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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23621707 No.23621707 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide : https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous thread: >>23570111

>> No.23621782

Speaking about debut, I saw so many "pre-debut" chuuba in tweet already started their streaming, so weird.

>> No.23621980
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>> No.23622191

i'm always late in making the new threads goddamit

>> No.23622316

Just stream on weekends only if weekdays are too hectic. That's what I do.

>> No.23622858

Does anyone have a rough idea of how many viewers you need to pull per stream before you can turn streaming into a full time job. I know that's not what actually determines income but it's correlated and it's the easiest number to use for comparisons.

>> No.23623070


>> No.23623249

The more I look at this the more I laugh.

>> No.23623291

Set that babi free you monster.

>> No.23623767
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>> No.23623771

About 200 and then it depends on your wpv ratio.

>> No.23623807

yellow cat based?

>> No.23623825

Based on what?

>> No.23623911

deez nuts

>> No.23623964

Yellow cat correction

>> No.23624058

I don't consider my voice to be feminine at all. Not sure where anon's hearing that at. Maybe it's just not really deep or bassy or whatever, that could be it.

Also I still need to get more confidence in myself... it's hard when I also get nervous when streaming and struggle with trying to be somewhat entertaining and having fun.

>> No.23624095
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Google Doc for /asp/ Collabs and Projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/edit#heading=h.lgshigdkhcj7

>> No.23624231

>not numberfagging average view duration

>> No.23624277
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>> No.23624629
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>> No.23624695

>trip to the zoo
babi zoo when.

>> No.23625445

maximum security federal penitentiary

>> No.23625594
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I still find it mind boggling that some schizo unironically has such a hate boner for yellow rrat that they're willing to shit on everyone else that uses /asp/ and vandalize this google doc every time they see it. Even going after unrelated babis or 2views simply because they see yellow rrat in their chats.

Like I know it's /vt/ but I honestly feel pity for the crab anon. Maybe they're unironically delusional or something?

>> No.23625667
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Hello /asp/ies, it's been a while since I've posted here. I started streaming a few months back and I thought it'd drop my link here, just in case I encourage others to start streaming. forget about debuts, just make content, period.

>> No.23625804
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>yellow chips

>> No.23625858

god I love bunny chuubas.

>> No.23626219

Mashi X Pippa X Kiki X Laranbonnie collab when?

>> No.23626559

I have not much to say…

>> No.23626576

menhera'd, took down all her vods and most of her clips
doesnt care to collab because she exists in her self-made bubble
well we're gonna need more bunnies.

>> No.23626870

For some reason watching this is giving me anxiety. It's like 2 fps on my end and the chat isn't showing in order.

>> No.23627024

Well it's been almost entirely about real world places and traveling so you're not missing much.

>> No.23627174

Sorry Laran, this stream is unwatchable to me. The game lag and /pol/ convo is awful.

>> No.23627237

>/pol/ convo
Spill the beans

>> No.23627487

Unless you're Laran asking for feedback I don't care to. Scroll up for link I guess.

>> No.23628107

>how to increase energy and enthusiasm for streams?
>stop slouching?
>stream earlier?
>get better sleep?
Honestly I’m already screaming, albeit internally

>> No.23628145

A few hundred, at least. 300+ is a pretty safe bet but it does depend on how much your viewers spend and how well you're able to milk money from viewers as well.

>> No.23628250

at 3k viewers you're probably making 6 figures if not more, definitely not needed to go full time.

>> No.23628253

Pippa has collabed with Kiki before despite her being a 2view, and Mashi promised to come back

>> No.23628426

Kiki got blacklisted by corpos because she kept posting /pol/ stuff, there's no chance a collab like that is ever gonna happen again.

>> No.23628738

Alright, i'll concede, however, i do believe a 3 way collab could still be possible

>> No.23629047

>at 3k viewers you're probably making 6 figures if not more,
>81.Tubbo $1,000,504.31
>23k average
you're not making 6 figures with only 3k viewers

>> No.23629176

my model art is finished for the most part. I just need to fix some mistakes the artist made and I can start rigging it, more or less. my rigging is gonna be complete garbage but I really can't afford a rigger right now

>> No.23629351

How do you do that voice that en tubers do when they try to sound kawaii and it's like a very forced squeeky ESL talking?
Another way of describing it is that their voice sounds very scrunched up. Whenever I try it I just end up choking.

>> No.23629376

Dumbass that's strictly from twitch's revenue. When you get above 200-300 viewers you can easily diversify your income through various methods to earn enough to live comfortably without a job.

>> No.23629406

Well Laran is graduating.

>> No.23629429

>you can easily diversify your income through various methods
twitch hates these 5 easy steps to make $5000 a month in passive income! post your bank statements and stop making shit up.

>> No.23629517

I remember I saw a tweet about a streaming making $4k USD a month with about ~200 average viewers(he even posted a picture to prove it).
I forget his name but I think someone posted his tweet in /vt/(not sure was that in /asp/ thread).

>> No.23629573

Anon who wanted to buy premade here, so I just found out the artist is a full blown nsfw guy and retweets degenerate shit every few minutes. Would this impact me in any way if I link his profile in my twitter in the future?

>> No.23629613

I got chuuba friends around that level of CCV
One is making enough money to fund projects
Another has quit their jobs after doing the maths and is streaming full time now.

>> No.23629616

that was kabhaal and he cherrypicked the one month he ran his most successful subathon/donothon.

>> No.23629672

Sponsorships pay well but it seems like streamers went too hard being sellouts, now only a few seem to do sponsorships. To me this seems to indicate that companies are being more selective. At 200 or 300 I doubt you can get any good sponsorships anymore so you will be relying on your loyal whales to tip and gift subs.

