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File: 286 KB, 498x498, Takanashi_Kiara_Portrait[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24146339 No.24146339 [Reply] [Original]

>in all that time did he learn any Japanese
>like any
>they tried?
>well if they want to live in Japan then good luck!
>Unless you spend all your time in a tiny bubble of foreign friends then you aren't going to get fat with just English
She barely tries to hide the contempt she has for Mori anymore.

>> No.24146450

this is a very real problem with foreign ppl who move to Japan. They get too comfortable in the immigrant bubble and run into various problems because they could not learn Jap in years

>> No.24146825

Imagine being that retarded.

>> No.24146897

It doesn't even make sense because japanese is unironically an easy language to learn once you get past the alphabet/calligraphy barrier.
Jap grammar is malleable enough that you can start speaking it pretty pragmatically even without being fluent. And just like any other native language speakers, local japs would be HAPPY to help a foreigner out with words here and there if the foreigner is obviously trying to learn.
Languages in general aren't actually hard to learn at all, it's the intellectual equivalent of basic math. If you can do algebra, you can learn any language.

>> No.24146951

timestamp your youtube embeds next time, OP. This was a very specific part of the stream you could have timestamped

>> No.24147001

>>24146951 (me)
Oh you did and i'm being retarded, carry on

>> No.24147037

Japanese is on the very top tier of difficulty for English speakers to learn, 1 tier above that fucking clicking language that Africans use.

>> No.24147160

I blame that more on the quality of education in English speaking countries rather than Japanese being an actually difficult to learn. Difficult to master, definitely, but not difficult to learn.
Source: am an american, holy shit we graduate people who can't read, write, or do basic addition/subtraction, LET ALONE algebra.

>> No.24148151

She gives 5% of her time to her job making her rich, you think she's going to give any % of her time learning a language to better herself and better adapt to where she lives?

>> No.24148370

That list is for diplomats, foreign service workers, business translators, military interrogators ect. It's not based on "what can some rando learn easiest".

>> No.24148959

>shitting on mori
Based based based based
I want to rim her asshole more than ever

>> No.24149080

>implying any of these people got their positions via actual qualifications and not horrendous incestuous nepotism and circlejerking
I have bad news for you, obviously-foreign anon...

>> No.24149192

Kana was super fucking easy for me less than a week to get both hiragana and katakana down now kanji are fucking different not so much in shape but in the shifting meaning once you learn basic sentence structure its all about vocabulary if you don't plan on needing to write anything more complex than your name address and phone number

>> No.24149400

that clicking language shit is actually not even that complicated or weird
t. linguist

>> No.24149573

Damn, was Kiara always this based? I love Kiara now!

>> No.24149588

yeah, languages aren't *that* hard to learn if you actually go out of your way to speak it more and more mori doesnt do this

>> No.24151071

Mori is a fucking waste of a chuuba model and organ

>> No.24151460

Kiara hate's Mori

>> No.24151674

Look at this, you can pinpoint the exact moment when her heart snaps in half.

>> No.24151702

The only thing that makes it difficult is the sheer amount of kanji. Grammatically and phonetically it's much simpler than English.

>> No.24151858

That's generally how of locals and foreigners who learned the language and respect the culture think about permanent tourists and their bubbles. They see them for the freaks that they are. This is nothing Kiara or Mori specific. She's just based.

>> No.24151919

I guess Mori proving her wrong by making it make her mad, she cant even hide it

>> No.24152042

That's how it is in every country. People like to stick with their own. You see it with the english in spain. Mexicans in the US. People naturally gravitate toward people who speak their language. It's a stupid way to live to be sure. For me, if I took the trouble to immigrate somewhere, I would be interested in the culture and language (you see that too sometimes with immigrants becoming kind of uber patriots).

>> No.24152136

Orange woman once again BASED

>> No.24152158

It doesn't matter if it easy or not. If you plan to live in a country for a big portion of your life better start learning the language.
Maybe in some countries you can do with English or some other commonly spoken language that at least 30-40% of the population speak but this is fucking Japan.

>> No.24152238
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2500, 0000065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chicken.

>> No.24152269

FUCK I wanted to make this thread

>> No.24152291

This is so brutal to watch.

>> No.24152367

If I moved to the Netherlands, or the Nordic countries I would not even bother learning their languages. I know they are a cucked and will accomodate English speakers.

>> No.24152385

Im glad she stopped that TakaMori nonsense.
Mori doesn't deserve even 1 gram of the love Kiara has.

>> No.24152493

I must be a fucking genius then if the only language I know besides English is Japanese. Or maybe the difficulty is exaggerated. It's just kanji that sucks.

>> No.24152568
File: 391 KB, 444x444, 1652037154900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deserves so much better
she has so much better now ame, reine, mumei, fauna, flare

>> No.24152569

I dunno. Mori doesn't sound like the most happy person when she talks about her life. She drinks a lot, and she seems to imply that a lot of her old friends have been less than pleased with her. Think of the message behind End of a Life. I'm guessing the kind of big timing fake shit she does to Kiara, she's done to others. Mori really needs to become a better person but with the success and validation she gets, that seems unlikely.

I'm just glad Kiara is starting to branch out again. I hope her and Ame can have a good time together. They both could probably use a friend.

>> No.24152640

There's definitely some European countries where they'd rather you speak English than mangle their language.

>> No.24152699

She's living her life just pretending that friends will just HAPPEN to her, without her actually having to give a shit. Western women, unfortunately.

