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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23557281 No.23557281 [Reply] [Original]

Is Vtubers helping (making you more comfortable with women) or not helping (steering you away from women) in terms of getting a girlfriend?

>> No.23557370

I don't leave my room

>> No.23557374

Everyone on this board already has a girlfriend.

>> No.23557396
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My growing hatred for women has nothing to do with the fact I consume 60 hours of vtuber streams per day

>> No.23557400

uuuhm... touch grass??

>> No.23557413


>> No.23557492

It made me realize that women are way more tolerable if they're under strict rules and dosed at my discretion

>> No.23557614

It taught me that there are tons of Asian-Canadian weebs in my area. Setup a Coffee Meets Bagel account recently and I can confirm there are thousands with white fever. Unironically vtubing may have saved me from being forever alone.

>> No.23557620
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>” It made me realize that women are way more tolerable if they're under strict rules and dosed at my discretion”

>> No.23557658

Yeah, me

>> No.23557684

What makes you think I want "help"?

>> No.23557698

No effect. Its seperate. No, im not a weird incel. Although I larp as one sometimes.

>> No.23557712

This but my house

>> No.23557839

Ever since I found my oshi I've been on an unironic self betterment arc that has yielded small but consistent improvements when it comes to my interactions with women. She inspires me to be a better man and that gives me motivation and confidence irl.

>> No.23557888

Watching vtubers to try and get a girlfriend is literally the same as watching anime to try and get a girlfriend fucking pathetic lmao

>> No.23557942

I don't think watching them has really changed how I view women at all, positive or negative. I was a cringe and single weeb before getting into vtubers and I'm a cringe and single weeb after getting into them. Not really any change

>> No.23558367


>> No.23558393

Not even in the slightest.

>> No.23558475


>> No.23558734

both, the need for pussy has left my soul and i'm now celibate

>> No.23559045

It’s been kinda a double edged sword. It made me more hopeful on women but at the same time I’m a realist: I live in the west and nowadays rampant degeneracy is encouraged and celebrated. Most people by the age of 13-14 are already going through the degeneracy path because that’s where society is pushing people. I’m in my late 20s and I came to terms that a good woman my age is already taken as there’s no way someone good remains single so long in this degeneracy circus; special case would be like a shut-in girl that stayed away from society’s doctrines but this is a very rare case. In the end I came to terms my only hope is to either wait a couple of years and take a roasty after she decided to settle down (which I’m not doing), talk to my parents to try to arrange some kind of marriage with a non western girl (I’m a western so I’m not sure how this is done nor I think it’s “just gonna work”), be insanely lucky to find that shut in girl who dismissed today’s degeneracy doctrine and stayed true to her ideals (like 0.0001% chance) or just call it quits and stay single (which is pretty much what I’m mentally preparing myself for).

>> No.23559179

I've been shy around women to the point of disease since I was a teenager(Dial up days).

>> No.23559246

Youve been on the internet too much

>> No.23559487

Oh, I wish, anon. If I were here that much I wouldn’t have realized how gruesome the future looks before me.
Maybe your’s is different and I sincerely wish it is, but mine’s pretty much what I described.

>> No.23559619

why'd you just quote him?

>> No.23559647

Everything, you wrote is a giant cope to rationalize your social inadequacy.

Now, if you were serious you would of joined an orthodox religion already.

Also, if you watch VTubers you're a degenerate.

>> No.23559749

Neither. I was already comfortable around women and I'm not really impressionable enough to let my favorite anime girl streamers have a big impact on how I conduct myself around them.

>> No.23559781

Before vtubers I thought that quiet, introverted women preferred similarly introverted men.
But now I see they prefer the same men as extroverted party sluts, so I guess I'm shit out of luck.

>> No.23559789

This picture makes me smile every time this guy rocks so fucking much

>> No.23559832

Anyone that thinks they help is not only mentally ill, but also clinically braindead.

>> No.23559915

I dunno if I'd go that far, but yeah they have problems. I do think it is possible for someone to reach a positive epiphany about women by watching these streamers, but the same could be said of any game, book, movie, series etc.
You can find the catalyst for positive change in unexpected places imo

>> No.23560006

>social inadequacy.
Anon, most people don’t even know I’m the type of person who watches vtubers or comes to 4chan. I’m a very respected guy in every circle I’m part of. My social skills are really good, I’m pretty much well established in life, I’m good looking, very well educated, polyglot…
Nothing in me has anything to do with the fact that society went in a direction I just don’t want to go, and thus outside of my obligations I try to not play up the act of “everything is alright”. Not that I can; every time I go outside the world before me is tainted in blatant hedonism and somehow I have to pretend that’s ok. I did so when I was younger, but now it just hurts.

>> No.23560301

What is degeneracy? Having had sex? Grow up, anon

>> No.23560392

Casual emotionless sex. It's really no better than masturbation but a lot of value is put into it.

>> No.23560485

I mean, a lot of teenagers make love. When you are that young it is super easy to believe you love someone you barely know.

>> No.23560525

i only watch men and women that collab with men. my opinion on them remains unchanged

>> No.23560528

Stop giving the larping faggot (you)s

>> No.23560862

All big men with big balls and big sexy lives in this thread huh.

>> No.23560943

Neither. My social skills atrophied years ago, I can't remember actually holding a conversation with a woman who wasn't either a family member or a work colleague.

