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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23821870 No.23821870 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

Official Website:

Official Schedule:

Official Twitter:

Official Character References:

Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Tenmamaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenma
Twitch Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw

▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
The cutest rabbit in the universe - or so she would like you to thin-
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa

▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
The mischievous star known as Gliese 667C and space's greatest thief. Plays challenging games and sings. Learning everything she can about Earth's valuables.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikaneko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi

▼Amaris Yuri アマリス百合 (EN)
A war-criminal snow leopard taking refuge in a dystopian city. Despite her crimes, she lives freely, because whoever crosses her path always goes missing...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmarisYuri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/amarisyuri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yuri

▼Phase Friends
Aetheria >>>/vt//aeg/
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Maple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread >>23809675

>> No.23821888

▼Current Streams
Michiru is playing Dark Souls

*Added AkioAIR and changed /clg/ to /aeg/

>> No.23822052
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Thank you OP, may your talents be blessed with a month of KINO streams.

>> No.23822058
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Today's thread will be sane.

>> No.23822132
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shit wrong image

>> No.23822165
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So loomers how bad did you spill your spaghetti in front of Lumi?

>> No.23822176

I want Yuri and Pippa to have rough sex while Lumi watches.

>> No.23822219

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.23822236
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>> No.23822246

I asked Lumi about her off-stream work and education because I've honestly never watched any of her streams before. Then we talked about Yuri's accent. She booted me out after 3 minutes.

>> No.23822316

>asked creepy doxxy questions
you are lucky you got 3 minutes anon

>> No.23822324

why did she boot you?

>> No.23822356

>Then we talked about Yuri's accent
She has a accent...?

>> No.23822354

did she say anything about her work/education? Is it true she reads 200 books a year?

>> No.23822361
File: 1.90 MB, 498x280, DizzyPippa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about PIPSKIRTS?

>> No.23822375

She didn't technically boot me. She just said she was running behind so then I asked when her next Pippa collab was and I said bye.

>> No.23822395

Genuine question, are you deaf?

>> No.23822401

I want to touch Pippa like her relative did!

>> No.23822432

She studied music and engineering in undergrad. Didn't say what she's studying right now. She worked a billion customer service jobs in the past.

>> No.23822453

>customer service
That surprises me. She doesn't strike me as a wagie.

>> No.23822458

2 minutes is the standard. He actually did shockingly well.

>> No.23822472

I'm Canadian, please understand. I don't hear any accent, she just has a cute laugh.

>> No.23822474

Have you noticed how Yuri pronounces the "ay" in "today"? Lumi said it's just a fake accent and Yuri's trying to be cute.

>> No.23822496

Where were you talking to her? Discord?

>> No.23822519

Lumi... why...

>> No.23822522

...customer service is literally why she is the way she is, an-non.
She's super autistic but parents + jobs from 10 years onwards made her accustomed to a very high level of social dynamism.

>> No.23822547

Discord meet n greet was today

>> No.23822555

Famiry honorou

>> No.23822562

>...customer service is literally why she is the way she is
working customer service would probably make me hate niggers, faggots and trannies (even more) yeah

>> No.23822563
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>chill witch, chill stream

Is Michiru always this quiet and cool?

>> No.23822645

>>23818268 courtesy of
streamable VOD for Lumi's workout stream featuring uncensored reacts to Filthy Frank, Sseth, Max0r, and other wacky youtubers:

>> No.23822683

yup, her streams are comfy to watch

>> No.23822714

Did she scrub it?
>Filthy Frank, Sseth, Max0r

>> No.23822792

Nice, AkioAir girls seem great!
Only a little, just chatted for a bit and dipped a tad early. Been watching her for a while so didn’t have any burning questions but glad I decided to sign up

>> No.23822800

Shit, just got called out by Lumi on disc. Lumi are you lurking here???

>> No.23822804
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All times EDT / UTC / JST

NOW - Michiru Dark Souls

11:00 / 15:00 / 00:00 - Lumi karaoke

12:00 / 16:00 / 01:00 - Iori love counseling

20:00 / 00:00 / 09:00 - Lia Phasmophobia with ???

21:00 / 01:00 / 10:00 - Pippa TBD

23:30 / 03:30 / 12:30 - Uruka karaoke

Weekly schedule:

>> No.23822840

Called out how?

>> No.23822844

Lumi, whatever you end up doing in life, please...take care of Yuri. That girl needs some help.

>> No.23822860
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She sure does.

>> No.23822870

Lumi @ed me, called me a dumbass, then told me to delete my shit

>> No.23822892

She is sometimes a dork too.

>> No.23822915

>skin picking
Do I really want to know...?

>> No.23822941

lumi is /here/ its well known you baka

>> No.23822951
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Like how bot Nasa and Michiru vids trend to be on the calm side when compared to the rest of Phase Connect.

>> No.23822967

She commentated divegrass...

>> No.23822995

do americans really
i'd rather kill myself than be addicted to drugs

>> No.23823019

>got your post eagle eyed
Kek. Should've seen it coming.

>> No.23823033
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How new? Also kek, stop reading the thread lumi

>> No.23823097
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>with ???

