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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.23548373

Thank god i don't have to look at the catalog anymore

>> No.23548380

>Korone died on purpose until the thread was back up
Thanks Korone!

>> No.23548403

so did anyone ever find it strange how the final boss of Sonic Adventure 2 is a deformed lizard with a space station rammed up its ass?

actually that explains alot about the Sonic community

>> No.23548407
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>> No.23548419
File: 283 KB, 498x498, runnning-sonic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqE5NX1UOqY

>> No.23548442


>> No.23548458

there doesn't exist a more hype theme in video game history

>> No.23548478


>> No.23548490

last hit was bullshit she fucking had it

>> No.23548501
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 1640830359926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23548533

Okay Sonicfags I'll admit this is a pretty cool final

>> No.23548542

idk man i think it actually glitched

>> No.23548580


>> No.23548598

Someone ask Korone how many apples the biolizard has.

>> No.23548599

here i come, you freak

>> No.23548632
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>> No.23548657
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>> No.23548708

I wouldn't fuck any cat, I'd fuck Okayu.

>> No.23548765

she fucking had it on the very first run god dammit

>> No.23548795

belieb time

>> No.23548798


>> No.23548829


>> No.23548844
File: 61 KB, 401x478, sdthsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23548852

>make sonic do all the work
Ultimate lifeform my ass

>> No.23548862

Why is everything turning red, Sonicfags?

>> No.23548870


>> No.23548873


>> No.23548876

Can you actually run out of time?
I've never seen it get this close.

>> No.23548882

watch out okayu you’re gonna get sunburn and maybe even skin cancer with the sun on steroids like that

>> No.23548899

my fucking sides

>> No.23548906


>> No.23548920

there goes the run kek

>> No.23548919

maybe because they're crashing into the fucking earth idk

>> No.23548940

Korone reads Tails gets Trolled when?

>> No.23548955 [SPOILER] 
File: 239 KB, 300x250, 1648621713301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23548993

Koronefags why is she so bad at this

>> No.23548996

she doesn't know you can home into the weak point

>> No.23549004

I don't remember this being so hard

>> No.23549013

She's good, you're just bad at watching.

>> No.23549026

Worse part is she has done it by accident and doesn't realize.

>> No.23549048
File: 738 KB, 640x872, Angry Okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change your tone.

>> No.23549058

post cat titties and I might look

>> No.23549084

looks like at the end the laser shits get in the way HAS to home in that moment

>> No.23549085

i was joking earlier about "this is Korone" but at a certain point in the last 5 minutes I'm genuinely concerned.

>> No.23549103

Dog keeps trying to eat the dried plums

>> No.23549102


>> No.23549132


>> No.23549138

They're very important for a dog her age.

>> No.23549142

she nailed every hit on the first run. this is like EN playing chess

>> No.23549148 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 1036x1316, 1650641956212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23549178

those are some fat cat tats

>> No.23549193

How? I remember that you can fly up or down, and beating this boss by just ramming into the weak point.

>> No.23549242

Tap either up or down button when close and you'll home in on it.

>> No.23549248


>> No.23549250
File: 267 KB, 1900x1132, 1642134735824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.23549277

she doesn't untrigger the flying attack when she8s close so it's not triggering a homing direction

>> No.23549306

This game is horrible at teaching you, isn't it? I didn't even know that you could switch characters by flying under it. Still beats 'press A to jump'.

>> No.23549308

One button makes you fly in an upwards direction and another in a downward direction. As long as you're in the general area of the weak point and press either button, Sonic/Shadow will home into the weak point in a flash of speed. Korone is just ramming the weakpoint without the homing attack.

>> No.23549314


>> No.23549345

i figured it out by accident when i was 9, am i a savant?

>> No.23549351


>> No.23549360

she did it :)

>> No.23549370


>> No.23549400

>didn't finish with shadow

>> No.23549404

I still love how you can hear the Dreamcast in the background

>> No.23549410

It's not that you can't beat it this way.

gj m8

Also, she finally beat it

>> No.23549417


>> No.23549437


>> No.23549461

Here come the waterworks

>> No.23549475

I wanted her to finish it with Shadow...

>> No.23549478

shadow should have stayed dead.

