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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.55 MB, 1536x1149, 1647925364921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23225740 No.23225740 [Reply] [Original]

nasfaqg/ - NASFAQ General - On-Topic Edition

Thread for the discussion of NASFAQ, a financial market simulator based on holding of coins that represent the members of Hololive and some of their mamas.
This is a fake stock market game meant for FUN, not a real stock market (cryptofags will not be happy here either, no real money involved, NO you won't get better at stocks from this).

https://nasfaq.biz/info - READ THIS. No seriously read it, faggot.

Research 1: https://schedule.hololive.tv/
Research 2: https://holo.poi.cat/
Research 3: https://hololive.jetri.co/
Research 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_xMgw2j9v8
F.U.C.K. Reports (Market-based reports, updated daily): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/104gsM_vZz1MuhJxfuYeT_xNFC1Qk1h7zeLVoCyFsrSw/edit?usp=sharing
"Real Oshiboard" spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-ioaVcHWb4kMHXF8kqND9mZ_O84P-xLzbDoY-JGmrk/edit?usp=sharing
https://files.catbox.moe/jhccbu.webm (unembed)
(embed) (embed) (bake bread) (bedbread)
Revised Haaton Wallet Analyzer sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ou-iTo4fF9YcPWKZZtqsG-SjUJDWBJ20Wxrrwc2-he8/edit?usp=sharing
Returns Report temporary archive: https://rentry.org/returnsreport
Aggie. Come draw, all skill levels are welcome: https://aggie.io/cgcows3hns

Mikofag's humble attempt to archive some of the thread OC: https://mega.nz/folder/NeQghDqL#mSL13SdqKjKgYVjFCgF6Iw
Thread Lore: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNIA50Z2vw4pS6gLbxyTL5trAfIo-Uo22womorcx-7o/edit?usp=sharing

Previous thread: >>23188557

>> No.23225950
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Please forgive me for the thread quality, I tried to make a new one right after waking up because the old one was dying I was out of time by less than a minute!

>> No.23226435

its absolutely great seeing some game discussion like the last thread
keep it up, its inspiring

>> No.23226446
File: 337 KB, 2048x1260, good morning the song name (just awake) is relevant[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyti17m.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's another advantage of it. The main idea of this is to let you move your wallet around a lot before the next adjustment, and that would of course apply to selling as well as buying. And yeah, the music channel stuff is annoying. Unfortunately, no longer relying on steady coin appreciation will mean that these coins will be more powerful. That is why they are such a prominent issue. The proposed mechanics might fix a lot of things, but they won't fix everything.

This will make things worse for the poor, one of their advantages would be selling at a lower step for less tax paid. We could maybe negotiate the max sale tax being lowered to 20%, but I'd rather keep it as it is (30%) for simplicity.

A solid argument that I cannot refute.

>> No.23227408

what's your ideal div % across the board anons? ideal drop/pump every adjustment? 10k in a really good day etc? describe.

>> No.23227465

Ideal div% for game health? 1% or below
For buying? I generally buy coins for long term when their divs are above 6%

>> No.23227647
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Ideal div % would be 10-20%. You should still be able to make a decent amount of money from it, but it shouldn't be the primary source of income. With the changes that I proposed last thread, dividends at 20% would be relatively inoffensive when coupled with the gains made through good trading.

>ideal drop/pump every adjustment
What do you mean by this?

>> No.23228790

uuh i dont actually know the proper name of the thing im trying to point out. at the market tab; the change section. values? idk

>> No.23228901

I think big events should exceed 100%, but it's kind of hard to give an ideal rise/fall. As long as the %s move and correspond to the numbers from the algorithm, it's fine.

>> No.23229395 [SPOILER] 
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Ohhh Konnui

>> No.23229657 [SPOILER] 
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Ohhhhhhhhhhh Pagi

>> No.23230033
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very cute tsugu, I approve.

>> No.23230058
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Thank you!

>> No.23230091
File: 758 KB, 3277x4096, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning nasfaq!

>> No.23230170

Good morning my favourite Irystocrat!

>> No.23230270

When will someone finish that drawing? Looks really cute and thighs are blessed, but I hate it seeing it without color.

>> No.23230650
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I'm selling rushia

>> No.23230670
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I hope you have a good reason to do so

>> No.23230735


>> No.23230816

Fair enough

>> No.23231390
File: 112 KB, 900x1200, JWU 5 hours ago but I couldnt post till now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large issue in the market and the possibility of poorchama climbing in my opinion is how incredibly dominant passive income sources Dividends & Inflation even on short timescales are. The more powerful these passive income sources are the less impactful trading is, even at lower wealth levels, and especially on higher ones. At least with inflation you can't reinvest the gained networth back into the system unless you sell, and thus lose your inflating coin. Dividends on the other hand are completely broken.

