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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23365515 No.23365515 [Reply] [Original]

Tychads... the schizos won...

>> No.23365717

Banned her mod boyfriend, still fucks him in the regular.... sure.

>> No.23365812

How can we save him?

>> No.23365907

We save him by praying for him, and by professing our undying love for lolis.

He's a rather competent composer as well, props to him for that.

>> No.23365917
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there's only one woman that can handle this job.

>> No.23366039

I wish he didn't have to be so menhera. The anon that DM-ed Shadow said she actually apologized to him when she replied, and considering Ty got away with it for so long she clearly wasn't harsh on him, I can't imagine it. Probably just said hey, message a little less, and he freaked the hell out. Guy makes great music, Shadow's right about that, the stuff in her stream is some of the best original vtuber stuff I've heard. But holy shit, why does this guy need to have a meltdown over nothing. Just step down as a mod and watch the streams like a normal person.

>> No.23366139

She literally failed him, if you do your Tylore reps you'd know that!

>> No.23366254 [DELETED] 

Fauna can barely handle her boyfriend's cock

>> No.23368914


>> No.23369290

>Ty aka Tlombard is Fallenshadow's moderator, music composer and vtuber child. He became her mod after immigrating from Lemonleaf
>over the last few months Ty has progressed from a moderately simpy mod to one who is literally intolerable, spamming up the chat whenever he is there
>everyone else stops talking whenever he begins his attention whoring and waits for him to stop
>nobody ever says anything directly to either Ty or Shadow, but whines nonstop about it here
>this thread >>23313880 happens, usual whining and schizo rambling and bullshit rrats until one anon actually decides to DM Shadow and tell her how he feels
>apparently she knew this was happening but never did anything, apologizes to him and says she will have a word with Ty and ask him to calm down and stop taking over chat
>next day
>Ty goes full menhera
>blocks everyone on twitter, leaves Shadow's discord and has gone full emo woe-is-me-waaaah pityseeking mode, edgy twitter description to boot
>mockery ensues


>> No.23369341

>>23369290 (me)
*It is hilarious because someone here actually accomplished something

Forgot to finish my sentence...

>> No.23369949

kek, imagine sperging out about your streamer crush scolding you, at least I got a good laugh out of it

>> No.23370050
File: 875 KB, 142x146, 1469655639369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine throwing a tantrum because you were told to talk less

>> No.23371522

Menhera streamer attracts menhera audience.

Comes with the territory.

>> No.23372389

>shitposters keep trying to find cracks in shadow's GFE content
>she sacrifices everything to keep it going and make her viewers satisfied
Even if you don't believe that she is genuine you gotta admit that she's pretty good at it

>> No.23372552

it's hard to deny how much she cares for her viewers after this incident with ty. i'm a believer now. literally through her mod and friend under the bus without hesitation for the sake of an anonymous viewer. that's pretty menhera, but also pretty damn based. fuck jannies.

>> No.23372640

My guess is she probably said something reasonable to him and he voluntarily dived under the bus all on his own.

>> No.23372763

As based as that would be she’s proven time and time again how stupidly gentle and apologetic she is over every small thing. Ty has privated his shit and left the server multiple times before only to come crawling back, I don’t doubt he’ll do this again. Dude’s an awful mod, only shows up to simp and then has a menhera attack and leaves again.

>> No.23373510

>everyone else stops talking whenever he begins his attention whoring and waits for him to stop
I'm a mod for my oshi because I wanted to help her out and I watched every stream anyways.
I just chat with her normally like I did before, and I don't think anyone acts differently, but I'm autistic so I might just not be seeing it.
How can I make sure I'm not causing something like that and making other viewers uncomfortable?

>> No.23373598

Forgot to add, it's not shondo.

>> No.23373711

You can't, but honestly just don't be weird and spam and it's fine

>> No.23373752

Stick to a ratio of maximum 30% green and minimum 70% chatter. If there is more than 30% moderator chats ON SCREEN, the rest of the chatters will feel out of place and intimidated, third wheeling, and leave. This is due to how power dynamics work, chatters want to feel like the winner, but they also need to know that moderators exist. It's been tested on rats that a 30/70 ratio is perfect for all things. Give chatters the 70%, keep the 30%.

>> No.23373867

Let the chat breathe and don't respond to every single thing your oshi talks about if other people are giving input, unless you're the only one in her chat.

>> No.23373902

Watch with two windows open. Mute one. Chat with a throw away and keep quiet on your mod one.

