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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23597771 No.23597771 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23598092

What a fucking saviorfag.
She's too good for rushia.

>> No.23598336

I want to impregnate Mike

>> No.23598503

>just enjoy

>> No.23598824

Don't complain about them draining your energy then, you dumb bitch.

>> No.23599111

At least link a decent channel and not trash

>> No.23599245

I keep you're bitch ass from roping all the time I am at the very least allowed to bitch about it.

>> No.23599261

if you dont like something, dont watch it.

>> No.23599294

If you tell kson to not do something she will do it.

>> No.23599299

Not watching your clip because I already knew this. Anyway it's not even necessarily about mikeneko, just about people giving their unsolicited advice on who she should and shouldn't collab with, which has happened many times in many circumstances. Kson doesn't care about your opinion.

>> No.23599655

ksons slide into wrangling a drama chuuba will be funny to watch

>> No.23599761

>Do not let me mating press you, kson

>> No.23599826

Remember when everyone promoted KSON after Coco graduated and pretended to be such big supporting fans of her but then quickly stopped because of how boring KSON is?

>> No.23600006

>then don't interact with her you retard
Do women really?

>> No.23600042

Reverse search archive
Ten ++ same thread
Hide Thread
Goodbye Faggot

>> No.23600108

I don't want kson to collab with Mikeneko
I don't want kson to collab with anyone
I just want kson to commit suicide on stream

>> No.23600141

Savior complex also Mikeneko is her friend

Will never happen, an entire global superpower tried to an hero her and failed

>> No.23600187
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>> No.23600222

Some code autists with a couple bots made her cry like a bitch on stream.

>> No.23600228

Artia is living in your head rent free.

>> No.23600289

>Mikeneko is her friend
Kek, collab never, lunch never.
She even adviced her to stop dwelling in the past and move on when Mikeneko shitposted non-stop on her twitter. Eat rice dude.

>> No.23600346

She will Amazon press you instead anonchama...

>> No.23600352
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>> No.23600378

>peak SEA hours
>Kson thread is up
Really make you think huh?

>> No.23600405

I CAN FIX HER mentality

>> No.23600420

Rent free, in your head, forever.
Thank you.

>> No.23600443

Crying for literally a few seconds is fine, the important thing is she will never anhero.

>At the same time PH /pol/ thread is up
Flipland is basically a Chink colony, what did you expect?

>> No.23600451

collab with girl is ok

>> No.23600460
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>> No.23600520

No kson, don't suck me cock and then let me creampie you 5 times in a row, nooo!

>> No.23600537

You can't just blame china for all your problems flip. This is why you're a forever shithole

>> No.23600575

You are doing it, for free.

>> No.23600585

I want her to an hero herself though. Especially on stream.

>> No.23600613

Begin with yourself.

>> No.23600676

Is this the new otakmori?

>> No.23600689

Reading comprehension anonchama. I don't want to commit an hero, I want kson to do it

>> No.23600691

and dont you dare ovulate while i keep cumming in you

>> No.23600746

post the dung eater image please its really funny every time you do it

>> No.23600767

Then be an example.

>> No.23600790

What the fuck is a dung eater. I just want to see kson kill herself

>> No.23600839

No. I want to live. I don't want kson to live. Simple as.

>> No.23600911

Come on anon you do it, be the hero of Vt and let us see

>> No.23601027

As always an whore will forever act as if someone who break an NDA and cucked her fans is 100% good

>> No.23601035

It's like she has better understanding about that siutation than some shizos on 4channel

>> No.23601073

You lack reading comprehension

>> No.23601099

She doesn't seem to disagree with the shit canning though.

>> No.23601113

Kek. Even the most schizo /vt/ranny is smarter than kson

>> No.23601208

No, you're not.

>> No.23601301

Yes they do

>> No.23601385

It’s up to her just hope it doesn’t bite her in the ass

>> No.23601523

Okay, but why?

>> No.23601606

Come on, anon, commit a bullet and depending on the stain you leave on the wall we will know if you have a brain or not.

