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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23857143 No.23857143 [Reply] [Original]

Well, should it be?

>> No.23857183

Yes. Fuck Unicorns and fuck Gachikois.

>> No.23857188


>> No.23857212

i want all successful chuubas to be in relationships just to see faggots on /vt/ seething and malding

>> No.23857260 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23857269
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>woman criticized, ever
Normalize not giving money to talentless whores.

>> No.23857275
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>t. Furry homo

>> No.23857277

No. If you’re going to do it, keep it separate from your vtuber stuff.

>> No.23857314

Success in vtubing is inversely correlated to being in relationships because people like you have no money and the 'gachikoi' are the ones who hold all the cards.

Incidentally you don't even really like anime or vtubing, you're just a bandwagoning failed normalfag.

>> No.23857316

Ah yes, nyancuck's call to arms.

>> No.23857360

No. Fucking Nyanners, it's always fucking Nyanners.

>> No.23857361

So they're based beyond lief?

>> No.23857388

Everyday I wonder why twitter creators never got Nobel prize in medicine for proving humans don't need brains to live.

>> No.23857453

>Le bad idol culture dying!
>Its ok if Kiara, Nene, etc are in a relationship!

>> No.23857499

90% of the "drama" is virginity status and relationship status. I wish people just accepted vtuber sexuality and that this insane mentality died.

>> No.23857553

there's nothing normal about enjoying a stranger being happy. that's why I only watch vtubers with issues like fallenshadow.

>> No.23857554

Where did this rrat come from?

>> No.23857591
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I have no idea

>> No.23857595

what a poor excuse to normalize their degeneracy, just fuck off

>> No.23857617

My head

>> No.23857640

i don't think "people should be allowed to be in relationships without being harassed and doxed" is the brainlet opinion here unicorn-chama

>> No.23857645
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Bao you wouldn’t have any money if that happened you retard

>> No.23857648

Unicorns are subhuman faggots who do not and have no chance of contributing to the human race and deserve nothing but the fucking rope. So yes, normalize it and make them seethe more while they yell "cuck" to the void

>> No.23857692

Not if they’re advertising themselves as a vestal virgin. We used to burn women for this.

>> No.23857712

You say that but those same people are the reason half these vtubers get to make a living off playing video games.

>> No.23857721

>"yaaaas you go queen slay"
>*leaves quietly without a word*
I will admit though it must be seriously mentally taxing to do this shit and having your audience thirst over you 24/7 when you just wanna play games and hang out. imo it's better for everyone if they just stick to opsec and make sure this shit never gets brought up ever. Coming out that you have a boyfriend isn't going to improve anyone's experience.

>> No.23857733

based, just accelerate the retards in vtuber twitter sphere and let hololive thrive in japan.

>> No.23857773

But they allowed. Just keep it separate from your content. Mixing love and work never works well.

>> No.23857777

What no? That's pretty toxic. Vtuber characters aren't real people and strangers getting into weird relationships over characters they play never ends well. Add in the whole e-fame thing and it's just a shit show.

>> No.23857799

Why do these cunts keep trying to ruin this? I don't even care if they pander to me or not. Keep your personal life and vtuber persona separate.

>> No.23857813

Who cares what this rapist has to say?

>> No.23857812

the pain doesnt come from knowing, it comes from not knowing.

>> No.23857820

Sure, but the chuuba should understand that some in the unicorn audience don't want to know

>> No.23857825

old disproven rrat
this is just a random retard

>> No.23857832

>average viewer is able to handle real life actors being married
>average viewer shits himself and send death threats when a vtuber actor has a boyfriend
why are you like this?

>> No.23857853

Kind of?

The problem is people trying to have their cake and eat it too. If being in a relationship is part of your brand, first you need to be upfront about it; and you need to understand that you can't get simp but because of it.

The whole "being in a relationship on the sly while pulling in simp bux?" Fuck that. You deserve to crash and burn. Coming out right from the gate and saying your SO is your mod or duet partner? That's based and lets people know what they're getting into.

Just be honest with your audience and let your talent carry the rest.

>> No.23857934

It isn't really the same is it? The average actor isn't interacting directly with their audience posing as cutesy and available. Their relationships are open knowledge.

>> No.23857955

There are no vtubers who didn't lose a significant amount of viewers once they started openly talking about / featuring their boyfriend during streams.

>> No.23857961

Actors actually work together in the same physical space. There is nothing different from a viewer and a vtuber. Pushing the idea that there is something different or that virtual space is the same as physical space is toxic as hell. That said even celeb relationships are often a clusterfuck because they have this fame thing going on. Celebs that have non-celeb partners do better because they're not playing into it. It's not healthy.

>> No.23857983 [DELETED] 
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> Kind of?

> The problem is people trying to have their cake and eat it too. If being in a relationship is part of your brand, first you need to be upfront about it; and you need to understand that you can't get simp but because of it.

> The whole "being in a relationship on the sly while pulling in simp bux?" Fuck that. You deserve to crash and burn. Coming out right from the gate and saying your SO is your mod or duet partner? That's based and lets people know what they're getting into.

Just be honest with your audience and let your talent carry the rest.

>> No.23857994

No, they're just mad that they're being out-competed by the more appealing single vtubers. It's no different from a bad waitress demanding shared tips so she can take home the same amount of money despite everyone else outperforming her.

>> No.23858002

> If being in a relationship is part of your brand, first you need to be upfront about it;
That's probably the most important info that needs to be addressed in the beginning of your vtuber career, cause otherwise
>The whole "being in a relationship on the sly while pulling in simp bux?" Fuck that.
is pretty fucked

>> No.23858018

The problem with normalized relationships is that it turn normal channels into shipp channels

>> No.23858028 [DELETED] 
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> Why do these cunts keep trying to ruin this? I don't even care if they pander to me or not. Keep your personal life and vtuber persona separate.

>> No.23858036

The guy that tweeted this should kill himself.
Fucking westfags who don't know what an idol is or represents.

>> No.23858038

>i want free money without the slightest bit of commitment or self-restraint
Good luck with that

>> No.23858046

Western vtubers were a mistake

>> No.23858063

Yeah dude, its Japanese idol culture that was forcing female streamers (way before vtubers were a thing) to pretend they didn't have boyfriends.

>> No.23858094

it already is though...
vtubers who are upfront don't have any problems, its only those who lie and that caught that have problems. if you lie and get caught, you deserve what comes your way. its not like this is a vtuber specific issue, Twitch e-girls that lie and get caught have run into this too.

>> No.23858106

The absolute fucking state lmao lol

>> No.23858108

They could always just be single for their audience.

>> No.23858112

This gets brought up a lot but has seldom been borne out in reality. Rushia is doing just fine, for instance. Seems like the paypigs will pay regardless.

>> No.23858114
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GFE vtubers are worst than porn, with porn you know precisely what you're getting, with GFE shit you're just paying some bitch for nothing, its like NFT's, you get nothing.
Rushia should have taught you this, people gave her millions and it all came undone because she failed to turn off notifications.

>> No.23858156

yes, so i know who to watch to not watch
i wish all relationships status are public so asking someone out won't be potentially awkward.

>> No.23858177

Rushia and Mafumafu's fans accepted their denial, for better or worse.

>> No.23858183

porn isn't emotionally fulfilling.

>> No.23858187

It's weird to me that they always try blame this problem on the viewers when its not the viewers at fault at all. If they didn't all hide that they had boyfriends then nobody would get upset when it gets revealed they were being lied to. It's the streamers being greedy and trying to take money from lonely people who they know they can't exploit that are the problem.

>> No.23858196

>I would be happy if my oshi has a boyfriend
If you are happy regardless why the information needs to become public in the first place? I'll never understand this shit, also all the failed ''couple vtuber channels'' in the comments trying to get some exposure are pretty funny

>> No.23858199

that's why i watch JP vtubers, westoids are insufferable

>> No.23858239 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 566x541, 16352617372734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's weird to me that they always try blame this problem on the viewers when its not the viewers at fault at all. If they didn't all hide that they had boyfriends then nobody would get upset when it gets revealed they were being lied to. It's the streamers being greedy and trying to take money from lonely people who they know they can't exploit that are the problem.

