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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24308601 No.24308601 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml
Google Doc for /asp/ Collabs and Projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/edit#heading=h.q01v7kovxhs

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>24274148

>> No.24308749
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Tell me your recent achievements, /asp/

>> No.24308880

ive had 2 conccurent viewers

>> No.24308962

I was able to blow bubbles with a straw yesterday and sound a note then switch pitch a little before I lost it.

>> No.24308975

I finally got my computer set up in my new home after moving to Japan, so I can go back to making content. I might even have a schedule

>> No.24309155

Made a sexy teacher outfit for my avatar. Doesn't sound like much but the real achievement was powering through the first 30 minutes of utter shittiness and fucking around with textures to the point of almost giving up entirely.

>> No.24309214
File: 565 KB, 1666x856, 4ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna finish this cuz I've had it sitting unfinished for 2 months so I'll try to finish it in a week. Redid this so many times I lost count. Bear spats or school uniform, I'll let you guys decide. I used a mouse for this, fuck off.

>> No.24309504

I've got the basic settings down, I think I'm ready to stream into the void to test it out

>> No.24309676

I got affiliate last week and got a sub from someone I didn't recognize. Rigging my new model is also going well so far but I'm scared to start the head XY because I always fuck it up

>> No.24309935
File: 534 KB, 1666x856, 1652615320676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice model anon

>> No.24309970


>> No.24310035

my sides

>> No.24310180

Being a tech illiterate I am, took me a few days to figure out OBS, overlays, and setting up stuff, but I think I got the basics now. Should have started with this first before even thinking about models and stuff

>> No.24310244

Oh, you fixed the eyes. Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.24310352
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No problem.

>> No.24310442
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T-this is the gura killer guys

>> No.24310740

Today i streamed for 420 consecutive days and i was suppose to do 69 dnd session

>> No.24310874

looks like a nutsack

>> No.24311040

Thanks to some raids I hit a new highest ccv and highest average for a stream!

>> No.24311148


>> No.24311433

Sorry, this is it for me

>> No.24311842
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Not for me.

>> No.24311949
File: 481 KB, 1666x856, 16526153206762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's less realistic, but I would have preferred if they looked like melons, like in old animes.

>> No.24312030

I like boobs that ignore gravity

>> No.24314927

Dead thread

>> No.24315077

Dead /asp/ies

>> No.24315165

does any of them even stream or are they just forming discord circlejerks?

>> No.24315206

A bunch of /asp/ies streamed last night.

>> No.24315299

i'll be streaming in 2-3 months. need a quiet apartment with my own room first so until then its all drawing/guitar reps.

>> No.24315404

will you be playing it on stream?

>> No.24315472

Literally 2 streamed in the morning and a metric fuck ton more in the evening

>> No.24315534

They still stream regularly but yeah for the most part they just talk in the discord instead. Got a few new people here tho I think. Hope the popukoposter sticks around, pretty sure he's one of the current gen.

>> No.24315643

i hope. not sure about singing thou. i've never tried.

>> No.24315723

>they just talk in the discord instead
only crabs are mad about this, for the record. And it's their fault

>> No.24315822

True. Glad they found a place to hang out. /asp/ies cute!

>> No.24315856

It's sunday morning the quietest days of the week, nobody's active during these times.

>> No.24315859

you should try. some of my favorite vtubers do both

>> No.24315928

i guess that its good that the fake vtubers get filtered out as soon as possible. makes it easier to find the good people

>> No.24316049

I'm afraid of joining the discord to get labeled like this while I'm still figuring things out.

>> No.24316146

Good luck with that. Hopefully your apartment has a good noise policy because mine is real shit: drilling, music, jumping, hammers, slamming doors, shouting.

>> No.24316149

I got a few comments on my VODs and a new follower on Twitter!

>> No.24316159

I want a really good character designer, I'm willing to pay a lot. ($2k) A lot of the jp ones only do it for corpos and don't take requests from individuals..

>> No.24316162

you can find answers to most your questions from google

>> No.24316202
File: 42 KB, 219x172, chrome_Yst78Sut6r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm live but i am playing le*gue so you should probably watch someone else~

>> No.24316204

You'd skip out on resources and free advice from experienced indies to avoid being labelled by people /here/? cmon

>> No.24316239

I will find you and I will say Hi GlitchCat

>> No.24316245

True. I like you but I hate leeg. Good luck tho.

>> No.24316354

Thanks for answering a question I didn't ask.
Maybe but what if it's just like the unsolicited advice I can get here?

>> No.24316388

lol this insane level of misleading marketing. why would a 4chan associated discord have any of those?

>> No.24316450

because it actually has a few of those, retard-chama

>> No.24316587

I want to be groomed I just don't want to admit it.

>> No.24316701

anon... there's over 100 people in the discord now. No one is going to think you're weird for being there, and they'd also have to be there to know you're there.

>> No.24316718

I'll groom you. Give a hint

>> No.24316745

kaiser pls stop, that's the source of your menhera

>> No.24316816

They all have fake discord accounts, I would need to make a fake discord account too...

>> No.24316866

either you are shilling someone elses discord or lying. no one that has something to lose would associate with 4chan

>> No.24316871

It's my vtuber account bro...

>> No.24316976

Blond guy from nijisanji literally dropped hints of being on le greensite in his debut. You're living in 2008. No one cares

>> No.24317107
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Here's the discord link since everyone's talking about it

>> No.24317161

there's 46 people online and 56 online at the moment
if you haven't made a discord for your vtuber account you might as well do it now

>> No.24317270

if i was him i would probably lose sleep over it. the people that lurk this site are insanely retarded and you can attribute a random anonymous comment to someone that never said it with very little effort. fact checking is not something that the average 4chan user cares about

>> No.24317876

Alto yo...

>> No.24317941

I'm not a fan of any corpo male designs, actually. I doubt this counts, but if you really want a corpo example, I like Omega's design The thing about design is that some design traits indicate a certain personality. Like how an ahoge suggests that a character might be simple-minded, because of how many characters follow that trope in anime/manga. Even if the person playing the character isn't actually like how their design would suggest, its a turn off for me when their design doesn't suggest a personality that I'd be into.
Naming indie designs I like is significantly easier, since there are so many of them. Actually, even using an /asp/ie (Well, I don't think I've seen him self-post but he follows alot of /asp/ies) as an example of a design I like, Merlin Bishop. Or not really an /asp/ie but posts here, Elliott.

