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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23511353 No.23511353 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss the VSingers (virtual singers) of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.


Quick VSinger primer:https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

5/6-5/7: HIMEHINA LIVE 2022 "Aitai Bokura" https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2022_aitaibokura
5/8: MonsterZ MATE 4th Anniversary LIVE -愚者- "Fool" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22050819-mzm4th
5/15: VALIS 2nd Anniversary Mini-Live "Emotion Prestige Vol. 2" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10179
5/21: MaRiNaSu 1st Cover Live 「BANG!BURN!BUNG!」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10190
5/29: Shishigami Leona ONE-MAN LIVE 「from here」https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/ikebukuro/news/31139/
5/29: LiLYPSE 1st ONLINE LIVE「-双星歌劇- 反実仮想ARCHETYPE」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10191
6/11-6/12: V-Carnival vol.2 https://twitter.com/vcarnival_staff/status/1509455460373565440
6/12: nayuta 15th Anniversary Live https://twitter.com/7utauta/status/1515321613750718469
6/19: ARU 1st Anniversary Commemorative Cover Live "Moonlight Live" https://twitter.com/ARU_virtual/status/1510196592061689856
6/26: Ginga Alice 4th Anniversary Live -NEXT ORBIT- https://ginga-alice.fanbox.cc/posts/3736785
8/24: KAF 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE「不可解参(狂)」"Fukakai III / MAD" https://twitter.com/kaf_info/status/1507705335133315078
8/27: La prière 1st ONEMAN LIVE「Three piece!!!」https://bridg-e.jp/projects/laprierecfpj
10/4-10/8: Else and Poki [vortex] https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/546796

>> No.23514103
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>> No.23515154


>> No.23516067

Thoughts on Melissa? Fair disclaimer that I don't really watch her streams so I don't really know what kind of person she is, I'm just really really interested in her singing style and love listening to her covers. I just wanna get this out cause I've got no one to talk to about this but I find her singing style unmatched in the sense that it's near impossible to replicate, it throws all the smooth singing technique out of the window and just punches through with pure emotions, but as we can see with her live performances, using that kind of technique is can be a mess however, I still think the amount of effort she puts into the studio cover to sound as "natural" as possible admirable (also props to whoever her audio engineer is). I'm not surprised that she can't replicate that kind of voice live, it's a fucking tall order, it's like asking Minami to nail perfectly all her growls and voice cracks in Kawaki wo Ameku, you just can't replicate that emotion for that one perfect take.

>> No.23518095

Who? A lot of people get posted here so if you don't attach a picture or a link (especially when you talk about a specific take) it just goes over my head. I only remember the name of the ones I like.

>> No.23519247

nta but i assume it's the one that's graduating this month
going to have to post a singing stream or clips. i only know her covers.

>> No.23519325

This lass, she's about to graduate so I just wanna get my thoughts out since it's been at the back of my mind ever since I started listening to her

>> No.23523318

Just follow her roommate

>> No.23525507

Hanao is singing!

>> No.23525805

Her live singing issues aren't just due to a lack of technique, it's a mental holdback due to her stage anxiety. I think it's part of the reason why she's graduating (among others like rights issues) because making music in Nijisanji ultimately involves doing live shows to make money which she's not comfortable with and likely never will be. Anyways yea, I love her vocal delivery, she reminds me of my favourite active vocalist (Francis Quinlan from Hop Along https://youtu.be/iFGnkbZ3fLE)) just unable to recreate it live. Her roommate songs are really cool too and I post them here from time to time without drawing attention to her Niji identity, so you should still be able to follow her here without much issue.

>> No.23526002

>>23525805 (me)
There's nothing really besides her 3D debut which is scuffed even for her low live singing standards since she was literally awake and crying the whole night before that. She did all her utawakus unarchived and copyright striked any reuploaders, so it's hard to find anything like that.

>> No.23526079
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Also she's first in that 24 chuuba relay
Now onto the relay itself, this is the twitter post with announcement video and call list
Still no playlist but they do have everyone in descriptions so it shouldn't be much of a problem
I recommend checking it out, this general circle of chuubas seems to be pretty good at singing in general
I wonder if this will get everyone custom art this time around too

>> No.23526412

no streamable/catbox at all?
she sounds ok on the studio covers. i'll give the 3d debut a listen.

>> No.23526423

For me, she has a beautiful singing voice. Very expressive, quite unique.
But she is indeed-- absolutely terrible live. It's like night and day to her studio stuff. I remember listening to one of her a cappella karaokes and it was incredibly disappointing. It was like she just couldn't sing to save her life. I dearly hope that live singing is something that she gets better at as she progresses through her career because I love her absolutely love her voice and I'm fairly sure it's something she'll be great at when she gets the mindset & some other factors right. Sadly though, looking at posts from her fans, it seems an unlikely prospect at best.

>> No.23526474

Oh I found a 2 year old acapella stream that's still saved on her channel. Much better than the 3d debut performance

>> No.23526584

Forgot to link the watchalong by the host, other chuubas are likely to appear but it's more of a meta thing so unless you know Japanese it's probably not for you
I can't wait until youtube implements raids to make relays easier

>> No.23526827

Has saki stopped privating every non-cover vid? Is my hard drive free from its burden?

>> No.23526958

does she do jazz or blues on roommate account? feels like that would be the best fit for her voice. not particularly strong but can be good with emotional songs.