>> No.23561107

Are you a woman?

>> No.23561125

I'm the anon you originally responded to. I call "degeneracy" to this weird play of caring and loving people for very shorts periods of time and replacing them like dolls. That's what I call pure hedonism: you are using people, pretending you care but very fact you can replace them with ease it's proof that you didn't care at all. Somehow it's ok to go around and play to love people and replace them like nothing (wish just shows you didn't care to begin with) but then your mom dies and you don't go around finding a woman her age and try to make her your new mom.
There is a heavily sociopathic and superficial view on couple relationships that somehow everyone agrees with but that doesn't makes it any less sociopathic to me. People you love shouldn't be replaceable, at least not with ease. Even if such people hurt you the fact you can move on with ease it's proof you aren't any better. It's just a bunch of narcissists trying to feel important and the moment they have to give back or they feel "less loved" they just find a new target to exploit. It's disgusting if you ask me.

>> No.23561401

Nope, I'm a man. Dick and balls and a mustache and everything

>> No.23561465

I'm sorry you got hurt, anon. I got hurt real badly too. I still think there are some genuinely good people out there; it's just a little harder to find them in the age of social media brainrot.

>> No.23561596

I only watch vtubers when I feel like shit. I don't think it has any positive effect on me.

>> No.23561686

I miss my ex so fucking much bros i never should have left her she was so smart and funny and cute and i left her because i felt the grass was greener on the other side and every single day since i've regretted it

i dont know if she would take me back and i cant bring myself to ask her but i miss her so much

>> No.23561786

I don't understand the question, vtubers aren't women.

>> No.23561794

I take it you left on bad terms? I'm hesitant to suggest anybody gets back with their ex, but if she's still single and you feel like she deserves to have you back just as much as you want her back, then you should go for it.
If you feel like she deserves better than you, you should reflect on that.

>> No.23561819

Yeah, anon. I'm hurt. Worst thing is that I wasn't hurt by a woman or an ex or something, it was the whole environment surrounding me: people boasting how they deliberately cheat, how they get away with being nasty, with lying, how they just refuse to care about other people; I've seen people who were good once become shit just because these other people destroys them... how can they just say stuff like that carelessly as if it was funny or something to be proud of? And the worst part is that I had to put a smile on my face while listening because if I didn't I would've been given a cold eye, ejected...
I still have hope, but honestly every single day that passes that shed of hope just turns more and more into ashes.

>> No.23561822
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>> No.23561855

Don't do this. When you're done, you're done.

>> No.23561889

I'm happier with my oshii than any relationship I've been in with a 3D girl

>> No.23562006

left on good terms, but she lived on the other side of the country and i couldn't cope with the distance at all mostly
that's what i've been telling myself but goddamn it hurts... i've been around normies because of work and i cannot be attracted to them in the same way i was attracted to her

>> No.23562085

makes me dislike irl women even more so no its not helping, but maybe its just because of the shit hole location where i live

>> No.23562171

90% chance she's already fucking other dudes, get over her

>> No.23562344

Stranger things have happened, but you are probably right. I hope you get what I was saying, though.
It might sound trite but time really does heal all wounds. It might take a while, but you'll eventually be over it. We've all been there.

>> No.23562438

doubt it heavily
i hope it does... by god i hope it gets easier

>> No.23562470

I feel you, anon. I promise you're not the only person that feels this way, at least. You just have to stay optimistic until the right person enters your life. That's what I'm doing. It isn't easy, but I will literally go insane if I don't try my best to cope with what the dating scene is like in the 20s.
It helps a lot if you can truly enjoy your own company, too. That will make you an even more capable partner when the right person comes along.

>> No.23562518

Lol found the issue. Every polyglot I've seen on this board is an insufferable fucking prick. I pray for your own sake that Japanese isn't one of your other languages.

>> No.23562524

It might take years man, but it really does get easier.

>> No.23562570

Whoa, insecure monoglot coming through. Beep beep. Make way.

>> No.23562748

I would like a girl with your glass half full mentality.

>> No.23562768

yeah the JSL mentality is insane, for some reason they see themselves as gods because they spent years learning one of the most useless and autistic languages in the world

>> No.23562932

They're out there man. Men and women are obviously very different, but we both want to be loved and be happy. We at least have that in common.

>> No.23563193
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It's a classic autistic better yourself to become worthy of your waifu situation for me. Pic related. It's amazing it works in terms of motivating yourself and striving to fulfill the goals you set for yourself instead of being a neet, being 24/7 4chan, jerking off, then going to bed ad infinitum. That being said, irys already has a boyfriend and i am the man of which i speak

>> No.23563212

You do know that 90% people on this board is esl, right?

>> No.23563338
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>actually managed to have someone like me on a dating app and actually have a decent conversation because she noticed how I wrote how I liked to cook which gave me a window to ramble a bit into that
>no idea what to do at this point because I can't tell if she's just entertaining me at the moment or a. I ask her out and she says not, or b. I ask her out, she says yes, but it ends up overlapping when my oshi is streaming

>> No.23563431

anyone saying shit like "degeneracy" i'm willing bet good money on that they are not as "pure" as they think they are. just say you want a woman who is effectively a slave.

>> No.23563516

That's a cope. Just not a raging whore that's all they want.