>> No.23629715

That was Kabhaal, and I just went to look for the pic for >>23629429 but it seems he deleted it or I'm just dumb. It was kind of a rage tweet anyway so I can see why he'd remove it. It's very easy though to look at the Revenue list that >>23629047 even quotes from though and find a streamers with viewers in the low thousands making hundreds of thousands (albeit over two years) so I'm not sure why they even used it as an example of why you won't make 6 figures with 3k viewers.

>> No.23629788

Well if he's most successful month is $4k, should be also doing alright in other months, I guess.

>> No.23629862

>6 figures
Do your counting reps. (thats 4chan lingo for repetition).

>> No.23629909

nta but do you seriously think streamers make 100% of their income through Subs/Bits alone? For most smart large streamers that size and bigger, a majority of their money comes from sponsors, merch, etc. unless they just have some kind of crazy ludwig/mousey-tier subathon that lasts a month This is something plenty of them have gone on record saying.

>> No.23629919

>he thinks 24k viewers is the same as 3k viewers
oh no he's retarded

>> No.23629956

i'll wait for your sources instead of made up ass pulls

>> No.23630002

Just to use an example, we'll go with Zentreya. 460k between August 2019 to October 2021. Given that they multiplied their viewers times 30 in that timeframe, I think it's safe to say a majority of that money was made in 2020/2021 when they had 1k to 3k viewers..

>> No.23630144

Take better care of yourself, period.

I find even shaving and washing up in the 2 hours before stream helps tremendously. Definitely eat and hydrate properly. Cawfee is kind of eh if it gives you heartburn, I'm trying to relax more though so I'll make lavender honey tea for singing and voice.

>> No.23630188


>> No.23630248

for a lot, "pre-debut" means they hanvent done a formal "debut stream"
you typically see it from people who don't have finished live2ds that start streaming so they can build an audience an get affiliate

>> No.23630261

>what is merch

It can yeah. You're throwing it at thousands of people eventually one is bound to have a karen meltdown or somthing, you should be more concerned about how to ignore and deal with it when it happens, not if with these kind of things.

>> No.23630302
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>v-viewers! m-money!

>> No.23630333

Merch varies from streamer to streamer in all honesty, but for those minecraft kids they're making at least six figures off their merch alone but there's bigger streamers that don't make nearly as much from merch because it isn't their focus.

>> No.23630406

Care to move the goalpost now or do you want to admit you're retarded? The Twitch Revenue list that lists Tubbo making a million from Twitch alone has plenty of streamers with 3k OR LESS viewers making six figures.

>> No.23630465

I used to have a massive vocabulary from /lit/ reps, but years of shame, the internet, and dissuse caused it to wither to below average levels. I wish my 17 year old self was streaming, in short.

>> No.23630484

merch isn't that easy to do and most chuubas will barely break even or lose money on their first run. viewers love to talk about it but the number who commit to a purchase ends up being much lower.

>> No.23630590
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>> No.23630629

Don't scream, it will just make you more tense and stupid. Streaming earlier would probably be better so you can be more accountable to a strict schedule.

>> No.23630676

Before you stream, do you preform any pre-stream "Rituals"? Either physical (getting hydrated) or superstitious (singing to get in the streaming mindset)

>> No.23630866

It was never that impressive. When you're young you tend to let yourself believe you know things better than you do. In the end what matters in any form of communication is what you're saying and not the amount of synonyms you're using. You're better now so just do it.

>> No.23630887

Wow, I suggested 3K but it's actually a lot less. It looks like people in the 800+ range have no problem making that much.

>> No.23630949

Why do you think any viewer cares how big your vocabulary is and why you think it would help you whatsoever as a streamer?

>> No.23631197

I make herbal tea, and keep a loaf of bread nearby (I like milk bread). I'm poisoned to the point I cannot drink normal water but I don't want to become reliant on caffeine to function anymore. Plus herbal tea tastes great, adding honey in is good for your voice too.
Bread is for when you are hungry but want to eat without making noise into the mic. I fucking inhale loaves of bread on stream and nobody has said anything about it.

>> No.23631268

>>23631197 (me)
Harder breads like sourdough may not be good for this purpose. But I would recommend milk bread. For silent eating purposes and for the purpose that it tastes very good.

>> No.23631276

as long as you're not repetitive or esl this doesn't really matter
you want to communicate ideas effectively not write purple prose

>> No.23631942

Prepare meals so you never become one of those take out streamers.

>> No.23632198

It would have been cool for a gag.

>> No.23632777

Help asp. How do I keep my chat to a reasonable level of horny. They tend to go way overboard. I appreciate the simp bucks but I don't want my chat to be a porn hub comment section

>> No.23633084

pre ritual I just do what I usually do and its just wake up do morning routine play games right after then after im done all of that my stream schedule matches up for when im done and I begin to stream. sometimes if Im not in the mood to stream though I just kinda go outside and take a bike ride or just sit outside if its raining to get a fresh air.

>> No.23633091

Tell them that this is christian channel and to tone it down.

>> No.23633097

make rules you retard

>> No.23633282

bigger vocab can make you seem really well put together and just presents yourself to the viewer better and it also makes your commentary a little bit more entreating if the right words are used (just like listening to a good story teller who uses different words.)

>> No.23633607

You live in a weird fantasy world, I can't think of a single streamer who has a larger vocabulary than the average person out of everyone I watch or have watched.

>> No.23633605

Can't have one without the other.

>> No.23633695

i have a menhera breakdown, hit live, finish my breakdown during the stream starting screen and unmute ready to roleplay as an anime character for the coming hours

>> No.23633957

Cant think of one either since I dont watch a shit ton of streamers but I can say that whenever watching a video done by someone proper use of words to emphasize a situation makes the storytelling alot more entertaining than using basic words (Doesnt mean that you should try to seem smart by using big words gotta have balance.) im not saying its a need for a streamer but its something that can enhance your commentary if thats something that you want to do.

