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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23763011 No.23763011 [Reply] [Original]

How fucking dumb is Kiara actually?

>> No.23763057

She's german, we are not afraid to say our opinion even if we have no clue what we are talking about, since we are not afraid to get corrected.

>> No.23763096

Isn't this the third time you've done this thread?

>> No.23763098

Another one

>> No.23763155

On same level as e-thot.
She is the type that speaks, then think.

>> No.23763203

Rape it is, then.

>> No.23763242

Is she actually mad here or fooling around? I'm usually good at picking up Kiara's sarcistic comments but this one is difficult (and I didn't watch the stream so I suppose I'm missing context).

>> No.23763282

It's prechat and Kiara is the kind of person who is autistic and takes things seriously then later says they were "only joking" to try and save face when they were obviously legitimately asshurt

>> No.23763313

Is she wrong though? Aren't there like drinks on starbucks that are only made of cream, milk and ice?

>> No.23763399

are the opposite of that actually.

>> No.23763444

She's right though.

Also what's wrong with your browser?

>> No.23763520

She's not wrong creme frappuccino made without coffee

>> No.23763534

That behaviour has nothing to do with being an e-thot even a prude catholic mom can speak without thinking. What Kiara is exhibiting here is the dumb stacy or airhead bimbo part of her personality

>> No.23763563
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>> No.23763644

>ITT: unbased peeps

>> No.23763798

She was fooling around and timing out regulars

>> No.23763970

I love it when americans and asians just don't get europeans.

>> No.23763974

Touch grass nigger.

>> No.23764032

Mutts literally shaking because of such blasphemous.

>> No.23764110

>Kiara defending Starbucks Frappucino as the gold standard of Coffee
She's a blight on Europe

>> No.23765155


>> No.23765201

God I hate Kiara

>> No.23765221

Im from Europe and we dont have Starbucks.

>> No.23765267

God I love Kiara

>> No.23765284

There is most definitely a Starbucks in Stockholm.
From cofedrinkers I understand that our local European chains are better anyway.

>> No.23765328

Starbucks is overpriced dogshit for douchebags and cunts

>> No.23765545

I bet you have a zang android phone and your Dad is ashamed of you

>> No.23765622

people hate her because she tells the truth

>> No.23765670 [DELETED] 

If only that were true, anon. Then your country wouldnt be flooded by sandniggers and those who defend them. You're not as bad as sweden, but still

>> No.23765732


>> No.23765820

She is a Schluchtenscheißer from Österreich. Not German.
Also she tries so hard to talk like the cool kids. Totally based and not boomers, get bonked y'all.
It's funny because she does the same shit when she speaks Japanese. Gachi cringe my dude.

>> No.23765825
File: 49 KB, 758x398, How-many-Starbucks-are-in-the-World-2022-758x398[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23765875

the hell is frappucino?

>> No.23765883

I love you, Kiara but get some taste.

>> No.23765889

All women are dumb.

>> No.23765893

His point stands

>> No.23765907

So you're backing him up? That's a much smaller European presence than I would have thought.

>> No.23765990

As opposed to your zang iphone and your mother being ashamed of you?

>> No.23766035

Kiara is my GFE because she’s exactly like my first gf, a needy and annoying bisexual girl who prefers women

>> No.23766072

>who prefers women

>> No.23766083
File: 141 KB, 1024x992, starbucks_infographic_v3-1024x992[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just the countries with the most stores.
and I get it, european coffee is better so the brand isn't as powerful.

>> No.23766133

His chart is wrong. For example there are 160 Starbucks stores in Germany but it is not on there. Also there are 19 Starbucks stores in Austria. 15 in Vienna alone.

>> No.23766186

Report to her manager
Ignore her
Block her
Grow the fuck up Kiara

>> No.23766346

And Taco Bell insists it's mexican food. Only an idiot will base their definitions on corporate advertising.

>> No.23766356

I've only ever been to Starbucks when I was in Japan, it has thankfully not spread to where I live (yet). It was horrifically mediocre.
To the best of my understanding a Frappuccino was a hybrid frappe and cappuccino, which would necessitate coffee. I presume they have some gimmick ones that don't have coffee in them but retain the branding, but if somebody asked me what a Frappuccino was I would naturally assume it was a combination of the components it draws its name from.

>> No.23766507

>european coffee is better
Well, better than Starbucks is a really fucking low bar, but still: european coffee isn't that good. The only breakout is probably Germany, Scandinavian countries also have some pretty good specialty places, but other countries are fucked. They have like 2-3 local roasters at best and if you need to find a place that serves specialty coffee in a european city you'll have to research beforehand because there are too few of them.

>> No.23766620

Every coffee I've ever ordered in Deutschland has been absolute piss. Literally brown water tier.