>> No.23563588
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This thread reminds me of this guy

>> No.23563635

Or perhaps, I'm the one she's currently dating, I don't need to hear about her past relationships because talking about that shit in general is a giant red flag in my book.

>> No.23563958

>I will literally go insane if I don't try my best to cope with what the dating scene is like in the 20s
Just get jaw surgery, it literally is that easy.

>> No.23564011

>raging whore

both men and women do that

>> No.23564084

Do men and women tell each other about ALL of their previous relationships? It's bad taste no matter which side is participating in the practice.

>> No.23564124

I would never cheat on my oshi

>> No.23564411

no, sounds like whoever you're dating has some hang ups anon. that isnt normal.

>> No.23564623

Well at least we can agree on that.

>> No.23564785

>My last girlfriend cheated on me. So, what kind of soup do you like?

>> No.23564874

Anon you're gay. Go find the man of your dreams and be happy.

>> No.23564878

Go on the date you retard. You can't watch a VOD of your date

>> No.23564973

yeah, hope youre able to work it out or move on anon because it is disrespectful. good luck

>> No.23565004

I only tell the languages I know when people ask, which is often because they see me playing or reading something in a language that's not my mother tongue.
>I pray for your own sake that Japanese isn't one of your other languages.
It is, now that you ask. Why does it matter? I learned it to play eroges and read untranslated stuff back in the day and it has been the best decision in my life. I'm very happy I spent insane amount of hours studying it while I was in university. Knowing it has brought me a lot of happiness as I don't really depend on anyone to enjoy my hobbies. I could be a prick about it and other stuff but I'm way too nihilistic to give any importance to this "I'm better than you" game; I don't care if I'm better or worse as it doesn't really mean anything; I'm not gonna be any less or more miserable than I curently am because of it.

>> No.23565464

You know, ive been to therapist, started taking meds for depression, and its fucking amazing how utterly fucking retarded posts like these read. I cant think of anything more normal than 2 horny teenagers being stupid and fumbling around while trying to fuck.

>> No.23565886

lmfao yeah dude it's given me confidence to pay to talk to 2d anime girls in real life

>> No.23565974

Pomu gave me an OL fetish but honestly no real difference.
I just don't have the time to deal with an average relationship.

>> No.23566069


>> No.23566106

hearing women talk about their hobbies and things that interest them makes me want to have someone to have that kind of conversations with

>> No.23566478

If you’re not attractive, it’s better to stop having those ideas unless you want to be miserable.

>> No.23566668


>> No.23566752

You could say they’re preventing me from getting a gf, but I say they’re protecting me from getting a gf. I don’t trust women after dealing with so many bullshit scenarios in relationships and friendships, but obviously I still seek companionship and interaction. Vtubers fulfill my need for female company while also protecting me from making the stupid decision to even bother trusting women again.

>> No.23566863

The problem is that nowadays people are horny teenagers even if they are 33 years old. Also if you think what that post was about is sex being a problem then you are clearly underage.

>> No.23566867

If you're not attractive, ask what you can do to improve, and try to do it. Even fat fucks with pencil dicks can get laid (my cousin is the biggest and fattest example) so anyone can. It's just a matter of behaving like a proper human being

>> No.23567065

>It's just a matter of behaving like a proper human being
NTA and I agree with you but there is one thing that cannot be overcomed, and that's being bald. If you are bald you are doomed. The only solution would be to date a blind girl or an orc.

>> No.23567085

I want to kill myself

>> No.23567086

This but my bed

>> No.23567282
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If anything, watching them has encouraged me to remain isolated in my socially degenerative cocoon. However, at the same time, watching some of them start out with nothing before achieving success has somewhat motivated me to actually do something with my life.

>> No.23567324

Well most of them were pretty irate when they found out I was the boyfriend of their genmate. So they didn't help much! They tried to gaslight her about our relationship but thankfully 5 months later we're still together.

>> No.23567490

Contrary to popular belief, there is little you can do as a man to become more attractive, other than losing weight. Most of your attractiveness comes from your bone structure (face, frame and height), which you cannot change. Surgery, however, is a great option, for example check https://www.instagram.com/p/CYoD_dUoOzu/

>> No.23567562

I have little problem speaking to women, and they receive me pretty well, but any subject matter that keeps me spending my entire day on this website is not helping with any endeavor to get a girlfriend

>> No.23567605

It's all a matter of confidence, it's true that there's no solution, but owning your bald head is the first step. Shave your head, and with some days under the sunlight it'll start to look uniform. From there it's all attitude, the "fake it until you make it" is real

>> No.23567654

actually it's better to stop having ideas about attractiveness being entirely out of your control
sure there's limits to how much you can change physical aspects, but there's no limit to how much you can change your mindset

>> No.23567818

/vt/ just date one of our vtsisters then.

>> No.23567834
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That's right motherfucker.

>> No.23567837

Your mindset doesn’t make you attractive, your physical appearance does. Sorry, but there’s really not much to be discussed unless you’re ignorant or delusional. I don’t want to derail the thread, but I recommend you to check QOVES on YouTube if you want a quick overview of the matter.