>> No.23601762

It will be funny seeing such a basic bitch commiting suicide on stream

>> No.23601864

her choice. her consequences.

>> No.23602017

COVID is China's fault.

>> No.23602116

Cool. I fail to see the relevance with my desire to see kson's suicide though

>> No.23603115

Whenever I read things like this I cringe into oblivion. You sound like a overly edgy 11 year old trying to look cool but it really just invokes pity. I hope one day you will outgrow your diapers....

>> No.23603147

she knows only anti schizo niggers are still acting like stupid chink bugs and shes basically an extrovert yankee type when it comes to relationships.

i keep saying it but she will definitely invite mike if she runs a new vtuber agency.

>> No.23603162


>> No.23603198


also nuke china

>> No.23603972

>I hope one day you will outgrow your diapers....
If he does, he'll just shit all over the place or in whatever pants gets put on him.

>> No.23604487

I don't want to look cool, I just want to see kson's suicide
Sometimes I wonder if /vt/ is the illiterate central

>> No.23604697

I wonder if you would say that without being anon
I will acknowledge your intention if you do with your facepic

>> No.23604783

> Yura
Based channel

>> No.23604803

Russia is getting BTFO'D, now you are all alone, nobody likes you, and you will never conquer Taiwan. This will be yet another American century.

>> No.23604859

I don't need your acknowledgment though

>> No.23604904

you clearly do with your generous (you)
cmon, post it again with facepic and timestamp

>> No.23604931


>> No.23604976

By that logic you keep replying to me because you crave my acknowledgment.
Are you truly illiterate?

>> No.23605007

Dog eater

>> No.23605039

Why do you reply to the same post multiple times?

>> No.23605153

yes and?
more (you)s please

>> No.23605160

Hi Artia, how's China treating you?

>> No.23605197

just say it again with facepic and timestamp anon
I want more drama
be the hero

>> No.23605242

Okay. Are interested in being kson's anti?

Wrong person

>> No.23605298

>just say it again with facepic and timestamp anon
No, I won't.
Now what?

>> No.23605310

I already know the answer but do you fags not have any friends?

>> No.23605384


>> No.23605481

then you dont really mean it

>> No.23605588

If that's your opinion.

>> No.23605605


>> No.23605659


>> No.23605672

yeah what are you gonna do about it

>> No.23605703

I never watched coco
I tried watching Kson an damn, whats the big deal? I see nothing interesting

>> No.23605752

I don't really care about your opinion. I just want to see kson's suicide.
I've been repeating this several times already

>> No.23605797

yeah me too
you dont mean shit

>> No.23605819

whats this nigger chink loser.

>> No.23605823

Alright then

>> No.23605867

all bark no bite

>> No.23605884

Racism is uncool, anon.

>> No.23606068

Don't forget how much they numberfagged that time too.

>> No.23606073

nothing dumber than a third world nigger who believes hes relevant. you have zero influence on anyone or any first world stuff. you can still shitpost here for sure, but third world niggers are simply eyesores to me. go back to your monkey cesspit, dumb ape

>> No.23606137

Racism doesn't make you relevant either.

>> No.23606522

t. Zhang

>> No.23606882

you are a literal psychopathic schizo fuck who wants to watch someone else burn to death. you dont have anything worth being entitled, fucking imbecile subhuman ape. 4chan is a place to shitpost but schizoposts like yours and shitting a thread up are simply unfunny. go spam on reddit or twatter, chinky dumb baboon.

>> No.23607048

Coco and Rushia did nothing wrong. Cover is a black company

>> No.23607191

coco did nothing wrong and wasn't fired. rushia did do something wrong and deserved to be fired.

>> No.23607523

The US paid for it

>> No.23607561

Lose weight mutt

>> No.23607630
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>coco did nothing wrong
She's guilty of being cringe

>> No.23607966

I don't really watch her but, based.

>> No.23608027

let he who is not guilty of cringe cast the first stone

>> No.23608062

>Kson doesn't care about your opinion.
That's why no one watches her anymore except a handful of hardcore gachikoi who think they're sticking it to the chinks.