>> No.24317990

Stop shilling fucking discord. Anyone who wants to join can archive dig

>> No.24318161


>> No.24318243

This "average 4chan user" group that you fear so much aren't the majority of vtuber viewers. Stop spending too much time on this site. Losing sleep lmao what a fucking joke.

>> No.24318372

Brother, if someone was digging up shit on Sonny I think they'd rather point out a different event than 'holy shit guys, This dude uses 4chan'

>> No.24318578

>joining a vtuber discord without your chuuba account
Anon your opsec...

>> No.24318752

that is weaker than a throwaway

>> No.24318970

>Not having a 2nd throwaway chuuba identity and joining on that one's discord

>> No.24319148

Hello fellow tubers it is I Sakura Nanashi the pink cat vtuber!

>> No.24319161

austistic levels of opsec but I can respect the dedication

>> No.24319296

>Or not really an /asp/ie but posts here, Elliott.
he's one of the original /asp/ies

>> No.24320027

Even before that. He's an /aud/ist

>> No.24320459
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>> No.24320749

I remember /aud/.. does that make me an og lurker?

>> No.24320859

Oh I know, but nowadays his links get on /wvt/ now. I meant current /asp/ie when I said that.

>> No.24320865

Yeah probably

>> No.24321056

Would it be possible to pass off getting a porn skeb of myself as an anon doing it if Im a 2view m*le or would people see through it

>> No.24321124

They'll see through it. You can commission it and tick it as "hidden" if you want it to be for your eyes only

>> No.24321248
File: 96 KB, 1242x869, 1987656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares just own it up, as long as you aren't involving other vtubers or real people

>> No.24321286

Horny is only power for girls

>> No.24321325

Reminder: its only okay to horny post if you're a girl. You're a sexpest if you do it as a male

>> No.24321349

This. I get skebs of my vtuber being fucked up the ass by mob characters for my eyes only.

t. not gay.

>> No.24321415

I promise I will not have a heated gamer moment.
I'm black, I can say it anyway

>> No.24321445

Only 4chan thinks this way. Hornyposting as a male is accepted and encouraged.

>> No.24321448

even as a femboy? asking for a friend

>> No.24321548

>accepted and encouraged.
by who? girls will think you're a creep if you do it.

>> No.24321752

>by who?
The entire vtubing community outside of 4chan.
Women. You mean "women" and not "girls".
>will think you're a creep if you do it.
No they won't unless you give them a reason to think you're a creep. Plenty of males hornypost on Twitter and gain huge traction from it. The only reason no one from /here/ can pull it off is because they're tainted with the 4chan sense of humor that involved being misogynistic and hating women.

>> No.24321766

i want to impregnate your bussy

>> No.24321901

False. As a male, try to horny post about another male and see your numbers explode overnight with all the rainbow colored flags

>> No.24322054

Then explain this, I rant about how much I like little girls and suddenly I'm cancelled.

>> No.24322139

>The entire vtubing community outside of 4chan.
Proof of it working? Corpos / gay posting doesn't count

>Women. You mean "women" and not "girls".
Sorry, I'm ESL.

Also, I'm not one of those with that kind of humor. You'll just be seen as a creepy nerd trying way too hard

>> No.24322430

>gay posting doesn't count
I already know you're arguing in bad faith now because you'll resort to this excuse for any hornyposting male. Besides a twitter search is free.

>> No.24322461


>> No.24322503

Its not in bad faith. Its too easy to do it and get traction from it

>> No.24322577

he says, proving the point.

>> No.24322663

Only once you're too big to fail and people think they'll get more clout from encouraging you than cancelling you

>> No.24322703

Twitter searches are free, plenty of males hornyposting without problem.

>> No.24322708

I used to have only noise suppression (And only because i realized that my pc fans were audible in the VODs), now it's an equalizer>compressor>gain>>noise gate>noise supression setup i copied from Frank, i don't know what the settings do tho so they're all at default atm

>> No.24322741

>Besides a twitter search is free.
>Twitter searches are free
So you're making shit up, gotcha

>> No.24322755

Not me, i legit just woke up

>> No.24322808

Whatever, I'm not your mom and I'm not here to baby you. Seethe and mald here on 4chan at how you're too scared to hornypost while everyone else is doing it just fine.

>> No.24322860

I'm not seething, just telling the truth. You won't feel it yourself so don't say shit you never felt

>> No.24322970

I'm confused, what do you guys consider hornyposting? Would it be posts like

>God I'm so horny I need to jerk off

or does the bar fall lower than that?

>> No.24323010

>just telling the truth
>literally looking at hornyposting male chuubas with dicks out on twitter getting fawned over by 200+ women
Yeah okay.

>> No.24323036

I like you

>> No.24323064
File: 381 KB, 336x557, cute!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'd like to be famous enough that I can put fake ads of vtubers I'm friend with when I go to the toilet.
A bit like the CMs in Ponpoko's 24 streams. They're not really ads per say, they're more like a shitpost video to promote your channel.
For example if we picked DrKonrad as an example, his video could be him meowing until he gets cat good, and then his channel name is displayed at the end.
A bit more subtle than a channel introduction video.

>> No.24323124

Which males have that many women replying to them other than the niji males? I bet you're talking about shxtou if its not nijis. He only gets away with it cause hes big enough now

>> No.24323188

"acceptable" male hornyposting is posting an emoji under a lewd skeb that a female posts
nothing more

>> No.24323233

For a small vtuber, Soraneko Kurumi's twitter engagement is insane lol. Always 50 replies and I'm pretty sure some vtuber with 80k+ followers don't even tap that.

