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File: 136 KB, 1000x949, __houshou_marine_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mizuryu_kei__00b73fb3741f655aa73956e918f93167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23509877 No.23509877 [Reply] [Original]

Has any simp ever fucked up more?

>> No.23510238

What happen?

>> No.23510381

How many more times are you going to circlejerk this false narrative?

>> No.23510392

that hentai artist that was a marine fan and ended up working for the hololive manga

he wanted more money and went crazy, then his chinese translator also got involved and got chinese fans to go off(until it was revealed that he is a nanking denier, which led to the chinese fans to turn on him)

tldr marine coomer went crazy and burned a bunch of bridges and direct access to his oshi for money)

>> No.23510469

Thought it was because he thought he could have sex with Marine, or other girls, but was denied, so he burned the bridges.

>> No.23510481

Oh. I knew about that, but I thought you were talking about something recent.

>> No.23510620
File: 665 KB, 800x1119, 8eb878eb32e58d3bfccd8adb42af46e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be relative successful ero artist
>catch Marine's attention because of your art and you start drawing lewd art of her
>build a professional relationship with her while you keep simping for her with lewd art
>COVER hires you to draw a Houshou Marine manga for Hololive Alternative, despite, or because you just released a doujin where Senchou gets >raped by a horde of ichimi
>demand more money from COVER after the fact for some reason
>they say no and cancel the manga
>freak out and say you're done with Hololive
>your Chinese mod fans the flames on Chinese forums and encourages Hololive antis
>suspicious Chinese posters find doujin where you made fun of Nanking and the holocaust
>now ruined in both China and Hololive

I still fap to Mizurui Kei Land though

>> No.23510696

This is wrong

You are correct

>> No.23510736

The big complains are, ordered in what I think was most important to him given how much he complained about them before blanking his twitter:
1. Hololive weren't willing to renegotiate his contract so he could afford to hire on more help since the workload was bigger than he expected.
2. He wasn't allowed unsupervised face-time with Marine.
3. Hololive wanted him to stop selling (not making, just selling) his hentai books about the Holomems.

Personally I think #2 has less to do with him being a Marine simp and more to do with how he openly cavorts with prostitutes at his private conventions.

>> No.23510755

big asses make a nigga go crazy

>> No.23510762

>This happened like a year and a half ago

>> No.23510871

>I still fap to Mizurui Kei Land though
Mizuryu made me realize what my body was fully capable of
Jerked off twice with only a 5 minute break in between reading one of his doujins

>> No.23510956

>he openly cavorts with prostitutes at his private conventions.
It wouldn't be any different to meet up with Marine then

>> No.23511033

Maybe not, but Cover used to pretend like it has an image to keep up.

>> No.23512683 [DELETED] 

Himari's back

>> No.23512999

not his fault, he let his dick do the thinking
his djs are still good though very fappable

>> No.23513197

did he got the chance to see that booty in person?

>> No.23513656

I don't like his art at all, so I can't say he was missed, but the HoloALT project basically died after the breakup. Cover must have gotten even more anal to work with after the fact.

>> No.23516408
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>doujin where you made fun of Nanking and the holocaust
mind sharing what doujin this was

>> No.23516828 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.23517378
File: 751 KB, 1380x2000, 037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a generic 2hu doujin trying to be edgy like the Zounose ones.

>> No.23518552

It's porn though unlike Zounose.

>> No.23518810

>Things that do not exist
>Child Pornography

>> No.23518871


>> No.23518949
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 1552595489658.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sex Disneyland ones are just okay
My all time favorite is that oyakodon one where the mom and daughter fug the bored snack stand guy at the beach followed by the slutty onee-san who has a train gangbang

>> No.23519334

If you guys are gonna bring up this topic again, at least post his side of the story, there's even an english version on his website