Suisei's dividends last week are, while anomalous, a good example of this issue. Holding suisei through dividends had the same effect on your networth note, networth, not liquid as selling every suisei you had in a single cycle at a price 13% higher than her average without taxes, except that you also got to keep the coins so you don't even have to think about paying taxes again when re-investing. The fact that selling a coin when it is more than tax% above its average is a worse move than holding it through dividends is a major reason why hoarding coins is such a dominant strategy. The limitations of multicoin also play into the reason why this is the case but for as long as you can turn a purchase into profit profit here meaning networth gain within a week or two through dividends alone, the hoarding strategy will be the one that dominates the market. Increasing multicoin step alone would not fix this.

Dividends should still be viable, but as they currently are and have been in the past they are way too good. Thus I think that dividends should be a fraction of what they are now, and the ROI through dividends should be way below that of the tax paid on a coin, at most around 1% of the coin prices.
This would make selling coins during friday and holding liquid through divvies far more viable as an option compared to what they are now, since even the rich players would be starved out of liquid unless they sell.

Other more radical ways to "fix dividends" in a way that incentivizes trading over eternal hodling that come my mind would be to have dividends not pay you in liquid, but pay you coins you get "free" coins equal to to the amount of dividends you would have gotten from your stack of those coins, rounded up so the poorchama can gain a nice 100% increase for his one coin. Now you have to sell your dividends in order to re-invest them. or as an increase on the dividend day adjustments the dividend a coin would have paid out is added to the adjustment price of the coin on divvy day. Again, you would have to sell to get to use your dividends.. I haven't given either of these ideas any thought so I would not advocate for them, I'm merely mentioning them to get people's neurons activated and to incentivize discussion of even radical ideas.

As a side note, after the multicoin update(s), the inclusion of taxes is the best update the game has ever had. Besides the obvious trading uptime, the way one approaches taxes both mathematically and philosophically is the thing that truly makes or breaks a trader Triangle is a genius in my opinion, and I really like the depth that the inclusion of taxes has brought in the game.

The post may be quite poorly written so sorry for that. Its very much written in a flow-of-thought manner.

>> No.23231520

i hope honk releases options so that active traders can leave my dividend playstyle alone. i like stacking coins sky high.

>> No.23232186

>mobile support when?

currently the android app I am making is still in the alpha stage of testing. the bottleneck at the moment is my own motivation and dealing with android's battery saver killing the trader while the phone is asleep. it isn't a major issue but it is something that needs to be documented for everyone else.

on the other hand, my major concern is that the app would be quickly made redundant when server-sided trades are allowed. to my knowledge the devs have not stated if they are moving towards server-sided trading or not. therefore is unclear if there needs to be a community made solution for the "offline" trading problem or not. there is little reason for me to continue to work on this project if server-side trades are coming in the future.

it is also unclear the amount of interest in a mobile app in the first place.

>> No.23233029 [DELETED] 
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i love you, anon ;)

>> No.23233110

had a dream that I logged into nasfaq and was missing a ton of stocks+money and I checked the leaderboard and I was missing a few zeroes, but still in the same place.
Then I checked the wallets of other people on the leaderboard and they had greatly reduced stocks too. Most of them had stocks in the hundreds, a few in the thousands.

>> No.23233175
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>> No.23233241
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I love you, anons!

please make one, the devs are going to take forever and I have a spare chinkphone lying around to use

>> No.23233728

ohhhh i need to shit

>> No.23233887

Ohhhhhh I have to go cum

>> No.23233954

ohhhhh I have to watch Fubuki

>> No.23234186


>> No.23234217
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It was beautiful ;_;

>> No.23234384

why is my roboco stack so low now?

>> No.23234417

Where was her song with Rushia?

>> No.23234593
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buy towa!

wow, that looks great
sasuga senchou

>> No.23234633
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how retarded am I?

>> No.23234691
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I agree, profits from dividends and inflation are kind of fucked. If this post was made in response to my proposals, I would like to reaffirm that the radical hiking of multicoin levels will quell the importance of inflation and dividends. Since you are buying/selling everything you own pretty much every day (unless you're pulling off a multiple-day strategy), inflation doesn't really matter to you. The grand majority of your income for the week will come from trading. Dividends will serve as a nice little bonus, but trading will reign as king much more than it does now. There is much more capacity for skill, compared to today's meta where you sit on div/inflation stacks.

I'm glad to hear somebody is working on it. I'd assume there is a lot of interest, since people will be able to adjust at work/uni/etc.

>> No.23234785
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>not buying suipiss
>selling ina
yeah, ngmi

>> No.23235010
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 84471352_p22_master1200 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvgs92p.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a glint from the blue, here's a quick Morning Review.

Top 3 Upwards Adjustments (of 25)
>Choco :: $12,318.72
>Korone :: $10,282.17
>AZKi :: $9,428.31

Top 3 Downwards Adjustments (of 40)
>Towa :: -$12,425.76
>Amelia :: -$9,273.91
>Calliope :: -$7,255.57

Overall Average Adjustment is -$529.75
Average Upward Adjustment is $2,864.21
Average Downward Adjustment is -$2,650.97

Don't get baited, pick up some good deals, and somebody do me a favor and post IT'S RED.