Who is that Pokemon?

>> No.23823134

Lia might cancel again. She is going through some shit right now.

>> No.23823146
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Well, who is?

>> No.23823148

Dont know but whoever she is collabing with better have a backup plan since Lia will think the game is too scary after 2 minutes

>> No.23823195

she said who it was, none of you watch streams

>> No.23823214

no day goes by without pippa sucking gypsy dick

>> No.23823219
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>since Lia will think the game is too scary after 2 minutes

>> No.23823221

She's going to play with her mom

>> No.23823247

>she is going through some shit right now
So just like every other day

>> No.23823251

Look at how gross her nails are. Her pussy has got to be rank, you know she's showing it no love if her hands look like she just got done rummaging through a dumpster. Yuck.

>> No.23823271

Neither do you since she didnt. Nice attempt at bait lumifag, go back to numberfagging.

>> No.23823272
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She literally reads it while streaming.

>> No.23823278

It's been pretty bad ever since Offkai ended. I don't know what she is dealing with but I hope she gets it sorted out.

>> No.23823297

Probably missed or was distracted the moment she announced who the guest is.

>> No.23823317

I feel envious of Mr. Satan. I've always liked women older than me but her ability to get someone completely hooked into her story does feel like something I'd enjoy being able to do.

>> No.23823391

That someone was a tumblr otherkin, anon.

>> No.23823418
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>I might graduate from phase connect and I used to upload gore and dick pics to forums used by children and took part in 4chan raid and was part of schizo groomer guilds and into sjw tumblr shit and then I switched to being a /pol/tard and then I got bored with that and I bullied people to cope with my own bullying and I want to help Lia with her shit numbers and bullying can be good and there are ants crawling in my drunk and I have 14 years of content on Youtube don't look for it you silly boys

>> No.23823428

She's been having it pretty bad almost since debut, we have a "this time its for real" depression arc with her every single month
I like Lia though

>> No.23823448

The LiaXPippa collab turned out really well, and with phasmo you can always just turn it into shitposting together in the van

>> No.23823450

did she actually say any of this?

>> No.23823501

She seemed to be at her best when the Uruka offcollab happened. I think Lia just needs friends. I kind of wish more PC members lived close to her. She seems to be anti social but at the same time craves it.

>> No.23823596

I wanted to say michiru getting gangbanged by ghosts in ds is kinda funny, I don't know if I can post this on twitch

>> No.23823680 [DELETED] 

Name one time a /pcg/ anon has lied.

>> No.23823722

Actually nevermind. /pcg/ is full of shit 99.9% of the time.

>> No.23823736

Hug Pippa

>> No.23823751

actual fucking retard

>> No.23823764

Hug Yuri

>> No.23823786
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At the very least she switched weapons.
>And she died. Again.
This is going to be a slow march then.

>> No.23823789
File: 408 KB, 1000x1238, Pippa Yuri Hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa and Yuri hugging offcollab

>> No.23823805

>I might graduate from phase connect
In a 'one day I might' sort of sense
>I used to upload gore and dick pics to forums used by children
>took part in 4chan raid
>was part of schizo groomer guilds
She was a groomee candidate
>into sjw
>tumblr shit
>then I switched
>to being a /pol/tard
>then I got bored with that
>I bullied people to cope with my own bullying
If she did it was during the two minutes I was peeing
>I want to help Lia with her shit numbers
>bullying can be good
>there are ants crawling in my drunk
>I have 14 years of content on Youtube

>> No.23823829

pippa go to sleep

>> No.23823859

Yeah, the stream really was Kino wasn't it.

>> No.23823874

Fucking hell, that's one of the most disgusting hands I've ever seen. I never thought a hand could turn me off this bad, but if the hand is that ugly the person its attached to can't be much better

>> No.23823880
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Wanted it to be Muumi but NOPE.jpg

>> No.23823893

>pippa can't remember her zip code
I seriously worry for her future.

>> No.23823934

I am going to scarf down Pippa's stinky little shit nuggets after dipping them into her putrid yellow-brown dehydration pee.

>> No.23823936

Muumi might not ever appear because rumor is she is fishmans wife.

>> No.23823976

Has anyone saved the image of Lumi's model that was on the Google form?

>> No.23824056
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What is up with that repeating bar on Yuri's chatting screen? It looks not bad per say just an odd choice.

>> No.23824077

>fishman managing to marry someone that just so happens to be a manager that Tenma(!!) actually respects
That's a level of coincidence I cannot believe in.

>> No.23824097


>> No.23824116

PC tweets auditions for a manager and then just gives the position to the boss's wife?

>> No.23824197

I kind of wish Tenma posted pictures of her camping. Like just the scenery.

>> No.23824215
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>Only 55 viewers
Isn't that a bit too low?

>> No.23824236

For a JP chuuba streaming on Twitch?

>> No.23824278

Lumi was chill af,easily favorite meet n greet ive done with a chubba. decided to say fuck it and confirm if shes /here/,browses here and /vg/ alot surprisingly,sup lumi!