>> No.23549483

is she crying over shadow?

>> No.23549522


>> No.23549554

No, over wasted ending and spent hours on the shitty game

>> No.23549556

bow your heads low all hail Shadow!

>> No.23549579

Imagine getting emotional over shitty game like this lol

>> No.23549608

Amy is a whore

>> No.23549628

a real one died today

>> No.23549632

Still doesn't even almost touch on E102's death.

>> No.23549633

Adios?!?!? I've been lied to my whole life

>> No.23549641

Daily reminder that SA1 was better in all regards. I'll take Big Fishing levels over this jank any day. If you disagree, you're just a onions edge boy

>> No.23549658

robots don't deserve tears

>> No.23549684

SA1 is far more jank than SA2.

>> No.23549688

I can only get emotional over cheesy shit like this.

>> No.23549705

I've played Big's fishing levels. kys.

>> No.23549752

This happened to me with T2.

>> No.23549754


>> No.23549766

>Sayonara in the english dub
>Adeios in the japanese dub
Is there a Mexican dub?

>> No.23549803

only EN and JP afaik

>> No.23549809
File: 56 KB, 465x430, agaccdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23549831

Sonic games were only dubbed in English until like Generations.

>> No.23549848

Both SA are jank as fuck, but the soundtrack is some of the best out there.

>> No.23549849

I did too when i was 6

>> No.23549908

Only if you're a modern homing attack masher.

>> No.23549929

The only thing in SA2 that's jank is the camera and Mad Space. You're just bad at the game.

>> No.23549938

Is dog bad at games on purpose? She was also terrible when she was playing Sonic Colors which is game game for 3 year olds

>> No.23549956

I wonder how excited she's going to get over finding out Shadow is back in Sonic Heroes and then finding out she has to play 4 fucking campaigns

>> No.23549965

Games over you sonictards can leave now

>> No.23549982

Sonic games just were never good.

>> No.23550004

it's not worse than playing the same level 6 times in SA1

>> No.23550024

>Ain't a damn thing funny
This game has cuss words?

>> No.23550032

She has played spiderman on the ps1 before, sadly its gone because of the holocaust but its still archived so there is still something to watch.

>> No.23550164

Levels in SA1 are diverse and interesting, and you reallly only play a small portion of them with other heroes. 2/3 of SA2 levels is flat boring garbage, and of 1/3 remaining hedgehog levels about half is slow garbage.

Sonictards may leave the thread, but sonic will never leave vidya

>> No.23550225
File: 23 KB, 297x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23550227

Actually anon you only play each level 3 times in sonic adventure 1. there's no stage that has more than 3 visits total.

>> No.23550246

She also need to find a hidden key in each stage to collect Chaos emeralds to unlock the true ending

Well, she kinda did it before in Sonic 2 so this one should be easy

>> No.23550265

i was being hyperbolic. still awful, though

>> No.23550314

>that's jank is the camera
That's most of the game. And the ones who don't rely on camera have jank controls.
You just like bad games.

>> No.23550325

Funny you say that when Korone might be a big Sonictard herself. See you in the Sonic Heroes stream.

>> No.23550375

Someone tell her she unlocks secret Green Hill Zone in SA2 by getting all A ranks on every stage

>> No.23550382

he should have posted
>how many times am i going to have to fight fucking chaos 4 and 6
because that's the real problem with that game.

>> No.23550383

Korone is cute so its okay

>> No.23550397
File: 419 KB, 1280x1000, 82487445_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Spider-Man playthrough was kino af. I loved her interactions with Venom.

>> No.23550512

I'm diehard onigirya, I'm here forever

>> No.23550563

so if Korone and Okayu were to use the chaos emeralds would Korone be gold and Okayu be silver?

>> No.23550604

Quick reminder that she didn't really beat Sonic 3 yet
And she still has to play Sonic CD
And Sonic Mania

>> No.23550742

She's really missing out on not playing as Knuckles in 3&K.

>> No.23550770
File: 424 KB, 1616x732, 10920492804304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's so "bad" then explain this.

>> No.23550836

Sorry m8, no classic sonics for you until Sega has to promote their yet another shitty re-release that isn't widescreen.

>> No.23550844

So ow the edge permissions confirmed?