>> No.24323275

i think they mean some kind of erp. normal people don't do the kind of hornyposting that this site does

>> No.24323283

Not that anon, but shxtou gets way way more than 200 when he hornyposts. Please leave 4chan for once. You clearly can't be bothered to do basic searches and are just gonna keep moving the goalpost to stick with your retarded narrative

>> No.24323289

It is creepy and weird. I don't judge either but lets be honest we all judge. If you are a sex worker or a lewd poster then people will treat you differently than if they don't know. Just like how a lot of vtubers talk to their viewers and cuss because they know it gets them attention. Everyone knows that this doesn't work in other company and they behave differently. You can play into the sexual stuff for those viewers and that's perfectly fine but a lot of people will silently or vocally think it's weird and creepy. I've been in more than a few streams where female streamers voice their concerns about grown ass women talking like babies and pretending to be little girls for horny weirdos.

I can respect the hustle but never be so deluded into thinking it has universal acceptance.

>> No.24323375

What fucking goalpost? You can't do even half of the shit he does if you're not big enough like him

>> No.24323509

Don't take opinions from 4chan, dog anon got called a sexpest not too long ago and barely does anything outside of the industry standard fagposting towards other males. The views here are incredibly skewed, just apply every day common sense and don't be a creep and you'll be fine.

>> No.24323531

It’s fine to hornypost if you already have a following to work as your “social proof”. Women are especially attuned to stuff like this
>”If he were a loser creep he wouldn’t have this sort of audience”
Just be aware women saying it’s okay to do this have eyes for already established dudes, not small invisible creators which are the majority here.

>> No.24323650

>"males can't hornypost"
>provided proof that males can, in fact, hornypost without issue.
>"N-no that vtuber is big he doesn't count"
You're fucking pathetic. No one needs to be a big vtuber to use two brain cells and a pair of eyes and come up with a conclusion. Lots of small indies hornypost and they do just fine. But of course, you're not gonna look them up. You're just gonna stay here and crab.

>> No.24323675

Read >>24323531
And fuck off

>> No.24323731

If it were easy to find Indie males blowing up for horny posting it wouldn't be hard to post any
after all, a twitter search is free

>> No.24323744

Seethe mald cope and whatever the fuck else, faggot. There are plenty of hornyposting males on twitter. I'm looking a bulge physics right now while you sit here whining like an incel.

>> No.24323768

which /asp/ies does sketch commissions? I'm looking forward to pay them for a sketch since I'm starting my design. I have reference material and all that jazz.

>> No.24323794
File: 1.46 MB, 2229x2033, buster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only consume the blood of my enemies after i 360A them, but actually, thats a cool idea. doesn't sound all that complicated to do either, i'll take notes on this.

>> No.24323800

What >>24323531 said is true. Problem is, you generalized.

>> No.24323813

You're way too retarded.

>> No.24323822

are you male or female(babi)?

>> No.24323838

Cry some more.

>> No.24323864

I made my twitter & joined the aspcord.
I'm hoping to debut this week, but I'm torn due to having a week long vacation the 1st week of June.

>> No.24323871
File: 201 KB, 515x497, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure gottem with that

>> No.24323914

Do announce it in the shill section. I'd love to drop by.

>> No.24324074

Which fem/asp/ies are doing gfe? Why would they forgo their own easy mode?

>> No.24324136

Konrad destroying a Cordy with the Konrad Buster and then a new one shows up. As the Konrad Buster loops in the background the title fades in. It's an ad for a cloning service.

>> No.24324186

I picked you as an example because your character is adorable, but the main idea would be to exchange "ads" among your friend group.
It would be free shilling and give the viewers something more interesting to watch than a text overlay saying "BRB, BATHROOM"

>> No.24324325

Male. I already thought this over and I dont think the babi way is for me

>> No.24324446

What kind of style do you like? For males ITT we have the anon who likes to draw macho men, Dog that draws ikemen styled men, and Miyo that draws cute ones.

>> No.24324476


thanks! also yea thats pog, and you can get incredibly creative with it too.

>> No.24324791
File: 740 KB, 1280x1280, forDearestTrueKaiser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for u, I've never touched MOBA games but it's nice to see you having fun

I like the way you think. I had a somewhat similar idea of "advertising" but in the style of MGS codec conversations about intel of other vtubers together with a buddy of mine

>> No.24324795

I drew a model for the first time! It came out far better than expected, to the point where I actually really want to use it, and the rigger praised me for separating everything correctly. I'm so proud of myself.

>> No.24324833

Stream overlays are hard to not make either cute, or le epic gamer. ..

>> No.24324857

>rigger praised me for separating everything correctly
This is a bragging right. Good job, anon!

>> No.24324911

Woah buddy cool it with the racial slurs

>> No.24325031
File: 30 KB, 914x175, 85vyQsS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that he's still in Therapy!

>> No.24325091

how long till he gets out?

>> No.24325094

yes, with me, I'm therapist

>> No.24325106

The therapy cage...

>> No.24325132

you're the rapist?!

>> No.24325137

Thank you! That's the bit I'm happiest about in all honesty...

>> No.24325159

how do I go from 0 viewers to a comfy 50-70 viewers? I keep streaming but nobody joins

>> No.24325194

I think macho men is the closest from those 3 options. I don't really want early jojo muscle proportion but rather a fit look. Either way this is just a sketch to test out what it looks like.

>> No.24325204

Networking and being good at it.

>> No.24325230

shill yourself in here right before you go live. i'm sure a couple people will be bored enough to join in

>> No.24325242

is the razer serein mini any good?

>> No.24325254

networking, clipping, marketing and being entertaining

>> No.24325256

Where are you shilling yourself?

>> No.24325303

Streamlabs or Streamelements?
I just want a transparent chat overlay I can have on top of minecraft game...

>> No.24325347

test both, mix it up is also a option i think

>> No.24325371

streamlabs are a scummy-ass company

>> No.24325379


Streamlabs does the work for you, but you can't really customise it as much. Streamelements lets you do more, but if you want to do more than the basics you need to dick about with the settings.

streamlabs is great for plug and go, but it can't do some of the cooler stuff. Also, they're a shady company that fucks people about

>> No.24326217

He'll never come out again...

>> No.24326454
File: 304 KB, 582x800, omairi_kimono_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stream again mashi

>> No.24326555

Hey, people didn't believe i could have fun with league but i just never get that upset at others not sure why.