>> No.23858244

>Overtake culture
>Demand culture change to suit your needs
Many such cases

>> No.23858272

My respect for hololive only grows and grows seeing how they've managed to steer their entire western talents into not being total whores and discussing how much dick they've sucked every stream.
Meanwhile vshojo and nijisanji were absolutely railing on hololive for making 'idol culture' vtubers.
Now look at you.

>> No.23858318

its because those people have nothing else to offer potential viewers other than lies for easy money

>> No.23858321

The weird thing that makes it not as bad is that western vtubing, particularly the Twitter vtuber """community""", is pretty much its own bubble that has fairly little overlap with Hololive and its fans. Even Nijisanji has a degree of separation from them, though not nearly as much.

>> No.23858334 [DELETED] 
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>I would be happy if my oshi has a boyfriend
> If you are happy regardless why the information needs to become public in the first place? I'll never understand this shit, also all the failed ''couple vtuber channels'' in the comments trying to get some exposure are pretty funny

>> No.23858365
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>> No.23858374

porn also isn't emotionally devastating
porn is just fast food for the penis brain

>> No.23858417

Show your supposrt guys!

>> No.23858435

Americans seriously aren't right in the head trying to push their kinks everywhere, do you also reason your wife loves you because she comes back home after being dicked by your neighboor ?

>> No.23858453

Didn't she throw a mod calling out her having a boyfriend under the bus to keep her money coming in?

>> No.23858465

Their fans are practically the definition of the sunk-cost fallacy.

>> No.23858470

That's the problem. They can have whatever relationships they want outside of the stream, just keep it away from the chuuba persona.

>> No.23858504

Facetious as if there is no difference between a vtuber having a real relationship or a publicized e-relationship with another vtuber. Since your real life and the vtuber act should not overlap it's not a real argument.

>> No.23858517

just expose them, i fucking lmao'd when nyanners crumbled when she got exposed pretending not to be hololive

>> No.23858527

How come people can say shit like this, but I say normalize dabbing on minorities and get insulted?

>> No.23858586

I can't think of any job where you casually talk about your relationship or sexlife. Maybe a comedian will have a skit but i haven't heard a sport commentator talk about it. Since Vtubing is just a role and should be seperated from the person behind it it makes even less sense talking about that topic.

>> No.23858597

Dabbing is cringe, so you deserve it.

>> No.23858605
File: 185 KB, 463x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really so hard to not talk about your boyfriend/girlfriend for like 2-3 hours of stream? lmao just fucking play the character

>> No.23858611

The current state of /vt/, everybody.

>> No.23858617

I mean in a spiritual sense.

>> No.23858632

Westoid roastie seething that she can't have her cake and eat it too

>> No.23858633

Holofags think their culture applies to every single vtuber when they can't even name five vtubers outside of hololive without google.

>> No.23858712

Pikamee, Nyanners, Ironmouse, Vox, Finana.

>> No.23858717

How is that relevant to what I said? I was pointing out that Twitch vtubing is just as much of a "bubble" as Hololive

>> No.23858722

nobody plays their character anonfriend, most of just plastered anime pic then roleplay as ethots

>> No.23858727

how are these threads not against the rules

>> No.23858729

You've never worked a day in your life have you?

>> No.23858739

The initial point was about GFE being shit because it offers nothing. I was pointing out GFE offers emotional fulfillment which porn can never do. They aren't watching her to get satisfy their dick.

>> No.23858749

Yeah, that's the best experience for the viewer. If a vtuber is willing to do that, then they deserve their success.

>> No.23858776

S-So why do they fucking care lmao? people that like a more GFE/professional style go to hololive or nijis and never leave an indie just need to say ''incel'' like 10 times on stream and all her unicorns will leave

>> No.23858777

This is why Hololive is superior to every other chuuba corpo

>> No.23858786

A few years ago there was a bid discussion about whether or not it was okay to include your babies and toddlers in your content. No. The answer is no it's not okay.

People will fuck up the most basic questions.

>> No.23858790
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Only if it's with another vtuber

>> No.23858833

I don't care what whores on Twitch do. The problem is when they talk about "normalizing relationships" in general and openly whine about idol culture.

>> No.23858856

In other words you do care.

>> No.23858922

They are, you just have to report them anon.
We all must do our part.

>> No.23858958
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Eh let them eat the cake. Only watch hololive anyway

>> No.23858965

Except shared tips are good because the entire kitchen also works to bring you that shit. Your backwards american way of thinking watresses need to be paid in tips is retarded

>> No.23858967

It's not just a culture, it's the natural order of things. Of course guys would rather be around single girls.

>> No.23858974

I'm talking about jobs that have an audience or interaction with random customers. Talking with your co-worker which you know for years is a different thing.

>> No.23859008

in other words stay in your lane

>> No.23859032

Only when they're complaining about Hololive and siccing their normalfag fans against it. Thank god the Rushia termination happened at the same time as the start of the Ukraine war, otherwise they would have made an even bigger deal about it (by spreading the blatant lie that she was fired for having a boyfriend)

>> No.23859043

Whats emotionally fufilling about a fake virtual relationship unless you are mentally delusional enough you believe something is there

>> No.23859103
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You know what really pisses me off?
That these people aren't content with just saying they have boyfriends but that they actively want all the benefits that other vtubers get in return for not constantly talking about their boyfriends.
They'll call you an incel but still want your money.

>> No.23859106

I know a vtuber thar is transgender and plays a big tit slut character that always gets toxic in games and spends more time fawning over other vtubers than engaged with the audience. They pay thousands into it and their sub count is nowhere close to justifying it. They just use their audience to boost themselves to get closer to other vtubers. In retrospect it's quite creepy and I think they're way too obsessed with getting closer to e-famous vtubers more than making good content or being entertaining. I wouldn't be surprised if they actively try and date a few of them and use their viewer numbers and vtuber persona as an in.

Is that what we're talking about normalizing?

>> No.23859113

More reason why the only company worth caring about is hololive, but seriously why are so many indie chuubas giant whores?

>> No.23859125

>Vtubers normalize relationships
>Drama happens between two well known vtubers in a relationship
>two fanbase goes pants on head retarded when both vtubers goes full on war on each other.
>/vt/ gets more fuel for drama threads

>> No.23859135

I see the "western vtuber experiment" is going as expected.

>> No.23859167

If your business model is pretending to be an anime girl to make big money out of terminally lonely people who you'll never meet but can't help but despise, you don't get any say in how you're supposed to handle your PR other than complete OPSEC.

On the other hand, if you get harassed and doxxed to the sick extremes some of the fuckers in this board get up to, you're in your rights to seek help from police and legal representatives. Just don't complain about nerds having an outburst of anger at you when they find out your fake anime tits you use to pad up your bad gaming are being grabbed IRL by some dude that scoffs at your paying customers with, or that said nerds don't care to fund your grift.

>> No.23859197


>> No.23859208

This. Twitch larpers using anime avatars can do whatever they want; they can do irl NTR porn for all I care. The problem is the westoid mentality of "everything here is better and should be injected into all cultures by force" that those larpers lead. They don't have enough grifting JP culture for clout, they also have to actively try to destroy it. Fucking narcissists subhumans.
They do this with vtubing and idol culture because they face close to zero consequences. If they do this with islam they would all get beheaded or stoned to death.

>> No.23859219

Face reality, idol culture is bad and most anons outside normalfag culture think its bad as well.

>> No.23859243

why are you afraid of getting shat on by idolchads?

>> No.23859253

Idol culture > whore culture

>> No.23859272

>why are so many indie chuubas giant whores?
They’re cloutchasers who hopped onto the latest trend. They’d make the same arguments in a non-vtuber context because it turns out general audiences aren’t interested in hearing them talk about getting dicked down.

>> No.23859287

Are you guys retarded? Why mix personal life into your job. Keep it seperate for your own peace of mind.

>> No.23859290

it should be normalized so that their relationships are open, rather than hidden from their fans will sucking money from lonely losers

>> No.23859299

They are both equally bad

>> No.23859313

Shipping real life people is cringe.

>> No.23859322

Nah, it's better to give money directly to people instead of letting their boss control it, whenever possible.

>> No.23859361

When they say normalized they mean that they can maintain the same old grift while breaking immersion.