>> No.23550866

No dont
Enough of this shit game already

>> No.23550911

Did she recognize Metal Sonic in SA if she hasn't played CD? Considering he's the villain and final boss in Heroes.

>> No.23550916

so when does she play Sonic 06

>> No.23550922

You are actually right, maybe she was told to wait until Origins' release

>> No.23550926

why are you so mad, imouto?

>> No.23550958

Sonic is her sugardaddy, she'll get whatever she wants from him

>> No.23551050

>Sonic Heroes was the last game that used Metal Sonic
This makes me so mad

>> No.23551068
File: 179 KB, 333x333, sumgkorone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat's got his tongue.

>> No.23551082
File: 30 KB, 355x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23551188

God I wish that was me.

>> No.23551233

what is the announcement?

>> No.23551245

I should have said Okayu's got his tongue.

>> No.23551714


>> No.23551734

Okayu uses the Sol Emeralds and turns fiery pink

>> No.23551778
File: 420 KB, 2300x3200, FQPreo9VcAEr9Y1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23551835

That is my wife who spent all of yesterday signing cards while watching Dragon Ball

>> No.23551862
File: 82 KB, 960x1094, FRKLv6TUUAA_Jx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.23551966
File: 1.79 MB, 1120x1635, FRwGsubVcAA7Qij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I wonder how rough things are going to be until October though... I wonder what else she's working on now besides the album.

>> No.23551992
File: 238 KB, 375x400, Cool Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're gone
Now we're back in business.

>> No.23552056
File: 11 KB, 165x306, 1650924942627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here.

>> No.23552060
File: 642 KB, 2324x2216, 1650434979330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind active koronesukis since we are usually dominating the thread and okayu isnt streaming now anyway

>> No.23552114

Joke's on you, I'm a bigger Sonic autist than most, and I've been in these threads since the beginning. Korosan should watch the OVA next.

>> No.23552203
File: 1.28 MB, 1652x2928, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_jb_jagbung__60376362b601e8ddc0757cda9dc58b1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post my cat.

>> No.23552221
File: 1.06 MB, 1240x1754, FRxcI_uacAAvR0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23552339

>koronesuki design contest
holy shit this is gonna be kino

>> No.23552426
File: 146 KB, 777x955, 1648074555028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Pokemon Sword and Shield scores even after people review bombed it.

>> No.23552542

>Predator 1 watchalong

>> No.23552559

They weren't Koronesukis they were sonic fans who joined the thread because Korone was playing sonic. 20 new IP's than usual in the last thread, and they all suddenly showed up when Korone's stream started.

It's only annoying because the thread turned into more a chat about sonic than about Korone playing sonic.

>> No.23552582

Yeah, it was a pretty good pokemon game.

>> No.23552756

Thought it was pretty fun and people kept it on topic for like 98%

>> No.23552812

Those autists werent kornesukis senpai trust me

>> No.23552817

post cat tats

>> No.23552835

for you it was fun and on topic as long as it was about sonic because you're a sonicfag.

>> No.23552863

Relax with the autism, people don't like autists

>> No.23552918
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>> No.23552975
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1649929435983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe, I wasn't paying much attention anyway since catto wasn't streaming.

>> No.23553025

The fuck are you on about I'm in this thread since the /doog/ days and have only played a single sonic game in my life. Maybe calm your autism for a bit.

>> No.23553043
File: 287 KB, 1447x2047, FONe_SkagAENLyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will my sex cat wife play more uke? Or guitar even?

>> No.23553312

I miss separate threads...

>> No.23553337
File: 571 KB, 1296x1080, Korone_read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She already owns Shadow the Hedgehog on PS2
Oh fuck. I don't wanna watch that shit.

>> No.23553347


>> No.23553357

>Korone already owns ow the edge for ps2
Its so comically bad, I want to see it

>> No.23553443

Bro literally Knuckles is wack

>> No.23553558

It's been obvious for a while that a few people here really like attention

>> No.23553731
File: 536 KB, 2480x3508, 1648223369348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23553846

can't make this shit up

>> No.23554299
File: 152 KB, 850x1276, sample-ce6c82ca63543bcdf9873d635ca9edb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather more lewd pictures of cat so you you can jerk off and release that sexual frustration you got their?