>> No.23527159

Nah, she makes indie pop similar to RIM.

>> No.23527751

close enough
cover of tsuki no waltz would be a good showcase

>> No.23527811

COCOA singing https://youtu.be/33s0ZKg_iWs

>> No.23527891

Amazing, I recognise only one of them.

>> No.23527897

which saki?

>> No.23527976

Can the thread name a few vsingers who sing live just as well (or almost) as on their recorded songs?

>> No.23528104

the thread meme is HACHI
sometimes her recording is actually a downgrade
personally i like cocone live
you can check the primer doc

>> No.23528117

Isn't it great?
A ton of people you can check out and since they all will sing for 30 minutes you get to fairly check them out without committing too much!
In hololive alone you can find multiple ones that sing live better than they do on covers, mostly due to mixing but still

>> No.23528166

I assume Riot Saki, she's been doing daily utawakus for weeks without archiving them.
Ran-nee is someone who I don't tend to like the covers of but sounds amazing live.

>> No.23528264

wasn't too sure since Saki is currently live doing 50 songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGgZPMwzQS0

>> No.23528445

On the primer, I like Ratio Yuires live more than whatever she recorded. I think her passionate singing and clear, versatile voice really shines in a live setting. I really love how she sings some songs with her own style. Makes for some really interesting renditions.
Hololive-wise, I think IRyS' live singing on the stuff she's good at absolutely blows any of her current studio stuff out of the water.
All that said, though, I wonder how much of that is because of how their vocals are mixed in the recorded covers.

>> No.23528836

The new Re:AcT girls are doing a little singing relay in a few hours to celebrate one month.
Suu: https://youtu.be/8PK9x0RhMvI
Lisa: https://youtu.be/9-nxcJlzSzw
Nono: https://youtu.be/pB65ahs7JLw

>> No.23528851

when is the next big event like this?

>> No.23528878

yeah riot saki, if it carried on I'd have to start saving in lower quality until I got more space

>> No.23528915

Probably VMA Summer?

>> No.23528979

boggyvox sounds fine live

>> No.23529270

V-Carnival in June

>> No.23529310

Do you like any of them?

>> No.23530917

Come to think of it, isn't Egoist techinically a vsinger?

>> No.23531090

Astel and Kagura Nana

>> No.23531230

as much as Ado is
more like utaite but professional

>> No.23531340

Egoist technically did a v-concert, not sure about Ado.

>> No.23531521

has she done a concert before? she's done live streams as pngsinger at least

>> No.23531686 [DELETED] 

Can't you type "Egoist live" or "Egoist concert" into the youtube search bar?

>> No.23531746

should have specified Ado. i don't think she's done a concert before.

>> No.23531875

I reread and noticed my mistake.

>> No.23532101

Meow guitar cover

>> No.23532574

QuonTama. She grinds lives a lot.

>> No.23532717

CHINO -「I.C.E」https://youtu.be/Pixy7_azEU8

>> No.23534377

MaiR - singing anison (1 of 4 meamea gw) https://youtu.be/Rho8wwAYgVw
Yuka - let us observe the ecology of NAGASE https://youtu.be/-ulO1gv3Jmw

>> No.23534490

trackball... i guess she really will take it easy for gw

>> No.23534606

guitar! she's singing
the pattern is broken

>> No.23536023
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>> No.23536140

Kasane singing nostalgic songs https://youtu.be/CFSkkYlnfGo

>> No.23537121

>Kamitsubaki's witches
>Ci from boggeyvox
>that niji clown
>Riot girls (on their karaoke)
>and ofc hachi

>> No.23537148
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>>23537121 (me)
Ah! And ofc these two!

>> No.23537370

MiMi counting down to new song release while singing anison https://youtu.be/tcq--Fkj-xQ

>> No.23537713

This is an interesting stream

>> No.23537783

Lucy 2nd anniv

>> No.23537852

I'd argue Chima is better live despite how good her covers are. Comparing her and Joe's Kemono Yuku Hosomichi cover and live renditions is a good way to see the difference.

>> No.23538444

SAKI singing LiSa songs.

>> No.23538775

Tenjin Kotone

>> No.23540515

Miori cover


>> No.23541213



>> No.23541214
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I will never be able to disassociate this song from my memories of watching Batman Forever on VHS nearly 20 years ago.

>> No.23541255
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Oh fuck, that was almost 30 years ago now.

>> No.23541624
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>> No.23541803

I'm subbed to Suu.

>> No.23541906

Someone redpill me about non witches kamitsubaki

>> No.23542336

This looks like 3D instead of live2D

>> No.23542366

No shit sherlock

>> No.23542463

Dustcell, and by extension Ema's solo stuff, is excellent and you are missing out if you haven't gone through their catalog
Beyond them though I like the Sinsekai talents, especially Asu, more than people like Ciel, Guiano, and Te'resa

>> No.23543521

thank you for this, first time I hear Miori and I'm already in love with her voice

>> No.23544051

NoiR Ringo Biyori remix

>> No.23545707


>> No.23545993

Another VocaDuo2022 song
I still don't know what VocaDuo actually is...

>> No.23546531

>Hachi cover collab with a member of La Priere later this week

Now that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.23546953

I unironically think Miori is (at least one of) the best EN vsinger.
She's great at bantering with chat too. Check her live streams!

>> No.23547214

Yea, I consider her in the top 5-6 along with Enna, Ada, Amiya, Yugo, and Ninaninin.