自分はVtuberの運営を行うC社の漫画連載企画に8ヶ月以上関わらせて頂きましたが、 二話分の作品を納品し発表も済んだ直後、C社側の都合により一方的に作品の無期限公開中止と契約解除を言い渡されました。 その理由が、社会常識から考えておよそあり得ない、著しく身勝手な内容であったこと、 また既に情報公開もされてしまっていたことを受け、やむなく自身のファンに対し最低限の説明を果たした上で当該企業との絶縁を宣言致しました。
既にアナウンスがありました通り、本件については代理人を通じた係争の結果、当該企業より謝罪と補償を受けており形式上の和解に至っておりますが、 当方は同社に関わる全てのコンテンツと今後一切関わり合いになるつもりはありません。

また自分が許可を出して運営されている中国bilibiliのチャンネル「水龍敬Official」の配信上で、 本件について自身が代理人を立てて説明を行った、とするデマが 日本語圏および英語圏のSNSや掲示板、動画サイト、まとめ系サイト等を中心に拡散され、数千件を超える甚大な誹謗中傷被害を被りましたが、 当方の調査の結果、これらは同チャンネルを全く視聴したことのない人間が妄想に基づき流布した虚偽であることが判明いたしました。
実際にはそもそもそのような内容の放送が行われた事実自体がなく、当然に流布された情報も全くの虚偽であり、 自分と当該企業との間に金銭に関するトラブルや二次創作等に関するトラブル、または性表現にまつわるトラブル等は一切存在いたしません。
また同チャンネルは元々非公式のもので、現在も自分はこのチャンネルの管理に直接携わっておらず、 「このような配信をしてほしい」などという要請をしたことも過去に一度としてありませんし、 本件係争の仔細について同チャンネル管理者に説明もしておりませんし、 同チャンネルからは一円たりとも金銭的な利益を受けておりません。

さらに本件とは無関係の内容で、自分がはるか以前に削除したツイートやSC、作品などが恣意的な形で切り抜かれ、 それらを根拠とした誹謗中傷を受けましたが、これらも全て悪意ある切り取りによって、 本来の文脈や意図とは全く異なる印象を与えるよう誘導された情報であり、 まとめ系サイト等によって拡散されたこうした情報の中に、事実と認められる情報は一切ございません。

現在もこうした当方についての悪質な虚偽情報が流布されていることを確認しております。 既にデマの拡散に中心的な役割を果たしたと思われる幾つかの相手に対しては法的措置を採っておりますが、 皆様におかれましては、どうぞ今一度、改めてご理解の程よろしくお願い致します。(22/01/26改稿)

>> No.23519699

>Thought it was because he thought he could have sex with Marine, or other girls, but was denied, so he burned the bridges.

>> No.23519827

It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.23520014
File: 308 KB, 381x340, ahoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizuryu is a clown who overthought his own worth. He got a lucky break and tried to haggle for more money at the peak of Hololive mania (and probably try to fuck his oshi too)

Laminaria's doujin was better anyway

>> No.23520041
File: 660 KB, 1280x720, Source[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fiq9xe5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23520141

where is this from?

>> No.23520183

>there's even an English version on his website
Then why the fuck didn't you post the english version, retard?

>> No.23520207

Someone was filming me.

>> No.23520276

about to ask the same thing

>> No.23520289
File: 4 KB, 225x224, cat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sequel drops a shota arc
>never touches holo stuff again
i hate it

>> No.23520371

here motherfucker
literally first post on his website
open wide its time for papa to spoon feed you

Let me make a denial of nonsensical FALSE rumors that spreaded last year.

I was contracted concerning make a comic with a certain Vtuber company, but they suddenly canceled the contract illegal way by silly and senseless reason, even though after my work completed over 50 pages took over eight months, and already announced by them, in another name by initial contract. I was terribly enraged at their insulting attitude not only for me but also all comic writers, so I broke off all relation with that company and took an action against them. Finally they paid compensation for me, but I don't forgive and will never concern them for anything. That's why I removed all fan art of them.