>> No.23554469
File: 442 KB, 1448x2048, FRvotbKaIAEXFVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23554749
File: 514 KB, 2100x3200, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_deaver__8069f04d59c0b893a3b5bb65c679f3b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23555922

Anyone know the origin of Korone saying this?

>> No.23556034

Surreal that I still remember watching this live over a year ago now

>> No.23556091

Here's a timestamp if you want

>> No.23557390

Cat will return to being a snake tonight. If she does anything mesu, there will be a punishment game of some sort.

>> No.23557991

so she wants a cuter mascot?

>> No.23559466
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>> No.23559469
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>> No.23559593

Okayu should not be posting frames at 5 in the morning. I wonder if she did another 8 hour signing session.

>> No.23559824
File: 523 KB, 952x1200, 96479163_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cat!

>> No.23560323

She thought about it but she basically concluded she's been using the ugly weird guy for so long she's stuck with it.
These /fit/ Koronesukis setting themselves up for failure, she only loves grizzled pot-bellied ojisans.

>> No.23560429

People review bombing Pokemon games are manchildren basement dwellers who think the games are "too easy now" never mind that they've never been hard because they're for children.

>> No.23560503

>Conflating difficulty with quality, which S and S lacks.
Many such cases.

>> No.23560741
File: 1.21 MB, 1068x1156, Onigiriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she likes strongmen. /fit/ all the way baby

>> No.23560765
File: 668 KB, 800x450, KairaSama[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4mio64.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she doesn't like prettyboys too
You're all too new

>> No.23560787
File: 280 KB, 1429x2000, FQOjnzOUcAAYPwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need stamina to satisfy mr koro. Pls andastd.

>> No.23560821
File: 412 KB, 1594x2400, Exas3ZYXIAQ2YBr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugs for Okayu

>> No.23561043
File: 409 KB, 1175x1414, 1642213152934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23561464

Korone likes muscles and pretty boys, and finds ojisans cute like some kind of animal. The lesser ojisans here just lie to themselves to avoid their fit/cleanliness reps.

>> No.23561565

korone would fuck ojisans, anon

>> No.23561706

maybe, but only Kaira or Tanigaki can get her to act so subservient

>> No.23561744

She likes noble, great, wise, and kind oji-sans. As we all do.

>> No.23561795
File: 909 KB, 1920x1080, test- time1-59-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also would fuck this one

>> No.23561846

I call bullshit on that one

>> No.23561858

She wanted to fuck the psychotic Heavy Rain oji-san detective all the way through the end of the game and cried for him + also she's married to the zombie Resident Evil 4 merchant.

>> No.23561885

Huh. She absolutely would. Did you not watch that stream

>> No.23561895

Oh and how could I forget Blackbeard, aka "Luffy but evil".

>> No.23561930

Those are not run-of-the-mill ojisan, don't try to put yourself on their level.

>> No.23562219
File: 72 KB, 1280x1066, 1304821126120402944.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though Mr Koro prefer my grizzly balls she also likes young fuck boys and buffy fat fucks. So, don't worry.

>> No.23562450


yyyeah, hotto dog

>> No.23562577

Why are you retards like this? Most likely, Korone has lost father figures in her life and seeing kind older men in games gives a nostalgic feeling of happiness. Let's be real here, she only got insanely excited for the baseball player giving her a surprise message.

>> No.23563654
File: 377 KB, 989x284, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcndqr5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23564835

Korone no get the gamecube version at least

>> No.23565080

Reminder about the all-Okayu erp tonight.

>> No.23565181
File: 1.06 MB, 2897x4096, FH0jkYPaQAEc_0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cancelled on account of death

>> No.23565286

Does Korone like Okayu?

>> No.23565347
File: 1022 KB, 3189x4000, FF1k6INUYAMY77M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way

>> No.23566563
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>> No.23568070
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>> No.23568485


>> No.23568598
File: 66 KB, 645x764, bad advice korone 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okakoro cosplay sex let's go

>> No.23569481

omw to japan right now. Kishida can't stop me.