>> No.23548306

what about it is funny

>> No.23548903
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Just the context. I find it funny to see all of the connections that are formed and used by the various personas that would seem surprising if you don't follow the scene. It's also neat to see the new age utiates, in the form of vtubers, interacting with the old guard.

>> No.23549050
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ah gotcha. Completely agree!

>> No.23550140

MaRiNaSu's Rin and Subaru singing stream from the other day, one of the rare times they stream some singing without dancing

>> No.23553030


>> No.23553752

High quality instrumental collab by Nicole and Emnyeca

>> No.23556697


>> No.23557190

V.G.P coming back and CIEL joining in this time

>> No.23558348

This is one long session...

>> No.23559719

They reupped the archives at the usual place if you still haven't found it.

>> No.23561663

P-san working (maybe a bit too) hard on KAF's 3rd one-man live.

>> No.23564832
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>> No.23566245

Ciel doesn't even feel like a Witch since she doesn't have a model and does all the shadow curtain stuff.

>> No.23568103
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>> No.23569650

So, do people think Kobo should be in the primer?

>> No.23570071
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This is probably a retarded question but I was wondering since I actually went to vtuberfes.

Are the chuubas actually there behind the stage in the back performing or is it all pre recorded and the concert is basically just watching a movie together?

>> No.23570146

>>23569650 (me)
ok, I have listened to her latest karaoke.
Somehow I feel like it's worse than my first impressions of her singing. It seems her voice is best for those acoustic guitar songs, but it lacks the vibrato for the usual songs.

>> No.23570214

post some live singing at least
from recent archived karaoke (hard songs only)
alice&u - https://youtu.be/dFcNmvKwJLk?t=2411
stellar stellar - https://youtu.be/dFcNmvKwJLk?t=7005
caesura of despair - https://youtu.be/dFcNmvKwJLk?t=7525

>> No.23570229

I want to say prerecorded because shit makes sense for logistics and making sure everything runs smoothly. Probably the case with all, if not most, "live" performances?

>> No.23570352

It's a very cute yan song. Fits her voice very well. Gets more intense towards the end.

>> No.23570486

smaller lives or single group ones are for the most part are real time live. even tubeout/vark lives are generally real time live. but yeah as the performing group get bigger, you'll have all sort of scheduling issues, tech issues, etc. so they tend to be pre-recorded.

>> No.23571384

Impossible to tell unless there is a tech issue or something exceptional happens. The fact that they didn't respond to the crowd during the MC sections for the singers, and I honestly don't remember them doing it for the regular MCs either, suggests to me that it was pre-recorded but no one knows for sure. The ones that you can tell for certain are live either have some scuff, a section where they're talking with the crowd and clearly wait for a response or for cheering to die down before continuing, or, in AZKi's case, have a fucking earthquake interrupt things.

>> No.23571532

Her mic is also 100% not cut out for singing, but she reminds me of Gura in that she's not terrible and has a nice voice but has major control problems at times. Those belts on Stellar Stellar are pretty terrible, but she says half way through that her voice is dying.

>> No.23571634
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>22 originals
>56 covers

>> No.23571645

I missed this but Ci's live cover of Shangrila is holy damn good

>> No.23571712

She's either the CEO's niece or an heiress who can dump so much into vsinging

>> No.23572309

Her voice is definitely not worth 78 songs

>> No.23572946
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You hear that, Yuka's fans? I said your girl isn't a very good vsinger.

>> No.23573133

le epic meme

>> No.23573284

I'm bored. Entertain me. At least it's better than mindlessly dumping a random vsinger link and leave this thread without contributing any discussion whatsoever.

>> No.23573318

They know. They like her for her non-virtual side.

>> No.23573652

It's a shame. Her vtuber model has a lot of gfe potential.

>> No.23573679

If you can link a cover (live or not) and *say* what you like or dislike about it instead of just a link, that's all I need. I just check this thread every once in a while to see a summary of good songs recommended and what people think. Miss a week and there is almost too much to catch up with.

Once in a blue moon someone discovers an actually good singer, but that doesn't happen every day.

>> No.23573913

>If you can link a cover (live or not) and *say* what you like or dislike about it instead of just a link, that's all I need.
Most of them doesn't even do that

>> No.23574101

do you really need me to say that hachi is a good singer every time i post one of her covers or streams?

>> No.23574401

You can simply say whether a cover is not that good compared to her previous, or which part you like, or it's the best you've heard etc.

>> No.23574446

I see your point but I honestly hate the current state of this thread. There need to be more discussions about vsingers and less link dumping. I want this thread to be more like APEX thread.

>> No.23575433

When there's something worth talking about, there's usually plenty of discussion. However, unlike the Vspo thread, the thread's interest are very varied and not focused on a small group of chuubas. If you want constant stimulation and people to talk to, there are plenty of unironic Discords you can use, such as the Kami one, that are big enough.

>> No.23577544
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i'm doing some link following through the ff14 singer network because of that hanatan x kasane stream. there are some interesting link in the chain. also lead back to metamoe

>> No.23577836

Her vocal agility is just stunning.

>> No.23578257
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MiCosmic recently covered Melody (Koji Tamaki)

I have always wanted to hear more vsingers cover this masterpiece. MiCosmic sang the low notes perfectly and emotionally. Though I wish she gave more power to the high notes like in the original.