>> No.23374096

this is honestly a good test too. if a mod can't do this there's obviously ego and ulterior motives involved. do you actually want to help your oshi or do you just want an excuse to get closer to her?

>> No.23374534

She has a decent number of viewers, so she always has at least one person responding to everything she says. I try not to respond to everything, but I like chatting with her, it makes me happy, you know? I'll sometimes respond to maybe 5 things in a row, is that too much?

I've noticed that sometimes chat gets a lot of mod density, since I'm not the only mod and they're all huge fans as well. It sometimes stops me from chatting because I don't want other viewers to see mostly mods chatting, but sometimes I say screw it, I want to talk to my oshi too. Should I just be taking one for the team?

I've considered doing that, but I don't have the internet or screens to have 2 windows open, and I have to take moderation action quickly when needed. I'll definitely be doing that when I can though.

I do want to help my oshi, but I don't want to sacrifice all my enjoyment of her stream either.

>> No.23374762
File: 1.39 MB, 1650x1181, ty3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that too much
Hard to say, but if you look like this in chat then yeah

>> No.23374951

don't talk in the chat like ever, only superchat if you really have to.
try imitating holo mod, yes they do have mods, one of the ID confirmed it but you never see them talk do you?

>> No.23375005

>reply 2 (me)
All you mods should be getting together to discuss the state of the stream fairly regularly. Bring this up that you want to keep the chat 30% green at max to promote more chatters, making sure everyone understands that too much casual moderator chatting is inevitably going to drive people away due to power dynamics.

>> No.23375018

An extra screen is $50 at Walmart and you can pause the mod stream/put at dogshit quality.

>> No.23375150

Want honest advice?
Talk in chat with a different account, only use your mod powers for mod duties.

>> No.23375179

>I'll sometimes respond to maybe 5 things in a row, is that too much?
There's nothing wrong with chatting to her, but in that instance consider cutting it down to 2-3 things while putting all your responses together instead.

>> No.23375198

This. It's what anyone who isn't an attention whore does. I'm a small streamer, non-vtuber related, and I always log in my other account to partake in others communities. you don't want people to think that you're a leech or trying to make the stream about yourself

But let's be honest, it's obvious that mods in vtubers communities are trying to slide into the dms even deeper by building soc

>> No.23375255

You can also use two different browsers for two different accounts

>> No.23375480

It's never been like that, even when responding to 5 things in a row I've never had more than 2, maybe 3 max, messages on screen at the same time. There's always more people talking inbetween.

I don't want to go into details, but I can't use a second screen right now, I'm trying to change that, but I can't just do it overnight.
>you can pause the mod stream/put at dogshit quality.
I'll be doing this once I can get a second screen, thanks for the tip, didn't think about that.

If I put all my responses together that would just be making walls of text, which I think would be even worse, wouldn't it?

>> No.23375627

shut up ty

>> No.23375667

>last reply, NOT (me)
You definitely should never wall of text as a moderator, for any reason. A moderator text wall is saved explicitly for telling off all of chat to calm tf down.

>> No.23375719

Forgot this one, I'm thinking about that, but I'm kind of scared to bring it up because she's told us that her streams are meant to just be a fun thing, not something serious. I've already felt like an ass for bringing up stuff we could do from my experience on more serious moderation roles.

>> No.23376032

Ty talking about 4chan on twitter

>> No.23376457

Just don't bring it up to the other mods unless they ask why you've been talking less or it does turn into a "mods are the only ones talking in chat" thing.

>> No.23376608

you're absolutely pathetic
everyone helping this person is equally pathetic

>> No.23376729

No such thing as a casual existence, fren. You can inspire a fun lighthearted atmosphere while still taking the spirit of that atmosphere seriously. Health isn't something casual.

>> No.23376774

Patheticness is an illness you can grow out of, fren. Hope you learn how to some day.

>> No.23377372

I'll definitely bring it up and all the points if anyone complains or I notice chatters aren't talking as much anymore.
On that note, if you see a mod that's out of line, please get on an alt and let them know. They might be an asshole, but they might also appreciate it greatly.

I mean in the moderation experience. When I first became a mod I was told to remove egregious stuff, but otherwise not to take it seriously. I brought up ways to do our job better, but I've felt like a buzz kill and that I was just adding undue stress to her instead of helping by doing that, if that makes sense.

>> No.23377451

>Gets told to stop spamming
>Overdramatically sadposts as if it's actually a big deal

What's wrong with people?

>> No.23379466

Holy menhera. Ty, since you're reading this, delete your tweets. Your actions reflect on Shadow. Apologise to her in private and do better, that's enough.

