of twitch
>banned for wrongthink
comment some "wrongthink" on youtube and see what happens
>deletes vods, so they have to rely on the competition to reupload vods
vods are saved for 2 months in 90% of the cases and is up to the streamer, twitch is not a video platform so it doesn't make sense to have year old archives, you are free to save the vods or upload them in a video platform like youtube and save a shitton of hosting cost
at the end stop being tribal there is good content in both places

>> No.24485082

No, she's making enough money to be able to pay for whatever expensive treatment she might need

>> No.24485110 [DELETED] 

This does not seem true from the number of people who have seen >>24484561 and react with surprise that Ironmouse had a child old enough to talk over a decade ago

>> No.24485118 [DELETED] 

We are all gonna die Anon, that’s life.

>> No.24485128

>And yes, part of the reason why I don't use the platform is because of the permanently visible chat that the streamer responds to and mimics
why the fuck do you watch livestreams if you don't want to interact with the streamer then? Just watch a movie or some shit

>> No.24485132

>use adblock
I already covered this, but I didn't expect you to read anyway. Normal adblock doesn't work and that's the only one normalfags use
>youtube has recommendations too
Last time I checked youtube never recommended thottery to me, especially when I showed absolutely no interest in them
>deleting vods doesnt stop you watching livestreams
Some of us have a life
>if twitch chatters trigger your autism so bad why do you want to chat anyway
>permanently visible chat that the streamer responds to and mimics

>> No.24485163

Man, 1 the whole Vtuber culture is about liying on their ages. When Holos or Nijis say one character is 18 but her RM is actually 35, nobody cares.
2, we don't even know her actual age. The one time she talked about her daughter it seemed she was pretty young when she had her. She's Puerto ricain, it might as well been a teen pregnancy. She might still be in her late 20s.
3 as far as I know she never implied her own age to be 20 or something

>> No.24485186

>that's the only one normalfags use
are you a normalfag?
Tiwtch and Youtube both recommend videos adjecent to what you're watching
You can disable twitch chat just like youtube chat, although its really not any different apart from the emotes
It's such petty tribalism not to use a streaming platform because of reasons you invented in your head

>> No.24485274 [DELETED] 

Her Kid was like 3 then, she talked about her being 10 on stream in 2018.

Also only an iditiot would assume she's in her 20s when actually watching it. LIke constantly mentions that her siblings are old and boomers and her parents are getting into the really old age at his point.

>> No.24485278

she doesnt draw any attention to her age so people just assume shes in her 20s like the majority of vtubers, but if you listen to any of the stories tells about her past and can do simple maths then its not hard to guess

>> No.24485281

She's only 28.

>> No.24485299


>> No.24485316

Pity ooints got her in with hololive, so yes im happy

>> No.24485346


>> No.24485361

Yes, that is exactly what I said. You're not taking things out of context at all

>If it doesn't affect me it's not bad!
>twitch and Youtube both recommend videos adjecent to what you're watching
>you can disable twitch chat just like youtube chat
Won't stop the streamer from verbally regurgitating poggers and other hilarious twitch memes
And yes, it depends on the streamer, but it doesn't stop it from being the norm

I gave you plenty of reasons why one would not like twitch, you just ignored all of them and called them non-issues, you obviously have no intention of viewing other's angle on a matter and I'm

>> No.24485377

>believing youtube is any better

>> No.24485422 [DELETED] 

Literally impossible. Her kid would've had to be at least 4 years old to be asking for dolls back in 2011. If she's 28 now in 2022 then she would've had to be 17 when she made those tweets which means she got pregnant when she was 13 or younger. She is a spic so I'm willing to entertain her being 15 when she got knocked up which puts her around 31-33 now.

>> No.24485484

>>He thinks his chuuba are young girls.

Hate to break it to you, anon...

