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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24056986 No.24056986 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think?

>> No.24057065


>> No.24057093


>> No.24057094

Lame outfit

>> No.24057238

Massive slut but an honest one, so kinda based imo.

>> No.24057374


>> No.24057404

Unicornsamefags deserve the rope.

>> No.24057418

What the fuck is the point of using a vtuber avatar if you are just going to show your body. I'm tired of handcam and bodycam streams, it defeats the purpose of it all.

>> No.24057514

She’s a camwhore masquerading as a chuuba. This is exactly what Hana was referring to.

>> No.24057575

She is a latino. It's over, time to move to someone else

>> No.24057632

Any vtuber that uses their account to post real life photos of themselves are bandwagoners to something they deem a “fad” that are so overly attention starved they need more validation than they already get. Or simply, a whore.

>> No.24057637 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2022-05-11-03-23-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.24057778

Never watch her, but i fapped on her irl pics a few times

>> No.24057848

By that metric so is nearly every JP chuuba out there, they're just also liars by having an "alt" account to do it on.

>Look guys I have MSPaint

>> No.24058028

This is why hololive will continue to reign supreme

>> No.24058068

mad for being proven wrong, typical of cucks

>> No.24058089


>> No.24058138

>13 posts 14 replies three claims of same tagging
Jesus christ you are an actual retard huh?
How do you manage to breath without swallowing your own fucking tongue???

>> No.24058156

god she's such a sexy whore

>> No.24058166

if she doesn't do one of those masturbation stream like the /meat/ chuuba does, then she just another ethot whore on twitch.

>> No.24058188

I don't.

>> No.24058207

Do you think it's possible to get her to do /meat/esque streams? More /meat/tubers is always good.

>> No.24058218

>an “alt” account to do it on
I get that people can’t into kayfabe, but once you begin to become indistinguishable from your fleshy body as a chuuba, you aren’t one anymore. You can argue the margins before that point, if you want to.

>> No.24058308

Cute* whore.

>> No.24058382

Damn, she's really hot. Are her streams lewd?

>> No.24058424

I will not deny you the cute since you kept the whore.

>> No.24058484

>This is why hololive will continue to reign supreme
She was inspired to start vtubing when she saw Calli
This amuses me

>> No.24058486

i want to fuck numi

>> No.24058512

Pretty much as lewd as you can be on Twitch without being banned.

>> No.24058535

I saw her play a game once
It's all lewd stories and moaning while sound alerts play and simps throw money at her for no return
High quality content

>> No.24058574

This has got to be the 3rd time you've posted this op
At this point you've just got to be whoever that chuuba is, and you're just bait posting to get more attention from dudes that hate you or whatever the fuck

>> No.24058579

Is she latino really?

>> No.24058638

Hot if true I can easily imagine a chuuba shlicking to the hate of /vt/ retards replying to their bait thread

>> No.24058650

I heard she's a plum kisser

>> No.24058669
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>What do we think?
OP does not learn the lesson and should be hit harder

>> No.24058730

New domo's cock holster

>> No.24058757
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, 1632147293216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or did she based her avatar on marin?

>> No.24058821

retard-chamas first anime highschool girl . . .

>> No.24058894
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 20220328_172804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.24059021

sex, she should just be a fleshtuber
have you watched like 2 anime in your life? And no the charcater is older than that

>> No.24059083

holy shit the mental gymnastics of this retard

>> No.24059108

weak thigh game, probably fake tits

>> No.24059795


>> No.24059941


>> No.24060134

I think she doesn't understand the point of being a vtuber and is just like all the other retarded "I'm a vtuber but I'm gonna post my 3dpd self too haha aren't I cute and special guys???!!!! toss some money at me!" whores out there.

>> No.24060623

That skin tone is similar to those

>> No.24060752


>> No.24060861

that is quite literally the exact opposite of what hana meant.

>> No.24060897

Way to out yourself not only as a retarded newfag in vtubers but also a retarded newfag in anime.

>> No.24060912

i don't see why it needs a "point"

>> No.24060914

>manage to breath
SEA detected
you probably just switch your VPNs every post

>> No.24061027

>picture is a phone post with 4g
>Y...your just switching VPNs
>Gotta throw in SEA for that extra boogeyman spice
Not only are you a massive fucking retard you have zero clue how the site or the internet as a whole works. Please kill yourself so your parents can get at least a little pity out of what has to be the greatest walking disappointment of their lives

>> No.24061236


>> No.24061506


>> No.24062109

Should just fucking drop the pretenses and do OF 3D shit like every other ewhore

>> No.24062148

just breaking your immersion lol

>> No.24062655

Are you sure? She doesn't speak any spanish. Being called latino and can't speak spanish. ewwwww...