Thank you for the art it's amazing!

>> No.24326824

Is it ok to join on non chuuba throwaway account?

>> No.24326851

How do i become a /m/ale Kiki?

>> No.24326927

Be Char

>> No.24327557

Sorry anon, women can't get lonely or parasocial like that. Unless you're going for the gay audience.

>> No.24327590

its honestly really annoying that "having an audience" is a solution to so many fucking things

>> No.24327784

pretty sure all of them passively incorporate elements of it if a guy display parasocial traits. mio probably one of the more explicit ones(not miyo, mio)

>> No.24327825

Any alternative streaming websites?

>> No.24327895

macho man guy is prob long gone tho

>> No.24327966


>> No.24328089


>> No.24328153

my nigga

>> No.24328368

Rumble and D Live are options

>> No.24328422

You're young, you're barely legal. That's an advantage, but I have no idea how you would use it.

>> No.24328824

whats the general consensus between streaming as much possible VS steaming less but having more deliberate streams? i only ever get uninterupted hours on weekends, if i streamed on weekdays it would be like 3 chunks of 1 hour streams. technically i can put in a lot of hours but it would be short random shit

>> No.24328870

Stream less but more deliberate streams. Your 1 hour free on weekdays is better off spent making offline content

>> No.24329139

just stream

>> No.24329146

streaming times and hours is basically

1) Consistency, same times every week so your audience can get used to finding you
2) Stream duration, being 3-4 hours in order to reach the peak in getting new viewers to pop in and check you out

Absence makes the heart grows fonder is a thing in streaming, time spent not streaming can be used to enrich you and to make your streams more interesting and to make off stream content that will grow your audience. Doing short 1 hour chunks of streams does nothing because by the time someone comes and checks you out the stream is over.

>> No.24329210

what's the general consensus on watching vs making streams?
i have some weekdays i can stream, some i can't. on the ones i can't, should i be 'supporting' small streamers, watching people i'm aiming to be the size of, or just taking time off? does it matter when im small?

>> No.24329233

I guess Ill go with any /asp/ie that does sketch commissions.

>> No.24329314

>12 peak with no raids and no chan shilling
today's a good day

>> No.24329520

D live seems to be the only one viable here, two other are full of politics. Shame, Rumble could be used as Youtube-like platform.

>> No.24329560

>really annoying that "having an audience" is a solution to so many fucking things
then get one?

>> No.24329878

D live is also politics. It's where Ethan Ralph was for a long time. Internet bloodsports moved there.

>> No.24330136

Oh. I also noticed that Dlive videos freeze often, but might be streamer's fault.
What if I want to go for bare minimum streaming/video hosting service and get donations via streamlabs?

>> No.24330330

why are you doing this?

>> No.24330478

you're not gonna get donos anyway on other platforms so just pick one

>> No.24330577

i meant how its a chicken or the egg issue. all the strategies we know for growth generally works best with an audience. and no, im not the type of person to say "why bother if results arent guaranteed" but it just peeves me once in a while that you can do the same shit as more established creators and get nearly no growth

>> No.24330608

Autism and principles, maybe. I just kinda don't want to support the cancer and keep the low profile, but eh, what can I do.

>> No.24330662
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 5639503B-0332-4F4B-A69C-DCA5E1CD07F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to make a character that was based off of a weapons system that was currently in use, how worried should I be about potential copyright issues?
I figure it would land under fair use, since the character would be a transformative interpretation (an anthropomorphized version of it, with a distinct personality), but I don’t wanna fuck around and find out with the MIC. Thoughts?

>> No.24330668

>I just kinda don't want to support the cancer and keep the low profile
making an account and streaming on youtube or twitch costs them money. your attitude is already guaranteed to never get you donos so it's not like they have anything to take a cut from.

>> No.24330763

Twitch would ban me for wrongthink while Youtube has a debacle with bots getting people banned, so I wouldn't even have peace.

>> No.24330825

What is an example of a weapons system?

>> No.24330847

>Youtube has a debacle with bots getting people banned
you need to have an audience to get botted anon
cringe just say you're a racist and trump supporter instead of trying to couch it as "wrongthink"

>> No.24330889

>Twitch would ban me for wrongthink
don't be a bigot or a sexpest

>Youtube has a debacle with bots getting people banned
temporary issue

>> No.24330952

not the anon but I'm assuming he means something like girls frontline

>> No.24330995


>> No.24331033

>muh audience
>muh racism
Even the milder guys get crucified and I'm pretty sure I would end up being marked as "the evil 4channer", so I don't even need to be controversial to get bonked.

>> No.24331109

>I'm pretty sure I would end up being marked as "the evil 4channer"
wow aren't you a special snowflake. not only do you assume you'll get viewers you think people will care about a literal who to try and cancel you. you'll make it far with that attitude. go out and touch grass retard.

>> No.24331172

Who's the lonely fucker in the vc?

>> No.24331178

>marked as "the evil 4channer"
Oh so you're one of those idiots who still think this way. Kinda useless suggesting anything since your species won't listen to any counterargument regarding this. Good luck finding a streaming platform.

>> No.24331184

i think big campanies use fake gun names and lightly alter designs to evade copy right

>> No.24331230

The dnd guy. That's all I know

>> No.24331252

>not only do you assume you'll get viewers
Hey, gotta think positi-
Ah, I wouldn't worry about getting banned in first place. Maybe I worry too much in first place, I can always go for more niche platforms if things get nasty.

>> No.24331285
File: 87 KB, 265x314, 6d05d6a8b1df741489b99ce2b19cd7e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streaming is hard anonchama... i'm sorry

>> No.24331320

>streams games as content
this fucking guy
>streams games as content but wants to drop racial slurs because his personality is being an edgelord on 4chan

>> No.24331330

Well, I constantly hear about both Twitch and Youtube being shit, so I wondered if there is a decent alternative.
Being kinda sneaky like /meat/tuber are sounds kinda cool.

>> No.24331365

Sonny Brisko faked his own fatal illness/death they don't need to go the 4chan to find something he never said. Stop being retarded.