>> No.23567875

A lot of people say this but I honestly can't believe it. I'm a dude but if I were a girl I wouldn't date a bald guy ever. That shit looks hideous as fuck. There's a reason most rapist and pedophiles in eromangas are bald and ugly guys: those two things come together.
It's like saying if you dive into a cesspool you can just own the odour and fake it until you make it: that's not it; you have to take a shower and stop smelling. In the case of bald people, either wear a hat for the rest of your life or get treatment/surgery.

>> No.23568003

Baldness is objectively not that important compared to other traits, and the reason you see many ugly men in eromanga is because it contributes to the degradation and humiliation of the girl.

>> No.23568237

It might stop being important when you are 50, but if you are 25 and bald you are just done. There's no way in hell a young attractive 25 years old female would date a bald 25 years old male when she can date someone who's 25 and not bald... unless the bald dude is rich, then of course he can compete.
>the reason you see many ugly men in eromanga is because it contributes to the degradation and humiliation of the girl.
This I can concede although it's still a pretty bad sign that such characteristics are used to contribute to the degradation and humiliation of a girl.

>> No.23568333

Don't like that you put this idea into my head

>> No.23568345

Google "hot bald guy"

>> No.23568390

she's looking for a free meal

>> No.23568399

I was a feminist, now I hate women.

>> No.23568450

A woman typed this

>> No.23568453

This question seems so alien to me considering I go outside maybe once a month and don't work. I hate it. It's a total dead end

>> No.23568486

I have and those are not as hot as non bald ones. It's cope. Let's be honest here.
Anon, if you hang out with literal femoids then of course you will come to hate girls.

>> No.23568587

That's subjective. There's someone out there that thinks the opposite.
From one bald guy to another, being bald is not a death sentence.

>> No.23568646

Even tho I never had any trouble with women or getting girlfriends, I had already ditch the dating market years before the chinkflu. If anything, vtubers only just make me become less misogynic toward them

>> No.23568827

I'm not bald although I've been afraid of going bald my whole life as I despise the idea; only imagining myself bald makes me feel like throwing up and killing myself. I'd rather burn all my money away rather than going bald.
Having said that I respect you and don't wish any ill, anon. Keep pushing forward.

>> No.23568844

Bros, how do I become less hateful towards women? It becomes seriously difficult to maintain a normie disguise for me

>> No.23569198

Just learn to acknowledge people as non human. Just because you look like a person and speak a language doesn't mean you are a person. That way I draw a line between them and me and that helps a lot.
I do this with both sexes. So I pretty much see people like meat-craft until they show me they are sentient. If they are sentient then I start looking at them as humans, if they can't prove they are humans then they are just talking meatballs.

>> No.23569238

I use it as research. I'm taking notes on zoomer women because when I do get married it wont be to some dried up eggs and 5 minutes to midnight menopausal woman my own age.

>> No.23569384

Vtubers hasn't changed my opinion of women, but I'm learning to hate people equally now.

>> No.23570186

you're 1000% wrong. i lost my hair young due to genetics and i had gfs in my 20s. you guys with this "all women like this and if you dont have this you cant have any form of relationship" always forget that women are different, some women like bald dudes, some women may rate other traits you have higher than you being bald. you guys lose because you dont even believe in yourself.

>> No.23570742

If I were bald and a cute girl wanted to date me I’d be really suspicious as I cannot for my life fathom how someone can overlook such hideous trait. I just can’t, sorry.
Not saying that’s your case but again I can’t believe how a girl can overlook it; I really feel for both parties as I don’t think a girl not wanting to date bald guys is bad and a guy being bald is not his fault as it’s pretty much a disease. To me it’s like when those marines came back from war all deformed because a grenade exploded in their face; can you blame the girl for not wanting to be with the guy anymore? It’s sad but understandable.

>> No.23570796

>If I were bald and a cute girl wanted to date me I’d be really suspicious as I cannot for my life fathom how someone can overlook such hideous trait. I just can’t, sorry.
>I I'd I I
You are your own worst enemy, anon.

>> No.23570846

Do any cisgendered /vt/ sisters need their pussy eaten. I am drinking.

>> No.23570884

I realized that all vtubers, chicks or dicks, care more about the cash flow than anything else. So it made me more comfortable with not worrying about what people think about me. Why would they waste their time about a two bit nobody when they’re thinking about making their next two grand?

>> No.23571069

I can’t deny that. I’ve already stated I’m afraid as shit of going bald and will do whatever it takes to stop it if it happens. And if I can’t then I’ll just off myself.

>> No.23571370

That's an extremely retarded reason to kill yourself.

>> No.23571443

nta, but you need to realize that you are not looking at it from the women's perspective. you're not dating yourself you idiot. there are conventionally attractive women who date and marry conventionally unattractive men. and vice versa. when my hair started going away i freaked out but it got the point where i just said fuck it and just started shaving it off. eventually i grew to like how i looked and me just being confidant in who i am helped me with relationships. you need to get out of your own head anon

>> No.23571839

I kinda agree but the thought of feeling disgusted at the sight of me is beyond what I can tolerate.
I agree but I don’t really think I’d ever accept it if it happens. I don’t really care if women find that attractive; I wouldn’t take it as I despise how hideous I’d look if it happened to me. It’s gonna be either surgery, forever wearing a hat, not going outside ever or offing myself out of depression.

>> No.23572126

he can, I'll be filming it.