>> No.23570685
File: 290 KB, 2048x1448, FRlyXe0aMAAVCl8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23571579

Okayu more like Ogayu (she is in a loving and fruitful relationship with her canine girlfriend, who is also a girl)

>> No.23571857

Did Korosan say what the collab on the 7th is gonna be about?

>> No.23573146


>> No.23573223
File: 145 KB, 700x1800, EkFd8q1VgAAlcGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to infiltrate Okayu's bed

>> No.23575856
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, okayu pixel art #2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna build for Okayu and/or Korone in minecraft with other anons that watch chubas? Then you should join yubicraft! Vanilla server, we accept anyone (bought game or ahoy) who watches vtubers, good or bad builders or people that just wanna tour around, give it a try!

IP: vt.yubi.market

>> No.23576081
File: 3.15 MB, 1835x862, Korone pixel art #1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I realized I mostly post Okayu stuff (Im an onigiriya, cant help it) so have some ko´one too.

>> No.23576506

I’ll infiltrate her pussy with my dick.

>> No.23576573

Sexy doggo

>> No.23580450
File: 291 KB, 1080x1080, 1649916207501.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23580817

How come Korone always sexually moans (not typical moans, they are definitely sexual in nature), and talks about sex related things these days? Appealing to coomers is a development of Korosan I didn’t expect but she does a really good job at it.

>> No.23581786
File: 805 KB, 1631x2500, FRyAFNlaUAAne0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The largest feline!

>> No.23582064

I wish to rest my head on that butt and take a nap

>> No.23582534

It's to appeal to me specifically.

>> No.23583520

Is this a parody of people saying this about Okayu?

>> No.23583920
File: 3.95 MB, 2758x3368, 96476505_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23584792

Okayu definitely has inverted nipples.

>> No.23585111
File: 273 KB, 981x1440, FRwg5bQacAEf6z0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23585761
File: 630 KB, 750x1002, FQdvTKmagAYWpd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Okayu will have a penalty game roulette for each time she lets out a lewd voice. What kind of punishments do you think she put on there?

>> No.23585975


Okayu is playing Slitherio tonight.

This time it's a lewd voice punishment? I thought the issue she had in past Slitherio streams was letting out her undignified screams and trash talking her opponents? I don't recall any lewd voices while she played this.

>> No.23586004

She definitely had lewd voices, they were just drowned out by the other crazy screams, which should still be fair game.

>> No.23586082
File: 940 KB, 1157x1637, FNAjcuVVUAIT0_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Part of me feels like she'll somewhat force the lewd voices in this stream if that's the punishment she's going for and if the lewd voices were hardly as numerous as her crazy excited screams the previous times. I love hearing her crazy screams in her other slitherio streams because unhinged bloodthirsty rolling R's Okayu is rare goods these days.

>> No.23586126

I'm sure she'll do some regardless of forcing or not. Having a stream with penalties and not ever invoking them isn't really living up to its full potential. I wonder if any holo streams have done that.

>> No.23586668

That would be gay.

>> No.23586911
File: 76 KB, 247x409, 7835900212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems we doing capeshit today lads

>> No.23587414

How many of them know this new Dr Strange movie is made by the director of the original Spiderman trilogy that was famous as fuck in Japan

>> No.23587614

Definitely Fubuki, she's a HUGE capeshit fan. This whole thing is a dream coming true for her after all.

>> No.23587646

I'm assuming at least Fubuki and Korone know about it since they probably grew up watching the original Sam Raimi Spiderman as their first foray into American superheroes movie.

>> No.23587661

The tobey maguire ones? I don't know, probably none. Haven't heard of it either and I grew up with these.

>> No.23587741

>Raimi's first movie in almost a decade
holy shit where has he been?

I bet Fubuki and Korone have seen them but I doubt they keep track of directors like most general audiences. But if they don't know I bet they'd be thrilled to learn that the person who made those movies has made this new marvel picture.

yes the tobey maguire ones. still the best spiderman movies imo

>> No.23588048

Cat time. Listen to that smooth BGM.

>> No.23588164

Tell Okayu that if she loses the punishment game she has to release her Ring Fit voice pack

>> No.23588268

Punishments decided:
1- 10 Squats
2- Do an impression of another holo
3- Forced sneezes(3 times since it doesn't hurt[Okayu wanted 5, but chat was worried])
4- Gyakutotsu - whisper words of love(as mesu)
5- Attempt 1 mesu gag

>> No.23588288
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Good morning I love the cat.
Blessed sneezes

>> No.23588367
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I want to work out since I have missed over a week due to uni. But cat stream...