>> No.24485519

also her cvid "kicked in" before or around her pregnancy and that doesnt usually happen till your mid 20s
and one other thing but i think weve done enough doxing in this thread lol

>> No.24485533

Then she would be practically healthy on virus suppressive therapy. Most hiv-positive in first world live and fuck and do whatever they want.

>> No.24485579 [DELETED] 

I doubt it

>> No.24485585

The people that claim Mouse is faking it/lying to everyone are the same people who wholeheartedly believe their oshi is a pure maiden who's never even seen a man before.

>> No.24485603

>>deleted posts

Hi R0xyy! Enjoying your stay?

>> No.24485633

hi mouse, at least try making it less obvious that it's you

>> No.24485642

That's not how it works. You question things, collect evidence, and provide your findings. What you just said is counter intuitive.

>> No.24485660

She said back in 2018 that she was 24. It fits

>> No.24485666

>Yes, that is exactly what I said. You're not taking things out of context at all
you said
>permanetly visible chat
you can hide it, some streamers don't have the chat visible on stream, you can simply ignore it, streamers on youtube do the same, some don't have it on stream some have it, is the same thing
>the streamer responds and mimic
compared to what? Do you want the streamer to ignore the chat while they are doing "just chatting" talking to the viewere is the whole point, or you would do karaoke or some other shit that is a stand alone content. And sorry if you can't be the only one to talk with your oshi since they are another 10k people in the same stream, like I said it would be better for you to watch a movie, go to cb and take a 1 on 1 session with some whore or watch content like AI chan, because you don't get streaming

>> No.24485681

who cares? It just means a old hag managed to get herself in with holo

>> No.24485706

The main thing I'd be sad about is she didn't announce her and Connor are dating, but only because it would cuck Mori. If her death makes him go to her, that would be the worst time line

>> No.24485843

If she lives, she’s planning on bringing a japanese vtuber on, I don’t think she stated if its gonna be a holo or niji one though

>> No.24485898

>Someone might die
>Mori Mori Mori
It's not just rent free at this point. You're paying her to stay here.

>> No.24485916
File: 9 KB, 650x366, 1648620327488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't even bother reading the reply chain, so I'm done arguing with you people. You can keep white knighting for a corporation all you want, it won't change the issues I have with it. Its good that you don't find the issues I mentioned a problem, but some of us do. Sorry that it bothers you

>> No.24485930

So what's your evidence?

>> No.24486000

>white knighting for a corporation
kek continue to defend your favorite youtube corpo then, you are the one that is choosing a side

>> No.24486036

You wouldn't acknowledge an evidence even if it punched you to the face. Just look at this thread.

>> No.24486073

How is she alive if she has covid? What is this bullshit?

>> No.24486077

Holy shit.

>> No.24486084

If you have actual proof that she is lying about her disease post it. Otherwise shut up.

>> No.24486129

She is not immunocompromised, If she was she would be dead already

>> No.24486131

I suppose the silver lining about Mouse’s death would be that it fucks with Mori In a real way.

>> No.24486137

I really wouldn't care if she died. I don't know her, she's just some streamer the vshokeks talk up all the time, and everyone dies eventually. It's whatever.

>> No.24486269 [DELETED] 

If she goes I hope it happens quickly. Really bad cases of Covid can get ugly fast. She might actually end up in an iron lung.

>> No.24486336

one of her oldest irl photos is her tubed imagine the effort and twisted mind that it would take to fake her condition for thousands of hours of stream and never slip up, like if you watch her for some time you would know that is not a joke or fake.
Her disease is like aids, you take drugs to suppress it, but your system is still fucked so you have to live in a bubble or you risk infections, you can be fine for a month and then catch a simple cold and be fucked for 2 months

>> No.24486365

>Is she gonna die?
Yeah from too much sex. With me.

>> No.24486470

covid is short for coronavirus. which is a type of virus. the 19 part is the name the of the variant.
otherwise the called the flu.