>> No.24062703

She looks like any girl? I don't see what's so special here.

>> No.24062963


>> No.24063365

What should I have for lunch?

>> No.24063416

She might be a whore but I don't care. She's adorable.

>> No.24067903


>> No.24067995

It only takes one image to mindbreak permavirgins.

>> No.24068142

This whore has admitted she has a womb tattoo and casually hooks up constantly.She's not even funny. Why would anyone follow her is beyond me

>> No.24068626

That's pretty hot ngl

>> No.24068783

Leave my incestuous whore alone. Me and her brother Eiffel Tower this bitch on the daily.

>> No.24069747

>use avatar
>still can't help but whore herself out

>> No.24069777

Does Cooksie have a single video on his channel that isn't coomerbait? Isn't he also the most watched clipper or close to it?

>> No.24070229

She’s a skinny white girl what am I supposed to be hyping up here?

>> No.24070436


>> No.24072488

I just wish she did adult content desu.

>> No.24072629

I believe she's Korean... correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.24072729

Same hair color, same outfit, she's cosplaying as herself which doesn't take me out of my RP.
I honestly love it and wish more chuubas did the same.

>> No.24072786

That's a dude.

>> No.24072828

She has the choker too.

>> No.24072848

Mori is the least vtubery chuuba in Hololive. Why do you think her antis dislike her? She's the vtuber for people that aren't into vtubers.

>> No.24073000

r8 her music

>> No.24073027

its actually easy to samefag with your phone

>> No.24073081

good stuff

>> No.24073164

Handcams are honestly very cool if the person goes to the trouble of having hand cosplay.

>> No.24073544

I know that Saruei wears an irl cat collar whenever she has one on stream so it actually jingles when she moves

>> No.24074641


>> No.24076904

too based

>> No.24077309

I think this woman disgusts me, I don't understand how anyone can watch her without vomiting

>> No.24077431

thanks for patrolling the streets, sir

>> No.24077617

I hope she gets Vei on her date stream, she would probably be a submissive mess by the end of it.

>> No.24077693

I think I'd like to bash her head in and mangle her limbs.

>> No.24077722

>she has a womb tattoo

>> No.24077779

god, shut up you giant anime faggot.

>> No.24077777

She did more than just admit to it. She has shown pictures of it.

>> No.24077932

From her clips, I get that she wants to be a slut, but pretends to be a loser virgin who can’t get laid. Is that an accurate impression?
I only watch twitch for pikamee, so haven’t seen her streams.
And how true do you think the slutty virgin thing is? I could imagine her wanting to fuck her brother or something so much she won’t fuck other guys (at least not first), but being mentally blocked by the “incest is bad” thing.

>> No.24078100
File: 424 KB, 4096x2924, kson saving menhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected, she's hot


I came into this thing like some of you faggots, but let's face it without the avatar they'd be just voice only streamers, frankly I'd rather go back to the days where the bigger ones were 3d mocapped only but that's no longer the standard

I come for the individual streamers, a selfie won't change anything, what would change things for me is them going off brand or being an activist of any kind, entertain me, but don't preach

>hurdur kson should kill herself

Cope chang

>> No.24078178

Got any pics? womb tats are hot as fuck

>> No.24078188

Talking about getting fucked and whoring around is activism. It is preaching. They do it because they feel entitled to occupy a niche digital space and expect it to change to suit their ideologies.

>> No.24078625


>> No.24078858

Waste of quints.
Of course this is the kind of shit to get clipped

>> No.24079125
File: 46 KB, 680x392, FF6YR5SUUAIN61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed probably one of the only honest sluts in vtubing

>> No.24079189

It's pretty funny to see girls like veibei pretending to be sluts whilst obviously still being a virgin so this is a breath of fresh air.

>> No.24079342

>dad watches her streams
>has admitted impreg and "daddy" fetish
>gives her brother and his girlfriend sex toys that they tell her about later
>has a womb tattoo
>admitted to be incapable of trusting or attaching to other men
She was 100% molested as a child by someone, and she 100% has done at least low level foreplay with a male member in her family after the fact.

>> No.24079428

Anon, you have to stop doing this to yourself.