>> No.23859363

Not even Holos bother to play the character and they get paid six figures and have autistic nip management over their heads. Hell, Omegatroon got fucking shat on for trying to make Council's RP last longer than a week. Kayfabe is fucking dead, it's over. It requires a level of commitment that simps will absolutely never demand from the talents, and simps are the ones that send red SCs and buy merch. Same reason why we have frequent interactive streams instead of edited shorts - way cheaper to produce, and in much higher demand by lonely men.

>> No.23859362

Amazing misquote

>> No.23859376
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Hololive truly is the only safe place.
Thank god that's becoming clearer and clearer everyday.
Maybe Project Kawaii as well.

>> No.23859377

90% of western discussion of “idol culture” doesn’t actually understand what it is.

>> No.23859456
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Vtubers can have relationships but if they ever breakup, the drama can be imagined. They better not fucking quit vtubing because of their poor love life and keep on making content so I can be entertained.

>> No.23859460
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>Vtubing = a streaming format where you can play as a literal god that bends reality, reaching the limits of your imagination to create the most unique models and stream ideas, where the most unique personalities reach the top and become legends
>Indies - Hummmmm I wanna talk about my boyfriend today and show selfies on twitter, isn't reality fun guys? touch grass XDDDDDDD

>> No.23859491

Nah, honestly kitchen staff deserve the tips way more and they won't get any otherwise. Bosses shouldn't be in control of it cause it just gets split at the end of the shift

>> No.23859509

character doesn't necessarily mean kayfabe, just the character that paypigs expect.

>> No.23859542
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I agree that a vtuber duo would be cute but this guy is a furry so fuck em

>> No.23859546
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>check the channels of the couples streaming together
>literally all of them average around 3 views
and they're acting so arrogant as well...

>> No.23859566

>unless you are mentally delusional enough you believe something is there
That's literally how the average unicorn thinks

>> No.23859572

>fake virtual relationship
>believe something is there
It's virtual for a reason. I'm not into GFE but I understand their mentality of not wanting to deal with female bullshit irl.

>> No.23859575

Yeah, it's really creepy, a lot of streamers just care about getting clout and joining some elitist circlejerk with other streamers. They don't really want to deal with viewers at all, but it's a necessary evil for them.

>> No.23859583

>unique personalities
Come on anon, even you don't actually believe that.

>> No.23859590
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>literally all of them average around 3 views

>> No.23859616
File: 193 KB, 426x439, -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijifags, I hope you realize that this controversy is coming to a stream near you, courtesy of yours truly.

>> No.23859621

There's a reason why they seethe on twitter.

>> No.23859640
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At which phase are we?

>> No.23859644

She's the sole reason I don't watch NijiEn.

>> No.23859657

As long as its not my oshi, i don't give a fuck

>> No.23859660

Delusional speak from someone that thinks hololive vtubers are somehow unique and special.

>> No.23859690

Whore culture is great for those of us who can get laid. Idolfags want everyone to be as miserable and lonely as they are. Literally "if I can't be with someone then no one can!"

>> No.23859704

Second to last I would say.

>> No.23859729

None of your oshis are safe.

>> No.23859730

Vtubers leaving scripted videos to largely become streamers is when vtubing died. The content in the golden age was better too.

>> No.23859739

Council should probably be taken as a case study in how not to do character lore. Poorly-written, hard to work into an onstream persona, and management actively preventing the talents from following their own ideas to actually play into the lore.
This is the more fundamental issue. How the chuuba acts on stream is more important than the channel info blurb.

>> No.23859752

This picture is irrelevant because 90% of this board hasn't watched any of the og vtubers. And the majority of people here don't participate in the japanese fandom anyway.

>> No.23859762
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Not really into parasocial relationships, but what's up with the way of thinking of normalfags? They act like shipfags and also seems like they can't get along with otaku culture (notice the stuff they bring up aside from dating)
Yes, there are entitled schizos but I don't see why would you be actively against parasocial relationships. I mean, Orca didn't try to kidnap Rushia nor he tried to KyoAni Cover when she was terminated
I'm not against VTubers having relationships, but I find it similarly weird wanting them to be into relationships just like with being an unicorn

>> No.23859768

nah, pretty safe... unironically

>> No.23859774

>WIP vtubers/v-tweeters- I wanna tweet something stupid that I think is Good without thinking/experiencing the possible repercussions on an actual vtuber's career since I will just keep this WIP in my twitter tag just to attract followers or possibly have a chance to join an actual circle of vtubers that have and established audience and skip out the part on building an actual solid audience myself.

>> No.23859785

Everything depends on Hololive at this point

>> No.23859818

Well that's different from sharing tips with people who had nothing to do with the table.

>> No.23859825

I am pretty damn sure Nyan and Aethel are not going to change the way they interact at all, you will probably hear a "babe" once in a while but thats about it.

>> No.23859828

Top vtubers? Hololive
Who runs this board? Holochads
You can gather your army of trannies, redditors whores and cucks, but when it comes to vtubing you will never be the relevant majority.

>> No.23859835

They want everyone to be as ugly and miserable as they are.

>> No.23859887

those dudes are failed normalfags pretending they aren't losers

>> No.23859914

>They act like shipfags
They don't act like shipfags. THEY ARE SHIPFAGS.

>> No.23859929

>all those literal who
>probably the same retards who throw stones at everything that doesn't fit their views

>> No.23859941

if they tag their genre as romance instead of slice of life, it's fine

>> No.23859958
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>top right comment

>> No.23859980

Imagine being so miserable you take a brand as an identity just to givs yourself meaning.

>> No.23859994

I mean I don't think these people understand what parasocial is. When you put your relationship out on the internet it becomes parasocial. Especially if it's to another entertainer and it's used and marketed as part of an act. It gets worse when you're both playing fictional characters online that is the relationship getting marketed. There is nothing more parasocial and creepy weird than that.

Doxxing an entertainer and revealing their real life relationships resulting in their fans turning on them seems like something those twitter replies aren't discussing.

>> No.23860009

Okay guy spending Saturday night on 4channel

>> No.23860010

>They'll call you an incel
You could, hear me out, send donations because you like their content, not because you want to fuck them.

>> No.23860013

>Mori exists
>Kiara collabed with Nyanners
>Bae collabed with Ironmouse
>They all collab with HoloID and HoloJP
>HolostarsEN on the way
>Yagoo came out and said during the Rushia incident that Cover would not police the private lives of the talent like a real idol agency would

It's just a matter of time.

>> No.23860024

Pretty much. A lot of JP small corpos and indies follow their lead so if they fall it might cause a domino effect. Western vtubing never really existed since they are ironic weebs clout chasing; the problem is I don't know if their influence can contaminate JP side.

>> No.23860025

final stage, the og vtuber style was pushed out by idol larping e-girls that act no different from any other traditional streamer

>> No.23860059

Might be right actually. If she goes so far as to tell Nina off I'll be an eternal dragoon.

>> No.23860066

>your average Nyanners viewer

>> No.23860102

The basic stigma against parasocial relationships and their most extreme form, GFE, is the basic idea of some thot swindling gullible loners into paying for their BFs condoms by pretending to be single. These pricks are against it because they want to do that, but can’t even pull off the “pretend to be single” part.

>> No.23860120

>No argument.

>> No.23860131

I want to bludgeon him with a cinderblock for saying such subservient cuck shit

>> No.23860162
File: 168 KB, 486x420, 1651094389875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people can't be real.

>> No.23860163

Vtubing becoming a mainstream fad during the coof was an unmitigated disaster that the community will never recover from.

>> No.23860165

>simp for their partner
Imagine being this easy to just support someone by association

>> No.23860172

There is no difference between you believing there is something in a loveless relationship with your wallet being abused and a fake virtual relationship with you willingly have your wallet being abused

>> No.23860226
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Yes, normalise them.

>> No.23860233

>supporting by association
does this apply to tribalfags also?

>> No.23860338

>Yagoo came out and said during the Rushia incident that Cover would not police the private lives of the talent like a real idol agency would
You realize it’s been that way the whole time, right? Matsuri has said that the only restriction is that they aren’t supposed to bang Cover staff.

>> No.23860437

I don't care who fucks who, but if you lie about not having a boyfriend/girlfriend so you can take advantage of lonely people, then you deserve to lose everything. Fuck people who defend these scum and even celebrate them.

