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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24128777 No.24128777 [Reply] [Original]

There will never be a unicorn friendly gfe holo en.
This sucks.

>> No.24128799

Kiara likes unicorns, her fans hate them.

>> No.24128829

Kiara's not gfe though.

>> No.24128885

>let me take care of you

>> No.24128929


>> No.24128939

Probably if you all didn't attack unicorn friendly GFEs as deceitful whores, you'd get more of them. You get what you deserve desu.

>> No.24129004

who did we attack?

>> No.24129061

It’s a two-sided problem. There’s a bunch who do some GFE pandering, only to be outed as deceitful whores, which is then taken as proof that, by extension, they all are.

>> No.24129074

Michael Cat

>> No.24129268

Depends what you want out of your GFE. If you're looking for coomerbait, no way in hell. Otherwise
>Chats non-stop about her day/random useless things
>Talks about cute stuff all the time.
>Has lots of emotional termoil so she can sometimes flip her attitude on a dime
>Talks sweetly about her fans constantly.
>Talks about her pets a lot.
>Spends members streams venting and chit-chatting with chat to feel better.
>Uses us as an emotional crutch from time to time.
If that isn't GFE, I don't know what is.

>> No.24129337

That's being a streamer

>> No.24129649

That's a good thing anon. We don't need any Rushia's or Wamy's.

>> No.24129803

I’d put the dividing line between Kiara and GFE chuubas like Lamy is that she makes a point of saying it’s just pretend and that her viewers should seek real relationships, and not introduce her to their parents as their GF. Also half of what you mentioned is just your average Holobird at this point.

>> No.24129990

kiara literally friendzoned her kfp

>> No.24130051

No one on this board knows what gfe is and just point at rushia when asked to describe it

>> No.24130111

well she was the queen of gfe.

>> No.24131965

Kiara is BSE or YME - big sister experience or younger mommy experience

>> No.24132094

rushia was such leader of gfe, there was schizo posts regularly about how rushia stalks her viewers and scared new followers for watching her because she'd single them out in the middle of stream and ask why they haven't come back recently

>> No.24132131

That's "any female interaction is GFE" tier, none of the ENs even get to the bare minimum stage of giving the fanbase any kind of spotlight. Anyone unicorning for EN is basically watching a movie and imagining the actress is their Jodie Foster

>> No.24132173

wait what happened with iwys?

>> No.24132330

Kiara literally had "I'll be your imaginary girlfriend" in her membership description

>> No.24132381

dont reply to his bait

>> No.24132450

thats the theory, not the practice.

>> No.24132818

Not that anon, but it’s the “imaginary” part that separates it from full-on GFE. She’s specifying that she doesn’t consider it real and that viewers shouldn’t either.

>> No.24132825

NTA but she cucked the members with surprise talk about some sexy deadbeat that didn't know her IRL.

If she is GFE then she is the rent-a-GFE of it.

>> No.24132971


I had a crush on my friend's older sister when I was 13. There were 6 other guys and we all talked about how we wanted to fuck her so bad. Her demeanour is exactly like Kiara's to me.

desu its the perfect way to establish dominance on your male simps, but have them tied and devoted on a leash to you, while keeping them salivating over being her guy.

>> No.24133449

its smart.
gfe never works out, because it constrains streamers to never talk about men, and have to commit to keeping a pathetic illusion realistic.

with kiara, she gets to be GFE in the way it should be -a desirable nirvana. She makes sure, that the idea is an illusion/ a fantasy, but makes herself desirable and intimate anyway.
KFP knows she's just a streamer and dont form parasocial bonds, but carry on enjoying the GFE she gives.

This allows Kiara to be fully honest, which she is. She has expertly manouvered this state of her male viewers.

>> No.24133535

Well Unicorns hate her for mentioning male friends on stream

>> No.24133546
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You posted her already

>> No.24133708

She once had someone SC her about how she's their imaginary Austrian girlfriend and seemed pretty happy about it. For whatever reason, some of the big paying simps love to downplay how 'down bad' they really are for her and do shit like talk about how she's 'mommy Kiara' in a non-sexy way. Maybe they think they'll have a chance with her if they don't act like they're actually interested?

>> No.24133820

IRyS is cute but she's not gfe.
Most holos do some light gfe baiting on valentines and such.

>> No.24133826

She's definitely curated the "unobtainable crush" experience. It's like the quirky upperclassmen or the young teacher, you know you can never get with despite desperately wanting to. You can't lie to yourself saying she's yours but you also can't lie to yourself about how you feel. It's a wicked circumstance KFP have found themselves in.