>> No.23235099
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You too, friend!

Would any of you like to farm the event together? We'll be playing the event mode (it's pretty interesting), but unfortunately it's East only.
Majsoul Friends Room 12342(4-Player East): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=12342

>> No.23235230

Mahjong posting has already started. How long until the gay posting starts

>> No.23235246

Hopefully never

>> No.23235322
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Tfw the Twap cycle is real

>> No.23235456

Thank you for your morning review!

>> No.23235461
File: 215 KB, 498x498, towno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not buy towa she never streams and is menhera

>> No.23235529
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ohhhhhhhh I need to whale

>> No.23235557
File: 120 KB, 960x693, Tako Stonks! By the way next OP can use that image, just add nasfaq and you have ready image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly shit an actual game talk in the thread.
Guess I will have what to read to my dinner to become better at stonks

>> No.23235569 [SPOILER] 
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>cryptofags will not be happy here either, no real money involved
good moring Sirs, I have read this sentence and is completly unacceptable, we need money involved or I can't mantain my scammer traditions, I have little kumesh, little rajesh and litte janesh to feed :(. Please, please Sirs consider about making it real

>> No.23235595
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I spent £50 and all I got was a male and some random shrine maiden...

>> No.23235643

>he whaled

>> No.23235714
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boi they just reset the "first time" bonus on all the jade. I'm going to whale

>> No.23235849
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>spending money on a free chinese game

>> No.23235870


>> No.23236241
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>> No.23236340
File: 791 KB, 2480x3508, didn't recognize it sadly but have some scary electronic music [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fog39ug.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyh90gn].mp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got/getting a very healthy Towa dose and watching overbought work real time for Towa is funny so I have the energy to respond now.
Again, do not disagree on those who invest more time into it should be rewarded, but it's not something as I, someone who would be heavily impacted by such changes due to my own schedule would be strongly interested in, but I digress.
Fair point on the more activeness on watching your wins/losses faster, though I will largely say it strongly depends on implementation of how the multicoin scales with the volume, as if it's too much, urgency on being at adjustments or around it is very massive, and too little, you're stuck with a slight improvement with what we had when 10x was introduced (which is still nice). I do think the current multicoin amounts you are mentioning right now are too drastic as 14.4k, is still a lot even nowadays.
For % margins, they maybe increased, sure, but again, the total amount of profit an individual can make will wildly increase, and as we've seen, those "newer" players who trade now are already significantly better traders than the old fag as a result of necessity but old fags stay ahead for months as a result of time in the game, and the only way to fix that is nerfing dividends which is what this post will follow into.
QoL changes matter a lot more and having other issues confounding into a beast before any big changes is not a good thing.
And no problem, I'm bored and I like talking about these things.
Largely agree with this post, but the 1% figure you mention is definitely a bit questionable, as I think we're nearing a nice point with dividends over all of them being at 10% and trading making a difference, but it should still be nonetheless decreased, though maybe not to the point you say.
As for radical changes, honestly really like this idea, but there's a lot of backend number ideas to be considered, and it fucks with oshicoining to a very large extent as a result, even more so than it is now due to many players being able to 10x oshi constantly leaving poor newfag who can't climb their respective oshiboard, as an AFK player would passively be getting coins worth the amount they would've spent if they were here still buying their oshi. Think of all the Flare or Towa, Konnui or Tower might've had if such a change were implemented, sure, active players will have more money to spend as a result, but it requires selling oshi to regain that money and then buying back somehow along with inflation occurring making those older stacks more worthwhile and the resulting volume hijinks for thousands of coins being minted in an instant.
There's also just a general longstanding fear that any newfag that starts now will suffer for ages to get to a spot of worth regardless of any changes in my head.
it's just overbought of me and tower buying and overtaking sells on green days, making the %s be even funnier along with overbought. it's real time data to see how overbought works for those who are interested in figuring it out btw
so true sis keep up the good work

>> No.23236361

I absolutely need one. My electric bills are spiking so hard now that indogs banned the sale for coal AND palm oil. I'm still pissed about it and now coconut oil will be more expensive due as demand for alternatives increases. The myth of marching towards the common wealth is crumbling infront of >us, let's be real here.
>bu-but just buy a new PC that can support a suspended mode
PC parts are still expensive and I'm a NEET

>> No.23236462
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I fucked up the second song...

>> No.23236477
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>My electric bills are spiking so hard now
there's no way your computer has anything to do with this. If you don't have LED bulbs, turn off the lights instead. If you don't have CCFL bulbs, turning off a single incandescent bulb will actually save MORE power than turning off your computer...