>> No.23824277

Should've started earlier. The meet and greet start time was known so an hour before and she'd have gotten 30-50 from lumi.

>> No.23824321

>wasting time on proving retarded shit rather than singing a song together or pitching a game

>> No.23824432


>> No.23824442

You should of convinced her to buy a gun so she can shoot the closet people.

>> No.23824462

Think i'm the wrong kind of fan for meet and greets. What can you really do/say/ask that you can't in a normal stream or discord in general? Is the appeal just that she's obligated to pay attention to you for an entire two minutes?

>> No.23824508

This is the GFE I crave.

>> No.23824531

I'd rather she shoot the people outside of the closet ha ha ha.

>> No.23824534
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I can't help but think that Buu-San looks familiar.

>> No.23824557
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hehe streemer make funny sounds

>> No.23824580
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>finally she makes it through

>> No.23824623


>> No.23824652

Sorry, my bad, I meant forced.

>> No.23824731

yeah, the jp talents really needs a boosts

>> No.23824788
File: 3.79 MB, 600x338, 1650832213418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse through the cyberlive death thread
>full with rrats and schizo posting about Lumi
>ctrl+f her name
>39 results
that's some wild shit

>> No.23824815

I could never do meet and greet because I would just ask them a bunch of personal questions. But what the fuck else are you supposed to ask them. How's the weather? What did you eat for breakfast?

>> No.23824823

Idk,honestly just shoot the shit and ask her what your genuinely curious about,at the end of the day its really just talking with someone who entertains,dont think too much into it.

>> No.23824843
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Maybe with some reinforcements?

>> No.23824965

It's kind of sad that the odds of Lumi and Yuri ever collabing with cyberlive again are next to none.

>> No.23825005

They're none simply because Cyberlive will cease to exist at the end of the month.

>> No.23825087

Y tho?

>> No.23825163


>> No.23825172

dont know why you'd ever want that
>hey thanks for stealing company money so you can get yourself a 3D model and then instantly leaving haha also killing our livelihood and making us lose our jobs
>np senpai

>> No.23825192

if you seen the leaks you'd know that the cyberlive girls (except chapipi) were backstabbing whores. The fact that the remaining cyberlive fans would rather deny reality and spread rrats about how awful Lumi/Yuri is to cope is just sad.

>> No.23825271

It's understandable. She was their biggest talent and bailed. I suppose the narrative is that she ought to have kept carrying the company that did nothing to support her?

>> No.23825274

At least the tumblr part and once being pozzed on my stepmom indoctrinating me on democrat politics till I got wiser, and also ended up staying on tumblr and still using it after wanting to fuck with the users
And the Lia stuff is her seeing someone freak out and wanting to help but not knowing how without getting Lia mad, amd she knows that a good group of us would prob be filtered by Lia's BL obsession and gacha pretty boys talks (I was, but nothing against her)

>> No.23825301

lol lmao

>> No.23825324

The focus is more on her relation to Sei typically, but yeah that too.

>> No.23825345

stfu jignx

>> No.23825352

She is so fucking retarded and stupid
I love her

>> No.23825358

You mean Emma
Lumi was in the gutter (the entire point why she quit youtube)

>> No.23825400

Sure, Menacefags especially have reason to be mad, but you can't blame her for bailing on the company.

>> No.23825404

>>23825172 or >>23825192

Which one do I believe?

>> No.23825440

She made enough money to cover the costs of all assets she got and extra cash on top, anyone trying to push the embezzlement angle is a cum guzzling retard.

>> No.23825459

The fact remains that Lumi was a cyberlive manager. You dont get to claim Misaki ruined cyberlive and in the exact same sentence claim Lumi didnt

>> No.23825483

That's a trick question. The truth is that these events have already come to pass. Whatever you choose to believe doesn't matter.

>> No.23825496

Lumi was singlehandedly carrying the company and the fact that the company collapsed after she left proves that she was that valuable. The main reason why she left was because the talents were caught shit talking her too.

>> No.23825528

Why did she take Yuri with her though? Yuri seemed happy.

>> No.23825541

Yuri had wanted to leave for 5 months and only stayed inside Cyberlive for Lumi's sake. The moment Lumi wanted out, so did Yuri.

>> No.23825558

Nah if you watched the stream after they announced they were leaving, Yuri was depressed and was looking to leave for a long time. It was only when Lumi wanted to leave that they decided to leave together. If you watch her in Phase connect, she's way more cheerful now and doing way better.

>> No.23825566


>> No.23825572

Yuri is shitposting on twitter again...

>> No.23825607

She was a talent given management responsibilities after their actual manager went nonresponsive. There's only so much you can do in a situation that fucked, and it's clear that Lumi wants at least the suggestion of a support network so that not everything rests on her shoulders - hence the pretty immediate move to PC.
>"wow I can't believe I actually get meetings with staff in this new company" t. Loomers

>> No.23825623

I knew she was being stalked. This explains her canceling streams and calling in sick to her work.

>> No.23825624
File: 1.01 MB, 643x643, 1651378052285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn mesugaki cat.... grrrr

>> No.23825669

What the fuck is wrong with fruits?