>> No.24331388

you should unironically join boseph on comfy TV. apparently he got 1k followers doing the bare minimum and he regurgitates your exact same rhetorics. im saying this as non confrontationally as possible but you might legitimate have a bit of success on that platform and you get to say nigga

>> No.24331420

That's quite a leap in assumptions.

>> No.24331436

1k bots + 17 real followers

>> No.24331447

Look, another work of complete fiction!

>> No.24331496

dont lie, teasing containment breach on normie platforms is kino

>> No.24331526

For me I was thinking things like tanks, and planes, though I hadn’t totally ruled out guns.
The character would be done in a similar manner that gfe made their characters from weapons systems, as this guy said >>24330952

>> No.24331562

the left has a literal ministry of truth and woke media on its side and you still believe there is no wrongthink
why don't you just admit you take BLM cock up the shitpipe

>> No.24331567

Krimbo does it just fine and active has women drawing his character fucking them or commissioning him to do it. He's extremely popular especially with women despite the horny posting he's done.

>> No.24331641

A lot of people use twitch and youtube, so even the smallest issues becomes big news and gets people freaking out. If people were using other sites, I'm sure they'd have something to complain about each one. Just stream on twitch. You won't get the hammer unless you're a sizable streamer, and if you're a sizable streamer, you can just bring your audience elsewhere.

>> No.24331670

>not say nigger or faggot on stream
versus the bullshit you just shat out
are you that turbofaggot that bragged about his freedom of speech on twitch last thread?

>> No.24331696

what the fuck are you on

>> No.24331768

>Just stream on twitch.
I was thinking more about Youtube because of VODs.

>> No.24331827

Can’t you just stream on twitch and then post the VOD to YouTube?

>> No.24331841

Sure, that's an option. Some people stream on twitch and upload their vods onto youtube, so you can consider that too.

>> No.24331933

I generally think Youtube has wider range of audience who come there for varied content while Twitch generally has gamer dudes.

>> No.24331954

>Even the milder guys get crucified
Like who

>> No.24332027
File: 233 KB, 629x1121, ojigi_boy4_saikeirei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your time mashi. I will await for your return once again. I truly enjoy your streams

>> No.24332036

What do you do when you're starting out and have 0 viewers and how do you not spook any new viewers

>> No.24332040
File: 215 KB, 809x958, IMG_20220408_123725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people seemed to enjoy my league suffering, it might have been my best stream yet. Although at my CCV everything is just fluctuations.

Just came to say every time someone mentions boseph i piss myself, somehow the way that joke manifested makes me laugh. Never change /asp/...

>> No.24332047

why would you talk about politics of all things? people don't go to these places to have a bad time and political talk is a guaranteed way to have it

>> No.24332070

It's near impossible to find small streamers on youtube, so while it does have a huge potential audience, it's almost all exclusively corpo stuff. A lot of indie vtubers who migrated to twitch has seen increase in their ccv, sometimes by multiple folds.

>Twitch generally has gamer dudes
You'd be surprised how many niche communities are there on twitch if you browse through the right tags and categories

>> No.24332147

ideally at least make sure that your stream is watchable. i have helped many with that but not everyone is lucky enough to get a viewer that cares enough to help with these so you should check it yourself too

>> No.24332151

What "varied content" do you even think you'll be making? These weird preconctnotions about twitch are so weird to me. A lot of peotnist hear about XqC or Ninja from some outdated article and sperg out over the weirdest things. There's been people doing animal conservation education, wood carving, full on band performances, travel, mechanics, welding, hiking, fishing, and anything else you can think of.

>> No.24332159

man having a commercial about a fictional vtuber also sounds kinda fun

>> No.24332201

How do people still think like this? Just fucking stream and play some videogames and don't say faggot or nigger while love, is it REALLY that hard?

>> No.24332232

Couldn't stay around for too long since league streams get stale for me after like 2 games. Nice to see you enjoying yourself though! Shen OTPs are a rare breed.

I also love Boseph he's a real ni-

>> No.24332238

I might get the name and details wrong, but I heard Destiny ended up not being radical lefty enough and got shat on for interviewing some right-wing dude.
I generally often hear that the left likes to eat each other over minor missteps, so I would prefer to err on the side of caution.

Not intending to, I'm just sort of paranoid that political trolls will come and shit up things if they feel like shitting on streamer associated with 4chan.

>> No.24332354

oh that. just ban them if they are a problem or if you feel like commenting on it try to say something that can't be used against you

>> No.24332396

Fair enough, I even stumbled on chicken coop stream on Twitch, so maybe I just get worried over everything.

>> No.24332419

Do you plan doing like political streams and interviews, as a vtuber? Cuz lemme tell you brother people watch vtubers to run away from that shit.

>> No.24332683

not really
As I said, I'm just paranoid over trolls and them tripping me up.

>> No.24332691

>muh left
>muh right
>muh politics
How do you even function on your job and communicate with your colleagues and bosses? Most content creators don't give a shit about politics unless you want to make it your main source of revenue

>> No.24332755

>shitting on streamer associated with 4chan.
Stop creating works of fiction, just stop. You retards with your paranoid views of "LE 4CHAN OPPRESSORS" are living in 2007. Wake the fuck up. No one, not a fucking soul gives a shit. Literally ban ANYONE that says ANYTHING you don't like, or hell ban someone for fun. Ban someone because they used punctuation wrong. It's your channel, do whatever the fuck you want but stop being a paranoid pussy.

>> No.24332810

>How do you even function on your job and communicate with your colleagues and bosses?
By living outside of USA.

Fair enough, thanks.

>> No.24332812

So you're just a retard with zero inhibitions who can't just ignore something?

>> No.24332827

Yes you're too paranoid. Just stream. You know you can permaban people right? I mean there's 0% chance that you'll get hate raided by "4chan haters" or whatever you're making up in your head, so like, just stream ma dood.

>> No.24332899

You don't seem like the type of person who has the ability to stream and bring in viewers anyway, in all honesty. Stream wherever you want and whatever you want, no one will watch. This is just a crazy mindset.

>> No.24332957

I suppose that might be a case, I'm no good under pressure, at you see.