>> No.23860462

That's not how parasocial relationships are talked about outside of /vt/.

>> No.23860465

>they aren’t supposed to bang Cover staff
>all the yuri rrats

>> No.23860485

Hololive has never been idol culture, revisionist

>> No.23860525

at the start yes, but when it was gaining traction?

>> No.23860557

Calling people cuck is so overdone but that's actual cuckold behavior

>> No.23860647

>Happy people make better content
Not sure that's true

>> No.23860705
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I can accept that a girl's roommate is likely in a relationship, if they can maintain kayfabe then I can too. Just because the voice actress for your waifu is married it doesn't mean the character she is giving voice to is getting ducked too, but as soon as they introduce a relationship into their actual content and break that professional that's when it's cuck shit. These maggots need rape correction.

>> No.23860750

The difference is how well they sell the performance. The better the show the more money they get, not that difficult to understand.

>> No.23860777

Name them so I can avoid them

>> No.23860830

>This picture is irrelevant because 90% of this board hasn't watched any of the og vtubers.
That just means 90% of this board are the dudebros and "alpas" who came to watch the girl that represent the average ENtuber.

>> No.23860883

Have you ever seen any holomems bring out their boyfriend/talking about bf? No.

>> No.23860907

the og vtubers mostly posted videos. how do you even know it's really motion tracking and not just generated in a CG program if it's not live. I'm glad it got replaced with what we have now.

>> No.23860976

Says the disgusting homo troon that needs to list their mental illnesses and sexual perversions in every profile they make as if it were a pokemon collection lmao and using it as their sole source of identity and meaning

>> No.23861039
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For me, just let them do it. Let them be open about it.
Let's see the number of subs and views do the work.
I really don't care at this point now.

>> No.23861148

The lonely people were never going to get laid either way. They were never friends, never family, never inlove. It was just entertainment from the start and lonely people knew it at some level. The parasocial problem is not about lying or not lying, knowing or not knowing. It is about cultivating a format of entertainment that explicitly targets people's need to feel connected. Streamers and even male streamers are just as guilty, because if we come together we can do it guys, but me a mansion for being a jackass. What's that you can barely afford cup noodle? Well don't worry, you can donate next week instead.

Don't get distracted by the fiction of vtubing, it's the same old grift. One rule to live by is to never spend any money on entertainment or to support entertainers unless you're fucking loaded and can afford to miss it. The narrative of supporting entertainers (""""content creators""""== they create shit) was only for their own benefit and didn't lead to anything good. Do. Not. Support. Just watch.

>> No.23861158

>Yagoo came out and said during the Rushia incident that Cover would not police the private lives of the talent like a real idol agency would

>> No.23861246

And this is why holofags need their own board. You lack the actual knowledge and respect of classic vtubers and what made then so special. It's fucking sad I never a thread that isn't hololive/Nijisanji or one of the 3 relevant small en corporations.
Absolute nonsense speak that means nothing besides "I'm a slave to a corporation".

>> No.23861387

>If I don't know the truth it's not real
Now this is absolute cuck behavior. You have to lie to yourself just to enjoy vtubers.

>> No.23861403

go back to /jp/

>> No.23861421

I hate normalfags so much it's unreal

>> No.23861489

The only reason they get donations is the parasocial bullshit.

>> No.23861519

You hate the people keeping the water and electricity running?

>> No.23861602

So you're saying you want normies to infect every corner of vtubing until it becomes dull just like everything else normies consume?

>> No.23861603

At least in hololive Pekora is really good at keeping character.

>> No.23861613

you'll be surprised

>> No.23861637

Yeah because it's so much less cuck to watch your oshi talk about how she was dicked down last night instead

>> No.23861751

So, Phase 5 then.

>> No.23861838

>Sell parasocial relationship experience
>I wish we could stop this parasocial relationship nonsense
You can't have both ways whore. You're either selling a parasocial relationship or a chill/bro experience.

>> No.23861915

You don't get it. It's still cuck behavior because you recognize she's being dicked offline but pretend she isn't. It's a sad self cope.

>> No.23861961

>you need to understand that you can't get simp but because of it.
I think I lost some braincells reading this part.

>> No.23861982

I'm so sick of the parasocial bullshit. They purposefully foster these connections for financial gain, then they parrot "MUH PARASOCIAL" the instant things go wrong as if it's some magical fucking wand that alleviates all accountability. Tell me the reason why you don't want your audience to know you have boyfriends, and why you go to such lengths to hide it. The money surely isn't a factor. Fucking grifters.

>> No.23862026

Most chuubas are mid 20s females they are all getting dicked down in 2022 i just dont want to fucking hear about it

>> No.23862037

How about you go back to your hololive general you uncultured swine. Continue to believe Gura is the pinnacle of vtubing.

>> No.23862046

honestly I think being upfront about it is the more respectable road to take but I'm still going to mock nyanfags as cucks as a matter of course

>> No.23862077


>> No.23862080

Nyan being upfront about her having a boyfriend is literally the only respectable thing about her.

>> No.23862085
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I was rooting for them. If the relationship turned out to be true and the green woman kept her job, it would've driven away all the toxic incelfags.
Cover would accept their girls in relationships, and that pure virgin idolgirl would no longer be the default expectation.
But most importantly, VTuber fans would no longer be seen as incel losers by the public because there wouldn't be a meltdown everytime this happens and VTubing hit the mainstream news section.

>> No.23862135
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>> No.23862142

>a furry, a twink, a whore, vtweeters
These are "people", not people.

>> No.23862253

GFE is much healthier than porn, it makes your days better instead of worse. A lot of guys won't experience that level of affection from women normally. GFE might literally save societal collapse.

>> No.23862269

This board is becoming more and more confusing, I can't keep up.

>> No.23862274

>it would've driven away all the toxic incelfags
And Rushia would have really killed herself, because her audience being obsessed with her is what keeps her going. It seems like you don't understand that the GFEtubers CHOSE this. No one forced them to pander to anyone.

>> No.23862307

But if you know for certain she's single she can't reject you by lying and saying she has a boyfriend.

>> No.23862306

jokes on you i watch vspo flirting with guys and nijis casually mentioning previous relationships. It's about how you deliver it.

>> No.23862313

I don't even watch holo, but forcing that "I'm an old fag card that watched vtubers before it was cool" attitude reeks of /jp/

>> No.23862357

what does that even mean, vtubers are in relationships whether this retard loves it or not.

>> No.23862408

>If you are happy regardless why the information needs to become public in the first place?
People like that are only alive to watch others suffer. In this case their targets are gachis and unicorns.

>> No.23862478

In no fucking way is that true, happy people are complete idiots, most geniuses I can think of were unsatisfied in some way which lead to their genius in art or logic, if there was no problem, they would have not advanced everything, being happy with the way things are is being nothing and wanting others to be nothing.

>> No.23862494

It means they want to hear vtubers getting fucked on stream by their significant others. Anything less is the fault of parasocial incels.

>> No.23862574

Then maybe holobronies shouldn't act like their company was the birth of vtubing.

>> No.23862597

Unicorns aren't the only people who think saying "incel" is disgusting. There are chads who see women as literal garbage when they start displaying this kind of behavior.

>> No.23862603

then argue with the meidos then

>> No.23862606

They chose it because it makes the most money. If these incelfags would wake up and realize that it's all fake then maybe the money would stop coming and VTubers would actually have to think about how to entertain people normally.
The fact that VShojo of all company has to deal with incelfags really showcase how badly this disease has spread.

>> No.23862613

Vtweeters, Western vtubers and cunts like (you) should all drink bleach for the sake of the planet unironically kill yourselves

>> No.23862615
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>> No.23862624


Hololive basically introduced vtubing to the West

>> No.23862644
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>> No.23862679

t. cuck

>> No.23862695
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> Vtweeters, Western vtubers and cunts like (you) should all drink bleach for the sake of the planet > unironically kill yourselves

>> No.23862696

How about you normalize not giving bitches any money, especially bitches in relationships!?

>> No.23862705

Women who use shit like incel just prove how shallow and worthless their mindset is, they are basically saying the only reason you care if they are a total hedonist base animal is because you can't do the same thing, imagine being that fucking narcissitic and like a fucking subhuman. Someone like that deserves to be alone and the men that grovel before them should be put out of their misery because they have no meaning in their life besides getting laid from someone who could never love anyone but themselves.