>> No.23825834

I don't think anyone really did and that's not what's necessarily being taken issue with, at least initially. Considering the state cyberlive must have been internally, Lumi's own efforts to keep the company together, and fishman's offer she'd have been stupid not to dip and take the deal. I don't think she's the savior, hero, or saint some depict her as, but she still did what she could and that's what the company needed.

>> No.23825853

>Yuri was depressed
Forgive me because I only recently discovered Yuri through PC but wasn't this because she was dealing with bad roommates?

>> No.23825917

>I don't think she's the savior, hero, or saint some depict her as
Well, obviously not. Whatever her qualities, she is still a woman.

>> No.23825920

She has today said that she doesnt want to be in PC for long and that she shouldnt get comfortable
She clearly doesnt give a shit about anything
Turns out the fuck pippa fuck rosemi anon was right all along...

>> No.23825928

Well it surprised me too when she said that she was depressed when she announced she was leaving, I thought that she was always cheerful and stuff. Also not bad roommates but she does have a terrible history if I remember one of her early streams. Either way she's super happy at phase connect now.

>> No.23826001

roommates? She lives with her parents. No, she had issues with the company for a long time and wanted out. She stuck around longer than she wanted to. In a lot of her vague jabs at CyberLive, she's implied that she had to pay for most of her models and assets, was managing herself, had a lack of a support structure, and that she had issues with Misaki.

>> No.23826035

jesus fucking christ

>> No.23826070

As long as Lumi never abandons Yuri, I will never dislike her.

>> No.23826075

I thought she was best friends with Misaki?

>> No.23826117

Schizo rabbit making a plan B ready in case Fishman dies in a planecrash and moneyflow and management stops is exactly something she would do. Nothing wrong with that. Not the outcome anyone wants, but that's why it's called a plan B, not A.

>> No.23826140

at least you arent denying it

>> No.23826163

I don't know if small corpo or indie vtubers has a chance of growing in Japan. Unless they've already established themselves.

>> No.23826187

I think both Lumi and Yuri were friends with Misaki, or at least Lumi was.

>> No.23826229

Yuri talked about how she watched MLP with Misaki on their company discord and how they were so close and similar they were like sisters if I remember right.

>> No.23826270

I really wish a Tenma Pippa offcollab would happen. But Pippa is to paranoid to leave her own home and Tenma is afraid of getting shot in the US.

>> No.23826336

This is getting even more confusing now. I can at least understand why Lumi wanted out but Yuri is still a mystery. I can't see her leaving even if she had to pay for a lot of stuff for herself.

>> No.23826437

well Yuri said she was depressed being in CL and wanted to leave to be an indie but she was too scared to do it alone until Lumi came with her.

My theory: She stood by and watched her genmates badmouth Lumi and couldnt do anything, this probably created a lot of stress for her and she wanted out of a suffocating company atmosphere.

>> No.23826632

Yuri and Misaki got along, yes. So did Lumi and Misaki. Yuri, however, was still the one who rallied the other girls to confront Misaki about her mismanagement.

>> No.23826639

Has Lumi said her personal reasons for leaving publicly yet?
My current theory is that the badmouthing that was leaked is a small part of a larger conflict that was within Cyberlive and that combined with the doom and gloom of Cyberlive's eventual death created a depressive mood for her and that she chose the side that led to greener pastures.

>> No.23826647

Anyone archiving Lia's twitter space?

>> No.23826664

What's been said so far?

>> No.23826688

She did during her CL graduation and Phase redebut. Reps.

>> No.23826719

Lumi's reason for leaving is simple, there's no point staying in a company where everyone hate you.

>> No.23826720

Proof that kiwis need to be hanged, finds out she isnt seiso, christian Lia

>> No.23826746

also, source: I'm insider anon #3 or #4 now?? I don't know, there's quite a few of us who know what went down at this rate.

>> No.23826749

I'm not sure, I think she said she's Filipino and attended Christian school or something. She's currently talking about Valorant and League of Legends.

>> No.23826751

She might have a stalker.

>> No.23826793


>> No.23826794

I must've missed what she said during the redebut. I remember she cited "personal reasons", stress, and maybe a third factor. But I was just wondering if she's disclosed what those "personal reasons" were

>> No.23826804

There are a handful of people who know the actual story.

>> No.23826815

it's probably the same one from before

>> No.23826850

figured as much. I'm sure if Lumi and Yuri were still indies, they probably would've gone public with what actually happened.

>> No.23826855

She hid her reasons for leaving as personal reasons and nobody thought much of it until a leaker leaked screenshots of the rest of cyberlive including their new manager hating on Lumi in a private group chat.

>> No.23826865
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>> No.23827035
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>> No.23827070

>nobody thought much of it until a leaker leaked screenshots
That's why I'm so curious. Speculating is fun and all, but I wish she'd just explain it publicly

>> No.23827091

>Pokemon Arceus was so bad it sent Lia into a deep depression and she never played it again

>> No.23827096
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>> No.23827175

she likely wanted to leave the company as good a term as she could in order to not hurt anyone but as seen from the leaks it just caused a massive schism amongst fans and created schizos which ultimately resulted in the death of the company from the damaged reputation.

