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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23430399 No.23430399 [Reply] [Original]

To any anons who went to the KFP establishment, How was your experience there?

>> No.23430754

the manager cursed at me and humiliated me publicly, then pissed in my food
11/10 cant wait to go again

>> No.23431560

It sucks, a total piece if garbage

>> No.23431596

Terrible experience, i was more horny than hungry

>> No.23431602

I lost my virginity at one

>> No.23431657

I heard that they use their own employees as the ingredients.
Is this legal?

>> No.23431910
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Good, good
Remember to include your address to validate your review

>> No.23432130

3/10, didn't taste like chicken.

>> No.23432149

Was at a KFP's today with literally atleast 20 obvious empty tables around me and this one dude comes up to me and wants to sit with me? Acting as if there's nothing else open? After pointing the empty tables out several times he finally sits down on the one next to me,creep

>> No.23432222


>> No.23432311

Food 8/10
Kiara's asshole 10/10chou

>> No.23432830

My chicken wings came uncooked so I got to creampie the manager as a refund, so that's good customer service

>> No.23432928
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It was a nice experience. Definitely recommend KFP.

>> No.23433065

the cashier didn't even speak English, just "bok bok bok" the fuck??

>> No.23433118

I got thrown out when I said "Kiara Fried Piss" when they asked me what I wanted to drink.

>> No.23433654
File: 176 KB, 1102x2048, Chimkin Kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP has always been great when I've gone, and they have a super cute waitress that always takes my order, I think she has a thing for me desu. I only order the Phoenix Burger extra spicy and an ice coffee extra phoenix milk, so I can't say much about the rest of the menu.

>> No.23433699

Is KFP union friendly?

>> No.23433807

kfp only uses the most ethically sourced vegan chicken meat, any rumors to the contrary are slanderous propaganda

>> No.23437309


>> No.23438241

i recently had occasion to stop in at the only kfp located in braunau am inn. upon breeching the threshold i was greeted by several women wearing the traditional kfp garb and escorted straight away to the bustling, lively queue. while waiting in line, i was privy to the most deranged sounding austrian i had ever heard. it had barely the cadence of speech and seemed rather more the incoherent ravings of a race that communicated by drooling and snorting. it was then that i realized the very real peril i had placed myself in. as the queue sauntered forth, i did my best to assimilate for fear of being singled out as the only human in the establishment. macabre approximations of anthropomorphized chicken-men began to emerge from tiny doors behind and around the counter. their movements so impossibly alien the very act of casting my gaze upon them had a dizzying effect upon my countenance. their fevered jerking, squawking and skittering abruptly ceased when the alpha chicken beast emerged from a freezer containing the corpses of middle aged men wearing tshirts adorned with an image of a singularly beautiful phoenix goddess. i was in a daze as my turn at the counter came, the bird beast gruffly chirping in a harried tone all the while. i gathered from the thing's vulgar gestures and noises that he wished to take my order. in a half swoon, sweating profusely, i managed the following phrase in austrian broken by both lust and terror: "i'd like to rim kiarra's asshole"

the place was better than average, 7/10.

>> No.23440076


>> No.23441280

um i dont think this is legal .....

>> No.23443711


>> No.23445700

we are anticomunists here at KFP

>> No.23446467

Sauce brother

>> No.23447831

NTA but https://twitter.com/KuroeDrawsStuff/status/1520229731941380096?s=20&t=ZzjaPKD1AEu9HiBF25rajw

>> No.23450816

you could at least say thank you lol

>> No.23453987

best restaurant visit ever !

>> No.23458196


>> No.23463904


>> No.23464570

The /meat/ cult is standing in front of my local KFP
Should I be worried?

>> No.23467256


>> No.23467405

Are you an Employee?
If not then don't worry about. Wait a few days then you can go back. Do not report any odd noises of possible gunfire to the police.
If you are an Employee, then follow Emergency Protocols as outlined in your Employee Handbook. You will know what to do. You know what you MUST do.

>> No.23468068 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 474x558, downloadfile-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is looking well

>> No.23469700


>> No.23469707

Hot waitress

>> No.23470662


>> No.23470741


I actually feel bad for her desu
