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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23376898 No.23376898 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking about, at least to me, why the rrat is so rapeable, and I think I've managed to arrive at my own personal answer, or at least my own conclusion. The rrat is a black hole of humiliation, rape, and dubious consent, while simultaneously drawing you in with her background, the fact she tends to be ignored by others, and her true personality.

With each successive day that passes, she becomes more and more rapeable. Let's think about this for a second, and start with her design. If you look at her, you'll see that she exposes just enough skin for her to seem erotic, appealing, but also keeps the rest of her hidden under clothes that like they'd be easy to get rid of; just imagine reaching for her top, pulling it down as you watch her breasts flop around, her nipples in full view. Her less developed assets, baggy clothes make her look smaller, easier to pick up, to do anything you want to her. The spiked collar, the rat associations, her expressions, her hairstyle give her the air of a teasing, cheeky brat, one who knows how small she is, how erotic she is to you, how much you want her, but won't let you near unless you establish yourself as dominant before her, always teasing you but scurrying away before you can truly get near. Like a mouse, you'd have to trap her, make her unable to escape so that you can ravage her to your heart's content.

Then, there's her attitude. On the surface, she fits her design to a T, a high-pitched voice, verbal tics like 'boom boom', her joke-y, zoomer-like personality, constantly being loud and making herself the center of attention... she wants you to look at her, she knows you're watching. She wants to annoy you, so you'll definitely mind her presence. She wants you to hear her, even from the ends of the Earth. She got tipsy off of half a tall can, and has a tiny bladder; she's so cheeky, so vulnerable, it makes you want to tear her clothes apart, hit her, abuse her, make her shut up, make her piss herself, hold her by her waist and use her like a living onahole, cumming deep inside her womb over and over again until you're satisfied.

But if that was all there was to it, you'd just rape her and hit her and leave her to it. That's all she'd be good for. But that's not it, is it? There's something that draws you in about her, constantly. You just can't seem to be able to... let her go. And that's the catch, isn't it? The Bae beneath the surface, it was never about the confidence, it was about the vulnerability. She gets upset when she's ignored. Her sad expressions are adorable, pulling you in with her small frown and her huge eyes, like an abandoned kitten. Deep beneath the illusion, there's a shy, Cantonese girl, with strict parents, trying to let herself go and enjoy the freedom she's never been allowed to have, be loud, and have as many eyes on her as she can. Even in this very stream, she's screaming at even the slightest of jumpscares; it's not even that scary, yet here we are. She cares deeply about her brrats, she wants to give them the best show she can, she's always streaming, she's always so organized, and it makes her feel terrible when others ignore her and don't acknowledge just how hard she tries.

You want to reach out. Protect her. Tell her it'll be fine, that you love her, that she does everything for you. Hold her tiny, warm body against yours, run your had through her hair, watching as her tail moves around and her ears twitch in response to your petting... but then, she's back to her usual self. Smiling, with that toothy grin, those sharp teeth. Putting her hands behind her back, cracking jokes, teasing you, letting you get a good look at her bare shoulders. Very soon, you're on top of her again, ruining her with your dirty talk, destroying her with your penis, doing whatever you want with her naked body as if she was just a doll.

That's it. The perfect combination. You prey on her, destroy her. But at the end of the day, you also feel bad for her. You're not content to just let her lie there, her ass a deep red from your spanking, a puddle of piss and cum forming on the floor. It's only when you regain your humanity after raping her over and over again that you realize just how sorry you feel for her, how much you want to hold and protect her. You treat her tenderly after raping her, you conquer her smile and her love. She's all yours, forever. And that's why you can't abandon her, that's why you rape her over and over again, and that's why you hug her and press her against you in the shower afterward, why you let her lean on you when you're watching a movie together, why you're there to provide comfort and support when she's playing through a scary game, why you're there to tell her she's better than her parents and will make it in life after she gets berated by them for her lifestyle.

Rrat isn't for rape. She's for rough rape with gentle, tender aftercare. And that's the winning combo; you'll never abandon her. You CAN'T.