>> No.23827189

rrat bros we lost....for now

>> No.23827219

>It's not quite death. No one is quitting or anything
this week
This proves they are the same person.
Lia IS Lumi. Have you ever seen both of them in the same room?

>> No.23827257

Today is finally the day Michiru left me in the dust. I missed the first 2 hours of her stream.

>> No.23827299


>> No.23827305

I want so much to feel Pippa in my arms. I could hug her for eternity.

>> No.23827320

What a shame. You will only get to watch 6 hours of the stream

>> No.23827331

It was an elaborate psyop to throw us off trail.

>> No.23827784

Bros I'm not going to lie if Pippa took place in that /b/ raid on tumblr in 2014 to post gore part of that was my idea. A long time ago back in the early day of the raid there was a large IRC group that was for the planning stage of the raid. Most of it was just people spamming nigger or doing dumb typical shit but I was calling out people in that group saying theyre dumb and people on tumblr wont fall for that obvious bait, You had to make an organic account and gain real followers and growth on their blending in as a typical account then spam them with gore. Some anon messaged me saying I seemed smarter than most people in the chat and invited me to a smaller IRC group were we discussed my idea and said that we should leak plans of using LOIC as a fake attack that would draw their attention away from the planned gore spam that would occur. Everything was set in motion that day. If Pippa really did spam tumblr accounts with gore during that /b/ raid then I had some part in it. Believe me or not, doesn't really matter. Just fun looking back on it. Operation Overlord, fun times. Thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.23827862

>Operation Overlord, fun times.


>> No.23828377

>marrying Yuri
>living a happy domestic life with Yuri
>doing the dishes and having Yuri yell at you and then she does it again

>> No.23828677

Witch hands wrote this message.

>> No.23829098

>tfw no pocket wife

>> No.23829182

14 years of content?! Sasuga baba-usagi.

>> No.23829863

ew megbert

>> No.23829991
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>> No.23830551

Pippa is unironically retarded for talking about raid shit. Yes we get it, you were le based loli oldfag, now shut the fuck up about it. The raid was mostly motivated by the growing anti-sjw movement and /pol/ was heavily involved in it(some even claim they started it by falseflagging). Why would you ever want to associate yourself with that crowd? Shit like "I used to be into tumblr but then went into the other extreme and now I don't care" also doesn't fucking help, especially considering her repeated comments on woke games/devs. It puts her straight into GG territory, if not worse. What's next? Tell everyone you were a magatard during 2016?
ffs stop before you get completely blacklisted. After a certain point there is no going back, even if she abandons her Pippa personality and goes back to exclusively making dogshit notPippa content, everything she said is eventually going to catch up with her.

>> No.23830697

I am the same, I wouldn't be able to hold a proper conversion, if I had to participate somehow I'd have to prepare myself a week ahead of time making notes.
Women are not made to talk to.

>> No.23830899

I don't understand what anon is trying to convey posting this picture.

>> No.23830957


>> No.23831170

Pippa selling out with no integrity!

>> No.23831174

Yesterday's game design session quite cemented how autistic Pippa is.
Autistic and stoopid.
I love her.

>> No.23831397

I'll spoonfeed you a bit. They(Cyberlive girls) found out about Sei/Melancholic and did not take it well, Lumi deflected/tried to excuse his terrible, craven actions and got ostracized for it. Everyone started dissing her and she ran off to Phase Connnect.

p.s Fuck Pippa, fuck Rosemi, and don't trust or fuck Lumi.

>> No.23831457

Misaki had vanished into thin air for like 4-5 months by the time Yuri and Lumi left.

>> No.23831592

You know the antagonism of Lumi precedes the Sei reveal by months right? So you can stop pretending that's the reason.

>> No.23831614

I don't want to fuck Lumi, I want to make love to her!

>> No.23831657


>> No.23831886
File: 59 KB, 894x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was jogging in the park and felt hungry so I lined up at a hotdog stand to buy some grub but when I reached the front of the line I discovered my wallet was missing. What do you know who comes jogging down the park but Lumi.
>You dropped your wallet
She handed me my phat wallet that contained ten-thousand dollars in cash and every bill was present and accounted for. I tried to give her a reward but she refused and jogged away.

>> No.23831899
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-OnJb9ny1pBQluPIW-Zht0BQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is best girl.
She also seems highly unstable.

>> No.23831943

All these meme pills... Anyone ever told her these are more likely to be cause than cure?

>> No.23831962

Yuri herself didn't view Lumi in the best light, until she talked it out with her and had a change of heart. You can pinpoint this around Thanksgiving, when Yuri broke relations with Hylo and grew close to Lumi.

>> No.23831974

She's OK. Shame she fell in with Lumi and not someone who doesn't keep a wicked edgy psycho around.

>> No.23832005

I know, 'm still convinced Sei/Melancholic was the largest wedge for her and everyone else, despite those things also happening.

