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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24017946 No.24017946 [Reply] [Original]

sup vt. just finished watching idol's debuts and im bored af, give me some /here/ vtubers and proof (hopefully in video form) of their /here/ness

>> No.24018008

Lurk /asp/.
Everyone there is /here/ by their own admission.

>> No.24018121

care to send link?

>> No.24018260

no, fuck you, go do your archiv reps

>> No.24018357

/wvt/ trash

>> No.24018416
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>> No.24018615

bro im new here no idea how to do that

>> No.24018672

holy shit. name?

>> No.24019111

only actual herechuuba

>> No.24019269

take a shower in the basement

>> No.24019321
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>> No.24019676
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Go back, namefag.

>> No.24019691

ashelia rinkou from /pcg/

>> No.24020308

thank yu
i dont have a reddit lel

>> No.24020617
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>> No.24023024

>Post pippa in OP
>doesnt know lia though
Fuck off

>> No.24023123

>i dont have a reddit lel
Based Shlomo

>> No.24023735

Anons forget both this AND that's she's shilled herself on the old /JP/ theads like before both the EN and company split OG thread

She's not only /here/, she's has
unironicly been here longer than 95% of this board.

>> No.24023911

How new are you that you don't know how to use an archive/catalog? Do you even know what /here/ means?
I'm feeling helpful today,
Hopefully you can figure out how to click it. There's even a handy list of all the current /here/ /asp/ies in the first post.
I recommend Ain

>> No.24023995

No one gives a shit about them

>> No.24024039

It's exactly what OP is looking for. Only a 2view grown and bred from /here/ can satiate that level of smoothbrain.

>> No.24024080

Go to wvt or choose a herechuuba. not an aspie LOL

>> No.24024233

Both of those options wind up distancing themselves and only dogwhistle once in a while. At best they might accidentally leave a tab open, otherwise you'd be none the wiser.
/asp/ is the only place with chuubas degenerate enough to explicitly label themselves from /here/ and circlejerk among other /here/ chuubas.

>> No.24024378

I'd recommend avoid any /here/ that has their own deitcated thread both kiki and beat have some pretty schizo communities but /asp/ and /wyt/ has some genuinely good ones to check out

>> No.24024420

Kiki is a great option, she is getting a better rep here and is actually super entertaining and lovely.

>> No.24024499

Go back to /pyon/.

>> No.24024527

She has some pretty dedicated antis too (post rel) but you get used to them

>> No.24024606

I like her content a lot but she banned me for mentioning I came from Pippa,idk why her fanbase gatekeeper so hard,otherwise same here I'd recommend her.

>> No.24024652

Omg you kek
no you were being a faggot. she was actually being pretty nice

>> No.24024702

confirmed kiki selfposting

>> No.24024711
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No she didn't. you shit talked her on another thread outing yourself and she banned you for being a dramafag. Based imo

>> No.24024790

Its stupid Aus hours... dyrbi

>> No.24024871

Please stay in your containment thread.
Case in point why her entire fanbase are schizos.

>> No.24024898


>> No.24026457

Defended her and her fans still losing their shit,case in point.

She's great for lurking,but avoid commenting unless you want unironic unicorns going into a frenzy,her super Mario stream was extremely kino.

>> No.24026527

Thats happened about twice. Its always been the same anti who wants to prevent people from chatting. But yeah I agree, was kino

>> No.24026742

I always pictured /asp/ as delusional dudes and troons (which I suppose is redundant, but different delusions). Are there any actual decent girls there?

>> No.24026811

No lol

>> No.24026946

IDK if this is you or not Pippa but post your feet already

also sneed

>> No.24026972

Unless one of them ascends to moderate power or a corpo of some kind, I’m sticking with the prior sentiment. The back office /wvt/ is filled with m*les, so I treat both the face and /asp/ as the same field.

>> No.24027198

fake lmao

>> No.24027275


>> No.24027492

List of the girls from /asp/.
"Decent" is up to your discretion. I think AinGstalt is very decent despite just being a PNG.

>> No.24027561

>fake lmao

>> No.24027685
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>> No.24027862

Those links don't prove anything, Risu isn't here.

>> No.24027899

Moona is also not here by the way.

>> No.24028296

Can't fool me Moona, you forgot to edit out the (you) from your image.

>> No.24029435

I'm not dumb enough to do that.

>> No.24029860

Asp gets memed on for just being a babiniku circle jerk, but the community there is actually really nice. People are quick to support eachothers content and give advice where needed.
Sure maybe some of us are ngmi, but at least we have each other right?