>> No.24332964

you sure about that? this site does still have a pretty bad reputation

>> No.24333107

if you're so confident there's no problem do it right now. tweet it out and say you're a proud member of 4chan on your main using the #vtuber and #envtuber hashtags. bet you fucking won't.

>> No.24333116

Which /asp/ie coins should I invest in?

>> No.24333119

It is easy to avoid getting banned, just don't say nigger or get involved with retarded political shit flinging

>> No.24333346

Ain and Cordy should be priority

>> No.24333357

Aincoin is a safe bet
God, i really want /asp/faq to be a thing

>> No.24333377

Every single faggot that says it's okay to associate with 4chan should drop a link with a tweet announcing it like this. Even Pippa keeps it limited to her content and doesn't openly associate with 4chan.

>> No.24333386

>investing in shitcoins
come on now

>> No.24333696

I quitted vtubing and started paying more attention to studying and I'm doing amazing.

>> No.24333743


>> No.24333818

So many /asp/ies have SEX voice.

>> No.24333830


>> No.24333927

vtubers are cool. i never expected this to be a way to have friends without all the difficult stuff that normal relationships have

>> No.24334575


>> No.24334682

there's a reason why there's so many vtweeters, they become a vtuber stream once or twice and then just make friends.

>> No.24334786

he's been dead for 77 years

>> No.24334818

how does one avoid the temptation to fleshpost...this IRL vs Vtuber booba got me on some major fomo. I like to keep my content strictly vtuber but it's hard bros

>> No.24334842

The issue with tweeting out "I'M A 4CHANNER AND PROUD, HEAR ME ROAR" is that it's just a cringe thing to do, it's like tweeting out "I'M A PROUD REDDIT USER GUYS! CHECK MY KARMA", it's not even an issue of "oh no I'll be cancelled", it's just that it's a fucking cringe thing to do. I'm also not a "proud member", I use the website to see funny takes on anime, vtuber memes, and find new stuff to jerk off to. I wouldn't be proud of that no matter what the site was.

>> No.24334854

my vtuber streams because i watch them

>> No.24334856

Dont do it sis...
It's just temporary clout.... dont break your kayfabe for twitter clout....

>> No.24334875

in your head what do you envision happening besides it being ignored and having a few containment breaching dumbasses talking about how based you are?

>> No.24334885

Send me the boobs first and I will tell you whether or not it's a good idea.

>> No.24334931

Do what you want, no one actually cares. You're an indie vtuber.

>> No.24334935

>it's not even an issue of "oh no I'll be cancelled", it's just that it's a fucking cringe thing to do.
Yes. I don't understand why this needs to be spelled out.

>> No.24334936

i don't think that people outside of 4chan would complain about that. i might have the minority opinion on this site but i like seeing the cute people behind the models

>> No.24334948

ur right, ur right...god damn twitter clout is a drug. even if I try not to care about vtuber twitter still make brain go happy when you get interaction

the hornies on that post won't come watch my twitch anyway they don't care

>> No.24334994

I respect the hustle

>> No.24335093

why do people care about twitter so much? vtubers can have huge twitters but still no viewers

>> No.24335220

twitter is just the place to be I guess. it's just a popular social media, so it feels like an accomplishment to grow there.
but, you are very right. I know plenty of 10k+ vtubers with no youtube/twitch partnership and dogass numbers on their streams.

>> No.24335281

You could respect it even more if you'd like!

>> No.24335314

Best examples are Grimmivt and Nina Saotome who both dont use twitter beyond the basic posts and they do better than everyone else on twitch.

>> No.24335335
File: 318 KB, 1268x840, outline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have issues with Veadotube/obs and grey outlines on areas with varying transparency or is it just me
It doesn't show up on the image file or veadotube, so I'm assuming obs is the issue, any ideas?

>> No.24335554

stream and don't look at the viewer numbers

>> No.24335567

Because of the anti-4chan boogeyman that'll cancel you the same way they've cancelled all the other chuubas that selfpost. Just more Strange Tales of Fiction from /asp/

>> No.24335686

Brb, going to twitter to look at anime egirl boobs.

>> No.24335717


>> No.24335773

why do you keep bringing up her randomly in every thread?

>> No.24335895


>> No.24335995

Every coin here is pump and dump material

>> No.24336013

Why was it so easy to convince all of these vtubers to post tits on main

>> No.24336038

All women are whores

>> No.24336071

you only need to convince the bigger ones, the rest will follow

>> No.24336073

But whores get paid?

>> No.24336172

Isn't this the name of his channel points?

>> No.24336196

Whoever it is that convinced them, he's doing gods' work, more tits means we're closer to world peace

>> No.24336248

There are some surprisingly good titties being shared. But no nips! What a shame...

>> No.24336578

what a lil gem you are, bless. same desu.

>> No.24336639

drop link!

>> No.24336871

did you even read the chain?

>> No.24336908


>> No.24338361

Fun fact, if you need organic ambience for water dripping in a cave, eat something chewy in front of the mic with reverb on

>> No.24338445

Bro i thought asp meant asperger

>> No.24338727

It means both for /asp/ies

>> No.24339092

>Ain inclining
I'm proud of her

>> No.24339195

She would be an ngmi 2view if she was a male and everybody knows it.

>> No.24339408

I really like her model design.
I wonder will the live2d version still chibi or become normal ratio?

>> No.24339740

serial killers end up with plenty of fans, he'd be fine

>> No.24339832

males just need to get good instead of coping

>> No.24340387
File: 739 KB, 1280x1280, forDearestAinGStalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post all my fanart so far later on twitter

>> No.24340914

It's not really cope but it's also not something anyone can control. Males should just realize they're trying to participate in a niche of streaming where the vast majority of people consuming it are other males who are interested in a female streamer.

There's a handful of successful male indies but they're clearly outliers which is not an excuse, just the truth and all they do is prove is that it's POSSIBLE to succeed as a male (which no one is denying), not that you've got an equal chance as a female chuuba to succeed. If that were the case then there's be far, far more male chuubas with thousands of viewers instead of just Kenji and Shxtou. Even the hundreds are almost exclusively women. People need to either accept they need to do things differently and put in more effort or just keep complaining that it isn't fair and fail.