>> No.23862722

The guy on the left is the one paying the bills, so he makes the rules. The guy on the right should donate more and buy merch.

>> No.23862734

Then stop flirting with their viewer to bait sc and membership.

>> No.23862753

> holocel pushing his narrative

>> No.23862755

Normalize cumming inside vtubers while their boyfriends watch

>> No.23862760

I'm an old-oldfag, the retarded thing is this whole gfe thing is it isn't even new. Fucking gfe vhs and penpals were a thing. It's the same shit being rehashed over and over again under new mediums and newer gens just being surprised as us old gens when we first realized wtf it was.

>> No.23862808

you're a pathetic loser

>> No.23862834

You're such a pathetic faggot, instead of attacking the people who manipulate the downtrodden social pariahs, you attack the pariahs in favor of women who knowingly choose to manipulate them. Why? because you are a women or because you are a pathetic faggot who lacks any concept of meaning in your nihilistic hedonistic faggot subhuman life?

>> No.23862846

Streaming is an industry for pathetic people.

>> No.23862858

>muh incel
go back to twitter or stop using buzzwords like a faggot

>> No.23862883

I hate both unicorns and white knights because they both sperg out when you criticize their favorite. and they'll both defend a vtuber making god awful content

>> No.23862885

Men are one of the only acceptable targets for hate. The next is probably the rich.

>> No.23862899

Wrong. I will never give a dime to these grifters. The pathetic ones are people like you that defend them for free.

>> No.23862904

"We" dont watch vtubers at the first place, just clips at best

>> No.23862903

You're less than a human to me, your life is shallow nothing, nothing you value has any meaning beyond the immediate and base. What you consider to be a pathetic loser, is of no concern to me because you probably consider very little at a given moment, you fucking ape brained retard nigger. (Sorry for any based niggers in the thread, the use of nigger was metaphorical not literal)

>> No.23862914

If any of these bitches were any interesting to watch, they wouldn't have need of a cartoon avatar to fit into a niche medium. Least they can do is accept the conventions of said medium.

>> No.23862957

Why didn't /vt/ exist before holoEN? Why did most of the ENtubers posted on this board start after holoEN?

>> No.23862960

Also I never subbed, never donated to anyone besides some 10 view non vtuber streamer just so he would play radiohead on his speaker in public

>> No.23862966

bit harsh anon but he deserved it

>> No.23863015

>NijiEN's current culture
2022 isn't even halfway over, more chuubas are gonna be revealed to have bfs, combine that StarsEN later this year......

>> No.23863038

>stop using buzzwords like a faggot

>> No.23863058

Good, I can't wait for this bloated market to start dumping assets.

>> No.23863072

Weird how nobody has any problems with an actress playing a character who is single when the actress themselves are in a relationship.

The roommate can be whatever, but when you put on your avatar you drop that shit and be what the audience wants.

>> No.23863073

Yeah, with me.

>> No.23863076

unironically, not the same anon but learn to speak the colloquialisms of a place or fuck off back.

>> No.23863080
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Unfathomably based. I hope these normalfags would just go back to shill their GoT netflix tranny shit and leave otaku culture alone. Normalizing anime was a mistake. We were better off being labeled as weirdos by the normies; at least back then they left the fuck off and didn't try to normify otaku culture to transfor into something to appease their subhuman taste.

>> No.23863085

if you have a life or a job that's normal. maybe a zatsudan running in the background while doing the dishes or some studying. Noone has time for 8 hours of streams per day.

>> No.23863098

I'd wager a good 80-90% of them have boyfriends. The only winning move is to watch them for entertainment and not become a unicorn. Of course if all unicorns disappeared they would be out of a job, which is why they will take their relationship status to the grave.

>> No.23863099

vtubing needs a harsh reset. we need to go back to the four king era.

>> No.23863148

Or literally don't profit off of the pretense of being a lonely loser like their viewership so that said viewership feels manpulated kinship with you. I like how impossible it is for these hedonists to realize that there are people out there who are completely alone in life, even women sometimes but not as much. Do they think only men deserve to be alone, and that its an evil to ever make a women not be in constant orgy porgy forever?

>> No.23863159
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the best artist all are depressed or with problems in some way, happy people are not the best at making content by a long shot.
But being parasocial is inevitable, you can get parasocial with everything, even a fucking plushie when you project your fantasies on, becoming parasocial with a person that you can talk with everyday and they tell you their life stories is even more easier, moreover every girl has a "parasocial" guy that likes her, like every ficking girl that doesn't live under a rock has 2-3 guys that lust after her even if they saw you one time in a photo, is just that being a pubblic figure this effect is enhanced. But is wors when you as a girl. knowing this situation well, you use it to profit from it, and then bitch about people being parasocial while you are being parasocial with them in the same way, and you can see it in the message of bao too, basically saying
>yeah I do it too, but please don't bother me because I don't want to handle the consequences that comes from my behaivour, but I like the advantages that comes from it
Is that simple really, don't act all lovely dovey with your followers and put actual content out and you will see that you will get more admiration than people that want to be your bf out of it

>> No.23863168

I have no problem with vtubers being in relationships, but they should be honest about it from the very start and the details of the relationship should stay offscreen. Unless you are married and your partner is a huge part of your life, we don't need to know anything about them other than that they exist. And god forbid if your partner is a vtuber, don't start forcing collabs with them. People don't want to watch someone they don't give a shit about just because you want to feel like a couple doing couple things.

>> No.23863174

It's like watching Batman and Bruce starts talking about assfucking with Gordon and you're supposed to be okay with it.

>> No.23863184
File: 246 KB, 602x506, 1635263882342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that we have underage anons here, don't be a creepy incel

>> No.23863253

the guy on the left is a pathetic cuck who'll keep paying regardless of the situation. Just look at rushia's top paypig

>> No.23863256

the bad thing about watching them just for entertainment is that they aren't even entertaining most of the time. the amount of vtubers that are lazy and spam games like GOI and among us is baffling. Not to mention the amount of vtubers that complain about their life's like anybody wants to hear that.

>> No.23863261

>incel incel incel incel
please just go back

>> No.23863298

As someone who's followed the western scene since before holoen blew things up, literally every time someone comes out about being in a relationship openly, people crowd around to talk about what a great thing it is and how they should be completely allowed to do this.

Their viewership and income then plummets after a honeymoon period of about two weeks when stream tourists lose interest in fighting the culture and then the people who defended them pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

In all honesty, the smart vtuber just continues to publicly deny any relationships even if they're openly flirting on stream or very obviously involved with someone in their personal life. Viewers will forgive you as long as you're not open no matter how obvious you are.

>> No.23863314

Only if it's my Oshi and it's with me.

Otherwise I don't care.

I would honestly not be bothered if my oshi got a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Feel like she needs someone to tardwrangle her sometimes.

>> No.23863316

>internet tough guy text
>Backpedals with the n-word thinking he will get banned

>> No.23863335

I don't usually care about people on twitter saying dumb shit but I unironically hate this bitch

>> No.23863343

So you're saying you don't mind how your waitress treats you as long as she brings the food? Tips are there to incentivize good behavior. Otherwise you would have vshoujo waitresses in every bar.

>> No.23863364

Thank you. A good portion of the unicorns have actual mental illness, but no one wants to talk about how they are being taken advantage of. Imagine any profession where it is socially acceptable to grift money from the mentally ill, and if you call it out you're the bad guy.

>> No.23863372

Its just an extension of the "cool to be a geek" thing that came in the 2010s and its all just an extension of the fact that social media breeds and promotes narcissistic base personalities. Make no mistake though, its still their fault since there are plenty of not pieces of shit out there, they just don't bother posting on twitter or any social media that gives some sort of identity to what you do, where it becomes more about what others think of you than expressing any point of value. The only people who would do this are either artists, or complete vapid animals who seek only base concepts of what it is to be successful/of value in this modern world that means nothing and appearing as this paragon of the day, sacrificing nothing and taking everything from other people like literal vampires, looking as beautiful as they want with hypnotic drones flocking around them as they drain others of blood.