>> No.23588739

blessing received

>> No.23588958
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>> No.23588971

Can someone who speaks moonrune tell me what in the unholy fuck is going on in Okayu's stream? It sounds like porn.

>> No.23588994
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>> No.23589165

LMAO she’s doing an Aqua impression complete with her autistic slurps.

wait doesn’t this mean Okayu can slurp her noodles after all…?

>> No.23589180

She learned to do a drain kiss over the past year or so, she can probably slurp now.

>> No.23589312

I know about that but I thought I recalled a summary by translator anon where Okayu said she still cannot slurp noodles despite mastering the drain kiss. The Aqua autistic slurp is closer to the skill needed to slurp noodles so an update on her noodle slurping ability is required.

And hey did Okayu just mention “lewd Mio?” I wonder what she was talking about.

>> No.23589358
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I wish she would call Marine up and pull a #4 on her. I genuinely want to see how she'd react.

>> No.23589445

Okayu fucking owned that guy.

>> No.23589473
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hololives westaboo squad

>> No.23589504

holy fuck…

>> No.23589514

What makes them westaboos? Yes, I know I'm a tourist and need to lurk more.

>> No.23589553

These pants...
Must impregnate the catto...

>> No.23589570

Okayu Ringfit was sealed away because of this power.

>> No.23589582

Their unusual high interest in western media that other jp's wouldn't even look at.

>> No.23589653

No shame in being new or a tourist. All of us were there at some point.

They’re huge fans of western media, like American movies, cartoons, music, food, and celebrities. And not just globally popular stuff like Marvel’s Avengers flicks but more niche things too. They also want to (and in some cases already have) travelled to the US.

>> No.23589754

Seeing this marvel comic flip with all the hololive members is kinda kino ngl

>> No.23589791

It would need Laplus and Nene there too. And is Chloe a westaboo too or does she just enjoy speaking English?

>> No.23589808
File: 1.20 MB, 480x396, 1645733197111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard a mention or two of Korone being a westaboo, but didn't ever hear specifics. I'll need to dig more into this.
Thank you for the kindness. Used to getting chewed out in threads for being a tourist and not lurking enough.

>> No.23589923

She watches a lot of western movies that only have a jap sub available and is a big fan of western cartoons like gravity falls, adores the Mother series with ther american pop culture style etc. There's a lot of tidbits she's dropping here and there in her streams and other holomems when they talk about ko'one

>> No.23590388

Also her famous story of Curious George being her favorite cartoon show in school and the other girls laughing because they could not relate at all. Which makes me wonder, things like that and her accent are maybe why she supposedly developed a tougher persona (if you believe the bully rrat), so nobody would mess with her for her perceived eccentricates.

>> No.23590426

The cat is talking about Dragonball Super. That's my favorite anime. Someone, please. Tell me what is being said.

>> No.23590450

Oh shit, Okayu's been watching DBS. Well, at least there's some good stuff in there on occasion, eventually...
She's been watching it while signing cards, she was really moved seeing Goku working and stuff.

>> No.23590524

This makes me happy. I loved the Tournament of Power arc. People shat on Jiren's character, but he was more of a symbolic thing than anything. One who enabled the fantastic interactions we got to see between the other characters.

>> No.23590755

small earthquake

>> No.23590814

Okayu's off to check on Temari, so she'll end a little early, though she was almost done with the reading anyway. Sad we didn't get to hear whether there was a stream planned for tomorrow or not.

>> No.23591032
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Matsuri gave Okayu a real nice line today. The whole stream was fantastic. Wish it could have kept going longer.

>> No.23591117

Why didn't it? It felt really short. Only an hour.

>> No.23591459

Might very well be, she's is very odd with a lot of her interests by japanese standards but I'm glad she's following through with them instead of giving them all up to join the faceless crowd of copypasted japanese working ants.
Shill stream was kinda alright, didn't even know this comes out tomorrow but will probably watch it on the weekend or so.