>> No.23608343

She doesn't care about the opinion of retards.
Think about your oshi, would you like her to indulge requests that morons make for SC?

>> No.23609348

artia to this day is still seething

>> No.23609493

the same goes for wishing someone dead

>> No.23609779

Shut the fuck up zhang and stop shitting everywhere you go

>> No.23610030

I wonder what all the redditors on this board would have come up with to defend their oshi and her unfunny whore behavior, if they didn't have the chinkpocalypse letting them respond to any criticism with "zhang xD" in perpetuity.

>> No.23610223

there would be no need to "defend her" from zhangs and fartoids in that scenario though?

>> No.23610288
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simple, if you reply with "chink" and get a reply, usually angry one, there's probability that anon is in fact a bug. And if it's not, and some random larping mutt is getting all worked up screeching and typing angrily, trying to psychoanalyze basic shitposting, then clearly he has below average IQ, just like you anonchama.
Why so serious?

>> No.23610347

Biased hate isnt criticism

>> No.23610389

Based Kson. Why should she care that Mikeneko broke NDA? Antis are mentally deranged.

>> No.23610399
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>I don't like it, therefore it's shit.
many such cases

>> No.23610573

Not sure why people even tried to stop her, Nux of all people, who at the time was seen as the biggest drama magnet in the entire Vtuber scene, didn't stop her from collabing with him at the time... Don't know how people think this time they could convince her otherwise.
Kson be Kson, independent as a Vtuber and as her own person

>> No.23610666

I keep seeing these clips where Kson is talking about having lunch with Mikeneko and collabing with her, but I never see Mikeneko saying the same. Is this collab actually happening? Has Mikeneko expressed the desire to start collabing again?

>> No.23610731

The idiot who made this misspelled "schizo"

>> No.23610773

just like kiara recently, she doesn’t tive a duck anymore, she started talking about collabing with ironmouse noticed a few hateful messages in chat, then proceeded to mention she already collabed with nyannes saying “how does that make tou feel?”

>> No.23610986

Clam down and drink some piss, shizochama

>> No.23611279

so you act like the bugs I see

>> No.23611530
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Why do people even try to save Michael anymore? She's a bona fide menhera that only cares about 2 things: money and company. Not people or her viewers mind you, just their presence

>> No.23611611

who's your oshi

>> No.23611631

I'd link you one of Mikes' tweets about her but yeah

>> No.23611830

I see how people are hypocrites.
If you break an NDA and get fired from your job, you've made a mistake and deserve a second chance.
But if you told KSON that Mikeneko is dangerous, you are a cockroach, worm, hater, or oxygen waste.
These are the "tolerant" people, reducing others for expressing themselves, just look at the video comments.

>> No.23611964

>If you break an NDA and get fired from your job, you've made a mistake and deserve a second chance.
This entire sentence makes no sense.
Kson isn't hiring her. Kson isn't even in a position to hire her.
How is Kson giving her a "second chance" unless you believe that something that is a strictly professional failure should be seen as her failing in every other sense too

>> No.23612068
File: 52 KB, 992x744, bugmanbegone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs to be fumigated

>> No.23612197

My criticism isn't about Kson, it's about the moral flexibility of the community, as if someone should be ashamed of themselves for saying they believe it would be better for Kson to walk away from Mikeneko, you can just say you don't agree.

>> No.23612224

At this very moment, Mike doesn't want to collab with anyone out of fear of her antis attacking them. She's also declined invites to tournaments or other events on the same reasoning, and I think it's even gotten to the point that she's afraid of playing with her irl friends online just in case.
Give her a few months for things to settle down and we'll see what her thoughts about collabing her.

>> No.23612293

She had no problem trying to use her dramafag friends to sic antis on the girls who "bullied" her though lol

>> No.23612316

I don't watch or give a shit about her but isn't that exactly how it should be? I want my oshi to care about me not fair weather retards that don't belong there.

>> No.23612366

Sounds like you're projecting your own mentally ill personality onto her if that's what you think her reasoning is. I'm sure your next response will be just as filled with venom and prove me right.