>> No.23766765

not comparable, taco bell didn't invent mexican food

>> No.23767157

what ???

>> No.23767383

frappuccino isn't real, starbuck made it up

>> No.23767628

tbf i don't know what their actual innovative thing was back in za day, but i guess that all the exaggerated 400 layers of cream drinks i see in every coffee house in my shithole country which doesn't have starbucks are just starbucks inspired things that couldn't get copyrighted.
so unless starbucks do it massively better in a way that can't be replicated like mcdonald's, and when you haven't been conditioned by generations of drinking starbucks like in the US, i get why starbucks won't be as popular elsewhere

>> No.23767902

Australian coffee culture is unrivaled anywhere else in the world. We forced McDonalds to serve espresso because nobody would drink their shitty filtered coffee. Starbucks never even made a dent because every single mom and pop store makes better coffee.

>> No.23768139 [DELETED] 

This is why I find it funny when people say Kiara is subtly being passive aggressive and hates this or that person in EN. Kiara is not subtle whatsoever, she bluntly gives her opinion on everything even when it is rude to do so. She shits on EN management whenever she disagrees with them. She plainly said she was sick of organizing Holobirds collabs because there were too many people. She loudly complained she wasn't invited to the off collab event and wants people to visit her in Austria. So the idea she has some secret agenda is laughable on its face.

>> No.23769142

Wait, did that start with /us/? I never bought Maccas piss because the local gook or wog cafe can make better for the same price, but I always assumed that Maccas did that shit everywhere after the turn of the millennium or some shit.

>> No.23769364

That's a cool schizo paragraph over Kiara messing around with her prechat and timing out regulars as a joke

>> No.23769739

sounds good Sanachama, unfortunately I'm a teachad

>> No.23769862

Kiara has all the warning signs of a mentally ill liberal white woman. She intentionally exaggerates everything for drama, attention, and extra money to make her feel better. She's always the victim and knows how to milk her savior fanbase. I don't know why anyone is surprised anymore.

>> No.23769878

Please don't bring an entire citizen of german to support your stupid argument

>> No.23770148

>mentally ill liberal white woman.
stop applying american sterotypes to people from other cultures.

>> No.23772591 [DELETED] 

t. egg.

>> No.23772649

Quirky white girl in her 20s, no big deal.

>> No.23772671

Why am I laughing at this, kek

>> No.23772700
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>> No.23772741

This amuses me. Starbucks failed so hard in Australia that they had to GTFO and now only exist in and around airports for US turists.

>> No.23772745
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>> No.23772765

>when an autist gets Stacy genes

>> No.23772882
File: 185 KB, 351x348, smugkiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"My Struggle: Trying to teach Americans about Frappucinos"

>> No.23773108

but it was developed by American

>> No.23773113

>How fucking dumb is Kiara actually?

>> No.23773130

Austrians are just mountain Germans

>> No.23773143

a sugarbomb with residual coffee taste

>> No.23773622

She falls into that trap from time to time, but I promise it's an optics thing. She has some issues, but the mindrot of being terminally online on Twitter for self promition fucks with her. You really think a woman who went to Japan and encouraged/supported idol work constantly has all those beliefs of yoyr average raging white woman on twitter? If she would have never had to join English speaking twitter to get more followers/promote herself and make some money on the side, you would have seen none of those posts by her that people like to dredge up and she woupd have just been an average small-town Austrian.

>> No.23774043

>You really think a woman who went to Japan and encouraged/supported idol work constantly has all those beliefs of yoyr average raging white woman on twitter?
After her personal experience with it? maybe

>> No.23774062

he just shared his thoughts dumb ass nigga

>> No.23774312

She never really talks ill of it (the idol industry) when she talks about it on streams. She's conceded that there's some things that aren't great, but says she understands why people like it that way or why a preformer may choose to do certain things.

>> No.23774445

Why do you fucking care?

>> No.23774474

Orange woman cute

>> No.23774597

Never talk coffee to a Eurofag
unless you're trying to tilt one then tell them you drink drip coffee

>> No.23774687

I would only trust italians with making good coffee

>> No.23774798

She may be Austrian/weeaboo, but her soul is American.
Proof: just look how much she love so Starbucks

>> No.23774877

Joseph best JoJo.

>> No.23775076

kek this is funny, i should start watching kiara. any good vods to start, with, kfpbros?

>> No.23775209
File: 181 KB, 686x364, 5btb7n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically using zoomerspeak

>> No.23775376

>I bonked you
She actually banned someone over this?

>> No.23775811

She's playing with them and kfp likes it, she always do that.

>> No.23775867

you implying starbucks invented coffee?

>> No.23776130

i love kiwawa

>> No.23776194

But she's right? A few of the frapuccinos on the do not, in fact, have any coffee in them.