>> No.24029989

she's a schizo /b/tard with a ton of issues

>> No.24030118
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alright open up:

(ancientfag /a/,/v/,/d/,/k/,/m/) vocaroo femanon from the times of /jp/hlgg/, started the whole /here/chubing which inspired many indies. Guns, gunpla, random tangents, /v/idyacore etc
(oldfag /an/) 100% /vt/ dedicated bunny GFE and animal autist
(2016 election tourist, general old internet creature, kiwifarmer) internet cringe expert and drama connosieur, master at handling the yab line, different kind of content than most vtubers, also old MMORPGs
/here/ newfag but niconico/JP internet/2ch/5ch sphere ancientfag
/a/ semi-oldfag (Kill La Kill era)
actual /a/ oldfag (spinzaku memes era)
>Mumei, Moona
/here/ newfags
/cgl/ oldfag
>50% of /wvt/ is oldfags, another 50% is newfags, both guys and girls, all are /here/. Nyaru is a /cgl/ oldfag, PiCKY is ancientfag (made cornelia-tan's design), Leaflit is moot-tier originalfag, was in Something Awful before 4chan even existed.
>half of nijiEN (most are newfags, pomu /jp/ oldfag)
>Gura (most likely from old internet meme knowledge, nyanners style videos etc plus other things, evidence not as 100% solid as the rest)
(ancientfag renegade from /a/, /v/, /b/, currently on vshojo threads like in /aco/ or /vt/)
>veibae, silver
newfags, found /aco/vshojo threads before /vt/ was made.
learned english from twitch and /jp/ back in the day, shilled herself once in there, has named 4chan in streams.
>half of /lig/, half of small corpos are /here/ newfags (tsunderia, ex-cyberlive, phasecon...) because checking your analytics reveals where people come from (clicking the links)

Basically EVERYONE is here except twitter-only, "le 4chan scary" kind of people, and JPs. Though most are newfags.

>> No.24030129

Fungus covid was an aspie

>> No.24030268

Which only made the whole leak thing more hilarious.

>> No.24032405

>half of /lig/, half of small corpos are /here/ newfags (tsunderia, ex-cyberlive, phasecon...) because checking your analytics reveals where people come from (clicking the links)
That’s pseudo-direct linking. It’s over...

>> No.24034640
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>> No.24034708


>> No.24035320
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>> No.24035643

>>>/vt//pyon/ as here as it gets

>> No.24035973

Most toxic /here/ you can find

>> No.24036460

Unironically one of the best chubba this sites had to date, her thread dying due to some petty drama was really sad to see

>> No.24039379

/trash/ ≠ /vt/

>> No.24040711

Not anymore, her opinion soured when she found that this place isn't just nameless reddit, and that some people will (whether as bait or not) criticise and shit on her and her friends.

>> No.24041224

Uh, that very likely would have been discovered at her first visit, but alright.

>> No.24043021

/jp/ and early /vt/ wasn't the current kiwifarms-lite you see today

>> No.24047884

This is a good post.

>> No.24048370

Was honestly no different from today,except it was constant vshojo/Kiara hatespam instead of nijiEn/mori
>/Jp/ pre-split
Pretty much like any obscure hobby focused jp thread aka much fucking worse than now

>> No.24048526

Why does everyone hate her?

>> No.24048670

Plus she fucked fans.

>> No.24049816

Hostile towards any new viewers and both of the regulars make sure you are not welcome to threads

>> No.24049925

>Hostile towards any new viewers
How so? That goes against the basic rules of streaming.
>regulars make sure you are not welcome to threads
That's /vt/ in general.

>> No.24050446

I don’t hate Kiki, I just dislike /pyon/. Nearly anytime Kiki gets brought up in a non-/pyon/ thread, it tends to cause an unspooling into a shitflinging competition. I highly doubt this is caused by Kiki herself, but if it is, that’s unfortunate. Thus far, the only thing I can operate with is that it’s either agitators shitposting or genuine attempts by champyons to inject her streams into many more facets.

>> No.24050532

kiki is underage ban, how on earth could she be an oldfag without browsing from 2 yrs old

>> No.24050712

how has this spoon-feed begging thread been up for 10 hours, is this board abandoned

>> No.24050921

Just spam more Hololive drama threads until it gets archived.

>> No.24051101

>That's /vt/ in general.
Nope. That is just kiki threads in general

>> No.24051195

Sure why not.

>> No.24056939


>> No.24056966

>beliving rrats made up by a jealous ex herechuuba

>> No.24059876

רדיט זה לפגוטים

>> No.24059898

idk, 2 months-ish? i dont lurk that much, and yeah i know what here means

>> No.24060016

>>24027685 >>24027561

holy shit based holo id

>> No.24060111


>Basically EVERYONE is here
holy shit thats half of holomyth, proof?

>> No.24061723
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it's really more because she can't stream due to all the shit that's affecting her body, she's like patient 0 for every debilitating illness

>> No.24061784

The threads were doing okay for a good while even after that, it's just that when she went on hiatus for such a long time it was very easy for schizos to overrun the threads.

>> No.24061843

this. No content so no posts, schizos being schizos kept spamming. You can't sustain a small indie general like that.
But recently she had a stream and a thread, and it was nice

>> No.24062194
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she's been streaming once every week for the past 2-3 weeks so whatever boneitis strain that kept her down the last few months is slowly going away
i love this toitle dearly and i hope we're going back to a schedule and a constant thread soon

>> No.24062608