>> No.23237133
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>> No.23237149

I need to drink Suisei's ringo

>> No.23237212

I do my trading on a 40w underclocked laptop (low-power efficient mobile CPU) with the lid closed/screen off (but still running)

>> No.23237502

Who's your oshi?

>> No.23237510
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1599917970300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened this thread and did NOT read a SINGLE fucking post above mine. Start talking about Towa. NOW.

>> No.23237571


>> No.23237590

Buy Towa

>> No.23237609

towa is cute as always especially in the members stream which you can get for $5 and she also did a good singing stream today its very nice

>> No.23237677
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Everyone is.

>> No.23237692

no that's all me

>> No.23237746

Yes. She is very cute and her english is especially cute today.

>> No.23237963
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It was 313 before it refreshed.

>> No.23237999

did i stutter not all my trades are at the same time due to the limitations imposed by honk on towa buying

>> No.23238127
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Liars go to prison.

>> No.23238173

You make me proud

>> No.23238201
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I'm fine with this.

>> No.23238275
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>> No.23238400

does that mean my trades are retarded?

>> No.23238429
File: 1.38 MB, 2894x1913, Yes I can do meth and math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick meth based on my PC.
Ryzen 9 3950x and 1070ti no OC everything auto.
CPU - 35W
GPU - 38W
2x8GB - 8W
motherboard - 10W (2x SATA, 1x m2 SATA, 1x m2 NVME)
2x HDD - 2.5W
SATA m2 - 1.5W
NVME m.2 - 2W
Then also fans, no RGB, ends up around 130W IDLE (i just plugged current meter)
I'm too lazy to also count the monitor, let's round it to 150W.

730 hours per month (24/7 30 days)
150W per hour
Ends up around 109kW/m
Let's say you pay 0.15$/kW (rounded price from my country).

You end up with a 16$/m.

60% of power is produced by coal in my power, not nuclear plants at all.

>> No.23238459

>Towa 7x

>> No.23238553

no, they are pretty good
consider lowering towa to 6x right about now though

>> No.23238568

I micromanage my multicoin, I don't leave it on 7x for 5 hours straight

>> No.23238890
File: 21 KB, 321x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it is time to stop... but at least I am not buying Towa... anymore.

>> No.23239027
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>ends up around 130W IDLE (i just plugged current meter)
Something is incredibly wrong if you're getting 130W idle at the wall from a PC that new brotha. Especially with 240V mains power, your PSU should be more efficient than mine.
>no OC everything auto
Are you sure your motherboard hasn't disabled literally all of the power management features? Enable Cool n Quiet / C/P-states / whatever. If you're on Windows, double check your power management settings. I don't care if /g/techsupport is off-topic, it beats gay posting. Post your motherboard model and I'll dig through the manual and try and find the relevant BIOS options for you.
For reference, I've clocked 130W wall draw idle from THIS hagmonster, the 22W draw in the log is actually when it's fucking off lol.
>Supermicro X9 series dual socket LGA2011 motherboard
>2x Engineering Sample Xeon E5-2630-V2
>128 GB DDR3 ECC
>Radeon Pro WX2100
>Radeon Pro WX5100
>Too many drives to count and list here, including 4 2.5" and 2 3.5" 10K RPM enterprise SAS/SATA drives and nearly one dozen consumer 3.5" 7.2k RPM SATA drives
>Jet engine fans that will melt the headers they're plugged into if I let them all run at 100%
This 400-500W draw is with both CPUs hard pegged at 100% and one GPU pegged to 100% with one floating in the low 20's video encoding jobs.
>Let's say you pay 0.15$/kW (rounded price from my country).

>> No.23239717
File: 2.08 MB, 2066x2511, the_prettiest_owl_youll_ever_see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss avarice

>> No.23239822
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Hey, network chama, if you could make something showcasing/tracking the number of each active fanbase based off of oshimark, I think that would be pretty cool.

>> No.23239861
File: 144 KB, 336x337, 1605555678447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss konnui

>> No.23239876
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Avarice is being gay in GC go join him.

>> No.23239942
File: 92 KB, 896x844, hwInfo goes brrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something is incredibly wrong if you're getting 130W idle at the wall
It's not, that's what ryzen is all about :)
1.4v idle is what AMD calls okay to work with even tho it's 7nm and TSMC said do not go over 1.3. The PSU is a 80+ Gold 750W corsair full modular https://files.catbox.moe/dldmdn.png
>Are you sure your motherboard hasn't disabled[...]
Everything is enabled, the cores just never go to sleep when idle, or go to sleep for maybe 2-3 seconds only to wake up. (AMD and their "amazing power management") https://files.catbox.moe/6huctz.png

For fun just checked since I plugged current, with the AIDA test and 100% usage everything it pulls 300W from the wall, not bad

>> No.23240021

>it's just overbought
Overbought is her dropping from 22k to 20k not dropping from 24k to 12k with more viewers than yesterday.