>> No.24134041

Yeah, I kinda see what you mean. The chicken helped her set it up too, because she can talk about her love for a chicken, do things like the catch/hug animation and it can feel like she's doing it to (you) specifically or to the chat as a whole. I guess I really don't know much about Rushia's content or the way she spoke to he members, so I should hold back a little.

>> No.24134068

Freud was Austrian too, anon. It still carries sexual implications. The point is the acknowledgment of her unattainability, rather than maintaining a delusion.

>> No.24134118

Irys is 100% GFE. You just don't watch her

>> No.24134212
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What's the difference between a GFE streamer and a lying whore?

>> No.24134289
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bro i watch her streams.
gfe is explicit about providing the gf experience.
Rushia was and Lamy is a clear example.
IRyS just does some fanservice like the majority of holos.

>> No.24134340

What makes it interesting is that the love she gives to her chickens definitely isn't an "equal" love. She holds the power over KFP and gives love as reward or treat. So while not truly "gfe" there's definitely a pet/master relationship dynamic. In many ways, she's kinda similar to Makima lol

>> No.24134350

kfp loves it, they are devoted to playing little teacher's pets and coworkers just so maybe she might read their name, or they make her laugh, or she notices them as regulars

its why shes one of EN's top supachat earners.

>> No.24134362


Totally loves 'em.

>> No.24134365

Don't try to reason with SEArystocrats

>> No.24134377

GFE by its very nature is deceitful. That is what you are signing up for when you watch it.

>> No.24134573
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who's the Kobeni chuuba then?
i'd make her my oshi

>> No.24134635

ive never been able to put into words how Kiara has this spell on her viewers. this is it.

she uses the fact that she's unobtainable to her advantage. plus its truthful.

>> No.24134918

i don't watch Kiara but why does collabing with vwhorejo mean that she hates unicorns?

>> No.24134940

She has terrible taste in friends and will never publicly take hard stands on anything but she likes unicorns being in her fanbase and may as well be one herself. She's a woman, of course she will be vengeful and bitter until the day she dies that she ever received pushback or criticism on anything but that has nothing to do with unicorns. Unicorns aren't the people who hate Nyanners. Everyone who has any integrity and has been on the Internet for at least a decade hates Nyanners.

>> No.24135175

Hard to say. Knee-jerk reaction would be to say Ina but the only thing they have in common is being kinda quiet. I don't think a true Kobeni chuuba could make it unless it was an act but then at that point they wouldn't be Kobeni.

>> No.24135617


Are you both ESL?
Context reps please.
>Kiara talks about her "Friends" (Insert Mori meme here).
>Say that one of her friends she hangs out with told that Iron Mouse wanted to collab with her in the talk show.
>Admits to be willing to come.
>Unicorn says in chat she shouldn't be hanging with Vshojo squad(For obvious reasons).
>Kiara roasts him.

Just like Ayame, Unicorns are just ATMs for her. Fact.

NTA but every Vwhore is like that, when she is low on numbers, always panders to Unicorns, but when she realizes she doesn't need them anymore, simply cast 'em away.
Happened with Kson, Watame, Suisei, Nyanners, etc.

>> No.24135826

>That person is a unicorn because he doesn't like VShojo
Okay retard

>> No.24136048


>Okay retard
Newfag and ESL. What else?

>> No.24136250

can somebody explain the kobeni love to me? Aside having a cute design obviously

>> No.24136461

Suisei never pandered to unicorns, you fucking mongoloid

>> No.24136562


>> No.24136610

What does collabing with a woman have to do with unicorns? Are you fucking retarded or just pretending to be? Kiara talked her fans down from attacking unicorns when SHE was hesitant about even doing a sponsored collab with a male. Does she have poor choices in friends and surround herself with garbage humans? Yes. But she would be hypocritical to pretend to she has a problem with unicorns.

>> No.24137245

The irony of an obvious ESL accusing others of being ESL's.
If you're not an ESL then it's even more embarrassing for you, since that just means you're retarded.
Please attempt even a modicum of reps before pretending you know what you're talking about.

>> No.24137958
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pathetic girls are cute to a lot of guys

>> No.24137965

>What does collabing with a woman have to do with unicorns?
Kiara talked her fans down from attacking unicorns when SHE was hesitant about even doing a sponsored collab with a male. Does she have poor choices in friends and surround herself with garbage humans? Yes. But she would be hypocritical to pretend to she has a problem with unicorns.

ESL as always, zero reading comprehension.
All right. Last time i'm spoonfeding ESL.