>> No.23863379

Imagine thinking anyone in /vt/ actually watches Kanae, kek

>> No.23863386

I agree. /vt/ is more entertaining when they are angry so I want unicorns to fail for my entertainment.

>> No.23863393

based, only good post in this thread so far

>> No.23863413

Best and only logical post ITT. if your in one be honest about it. but don't bring it up all the time because nobody cares about your personal life. entertain us

>> No.23863425

t. Never been in a relationship with a woman and still thinks it's emotionally fulfilling

>> No.23863451
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> So you're saying you don't mind how your waitress treats you as long as she brings the food? Tips are there to incentivize good behavior. >Otherwise you would have vshoujo waitresses in every bar.

>> No.23863502

No I just don't want to alienate any non faggot blacks so they don't feel like they have to be against the side that isn't brainfucked. I care less about getting banned for one day lol :) I like how this text is somehow internet tough guy, what did I say about myself, I said I thought you were a subhuman, and I explained to you why, fucking retard animal NIGGER FAGGOT :)

>> No.23863534

>he thinks the unicorns that go 'she really loves her fanbase in a romantic way', 'she's definitely 100% a lesbian virgin' and 'it's like she's really my GF' are joking around
Oh, anon. The mental illness on /vt/ is absolutely not fake.

>> No.23863556

any vtuber who likes this tweet or RTs this I block and anti

>> No.23863562

Chubbas setting themselves up for grooming? Yes, expect twitlongers everywhere from small indies getting groomed by bigger indies or other small indies in several months. Whenever I see the word normalize its never lead to anything good.

>> No.23863600

>NijiEN's current culture
Its funny because NijiEN is more GFE/BFE oriented than its ever been. And the men have fiercer unicorns than the girls ever did.

>> No.23863628

It seems like women or those with women like issues can be the only ones with mental and social problems. I just can't stand how shallow these people are, they are cruel to those who are completely cut off from others because they say generalities that they disagree with online, not even because they insult people. What I hate even more than the completely ingroup wagon circling of women, is the men who parrot them in an effort to get laid, to have a meaningless event with two empty people who couldn't love a thing in their life, not even themselves LOL

>> No.23863641

People do think it's weird when the actress and actor get married after they starred in a movie. And they actually knew each other.

>> No.23863644

lmao I know we'll really have made it when we have our first vtuber sex scandal

Chris and Rushia don't count, there has to be some kind of actual problem

>> No.23863668

GFE is whore behavior. If you are promoting yourself primarily as a subject of attraction to your audience, you are an escort, a softcore e-thot offering a psuedo-sexual service. The only thing missing is the porn at that point. Don't agree with me? Think about male chubbas doing BFE, (You) all recognize that they are and openly call them whores. It's not different.

>> No.23863673
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>I said I thought you were a subhuman
nta who you were arguing with retard, just thought your post was a copy pasta then saw the backpedalling part.

>> No.23863675


>> No.23863680

>those comments
>yall yass clap clap
the confluence of vtubing and twitter wokies is pure, unadulterated cancer

>> No.23863686

Kek. Enjoy your ban niggerfagging tourist.
Tourists. Tourists everywhere.
GFE is the superior content.

>> No.23863696
File: 81 KB, 562x317, 4E64D030-BF38-4A1A-B4D6-04E43EBA7D56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kuzuha and Kanae fujos from Twitter are some of the cringiest VTuber fans I have ever found

>> No.23863708

Not sure if I like how threads like this one gives the impression that vtubers outside Hololive and Nijisanji actually matters to the vtuber world.

>> No.23863760
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>> No.23863766

cya tommorow, like I give a shit lol, faggot bitch

>> No.23863770

Actual depressed people struggle getting out of bed or doing daily things. Happy people have the confidence to believe their own bs. Content creators are not depressed, but they might be histrionic, manic, bipolar, and so on.

>> No.23863823

Why don't you fucking learn to read, I might have well been talking to the same person because you both are as fucking nigtarded.

>> No.23863831

made Kanae enough to care to delete and apologize for nothing.

>> No.23863838
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>And the men have fiercer unicorns than the girls ever did.
not strange at all, do you remember the boyband era? Girls were the ones obsessed with those guys, men were like
>yeah that actress has a nice ass would totally fuck her
and the next day they moved on to a new ass.
Moreover who is the target audience of couple streams? Only girls and maybe other couples I guess, no man really likes to watch that kind of content

>> No.23863873

GFE is softcore prostitution. Have fun with your whore oshi

>> No.23863880

You do know VShojos were active long before Hololive was a thing, right?

>> No.23863965

Funny thing to say for a whore defender.

>> No.23864003

>Why did most of the ENtubers posted on this board start after holoEN?

>> No.23864038

Depends on the chuuba or corp but some are only at bottom left. The tweet in OP advocates for moving into bottom middle.

>> No.23864043

Being depressed or negative is not the same as the psychological aspect of modern depression. You can be negative and still feel like you can do something about it, you can be unhappy with the world and work toward some goal even if you do think its hopeless. The act of working toward that goal should be your only end because every other is just an excuse since it must mean nothing much to you for you to give up even in the face of utter despair. Unless giving up is an extension of the meaning and virtue of your life, which is possible. You are oversimplying a problem by applying psych 101 to it, expecting the external to explain the internal or philosophical. psychology is completely unable by its construction, to be formative of anything meaningful, its simply categorizing. you are also an idiot if you think bipolar people are happy, even when they are manic. Feeling momentary pleasure is not the same thing as happiness, pleasure and happiness are two different things, another concept is fulfillment which is a mix of both with an undercurrent of philosophical categorical thought.

>> No.23864045

please take a shower
cognitive dissonance

>> No.23864086

Ad hominems. Try a better fallacy next time.

>> No.23864094

what? lol

>> No.23864096

>cognitive dissonance
Yeah I bet you're feeling that real hard right now. Not a single one of the ENtuber companies existed before hololive.

>> No.23864134

Why is it with people like you, that you mistake feelings of love with literal soulless prostitution. A GFE tuber doesn't give the sexual aspect of it, more than tease, its more about feeling a connection or adulation about the identity/person.

>> No.23864231

I know a few like that. I got banned by one for some weird non-reason, I think they were just confronted by how uninteresting and toxic they were. I was talking about something completely safe and innocuous and they went insane on me. Then they had other indie vtubers tell them they're a good person and always nice.

I'm not disgruntled or mad because I really didn't do anything to deserve it and it felt like it happened because I was just a disposable nobody to them and they needed someone to harass. I've seen them ban other viewers over non-issues too, drive away their old mods and community, and I think they're just abusive and don't see viewers as people. Like only other vtubers are people to them. These kinds of indies are just twitlongers waiting to happen but I wont be surprised if most of them get away with their malignant behavior. If they date each other for clout I can't say I would feel much sympathy at this point when things go sour. It's difficult to empathize with people that don't treat you like a person.

>> No.23864289

They have no soul anon, you're just going back and forth with a slab of meat.

>> No.23864306
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>> No.23864361

>depression isn't depression it's...
Sounds more like you're talking about pessimism or something. Either way your post confirms you don't know what you're talking about and can barely form a cohesive train of thought.

>> No.23864395

do you have the data to prove this?
I see this happening every time but I never save any data about it

>> No.23864427

Nooooo let me appropriate mental disorders for my content creation.

>> No.23864437

You don't have to want to date someone in order to expect decency from them. Even if their insults are directed at someone else.

>> No.23864493
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>vtuber has a boyfriend
>vtuber has a girlfriend

>> No.23864499

So if someone struggles to get out of bed and doesn't do their household chores but creates content online, they're not depressed?

>> No.23864505

Mori has come close.

>> No.23864526

guarantee few of those people watch or donate to vtubers in any serious capacity, they look like a bunch of twitter artists and other generic twitter types

>> No.23864548

you can also kys

>> No.23864562

It's a girl friend. What is too hard to understand?

>> No.23864652
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>vtubing needs a harsh reset
Wipe the slate clean?

>> No.23864667

Depends, they could but it's not conducive to being productive. It's a struggle to do things and to find any kind of motivation, so it's honestly doubtful they're the best and most productive people. Otherwise it wouldn't be a mental disorder.