>> No.23832033

If only, but Misaki had the gall to still show up for collabs like it was nothing.

>> No.23832098

Do you genuinely think the leaked discord was made the exact same day as when the leak happened?

>> No.23832136

>>to being a /pol/tard
>>then I got bored with that
She admitted to this tho. I think it was in one of her earlier Pippa stream. She didn't mention /pol/ but the way she was speaking about it heavily implies it. She very clearly never read a /natsoc/ general though since her knowledge of the holohoax is limited to gas memes (she still believes it happened)

>> No.23832143

Sei won
Lumi won
Yuri won
Menace loss
Vera loss
Cyberlive died
You lose every time you post.
Every "Fuck Pippa" is a victory and means Pippa is winning.
Every "Don't trust Lumi" is a victory that means Lumi is winning.
Every anti ritualpost is a reminder of our success and your failiure.
You had a chance to stop her before but now its too late. All you can do is moralfag.

>> No.23832201

Such a cute avatar, too bad.

>> No.23832244

You are obsessed

>> No.23832250

Normal numbers for this time. She averages at 20 viewers per region but right now burgers are asleep.

>> No.23832258

I'm just happy the girls are going to continue and leave behind the name that Misaki damned.

>> No.23832259

Rent free.

>> No.23832304

If it's the same one Yuri made, then it's been around for a long time.

>> No.23832349
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>> No.23832377

You are really giving pippas local schizos a run for their money. Not even they want to destroy the company their oshi works for

>> No.23832463


>> No.23832475

It's beyond me that actual Sei/Melancholic simps exist.

>> No.23832567

The only thing I know about that Sei guy comes from these images https://imgur.com/a/VuOO3t6
I fail to see how you are any different than him

>> No.23832600

>I want to clean alone
noooo you're not allowed to be desirable as a woman! You're supposed to nag your husband about doing the dishes and tell him you're not his slave!

>> No.23832627

The difference is that Sei won and they lost.

>> No.23832650

For one thing, my existence hasn't driven a wedge between a vtuber and her genmates, I don't post gore or doxxes, and I'm not anyone's secret boyfriend.

>> No.23832688


>> No.23832710
File: 93 KB, 332x416, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brags about destroying a company
>we are to believe that they will suddenly stop and wont do the same thing with phase connect

You powertripping faggots need to deepthroat a shotgun

>> No.23832752

Lumi: 8 genmates
Menace: 0 genmates
Cyberlive is dead. Aetheria is a streamer group with no genmates.

>> No.23832786

>destroying a company
Vera destroyed Cyberlive.

>> No.23832808

Again, it's beyond me that Sei/Melancholic has simps who aren't Lumi, or that Sakana managed to overlook that.

>> No.23832847

Misaki blew up the building and Vera tried to hold it together,

That's like your ship getting blown the fuck out during war, making some new guy the Captain, and then saying "Yeah that new guy sunk our ship lol"

>> No.23832915

Misaki was the best manager Cyberlive ever had. Vera is bootlicker and a fraud.

>> No.23833264
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>Misaki was the best manager Cyberlive ever had
you're a retard

>> No.23833377

Everytime idiots like you blame sei for things you help deflect the real problems instead. Hint: Look at her current phase connect mod list and look at their connections to her before.

>> No.23833433

I can't look at her mod list, since I dropped her because of shattered trust.

>> No.23833560


>> No.23833659
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Tiny cat housewife...

>> No.23833713

>She admitted to this tho.
>She didn't mention

>> No.23833901

She said some of it, but even those parts are presented in a way harsher/more negative light than they were actually said in. Which probably isn't a coincidence.
With stuff like that you should either watch the vod if you're interested in it or just ignore it.

>> No.23834240

>You mean Emma
I don't think having a bunch of dead subs who don't watch your content means that you're big.

>> No.23834381

>Cyberlife actually died

>> No.23834503

Oh no so concerning. I'm so concerned. The out of context and made up parts of your post make it even more concerning. Ahhhh!

>> No.23834513


>> No.23834602

Zman shitting all over Lia makes a lot more sense in context, I don't think it's been an individual thing the entire time. Couples will usually conform to the same idea and try to reinforce it with each other. They must do it pretty regularly since they're so open and comfortable about it.

>> No.23834713

Why reward a two hour old post with attention if you think it's just retarded bullshit? Samefag or brainlet?

>> No.23834716

Why is Sakana cool with them doing that?

>> No.23834754

Maybe he just woke up, not everyone is here 24/7 like me, hating Pippa and distrusting Lumi.

>> No.23834785

go back to your hellhole

>> No.23834961

kill yourself, you are retarded and wrong on everything and don't watch phacon

>> No.23835092

What were her game design takes?

>> No.23835098

Fuck the FPFRDFDTL poster, don't trust him, he's retarded and doesn't watch phacon

>> No.23835138

of an 8 years old

>> No.23835176

The more you spam that shit the more I'm inclined to become a lumi anti
I hope you are aware of this

>> No.23835184

Did Lumi really claim to read 200 books a year? Also can someone post an archive of Lia’s space?