>> No.23633965

>Check old vods
>start up stream
>everything is good
>check vod again
At least I managed to stream.

>> No.23635239

How often do you guys stream every week? I've been getting a little tired out from day job, so I'm doing 2 short streams during the week and if I'm up to it, 1 longer stream on the weekend.

For those that stream both art and gaming, do you have a designated day to stream one or the other? Or do you notice any difference in viewer stats between the two? I usually stream art during the week, I find that I do better than when I stream art on the weekends for some reasion.

>> No.23635550

Take notes and look at them as you stream.

>> No.23635557


Ngmi ask yourself why you're streaming? Are you streaming just because it's fun or because you want to become popular? If it's fun honestly leave here, join a discord or reddit and you'll have way more. If it's to get popular... I mean still leave here but 2 short streams a day and one possible on the weekend is not enough. You should strea. Every day at least four hours. I don't I do take one day off, but other wise do that. You are fighting with every other streamer. And if you don't have a consistent schedule you will lose 90% of your audience

>> No.23635691

More selective? No way, at around 100ccv you start getting energy drink sponsorship emails and free drink trials.

>> No.23636147

True, but it's not too important. I literally can't tell what xqc is saying half the time and he's still the biggest streamer right now.

>> No.23636389

Yeah, I'm gonna try that again tomorrow.
Really thinking about dropping my link here for help, but meh.

>> No.23636645

NART but I recently decided to do every day for 4 hours and it's very fun, I hope people frequent my stream after working hours.
I've been reading books rather than lurking online off stream and it helps on conveying on how I feel at the moment during stream.

>> No.23636969

I'm not, you dumbass.

>> No.23637469

Just reached 100 followers today and I'm so happy! It feels nice knowing that people enjoy my content and that I'm (hopefully) entertaining

>> No.23637921

Those sponsors typically only pay commission unless you've got thousands of viewers. You can get them as low as 30 viewers from some of the chuubas with codes I've seen. They're really not that great, the bigger chuubas just shill them because they know they can get more people to buy them. "real" sponsors, as in ones that pay you to play games (even better if it's not a gacha) are a lot more selective with who they pick.

>> No.23638124

>COD zombies videos have started suddenly popping up in my feed despite me never playing it
Potential trend? I've always wanted to try it. Would people even be interested in watching a complete newbie stream COD zombies?
Congrats anon! Keep up the good work.

>> No.23638182

>Would people even be interested in watching a complete newbie stream COD zombies?
read the OP

>> No.23638318

People are just feeling nostalgic about the zombie games and analyzing how each consecutive release post Black Ops 3 sucks ass. Idk if it's "stream material" to be honest, it gets insanely boring to watch

>> No.23638698

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
>First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

>> No.23640077

Depends on if you have any whales, or generous gifters, in your community.
I sit at around 10 CCV, especially on longer streams.
I have around 20 subs most of the time. The number fluctuates a bit, and some of it is friends dropping their prime subs, but i'd be around 15 without them.

Each sub gets you around $2.50, call it $2 after paypal takes a cut, and to account for price differences.
You need 200 over the week to get a 40hr minimum wage job equivalent.
This is why a patreon, or ko-fi; with adjacent skills can help. If you have decent VA skills, then voice packs, JOI, custom lines, etc. Artists get to double-dip by doing commissions and streaming them.

Going purely by CCV, around 300 probably gives you enough to be the low-income house-mate in a flatshare.

>> No.23640172

Have you ever checked out how many of your viewers are also vtubers?

>> No.23640190

Play a different game.
If it's a game you're not interested in, you're not going to be hype, or engaging in chat.
This is why I tend to mix in chilhood favourites (dungeon keeper, as an example). They're games i loved, but they're older, and so much less resource intensive, and generally easier.

>> No.23640859

Any German /asp/ies here or german fags in general?

>> No.23641135

How much do people tolerate voice and model mismatch? Like if you click on a shota catboy and found out the voice is that of a macho man, or vice versa

>> No.23641629

Personally if the mismatch is intensely far between it can work great like a cute loli bunny girl with a deep Yujiro Hanma male voice. If the mismatch doesn't really come across as a parody or just seems like the VA is trying to put on a voice (very typical for transexual/gay tubers) it doesn't work. Again though, these are my opinions.

>> No.23641707

I personally think it's pathetic and many male viewers think the same. It's an instant leave. Most VTubers will still support you but they'd support anything they can leech off from anyway.

>> No.23641878

I want a shota model but I don't know if I have the voice to pull it off.

>> No.23642022

Can't speak for every single chuuba in that range, but I've known about 4 people in the 300 range and out of all of them, the only one not making 3k+ a month from Twitch alone was the one that's extremely part time. Another 100-view chuuba I talk to was in the 2k range but she's got a lot of paypigs and admittedly milks the hell out of them. This, like you said, is only accounting for their Twitch revenue and not Patreon (which the 100 view makes about 1k off of due to meetups). 300 is more than enough to go full time in most states I'd say, but like you said it can vary.

A lot of their extra income comes from fun alerts, TTS, those audio clip things (boosted my revenue by 50% some months and I'm a nobody), and any other way you can get bits or subs out of people such as wheelspins or other incentives.

>> No.23642034

I just assume you have a mental illness

>> No.23642141

> boosted my revenue by 50% some months and I'm a nobody
> Makes 1$ every other month and thinks he's the deal

>> No.23642192

I believe it's pretty bad, even though i have a male model now, my voice doesn't fit, so I'm pretty much fucked. Might just not bother and just stay babi because then it feels at least deliberate instead of just awkward and sad.

>> No.23642250
File: 42 KB, 546x432, let go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't cut cost to buy a cheap af catboy model

>> No.23642586

100% of them because I haven't finished a normal YouTube upload

>> No.23642689

Why are you projecting?

>> No.23642830
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Forgot my image.

