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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23927190 No.23927190 [Reply] [Original]

I like Fauna (:

>> No.23927220

tfw no Fauna gf
why live

>> No.23928647

>tfw no Fauna gf
>why live
you will never be eddy

>> No.23929649
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>> No.23930153

Fauna is good

>> No.23930244
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>anon likes fauna
>i like fauna

>> No.23930473

OMG same

>> No.23930585

I'm edgy tho

>> No.23930657

only I like fauna

>> No.23930794 [DELETED] 

cuckling. why do u think she cancelled the stream? she got railed saturday night

>> No.23930863

By me

>> No.23930952

I was having a fit today because I couldn't find /uuu/.
I think I'm okay now though.

>> No.23931398
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Weak sapling got scared by the shitposting in the last pse/uuu/do and said he wouldn't make one (implying he was the one making all the "i miss /uuu/"). Anything with a fauna OP is the new pse/uuu/do i guess.

>> No.23931405

Why are there so many ads on the last asmr vod that shit is ruined

>> No.23931472

holy fuck how do you people use the internet without adblock

>> No.23931504

I listen to ASMR in bed on my phone and the Youtube app doesn't have adblock.

>> No.23931507
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Youtube, someone should SC fauna about it telling her that she could have the first 15 minute be free talk so she can move all the ads to the beginning, leaving the rest of the ASMR segment free of ads.

>> No.23931551

There's an app called "vanced" for youtube i think, it gets rid of ads.
Also dunno if Brave browser also removes ads, but you can listen on the background whatever video you're playing on youtube.

>> No.23931581

Through the browser, forgot to add to that last part.

>> No.23932603

I can't stop nutting to faunasmr.
The feeling of her being close just makes my cock twitch, no other ASMR girl does this to me.

>> No.23932766
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She makes me happy and less cynical

>> No.23935180

Is fauna an architect?

>> No.23935847

If your phone is android, install firefox. You can get adblock on there and use youtube without ad's.

>> No.23935885 [DELETED] 

Too bad she only like Eddy. She suck his dick every night.

>> No.23936019

I like Fauna because she plays games that are fun to watch. I hope she plays Hitman again.

>> No.23936096

Don't use official apps that keep important functionality behind a paywall.

>> No.23936995

When everything else fails just download the vod as a mp3 and listen to that

>> No.23937029

You shouldn't, hurry up and end it

>> No.23937045

I also like her
Her streams are really fun and she is sweet girl

>> No.23937066
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>> No.23937073

>terrible at games
The only losers that like her are cucks

>> No.23937239

>spending time and energy spewing hate against someone completely harmless who you will never even meet
Grasshoppers sure are weird

>> No.23937270

Unironically the best in EN.

>> No.23937321

I hate whores and I hate you cucks that simp for her. Kill yourselves.

>> No.23937416

Why are you on this board then? You should consider killing yourself to escape from this cruel reality that you obviously can't handle.

>> No.23937507

Remember to ignore grasshoppers
Fauna is cute!

>> No.23937510


>> No.23937557

Can't, my parents still love me, unlike most of you failed abortions

>> No.23937595

There's like 3 different Fauna anti threads going on right now. I think it's one guy having a meltdown. (Probably a SEAmonkey.)

>> No.23937626

what fresh flavour of autism is this?

>> No.23937743

Do you think your parents would be proud if they knew you spent all day bitching online about a random woman you don't watch?

>> No.23937777

Lurk more newfag

>> No.23937803
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>> No.23937818

suck my cock cuckling

>> No.23937959

Good thing I don't do that, cuck

>> No.23938399

Bromite is a browser with an integrated adblock, it's also pretty safe.
You can also try YouTube clients and personally I like NewPipe the most.
But for obvious reasons, neither is available from the PlayStore, so you'll have to get the APKs from their respective websites or install them via F-Droid.

>> No.23938588

I'm on iOS.