>> No.23592744

i still can't get over fubuki's morbius interview

>> No.23592954

It’s magical because Jared Leto’s expression throughout that interview matches how I feel while watching that interview.

>> No.23593044

Yeah, he had little to no idea what was going on
nd it's even funnier when you realize just how hard the movie flopped
I wish Korone could have interviewed Jim Carrey for the Sonic movie

>> No.23593452

Korone’s social skills aren’t good enough to conduct interviews with celebrities. Even when she was on those Sonic panels with the developers she was really nervous and awkward. It was cute when she said strange things and the other people didn’t know how to respond to it. So I don’t really see her interviewing anybody.

How do the Japanese fans feel about that Fubuki Jared Leto interview? After seeing that maybe Korone wouldn’t want a similarly awkward interview. Unlike Fubuki who probably doesn’t mind, Korone would be embarrassed for life if she had that experience.

>> No.23593476

On top of being a moron for buying any narrative spread in 4chan you’re a moron for believing the Korone is a bully narrative because she’s said she herself was bullied and it’s not hard to see why.

>> No.23593495


>> No.23593588

Ogey kiddo.

>> No.23593719
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>> No.23593860

FYI since you love made up rumors about a human being you don’t know or apparently even care enough to listen to you can just get your sick fix by buying gossip rags in the checkout aisle

>> No.23594646

Is he /ourguy/ ?

>> No.23594664

NTA, but what the fuck was that phrase?

>> No.23595053

You are that anon but it obviously refers to gossip magazines which are sold in the checkout aisles of supermarkets.

>> No.23595080

I am not that anon. I also never pay any mind to the magazines.

>> No.23595263
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>learning astrophysics with korosan

>> No.23595353

Sasuga Tokyo-U grad. Explaining string theory is next

>> No.23595475

She needs to learn basic math first…

She didn’t actually attend Tokyo U. She was joking when she said that.

>> No.23595551

Lmao yeah right fag. Next you tell me she isn't actually 156m big

>> No.23595795
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worm holes for now

>> No.23596327

Korone watchalong of Interstellar when. Collab with Okayu too since she loves space.

>> No.23596924

Hey guys do you like Booba Fett?

>> No.23596947
File: 265 KB, 1203x1989, FRLnPupacAAHdtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah uh I'm going to be jacking off to those very specific parts of today's Okayu stream.

>> No.23597189

God damn right I like my boobas fat so she stop hiding her puppies behind the table already for FUCKS sake

>> No.23597213

She's the sex dog. Why would she be hiding her tits?

>> No.23597388
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Hey guys! Do you like Jar Jar?

>> No.23597422
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>> No.23597513

My risuna collection keeps rising

>> No.23597878

Showrunning Ash vs Evil Dead and producing movies.

>> No.23597971

I thought that show ended after like two seasons

>> No.23598030


>> No.23598282

That reminds me. Has Korone ever watched Evil Dead 2? Because that movie might be fucking perfect for her, as long as that scaredy dog doesn't get scared by the "scary" ghostly scenes which are actually supposed to be funny.

>> No.23598530

She should watch Evil Dead 1 which isn't as good as Evil Dead 2 but it contains that nice tentacle rape scene in the woods. All the Evil Dead films are intentionally silly but Korone would probably be screaming and afraid watching all of them. We're talking about the dog who gets scared of chairs moving when she bumps into them.

>> No.23599068

MTL because im lazy

>New Korone Sukie Design Championship

>We want to see "Korone Sukie" that is not the current "Korone Sukie"...
>So, please show us what you think of "Korone Sukie"!



>> No.23599090
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>> No.23599375
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I feel like it's pretty easy to get ideas/inspiration for bizarre designs simply by looking at what korone has been doing to us over the years.

>> No.23599443

Would the dumbass mods consider this nsfw?

>> No.23600109
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Okayu enjoys licking me.

>> No.23600810
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>> No.23600915
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>> No.23600993
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>> No.23601046
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>> No.23601089
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>> No.23601226
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>> No.23601382
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Okayu shows me her armpits because she knows what I like.

>> No.23601479
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>> No.23601778
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>> No.23601841
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It's time again?!

>> No.23601935
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>> No.23602056
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