Moreover, rumor said I explained detail what happened with that company in streaming of bilibili by chinese agent, but in fact, that stream was not really exist and that detail was totally FAKE. The reason of cancel the contract is NOT by sexual expression, by my works, by money, and so on. (In the first place, I didn't ever make a comic just for money before.)

Furthermore, works, SCs, and tweets that I deleted long ago were arbitrarily cut out, and I was slandered on the basis of these, which had nothing to do with this case. The most representative one is about my doujin "Touhou Gensou Houkai" which released 10 years ago. The information that I have made historical revisionist expressions in this work is incorrect. As you can see if you read it in context, it is merely a fragmentary list of conspiracy theories and propaganda on the Internet at the time to express the "ambiguity of information”. (If you interpret all the things described in the said expression as your denial in the first place, it means denial existence of "pseudoscience" and the "flat earth theory" itself, which should not make sense.) I have already corrected this expression in my work and released it with a note, but I am still fed up with people attacking me based on these misunderstandings. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ319246.html

I swear that all of rumors about this issue in internet are completely unreasonable, and I wish I will explain real detail someday. I hope you understand, dear my fans.

>> No.23520540
File: 610 KB, 630x1902, Mizuryuu Kei Statement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic of statement

tldr; Hololive was completely in the wrong and the chingchongs made it worse by bringing up fake allegations

>> No.23520755

>Moreover, rumor said I explained detail what happened with that company in streaming of bilibili by chinese agent, but in fact, that stream was not really exist and that detail was totally FAKE
top lel

>> No.23520792

that's cool and all but he did make an scene on twitter
and he didn't had to stop doing fan art, cause it's fan art that's the point. it's unrelated to the company.
so yeah it smells like bs.

>> No.23520881

>hololive can do no wrong, so this is bs

>> No.23520928

k bro

>> No.23520934

>hire the guy to do a comic about your character
>do nothing as he streams drawing porn doujin about the same character for half a year and then sells it
People shit on Mizuryu because chinks, but Cover also fucked up.

>> No.23521012

Timeloop thread?
Timeloop thread!

>> No.23521083

Sadly, a lot of the talented artists/musicians were just trying to milk a trend.

>> No.23521091

cover doesn't care about that

>> No.23521173

>I didn't read the statement about why he took down all the fan art
ok bro

>> No.23521211

He draw those Marine doujin before Cover hired him, the problem was totally monetary and about working conditions and comunication

>> No.23521277

I recall the JP side were surprised they hired Mizuryu since he had a known reputation of being unprofessional as fuck (which is why he never went pro).
Pretty much proved why when he had a huge meltdown on twitter soon afterwards.
What sucks is that Marine was actually a fan of his works so it just made her look bad in the end.

>> No.23521417

How convenient for him that just RANDOM things happened for NO reason one after another. Lmao

>> No.23521425

this stuff in his statement is definitely true, otherwise Cover would have sued his ass to take this down from his website

>> No.23521548

>and took an action against them
They just did as any sane company (which is surprising for Cover) and just ignored the retard screeching like a woman.

>> No.23521630

that's not how it works in Japan

>> No.23521662

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Mizuryu Kei, the simp?
I thought not, it's not a story the kaigainiki of Hololive would tell you

>> No.23521680

Read >>23520540 it says "over 8 months" you realize the work on alternative started way before the announcement right?
I'm jusy saying it would be weird if a guy who made an official comic about your character also did porn about the same character.

>> No.23521697

enlighten me. cause even the way it's in the statement is retarded. he didn't make fanart of cover he made fan art of marine, a girl he likes.
>marine is part of hololive that is part of cover
sure but marine is not cover right? not part of the staff? it seems stupid to delete a bunch of your work of a girl you like and the company gets no revenue of just cause you are mad at the company
hell it's extremely retarded cause that would be a good way to "get back" at them, since you can keep selling your doujins with their characters.
pls feel free to explain that to me.

>> No.23521751

>it would be weird if a guy who made an official comic about your character also did porn about the same character.
if you're a westoid

>> No.23521766

>2. He wasn't allowed unsupervised face-time with Marine.

