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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23351800 No.23351800 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Anya from time to time and her inclining only means more porn of her to be drawn in the near future, but her inclining is massive, what used to be a 200-350 stream now is a 1.7k one.

>> No.23351842


>> No.23352101

The Petra/Anya alliance has born fruit.

>> No.23352373


>> No.23353459
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Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.23353538

She stayed true to herself, rejected the fake incline from porn addicted coomers, and found real enlightment and an audience that appreciates her for who she is.

An inspiration for all aspiring vtubers.

>> No.23353576

Cunny adjacent buff thanks to Kobo

>> No.23353637

Ngl, that does sound inspiring

>> No.23354944
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Take my upvoot.
Still no explanation what charming side of her tho

>> No.23356295

i want anya gfe so bad bros

>> No.23356494

Kinda hard to explain it, but for me, it was her voice, she sounds cool, and has a calm and collected demeanor almost all the time, but when she panicked the gap is just cute too.
Also probably because atm, I don't need to use subtitles when enjoying JP stuff

>> No.23357034

>Still no explanation what charming side of her tho

Anya is the closest we will get to a real life interpretation of a kuudere in hololive without being an actual acted character.

Being easy to fluster, retarded mental gymnastics, dumb takes born out of shyness and the sharp tongue are just the icing of the cake.

>> No.23357178

i really wish she got better design tho

>> No.23357784
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Now thats a good observation. I hope more anons would give her a try!

>> No.23358310

It's her time

>> No.23358322

You can't remain 3-view forever when you're a holo. Brand inertia will push your numbers sooner or later even if you are actively working to prevent it. Also Anya is cute.

>> No.23360711

Why are you calling her a bitch? Especially if you "love me some Anya"?

>> No.23360859

The same reason we call each other fags. Do you really believe everyone on 4chan is a homosexual?

>> No.23360998

Holofes happened

>> No.23361007

we're not?

>> No.23361086

People forgot she hates her fanbase and Japanese people started watching her as she originally wanted but she will still never be a japanese.

>> No.23361193

maybe because the name "anya" is popular right now because of SpyXFamily and people find her more easily now as a byproduct

>> No.23361321

I don't call other people fags. And I'm pansexual, so I like dicks.

>> No.23361698

I just can't come around to her with her insistence on using that abhorrent granny model with less animation than most PNG tubers.

>> No.23361828

Found the virgin.

>> No.23361896


>> No.23362411

She got RIGGED by the most infamous RIGGER on both her models. It's not like she's got any choice

>> No.23362559 [SPOILER] 
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The Japanese will never be Anya.

>> No.23362640
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Why would she hate a stranger who enjoys her streams?

>> No.23362907

after holofes all ID got buffed except ollie lol she gets even more culled

>> No.23365927

How is that even possible?

>> No.23366122

Anya has never got 200-350 in her career. She's a 500-1k streamer normally, and yes she's inclined, pretty much all the IDs except maybe Ollie have since HoloFes and ID3. It's most likely because more people in the Indonesian market have been brought in and all the ID girls, other than being the same nationality, also stream in the ideal timezone for them.

>> No.23366186

I like her because she makes Ollie mad

>> No.23366197

fun fact, indonesian dont watch gen 1 and gen 2 and most of gen 3 . we only watch kobo

>> No.23366263

All the ID lolicons came for Kobo and the ones who couldn't get a piece of Kobo settled for Anya.

>> No.23366337

I have only watched a few Anya streams (one space ship type game and death stranding) but she does nice, long, chill streams. If I didn't already have a bunch of chuubas who fill that role she'd be pretty top tier for me. I'm sure her fans are happy with what she offers

>> No.23366557
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>She stayed true to herself
Retarded take, recent Anya is completely different from post debut Anya. Post debut Anya couldn't last 30 minutes without getting assblasted at chat and ranting at them for a minimum of five minutes. People on here might think that's based, but in the real world this just makes even the people who are behaving cringe and leave.
She's inclining because all of Holo ID is inclining hard due to holofes and to a lesser extent because of holoID 3 launching. And because she stopped being abrasive and rude towards viewers.
Because Ollie pandered to bandwagon jumping E-celeb viewers. Those people left her for the next big shiny thing, some of them left for Kobo. Targetting those people is the stupidest thing you can do as a vtuber, they won't stick around.