>> No.24341116

I can put in more effort and complain at the same time

>> No.24341603

>It's not really cope but
Be entertaining and you'll get viewers it's not hard.

>> No.24341707


>no hashtags

Is it really that easy bros? Just a fucking pre made asset on a model?

>> No.24341772

yes it's that easy. why aren't you doing it?

>> No.24341787

>twitter is a visual medium
>people like to see asthetically pleasing things
>omg is it that easy? show asthetically pleasing things to people who like to see asthetically pleasing things?
jesus christ how retarded are you aspies?

>> No.24341798

72 likes and 5 retweets from an account with 1.5k followers. Calm down bro. It's just a bit of quick and easy fun for his fans.

>> No.24341882

Damn you guys hate this guy

But yes it is that fucking easy. Participate in the trend, get reception, what's so hard to understand here?

>> No.24342186

>is it that easy
people ask this all the time and never accomplish it, so no, it isn't. If you think it is go ahead and do it and post your results.

>> No.24342272

I wouldn't even post your hands, I can tell at least one /asp/ is a fatty already, from a hand.
Yeah, that's right, I know what thin people hands look like.

>> No.24342283

>upset over 70 likes
do /asp/ies really?

>> No.24342373

/asp/ies really be do.

>> No.24342420

They fail to realize a likeable personality and approachable demeanor are two things they need to attract viewers if they aren't just funny (they aren't) and are upset when someone that has that succeeds.

>> No.24342449

This trend has been pretty good for all of the participants though, I think it's worth a shot if you've got a model

>> No.24342519

I mean doing it with zero hashtags like >>24341707 was bitching about.

>> No.24342542

liked and retweeted just to make you seethe

>> No.24342619

It's honestly pretty funny to know that these same people complaining about zun are probably also posting the word "crab" in /asp/ over petty shit all the time.

>> No.24342623

This IRL vs Vtuber trend seems like a bad idea.

>> No.24342624

This is absolutely insane too because he's been nice to /asp/ies so it's not like there's even a reason to crab like that. /asp/bros, are we just a bucket of crabs after all...? I don't want to be in a bucket... I want us all to make it

>> No.24342641

>I mean doing it with zero hashtags
Did you know since 2019 Twitter has stopped using hashtags as the primary form of content filtering? They use keywords now. Hashtags should be treated as a way to collect tweets like events or a common theme like your art hashtag. Otherwise just slapping #vtuber on everything does nothing.

>> No.24342652

Eh, I don't see how any harm could really come of it but it does come across as a little tacky in my opinion. And kinda defeats the purpose of being a vtuber, at least for me.

>> No.24342653

it's a monthly thing
no one cares about twitter

>> No.24342658


No hashtags.

>> No.24342680

You mean you can't market and commission all your flaws away to succeed?

>> No.24342707

this is hiiragi yuu retard

>> No.24342737

>wow these accounts with a high amount of followers get a lot of interaction despite not using hashtags
Like barely anyone actually uses hashtags in the first place. They are for small accounts to try and get out there not people who already have followers.

>> No.24342756

It feels like taking the genie out of the bottle.

>> No.24342794

You can't be this retarded

>> No.24342813

Yes because god forbid someone enjoys artwork and wants to commission it, all while simultaneously being a nice and sociable person able to talk to others and network.

>> No.24342838

Odds are if you're able to market yourself successfully then you're probably fairly entertaining because no one would stick around your streams if you weren't.

>> No.24342848

>They are for small accounts to try and get out there not people who already have followers.
Do you seriously think small chuuba #452624 spamming #vtuberuprising is going to incline because of this? Trends are just trends. Make content, get followers, it's that easy. Stop relying on gimmicks to make it.

>> No.24342856

the state of /asp/. i'll see you guys next thread, it's too retarded in here right now

>> No.24342900

boobsanon should have posted them imo.

>> No.24342927

Why are you white knighting so hard? The white women on /asp/ wanting to fuck their trans dog again it seems like

>> No.24342973




>> No.24343016

real schizoposters don't announce they're schizoposters
t. schizoposter

>> No.24343097

I don't think I'm a schizoposter. I don't get in long arguments with strangers on the internet.

>> No.24343207

Remember aspies stop collabing with no names and zero views if you want to grow.

>> No.24343259

What if it's like... fun, though?

>> No.24343338

Haven't you heard? No fun allowed. Now go do your reps and get 100k subs and go corpo, you NGMI.

>> No.24343412

>can't read the post all the way through
terminally ill ngmis in asp

>> No.24343456

please be patient with the dumb /asp/ies. they start to go cross-eyed if your post is too long

>> No.24343527


>> No.24343638

This, as a schizo, schizos are typically lacking in the self awareness department.

>> No.24343669
File: 389 KB, 2125x1409, FIoMG3dXEAE0Jjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain radiates this kind of energy. The rambling one.

>> No.24343731

You want to choke on Ain's cock?

>> No.24343784


>> No.24343820

same, I wanna choke on her cock too

>> No.24343840

Ain cock...I want art of this

>> No.24343858

A girl having a penis is unfortunately a dealbreaker for me in relationships. Wouldn't stop me from watching a chuuba I guess

>> No.24343882

The content you make while collabing is what matters. obviously a collab with a bigger person might get you a few views from their community depending on content similarity, but if you can make funny content with a 0view or someone who doesn't even stream then you can grow from it.

>> No.24343929

I don't mind, it's not really an issue in my experience

>> No.24343998

>if you can make funny content with a 0view or someone who doesn't even stream then you can grow from it.
Let me fill you in on a little secret. If they're a 0view, a collab isn't going to magically fix that. They're a 0view for a reason.

>> No.24344008

I can respect that, just sharing my preference. Are you bisexual?

>> No.24344063

That didn't really happen back in highschool, everyone just assumed that I had autism and stayed away.
Or I stayed away because I was focusing on my hobbies. I don't remember.
Did anything change in the past 10 years?