>> No.23572169

>"everyone is retarded except me"
>has the uncontrollable need to reafirm doubtful qualities
Listen here nigga I get what you mean but you simply cannot put the blame on every other variable and not a single inch of blame on yourself. I'm 101% sure you're just a schizo LARPer but on the small possibility that you aren't, I offer you an advice: take some introspection. Trust me, I speak from experience.

>> No.23572207

An attractive person wrote this post. It's just like fuckwits who say money isn't important. The person saying that shit is inevitably comfortably wealthy.

>> No.23572222

Vtubers have done nothing for my comfort level with women, I've just gradually become more comfortable interacting with them in general because of more socialization opportunities.
However, I will say that I notice vtubers have increased my appreciation for women online to a great extent. The vast majority of the people I follow on Youtube were all guys until vtubers popped up.

>> No.23572250

The contrast between these two posts make-a me laugh.

>> No.23572354

No effect because they're just normal people.
Being on /vt/ has lowered my opinion of men though. I'm sure that likewise if I was on twitter or tiktok I'd hate women way more.

>> No.23572396

If that’s what you took from those posts then there’s really nothing to further discuss as you are either responding in bad faith or just want to portray the posters as whatever you want to feel superior.

>> No.23572441

Are you a man or a woman? I'm not trying to gotcha you; I'm just curious

>> No.23572501

I used to have hope that I might not die alone. Now I have a superior hope.

>> No.23572549

Watch 4x tiled archives at 2x speed and you can finish that in less than 8 hours, ez

>> No.23572622

Ive always gotten along with women more than i did other guys but i mostly prefer to be alone

>> No.23572911

I feel the same as in: i never hated women from the get-go. i get along with guys less and women more but ehhh that aside I'll be real here: I basically get attacked/haunted by clingy ass witches/demons/whatever and since I'll never be able to click with regular (in this case; living) women. I gave in and entered a pact/sold my soul to them so I basically belong to them, even when I die, especially when I die. I don't even hate women or other guys, I just genuinely don't feel a connection 98% of people and I'm doing society and more importantly, myself by weeding myself out of the pool and staying alone because quite frankly its what i deserve in the end

>> No.23573834
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Ah yes, news flash! Hedonism is consuming society! Yeah nigga, since like... the medieval ages. In fact, I'd say that nowadays is less of a problem than ever. The number of males becoming involuntary celibates *has* risen in the last few years.

There's nothing to take from a retard that takes the 'holier than thou' stance on 4chan (on fucking /vt/) of all places. If, after discovering the very obvious truth about the shallowness of modern relationships, your reaction is anything but accepting it the way it is or go along with it, then you are beyond the normal spectrum of autism. You won't find your long desired Virgin Mary. People won't stop fucking on a whim just because you don't want them to.
Get real.

>> No.23573999

Resignation is a coping mechanism. A cope. An excuse you use to not take any sort of action. Its pathetic.

>> No.23574146

So-called "polyglots" are just phrase memorizing narcissistic faggots
You don't actually speak the languages, you just memorized a barely conversational level amount of words

>> No.23574254

You don't, you just realize men are just as shitty as them, equalizing the playing field.

>> No.23574495

There's nothing of importance to take from those posts though.
The gist of it "hurt people go on to hurt people" and he's wondering why trauma and pain affect other people? Meanwhile he himself is being hurt and affected by what's going on around him as well. It's fucking retarded.
Of course there exists certain levels of acceptance of degeneracy, but ultimately they exist reactively and as a result of past damage.

>> No.23574632

Not helping in the slightest. Vtubers went from a source of motivation to a fucking drug I'm addicted to

>> No.23574946

No, i watch vtubers that are clearly playing a character and in fact i hate the females behind the avatars.

>> No.23575858


>> No.23576150

i am not trying to get a girlfriend. I could get one if I wanted one but i have turned down advances from female friends in the past because something inside me is broken.

VTubers have not had any positive or negative effect on that.

>> No.23576281
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It doesn't fucking matter, women are disgusted by my 1/10 face & receding hairline so nothing I ever do will get me a gf. I should probably just blow my brains out to quit taking resources from less worthless existences

>> No.23576317

>1/10 face & receding hairline
Congrats you are more attractive than 60% of male vtubers roommates irl

>> No.23576826

Vtubers made me realise that, as a 25 YO male, I should not date anyone under 40. Hag supremacy is real.

>> No.23576886

I'm still ugly so I'll be an incel forever, vtubers or not.

>> No.23577010

No one who watches and donates to vTubers have a girlfriend.

"Oh I donate 100's of dollars to an anime girl who tells me she loves me... wait why are you ghosting me already?"

People in this community by default are emotionally starves lonely men who are so desperate for any kind of love, friendship, and affection they get emotionally dependent on someone who doesn't even know their real name.

Simple things like getting told "I love you", said to 20,000 people at once fill their brains with dopamine and fill them with love and happiness they have never felt before.

This is called habit forming behavior also known as "Addiction". When you get that flood of dopamine, you feel good. And if you get that flood by giving her a "Donation" and seeing her visceral emotional reaction, then you WILL get addicted.

And the fact people don't realize that this is habit forming behavior is the main reason why vTubers are so dangerous, just like any kind of Parasocial relationship. But it's the main source of happiness for so many people so they DEFEND it with their lives.

"Why judge someone for what they like" they say as they throw out another donation? Why judge? Because you are trapped in a cycle you don't even see. You are addicted to something that is not healthy, this will not add anything to your life but filling an emotional whole that should be another person.