>> No.23521775

funny how I probably read that doujin tens of time but never noticed that

>> No.23521821

sue him for what? as far as everyone knows he looks like an idiot that loss a bunch of contacts just to get paid later.

>> No.23521858

>he openly cavorts with prostitutes at his private conventions.
more details on this?

>> No.23521894

>i'm jusy saying it would be weird if a guy who made an official comic about your character also did porn about the same character.
no, not really

>> No.23521904

then why didn't he sued them for 'illegally' (his words in the text) cancelling their contract?

>> No.23521920

What more is there to say? He fucks whores or girls that are whore-like

>> No.23521975

i think a lot of artist do that
prostitution is not really regulated in japan afaik

>> No.23521990

does being an ero artist gave him that much of a pull? or just paid them off as usual

>> No.23522021

>marine is not cover right? not part of the staff?
imagine thinking this
>it seems stupid to delete a bunch of your work of a girl you like and the company gets no revenue of just cause you are mad at the company
you also have no understanding of honor
it's not about being made at them or getting back at them
it's about removing content promoting a company that tried (and failed) to screw you over and washing your hands clean of them

>> No.23522097

i imagine he still has to pay but gets to be with cosplayers that don't do it with everyone (for example).

>> No.23522130

Well considering Japanese men have been relegated to being either unsuccessful shut-in Hikkimoris, Worked to death corporate wage-cucks, or Yakuza wannabes, finding literally anyone with a good job and a penis is the green light to latch on

>> No.23522168

thanks for confirming you're ESL and didn't understand the statement, bitch

>> No.23522250

so you're saying I should move to japan?

>> No.23522263

>No argument
As expected

>> No.23522362

>I have to argue against someone who didn't understand the statement

>> No.23522486

to any dumb EOP thinking this can be any kind of proof of "cover bad!", Kei is known for being not only really troublesome to work with, but a menhera with a short temper. He have connections with yakuza brothels as well (he is been in parties with criminals several times) Cover is good without him; though, as an artist? He is fantastic; an inspiration for me personally, but as a person? roru.

>> No.23522812

>(he is been in parties with criminals several times)
As someone from the UK I just think "what kind of party isn't filled with criminals"

>> No.23522838

He isn't just "any" ero artist, the guy is a superstar in the scene. His style had huge influence in modern doujin. His works have animated adaptations, JAV's, books and constant collaborations. Add indies constantly cosplaying your works, etc, etc.

>> No.23523105

>it's not about being made at them or getting back at them
>proceeds to describe something that someone would do to get back at them
and sure fan artist is free promotion... but is also your work? losing a chunk of your portfolio just to fuck with someone else is retarded, in the end you lose more than them. that's like someone that decides to boycott sony by burning his ps5, does that sounds smart to you? he could keep drawing marine (or just keep what he already did) and have nothing to do with cover, just like any other artist that draws fan art of holos. "washing you hands clean of them" has nothing to do with art you make before being hired by them or without any involvement from them.
damn he really showed cover by deleting all those sexy pics of marine. totally not mad about anything else.

>> No.23523158

ad hominem attacks change nothing about Cover being at fault

>> No.23523167

you mean the statement that is ESL?

>> No.23523193


>> No.23523258

>His style had huge influence in modern doujin
a little too far

>> No.23523355

Yes, because you are the one who is trying to convince people that the version they know as truth is somehow false and calling people ESLs, retards and so on will only convince people that you are just bullshitting.
Keep seething at Hololive's success.

>> No.23523365

Who we're talking about, Marine's simp who drew hentai/doujins
Would be a lot easier to discuss, if the murky waters of how Cover and He conducted themselves was cleared out, but as it stands its far easier to just say he was a greedy asshole who wanted more money and leave it at that, because the nuances of what went down are STILL debated

>> No.23523440

you also have a wrong concept of what "getting back" at others is
getting back at them would be if he started making art to make hololive vtubers or the people he was dealing with look like shit
this is just him cutting ties with them

>> No.23523468
File: 130 KB, 375x312, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true that this caused the whole holoALT project to die?