>> No.23578283

was expecting moe. got meta

>> No.23578311

Can you tell your experience? Preferably as detailed as possible, I was always curious about visiting a live event in Japan and if there are any hurdles.

>> No.23579498

Sou's going to be doing another 100 song meme stream at the top of the hour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqW-ZT4_uP4

>> No.23579640

If you think this thread is bad then you haven't seen an indie thread or some generals about vtubers (like that Sora + Kotone one).

>> No.23579886

Were holofans really that fucking loud during that performance? Hope you haven't joined them.

>> No.23579989

not OP but agreed on this, I want to hear more shilling of the vsingers, at least dont just dump links without shilling it

>> No.23580037

i'd shill if i find someone new.

>> No.23580283

>like that Sora + Kotone one
I made that thread. What was wrong with it?

>> No.23580401

I mean, it doesn't have to be someone new, could just be standouts that arent nijiholo/vwp so that tourists could give them a listen

>> No.23580420

Talents don't grow on trees.
The last knockout singer was kimaseri. Unless someone new debuted and I missed.

>> No.23580460

It's all images or just meaningless posts. Don't take it personal though, I haven't really visited other threads other than those I've mentioned, others are probably much worse.

>> No.23580505

Nothing inherently bad about it, but it's just a reoccurring Sora image dump. They didn't even post a link to the SorAZ MC last night, much less discuss it until a solid 12 hours later and even that was only like 3 posts.

>> No.23580788

feels like it would be repetitive after a while. the vsinger sphere is not that big. i usually find fresh art when i bump with a song link at least.

>> No.23580903

She should join holo and have sex stream, crossick style, with irys

>> No.23580979

Is the quality good? Or is it the restream quality?

>> No.23581095

What do you think about those cuties?

>> No.23581174
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>> No.23581210


>> No.23581273


>> No.23581330

if you are still in japan next month, and like nayuta, hope you saw this offer by nayufan anon >>23343720

>> No.23581363

Based holochad! Giving life to the fest!

>> No.23581595

So just a regular general then.

>> No.23582673
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Off to a good start, though I'm not sure what the relationship is between the dice and cat ears.

>> No.23583489
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Well for this one it was part of a larger event called NicoNico Chokaigi. If you bought a ticket to vtuber fes it came with entry to the event.

The event starts at 10:30ish you can get in whenever you want but the concerts didn't start until 2:30/3:00 for the days.

Pretty basic they check if you have the Cocoa app installed to see if you've had contact with anyone with covid, check your temp, look into your bag (not even ruffle stuff around) and let you in. I mainly just walked around taking cosplay pictures until the actual concert


Nah fan chants and what not are still "banned" due to covid so most people just clap. Though near the end it did start to pick up with some people being vocal.

There was actually a fight during the hololive part. For Nene a guy brought out a very long and bright green light and was was waving it around while it flashed over and over. A guy walked up to him and asked him to knock it off because it was annoying other people.

After that 5th gen came out together and the guy proceeded to bring out a giant heart shaped light that was just as bright and the man from before lost it and just walked up and hit him in the back of the head and kicked him a few times when he fell down.

For whatever reason he didn't get kicked out he just got escorted back to his seat and they pointed at the corona guidelines about social distancing

Pic related the heart light because the guy opened it again after swapping his aisle seat with someone else so the guy couldn't attack him again.

>> No.23583703

did you attend the usagi pro dj session?

>> No.23584009

The fight part sounds hilarious. Do you live in Japan, or were visiting Japan and just thought about going on the event, or came specifically to see this event? Have you visited any other vtuber event, which one did you like the most? I wonder what level of Japanese is needed to get around comfortably on such events. Sorry for asking a lot of questions, it's rare to read such stories, especially these days.

>> No.23584934

she's part of hoshi meguri
dunno much about the group. i found them through this hilarious usseewa cover by another one of their member https://youtu.be/7UbnBZiZM74
their designated singer is kinda... https://youtu.be/0aLt1g6BcC0?t=1461

>> No.23584963


I did not on Friday morning there was hololive sparkle which is a doujin market and Marines artist was there selling a life size tapestry of her that I really wanted so I went there first and actually got to the concert late.

Saturday I mostly just took cosplay pictures before the concert. I really didn't even know what was going on at the event besides vtuber fes. It was 8 halls worth of shit and vtuber fes was only in hall 8


I live in japan. I've been to lot of lives and events. Honestly if you're visibly foreign you'll have a pretty easy time. The only annoying part is getting tickets usually requires applying with accounts that have a Japanese phone number attached to them so its hard to get tickets if you live outside japan other than using a 3rd party service.

But yeah with English they're usually someone who can at least convey basic message to you or just point and say words

>> No.23585313

Why does it sound like you're justifying the attacker's actions, are you him? From your pic it looks like there's the usual annoying event lights and the heart is slightly brighter than the penlights.

>> No.23585515


Why would I risk my visa and getting deported over an idol concert

>> No.23585673
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she has the most 2010s preteen taste in western music but it's really cute and funny to listen to.

>> No.23585965

Oh, I know her yeah. I added her to the primer.

While other vsingers have mostly settled (their voices), Sakura Mochi has recently gone through curious changes. Like in her early days, her singing voice was sharp and bright, but then she switched to singing very softly and warmly (my favorite period)
(Departures) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwWHeenbA6E&t=18660s

and now she's somewhere in between
(Ao no Ether) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blR_AJwLgrw&t=4401s

I listened to other people in her group but didn't find anything as unique as her.