>> No.24486471

You'll just have to find out which is faster. The leak or the burden of knowing

>> No.24486660

Judging by her early streams and the ages she mentioned and so on she's around 33-35.

>> No.24486729

What are you? Like 10?

>> No.24486855

Your angle is based on superstition and pre-existing biases
The average Youtube chat is pretty much exactly the same as the average Twitch chat but with less emotes
You imagine it's just people saying poggers all the time and getting recommend girls in hot tubs because you don't actually use it

>> No.24486903

eve if she was lying nothings gonna stop her from rising in popularity and bringing holo/nijis on her show, or any collabs in general

>> No.24486918

God is punishing her for breaking the 10 commandments and spitting in his face.

>> No.24487073

She's not going to die. I highly doubt it. But she won't stream for some time I'll bet. Covid is going to kick her hard if she has it.

If she dies I think a lot of people would be genuinely sad. She's got a way to be friends with everyone. And I mean everyone.

>> No.24487325

I dread to think that this was the future of another Mori
conor has considered anime to be consumable items to adorn himself
so he treats Vtubers like anime characters and consumes their content season after season

>> No.24487329
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>> No.24487633

I wouldn't be sad and I am the only person who matters

>> No.24487766

Mousey does not covet her neighbors' wives.

>> No.24487804

she has CVID
aka "common variable immunodeficiency"

>> No.24487841

But people said she caught covid too? If she did she would be dead by now

>> No.24487868

do you think people just drop dead in 5 minutes when they catch covid with fucked up immune systems

it takes like a week at least

>> No.24487888

>consumable items to adorn himself
I thought Connor being gay was just a meme?

>> No.24488032

She said in a 2018 interview that she was 24. Where are you people getting your information?

>> No.24488164

I wish Mori had the immunodeficiency condition and SHE died from COVID instead. Mouse is actually a good entertainer with some musical talent. It will be a shitty week when she gets boxed.

>> No.24488232

She said in that interview (2018) that she was diagnosed at 24. Not that she was 24 years old at the time of the interview. Plus she said in the same interview that she had a 10 year old daughter.

Do some basic math.

>> No.24488313

>but hope one day she's able to have someone fuck her brains out
oh my god, does this anon actually doesn't know?
let him know guys

>> No.24488461

what's the deal with her condition anyway, was she born with it? i thought she wanted to be an opera singer or some shit and lived a normal life for a while

>> No.24488603

It's a genetic disorder that kicks in around the late teens early 20s

>> No.24488635

Digits and she dies

>> No.24488785

It's been years and that wish was a direct quote

>> No.24489202

No, she said she was diagnosed a year ago at 23. Watch the interview

>> No.24489544

don't worry, Nyanners is ready to take her mantle once mouse died.

>> No.24489831

I'd watch this goddess if she stopped talking to that idiot eceleb

>> No.24489990

I've seen this same post aging badly so many times its not even funny. Some of these girls do seem to be that good, not saying mousey is though

>> No.24490061

ignore them anon, they never watched mousey. She said she used to dance when she was younger and had to stop due to her illness, it's very sad what happened to her.

>> No.24490294

>not saying mousey is though
She is.

>> No.24490851

saddest thing since that one chuuba who got a double mastectomy

>> No.24491268


So I did.

She's 33-35

>> No.24491385

1. I don't think she actually has anything and shes just an elaborate liar that scams people.
2. people with cvid still have most of their immune system, its just that they cant create antibody secreting cells, not an instant death sentence if you get the coof

>> No.24493664

Do your reps. She's sick with a very specific thing for a very specific reason.

>> No.24493788

How is this comment still up

>> No.24493881

why does she have like a dozen models?

>> No.24493946

I dont know how these are still up but you fags need to be careful, jannies will snipe the fuck outta you for this

>> No.24494225

Hopefully yes.

>> No.24494575
File: 262 KB, 900x675, 949E0AAF-346B-4967-A223-565D404EFB03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to kill leeches