>> No.23366560


>> No.23366584

I see you talking your dog language in the chat of all the ID streamers so don't bullshit. Kobo is the most popular but there are indogs lurking everywhere.

>> No.23366699

the worlds finally seeing the appeal of oppai lolis, her riggers long game paid off.

>> No.23366793

no those are japs and white niggers loving our language so they use google translate and chat

>> No.23366814
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She hadn't used her Original model until hololive expo streams happened. Pretty sure management FORCED her to use it there. Hasn't used it since.
Also, every artpiece at hololive expo portrayed her with fat tits. The weiss schwarz cards and the mannequin wearing her outfit had mega milkers too. Management will probably give her 3D model enormous honkers regardless of her wishes.

>> No.23366925

>foreigners are learning indog to make us look bad
lmfao funniest thing I've read all day

>> No.23367063
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>> No.23367570
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>> No.23367683

>Management will probably give her 3D model enormous honkers regardless of her wishes.
I hope so. That will teach this brat some manners.

>> No.23370989

So she stopped acting high and mighty? Alright I may give her a chance

>> No.23371244
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>She's inclining
>Still not using her 1st costume


>> No.23373470

those vitamin d supplements does wonders bro
my d that is

>> No.23373616
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You maybe on to something anon

>> No.23374475

Never heard that rrat but it's true, the Ainu people looks like SEA people.
The current Japanese came from the mainland around 2(?) BCE, before that, the natives were the first who settled in Japan. But because the Chinese always had the numbers, they conquered those people easily, just like Han driven the OG Austronesian in Taiwan too.

So yesh if you want to be Japanese as the current Japanese then it's the same as you want to be mainland chinks too, and if you want to be the OG Japanese then it's the same as you want to be the SEA people.

>> No.23375190

youre talking for yourself, indogs self-hater. I watch all HoloID. Only Nijiniggers like you who are disappointed that NijiID got axed watch only Kobo for HoloID.

gw Indon dan gw nonton 2 gen 1, 1 gen 2 dan 2 gen 3

>> No.23375803

I think shes cutes.

>> No.23375937

Because she's based, actually puts some effort and legit every other Holo seems to love her
Also she's best friends with Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro

>> No.23378397



>> No.23379141

Id say more that Ollie just fucked up and failed to convert them into the Hololive culture or you could say her actual/regular content. Moona had lots of tourists from the PekoMoon arc and managed to at least get a couple of them to stick around for her even without Pekora. Ollie just doesn't really have much actual talent to keep them interested.

>> No.23380601

She supposedly made a whole pixel videogame for her debut with rpg maker right? what happened to that?

>> No.23380662

As long we get more of fanarts of her with fat tits, all is good.

>> No.23381965

Everyone in her branch is inclining, no girl left behind.

>> No.23385338

bring back your long fluffy hair please I BEG YOU PLEASE ANYA

>> No.23385370


>> No.23385426

That’s considered inclining?

>> No.23385702

you dont understand, anya is a super niche vtuber, /vt/ was doubt that shes gonna pass steady 1k ccv since her messed up debut and her cancel attitude

>> No.23385823

I'm just happy for the dagger and excited that Cover made her fat tits canon, someone put that indochad winning image please.

>> No.23389467
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>> No.23392788


>> No.23393171

Why won't she use her original costume damn it, I absolutely hate the granny one but I guess that's precisely why she's doing it.

>> No.23393231


>> No.23394255

> stream in ideal timezone
Anya often stream at midnight in ID timezone, which is funny since her love to sleep persona that she's a night owl

>> No.23395993
File: 850 KB, 480x270, mamama[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk3jfjo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya makes mysterious sounds that Japanese people find familiar.

>> No.23396159
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Her brute and black humour but polite give me Kaichou vibe.

>> No.23396309

Hideo Kojima retweeted her constantly for weeks, and so did even Del Toro.

>> No.23396694

Anya reads her split during streams and acts accordingly

>> No.23399606

>Ainu people looks like SEA people.

>> No.23399728
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>the Ainu people looks like SEA people.

>> No.23403987

She's great