>> No.23240153
File: 12 KB, 496x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't know that about Ryzen. My shit's all ancient Sandy/Ivy Bridge, but Intel cores will go all the way down to the lowest possible multiplier if you let them.
Are nVIDIA GPUs just permanently stuck in 3D mode or something? These Radeons will go down to single digit watts and 300 MHz GPU/VRAM when idle. Granted, they can't actually draw that much at 100% - they're basically RX 550s, no 6/8pin power.

>> No.23240173
File: 1.45 MB, 4096x2882, 1649925765319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than one thing can be true, I can spell it out for you if you want of it being weekly subscribers dropping off along with overbought making it a bit funnier.

>> No.23240300
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Also, I will now shut up about idle power draw. Thanks for teaching me something. Guess it was shortsighted of me to assume that more modern machines would improve on idle power draw vs. my stable of dinosaurs. Get a Raspberry Pi lol. Set up a PiHole and run zhonkbot on it too.

>> No.23240325

Not that anon, but is there a good replacement for a MSI 480 AMD GPU? We /nasfa/g// now

>> No.23240585

An RX 480? I'm using an RX 570 most of the time and not replacing it any time soon. Not sure where you are but GPU prices are starting to go back to normal around here. I haven't been paying attention to gaming performance, only HW video acceleration lol. Avoid the Radeon RX6500/XT if you care about streaming/OBS - they removed the fucking video encode hardware from it entirely, and it can't into AV1 decode. Radeon RX6600 and up can decode AV1 and they still have all the encode hardware. nVIDIA has the same featureset for NVENC/NVDEC in all Turing GPUs; Ampere RTX 3050+ adds AV1 decode.

Don't buy anything old, at least not any more. e.g. RX 6600 is already back to MSRP here.

>> No.23240647
File: 95 KB, 675x900, E_oWVacUYAkMfIf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Player's oshimarks within the top 500 who have open wallets who traded at least once recently.
amelia 12
inanis 10
gura 10
towa 8
haato 7
marine 7
mumei 7
suisei 5
calliope 5
kiara 5
fubuki 4
aqua 4
nene 4
hololive 3
sora 3
roboco 3
miko 3
korone 3
rushia 3
watame 3
lamy 3
botan 3
polka 3
irys 3
shion 2
ayame 2
subaru 2
okayu 2
coco 2
fauna 2
kronii 2
iofi 2
ayamy 2
civia 2
azki 1
aki 1
choco 1
mio 1
pekora 1
flare 1
noel 1
kanata 1
laplus 1
chloe 1
sana 1
baelz 1
risu 1
moona 1
reine 1
ui 1
nabi 1

>> No.23240807
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Intel power management is amazing when it comes to saving power, I really wish AMD could steal their technology and actually work on it.

About the GPU, I have OBS enabled that records both of my screens, so that's a 25W extra power draw, I completely forgot about it when disabled usage goes down to 8-10W. Still doesn't help with an over 100W power draw.

2 weeks ago I have set up a laptop motherboard with any desk on it so I can just connect to it and set up my trades, consumes 15-20W. Quite literally Pay2Win lol

Depends on what you want to get, use it for, and where you live at. In my country, you can get second-hand 1660ti for 300$ or 3050 for 50$ more. I was lucky to get my 1070ti for 250$ before the price jump.

>> No.23240876
File: 804 KB, 2879x4096, 1638282986909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, kind of lines up with what I thought, didn't realize there was that many active Aqua and Fubuki players than I expected.

>> No.23240959 [SPOILER] 
File: 403 KB, 1778x523, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when half of the cores are in sleep mode, that fucker eats 30W like it's nothing. I didn't expect a low power usage from a 12/24 CPU, but still AMD I beg you.

>> No.23241124
File: 100 KB, 700x900, E_vATfcVgAQvZS9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot one
blank 11

>> No.23241185
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Thank you for the recommendation, I have my eyes on a RX6800 8gb already, and waiting for the price drop. I need it because on games like Apex, Rouge Company, even frigging Fall Guys gives me a black screen while playing. At first I thought it was a Ram problem, but I upgraded it to 32gb since last week.

>> No.23241307
File: 16 KB, 250x234, 1632599318660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob I only told you what to avoid though. Even if I were paying attention at gaming benchmarks, my stanky ass CPUs are what are holding me back. i can't keep throwing newer GPUs in these dinosaurs and expecting it to matter at 720p or 1080p
>black screen
If I were a betting man, I'd bet power supply or AMD's shitty drivers. Fuck you AMD.. What happens if you run FurMark? https://geeks3d.com/furmark/ Not responsible for any magic smoke that comes out of your computer.

>> No.23241447

>good reason to sell rushia
There's never a bad reason anon

>> No.23242034
File: 94 KB, 896x844, furmark + primemark brrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much nothing, furmark 1080p + prime95 - 400W from wall.
Furmark only 280W from the wall.