>> No.23776229

*on the menu. I'm still right

>> No.23776415

Dumb retards should keep their dumb retarded thoughts to themselves

>> No.23777066

Yes, Starbucks os mostly for 'trendy' white woman who want sugar spikes more than they want some caffine to get the morning started. Most buy the shitty whipped cream filled, creamer laced, sugar added garbage they can buy for anywhere from 3-6 dollars.

>> No.23777169

Wait but this is literally true. Just to name a few off the top of my head, the vanilla bean frap and the white chocolate strawberry frap don't have any coffee in them and they are base items from the menu itself without any "no coffee" mods.

>> No.23777247

frappuccino, starbucks invented frappuccino and Kiara is right, it's not always made with coffee

>> No.23777556

wait kiara is THAT passionate about the things she likes? followed and membered her, thanks OP.

>> No.23777759

> You really think a woman who went to Japan and encouraged/supported idol work constantly has all those beliefs of yoyr average raging white woman on twitter?
Idol work is just a Japanese spin on pop music stardom with a bigger emphasis on synchronized dancing and showing the journey.
I've followed this stuff for decades at this point. It's genuinely fun but I feel like there's some misconceptions about what it is and means, especially here.

>> No.23777758

Typical germin response.

>> No.23777937
File: 234 KB, 368x355, 165162110_5191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all niggas arguing all this shit bc she was joking with prechat about Frappuccinos

>> No.23777940

There’s maps never have Malta fuck ‘em

>> No.23778115

They're jealous of your medal

>> No.23778200

Damn, is that members-only chat? I think I'm gonna join, looks fun

>> No.23778329

>wait kiara is THAT passionate about the things she likes?
But being passionate about Starbucks coffee (of all fucking things) is as normie as it gets.

>> No.23778404

Still more passion than the average w*man puts into anything.

>> No.23778481

>using starbucks as a reference
It's like going to mcdonalds to ask for premium steak cuts
You should be grateful about it.

>> No.23778514


>> No.23778731

It was a regular prechat not a members prechat. She often hangs out with her fans there

>> No.23778880

>kennt dil wit deez boomers, man

>> No.23779033

more like using mcdonalds as reference for big mac, frappuccino is a starbucks trademark

>> No.23779048

Turks are in Germany because of the historical alliances between the Germans and Turks and the German need for cheap labor after WWII.

>> No.23781240

Turks in Germany are retards who do nothing but bragging how Turkey is actually better than Europe. But actually enjoy the fact that Turkey's economy going bad and they can use those sweet Euros thye made in Germany. They are cancer for both sides.

>> No.23785654

Is this real?

>> No.23785931

Where the fuck did that dumb bitch type all that?

>> No.23786085
File: 88 KB, 853x480, the eternal germ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we went from barring the gates of Vienna with piles of corpses to the fucking Germans just opening the doors and letting the Turks in

oh my God

>> No.23786317

>think Kiara was cool
>while browsing archives see posts about her
What is seen cannot be unseen…

>> No.23786621

El negro...

>> No.23786657

Kiara is such a whore holy shit

>> No.23786701

Wtf is wrong with her?

>> No.23786732

Dumb fucking whore shouldn't flood people's chat with this dumb shit.

>> No.23786787

Why she even bother with chuuba avatar when she act like standrad twitch thot?

>> No.23786831

Kiara should graduate and give IRyS her gawa

>> No.23786835

>Open thread
>The last four posts replying to OP aren’t new IP
I see what’s going on there...
Kinda sad, don’t you have some discord friends or proxies to at make it believable?

>> No.23786879

It's KFP samefagging to get the thread to bump limit.
Like I won't just repost it LMAO

>> No.23786904

>Kiara outschizos the schizos.
How does she do it?

>> No.23786955

Holy shit does she have legitimate brain damage?
How does she think it's acceptable to talk to viewers like this?

>> No.23786979

>Kiara is doing a member stream right now

>> No.23787359

Not Europe.

>> No.23787539

>stop applying american sterotypes to people from other cultures.
Kiara is hardcore Californiabrained.

>> No.23787875

She's austrian, not german.

>> No.23788131

I don't really hate her but I hate this "type" of person who pretends like they 'know this hobby or that hobby' and then you listen to them talk and it becomes obvious they spent a few hours reading a wiki.

>> No.23788295

tophatbrap deflection is so sad to see.
the thought of being literally cucked by a manlet must've broken them.

>> No.23788653

Honestly, I would hesitate to call anything on the Starbuck's menu "coffee", so she is correct here

>> No.23791215

You can just order espresso there.

>> No.23795396

you don't fucking say?
Not saying it excuses bad behavior, but a significant number of these girls are literal autists and you get upset when they act autistic. If you don't like retards, don't watch a retard.