>> No.23380163

Tlomtard goes back to Lily saga.


>> No.23380503

Please no.

>> No.23380625

I don't think anyone has ever been intimidated by a guy called tlombard2000

>> No.23380985

It's the green sticker that reads "I can smite you down permanently at the drop of the hat. I have that power." Not necessarily the person behind it.

>> No.23381092


>> No.23381168

Ty probably had a really slow buildup of pure condensed self-hatred. He's clearly a massive faggot basedboy, and the current centerpiece of his loli fetish happens to sexually prefer 6'6 viking chads. It was inevitable that he'd have a woman moment and sperg out like this.

>> No.23381245

tfw you forget the censors of this site. *soiboi

>> No.23381480

here's some advice tycuck, just dont chat at all unless you have to for moderation, or use throwaways to chat, and don't fill up the whole screen, that's it

>> No.23381663

Abandoning your oshi just due to anonymous posters is retarded, its probably for the best for ty to no longer be a mod.

>> No.23381823

He has multiple oshis.

>> No.23381902

Even before he pulled all this shit, he was being a massive faggot. See OP. It's best he fucking leave in general

>> No.23381928
File: 37 KB, 600x800, C93CE4B8-4B2C-48EA-9CC6-18493FFABD7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you twitch groomer faggots, everyone including your oshi is disgusted by you creep fuckers and you ruin the platform for everyone involved. Touch grass, and rope IMMEDIATELY

>> No.23381963

Hope his replacement isn't as obnoxious...

>> No.23381968
File: 377 KB, 396x623, 1642238827831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rratposters are eternally genuflecting.
Shadow is the most flawlessly pure imoutowife in existence and will do anything for her fans.

>> No.23381983

>and do better
What kind of audience did /vt/ attract. Passive aggressive woman bullshit.

>> No.23382024


>> No.23382129

>He said he was reading all the threads

>> No.23382184

I hope whatever is hurting in your life gets better, anon.

>> No.23382210

hey ty, shondo is mine fuck off!!

>> No.23382269

hey shondo, ty is mine fuck off!!

>> No.23382348

>Baits Jannies
>Jannies take the bait, as per protocol.


>> No.23382366

I wrote both these posts

>> No.23382416

Off-topic but that's something that's disappointing about you guys
When there's an actual genuine problem going on and not some schizo belief or rrat, everyone whines about it but nobody tries do help things out
I'm not talking break containment but maybe do something more than just whining?
Idk just my two cents

>> No.23382434

Don't worry Ty, I'll be taking your place now. She is MINE. Get used to it.

>> No.23382463

Is shondo actually based?

>> No.23382509

She did, she literally just said to tone it down, just talk less

>> No.23382516
File: 1.68 MB, 245x245, 1a5e3a2214b63dc1a9809c0e94442bc1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she's mine.

>> No.23382583


>> No.23382589

>Ty goes full menhera
>blocks everyone on twitter, leaves Shadow's discord and has gone full emo woe-is-me-waaaah pityseeking mode, edgy twitter description to boot
I really shouldn't be surprised that a menhera's mod is menhera himself, but...wtf.

>> No.23382606

You forgot the part where this is somehow our responsibility.

>> No.23382625

Make sure you film it when you do it

>> No.23382631

I think part of the problem is people can't tell when there's a genuine problem or when it's just rrats.

>> No.23382669


>> No.23382703

We're just treating Ty the way he's acting

>> No.23382776

You forgot the part where someone literally did something, literally in the last thread about this, and it actually worked, and now Ty is gone forever because he sperged out

>> No.23382895

He's right you guys, it's time we come up with solutions instead.

Ty, off yourself.

>> No.23382913

Plenty of artists are good. But only the best can keep their menheraness in check long enough to succeed...

>> No.23383004
File: 36 KB, 233x280, B05E308C-4ED8-4D6D-9B49-5800B85A7F7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope whatever is hurting in your life gets better, anon.
>Make sure you film it when you do it

>> No.23383091

Man... That sucks...

So who's next in line for mod?

>> No.23383134


>> No.23383211


>> No.23383217

Kiall or whatever probably if he wants to, he donates a lot and Shadow interacts with him on twitter and discord sometimes.
Doesn't seem like a weirdo groomer tho so that would be fine with me.

>> No.23383352
File: 471 KB, 599x559, 1631366428005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal man child behavior

>> No.23383540
File: 19 KB, 920x871, png-transparent-twitch-tv-pepe-the-frog-emote-meme-meme-mammal-face-hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deleted his tweets bros...