I blame ryzen microcode and their shitty drivers. If I had to manually set up the CPU I could run it 4.0 with 1.15 voltage, with is an insanely huge drop in power consumption. But in the end, this CPU was never meant to be a "power saving" one.
I still remember getting my first gen ryzen (1600) and having so many troubles with it thanks to being an "early adopter".

>> No.23242456

Just buy a Thinkpad mine pulls about 10w running NASFAQ with the lid closed.

>> No.23242487
File: 95 KB, 1186x1186, 1639167901233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choco 1

>> No.23242524


>> No.23242699

That's a fucking star, not a hammer and sickle.

>> No.23242781
File: 2 KB, 125x125, Shark_tricks_Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if honk randomly said he was shutting down the game.

>> No.23242805

>2 weeks ago I've set up a laptop motherboard with any desk on it so I can just connect to it and set up my trades, consumes 15-20W. Quite literally Pay2Win lol

>> No.23243030


>> No.23243123

Towa is a communist...

>> No.23243126


>> No.23243218

alright all I'm saying is you're a rube with a shitty motherboard on your desk that you have to remote into and meanwhile I have a fully functioning business laptop that I can use to watch Towa streams and jerk off to Bora with.

>> No.23243289
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>> No.23243323
File: 32 KB, 510x346, 20220423_182930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird flex but okay

>> No.23243349

>he doesn't use the same thinkpad laptop with his nasfaq gf

>> No.23243366

I miss Matsuri she was so cute.

>> No.23243546

Is an ideapad okay?

>> No.23243669

No, they're built like shit and have security vulnerabilities.
If you don't have a T-series you're NGMI, X is acceptable but too small to share.

>> No.23243728
File: 2.95 MB, 852x480, D4DJ [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flp394r.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23244272
File: 833 KB, 2000x1126, 1631374989830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do still find it weird how Ryzen is managing P-states from what you've told me. It's not a loss entirely WRT power management and efficiency though. Outside of heavy AVX2/512 workloads, you still beat anything short of a 12th Gen i7 around the block for performance per watt, which is what usually matters when it comes to power consumption.
Furmark was a rec for "black screen" RX 480 anon though? If his GPU is failing, Furmark won't be very happy. If it's his power supply, the CPU being at ~0% will likely be enough for his PSU to not shit the bed and allow Furmark to run with no issues. It's not a hard science, barring a PSU tester, multimeter and a deathwish, etc. I've had PSUs that were fucked enough that running Linpack was enough to hard reboot the PC as soon as the AVX routines kicked in. IntelBurnTest? I forgot which implementation it was. Probably LinX 0.6.5. Prime95 supports AVX now. Man, 2011-2012...
>By default, Prime95 automatically selects the newest instruction set extension, such as AVX, AVX2, or even AVX-512. In order to change this behavior, Prime95 needs to be started and completely shut down again once. This will create the local.txt file. In it, exclusions are assigned a value of 0, whereas the code path that’s to be tested is assigned a value of 1. If you aren’t clear as to which SSE version is supported by your CPU, both can be set to 1. Prime95 will choose the correct fallback.

No red nipple, no good. Lenovo doesn't really make any laptops worth buying other than a T, W (do they still make it?) or X.
NGL any laptop is fine if all you care about is reducing NASFAQ power consumption, especially if you already have the thing.
I haven't kept up with modern ThinkPads, but there were some immediate post-Lenovo models, like the ThinkPad SL400/500, that had more in common with an IdeaPad than a ThinkPad. They still had the IBM style over 9000 replacement parts/FRUs available and excellent service manuals. Once you were inside one it was clearly still a ThinkPad. But the hinge FRU was dogshit. And it was yucky glossy plastic.
t. moonlit maintaining a deployment of like 200+ laptops between school years, second fiddle to the IT guy, who unironically got me my job as a teacher in the first place. replaced a few dozen ThinkPad hinges during undergrad for multiple steak dinners and a Benjamin or two -> started teaching that August. Truly one of my bro-est bros. Find you a NASFAQ bro like that.

neways ThinkPads are thread culture. Because cypher's thinkpad. And originally bento box inspired design, hwy not.

>> No.23244599

Well I slept through my alarm and missed adjustments. Oh well, I kinda expected this. Fuck waking up at 6 AM.

>> No.23245111

Posted & Traded from my T450s

>> No.23245662

rushia actually hit 100k before the end of the month wtf

>> No.23246507
File: 166 KB, 604x421, 1627150914328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk add rurudo coin

>> No.23246578

If I also ask honk for rurudo coin will I get to have sex with rurudo?

>> No.23246659

the chances are nonzero

>> No.23246675


>> No.23246843
File: 1.88 MB, 834x1200, mori skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual gameplay discussion? In this thread? While I was sleeping and then working? That died down when I was away? I'm about to become non-linear.