>> No.23523506

Can't argue with that, he draws his faces and bodies all the same and 90% of his stuff is the exact same ACTUALLY, I'M A HUGE SLUT WHO'S ADDICTED TO SEX

>> No.23523562

this whole thread has just been retards resorting to ad hominem to try to defend Cover

>> No.23523625

All girls are like that tho

>> No.23523806

Shindol, japaneseshadman, Hiromitsu, Kei, and Nanashi are The hentai artists of their generation. Man, I wish the conversations about how this art could be discussed in a more academic way; Shirota, Hatena, a10; Sugoihi it's fucking phenomenal and I see several other artists admiring him even if he doesn't put as much work as others.
you have no fucking clue what you are writing about, the plot matters nothing, it's the bodies, the faces, the posing, the clothing. If you can't see how good Kei is at this you simply have no eyes, training or experience in anything regarding art. The proof of it all in a more tangible normie way for a filthy commoner like you? His popularity and success.

Kei is an asshole, an a bad human being, but his art is pretty good.

>> No.23523966

can you explain to me how deleting fan art is part of cutting ties? that means any fan artist has ties with hololive? if not what's stopping you from keeping your own work that they get some promotion of at best and you can get actual revenue of (not mentioning the fact that you probably still like it). fan art by definition has no "ties" to the company.
i honestly don't think it was even about money. he probably had some ideas about what his role was gonna be, he probably thought he was going to be able to talk to the girls personally (not necessarily in a sexual way, even if that's something he wanted in the end) and cover just wanted him as another average freelancer. he got mad and had his twitter rant.

>> No.23524131

i mean there a lot of artist like that. He's a great artist don't get me wrong. but saying he had "huge influence in modern doujin" seems a little too much.

>> No.23524253

>fan art by definition has no "ties" to the company.
That's not how IP works in nipland

>> No.23524404

>Shindol, japaneseshadman, Hiromitsu, Kei, and Nanashi are The hentai artists of their generation.
meh i kinda agree but that's too debatable.
>the plot matters nothing
oh that's extremely false
>Kei is an asshole, an a bad human being
i don't even believe that, he looks to me as an autistic coomer. so the average poster here.

>> No.23524445

Anon, in 2019 he organized an event based on his MizuryuKei Land thing, Mizuryu World (水龍敬ワールド), the idea was basically to gather all the biggest sluts in the jap "cosplay" (if you can call micro bikinis and condoms full of fake cum cosplay) scene to cosplay, sell their shit and RP as if they were in the doujin, they even had the "free sex" stickers and the food looked like dicks and tits. Guy must've fucked half of them

>> No.23524821

can you teach me then because i have a hard time believing that all the doujins produced during each comiket have rights or even permissions to draw AND SELL what they want. are you telling me atahuta asked cover if he could make a doujin of holos getting pimped by management? (that would be based honestly).

>> No.23524977

i have seen other shit like this but with actusl porn stars.

>> No.23525150

i believe it was a world of tanks ad

>> No.23525418

>sue him for what?
Lying about their company. They take that seriously over there.
He says:
>I broke off all relation with that company and took an action against them
>Finally they paid compensation for me
Use your FUCKING BRAIN to piece this one together.

>> No.23525457

Can't tell if based or weird as fuck

>> No.23526685


>> No.23526747

Why is SEA like this?

>> No.23527036

Tell that to Yoko Taro, if he could, he'd do it.

And tell that to like 80% of the niggers who animate for disney, their rules meant that all the porn drawn by their artists for shiggles HAS to be catalogued and stored away as Disney's IP.

That's right. The biggest western drawfag company has a vault full of porn the company technically produced but will never show.

>> No.23527064

wait, really?

>> No.23527984

oh so this is why he made his own vtuber

>> No.23529742
File: 250 KB, 777x777, 1648885942499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive is a shady black company