>> No.23586077

Aren't live events cringe? I've never been to one but that is what I get from the vibe of the video I've seen about live events. Since you've been there personally, maybe the atmosphere is more pump than what videos can suggest.

>> No.23586151

The group is a strange one. For some time they used some really aggressive ads which boosted their numbers a lot. However, it was a horrible idea, and only 50-100 people (mostly from overseas too) were watching them. Somehow only some of the members got these ads. One of their retired girls, Nanana, is rumoured to be Sei from Hiyocro, 774inc, but nobody has really confirmed it so far.

>> No.23586570
File: 153 KB, 780x1388, 27622B89-C398-4970-BD49-E4DBA69F7399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23586610

she sees your D

>> No.23586718

Why would I whip out my D in public?

>> No.23586730

because you are a pervert

>> No.23586766

Well, you’re not wrong.

>> No.23587155

24h / 5d lofi...
no stream until next week i guess

>> No.23587455

Fuck it im gonna be the first to post her cus I already see some familiar names and i know some of u already know Tobira. Her newly debuted sister Noa is about a B+ tier singer based off her 1 live song performance and other First Take covers. She's already better than any Holo in my book.

As for >>23516067 Melissa was never a good singer and likely not trained. Emotion is not a reasonable excuse for sounding horrible as u can hear from Noa's performance and others that I know of. Emotional singing is a learned technique that any real singer can perform.


You guys r lucky im in a good mood otherwise i would never post this so good luck finding the other girl cus im not posting her.

>> No.23587480

You sound high.

>> No.23587554

Starting to branch out from my holo/niji bubble of singers and get into other vsingers.
What are various anon's thoughts on the RIOT girls?

>> No.23587555

Such a kind anon, thank you for sharing…

>> No.23587714

My impressions of Kobo are pretty weird, I checked out her first acoustic karaoke and thought nothing more than "uh, pretty nice". Then I listened to Holo songs utawaku, and while she had tons of technique problems, something was oddly satisfying about her singing. I'm not musically trained so it's hard for me to describe but it's like she was good... rhythmically. She seems to have a really good memory for songs so she's able to replicate all of the small pauses and rhythm leaps from the original songs very closely, something which many singers lack in my opinion and end up singing certain songs or song sections a bit slower or faster than needed. It's just a guess but I think Kobo is also pretty good at memorizing pitch, it's just that she lacks skills to pull off the exact notes.
Maybe I'm a fucking schizo but I think if she really does have these skills it'll help her a lot and she'll get much better with training.

>> No.23587851

Woah, first time hearing this rrat. Would be pretty cool. Despite their differences in skill level I like all of Hiyocro voices a lot Kiki is fucking sex incarnate

>> No.23588074

Same, they turned out pretty fun altogether, I enjoy their streams a lot. Kiki is my favorite too.

>> No.23588117

They all are at he very least good and have somewhat high budget and good output, not a bad starting point

>> No.23588167

Mid to decent desu. At least they cover some popular anime songs.

>> No.23588201

What is the difference between the two Cocoa's? When I search for the old channel, nothing comes up. Some saying the old one was/is better?

>> No.23588318

Their singing styles are different, with the newer sounding more generic but maybe more applicable for pop / rock. I know I wrote a more detailed comparison a while back, but I don't care enough to remember.

>> No.23588568

Old Cocoa was one of the most popular vsingers back then, she was kinda a part of Gamebu family. Following the famous Gamebu fiasco, she decided to leave the company too and pursue a music career, I think she’s quite successful now. Unlimited (now Brave Group, renamed to hide their sins) soon after decided that it’s time to introduce new Cocoa and so they formed Riot Music. They were able to partially learn from their mistakes while saving money, so they invited a new girl, changed the design of Cocoa slightly and didn’t erase old Cocoa’s channel. Many people were still mad. 2 years later, however, they decided that it’s fine to break their promises and straight up deleted old Cocoa’s channel. Now an archive is available only on bilibili. And yeah, the old one was better.

>> No.23588656

Miona sex, listen to Yuka's cool album.

>> No.23588691

Have you heard the newest (not exactly that new) song from Delta?

>> No.23588793

There used to be a channel for two of Cocoa's friends who were also music related. Most likely dead now.

>> No.23588874


>> No.23588909

Both have reincarnated and are now rather popular. Around 100k subs I think, they’re sometimes posted here.

>> No.23589711


>> No.23590618

HACHI is singing https://youtu.be/j1VjWLmiZwE

>> No.23590987

Damn! Who dis?

>> No.23591345

menu for this slot
MaiR singing vocaloid songs https://youtu.be/yitzuwpd5j8
MiMi doing the same https://youtu.be/_VnFYcVgRxw
SAKI singing relaxing songs https://youtu.be/1pJb0Owg3aY

QuonTama - Rivival Zero (cover) https://youtu.be/Epa6bIN0wRU
HIMEHINA - karaoke game clip https://youtu.be/OO_PNYk8tZM

>> No.23591379

she's singing until 9500 subs (about 30 to go)

>> No.23591652


>> No.23591995

>Now an archive is available only on bilibili.
There's a larger archive on Ragtag too under the "ここあMusic" channel name. It should also be higher quality though Bilibili's might have some deleted videos since Ragtag only archived her channel long after she left.