At this point I'd like to point out that NASFAQ doesn't have any real way to get people truly excited and doing reps for the short-term. Yes, even a multicoin expansion would not fix this problem. It is easy to rely on nostalgia, remembering the times when every small investment /meant/ something, but this is purely because of how little funds you owned and how new the game was - thus, even small revelations were important. This is, and I'd want to stress this out, /still/ the new player experience, although it is I imagine marred with the Mori/Suisei swings disproportionately.

In other words, you will not get the "HOOOOOONK"/"NOOOOOO"/"I MADE ITTTT" again, unless something like seasons or reset were to be implemented, neither of which fix the fundamental problem with the game. The game is by no means 'solved', but the issue is that the difference between "okay" and "perfect" play is stupidly small. This is the real reason why all the player graphs over time look same-y. The single biggest differentiating play in the past 6 months or so was buying post-termination Rushia, and probably the only one that led to real leaderboard shuffling. It's also, coincidentally, the only thing that involved actual risk. Swing-trading, dividends, inflation, all of those are basically zero-risk due to how much is known about the market and how stagnant and predictable the market is.

For months I have been shilling for there to be a new gameplay mechanic, best if revolving around financial instruments - high risk, high reward. I was hopeful that it would bring some much needed life to the game, and that it would serve to differentiate between the players, providing a means to get financially ruined or outclass your rivals. Unfortunately, due to several issues the first draft of shorting/options was not that. I keep hoping that they will come out, and when they do, they will serve as the high-risk high-reward mechanic.

You'd likely want for the game to keep the players engaged and for the game to be able to differentiate between player performance. Right now, the endgame isn't as much engaging as it is tedious, tying you down to specific times and making everything in its powers to be as obtuse as possible, all for extremely marginal returns.

You are correct when it comes to $1000 average dividends that likely stem from a common total dividend pool. It wasn't as noticeable with JP6 (beyond the week before their debuts and the week after it) since they were pulling fair numbers on their own. That being said, the dividends seem to be split proportionally, so performance of all coins will be higher across the board, just higher for the highest earners either way.

Regarding the music channels and their dividends: to my knowledge music channels have their dividends calculated normally, as every other coin, although their weeks are on average higher than pre-music channel-ing due to the fact that their music pulls even more views for them. Mori and Suisei were and are amazing performers by NASFAQ's particular metrics (views, subs), so them having high dividends should not be surprising. The issue with them is their price and price swings. Due to how the adjustments formula works, as well as transactional volatility and so on, these coins have their prices dramatically lowered to the point where the market cannot actually make them reach a point in price where other coins could compete in terms of ROI. I like your later suggestion of capping their down-swings to -$10k, but this is merely a band-aid. The point is, players do not control the long-term prices of coins in the way you would expect for these two particular coins. I would argue that player action has the most significant impact on coins that either have very low views and thus small adjustments and of course on intra-day pricing of coins.

They really should get their prices fixed somehow. It isn't fun for me or anyone else.

You technically don't lose from hoarding almost any coin unless you buy them at absurd prices, which is the case with high multicoin Mori and Suisei. At that point, the question is, "can this money be spent more efficiently" or "how long will it take for the coin to pay back on initial investment". Don't forget $HOLO. Back then, people also lamented how braindead and solved the game was, and just bought "metacoins", which included overpriced $HOLO.

Regarding that logic, I think it will hold, just the pool and averages have to be expanded. After all, I spotted the (at the time) $57k dividends pool and shared it with him. It has been confirmed several times, together with being able to explain some movements around coin debuts.

>> No.23246911
File: 212 KB, 1200x1796, mori butterflies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The % of profits is smaller for large traders either way, I don't see your point since what you said applies even now. All it outlines is higher transactional volatility, but in truth it's the rich that would benefit from multicoin expansion, as they would be able to utilize it to its fullest.

I feel like the game is just hibernating in wait for the next update, but people are retiring/abayo-ing actively at this point. It's likely the result of several things: lack of fresh gameplay discussion (due to lack of fresh mechanics), game design making endgame tedious and painfully unrewarding, lack of clear roadmap/dev presence in the threads (even if attempts were made with the new dev).

The point isn't for the game to become a time sink. The point is to make it fun and rewarding - to award strategizing and doing reps rather than monitoring the market non-stop.

Mori meta has been primarily dividends-based for several past months, where have you been, anon? I always joked about the brap cycle and how most people in it completely disregarded the long-term play, cashing out of the position and earning a miniscule amount of money they were unable to allocate better at that time. Opportunity cost is a real thing in a game where you had very limited number of maximum transactions you could do.

Beyond that, stopping people from hoarding coins is impossible when coins are the only real way to make money (except in the event of a long-term, harsh deflation of the market) and free money literally spawns into the game every week.

Regarding selling, "Ain't Sellin'" was always, ALWAYS a FUD. It was never a good strategy. The most important change to selling has been the new multicoin update which made multiselling viable, but people who have figured out how to evaluate multicoin will not be likely to share it in the thread. Disregard any past actions I might have taken here.