>> No.24153220

You know I used to think Japan's rules were too strict to immigrate but actually I think they aren't nearly strict enough, I just disagree with what they prioritize (the infamously easy methods are methods I refuse on principle because they go against the very values I respect about Japan). I agree with Kiara that Japanese should be an absolute requirement. That said Kiara definitely hypes moving to Japan as far more difficult than it is, yes, it's a barrier I will never be able to get over and that's why I gave up on it but it's also the only country I want to move to. Any other country has the same barriers, I just don't care about them. Europe is easy for her because she's already European, she already struggles with the idea of moving to the UK despite wanting to just because it's not part of the EU anymore.

>> No.24153400

Despite what everyone here says, they are still on good terms, maybe they are not the closest ones like before, but they dont hate or despise each other. Glad Kiara can found more people she can be closer with, and Mori certainly can learn to be better at reaching out, but its not like she is an hyper mega ego inflated bitch. I truly hope the best for the two and that they can rekindle some of the closeness they had someday.

>> No.24153546

just learn japanese already retard

>> No.24153604

Nobody is saying she has an inflated ego, she's just really, REALLY shit at being a good person or a good friend. You don't need to have a big ego to be a shit person.

>> No.24153858

Based orange woman

>> No.24153884

Yeah, I still like her overall, but she sometimes gives the vibe she's lacking some element of connection.
It's like Schizophrenia lite, sort of dissociating or something.

>> No.24153918

She has one of those egos that incel-type dudes have. They think so lowly of themselves yet because they "have a different mindset/perspective" that makes them better than most people.

>> No.24153959

how the fuck did she get into japan like 10 years ago when she was like a teen (im guessing)?

>> No.24154012

Good job anon, this is a well-crafted rrat.

However, she’s talking about Pewdiepie here, not Mori.

>> No.24154046

This. She stuck herself in "her worthlessness is her value" when it comes to sociality.

>> No.24154086

Thia was the moment I went from finding Mori cringe to disliking her as a person

>> No.24154104

White woman sex, most likely. You can fuck your way to a lot of places, in japan.

>> No.24154194


i cant shake the feeling that her (and a lot of the ENs) come from high generational wealth

>> No.24154280

She is getting fat just fine, though.

>> No.24154316

Without context the awkwardness reminds me of your typical NijiEN collab

>> No.24155381

The only syntax you need to know about Japanese is that the main verb goes at the end of the sentence lol

>> No.24155442

In Kiara's case she was raised by a single mother along with her siblings. Pretty sure she's just the typical no father figure in her life kind of girl which is why she went to Japan at such a young age. She only recently just got her Austrian GED.

>> No.24155477

What are some resources you would reccomend

>> No.24155636

>still living in Japan
>visa lets her stay as long as she wants, come and go whenever she wants
>gradually getting better at the language
>gets respect from all the JP fans for her effort at learning, even if she's still nowhere near fluent
>offline collabs with holo JP members
>meeting many people through her music (both Japanese and foreigners)
>forced to leave Japan
>can never get a work visa again, not even an English teacher visa, because she never went to college
>Her Japanese is deteriorating from lack of use
>JP fans don't appreciate it because she made it look too easy at the start
>even her German is slipping because she just streams in English all day
>but she's still ESL and makes English mistakes
>none of her original songs did well
Remind me which of them should have contempt for the other?

>> No.24155946

Frostwalker here. Can confirm but most signs, menus and stuff are in local language unless you're in touristy areas. Just don't have weird allergies and you're set.

>> No.24156270

>Just don't have weird allergies and you're set.
Sure, if you just want to be a tourist and eat at restaurants. That's true of any country really, just point at the menu and hand them some money, the waiters will know what you want. But to actually live in a country you'll quickly go insane if you can't understand what anyone around you is saying.

>> No.24156287

This rrat is the most hardcore shit ive seen in a while

>> No.24156636

>slowly dying of alcoholism

>> No.24156719

fat from food and fat from alcohol are different

>> No.24156741

this is so disappointing, I was really hoping this would be a schizo thread about kiara hating pewdiepie

>> No.24156797

Kiara actually has way worse health problems than Mori though

>> No.24156830

shes still about the same at japanese from what I've seen

>> No.24157182

Mori does have rich grandparents.

>> No.24157245

Something she's actively working on. One is getting better, one is getting worse. One is a result of genetic/psychological disorders, one is slowly poisoning herself while dragging other girls with her.

>> No.24157729


>Her Japanese is deteriorating from lack of use
Even if that were the case. She can easily achieve a high level again because she learned the language young.
>JP fans don't appreciate it because she made it look too easy at the start
Do Japanese have such delicate egos because they can't learn English?
>even her German is slipping

You underestimate how big a role age plays in language learning. Mori has such a hard time because she started older.

>> No.24157776

Kiara is probably middle to low class for austrian standards, but those fucking mountain germans seem to be quite wealthy for whatever the reason

>> No.24157914

Her mixture of both surprise and resignation at the end always make me laugh, its so fucking good, plus the way her avatar reacts

>> No.24158133

Mori has such a hard time learning japanese because she doesnt try enough, thats it. She is still in her mid 20s, her brain hasnt rot yet. Plus Mori personality being a debuff to learn a new language, unlike Kiara she is not the type of person who speak with other people without hessitation

>> No.24158462

There is a huge difference between 15 (approx.) and 25 (approx.). Mori can still make it, but it is going to be harder for her than it was for Kiara.
Also, Kiara was already bilingual, and it is easier to learn a third language than a second while Mori was EOP.