>> No.23592397


who's who

>> No.23592420

>HIMEHINA - karaoke game clip https://youtu.be/OO_PNYk8tZM
So this is their live singing power...!

>> No.23592651

left to right
mika-sensei, aitsuki, nayuta, natsume

>> No.23593450

Leona x Mari - Lion cover https://youtu.be/r4m19G-8RaI

>> No.23593552

Their future looks good. High capital, new sub-unit things, new girls and album coming soon. Their concerts are also improving a lot compare to last year.

My only problem is that they don't release much original songs(except YUKA).

>> No.23593852
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>> No.23594068
File: 521 KB, 2048x1152, 70685D20-451B-4CC1-822F-46FABE1E80A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annin shizuku singing until 3k subs

>> No.23594568

Another one in 2 days

>> No.23594659

says 21h. that's tomorrow

>> No.23594764

I am still getting used to m/d/y dates, please understand.

>> No.23596471

Aoi karaoke

>> No.23597937

Aitsuki is pretty damn tall.

>> No.23598976

What are you on about? Leftmost is def Natsume. The rest I do not know for sure, but if you guess at least say so.

>> No.23600487


>> No.23600566

That's Marshal Maximizer right?

>> No.23600966

Natsume singing stream

>> No.23601435

Shion Lee, unarchived karaoke and chat


>> No.23601611

learn kana, it's easy enough

>> No.23603592

Kanae's (no, not that one) utawaku, she has a nice voice.

>> No.23603998

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPKUrTFprnQ Mizuki unarchived

>> No.23604642

MYU original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUppkYJCMlM

NINA tomorrow

>> No.23604890

Nayuta says she bought pants in La Priere's colors for practice, which is pretty cute, so I think he's right about nayuta at least.

>> No.23605084

Found someone tiny only 48 subs

>> No.23605145

49 now!

>> No.23605475

Kotone is cute today as well

>> No.23605795

MiMi's new original got an MV this time around.

>> No.23607780


>> No.23608868

she's still singing
40 subs left

>> No.23610080

Meow guitar short
Yuudutsu guitar short
Pochi x Nanahira

>> No.23610094

Her Konayuki cover is okay

Cheap setup (needs better mastering and effects and such). Her vibrato is minimal. Pitch is on point. Agility seems to be medium.

Urara Raksha is a weird name nonetheless.

>> No.23612622

Pretty old acapella but it still sounds very nice. I sometimes wish Aoi would do a full version of these things.

>> No.23614981

Reminder that audio balancing is important during collabs

>> No.23615780

Any relays soon that will use this?

>> No.23618198

The way this is implemented makes it pretty insular, such that we'll most likely only see it used for intra-agency relays.

>> No.23618672

You can expand it to being raided by anyone, but it also doesn't hurt you to follow your friends' channels for the duration of the relay even if you want unfollow after.

>> No.23619027

There's no "allow all" option. Receiving channels either have to be subscribed to the sending channel or have whitelisted the sending channel. This is generally already the case within agencies, but more up in the air for cross-agency or indie, depending on how well networked everyone is.

>> No.23619689

Rio unarchived accapella https://youtu.be/hwIS9tbZ0j8

>> No.23619907

everyone is already subscribed to ruri-nee, else, kaf, mair, or azki.

>> No.23621577

So what's your preferred way of finding new vsingers?
Checking big events?
Following chuubas that network really well?
Checking vtuber tag sorted by date?

>> No.23621924

I just check out chuubas posted here...

>> No.23622043

depends on what i'm on the mood for
-pick one song and search for covers filtering for vtuber and sort by most recent
-pick one song from existing playlist and look at the recommended list for unfamiliar face
-look at recent videos in the #vsinger and #歌ってみた tag
-do the same but on twitter
-go to yt home page, click any song mv (keep refreshing if there's none), let the yt recommendation algo drive for hours until you hit something new (not recommended)

>> No.23622362

- check this thread
- check r/VirtualYoutubers
- search YouTube with vsinger, 歌枠, 歌ってみた
- occasionally one of the VSingers I follow on Twitter will shill someone
- occasionally Panora will publish an article about some new VSinger or some music event featuring ones I'm not familiar with

>> No.23623465

Usually the YT algorithm, lives, and naturally this thread. Sometimes I'll also see a Twitter retweet when I'm checking a profile for news or updates.

>> No.23624954

Riri morning singing (she's taking requests) https://youtu.be/JbU2SEDdIu8

>> No.23628316

Ichika music stream

>> No.23631006
File: 142 KB, 739x1200, FDVl9KhaUAAKGyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsuki Tsukimi's first orisong!
Come and enjoy the ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY quality and nice animation!

>> No.23634772

new vsingers?

>> No.23635066

There’s one everyday

>> No.23636244


>> No.23638227
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>> No.23641317


>> No.23643577
File: 267 KB, 990x1400, E2p3NJxUUAIZjKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is yt spamming pink chuubas on my rec list

>> No.23644532

not quite vsinger but something i ran across on my ff14 bender yesterday

>> No.23644612

The youtube algorithm

>> No.23644695

Nice cover of If... by DA PUMP

>> No.23645553

Is she graduating soon or something?
She sounds like her dog just died

>> No.23646347

holy shit this trio is cracked. I haven't heard of xiulan before but she does ASMR on twitch. she sounds so OUUUHHHHHHHHH


>> No.23646478

Saw some vtubers participating in this. No date yet tho.