>> No.23642894

You literally said that in stream you moron. Besides it was a joke because it's the other kind of graduation, talk about being an autistic ESL sperg.

>> No.23643227


>> No.23643322

Not trying to say I'm rolling in cash from streaming, just pointing out that things like that can help and do add up over time.

>> No.23644379

>talk about being an autistic ESL sperg
ESL aside you gotta be to be here in the first place. Also Koragi really thought I was graduating, don't want people thinking I'm actually graduating nor making Koragi sad about it. Plus, it's late I should be sleeping.

>> No.23644597

To you 3D chuubas who use VSeeFace, is there no way to adjust the default pose of your character? Hands straight down with weak looking shoulders looks pretty bland.

>> No.23644720

You can pose the model with VRMPoseTransmitter or VRMPosingDesktop alongside vseeface

>> No.23644738

Oh sweet, thanks a lot.

>> No.23644821

There's an arm setting somewhere, can't be assed to open it right now but there's an option to raise or lower the arms

>> No.23645609

Babis run this fucking thread!

>> No.23646354

Aspies run my libido.

>> No.23646508

wow, writing is hard. I have been staring at a blank Word document for an hour trying to come up with something. Now i have the double of respect for YouTubers that script their videos.

>> No.23646676

I must be blind like a bat cause I can't find it.

>> No.23647097
File: 376 KB, 1147x868, VSeeFace_C4grsPlSUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right there but it's literally just one axis for the arms, i'd definitely recommend VRMPosingDesktop, I'll try tinkering with that and see how that works.

>> No.23647214

I should draw again soon…
myself (alt outfit)? Another /asp/ie? A bigger chuuba?
>Captcha: Y0W0R

>> No.23647234
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Yeah jesus I really am blind. But yeah you're right, the one axis setting isn't really the best solution. I'm about to sleep so I was gonna check out the VRMPosing video links anon posted tomorrow instead. Thanks!

>> No.23649138

For Youtube streamers, how long do you spend on thumbnails?

>> No.23649387 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 860x880, 118-1188719_omegalul-emote-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Youtube streamers

>> No.23649691

What kind of PC are you streaming off of? My laptop is getting to 7 years at this point and even for hobby use it's getting difficult to do things, if you've built a PC any advice?

>> No.23650035

I've prepared a whole bunch of png's with various expressions and poses, which shortens the thumbnail making time. Generally I spend 5-10 minutes on one, depending on how nice I want to make it. Most of the time I just quickly get it over with while I try to keep it as nice and attention gathering as possible.

>> No.23650241

Me grooming you! I love to groom art aspies!

>> No.23650862

Oh nyo
what about hairbrushing?

>> No.23651029

Am an uploader not a steamer but I'd take as long as it gets to make it look good. Latest upload took 3 days and 4 massive revisions to get it down but it was worth it (in my opinion). The thumbnail game is 'THE' most important shit when it comes to views, titles and tags and whatnot comes second.

>> No.23651384
File: 170 KB, 1080x1663, FR53wa0XsAIisR0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still debuting after X months/years.
>Twitter feed is 100+ tweets signing up for free models/fanart.
>Eternally stuck shitposting on Twitter.
>24/7 streaming 2 view OR 20 view but streams once a month.
>Poor use of resources, spends $100 on low quality model and $2000 on emotes/banners etc.
>Filtered cuz low quality model.
>Has no actual talents, quirks or personality, not even good at vidya. Not even rich.
>Doesn't even bother learning how to video edit.
>Creates a massive checklist like pic related and ends up overwhelmed/burnt out.
>Goes into debt paying for a high quality model.
>Doesn't settle for a simple PNG with a few animations.
>Never streamed once but wants to be a vtuber.
>Doesn't want to be a vtuber but lurks the /asp/ thread to shit on everyone in it, you know who you are, faggot.
>Can't outperform the average #VtuberDebut 2view.
>Too beta to groom the average babi.
>Gives up and graduates.

>> No.23651576
File: 767 KB, 531x621, a5bnabiy9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but here's a live test with VRMPosingDesktop > Vseeface with some added bullshit. It's quite neat.


>> No.23651710

>Doesn't want to be a vtuber but lurks the /asp/ thread to shit on everyone in it, you know who you are, faggot.
d-do I have my own schizo finally?

>> No.23652418

A question: is a deep understanding and knowledge of a games mechanics and systems along with high competency in the execution of gameplay an adequate replacement for the more traditional jokey commentary? I know a lot about certain games and can play them very well but I'm worried I've got a rather dry and boring personality with little comedic ability. Is it entertainment enough to see something done well and have the process and thinking explained?

>> No.23652433

what is this list even for?

>> No.23652586

>male streamer throne: rare meme gifts
>female streamer throne: constantly cleaned out, some times insanely expensive items

"telling people you are in a relationship doesnt matter" - delusional anons 2022

>> No.23652647

Explaining game mechanics and injecting your input and understanding is good content If you can pull it off well. Voice and speaking/explaining skills plays a major role tho. I've watched people try to explain interesting topics but can't convey much because it's full of uhs and uhms. Look at Karl Jobst explaining speedruns in autistic detail to get a good example of it.

>> No.23652763

Are you really that desperate for viewers?

>> No.23652846

seductive babi... correction needed...

>> No.23653278

Grooming and loving, hairbrushing and handholding!

>> No.23653403

kek, i like the vid nice

>> No.23653599

You're gay, right? No need to answer...

>> No.23653644

I thought it was pretty obvious to be meant as a joke.

>> No.23654466

I work 40+ hours already so I can't feasibly stream everyday and still make off stream content. That's just not physically possible. I don't think it's that cut and dry, there's no rule that you can't have fun while getting popular. My aim is not to become a full time streamer, because I already get paid enough at a job I like, I'm just here to get tips to improve my streams while growing my community.

