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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23563081 No.23563081 [Reply] [Original]

ayamy impregnation

>> No.23563121


>> No.23566928

I will impregnante her

>> No.23569175


>> No.23569202


>> No.23569955

Can a 40 years old, possibly 41 by now, be impregnated?

>> No.23570219

Good lord what a stream

>> No.23571275


>> No.23575382

i dont know but that won't stop me from trying

>> No.23580213

How much fertile is she?

>> No.23581623

Ayamy confirmed that her belly is thick and her boobs are huge. ARCHITECT BROS KEEP WINNING!

>> No.23581767

you would know this if you were a member

>> No.23581867

My mom had me at an older age anon, anything is possible. Though I did end up here so there's some side effects.

>> No.23581937
File: 64 KB, 277x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit A

>> No.23582041

I barely get to watch my favorites let alone follow anyone on the side. And I dont get memberships just for the sake of it. I dont understand some peoples revolving charge on 40 vtuber subs that they barely watch.
>B-buh...It's a way of suppor...
Yeah, they already have a ton of money, they're good.

>> No.23582133

She's not that old.

>> No.23586385

What are the member benefits?

>> No.23586408


>> No.23586428

B-but the husband...

>> No.23586451

What does my girlfriend's pussy taste like?

>> No.23586452

Reminder that Ayamy is Catholic aka based, redpilled, and the perfect wife.

>"I am Catholic."
>"my grandfather and grandma, Catholic."
>"my father and my mother Catholic
>"and I'm Catholic too."
>"there is a priest in my family. Catholic priest in my family."
>"yes, I am Catholic!"


>> No.23586657

It's tragic that she's Mel's mom and not one of the popular Holos, otherwise, she would have 3x the views.

>> No.23586788

Why are catholics so unusually successful in Japan?

>> No.23586804

Not having a million seaniggers in chat is great though

>> No.23586864

She might call herself that, but considering the way she behaves, I doubt she has any actual faith.
>Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.23587036

So that writes off 95% of catholics on the planet. Vatican is a pedophile central after all.

>> No.23587072

They're the Jews of East Asia.

>> No.23587076

why are numberniggers like this?

>> No.23587145

t. hypocritical Protestant

>> No.23588083

Paizuri must be great

>> No.23588157

Instead she has worse fate, chat filled with EOPs.

>> No.23588233

Her resume on her websites lists credits for games released in the early 2000s. (Which uses her "ayamy" artist name, fuck off jannies). If she's not 40 she's very close to being 40.

>> No.23588305
File: 207 KB, 800x600, LFON_N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is one of those earliest works she does back then.

>> No.23588315
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, E4cFlCTXMAAP9Lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu, God also doesn't like assholes that act holier than though either, you're not without sin fuck off trying to subjugate Ayamy you heathen.

>> No.23588359

Asian Catholic is a huge red flag m8

>> No.23588426

can i get some proof? will member if true.

>> No.23588888

Her fault for speaking english

>> No.23590045

Her chat is pretty chill tho'. Stop with your self hate you dick smoker.

>> No.23593632

Maybe. For many people these days it's just a cultural identity they barely know anything about.
Why? I don't think it's a hot take to argue that those who happily live in sin unrepentantly, do not obey the teachings of the Church, and do not strive to live in a Christ-like way probably don't actually truly believe. The story of the adulterous woman ends with "Go and sin no more." Not "Persisting in sin is based, I'm down with however you want to live."
I'll absolutely go to hell if Christianity is real. I'm not holier than her at all. I'm just saying that you shouldn't put too much stock in her being a Catholic in any serious capacity if she does not obey the teachings of the Magisterium and spends her evenings giving virtual handjobs for fun.

>> No.23593729

Ayamy is Korean

>> No.23593933

Anon, they have a personal/business relationship that predates Holo and goes back to Mel's RM years.

>> No.23594052

whys she suddenly having a need to breed?

>> No.23596422

ayamy rape

>> No.23597045

>new testamentfags

You are not Christian.

>> No.23597194

>Jesus keeps saying that the old covenant is henceforth invalid in all gospels
>never mind that, I want to obey Jewish law
Do protestants really?

>> No.23597253

Rape that hag

>> No.23597488

Get in line

>> No.23597585

every woman has THE call. the sudden urge, the desire, the need to be cummed inside. it comes sooner for some, later for others, but it always comes.

>> No.23597653

Jesus is fanfic and copium from sinners.

>> No.23598164

OK rabbi

>> No.23598321

Keep on thinking you get a free ticket into Heaven because of your infinite muh bad every time you commit sin, heretic.

>> No.23598768

imagine being a protestantlet

>> No.23598983

Her ASMR has put me to sleep çlast night :)