>> No.23376941

I'll rape your mother

>> No.23377050

I don’t want to hurt her, I just want to put my penis inside her.

>> No.23377189

ye thats true

>> No.23377202
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>> No.23377246


>> No.23377293

mucho texto

>> No.23377302
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>> No.23377335

please die

>> No.23377434

you don't know what rape is

>> No.23377686

rrat..........sex...with...i need

>> No.23377729


>> No.23377784

Anon, drink some water. You THIRSTY man.

>> No.23377912

Anon, do you have something you need to talk about this therapy session?

>> No.23378045

I remember this one
Kronies..... can be pretty weird

>> No.23378099

I always have lots of fun reading these long drawn out hornyposts

>> No.23378156


>> No.23378771
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>> No.23382668
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>> No.23383629
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>> No.23383810

Why not post this in the rape thread? Is it really just Ui? Because it's not just Ui.

>> No.23385159

And they said chivalry was dead.

>> No.23387815

bae deserves her own

>> No.23388073
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>> No.23388371

have to sex

>> No.23388370

wasnt there like a recent thread about some girl pleading not to joke about rape anon

>> No.23388389


>> No.23388521
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>> No.23388559

I just want to see her horny face while sucking ma cock.

>> No.23388807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23389155


>> No.23389226


>> No.23391377

wheres the authentic slurping

>> No.23391925
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Don’t care, didn’t read. I’m done with her anyway now that she’s tainted by that alcoholic whore.

>> No.23392056

i want someone to tweet this pasta at Bae

>> No.23392125

I am going to rip her clothes off, shove my cock inside her, and cum inside her, and there's nothing she can do about it.

I know you're reading this, Bae. It won't be long.

>> No.23393966

yeah i wouldnt last long inside bae either

>> No.23394997

wholesome boner

>> No.23395789

you posted a gigafuckton of text when simply saying “mating press” would have sufficed. I mean, jesus dude

>> No.23395851

it was to scientifically prove bae is the most rapable en

>> No.23396083

lucky roberu

>> No.23396554

Is bae your oshi or you just wanna fuck the shit outta her

>> No.23396596

It's a copypasta from the kronies from back in the day

>> No.23396722


>> No.23397770

i ain't reading all that shit

>> No.23399851
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>> No.23401513
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Basic rules for communicating with Baelz and seducing her to mating press, as well as practical tips during intercourse.

1. During flirting, combine caressing with roughness. Pat her on the head and then slap her in the face. But control the force of the blow before she gets turned on, a hard slap can lead to unintended consequences. Continue your crazy flirting. Compliment and insult. Stroke her cheek and then squeeze them roughly. Kiss her forehead and immediately lick her nose. Hug and pull her ears. Combining roughness and caress, carrot and stick, you will confuse the rrat. She will be confused, she may be offended, but most importantly she will get excited. You will know that the rrat is aroused by the scarlet color of his face, the rapid incoherent speech, the restless movement of his tail, and the flattened ears.

2. Remember. Baelz is the consul of chaos and during arousal her erogenous zones may manifest in different places. Dr. YabeRys, a specialist in the reproductive system of the rrat, noted that during his research there was a case where in a (French with extremely rough play of tongue) kissing Baelz experienced a powerful orgasm. Figuring out which point has become erogenous is very simple. The rrat will rub, fidget with these places. Your task is to stimulate these places. Act as roughly and tenderly. For example, if the erogenous point is her flat tummy, then stroke it and lightly beat it. Pull her tail, bite her earlobe, rub her clitoris. Whisper in her ear tenderness, stroking in different places. Keep stepping all the time and don't give the rrat a second's rest. Soon the animal side will take over and excitement will increase. He will start to heat, his eyes will glow with hearts, will respond to your caresses. The tail will whip restlessly at her feet. These signs confirm that the rrat can no longer control herself. And she can be pressed.