>> No.23835298

kill yourself

>> No.23835470

Fuck the FPFRDFDTL poster, don't trust him, he's retarded and doesn't watch phacon

>> No.23835838

Why not? Audiobooks are real easy to get through. You just run out of interesting shit to listen to.

>> No.23836071

Audiobooks aren’t reading.

>> No.23836185

see picrel >>23796185 yet somehow my post is what is unacceptable to you

>> No.23836376

NTA but having two spammers instead of one helps nobody.

>> No.23836428

kill yourself

>> No.23837067

If you're trailer trash that pretends to be better, sure

>> No.23837226
File: 2.10 MB, 1782x1574, excuse me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one do you pick, anon:
> tongue kiss pippa, but an abscess in her mouth pops and you swallow the puss
>tongue kiss pippa's bhole, but she farts in your mouth and you swallow the fart

>> No.23837288

I'll take option 2

>> No.23837939

Pippa's feet
My balls
You know the rest

>> No.23839078

>>23823189 (OP)
Any mommy / GFE recommdation on vtubers ????

>> No.23839140

how is this thread not banned yet?

>> No.23839153

Was Lumi going to stream at 11am today or was it cancelled? She was up pretty late desu

>> No.23839234

how are you not banned yet?

>> No.23839347

It's one of her oversleep days, it happens sometimes, but it's been a while since the last time.

>> No.23839411

Ah ty, gonna go get some housework done then hope loomers has a nice sleep

>> No.23839921

Meet and greet went a while so things seem to be in delay as she slept later, expect her to wake up in the next couple of hours and do her karaoke then.

>> No.23840701
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>Iori love counseling
Here we go, I look forward to the laughs

>> No.23840812

So Lumi…goes to graduate school, has a research assistantship, works out enough to have abs, streams many days a week, makes music, works a full time internship in the summer, and reads 200 books a year (over half a book each day)? How does the timing of this schedule work, exactly?

>> No.23840859

You just be a sigma (fe)male, simple as.

>> No.23840872

deer is going to expose herself as a massive stacy who has had multiple partners in the past...

>> No.23840940

Yeah, me.
she doesn't sleep or enjoy herself, just training and working and studying.

>> No.23840951

I should have submitted a form for this lmao

>> No.23840997

because you focus too much on the males, you remember and are reminded

>> No.23841092

I'll have to hunt that down in the VOD. DS has been making her more smug and cocky, or at least giving her a chance to have fun acting so.

>> No.23841358 [DELETED] 

Surprisingly, I found there was something I was wondering about so I did submit a question.

>> No.23841424

Surprisingly, I found there was something I was wondering about so I did submit a question.

It's like an older version of my sister. She gets really worked up if she isn't doing something that doesn't feel like progress and feels bad about just relaxing. Who knows what Lumi was like before she realized she could make a form of progress off of playing games and chatting.

>> No.23841553

Why is Lumi, uh, you know...

>> No.23841707

The time boxing doesn’t work. A day is 24 hours. There are 7 of them in a week. You can only push yourself through on 2-4 hours of sleep a night for so long, but let’s assume 20 usable hours per day. Full time course load plus 20 hours of RA adds up to at least 40 hours, but realistically more like 40-60 hours per week. Been there, done that. The internship when not in school is going to be straight 40. Let’s say she spends an hour per day in the gym to maintain her abs. She streams how many nights per week at how many hours per stream? Four nights per week at two hours per stream? I don’t watch, but it sounds like more than that. We’re up to 12 hour weekdays at the minimum including time to get from place to place. You can safely assume she does other things to prepare for streaming; I’m not a streamer but they probably don’t just hop on the computer and click go. It’s hard work. You have to have time to make food, eat, bathe, do laundry and basic household things, etc. She reads this thread and is maybe in discord which is a big time sink. I don’t know how to estimate that but we’re knocking on 15 hour days at minimum. Let’s assume recording vocals is done rarely, but recording a track can easily chew up most of a Saturday. When does she find time for this rock climbing and other hobbies? If she blows through an entire book every Saturday and Sunday night that’s still only half of 200. This is charitable. Few people are going full tilt for 20 hours a day and sleeping 4 hours per night, and some of the time boxes are underestimated.

>> No.23841710

If she does another one in the future I'll send one in although this menhera question is pretty similar to mine

>> No.23841790


>> No.23841794

She only cares about Pippa, Yuri, and especially Sei/Melancholic.

>> No.23842001

Depending on the graduate program the work can be much more spaced out, giving you a lot of flexibility. Also a lot of stuff can be multitasked, and when you're physically fit you have a lot more mental energy. 6 hours or 3 hours with power naps throughout the day is manageable if you are a high energy type

>> No.23842069

>Lumi has push notifications for any time she's mentioned here
>She was woken up by this post
Hi Lumi please make me cum with your feet

>> No.23842126

what feet

>> No.23842163

Lumi has been mentioned 72 times in the thread

>> No.23842179

She lives here rent-free

>> No.23842196

Does she not have feet..?