>> No.23647101

I'm actually scared. I don't think she's coming back.

>> No.23647267

white background, blue text
notice of return
seems positive

>> No.23647970


>> No.23648081

Notice *about* return is the important part. Makes it sound like she didn't renew her contract or that there'll be another delay.

>> No.23648286

another day in GW primetime jam
Ci singing acoustic https://youtu.be/ziakCo_OTUI
MaiR singing rock songs https://youtu.be/W9B8kteYEIc
MiMi singing idol songs https://youtu.be/ERD1rXnRmqI
YOMI singing https://youtu.be/0KWQrkzTTWE

>> No.23648327


>> No.23648336

Astel and Nana cover

>> No.23648553

What is this vocaduo thing i have seen recently? Both vocaloid producers and vsingers have posted some collab originals out of nowhere yesterday + today

>> No.23648570

Yomi is being extra cute today.

>> No.23648737

Masaki Kanon Free Live

>> No.23648832

it's a contest for vocaloid producer and singers to collab on songs. https://twitter.com/VocaDuo_/status/1520417956609486849
they have this week to make submissions

>> No.23649556

just noticed it's a premier. pre-recorded announcement. hmm
i hope it's just announcing her return date and return stream (3d live?) hype.

>> No.23649764

she should do a proper chiaki ishikawa cover. her voice is a good fit

>> No.23649809


>> No.23650164

Birthday singin'

>> No.23650353

go meamea! headbanging

>> No.23651462


>> No.23651505
File: 48 KB, 970x327, 1634225821585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mini live announcement

>> No.23652187

NINA original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjK3la923VY

RARA tomorrow

>> No.23652499

New outfit/model?

>> No.23652645

Rikka Azki collab

>> No.23652929

Chima singing

>> No.23653044

Ike cover

>> No.23653077

Natsume singing aiming to reach 900subs
Now 29left, please subscribe if u like

>> No.23655632


>> No.23655715

I'd add Holodex, discovered a ton of chuubas there. Just set it to "All Vtubers" at all times and dig in.

>> No.23658735

AZKi and Rikka Kakumei Dualism cover tomorrow

>> No.23659646
File: 1.41 MB, 1481x912, 1631264828802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better go and check the singing topic to see upcoming live streams, it's really useful.

>> No.23660173


>> No.23660177

Holodex only adds vtubers who have a pretty high number of subs though, can be both good and bad.

>> No.23660378


>> No.23660389

Enka hag singing time

>> No.23660534

It means I'm willing to see ads on AZKi's channel

>> No.23660629

I have premium (paid in ARS) so it doesn't affect me

>> No.23660952

Noa Polaris first singing stream (almost over but can rewind)

>> No.23661382

VMA 2021

>> No.23663550


>> No.23664325

Oh shit, I thought it was gone forever. Thank you so much anon, there were some parts I really wanted to see.

>> No.23666636

Any Kagura Nana fan here?

>> No.23666816

She is fun. And friends with Uto. Her covers are nice, but her actual singing is mid to decent.

>> No.23667330

No problem. I have a number of stuff I've been meaning to upload and share.

Here's parts 1 and 2 of Kyo & Leona's one-man live from last summer: https://gofile.io/d/9aKDas
Part 3 is free on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeRQ0ItKRa4

>> No.23668175

What are the VMAs any good?

t. Newfriend

>> No.23669585

Vtuber music award from december. A lot of nominees/winners performed at the show.

>> No.23670209

Chiru x Takashi UFO cover, shit's great
Ada cover, a nice lo-fi piece
VocaDuo song #538
Man, he really doesn't do service to Cepheid's songs and the music is overpowering the vocals
If the growls were his though then he has bright future in death metal

>> No.23670581

VMA 2021 Summer

>> No.23671314

The growls are his yea, that's been his signature trick since he was an utaite. Also Ada is now working with both Diego and Tcbn, is she going to NijiEN?

>> No.23672528

V.W.P concerts

>> No.23674096

Thanks anon, appreciate it. Just wondering, did you splice the Kyo & Leona live yourself? Because it looks like it was re-encoded.

>> No.23674297

Meow guitar short
Linglan clipping herself

>> No.23674720
File: 61 KB, 480x360, Vampire Mansion, JP indie vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Vampire Mansion


Thanks everyone for doing your part to support the JP vtuber indie musician scene.

>> No.23674735

No, there was an issue with the archive VOD (part of it was missing) and it took a few days for them to fix it. So I guess that's what they did if it looks re-encoded.

>> No.23676283

Thanks for the info, that explains it. To clarify why I asked I archived Leona's portion (regrettably didn't buy Kyo's) and I noticed the bitrate and FPS was different on yours.

>> No.23677546
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OK. I am competely sold by her live singing.

Noa Polaris may be the best vsinger debut since Chapipi.


>> No.23681215

thanks anon

>> No.23683021
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>> No.23683251

God I love Kotone

>> No.23686922

I'm so glad that Vesperbell has started doing these singing streams.

>> No.23687136

Why is it that whenever someone fellates a singer it's always the most mediocre thing ever, happens every time.

>> No.23687331

le epic meme
we can hear for ourselves, jack, no need for your taste

>> No.23689849

mate that shoujo rei is terrible I couldn't even stomach 20 seconds of it, melisma is used to trick retards into thinking you are a good singer.