>> No.23938675
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>> No.23938939

Why do you hate mori so much?

>> No.23939832

It’s kind of adorable watching the antis seethe while saplings just ignore them

>> No.23940239

you are not ignoring them by making this post

>> No.23940338
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Hey i like Fauna aswell!

>> No.23940433

I too love slurping another mans cum from my oshi's holes.

>> No.23940937

Important question is fauna bald
T. not sapling

>> No.23941155

Only when murdering people

>> No.23941214

Open it in the web browser and with ublock origin.
Seriously the internet is unuseable these days without it. Fucking Jewtube spamming me with 3 ads just to watch any 5 minute video baka.

>> No.23941232


>> No.23941328
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depends on the season

>> No.23941680

Im the Chowder Man, my title for life
If you're hoping to find me, just look into the light
It's not about food, it's a life philosophy
You gotta be the strongest, and fight to succeed

I'm climbing the mountains, I'm swimming the rivers
I'm the eagle in the sky, and I'm ready for dinner
Life's a highway, and I am the car
If you ride with Chowder Man, you're gonna go far

I am the Chowder Man
I am the Chowder Man

>> No.23943600

I liked the icy girl one best.

>> No.23943723

This one has been stuck on my mind since then.

>> No.23943815

Me too, have a nice day!

>> No.23943872

Why are Saplings so mentally unstable

>> No.23943891

granny cream's hot butter ice cream

>> No.23943989

Pretty sure you answered your own question

>> No.23944004

I like Fauna for her game streams and I am not in a parasocial relationship with her.

>> No.23944021

Fauna x Zane

>> No.23944041


>> No.23944059

That's the point of rhetorical questions and why i got no response.

>> No.23944080 [DELETED] 

How much money have you given to her BF?
Real question

>> No.23944093

I only buy JP merch and don't SC.

>> No.23944237
File: 237 KB, 867x1273, FQDm9bMaQAQhMVQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like Fauna, i fucking LOVE Fauna

>> No.23944389

Do you think Fauna likes diaper fetish

Asking for a friend

>> No.23944399

No nigga

>> No.23944456

I am so sorry, out of all the songs in the game this has to be the WORST to have stuck in your head.

>> No.23944499

Is that Fauna as a ninja with an ice cream sandwich?

>> No.23944582

No, that's a terrorist mask.

>> No.23944589
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>> No.23944592
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>> No.23944660

>Cumming inside Fauna with Anuaf under her, using her tongue to pick up any drops that drip out

>> No.23945060

See, most of the people I ask that same question to generally give me the same answer, they don't give her money.
That's the point, the only people that don't care are people that aren't even giving her any money.

Gray names and non-GFEfags have no idea how little their support actually matters, they are legitimately a sea of unpaying viewers

>> No.23945318

I don't think the majority of /vt/ are people who donate SC and if so it has to be a very small %.

>> No.23945482
File: 810 KB, 831x924, 1650077545442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Fauna because she made me fall in love with her just to be reminded I'll never have a gf like her

>> No.23945487

They definitely are members, grefags are a minority inside generals or what globalfags call "splits".

>> No.23945551


>> No.23945609

I can only speak for myself but while I enjoy her streams, my oshi and her friends are all JP. But at the same time I don't SC at all because that's giving money to Google.

>> No.23945676

So much of your post is beyond stupid, I’ll give it one (You) and hide it.

>> No.23945707 [DELETED] 

Damn I can literally spam about Eddy all days without getting ban but got instant ban/warning when talk about wigger.