>> No.24079660

The womb tattoo was made in such a way that it'll fade away completely in like a year; in case that makes it less hot for any of you

>> No.24079729

Unless its y'know an actual tattoo. Not sure how far Numi is gonna go with that

>> No.24079876

It's temporary, but that is sensible.

>> No.24079920

Yeah, by me.

>> No.24079944

God, that's fucking hot.

>> No.24080616

It's a semi permanent tattoo. This means that the ink is placed on the second layer of skin instead of the third.

>> No.24080902

i mean if theyre dressing themselves up like the vtuber body i feel like thats actually playing more into the kayfabe since the idea would be that they have a 3d body that looks the same as the 2d body.
wrestlers do it all the time into 2d so why cant it be the reverse?
yes one can argue slippery slope but so far if this is all shes done then shes not much different from a wrestler at this point.

>> No.24082266

She's gorgeous so its okay

>> No.24083432

active stain on the industry as a whole

>> No.24083533

Thats hot, i wish i could have molested her when she was young, probably a little whore

>> No.24083952
File: 70 KB, 682x1024, DiLoXnrV4AEF0Ip - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24084250

This is like the 5th time I've seen this thread, as others have pointed out she didn't show face and it was cosplay. Also confirms she's not a fat tub of lard. What's the point of these?

>> No.24084635

because vtubers aren't wrestlers

>> No.24085855

The creeping normalization of previously unaccepted behavior of those within a growing niche activity, hobby, or group causes those that may have come before, or who joined agreeing with what came before, becoming more and more disgruntled as what they enjoy changes to appeal to a more general audience. Happens to everything that doesn't deal in autistic math related shit since eternity.

Though OP is likely just a troll post.

>> No.24085907


>> No.24085933

her abs pic is hotter
God, I wish I could jizz on her tummy

>> No.24086174

To those of you who call her a disgusting whore.
If she was in front of you, fell on her knee, mouth wide open and said "please, dick I need a dick now please" with lustful eyes. How many of you would "accidentally" fall in her mouth or have your hips "mysteriously" move on their own? Or just completely fuck her brain out like she begs.

>> No.24086188

based. immersion exists to be broken.

>> No.24086511

Men have always sought pussy, loose or otherwise in times of famine. We are not an equal species, some things are going to be unfair, and seeking a quick release and a mate are completely different. Any anon that says he wouldn't fuck that is a liar, but any that says he would also marry her is a product of a single mother that acted like her.

Nature doesn't give a shit about the double standards you're trying to use as a gotcha, roastie.

>> No.24086668

Absolute whores tend to be pretty cute. The POG girls from PPP are fun to watch even when they aren't coom baiting because of that. But i feel like only AVtubers should parade their "super beautiful 3D" around

>> No.24087510
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>> No.24087536


>> No.24087928

literally who the fuck is this

>> No.24089254

Nihmune, from Twitch.

>> No.24090038

kayfabe is a term created by wrestling, the act that vtubers do (especially the ones in holo and niji) is the same as wrestlers job.
live entertainers

>> No.24094176

I don't fault 2/3views for doing anything to get ahead.

>> No.24095148

pretty much this >>24057065
Vtubers posting IRL selfies just reeks of whores that want even more attention

>> No.24095377

I refuse to believe a girl this attractive has any issues whatsoever getting laid like she claims

>> No.24095386
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this Holokek

>> No.24095899

she averages 2-3k

>> No.24095998

After she did everything to get ahead.

>> No.24096977
File: 115 KB, 410x598, 1641299857582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24097183

>any that says he would also marry her is a product of a single mother that acted like her.
I would 100% marry her. My mother was a crazy mormon type. When my dad died when I was 21, she said it was because god wanted her to live a life of solitude and she left to become an hermit. Because "god created as many women as there are men" which means that you only have one partner in your life.

>> No.24097194

What’s with all these fat fuck diabetic niggas talking about her appearance being “lame”? y’all are over obese and have never had a girl touch you. Sit the fuck down

>> No.24097696

dont tell her about how there arent enough women in china that the men their have to kidnap women from elsewhere to get any pussy

>> No.24097778

based Numi most of her streams are fun as shit too

>> No.24097867


>> No.24098058

I hope skinny cringe white girl sees this and makes you her pet or whatever the fuck you losers are into.

>> No.24098240

maybe she's got a pigface

>> No.24098335

Better than that landwhale in the other thread, but still a whore.

>> No.24102758

put a paper bag on it, or ignore it during sloppy kisses while babymaking