>> No.23654699

>alone on a friday night
You scared the hell out of me, made me think I lost track of time again

>> No.23655022

If I want to make a dance cover, but don't have a fully rigged 3D model, would it be alright to do it in a silhouette so that nobody sees my face or would I be better off as a fleshtuber(dancer)?

>> No.23655354

I'm also in an 8hr/day position trying to do a stream on Friday night & Saturday night, but on Sunday morning either upload a YouTube video made on stream or record a YouTube video (or plan if I don't have one).

>> No.23655720

I'm in the same boat. My job is too good to quit unless i get paid more streaming (never), so i pretty much do the same here.

>> No.23656410

if you want to be a vtuber, be a vtuber, like what the fuck m8

>> No.23656730

VRoid silhouette? That way you don't have to worry about textures and such, unless your design has things that would need blender modification you aren't capable of. I assume you already have full body tracking since 3D model was your concern and not getting the tracking

>> No.23657404

fellow /asp/ies whats that tool thats used to make your vtuber model look like part of the scene? the one that makes lights really soft and mushy?

>> No.23657408

Post Vocaroo
Mid-range from 2019, tho i rarely stream demanding games

>> No.23657957
File: 358 KB, 800x450, Sample_034_Diffusion使い方-still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoost? picrel. https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-app-shoost-62585593

>> No.23658222
File: 655 KB, 1170x2532, DBF18E0B-C089-488D-84A4-67405C9CD8A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m phonesketching again, might make it into a bigger pic later.
I might change the hoodie for a partially zipped up one and maybe also change the mask

>> No.23658271

yeeees thanks anon!

>> No.23659303

Who does card game content? I want to look at streamers content and see what I can lift from it for my own streams.

>> No.23659478

the disappointed "hmph". why you gotta hit my heart that hard?

also maybe I'm deaf but I can't hear what you said in this section: "but you do know...right?"

>> No.23659748

A little slurred there, i need to get proper VA practise and do more than like 3 takes. The script was "[...] but you do know who runs this thread... right?"

thread is a pretty horrible word to pronounce with my accent i found it rather difficult.

>> No.23660483

This is why I only subtle post here lmao
I do not want to associate with yellow schizo

>> No.23660545

Oh my god you're so cute
Gave you a follow!

>> No.23660574

Havent streamed for weeks. Feel like the depression will make it bad streams or feel like bad streams. Which makes me not stream. Which makes me spiral more.

fucking small town shrink waitlists

>> No.23660920

The amount of people who follow me who's accounts look just like this is legit stunning. Why burn yourself out this much? Why even call yourself predebut if you're already streaming? Stop limiting yourselves and just stream!

>> No.23660981

Not vtubers, but look at Roffle for making concise deck introductions, Lt. Eddy for entertaining Hearthstone videos, and TrumpHS (yes, named after Orange Man long before politics) for decent commentary. A lot of the other streamers suffer from being snoozefests and their videos are only carried by the deck they're playing and their skill level.

I only watch and play Hearthstone. https://youtu.be/Poo3BVdBCDE?t=599

>> No.23661158

Thanks for the list, I mostly want to do mtg, so arena and mtgo seem like my only options, but the commentary examples should help.

>> No.23661282

What's wrong with making a bad stream every once in a while? I do it all the time!

>> No.23661751

I have some extra time right now,
I should draft out another phone sketch…
What should it be…

>> No.23661982

Not something you should be proud of

>> No.23662498

I should try to actually do cybermaid, just need a good expression or setting and maybe dialogue because why the hell not.

>> No.23662773

If you want a good card game content creator, watch farfa and check out his vids. Very entertaining individual who never shuts up. Almost no chuubas dedicate themselves to tcgs (myself included, i only sometimes play hearthstone and i play paper magic instead), but plenty play master duel occasionally bc its still relatively new and attracts viewers still.

>> No.23662850


>> No.23662941

I know lance did a lot of card game stuff when he was streaming. Maybe this anon can reach out and see if he has any insight. I'm sure he isn't busy.

>> No.23663138

I'm being facetious when I say that. What I'm trying to say is that if you always worry about making a bad stream, you'll never actually stream. Better to be shit and then use the knowledge from being shit so you can make good streams later on. They can't all be winners.

>> No.23663345


>> No.23663448

I unironically like your accent...

>> No.23663652

I stream 3 days a week at mondays wednesdays and Fridays and have the rest or other stuff I usually keep it the same for followers to keep track of. and the hours depends on what im doing minimum I go for at least 1 hour if im not feeling it that day and if im feeling good about myself I go up to 4 - 6 hours.

>> No.23663719

When's a numberfag going to start numberfagging aspies? I want to see the gmi aspiers

>> No.23663762

your gonna have those shit streams dont expect to deliver some top tier entertainment from yourself or your just never going to have content on your channel.

>> No.23663820

stop talking with your face and start talking with your chest

>> No.23664407


>> No.23664448

nasally as fuck, don't try it

>> No.23664697

I didnt hear from Nijisanji so I assume I didn't get in but wdyt about my audition tape? Should I keep at it or should I stop /asp/iring?


>> No.23665234

Bro it's really hard to understand you most of the time...

>> No.23665309
File: 8 KB, 233x216, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know they have ladyboys in Vietnam as well.
If it makes you feel better then I feel like you would have been a perfect fit for Nijisanji. Also give me back those 6 minutes of my life.

>> No.23666024


>> No.23666114

oh nyo.

>> No.23666238

>no replies on twitter
>very slow growth?
I need to reply to more people even if it’s nothing really meaningful I guess…
If I can’t do this shit right then I maybe shouldn’t be wasting my time …

>> No.23666421

Simply be entertaining and charismatic it is that fucking easy.

>> No.23666476

create content people want to consume. it's that easy.