3. At this stage you have to stop being gentle. You have to act roughly and decisively. You are the Alpha and she is the submissive Omega. You can give the initiative to the rrat, but Dr. strongly recommends against it. Studies have found that despite the excitement, the rrat herself does not show initiative well and quickly goes out. She prefers to give herself completely to her partner and craves dominance over herself. Therefore, do not hesitate to act decisively. For example. Put her on your knees and have rough oral sex. Teeth are not to be feared, they are not as sharp as they seem. You can tease first (research by the «I want fuck rrrat» community has found that she likes balls on her face. Dr. YabeRys, with the help of Mori assistant, confirmed this by plugging her little nose with big Mori balls. The rrat had an orgasm and almost passed out from pleasure). Or you can immediately grab her with a mating grip. It all depends on your preferences and desires. The main thing to remember: the rrat must always be below you. And always be under your dominance.

4. Rrat's favorite mating press pose. She will not be satisfied if the intercourse will be without this pose. You need to mate especially fiercely and violently in this pose, literally pushing her into the bed/floor/table/car hood/wall/toilet rim/any other surface. But still, don't forget to take precautions. Don't squeeze with all your weight, it can cause cracks in the hip bone. Don't choke her neck, almost choked her once. And try to control yourself. A couple of times, Dr. YabeRys' assistants Mori, San and Suisex lost control during research (Mori beat the poor rrat, San almost choked her with her rocket, and Suisex used a knife...).

5. Sexual intercourse can last from your capacity. If you ejaculated before, then bring the rrat to orgasm by improvised means. Never leave her without an orgasm. This is bad for its health! The rrat herself can have about 15 orgasms before she passes out. Tested by Dr. YabeRys.

6. After intercourse, on the contrary, you should show tenderness and care. Take her to the bathroom, give her a massage, create a pleasant environment. Take care of her. Afterwards you should put her to sleep. The rrat needs to recover. And be sure to tell her how much you love her. And kiss her on the forehead.

@ Brochure compiled by «The LewdHolo» society and « I Want Fuck Rrrat» Association with the assistance of Dr. YabeRys.

>> No.23401561

That's beautiful OP, you truly moved me.

>> No.23405028

nice blog

>> No.23406215

ban check

>> No.23409114


>> No.23409451

Dude, if you just cleaned this up a bit and made it more of a story, you can legit post this on the usual fan fiction site with some roleplay undertones.

Just say its RP and your gooch, but use your writing for good and start writing some Fan Fiction. This is wasted on this site

>> No.23409987

/vt/ when she debuted.
>fuck so annoying, eat shit olli 2.0, fucking loud mouthed whore, I can't wait for her to crack under the pressure and graduate!

/vt/ now
OMG! I want to mating press her, I want to make ugly rrat babies with her, I want to throw her on the bed and absolutely destroy her insides!

>> No.23411230

/vt/ is not one person. Whenever you see retarded anti posts like that just assume that we are being raided again.

>> No.23411391

Mucho texto no he leído

>> No.23411407
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>> No.23417356

>/vt/ is not one person
good point. I've said something similar years ago to some random bitch when she was trying to blame the entirety of 4chan when a group of anons doxxed some people.

>> No.23418471

>She cares deeply about her brrats
that typo for "breast" ruined this post. make a better one next time.

>> No.23418689

Nah it's a copypasta made by the kronies from /infinity/ back in the day
I used to lurk /infinity/ so let me give you a bit of context, first of all
The kronies have always wanted to rape the rat so they used to do rat rape posting, even before the mating press meme was popular
Secondly, this copypasta started because one of the anons there felt bad about how Bae was treated in early council and minecraft collabs i.e she was ignored easily by other members so he made this.
Yeah, weird I know, not that I disagree with the post, minus the rape

>> No.23419117

>minus the rape
You gay?

>> No.23423538

>I've been thinking about,

>> No.23426271
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>> No.23429388

theres nothing dangerous about it

>> No.23432447


>> No.23432456
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>> No.23435424

These days i can't stop popping a boner even for a millisecond when a single cell on my brain displays bae, Shes so hot my penis wants to ravage that rat vagina so bad.