>> No.23690350

Your definition of "terrible" is unfathomably autistic. There's definitely flaws, but if you can't even enjoy listening to it that's a (you) problem.

>> No.23690817
File: 289 KB, 1809x1398, E1LanvoVIAYezTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's live!
Meta stream
First participant, Hanoa Mizuki, the amazing sheep singer!

>> No.23690862

And here's Hanao's link!

>> No.23691061

I'll probably be asleep when the thread dies. Someone use the thumbnail for this stream in the new OP.

[Copypasta start]

Thread to discuss the VSingers (virtual singers) of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.


Quick VSinger primer:https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

5/6-5/7: HIMEHINA LIVE 2022 "Aitai Bokura" https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2022_aitaibokura
5/8: MonsterZ MATE 4th Anniversary LIVE -愚者- "Fool" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22050819-mzm4th
5/15: VALIS 2nd Anniversary Mini-Live "Emotion Prestige Vol. 2" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10179
5/21: MaRiNaSu 1st Cover Live 「BANG!BURN!BUNG!」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10190
5/29: Shishigami Leona ONE-MAN LIVE 「from here」https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/ikebukuro/news/31139/
5/29: LiLYPSE 1st ONLINE LIVE「-双星歌劇- 反実仮想ARCHETYPE」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10191
6/11-6/12: V-Carnival vol.2 https://twitter.com/vcarnival_staff/status/1509455460373565440
6/12: nayuta 15th Anniversary Live https://twitter.com/7utauta/status/1515321613750718469
6/19: ARU 1st Anniversary Commemorative Cover Live "Moonlight Live" https://twitter.com/ARU_virtual/status/1510196592061689856
6/26: Ginga Alice 4th Anniversary Live -NEXT ORBIT- https://ginga-alice.fanbox.cc/posts/3736785
8/24: KAF 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE「不可解参(狂)」"Fukakai III / MAD" https://twitter.com/kaf_info/status/1507705335133315078
8/27: La prière 1st ONEMAN LIVE「Three piece!!!」https://bridg-e.jp/projects/laprierecfpj
10/4-10/8: Else and Poki [vortex] https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/546796

Reply to this post if you have any events to add for next thead.

[copypasta ends]

>> No.23691979

>melisma is used to trick
This is as funny as saying blowjobs are used to trick people into feeling the sex is good.

>> No.23692088
File: 1.45 MB, 1240x1754, FRm_vD-aMAAVuTv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheep was great as always!
Now onto Ira Suzumio!

>> No.23692155

I wonder if they all are going to have danmaku pinned in the chat

>> No.23692251

She's not bad. Who organized this relay and did they just invite at least decent singers?

>> No.23692446

>Who organized this relay
Misaki Hoeru, here's her watchalong, she also has the final part in the relay!
>and did they just invite at least decent singers?
Here's the list!
Everyone that I recognize is at least decent!

>> No.23692520

You'd have to be an idiot to already start judging any individual performance this early on. Her only real issue today was nerves that caused some mistiming. She started settling down once she started to sing Jewelry Day. This is likely her first time singing in front of an audience. The only thing u r suppose to look for this early r semblances of training which she clearly shows - vibrato,power growls,elevation,control,emotion,soft and strong notes,etc. It took Mizuki 3 utaus to push through her panic attack singing and it turns out shes very good. Noa sounds very young so just let her get through the nerves and repeat some songs and she'll turn out amazing.

>> No.23692913


An unserious one-liner that has no serious analysis, does not merit a full reply. Just clown on it and move on.

>> No.23693272
File: 848 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[ 00_27_26 ], take=[ 2022-05-05 05.56.26 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uwwaaa, active danmaku

>> No.23693273

It's a shame they aren't using the new raid feature.

>> No.23693324

It requires 1k subs on both sides

>> No.23693385

That's fucking retarded, but entirely in line with what I expect from Youtube I suppose.

>> No.23693513
File: 25 KB, 758x424, FR7KUOiUcAEf6C-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayanee time!
She's a pro player!

>> No.23693695
File: 33 KB, 242x500, Noel_Ch._ _2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big tiddies
>Gray short hair
>Can't sing
Still nice voice at least

>> No.23694455
File: 1.09 MB, 1279x717, 20220504212148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruri-nee is funsize too?

>> No.23694875
File: 2.62 MB, 4096x515, 1646557707585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised, but Rikka is actually fairly tall for a Japanese male if I remember right, so Oni being that big is almost a bigger surprise while Ruri is in the average vtuber height of being a short Japanese woman.

>> No.23694921
File: 702 KB, 691x902, FOmL4CwaIAAyshP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was something
It's time for... Utau? Original name at least but nice singing

>> No.23695082

yeah i knew rikka is tall. i was using rin as my yard stick. always thought that she was normal sized.

>> No.23695261

I mean, if we go by that the picture vs the height chart, she's slightly under a head shorter then Rikka which would put her around Okayu/Watame which is on the shorter side, but not full on IMAGINE like Aqua or HACHI. Does make her giant fucking tits even more hilarious, though.

>> No.23695975
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, FMYWsL3aAAQtFkH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now time for Tatsuya Kern!

>> No.23696427

Pretty good. Certainly not earth shattering, but I'd listen to her karaokes without feeling the need to listen to someone else's rendition of a song after.

>> No.23696442

where is this from

>> No.23696573

winter vma >>23661382