1. The main point isn't that she is collabing with Iron Mouse/Nyanners or not, but the fact that she immediately mistreated an unicorn when she was slight uncomfortable with his opinion, A.K.A. showing her true colors.
So it doesn't matter if she cared for them after.
Actually, the fact that she suddenly became over-friendly with them, just proves she was aware of people sharing this clip and realized her mistake.

2. >"But she didn't do that".
All right let's put this context IRL.
>You're Kiara's friend, she talks about collabing with Vshojo.
>You ask her to reconsider, showing that you care about her image.
>Gets this as an answer:

Can you even consider this a dialogue? Virgin schizo.

Just because you trust whatever a woman says to you, does not mean you can project your silly thoughts as facts.

>> No.24138071

That's most of Hololive. You have to draw some kind of dividing line between that and Lamy/Chloe/Michaelcat

>> No.24138088

did NOT read.

>> No.24138106

Sana will probably never stream with a man

>> No.24138147
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>> No.24138363



>> No.24138460


As i said, last time. Wants to be with your manipulative bitch? Suit yourself.

>> No.24138510

What the fuck are you talking about you absolute maniac, there's literally no reason for you to interpret a chat user that doesn't want her collabing with Vshojo as a unicorn, what sort of correlation is this?

>> No.24138565
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>> No.24138618
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That mumei

>> No.24138710

the western girlfriend experience is a woman neglecting you and cheating on you so the girls do a pretty good job of that

>> No.24138961

>What the fuck are you talking about you absolute maniac, there's literally no reason for you to interpret a chat user that doesn't want her collabing with Vshojo as a unicorn, what sort of correlation is this?

>> No.24139020

She literally is a deceitful whore though

>> No.24139044

Learn English.

>> No.24139067

Western women aren't willing to go the full mile and become possessive of their fans, there's a mental block stopping them. Even the girl that people tried to call the EN Rushia (Fallenshadow) ended up just being another bitch with a mod BF.

>> No.24139118

She said she doesn't have anything to offer to gachikois and thus she thinks they would be wasting their time with her. She was very polite in how she addressed it. Fuck off.
When she talked about one (and it seems the only one) bf she had she also mentioned that she doesn't feel like having a bf right now. She has somehow "high" expectations and she feels fulfilled with her chat making her company all the time. She also said she knows the business she's into and that people trying to do stuff that might hurt them if they are found out are bad/unwise people (hinting she doesn't really feel like going an extra mile to do stuff on her viewer's back). Fuck off.
Now this is extreme retardation. Watame welcomes everyone in her stream. She doesn't have the guts to hate their viewers. Her watamates are content with her and she's content with them. Trying to stir up shit on her is pretty retarded. Again, fuck off.
Not a chuba. EN aren't chubas. They don't hold idol standards for themselves. They are e-girls larping with anime avatars. If you gachi a JP idol chuba and she you get cucked I'd feel sorry for you but if you gachi an EN larper you're retarded and it's 100% your fault, more so Vwhorejo.
>inb4 b-but m-my chuba is different!
Most likely she's not but again there might be an exception. At least a few can be considered idols or have the standards of one (Kiara is the only I can think of right now that might be a candidate. I'm not sure though.).

>> No.24139168

As I said in my reply to that post, at least half the shit he mentioned applies to your average Holobird.

>> No.24139238

She told the mod to stop talking in chat and to stop abusing his position causing him to sperg out and block her. All because some anon messaged her about it.

>> No.24139525

Cope. She was single and obliterated her career to prove she was. In the end it was shown that she indeed was single and just because she menhera panicked we lost the GFE queen. I'm not even a fandead but I mourn the lost every day. She deserved better. At least fandeads know the true since majority of them aren't EOP dramaniggers like (You) and they are still supporting her.
It won't be the same for sure but at least she's still hanging there and her legacy lives on, just like holos showed in Valentine's streams.

>> No.24139728
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Mori Calliope is my wife

>> No.24139793

im sorry

>> No.24139887

By their own admission, most of the people who frequent this board have never haven had a girlfriend, so how can they pinpoint exactly what girlfriend experience is or is supposed to be? What do they have to compare it to? It's all just another fantasy in their heads IMO.

>> No.24139924

Hey, Tophamhat-Kyo!

>> No.24139954

Unicorn has nothing to do with collabing with females you dumb shit. If I call you a dumb fuck does that mean I hate all virgins? No. It's a completely unfounded correlation. You seem to believe being unicorn-friendly means never acknowledging another being that isn't also unicorn-friendly. There are many within Hololive she wouldn't be allowed to associate with in that case (and as a general rule she doesn't interact with them too often).