We as humans NEED to have love, affection, to be wanted. The Oxytocin, emotional validations the chemicals it floods our brain with, those are essential to a good mental health. But when you are stuck with a Streamer being that source, you are making a hurting yourself.

>> No.23577117
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>women are different
No they aren't.
Men are different.
All women have exactly the same standard for beauty. Tall, good jaw, wealth, no balding, confident, etc.
They all want the same thing and that's why both Chads and incels exist in the first place.

>> No.23577165

>No one who watches and donates to vTubers have a girlfriend.
I wouldn't say no one, but I would say the majority.
I don't donate for the attention or connection, I donate so they'll stay afloat monetarily and bring me more entertainment. In a roundabout I rationalize it as just paying for entertainment, not a relationship.
Girlfriend doesn't understand it completely but she doesn't mind it either.

>> No.23577474

Had a girlfriend while i was in highschool, no thank you, im not going through that shit again, I tried asking out girls in my college but i didnt really feel anything toward so i stopped, same thing with making friends. I feel better alone because i dont have to answer to anyone other than myself and i dont have to be weighed down by anyone else other than myself. Hearing/seeing a female girl operate an anime avatar and saying i love you is no different from a my favorite jpeg saying i love you in a gacha. its nice and then i get to hop into playing vida or any other hobby/task im invested in

>> No.23577694

im horny and lonley

>> No.23577853

If I ever had a girlfriend or hope of getting a worthwhile one I'd drop vtubers immediately, but I don't. Better to have a nice fantasy than to be miserable. $ didn't help, getting fit didn't help, there is little left for me to try because women won't ever care about me.

>> No.23578447

You are justifying why you gave up trying, not why you like vTubers.

What you need to keep doing instead of working out your body, you need to be working out your social skills. Like any skill it takes practice and sadly that's the only way someone will be attracted to you, by being the whole package.

And that means real IRL friends, going outside, hanging out, meeting new people, approaching people, asking co-workers for drinks, it's tough as fuck because it takes so much effort. Like fighting that boss in Dark Souls, you need to not let your heart rise, you need to be comfortable. But it won't happen unless you keep trying.

You build that internal experience bar until you level your Charisma, it's the only way. Practice practice practice. Once you give up... you become me and I don't want anyone to be like me.

>> No.23578634

All of this advice is worthless if you're ugly btw.

>> No.23578890

wait, those exist IRL?

>> No.23579691

You are only ugly because all the fat in your face makes you look like kirby. Lose some weight and 95% of ugly people become attractive.

>> No.23579970

Holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.23581198

I know a couple vtubers that will actually help make you more comfortable with women, but you gotta pay them

>> No.23581774

Names? I already get along with women enough to have female friends but im too autistic in other aspects with them

>> No.23582510
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>literally every single woman I’ve met has a boyfriend
>even if she didn’t, I’m too fucking fat to pull her in
I’m working on the weight loss, down 20lbs so far, still fat tho. The top one is the problem though, feel like there’s no point or any hope for me anymore. It’s unreal, I don’t even show any interest and their boyfriend comes up within ten minutes of meeting “oh my boyfriend and I went there last week”. I think I just wasn’t meant to be with anybody. It’s been so long now at this point I have zero confidence and I just don’t know how these things are supposed to play out. Sorry about the blog, just wish things were different is all

>> No.23583324

Not helping. The knowledge that I'll never attract a girl who makes me smile like my oshi does is just tearing me apart emotionally.

>> No.23583407

Neither, I wasn't interested in Japanese girls before and now im crazy interested in Japanese girls.

>> No.23583671

the japanese language is a simple, elegant, and beautiful masterpiece to which all other languages should aspire
everyone who speaks it is just a complete fucking psychopath, like god put everyone who's fluent in lojban on an island lord-of-the-flies style

>> No.23584820

>the japanese language is a simple, elegant, and beautiful masterpiece to which all other languages should aspire
that's not any romance language like italian, french or romanian

>> No.23584914

Those languages are gross, even when spoken by a woman.

>> No.23584973

I'm both getting more comfortable with women and getting steered away from having a girlfriend since some emotional needs are being satiated by watching vtubers.

>> No.23585175

nobody actually likes the romance languages, they're just easy to learn a bunch of because they're all the same

>> No.23585177

you are very clearly a fucking retard narcissist virgin who would jump at the chance to have even a taste of a >gf

who are you trying to convince?

>> No.23585590

A bit of both. Watching their personalities makes me wonder how fun it would be to have a GF and all the crazy shit we'd get up to. On the flipside, I know these vtuber girls are just putting on a show. I don't want to try extremely hard to get a GF only to find her vastly inferior to these electrical showgirls.

>> No.23586720 [SPOILER] 

The level of ignorance is laughable. If they taught how attraction actually works in school, the male suicide rate would increase tenfold.

>> No.23586753

You mean like how a mans appearance doesn't actually matter very much, or do you value that too much as an excuse?

>> No.23586789

I haven't left my house since long before vtubing was a thing.

>> No.23586798
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I live in a camper van and look like Rust (post timeskip) from True Detective and I hate women.