>> No.23666508

>that accent
I have that very same accent and I needed to adopt british and american just to sound tolerable in my own ear
>should I stop /asp/iring
Anon you don't need to be a corpo, you can literally just stream as an indie chuuba

>> No.23666654


>> No.23666749

define "very slow." when did you start

>> No.23666957

Cordy is on! She hasn't been around in a few days and streaming The messenger

>> No.23667015

Be part of a community; make friends

>> No.23667041

Effectively at the start of April, but started streaming a little bit in March
My marketing reps are absolute crap though, so that’s my problem.
(It doesn’t help that I feel a little uncomfortable putting myself out there but dammit I’m going out push myself in the right direction somehow)

>> No.23667084


>> No.23667133

Fuck you for baiting me into this gayfag shit

>> No.23667162

I would rupture that clone pussy into a crater, babi or not

>> No.23667401

>join a community
…which ones?
I’m in one right now (Western Indie Vtubers discord), but more wouldn’t hurt
I guess I could try to put out a call on twitter or something…

>> No.23667488

You just started you dork.

>> No.23667516


>> No.23667575
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, 92E96AC9-4031-4444-B62B-A2AE6013C607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a baka.

>> No.23667757

I know worrying about things as stupid and meaningless as twitch panels is dumb but I feel like not having any on top of my indie-ass setup will just make people go oh no no no no and think I'm cringe

>> No.23667804

"gayfag" is my favorite word I've read on 4chan in 2022 so far

>> No.23667881
File: 115 KB, 284x545, confused_loli2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are twitch panels?

>> No.23667893

Most viewers watch on mobile and they can't even see panels. Ever since they added links to the profile, panels lost all their relevancy

>> No.23667954

The big cards underneath the twitch stream on desktop. A lot of people go all out with posting links to donate, their social medias, and their stream rules.

>> No.23667997

Make an older cat boy, problem solved. Mix your preferences and adjust for your vocal tone. Just make sure it matches.

>> No.23668070

I can’t wait for my model so then I can make more content than just sketches…

>> No.23668076

You got the low level reach out email. Some come with monthly deliveries, clear pay per month, commision, and if you're really large, merch collaborations.

>> No.23668125

You can see them under the "about" section if they go to your profile on mobile, I think. Markdown links don't work though

>> No.23668159
File: 90 KB, 600x302, twitch-panels-example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a desktop view example of 6 panels with custom image headers.

>> No.23668398

Gay or not I would breed the fuck out of cordy and force him to use a voice changer. That blonde not cagliostro model is sex

>> No.23668414

I didn't like it, your accent was hard to understand, it didn't sound cute and the mic was hard to pick up your voice.

You were explaining something too long and when I skipped ahead you were playing a rhythm game while moaning.

I would get a better mic setup and a more coherent stream idea.

>> No.23668454

What is a good way to take questions for answering on a Q&A stream?

>> No.23668491


>> No.23668537

Oh I see, thanks anons for explaining.

>> No.23668547

askfm or marshmallowqa

>> No.23668554

Forgot to add:
How many questions would be good for a stream?
Last time unused it, it was really hard to use because it was all in Japanese. Had this changed?

>> No.23668610

Used* not unused.

>> No.23668638


>> No.23668786

I don't like babis but I guess his model with feet isn't so bad

>> No.23669140

I really don't want to do a debut. Would it be weird if a chuuba with a l2d and fancy stuff just pops up and starts streaming without one?

>> No.23669167


>> No.23669250

The question should be, will anyone watch you on your debut? If you start at zero the answer is probably no. If you can gather enough followers for a debut then go for it but other than that, it's probably not worth the hassle. Just start streaming and maybe set your debut as celebration for hitting affiliate or a specific follower goal? Debut stream is nothing more than a introduction.

>> No.23669284

corpos debut because they have guaranteed views.
Indies shouldn't bother. Having a debut eventually is fine and good, you just don't have to for your first stream (unless of course, you've been doing you're shilling reps on social media and you KNOW you're going to have at least a couple pairs of eyes).

>> No.23669376

>set your debut as celebration for hitting affiliate or a specific follower goal
Oh that's a nice idea. I'll go with that approach. Thanks anons!

>> No.23669542

>I really don't want to do a debut.
then dont

>> No.23669810
File: 1003 KB, 1079x1134, Screenshot_20220504-124913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heres your bfe for the day bros

>> No.23670015

It doesn't matter if your content isn't GFE or similarly styled shit. I'm not even sure how Throne gifts are even an indicator of why a relationship isn't OK to talk about seeing as some streamers push them and others don't. I've seen smaller streamers get significantly more gifts from there than significantly larger ones, both female, simply because the smaller one pushes their throne and farms paypigs harder.

>> No.23670131

Everyday I save multiple people from rape.

>> No.23670133


>> No.23670194

It's less than 50%

>> No.23670213

Don't talk about me like that

>> No.23670261

source: trust me bro

>> No.23670409
File: 236 KB, 965x808, IMG_20220401_024429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some rpg maker stream ill be making more forest i believe

>> No.23670456

Source is Twitch itself as well as a majority of people's viewer statistics.

>> No.23670508

Debuts come from the Japanese media industry. They do live debuts and live events to promote products and to promote new acts and indie idols or junior idols. The debut performance of idol groups is to get people interested before they do their regular act. It makes some sense that Japanese corporations do debut streams for their new vtuber acts because it follows their cultural trends and they can get viewers based on being a corporation backed act.

The reason western indies do debut streams (probably unbeknown to them) is cargo cult mentality. They don't really think about why the Japanese do debuts but they do, and they want to be like the Japanese. Then other western indies see that and do it too. In reality you will only get inflated numbers because of follow for follow relationships with other western indies almost like a pyramid scheme. Alternatively they were already an established streamer before their debut and so they already have an audience. So then you get this situation where everybody does a debut so you probably should, it will probably bring in new viewers, right? Nope. Maybe there is a fanatic debut hunting fan but most people will watch or not watch regardless. Just start unless having a debut is part of your weeb fantasy, because lets be real that's what it is for most western indies..