>> No.23842213

In this very thread someone has posted screenshots of her prime orbiter fellating himself for shitting up threads on a mongolian underwater basket weaving forum. Do you really think the constant posts about how talented and amazing and successful she and everyone surrounding her is are genuine?

>> No.23842242

She's mentioned on stream numerous times that she doesn't have feet.

>> No.23842262

Yes. I know that because I am the one making them.

>> No.23842334

She had her feet surgically replaced with leftover pizza

>> No.23842386

TL: "I slept 6 hours".
Cross-company SS13 server being a (remote) possibility was still one of the more curious revelations of yesterday.

>> No.23842398


>> No.23842400

I'd unironically make an effort to learn SS13 if she ever went through with making a server.

>> No.23842406
File: 493 KB, 500x282, 1650832213246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lumi wakes up to cyberlive going up in flames
That must feel pretty good

>> No.23842484

You still have to do the work and it still takes time to do, and you can’t multitask the important stuff. If she’s doing research, she’s focusing. If she’s studying, she’s focusing. If she’s streaming, she’s focusing. If she’s legitimately reading, she’s focusing. She can listen to podcasts or something while she exercises, but so what? I am the 2-4 hours of sleep per night and grind 12+ hour work days plus other activities person and it still doesn’t add up.

>> No.23842567

I don't think so, she genuinely wanted to move on and leave it behind.

>> No.23842590

Not much changes, really, CEO was never physically present anyway. They've earned (more) freedom and less money spent/cut.

>> No.23842712


>> No.23842749

As long as they open it to the public between streams, every cross company server they've tried so far has been dead as fuck when nobody's live

>> No.23843253

Seethe some more bro. GG was on the right side of history, and Pippa has already quoted their slogan before because gaming journalist suck ass and everyone agrees.

>> No.23843328

Lumi loved her time there until Misaki fucked them over, thats the point everything went downhill ending with Menance and Vera duet

>> No.23843366


>> No.23843391

1 because I'm not a fucking degenerate.

>> No.23843485

Just started watching.
Did I miss anything of value?

>> No.23843494

Are you fags even human? Watching your former workplace fail after you leave is one of the best feelings there is.

>> No.23843558

Yeah if you are a sociopath, oh wait, right we are here in /pcg/ i guess

>> No.23843694

Cute kissless deer giving dating advice for an hour
Someone asked about the "they get mad when I ask where they want to eat" question and Iori said tell them to eat air if they don't want to go anywhere

>> No.23843783
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>> No.23843904

I-I don't think I'll try follow that advice.

>> No.23843944

kill yourself, retard

>> No.23844120
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>> No.23844121
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>> No.23844152

asking the real questions here

>> No.23844186
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>> No.23844335
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>> No.23844373
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>> No.23844410
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>> No.23844439

the casual progression of Iori's mood after getting another question about her sweaty armpits rather than asking for relationship advice

>> No.23844490

Iori lives in Japan and one day we will have a Tenma collab.

>> No.23844546

isn't she in canada right now? said her mom and sister helped with the green tea stream so I dunno what her situation is

>> No.23844592
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>> No.23844624
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>> No.23844664

>She lives in Canada
Wait...so Yuri and Iori could do a offcollab...?

>> No.23844674
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>> No.23844696
File: 73 KB, 523x488, 1622737171828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why excuuuuuse us for not being shelf stackers/codemonkeys. Some of us actually like what we do and don't wish ill on every single fucking person we m-- come to think of it, that mentality explains a lot.
People on /vt/ are so miserable, sociopathic and cynical they believe that the slightest disapproval is hatred, the most minute lack of enthusiasm constitutes a wholesale discrediting of one's interests and that the least bit of change in persona constitutes betrayal.

It all makes sense now.
You're not autistic.
You're just genuinely bad people.

>> No.23844738

>You're not autistic.
>You're just genuinely bad people.
Those two are not mutually exclusive

>> No.23844741
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>> No.23844755


>> No.23844774

qrd on tl;dr?

>> No.23844862 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 840x859, 1650832213049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23844919

Yuri is spending time with her family so she isn't going to stream till Tuesday.

>> No.23845078

She either studies or works.
When she studies she lives off streaming.
It's a lot but not as much as you make it out to be, and working out is an absolutely trivial part of the day for anyone below the level where they'd start using steroids.
I have no idea where the 200 books a year figure comes from but I've done 150 on Nurse-tier shifts before.
I miss it a lot. Your brain starts to feel like your nose feels after eating wasabi. All clean and pure and sparkly.

>> No.23845170

Sex deer's voice sounds like Milky Queen's voice except good.

>> No.23845369

Make thread

>> No.23845432


>> No.23845491


>> No.23845500

Fuck, I just understood not posting on Iori's marshmallow was a missed opportunity.

>> No.23845769

>downhill ending with Menance and Vera duet
I told you guys (not this thread, the old one) about Vera, I warned you bros

>> No.23847776

She sacrifices sleep. She regularly sleeps like 2-3 hours a day and takes micronaps. She talks about how when she drives she just blacks out on the road due to lack of sleep. When people who were worried about her tells her to not to do it, she says she's been like this as a child.