>> No.23587050

That’s simply the opposite of reality. Human beings are extremely superficial on a subconscious level, and your looks are by far the most important factor in how people perceive you. For dating, it’s essentially the only thing that matters. Telling ugly people to “go out and make friends” is not going to get them girlfriends, that’s just normie gaslighting. If you’re ugly and want a girlfriend, you need cosmetic surgery, period. Save some money and get jaw surgery and cheekbone implants. It really is that simple and your life will change afterwards.

>> No.23587119

Honestly yeah, its just that ever since vtubers I don’t see any girl I find worth starting a relationship with, I can socialize, talk to them, and have fun with them, its easy, its just that I don’t want to go further than friends with them.

>> No.23587175

What about Johnny Sins and The Rock, aren't they attractive?

>> No.23587189

Nonsense, ugly men with beautiful women is the norm.

>> No.23587279

I teeter between
>Wow these vtubers are nice, funny and interesting. Maybe there are good women out there.
>Wow literally all the good ones are already taken, I'm too late and I'm going to have to "lower my standards" whatever the fuck that means.
every single time someone brings up a potential bf

Though i guess that's better than
>i'm gonna die alone whats the point in waking up in the morning
24/7 like it used to be

>> No.23587293

I just want a girl I can fall in love with

>> No.23587317

did you know that in actual conversations when you make a claim about a group of people you usually need to base it on something ?

>> No.23587347

I got a girlfriend because of Gura. I also lost 27 pounds.

>> No.23587399

Are you 14?

>> No.23587472

To my brain, being in a parasocial relationship with a vtuber, and having a gf is no different besides the sex.
Why should I pursue something that I don't need anymore just because society tells me to?

>> No.23588729

Are Japanese girls the most desired now?

>> No.23588794


VTubers prove that women need management to be decent people, otherwise they become degenerates.

>> No.23589156

It's true, though. Introverted, socially awkward female otaku want exactly the same men as normie women: extroverted Chad. I mean, we're in 2022, you can go check social media and see what women like. There are tons of nerdy girls drooling for Robert Pattinson right now.

>> No.23589395

Watching Kronii in particular, I feel quite comfortable. She's practically a comfort woman.
I feel the same about Ina's comfy streams.
Dunno why, there's just something very comforting about those two.

>> No.23589538

>would of

>> No.23589601

I now have desire to get myself Indonesian wife if that counts

>> No.23589684

I literally cannot wait to cuddle with my personal Ninomae Ina'nis, if you are out there I WILL make you my wife and mother of my children. This is non negotiable.

>> No.23590093

If you don't have anything to base it on except for some opinions the internet told you to have, then your claim is still baseless

>> No.23590283

No you are being a literal Incel right now. Seriously, don't fall into the "Ugly" trap. It's a slippery slope that will only make you more and more miserable.

You can be better, you know woman are not all the same, you know that, you can do it. I've been there so I know, it's possible to change how you view woman.

>> No.23590336

He sounds very lonely and hurt and is finding reason to justify that pain. It's sucks he feels that way but judging all woman like that isn't going to help, it's a unhealthy spiral.

>> No.23590400

Not that Anon, you've never been there, you conditioned yourself with pure undiluted cope to settle, and you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.23590492

Women are generally terrible as a baseline and are only enabled by current social norms to go even further beyond that, and become absolute subhumans deserving of death-tier twofaced monstrous garbage creatures. You either convince yourself to become comfortable enough with their combination of both terrible nature and horrendous modern nurture, and don't hold them personally responsible for themselves as living thinking beings, or you relegate yourself to being bitterly alone.

Or you're just a double digit IQ normalfag idiot.

>> No.23590601
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You can read any study and understand what makes a face beautiful, how people subconsciously judge others in milliseconds upon first seeing them and the benefits physically attractive people enjoy on all domains, especially on dating, where looks are essentially the only thing that matters, even for long term relationships. You can also read the experiences of people who underwent jaw surgery and the difference of treatment before and after.

>> No.23590677

ok anon, we get it, all women are the same because... they just are ok ?

>> No.23590775

>>even if she didn’t, I’m too fucking fat to pull her in
bullshit, if you become fat enough your own gravity will pull her in

>> No.23590826

biology informing nature, feminized freewheeling godless and valueless society informing nature

you're the type of guy to go around prodding rattlesnakes with sticks because not all rattlesnakes are the same, if you look hard enough you'll find one that won't bite you on the dick and inject necrotic venom

>> No.23590953

Man, I have a good jaw and cheekbones, I've had women "declare" their love to me in the past. I'm just not interested, but all these posts are making me feel stupid for not taking advantage of the things nature gave me, and I don't consider myself above average. kek
Still Vtubers>>>irl relationships

>> No.23591010

Nothing changed , I watch vtubers for the character and I hate when they break out of it though. I hate women, I hate them so much it's unreal and I've gotten into actual legal troubles for it.

>> No.23591071

>I hate women, I hate them so much it's unreal and I've gotten into actual legal troubles for it.
God I love /vt/

>> No.23591144

based beyond belief

>> No.23591157

Now, don't get me wrong. Personally, I've had relationships before and honestly they've all left me pretty cold. I think sex in particular is massively overrated and not worth obsessing about if you're someone with a minimal level of curiosity and introspection (basically, if you're not a normie). I'd say masturbating to 2D is both more physically pleasurable and mentally exciting.