>> No.24344146

No, never been attracted to masculine men, just women, didn't know she was trans before the first date, but she was up front about it

>> No.24344148

Not really, no. Girls also don’t have dog ears or tails in real life.
I could also be completely off base but I think the girl in that comic might have a penis.

>> No.24344170

i dont care about this debate but in the grand scheme of content creation its crazy how little triggers asp crabs. like my dude has 40 viewers and 1k followers, i know that blows most of us out the water but are we really aiming so low that people get jealous over these types of numbers?

>> No.24344192

I just don’t get it, I guess. The penis really would kill it for me. I’m pretty happy I haven’t been in a position to shoot any trans women down because I can’t imagine that would do a lot of good for their self-esteem.

>> No.24344316

>Did anything change in the past 10 years?
People matured and turns out calling people autists in high school was just a dumb way of saying they have a personality and take interest in things they like.

>> No.24344339

Look at it this way, it was easy to get her off because I already know what feels good, plus, the anal was ridiculous and she loved it

>> No.24344360

For me what I don't understand is why they got fixated enough on him to start posting his roommate pictures on here and then start spinning rrats out of their asses. It really can't be the numbers that triggered the NGMI in them, can it?

>> No.24344394

literally nobody thinks like this in real life btw

>> No.24344454

/asp/ies are failures for a reason

>> No.24344467
File: 36 KB, 112x112, AinPet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain is super cute

>> No.24344579

aren't some of the ones who started a year ago doing alright?

>> No.24344628

It's not gay if it looks like a woman

Kind of too late

>> No.24344698

Yes, but you can't convince the retarded crabs

>> No.24344705

Most of the OG aspies that still stream consistently at easily clearing 50 CCV like Callie.

>> No.24344760

I'm just collecting tit pictures, I'm not actually planning on watching or following any of them.

>> No.24344783

This just doesn’t make sense to me because it’s pretty easy to figure out what makes a woman feel good ime and like, there would be a dick and balls right below that butthole. Sounds too gay for me. I mean no offense. God bless.

>> No.24344892

I would imagine that the majority of us titty-lookers are doing this, right? It doesn’t seem like a good way to market yourself. Maybe just a little exhibitionist fun.

>> No.24344945

Ehhhh lol

>> No.24344975

probably because he's the polar opposite of the average /here/ poster and yet he was still /here/ and blew the rest of those who hate everything he is out of the water

>> No.24344985

Leave 4chan once in a while. This place is mentally stuck in 2010.

>> No.24345071

Yikes anon, I do, in fact, leave 4chan pretty often.
I'm not going to pretend that going on at length unsolicited about your special interests is anything but textbook autistic behavior. That's clearly what that comic was trying to depict.

>> No.24345168

He's not that bad though in terms of being a polar opposite, at least in the discord he seems pretty funny. He even cracked an uohh joke earlier that I had a chuckle at

>> No.24345180

>I'm not going to pretend that going on at length unsolicited about your special interests is anything but textbook autistic behavior
Cringe, this is what happens when you internalize the bullying. Last time I got laid was after I went on a spiel about Tolkien. Seeing people talk about their passions is attractive.

>> No.24345208

I really don't mean this as a gotcha, but maybe the girl was also autistic?

>> No.24345231

Did you miss the fujoanons last night who talked about how sexy going on autistic rants about your interests was

>> No.24345268

>Herp derp you have interests in things? What an autist.

>> No.24345343

Yeah this, it's just interesting to listen to people talk about the things they're passionate about. There was a femanon who talked about wanting to see a scott the woz vtuber in /asp/ a few months ago too.

>> No.24345352

That really isn't what I'm saying, but alright. Seeing "getting laid" as a big win on your part is a pretty childish outlook on life also, at least in my opinion.

>> No.24345413

I'm really not trying to be an asshole here guys but like... those girls probably also have autism

>> No.24345458

Yes, and I still don't believe it. talking about your interests is just asking to be bullied. And not the sexual kind of bullying.
It was like this in HS, it was like this at work. I still don't have anime related wallpapers on my devices because of that.

>> No.24345462

The raw, magnetizing sexuality of Scott the Woz.

>> No.24345621

From the previous thread:
>The more we get to know about you, the more appealing you become. The power of gap moe can do crazy things too. In this example, a guy who goes to parties and has a social life as acknowledged earlier, being obsessed with tetris? Such a cute disconnect. Other more generic examples can be like a macho guy obsessed with collecting stuffed animals, or a clumsy guy who likes doing meticulous things like building gundams, and things like that. We like little autistic quirks that we can notice.
It's the gap moe. Nobody likes an actual autist.

>> No.24345716

>if you're hot, you can do whatever you want

>> No.24345722
File: 21 KB, 405x406, 1E91BB8F-EA2F-4525-B776-76943F3CD417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debut in a couple days
>Sudden dread at realising how unlikeable, uninteresting and how boring I’m going to be and how I’m going to fail in all my endeavours

>> No.24345756

No, it's more like:
>people with social skills are generally more entertaining

>> No.24345806

Time to start building a fake personality and living the lie until you don't know which is the real you anymore and become an interesting person whether you want to or not!
Jokes aside, good luck anon.

>> No.24345821


>> No.24345844

But surely your debut is not going to be your first stream, right? Right?

>> No.24345897

Surely they meant debut in the literal sense and not in the idol sense, right? Surely so?


>> No.24345899

does the discord e-date include erp? asking for a friend

>> No.24345914

Hasn't this been an age old thing in society though? What's new?

>> No.24345956

Of course it fucking does.

>> No.24345990

what's new is faggots in these threads denying it

>> No.24346052
File: 1.20 MB, 447x701, ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are seriously dwelling on this when it comes to vtubing? A form of entertainment where you don't ever have to show your face or any part of your body?

>> No.24346159

I think the tranny dog mindfucked them a little too hard with vtubing and irl prowess. Just let them cope, they'll either make it out of sheer rage or stop vtubing in a month

>> No.24346224

It feels like fucking opposite day in here sometimes man.

>> No.24346329

>Nobody likes an actual autist.
The problem comes when you've lived in 4chan for more than 6 years of your life so your default reaction is to call everything an autistic act.