>> No.24140016

People in the real world wouldn't acknowledge online relationships as real but countless people today have developed real relationships that started online. And if online relationships are real, then an online girlfriend is still a girlfriend and everyone here has experienced having a girlfriend.

>> No.24140024

wait what?

>> No.24140099


Suisei NOW.
>She said she doesn't have anything to offer to gachikois and thus she thinks they would be wasting their time with her. She was very polite in how she addressed it. Fuck off.
Suisei before:
>https://youtu.be/zVgJRGkDLY8?t=94 [Embed]



>A.K.A Vwhores, as i stated before.
>Are you even reading?
>Context reps, newcomer.

inb4 b-but m-my chuba is different!
>Kiara is the only I can think of right now that might be a candidate. I'm not sure though.).

You know, Mori is the one people take a piss everytime they can on this board right now(and deserved), but before it was Kiara, with a reason. Reps please.

Now you can seethe the entire day if you want, newfag. IDGAF.

Now this is the last one. You can seethe till your heart is content now.

>> No.24140483

>Unicorn has nothing to do with collabing with females you dumb shit.
>ESL as always, zero reading comprehension.
>1. The main point isn't that she is collabing with Iron Mouse/Nyanners or not, but the fact that she immediately mistreated an unicorn when she was slight uncomfortable with his opinion, A.K.A. showing her true colors.

"Unicorn in this fanbase is a slang term given to the type of fans who want their V-Tuber (and person behind the V-Tuber) to be pure. Never talk to men. Never bring up your sexual experience (unless it's that you don't have any). Never show interest in men. They demand this so they can maintain a parasocial relationship with them and feel like they have a shot at one day dating them if they spend enough money on merch and donations."

>Nyanners: Penis pee pee poo poo talks all the time, openly collabing with BF and everything unicorns hate.


>> No.24140707

Watching some streamer who is trying to entertain you either as a hobby or as a job is not anything like having a girlfriend, anon. Online relationships nowadays are two people who sit in a Discord call together and play games/chat all day with one another.

>> No.24140725

Yes, exactly, you think being unicorn-friendly means only associating with unicorn-friendly people. By that standard every single corpo is by default disqualified.

>> No.24140747

Suisei doing ASMRs means nothings. That shit is not even gachikoi related necessarily. If she did ASMRs like the ones done by Okayu or Polka then you might have something, but it's not the case, faggot. Also, a fucking public, clearly joke-ish ASMR collab. Holy shit you are retarded.
Kson standing for her friend that actually is the fucking GFE queen herself just validates Rushia indeed did nothing wrong. People not wanting her to associate with Rushia has nothing to do with gachikois. Rushia didn't have a bf although the cuckolds /here/ wishes she had.
Watame, a literal sweetheart, talking to a coworker on fucking twitter, being supportive as the good person she is is a problem only if you're mentally ill. I'm a fucking gachikoi (not hers though) and there's nothing wrong with being a good person.
At this point you could also say Okayu is anti gachikoi because she collabs with her mama that is actually a babiniku. Go tell onigiryas they are hated by Okayu. Kek.
You are just a schizo using reddit spacing trying to stir shit up. Also the way you express yourself is pretty SEA if you ask me. This was my last (You). You are too retarded to even have fun bantering with.

>> No.24140797

It's obviously a burger
Only them are so dedicated to ranting over their bullshit opinions

>> No.24140927

I wasn't saying some streamer is why people have had online girlfriends. I guess I just assumed people here have used other sites before.

>> No.24140944

Friendly reminders vtubers are just streamers with anime girl models. There's nothing else that seperates them from the rest of streamers apart from that. No, idolshit isn't an inherent feature of vtubing.

>> No.24140994

That was probably what OP means.

You will never know the "devotion" of a streamer in English.

Solution: learn the moonspeak

>> No.24141386

>Friendly reminder western "vtubers" are just streamers with anime girl models. There's nothing else that separates them from the rest of streamers apart from that. No, idolshit isn't an inherent feature of western ironic "vtubing".

>> No.24141485

>sjw feminist
>likes unicorn incels
i dont believe you

>> No.24141490

I don't want "2 years into the relationship but without the sex" GFE

>> No.24141683

No, vtubing as a whole, you fucking idolfag weaboo.

>> No.24141700

She is neither an SJW or a feminist, she's a woman which means she's prone to stupid opinions and getting swept up in things she has no understanding of. She could never defend or explain feminism or social justice but she could and has given many speeches about her love of idols which goes well beyond any EOP's. She's even shielded unicorns from criticism over their preference by admitting she shares the preference herself. You don't have to believe me because you by default don't even like idols which is what unicorns are related to. You've just conflated them with incels which is a different phenomenon entirely from the opposite side of the world. Nobody said anything about her liking incels.