>> No.23670549

nta but the main statistic you can find is 35%, though that's a dated number from 2019 it's probably still around that.

>> No.23670749

I just checked the app and the panels are right there? Why are you lying on the internet?

>> No.23670972

I think that anon meant when you're watching the stream, because you have to go through a couple extra taps to view the about with the stream zoomed out compared to desktop where you just scroll down

>> No.23670993

>people lying on asp
Welcome to 90% of the thread.

>> No.23671031

panels being visible and people giving enough of a shit to scroll down to read them are two very different things

>> No.23671107

You're so smart fucking retard.

>> No.23671793

Don't doompost on your chuuba account

>> No.23671835
File: 357 KB, 660x654, 1621319999756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admiral leggy

>> No.23672434
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 2_112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thank you for linking me and also thanks to anyone who stopped by!

>> No.23672632

That should really be a no-brainer.

>> No.23672639

Babi love
Babi sex

>> No.23673089

Cordy please can you use a voice changer once?

>> No.23674323

So question, I am beginning my journey on becoming a vtuber, and the person I found that is willing to do the art, modeling, and rigging has asked me to provide a reference sheet of the character. I was wondering about how much should I be willing to shell out for a good reference sheet that includes the front, side, and back profile?

>> No.23674500

Only front is enough honestly, maybe part of back if you able to spend more.

>> No.23674570

Well, how much can you spend? I'd argue that unless you're getting lots of art, just a front reference would do. A model is only of the front anyways. Your character designer should be giving you a good front view (flat pose, easy to see the details) regardless.

>> No.23674571

150 dollars is what I'd say for a good but not massively popular artist. You can also find cheaper for lesser quality or if you shop around and find someone kinda new.

>> No.23674635

My artist created the model without a reference sheet. It's not needed if the artist is good and experienced so I'd look for someone else. If you have a character design that's already enough, no artist needs the side/back view for a vtuber model.

>> No.23674636

>buy model
>buy ref sheet for model
can you people do anything on your own?

>> No.23674662

150 is a pretty normal price, but in all honesty it doesn't need to be amazing as long as the artist making the actual model is a good.

>> No.23674731

I'd argue even half that, just skimming through the Live2D server marketplace there are solid picks for a character designer that does front+back views for 80.

>> No.23674762

Literally nothing wrong with commissioning your asset

>> No.23674794

Anon the 5 hours I spent at my job to get the money to commission my designer is far less than the hours it would have taken me to learn how to draw at their level.

>> No.23674930

t. 2view with jank png

>> No.23674963

150 for a reference sheet... are you fucking retarded?

>> No.23674991

I am a 2view with a GOOD png ty

>> No.23675015

I can understand them, minimum wage is like more than $10, I've spent a lot more time on my model.

>> No.23675162

A detail back and front sheet of decent quality for 150 is a fairly average price especially if you've got more complex avatar. Obviously you don't need to pay that much but it's a fairly common price, especially if you're also getting character design alongside it.

>> No.23675175

I still think about kaiser's 900 moolah png sometimes..
Don't overspend, /asp/ies

>> No.23675194

i still think about zylphe's $4k artgun model

>> No.23675227

whoa lmao

>> No.23675331
File: 775 KB, 540x576, 1649824334114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody knows that I spent C$2000+ on parts for a PC build and still don’t even have a GPU
That doesn’t even count new monitor which was like over C$600

>> No.23675333

>150 for a reference sheet... are you fucking retarded?
Asking someone to design a character isn't free. If you're asking them to do so that's definitely normal. If you already have the design then maybe not.

>> No.23675359

His model didn't cost that much, Artgun charged way less back then, he got to her before anyone knew who she was. It was probably a few hundred at best

>> No.23675419
File: 77 KB, 192x352, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he barely even move, or speak. This might as well be a png

>> No.23675442
File: 539 KB, 1000x715, 9dbe19b98aec516daf4f451c8b2d34e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now offering my services to /asp/ies.

>> No.23675494

ur kinda dumb

>> No.23675578

To see how much you guys overpaid for stupid stuff gives me brain damage

>> No.23675785

Google form. Set it up with a single question, where the user can just enter anything, then they come to a google sheet you can read, which is super easy

>> No.23675814

None of these prices are "overpaid", they're very normal prices of these things.

>> No.23675995

>getting a monitor over a gpu
anon u dumb.

>> No.23676034

>normal pricing
Go ahead and share you cheap, good quality art with us anon.

>> No.23676085

show us the stuff you paid for or go slash your throat

>> No.23676349


>> No.23676441

Anyone who says they paid less than the standard either never provides proof or starts calling everyone retards and dodging the question

>> No.23676539

I have had pglegm in the far back of my throat for 4 days

>> No.23676566

welcome to /asp/

>> No.23676630

gargling warm salt water is a common remedy

>> No.23676958

So I don't particularly care for weeb shit.
I dont have lore.
I do have bouncy titts and multiple nice models assets and active stream/chat.

Am I a vtuber or just, a youtuber? Is the only Manny a vtuber ? What does it mean Mason!

>> No.23677011

Holy shit based! I said this before and they all got really mad over if lol

>> No.23677054

you probably called everyone stupid and didn't give actual advice

>> No.23677073

I got my computer for free. Try being more cute. 4k pc for absolutely nothing, with an rtx 3090.

>> No.23677098


>> No.23677153

Many such cases!

>> No.23677195

Nah I explained that certain sites charge too much and that also going to people who market themselves as vtuber artist or creators makes them pay a premium. Kinda like the pink tax where pink stuff is more expensive or that gamer branded stuff is over priced. Also that haggling in reason is a ok

>> No.23677219
File: 20 KB, 471x402, lenovo toaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just works.