But if for some reason you feel you need to have a girlfriend, then I think you should absolutely be aware that you need to be physically attractive, and consider surgery if you're really serious about it. Otherwise you're delusional and will get nowhere.

>> No.23591228

i honestly hope that one day you'll learn to see people as individuals rather than as some amorphic group of identical clones

>> No.23591358

Alright, have an honest post.

I'm in my thirties and "tf no gf" stops being relevant. I talk and flirt with women all the time and have done so since I was a teen. My issue is my own - inability to let go and trust another person in any form. That aside, Gura is my oshi and because of her I've been steadily improving my life in small but consistent and permanent ways. Vtubing proved to me that there are good women out there, and even though I might not meet them in my life, the proof of their existence makes the usual claims about women being an irreparably degenerate gender simply wrong. Yes, the majority of women are complete trash, but there do exist good women out there.

Vtubing as a whole has been a decidedly positive influence on my life.

>> No.23591370

I hope one day you'll fucking kill yourself because I know you won't go around peddling bullshit nonsensical brainlet statements like this without such radical intervention.

>> No.23591421

Good for you I guess but being convinced of such a thing about women because of the entertainment persona of Gura is delusional cope.

>> No.23591597

>I'm in my thirties and "tf no gf" stops being relevant
Same I hate women and don't wanna be with them.
>inability to let go and trust another person in any form
This except I don't know how to flirt and have never flirted.

>> No.23591768

No real change for me before and after Vtubers. I've always enjoyed being alone and the freedom that comes with it. Wouldn't give that up for the world.
The best I'll give them is that they helped provide another type of free entertainment during the worst of the lockdowns in the last two years.

>> No.23592825

dude, you need therapy, please. Get help, you can do it! You don't need to hate, you can one day feel love. It's possible, but seriously get some help.

>> No.23592921

Honestly Kiara's true GFE - rambling endlessly about the most inconsequential shit and whatever trash Netflix shows she's been watching recently - has finally shown me that I don't actually want to be in a relationship with a woman, I just want to fuck them occasionally.

>> No.23593273

Women are great, but I'm a 1/10 subhuman. If I was one I would also never date someone with a hideous face and a receding hairline, that's just how it is. Tons and tons and tons of single men oht there, why the hell would anyone bother with genetic garbage like myself? Taking anyone else is just the logical route.

>> No.23595154

>Taking anyone else is just the logical route.
Not saying you're wrong, but it's very bold of you to assume women would take a logical route

>> No.23595215

Not that anon, but I'm a dude. I'm genuinely disappointed about you schizos.

>> No.23595380

Vtubers have been whatever, other than proving that the cute girl who never leaves her house exists and is just as normal for women as it is for men. No, what's steered me away is this fucking board. The number of women /here/ who have revealed themselves as shitposters, schizos, doxxfags, and the worst kind of assmad antis, not to mention harmless mental illness like avatarposters, horny idiots, and general threadshitters boggles belief. Knowing that they're at most 10-20% of the vtuber fanbase but 30-50% of the most insane posters here scares me. It's not all bad though, I see a few women in this very thread trying to gently help the incels, but shit, if I go by here, so many girls are the worst kind of crazy.

>> No.23596432

Wait, schizos were women all along?

>> No.23596736

>I'm taking meds so I'm the sane one

>> No.23598414
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>> No.23598536

I understand the sentiment if you're non-American (as I am as well). But large parts of America is actually like this. There's a lot of people moving to more rural areas in order to escape this phenomenon, or going the same route that anon is going, and trying to make a place for themselves among the degeneracy.

>> No.23598703

Learned Helplessness
look it up

>> No.23599584

Vtubers have only made me start to fall out of love with my gf.
Then again I found out shes been watching fucking Vox so honestly the feelings mutual.

>> No.23600646
File: 743 KB, 516x284, mumei_fool[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpdfy1h.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes been watching fucking Vox s

>> No.23600819

>Same I hate women and don't wanna be with them.
You didn't read that entire post.

>> No.23601103

>take the happy pills goyim
Nice try schlomo.

>> No.23601437

Vtubing as a phenomenon in general made me realize that yabs are just woman moments.

>> No.23601906

Definitely worse. It made me realize how truly lonely I am and that I'll never meet another woman again. I'm a scumbag and not worth for them to even glance at me. Shit I'm not even worthy of watching my oshi stream.

>> No.23602085

I watch vtubers to get away from my wife, not to find one

>> No.23603250
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Vtubers have motivated me to improve myself so I can groom a nice shut-in introvert weeb girl to be my wife and save her from the world of narcissism, greed and degeneracy that is being a vwhore.

>> No.23604496

I learned to hate myself and women even more. I also kinda want to become a vtuber but I don't have place, time, and money to do that.

>> No.23605016

Unironically touch grass

>> No.23605202

This, but also just as good. Only brainless judge by category, especially when the outliers is where the quality is.

>> No.23605321
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but have chuubas made any women more comfortable with men?

>> No.23606296

h...hot ?

>> No.23606404

ygmi anon

>> No.23609058

Don't think so. Male vtubers exist and they are either fujo baiters or lolcows.

>> No.23609187

unfortunately I don't speak tumblr

>> No.23610297

that's a good question. I think some of the holostars and nijiJP fags might say yes.

>> No.23613971

why is CMB always full of Asians?