>> No.23796465

Is there any other vtubers in holo who interacts with chat like that? Why we are acting like she is not the best vtuber here.?

>> No.23797260 [DELETED] 

I'd say her IQ is around 90. Barely above the african american population.

>> No.23797342

Why the fuck do women act like you're some sort of uneducated dumbfuck if you're unfamiliar with Starbucks?

>> No.23797445

I have literally never had Iced Coffee. I kinda want to try it now.

>> No.23797460

link the stream?

>> No.23797637

>thinking this is only about Starbucks specifically
She’s mad because she’s seeing people talk as if they know anything when they don’t.

>> No.23797790


>> No.23797805


>> No.23798240


>> No.23799830

Austrians are the real German unlike that Prussian country.

>> No.23804414

>starbakas being retarded
Wow, water sure is wet today!

>> No.23804935

So she bans people as a joke?

>> No.23805603

She unbans almost right after. Same with Twitter blocks.

>> No.23805658

>10min timeout
oh nyo
I’ve unironically seen Twitch streamers handing out permanent ban to dozens of chat users in a row as a "joke".

>> No.23807860

She's actually against her chat on a lot of that stuff, her liberal white woman chat is always taking the things that happened to her and exaggerating them to hate Japanese culture but Kiara actually disagrees with them on that when pushed. The most obvious example that shows the fundamental cognitive dissonance of her audience is they use her to decry idol culture but she is a bigger supporter of idol culture than most Japanese. She is sad she could not become a successful idol, which is the exact opposite of thinking idols are a bad thing. She still wants you to support the idol industry.

I mean, she definitely is still just a liberal white woman at the core but on that one issue where she has knowledge and experience she disagrees most strongly with her audience. It's plausible if she had more real experience in other areas she'd change her opinion on them as well. She's also pretty different from her type in that she doesn't approve of drinking though that probably comes from bad experience.

>> No.23808491

I was not referring to Kiara specifically, just women in general.

>> No.23815992

You know why.

>> No.23816107


>> No.23816237

Like you've never done something equally stupid but related to some obscure or nitch hobby you bunch of disengenious faggots

>> No.23817357 [DELETED] 

Kiara is completely absorbed in US SJW culture. She's a hardcore BLM supporter

>> No.23817604 [DELETED] 

>she doesn't approve of drinking though that probably comes from bad experience.
Her idol manager got her drunk and raped her early on in her trip to Japan

>> No.23817877

oh look, OP is awake to bump his(?) thread after getting mocked out of /hlgg/

>> No.23821832

That's fucking nothing though. Your point is retarded

>> No.23824614

It’s very good. Just don’t overpay for it.

>> No.23824726

I know. I really could not believe it when I learned that some of the frappuccinos don’t have any coffee in them.
The actual coffee there isn’t bad either, just absurdly expensive.

>> No.23825729

italian covfefe>>>>

>> No.23825795

Not gonna lie, between Mori and Kiara I was wrong who was menhera

>> No.23826000

Starbucks is pretty good if you know what to get and they aren't too expensive:

>short cappuccino (best item)
>BLONDE cup of coffee (they'll usually do a pourover instead of the acidic bulk brew they do where they just dispense it for medium/dark blends)

>> No.23826066
File: 457 KB, 1536x2048, 1651261615321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way to fix that is by being permanently irony poisoned, so you never take yourself seriously.

>> No.23826108

>irony poisoned
elaborate, I'm tired

>> No.23827917

She's not autistic, Germans are just all like that

>> No.23827971 [DELETED] 

Not this shit again indog and pignoys are fking cancer in this board

>> No.23828102

germans have autism in their blood

>> No.23828368

Please don't identify Germany with the mountain nazis.

>> No.23828423

Brown acid water isn't coffee.
t. italian

>> No.23828447

I hope this is one of those threads where OP replied to themself about 30 times

But despite the Kiara hate sentiment, she makes a few good points

>> No.23831687

So many anglo corporations have troubles starting business in italy.
Uber was basically forced to pull out

>> No.23831994

>she makes a few good points
...Such as?

>> No.23832057

frappuccino is not always made with coffee

>> No.23832203


>> No.23832339

Anon, what Americans call "coffee" is closer to a tea, really.

>> No.23832376


>> No.23832508

Drip coffee uses no pressure, it's just bean water

>> No.23832687

>iZhang user have a ball to tell that the other is zhang

>> No.23833615

>doesn't have Malta
>has Cyprus
Get fucked neighbour lmao

>> No.23833970

Kiara is right by the way a Creme frappuccino is a thing and does not use coffee and neither did fruit juice frappuccino which Starbucks ran for a limited time once again /vt/ and chat are retarded and orange woman was right