>> No.23677262

If you have a character on display instead of your actual self consider yourself a chuuba

>> No.23677267

I did anon I swears, I even actually got paid for it. Was pretty cool. You could do it too but you're a little stinky

>> No.23677304

You think you need lore or be anime to be a vtuber?

>> No.23677357
File: 52 KB, 800x450, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stinky and male. I'll never get free shit.

>> No.23677461

I mean if we are getting technical vtuber is virtual youtuber, where "virtual" means the youtuber isn't real. The term has been raped into meaning avatarfag so we now have no way of separating the two.

>> No.23677475

Haggling is such a sensitive topic since people are too prideful to negotiate for less. Their loss.

>> No.23677527

How did you spend 2k on this? I... are prices really that bad now?
Idk lol, I mean it seems like vtuber are supposed to have those things, other wise what's the diff between a vtuber and a furry rant sona complaining about the age of consent

>> No.23677608

>How did you spend 2k on this? I... are prices really that bad now?
I'm not them and I didn't spend 2k on that. Price was 1k.

>> No.23677634

Yeah there was some weird like huge push back when I mentioned it. But often times the artist or person is willing to work for less with in reason or come to a deal. I know I over charge my clients. At least in the since I'll charge 50 but I'd be happy to do it for like 42 or so.

>> No.23677677

>I mean it seems like vtuber are supposed to have those thing
Most vtubers lore does not matter, it never comes up past the first stream.

>> No.23677751

The pushback was because you just said "GO HAGGLE BRO" and only after people suggested you should only do this if you're also haggling your end did you change your tune. This revisionist shit is kind of retarded in all honesty. You came in being an asshole, people corrected you, then you got upset and acted like you were some big mogul big shot.

>> No.23678189

What does that even mean lol? Only if you haggle your end too? When did I agree to that. I mean that can be a method but was never the main thing I pushed. Threads are archive, feel free to read it if you want lol. People were super butt hurt saying the price is the price.

>> No.23678343

> design + model = $150
> rigging = $350
Did I do good, /asp?

>> No.23678377
File: 217 KB, 506x406, qktdGZ8h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i've finally run out of steam, it should be about time to stop pretending like this was something i could do. You guys have been mighty helpful, but if you aren't the right personality for this, no amount of advice will fix that. I've tried to stay hopeful, but that isn't really my strong suit. I'll see how i feel next monday.

>> No.23678382

Depend of the complexity of the design/rig.

>> No.23678425
File: 601 KB, 1235x655, thegroomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're my art slave remember? I pet your head, and you give me drawings.

>> No.23678486

How much for your new JRPG design? This is a serious question.

>> No.23678670

He mentioned something like 900 eurobucks

>> No.23678798

That's how much he paid, if I'm buying a per-designed and pre-used character off him I'm expecting to pay less than half.

>> No.23678833
File: 28 KB, 536x564, Screenshot 2022-05-04 201427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I intend on eventually doing VR stuff and whatnot too

>> No.23678897


>> No.23679040

Oh you mean you wanna buy it lol. Dude just got the png like last month so I don't expect him to drop the price down too much

>> No.23679123

I wish I were a cute /asp/ies art slave...

>> No.23679138

Kaiser you gotta stop numberfagging and just do your thing.

>> No.23679420

Numberfagging responsibly is fine, but if you have ZERO content you can't expect to grow. Numberfagging when you're consistently putting out even mediocre quality content and realizing you've been doing it for months on end with zero growth is when you should start to let brainworms set in, not when you've barely started putting in effort a few weeks ago.

>> No.23679622

hey man, it's that or just let it rot while you give up and call it a waste of money

>> No.23680105


>> No.23680160

Corpse I didn't know you were an /asp/ie

>> No.23680230

Get a new GPU(at least 3080 tier) and buy at least 1TB more of SSD.
Don't waste your 5950x CPU.

>> No.23680305

>have to play the game while playing it well while saying what you're doing while doing the voice while listening to the music while remembering to change expressions, all of this before reading the chat
bros this is hard

>> No.23681193

I would personally just have one expression for general use while focusing on a particular hard part of the game and after that's done I'll give my thoughts about it while changing expressions.

also what game?

>> No.23681470

Fuckin' menheras...

>> No.23682020
File: 118 KB, 485x500, bakawhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with people going menhera out of nowhere?
Is it cold feet or something?

>> No.23682112

It's the nature of the thread. We are all just 2views trying to be something more and when that fails over and over we break.

>> No.23682157

overflow from /wvt/

>> No.23682340

You underestimate the fragility of the human spirit. Have you ever seen a biopic about a rockstar? Imagine something like that, recontextualized to a failed rockstar.
Now instead of a failed rockstar that gets kicked out of local bars regularly, imagine a failed vtuber who paid just as much for their equipment, and knows they will never make it and probably has a shitty day job and an unhealthy coping mechanism.

>> No.23682376

It's people realizing that they don't have what it takes, that's all. Most people don't, but some people are at least capable of doing this for fun

>if you aren't the right personality for this, no amount of advice will fix that
This is the key thing though. He's right. No amount of advice can fix a boring, mediocre, or just generally unentertaining personality that you've literally been fostering your entire life. It takes time, a hell of a lot more time than most people want to spend.

>> No.23682461

>failed rockstar
To fail you have to actually try. All he did was buy an expensive design, make a schedule template, and then stream Final Fantasy and RPG Maker a couple times. There was no effort made for actual growth which is what holds most people (especially aspies) back.

>> No.23682617

Last for WAGMI

>> No.23682639

He should just がんばって.

>> No.23682721

the majority of people aren't cut out to be a content creator. vtubing gave everyone the delusion that they could finally larp their OCs and make money from it. none of them realize you still have to be entertaining for people to watch you.

>> No.23682772

The top streamers are boring as shit (not necessarily top vtubers I guess). People had the idea that any asshole could do it from the start.