>> No.23945778

You'd be surprised, it's exactly why we have numberfag threads, anons here can be a bit obsessive when it comes to giving their oshi's money

It's the redditors and twitterfags that give almost nothing

>> No.23945780

You don't SC because it gives money to Google
I don't SC because it gives money to women
We are not the same

>> No.23945817

He's right, generals have a lot of members that talk about member exclusive content consistently

>> No.23945825
File: 773 KB, 1054x1150, 57F02865-E53B-43BD-962D-A1E372C2DB15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rrats in your deer thread*

>> No.23945846
File: 44 KB, 182x175, 1650447864358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please stop, you can't combine a wholesome woman like Fauna with creampie eating, my biggest fetish

>> No.23945869

if you think those retards at /#/ are superchatting you are beyond retarded. they don't even watch streams. they just pretend to like whoever has good numbers in their corporation of choice so they can win tribalfag arguments.
also, have you SEEN the contents of the average SC? tell me that's not fucking redditors sending in all those terrible jokes and cringe bullshit.

>> No.23945872


>> No.23945878

Well, I hope that terrorist Fauna is enjoying her ice cream sandwich.

>> No.23945881

i want to fuck fauna so bad holy shit

>> No.23945942

I don't want to fuck Fauna. [spoiler/]I wouldn't mind a nursing handjob from her, though. [/spoiler]

>> No.23945954
File: 63 KB, 347x871, 1648486683492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is someone from this board by the way

>> No.23945960

Fuck me, I fucked up the tags

>> No.23945971

Actually if I had one big criticism of Fauna its that her membership content kind of sucks. You could really get by with out giving anything. Wish more people did interesting content in members only streams.

>> No.23945978

Go back, kek. Being a grey is shunned upon without fail unless they greyfag is honest and accepts his place, then he gets sympathy.
Greysaplings are like that which is why they receive sympathy instead of disdain.

>> No.23945980
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>> No.23945993

>here’s a single person from here giving a lot of money
>this means most people here give money
I want to strangle your mom for not getting an abortion.

>> No.23946023

Baelz is made for Mating Press
Fauna is made for Nursing Handjob
Kronii is made for Paizuri
Moom is made for Headpats
IRyS is made for Marriage

>> No.23946033

>See, most of the people I ask that same question to generally give me the same answer, they don't give her money.That's the point, the only people that don't care are people that aren't even giving her any money.

Read retard

>> No.23946046

This is how you spot a tourist.

>> No.23946057

>greys must always announce that they are greys
>no grey will ever lurk

>> No.23946125

Until you find out she has a boyfriend

>> No.23946179

Abandonment- and mommy-issue cases. Large number of saplings are apparently also girls and any femanon in this fandom is 80% of the time have self-esteem issues.

>> No.23946208

The entire point of that anon's original post is that paying viewers that actually financially support the girl are the only opinions that matter when it comes to whether parasocial relationships are good.

You cannot complain that other people expect something else from one of these streamers when you aren't even giving them money yourself.

>> No.23946350

Am a Sapling, can confirm.

>> No.23946358

That's retarded. You can criticize harmful or shameful behavior without partaking in it.
Do you have to be a druggie to criticize drug addicts?
Do you have to be a criminal to scorn criminals
Do you have to be a simp to be able to criticize simps?

This is not even an argument. It's just s fallacy and there's no logic to it. I actually think Fauna is a good girl but simps are subhumans and giving money to women on the internet is absolutely retarded, regardless if they have a boyfriend or not.
Use that money to go buy your mothers something for mothers day you useless simp pieces of shit.

>> No.23946417

Good greys lurk and say nothing, other greys get salty and start shitposting, dignified greys let others know they are grey for reasons that any reasonable person would understand while also wishing the members a fun stream.

>> No.23946427

>Use that money to go buy your mothers something for mothers day you useless simp pieces of shit.
You realize it's possible to do both right? I can give a vtuber money just like I spent $3k on a puppy for her since that's what she asked for.

>> No.23946469

*3k on a puppy for my mother since that's what she's asked for

>> No.23946485

t. seething 2view

>> No.23946519
File: 2.33 MB, 314x136, fauna_murder-long[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fghdscu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23946664

If you are housing a druggie you have a right to criticize them over a random person who has no involvement with them at all.
In fact, it is illogical that you would even think your opinion would ever be worth the same as someone who is getting financially involved with the subject in question.