>> No.23383593

The mod shit put me off, but if he's really gone then I'm def gonna resub to her.

>> No.23383661

So the takeaway is that actually DM'ing your oshi about stream-related issues does improve things every now and then. Who knew.

>> No.23383821

I just hope people don't start bothering her over trivial shit now, that should be a last resort for when something persistently affects her streams negatively

>> No.23383984

Holy shit, i have to give ger credit. Guys a fucking idiot

>> No.23384240

Good move, Shondo.

>> No.23384243
File: 63 KB, 660x649, 1645432703238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, reading this and the previous thread unironically convinced me that he's an emotionally abusive groomer.
The amount of guilt tripping he pulled over being politely told to be a little less dominating of her chat is actually hideous, i have personal experience with people like this.

>> No.23384291

I now want to mating press shadow

>> No.23384397

I think they're just a mentally unstable mess. Either way she'd probably do best to keep them at arms' length.

>> No.23384430

You just know he'll manipulate his way back in. Anon who dm-ed Shondo wouldn't show the messages except a small snip of her apologizing to him. You just know in a day or two he will come crawling into her messages and she'll forgive him. Her naivete is genuinely dangerous to herself. I want to take advantage of her

>> No.23384472

This is why shes so damn groomable, fuck you ty shes mine

>> No.23384543

I feel like you could grab Shadow by the hair, slam her head into the wall, shove her against it and punch her in the face and stomach, let her collapse onto the ground and she'd probably say "I'm sorry!!!"

>> No.23384564

Of course he's unstable but there's also a genuinely malicious element here.
The whole "oh i'll just go away unless she begs me to come back" he essentially tweeted is text book abuser behavior.

>> No.23384644

Yeah that's real skeezy move, especially being told to just ease off constantly talking in chat.

>> No.23384729

Mmmm i love it when they appolgize, then you make her lay down and accept her punishment like the little whore she is

>> No.23384785

I didn't think much of that but you're right, that was really manipulative. I hope shondo didn't see it before they deleted it.

>> No.23385345

First off, a chuuba's livelihood ain't vt's problem, that's her fans only and second of all YOUR definition of problem going on can be way different than many anons here.

A problem for the girl enjoyers but not for the rest
>Cover firing rushia
A problem for rushia fans but not for the rest
>Vshojo throwing indies under the bus
A problem for for the indies but not for Vshojo fans

This ain't the old /b/ where collective autism did great things, pal.

>> No.23385485

That's my point... something finally happened, it was satisfying to se instead the same ol' bickering with nothing else

>> No.23385679

This is why mods should not be chatters

>> No.23386011

Uhh ty bros?
Why is she not following him on twitter?

>> No.23386038

Naw, I bet she was waiting for confirmation from chat to do something. She needed to know others were bothered by it.

>> No.23386435

Considering how turbo-bottom she is, this suddenly makes a lot of sense and I suddenly feel really bad for having this have taken so long

>> No.23387236

That's why shadow is just dollar store rushia, don't support this whore

>> No.23387532

This. The real deal takes advantage of her viewers instead of letting viewers take advantage of her.

>> No.23388206

Shadow needs saving. Just not from guys like Ty

>> No.23388843

Place your bets now!
How soon will he crawl back to her?
Alternatively if he doesn't, will he become a schizo anti?

>> No.23388889

Holy shit.. This is the laugh I needed after a long days work.

>> No.23389306

I hope he doesn't, cuz Shadow is still so sweet that she will forgive even the reddest of flags.

>> No.23389464

Yeah that's true, but i also don't think she's stupid so while she wouldn't get rid of him of her own accord, i think it's pretty safe to say that whatever chances Ty might have had of successfully grooming her are gone.
Also she obviously prefers guys with more mature and masculine personalities while Ty is an unstable beta and a borderline troon.

>> No.23389611

Her fetish is having a 6'6 viking kidnap her. Ty probably had a growing resentment-boner cuz the source of his lolicon fetish would never want him, causing him to be the sperg he is today.
Take note, all ye groomers /here/, you still need to actually LOVE the girl you're saving.

>> No.23389835

She’s said she doesn’t care about looks and it’s pretty obvious she was sincere given how hard she was lusting for book Hannibal even though he’s the opposite of what seems to be her physical type. All Ty had to do was not be a menhera feminine little bitch and he could’ve had a shot.

>> No.23389903

6'6 viking is a mentality, anon, not a look.
Go grab your girl and own her.