>> No.23864713

You know all the women you rejected because they're disgusting? These guys are banging them. Then when their gf turns out to be a disgusting thot and not a princess, they turn to twitter to try to destroy something. If they can feel superior in a sexual area, the better. Hence their fixation on unicorns and GFE. They think they're targeting idol culture but they have yet to grasp what that is, their real targets are parasocial / GFE.

>> No.23864737

you are spouting bs, is true that a lot of vshojos, streamed before, than the creation of "vshojo, but even then they started later than holo, by a few months, (see zen and ironmouse) and even in that case they didn't have a proper vtuber model since no artists in the west were really into that, or were just fleshtubers, if you listen some of projekt melody vods, she tells how much she struggled to find an artist and a rigger because they all were japanese, so language barrier and basically they didn't want to work with westerners either, after a lot of months and help from a friend she was able to get a model done and debuted in 2019. Still vshojo officially started after holoEN, so you could say that holo and AI has been the inspiration for all of that

>> No.23864901

Depends on what?

>> No.23865098

It's a girlfriend.

>> No.23865101

well the argument of who I was replying to, implied that not being happy must mean you are depressed, so I was explaining that that wasn't the case, unless you think a cynic is happy with the way things are?

>> No.23865171

retards like you should save it for reddit, it will be appreciated there for what its not worth :)

>> No.23865249

>that pure virgin idolgirl
You have no idea what idol culture is so there's no chance you will destroy it. It's like aiming to eat a steak when you think it grows on trees.

>> No.23865274

fucking westerner i hope they all die in russian nuclear hellfire

>> No.23865284

They might let other things slide and if they're not in the spotlight they can hide it. They might also have a lot of support or they could be getting a handle on it at that point. It might have been their career for years so they can go through the motions more easily.

If you're very productive then when you get one of those regular questionnaires to fill in and if you do it truthfully then it's unlikely to indicate that it's a serious issue right now. Things like not being able to do things you used to be able to do. If you're on a roll then the opposite is true.

>> No.23865332

>Mental illness so cute and funny, haha!

Who let tiktok and tumblr in here?

>> No.23865382

Also nice argument faggot, if you were correct you think you could even address anything besides a point that seeks to skew the perception of my argument. I guess you are a debate club kind of faggot aren't you. Imagine arguing for the purpose of persuasion regardless of if you believe it or not. You don't think enough to have any sort of concrete idea one way or the other, I'm sure. since all you can say is
>Either way your post confirms you don't know what you're talking about and can barely form a cohesive train of thought.
and before you call me a hypocrite, I've already given my argument, I don't owe a counter argument to someone who gave me nothing of value to work with. If you really felt it was needed to even disagree with me, you would at least have the dignity to explain properly what you believe in, rather than using rhetoric to try and dismiss my argument animal nonhuman :)

>> No.23865420

Looking through the reply chain you probably got anons confused or you read into what was posted more than what was actually posted.

>> No.23865509

>normalize vtuber/idol/e-thot relationship
>normalize gay
>doesn't understand the definition of normalize or normal

>> No.23865524

what do you think I am even trying to say? I am arguing that those who have a negativistic view of life, who are not satisfied with life, are driven to strive for something greater. Rather than those who are content and happy. People who are happy and successful, I would rarely consider a genius in any way, nor would I consider their success to be anything of value beyond facile profit making, for what really?

>> No.23865533

Better a holocel than a nijicuck.

>> No.23865535

What is your fucking point? Fucking hell anon take your meds.

>> No.23865611

What a load of pretentious crap. You need to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.23865623

Based, and polite even.

>> No.23865639

So in the end the answer to
>So if someone struggles to get out of bed and doesn't do their household chores but creates content online, they're not depressed?
is yes.

>> No.23865761

It's true, this board attracts a lot of genius shitposters. Who can refute that?

>> No.23865792

The point, back to the beginning, a happy person is not in most cases, the one who makes something great, or the genius of some amazing work. An unhappy person is driven by problems to solve them, thus those who are unhappy with genius level intelligence are going to be the one to do things of value in life. Ignorance is bliss, the only happy geniuses have already completed their great works but to get back to my argument before, that is more fulfillment than happiness as emotion. A philosopher I've read of once said, meaning is defined by suffering, and I think it follows that you must suffer to have a meaningful life, and to have meaningful pursuits. There is no greater hell than the meaninglessness of the vapid happy idiot.

>> No.23865849

I will never forget that autistic fucks who took this kayfabe rivalry seriously and got mad at Kiara. We got could have gotten rivals to lovers kino.

>> No.23865888
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They'll have relationships, know it or not off stream anyways lol.

>> No.23866011

Sir, this is a vtuber board.

>> No.23866130
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>Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

>> No.23866203

if someone brings up philosophy, I'm going to interject because I like arguing and expressing my point. Maybe I can learn something too. Someone else brought up the concept initially, another person talked against it, I couldn't just let that be since it goes against the philosophical understanding I have, I don't think people should be content with the way things are, perhaps if more people were negative about things, life would be more meaningful than this empty place filled with vapid people. Never be content with the way things are, never be content even with what you think you believe. Otherwise you are stagnating and overconfidence breeds those who swallow pills of self love undeserved, and happily charge ahead with the evil that they do, not even bothering to think if they were right in the first place, never considering their own ideas for more than the time it took for them to form initially. I look down on people like this even more than those who realize the way things are, but would rather manipulate things in some direction for selfish soulless ends.

>> No.23866342

someone selling their dakimakuras to lonely men have no right to complain about parasocial relationships

>> No.23866432

>if someone brings up philosophy, I'm going to interject because I like arguing and expressing my point. Maybe I can learn something too.
fortunately, 4chan has unfiltered smart thoughts
unfortunately, one in trillion posts

>> No.23866491

No its men who donate their money to parasites clinging desperately to some connection they could have in a world that views them in such a shallow way, rather than those who cultivate and manipulate men such as these for profit, for meaningless shallow pursuits, because, the men reacted when the false dichotomy of their interaction was revealed and they didn't lay down and take it wordlessly, they dared say anything in response to feeling betrayed by someone they presumably give a lot of money to. They are the bad guys because they hurt the feeling of the manipulative narcissist by speaking badly about them in any context of them doing anything.

>> No.23866568

Nobody wants to hear your point if you don't use the right domain-related jargon correctly. You're just farting through your posts.

>> No.23866806 [DELETED] 

this, you're absolutely right anon

>> No.23866821

cope, what jargon did I misuse, everything I've said, to the best of my knowledge was used correctly, albeit, creatively. Also the jargon related quality of someone's argument, in no way devalues the argument. I can read what someone says when they misspell every other word, and I have the dignity to face what they say for what it actually expresses, rather than what it would behoove me to portray it as for the purposes of winning the argument. As in, I'm not the kind of faggot to call out spelling or grammar mistakes unless its on top of addressing their core concept, What I believe means enough to me that I wouldn't ignore an argument by any excuse like that. If I am wrong, if they are wrong, we will take the information as it truly is, what is being said, arguing in good faith, in order to discern the truth, since what would it matter winning an argument you only "won" because you rhetorically won the audience over to your side and even your enemy, if they believe you are right because you manipulated them, what you believe is meaningless and self serving narcissism. More about being "right" than being actually correct or having a valid counter to their argument.

>> No.23866822 [DELETED] 


>> No.23867009

Science and academics only works because we make agreements on how to use jargon and discuss certain concepts. Only real geniuses can get away with being incomprehensible until someone translates what they're on about. Needless to say 4chan isn't a good play for that and your walls of text are nonsense.

>> No.23867048

IF someone, actually, if everyone in life seems to beat you down, who would expect you logically to simply accept it and be okay with this? Even if it wasn't fair (it is fair) its the only real solution, to try and change things for you or perhaps punish those who helped you into this hell with their vapid hypocrisy. Also in the end, when people say that the guys should have known, they are saying
>you should have known no woman would ever be as alone as you nor the thousands of those just like you, how could you ever expect them to live life as alone as you, thats inhumane you monster!
complete shallow hypocritical pieces of shit, who do this.

>> No.23867143

Learn to fucking read, I can read what people write even if they don't use words perfectly. I have the ability to interpret what others say to some extent. I am not a mindless computer that is fed in static rigid inputs and outputs a response, I am a computer that is fed fluid or ambiguous inputs, interprets them to the best of my ability, and outputs a response.