Nobody is saying you can't have a superfluous opinion, but it's just that, weightless, without any reasonable merit.
If her entire audience was composed of just people like you, she would have to graduate, this is the breadth of your callousness, reflect on how your opinions are effectively pissing in the wind in order to stroke your vanity, compared to the very real investment that her paying fans have.

>> No.23947956
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>> No.23950352
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I miss Fauna. I hope she's feeling better.

>> No.23950496

This board is centered around simping for egirls

>> No.23950626

This. SC senders are most of the time exclusively reddit/discord/twitterfags

>> No.23953572
File: 103 KB, 381x501, 7E8B9816-7CA3-453D-B4CA-56B4A614BF86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23953600
File: 213 KB, 376x448, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Members are all 4channers.

>> No.23955950

Opposite. RM is both a vegan and Gym-THOT.

>> No.23956399

Unnecessary considering Fauna has mentioned both of these herself. But of course you're probably braindead that has to mention it any chance you get

>> No.23956539

My bad, people are being retarded at the gym and i got mad. I didn't mean to put it out on you bro.

>> No.23956590

plant-human hybridization experiments have failed to create stable specimens so far

>> No.23956598

>vegan and fit
damn I want to eat her shit

>> No.23957555

That's fine, just hope you're not juicing. I understand you hold your oshi dear so strong reaction is understandable and no, don't consider Fauna a whore just cause she's not a unicorn. +90% of the talents don't fall in to that catagory so it's hilarious when other delusionfags show up in a thread to peddle fantasies about their Vtuber being "pure".

>> No.23957886

Yes, and?

>> No.23958032

I love whores. I wish Fauna was an actual whore, that would be hot, especially if she's a cheating whore. Too bad she's not, but that's kinda nice too.

>> No.23958044

Kek, i asked because of what she said during the minecraft collab while talking about mukbang videos and the food tangent.
She said how she felt nice seeing people eat or something to that effect.
It reminded me of architects.

>> No.23958113

She might still be. Lumi is a skinny gym slut too, it doesn't stop her from talking about her feeder fetish

>> No.23958281

Oh but she is, cuckling

>> No.23958436
File: 43 KB, 350x495, evzy2dawgaaspya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lumifag. She'll have her own general at some point. Surprised she hasn't applied to Hololive because I feel they would gladly accept another Euro in the ranks who has a good sense of meme-humor and sass peppered with Finnish autism. I mean, Kiara would just go full big-sis/Senpai over her if she knew there was a fellow Euro in the branch.

>> No.23958475

Give me proof she cheats on Eddy and I'm in

>> No.23958544
File: 680 KB, 1403x788, BloatFauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind her helping me bloat.

>> No.23958599
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2100, __kaneko_lumi_cyberlive_drawn_by_roober__44ba7e6819f7d5953d25e9ff15689f0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon, I'm talking about another Lumi. I hope your Lumi becomes mighty successful though. I'll check her out.

>> No.23958841

W-What's your Lumi like...asking for a friend?

>> No.23958860

She's kind of a dishonest person. But all vtubers are doing the same thing so I suppose it's not her specifically.

>> No.23959723

Why are NTR fags seemingly just drawn to Fauna? Is it because she's been open about beeing in an IRL relationship or what?

>> No.23959801

Speaking of liking Fauna, do we know anything about how tickets for the meet and greet at Anime Boston will work?

>> No.23960311

mods dont delete this hideous comment but delete mine bc they I said saplings are cucks? funny

>> No.23960334

I mean, he's got good tastes, you probably posted some vile garbage

>> No.23960338

We love cuckoldry here

>> No.23960447

my ex gf seemed pretty pure but she was a kinky whore in the end so i guess that might tell you something

>> No.23961344

max0r I know you're /here/

>> No.23961546

Here's not here, he's in /uuu/, the thread is already up