>> No.23612779


>> No.23612833


>> No.23612997

The contract breach happend and theres nothing to do about it, get over it. This kind of mentality is that social media problem that judge you for something you write 10 years ago

>> No.23613286

Great, 4chan is for the uncool boys.

>> No.23613330

My groomed 2view.

>> No.23614717

Gods, some of the reply chains in this thread made me realize Kson's fans are just as retarded as her chink antis

>> No.23614741

Stop spamming clips you fucking clipfaggots

>> No.23614793

Kson is irrelevant these days, she needs Mike more than Mike needs her

>> No.23614870


>> No.23616729

Do you realize that, unlike you, kson actually knows mikeneko, was one of Rushia's closer friends at Hololive, and most likely knows the actual details of what happened to cause the termination beyond a very selected screenshots? Your opinion on whether kson should associate with mikeneko is literally worthless, and you have no business telling her. You're not necessarily a cockroach but it definitely takes a degree of arrogance to tell someone who knows 10x more about a person than you do that they shouldn't associate because of drama posts you read online. You don't know what's going on and it's none of your business.
Of course, if you just post "mikeneko is dangerous, stay away kson" here or 5ch, who gives a fuck. But if you're actually contacting kson to tell her this, please try harder to not be an obnoxious sperg.

>> No.23617019

yarr harr boyo suck me cock and drain me balls. AHOY!

>> No.23618206


>> No.23619288

so you can commit suicide at the same time with her? how romantic anon.

>> No.23619402

who actually cares

>> No.23619716

Based. Kson is overrated bitch

>> No.23620042

I dislike how intent she is with getting involved with mike i really do Kson come on be smarter than this not everyone in the family needs to be welcomed with open arms god dammit even dominic toretto wised up to vinces bullshit in Fast & Furious

>> No.23620480

imagine being a Biden supporting liberal like yourself
Couldn't be me

>> No.23621129

Racism is OK against chinks

>> No.23621925
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don't hurt your back chingchong, remember you have to make your quota in the rice fields tomorrow.

>> No.23624468

I really hope she gets burned hard.

>> No.23625231

She is grand unityfag who believe in love even face the hatred from super power nation. She will be fine. Kson will save Russia

Truth the plan

>> No.23626448

Personally I think the latter is a tad bit smarter

>> No.23626480

Even Jesus welcomed disgraced sinners into his discipleship.

>> No.23627399

I hate bugs so much.

>> No.23630482

Are nigger still unironiclly calling anyone who doesn't like Kson a chink? I haven't been browsing here very often recently.

>> No.23630636

I want you to kys jinping asslicker

>> No.23630670

it's their coping mechanism, they cant accept that any other race can hate her too

>> No.23631218

if they are chinks they seethe, if they are not chinks they seethe.
is infallible,and you are the example

>> No.23632739

Kson fans have done a very good job at being so obnoxious that no one outside of her cult actually watches Kson anymore.

>> No.23633505

They're still doing it. Probably because they can't actually say anything actually good about her

>> No.23633641

People literally call her Jesus

>> No.23633664

As Nietzsche said, He who Fights Monsters...

To be honest most of the good things happened during the Coco era

>> No.23633780

>lab were it originated was US funded


>> No.23633915

You will never be Chinese

>> No.23633999

Being cringe is, like, the best part. If you don't know how to take being cringe and bear it with pride you unironically can't be a performer.

>> No.23634126

Everyone has a friend that can be exhausting at times but they're still your friend at the end of the day. That's what friendship is, like a relationship. You take the good with the bad.

>> No.23634349

Ksonfags and Mikefags start fighting
Let's see how its will go

>> No.23634454

Both tried to piss off their fans
IDK what will happen?
Nobody gonna stop them

>> No.23634527

I've seen mike thread posters talk about being suicidal but apparently it makes them want to watch her more. Maybe it happened to Kson too?

>> No.23634658
File: 962 KB, 480x579, good_luck_learning_english[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1tolqz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23635509

If she doesn't know bug man helped neko she deserves to be the leeched on

>> No.23637234

I never said that I want that