>> No.24141837

If you dont think 99% of unicorns have incel traits your overdosing on copium

>> No.24141857

Go back to vwhorejo or whatever EN shit EOP normalfags watch then; you know they clearly fucked up your perception of what vtubing is when even JP indies behave idol-ish yet you say it's normal to be vshoujo shit.

>> No.24141903

Is this Reine?

>> No.24142242

They are the exact opposite of incels seeing as they put women on a pedestal rather than in a ditch. Obviously some women are going to prefer one and not the other though neither extreme is ideal for healthy humans.

>> No.24142399

Incel means involuntarily celibate not whatever the fuck twitter tranny meaning you're thinking of. 95% of this board is incels.

>> No.24142502

Can men really be "involuntarily celibate"? I mean, you can pay a hooker, can't you?

>> No.24142649

you could also rape a woman

>> No.24142692

So you think incel just means virgin, that's not what anyone who would call themselves an incel means by it. Incel, despite the name, is distinctly a group of heavily ideological voluntary celibates. The name comes from the premise there are some types of guys so irredeemably grotesque that no woman would ever have sex with them but anyone who knows the first thing about women is aware no such man exists. What incels are really about is being disgusted that no woman could genuinely have sex with any man for motivations like love or loyalty. If you actually pay any attention at all to incels you'd realize they are extremely selective in the women they find acceptable, it's not that they want a random woman, it's that women generally disgust them. Elliot Rodger could have had sex at literally any time but he had a grudge against women for the way they behaved which he saw as beneath him.

>> No.24142795

Its hugely a confidence thing imo. Seeing those incel selfies posts on /r9k/ /soc/ and reddit, every single one of them is a normal looking highschool age kid.

>> No.24142827

It's more that they are involuntarily incapable of getting their needs met and those needs are mostly emotional rather than sexual.

>> No.24142908

Good. The JPs are already retarded enough on their own, I don’t need to see an EN version of it.

>> No.24142954

Yeah. Eliott looked decently good and was rich. He literally could have had sex anytime he wanted but he was severly autistic and really picky and only wanted an idealized woman that didn't exist

>> No.24142999

>sjw feminist
Anon, her roommate supports Johnny Depp... Feminists have been against him forever and only now use the "They're both abusers" quip now that they've been ass-blasted about believing one person's side of the story wholeheartedly. Kiara, on the other hand, is more unabashed.

>> No.24143025

Ah right, I forgot, incel=twitter tranny speak for a man who doesn't like whores

>> No.24143297

Incel isn't an insult to the people it describes you fucking retard.

>> No.24143314

stop larping as a white person. Just because u speak english ur not white

>> No.24143401

She can be saved

>> No.24143706

>just validates Rushia indeed did nothing wrong

With this single sentence you have proven to be a newfag and 100% nigger.

>> No.24144048

>Constantly talks nonstop about random and trivial shit that happens to her on her daily life
A on, this is the REAL gf experience

>> No.24144220

>Aside having a cute design
She is a female, being cute is the only thing they can offer
Bonus points for being submisive instead of a standard whore I guess

>> No.24144329

more like a wife experience. gf will actually have sex with you

>> No.24144417

>Suisei before:
You are a retarded nigger that's baiting, please kill yourself

>> No.24144771

Context retarded ESL.
>NTA but every Vwhore is like that, when she is low on numbers, always panders to Unicorns, but when she realizes she doesn't need them anymore, simply cast 'em away.
Suisei NOW.
>She said she doesn't have anything to offer to gachikois and thus she thinks they would be wasting their time with her. She was very polite in how she addressed it. Fuck off.
Suisei before:
>https://youtu.be/zVgJRGkDLY8?t=94 [Embed]


>> No.24144786


>> No.24145004

The retards here that use incel in all of their posts seem to forget it started as something that women hating dudes called themselves. The reason the word even blew up is people discovered their subreddit and how it was full of cope and hatred for women.

>> No.24145211

Her potential to survive through everything and keep being miserable is a very strong selling point. Especially in a series where everybody else is either powerful or dead.
It's also more than *just* character design, it's the way her character is posed, the things she says, the decisions she makes. Everything just works.

>> No.24145288

>validates Rushia indeed did nothing wrong.
Kson, herself, acknowledged that Rushia fucked up. She just doesn't believe that it should ruin her existence.