>> No.23867154

Your posts are all padded with useless shit. It's 99% padding and 0.3% an actual point and 0.7% shit. Also your posts give information about as useful as the statistics I just gave.

>> No.23867193

Take your medication. For your own good. I'm genuinely concerned for your well being.

>> No.23867306

Beep boop robot beep beep boop.

>> No.23867370

Its nuance, the point I am making, why I am making the point, details about this to help make clear exactly what it is that I am expressing, you would have a point if I had to keep things to a minimum in what I am discussing but I can talk about whatever I want to whatever degree of detail I want. Me explaining these things and addressing your arguments is not fluff, meanwhile the only thing you've addressed is the form of my argument, you would think, if I had a point made of fluff, you could actually address the small unsupported point I made, rather than talking about everything else besides it.

>> No.23867411

It's not nuance, it's just jibberish.

>> No.23867429

I think you are taking too much thorazine, since you seem like a retard.

>> No.23867474

I can't force you to understand what I said, but I think you are being a little disingenuous.

>> No.23867605

be more concise. This is 4chan.

>> No.23867618

I read your posts and understood what you were getting at and could form an idea of what perspective you took to form your ideas. You just inject a lot of crap and assumptions into your posts and then fluff it with jibberish.

tl;dr it's jibberish, not hard to understand

>> No.23867759

It would be unfair for me to hold you to the same standards as would be expected from students in an academic setting. That said if you really want to know your posts weren't good. They indicate that if you wrote an essay on your general points that you would not get a pass for the assignment. For a more casual setting like 4chan you also fail because it just seems like you're puffing your chest for no reason.

>> No.23867774

The problem with that, even though brevity is the soul of wit, I do not have the wit to explain everything I want to say, with brevity. That doesn't mean I don't have a point. It would just be me stating my argument with no actual detail, you would basically have to construct it yourself just from a conclusion I've made and even I don't expect anyone to do that. Also since when were posts short on 4chan, have you seen ritual posts? You know what redditors think about themselves being intelligent, its isn't the case that we have to dumb ourselves down because reddit users type long paragraphs. You can type a lot and not be a self important faggot like the average redditard.

>> No.23867841

impressive how zoomers fall for this old overused trick women do. these e-thoths want to have their cake and eat it but when they gey caught or fuck up, they use their most common weapon, shaming. 'incel' , 'you're not a man if you don't ***'. instead of putting these whores on their place like japs do, these retards will defend the most blatant bs

>> No.23867891

You are grading my argument on legibility or efficient use of wording, which is the point I was making before. This isn't an essay, and its not just the dilemma of casual meaninglessness and academically worded essay. But you choose to address the concepts I express or address the way I express the concepts. To me that choice is more of what motivation you have, do you care about the actual argument, or do you care about defeating someone with rhetoric and "winning" the argument?

>> No.23867974

Assumptions have to be made in arguments that aren't apriori, If you have a disagreement with my assumptions, point them out and address it with your own evidence.

>> No.23867981

Great thanks nyanners, now we gotta deal with this garbage for the next 2 months. This is why the west is fucking cancer nd i wish russia would turn our citys to glass all ready

>> No.23867983

If you want to appear smart you have to be more concise and less verbose. You wont lose any meaning and you will be able to get to the point more clearly. The kind of verbosity you're using is commonly used by people that are disguising their lack of knowledge or lack of a clear relationship between the premise and conclusion. Now you're talking about reddit as if that isn't just a distraction from the fact that your shitposts were called out.

>> No.23868132

You're making stuff up, nobody cares about winning as far as I can tell, you're the only one that has brought that up several times. Others have checked out, which you should take to indicate that they're not interested in continuing with you, let alone winning. Even with this post you're waffling on too much and making an artificially verbose post. To what end? To appear smart? Not academically smart, not at all. Smart in a causal sense? Nope. Perhaps misguided.

>> No.23868182
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every time. 1views blazing the trail! Lets goo

>> No.23868209
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My oshi will never have a (consensual) relationship.

>> No.23868342

Is that why academic essays are usually less than one page, it must be why those with phds speak and write plainly, or perhaps you just assumed something that has no bearing on reality. Having a large vocabulary and practicing it has been shown to correlate with intelligence, although I am not saying I am but me expressing these nuanced words allow a greater depth of detail in what I am saying and allow me to think of these things in greater detail. I can't think of a single philosopher not of the modern age who expressed what they said plainly. Some philosophers write so densely that it takes magnitudes more length of time to understand what a sentence they write is saying and completely absorb its concept. And they write at length, so in both ways I've provided some evidence as to why you are wrong. Perhaps you would be write if I wrote all of this as rhetorical fodder but everything I've wrote, I've wrote because in my mind, it had a reason and I could understand why i said it logically. Does it pad my argument? I mean does it matter if it helps to explain my point in detail you don't think is needed? Just ignore the detail you care less about. Also your entire argument you made just now is an ad hominem based on an assumption about those who write a lot, expressed as fact.

>> No.23868406

Anyone who oshi Nina's knows she's trying to fuck the male talent. They just want the widowed mommy experience.

>> No.23868543

Idc about vtubers having relationships or not I just hope that bao whale cunt gets punched in the face

>> No.23868601

If that's the case, then why even reply to what I said at all, why did you reply? Because you thought the argument was wrong, or you didn't like the way the argument was set up and assumed it was wrong based on how I was typing? You both are replying to me for some reason aren't you? So are you expressing a point about the ways I express my point because you felt I expressed it improperly or what I expressed was improper. And I waffle because I am discussing something with many possibilities and I'm not going to trim the fat when the "fat" could be something crucial that would have been missed otherwise.

>> No.23868811

It's amazing how this image have hold the test of time. Seriously, it was made by a quite a visionary Anon

>> No.23868864

We've passed the final stage long ago, back when streamfags took over our hobby.

>> No.23868900

The golden age... take me back.

>> No.23868942

I mean that really depends on what you consider og, were the guys who got in the hobby of mtg later like in the 2010s, not real mtg players since they didn't start playing immediately? If they followed the concept of what it is to be a member of the group, it doesn't really matter when they came around, as long as they acted the same and didn't try and change the culture of a group to something they felt it should be.

>> No.23868963

i mean... it all depends on what content ure making. if you pander to the market of idol culture kind of audience by providing GFE then of course you will face backlash the moment you're suspected to have a relationship with someone.

if you're not then it's normal at this point. Gwelu announced his marriage. Norio-sensei got married. there's a vtuber called kirisaki mayura who said that she's a mother living with her husband and child from the get go. If we wanna include hetero ships then too many NIJIs are in it.

it's been normal since the getgo. GFE isnt the only kind of vtuber. there's a reason why hololive calls themselves idols and NIJI doesn't.

>> No.23869042

Except these aren't the same.
The OGs weren't streamers, they were just content creators on youtube making short videos.

The "2010 MTG players" in your case aren't MTG players, they're people who are playing Magic the MMO and think they're real MTG players, who then look at the card game and laugh at how shitty it is, while also pretending that vtubing has always been solely about streaming.

>> No.23869053

It was supposed to be "simp bux" but I didn't proofread hard enough

>> No.23869145

Also, how can you be more concise AND less verbose, surely being verbose would allow you to pack in more depth to what you are saying? Since you could use words in very specific ways that express something more complex than base language might because you have the detail of this specific word/vs other possible similar words that mean something slightly different.

>> No.23869189

So is any change, a good change?

>> No.23869295

>Concise: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

Not part of this argument, but your post gave me a fucking headache.
The definition of concise is LITERALLY less verbose.

Your post is a bunch of verbal diarrhea that means nothing. Stop talking holy shit.

>> No.23869369

Also the OG in this case would be the COMMUNITY around the content creators, not the content creators themselves, the content creators would be more like the game itself. So did the community change in any significant way, it seems like those who were introduced around 2020 tried their best to adapt to the culture that was there before, and people come in and attempt to change said culture under some arrogant narcissistic feeling of knowing better or being the morally correct one.

>> No.23869480

Do you really believe that the fans of Kizuna AI are the same ones who are diehard fans of nijisanji streams?
Most of us dislike the streaming direction it all took.

>> No.23869663

>they were just content creators on youtube
They were corporations with staff and studio space.