I like the spirit of what you're proposing. It's the endgame that struggles the most, outside of Mori/Suisei being too good for early/mid-game.

Highly variable, I'd say. Reward the "good" weeks much more and punish the "bad" weeks more. Regarding the amount, lowering the dividends amount will only make the game more and more dead, relying on inflation for profit. The key is to buff trading somehow without breaking other sources of profit.

I disagree with lowering the dividends amount further, the point is to make them more differentiating if anything else, together with boosting active trading further. If you look at the Dividends Report you will see that most players have a very similar % of returns on dividends compared to their net worth, which means that even if you make slow, methodical, dividends-oriented plays without being stupid (like, say, buying Mori 10x non-stop, Cypher), you're still unlikely to edge out your competition with it. This has been a problem for months now.

I think I once made a case for the dividends to be, well, like real dividends and thus lower the capitalization of the entire coin. Basically, If Coin A is worth $10,000 and it is to pay $1000 in dividends, it would first grow in value by a certain amount, let's say $200, and then it would give you $1000 in liquid and drop down to $9200. This drastically reduces the actual income from dividends, but allows for players (and especially oshicoiners) to get more liquid to play with throughout the week. I should note that it's EXTREMELY important that this idea would come with giving the players much greater control over market prices, rising the price of mass-bought coins. The inflation resulting from it would be kept in check by dividends being much more zero-sum than they were before, without pumping a lot of "new" money into the market with the exception of long-term growth component.

From my understanding they are thinking about working towards it at one point, which given their track record might mean months or years. Go ahead to substitute it in the meantime, a lot of people (myself included) will be extremely grateful for it. For me it's mostly the computer noise and ability to adjust trades on the go, so I'm not bounded by 3:00 PM in my home every day.

>> No.23246928
File: 782 KB, 835x1452, Popkronii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.23247026

yeah, but what does any of that have to do with towa?

>> No.23247035

words kowai

>> No.23247119

mucho texto holy fucking christ
Very interesting read, honestly.

>> No.23247893

>Basically, If Coin A is worth $10,000 and it is to pay $1000 in dividends, it would first grow in value by a certain amount, let's say $200, and then it would give you $1000 in liquid and drop down to $9200. This drastically reduces the actual income from dividends, but allows for players (and especially oshicoiners) to get more liquid to play with throughout the week.
I love the sound of this

>> No.23247951
File: 711 B, 30x30, 30x30 mei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A market with wilder swings in price would make the game a little bit more interesting (redder reds and greener greens) since not only leaderboard will be easier to climb but it will all test the player's capability to put the multi sell to good use (since there aren't that many chances lately to go more than sell 6x) it also might encourage some players to check who's streaming or not edge more profit cause as it is now, it's not worth for me to check youtube to edge couple thousand profit per coin

>> No.23248197

For this to work out well I think the game would need to fix coin volatility. A few months ago we had a good level of volatility for coins, but now everything is slowing down again.

There should be some sort of a minimum volatility cap as in, price change per sell/buy, below which a coin cannot go so that we dont have coins hovering around their adjustment prices for hours on end

>> No.23248205
File: 489 KB, 1500x1600, belev et.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Artia exist it'd be 1
Sent from a HUAWEI P50 Pocket

>> No.23248543
File: 769 KB, 2892x4096, imagine there's a song by death's dynamic shroud here, specifically tear in abyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically did discussion when you went to sleep, actually just to fuck with you a little. Also words scary kowaiJk

I wish I could play devil's advocate to you here, but I largely agree so I struggle to say anything that can argue against you, which sucks cause I want to score free dunks on you.
Anyways, high-risk high-reward are definitely needed and the proposed shorting by honk does not fit these requirements at the point, but I've also long wondered how the fuck do you implement options into this game where you can generally guess at a glance if a coin will go up or down and specific numbers with more intricate analysis. It's been the longest standing issue I've had with people begging for it, since clearly devchamas lack a way of implementing it. And your statement of late-game being marginal improvements is also an issue that stems from the current state of the game with staleness in gameplay choices.
As for music channel dividends, they should have higher dividends as a result of them having higher base performance due to music streaming, which others may not benefit from now, but as you stated their prices make it broken for them to be bought and just held. Fix the funny music coins please already... the fun of saying ez mode is gone now.
I'm personally have been and will be in favor of having dividends more tied to good/bad weeks, as I think back constantly to Towa being legitimately one of the top performing channels for a week (numerically, barely below fucking hololive/mori) as a result of her anniversary and just being pretty good instead of the true stand out it was numerically.
Your dividend idea is interesting, but I think it just changes the issue from price/money inflation into volume inflation which results in the things you see today where a graph goes up/down constantly for a day. But again, that then turns it into a volatility issue and user agency on the market, plus I would have to see it in a simulation before I'd be fine with it, like most changes.
As the other anon said, volatility is a key factor here for this to be considered as I first mentioned way back when 10x was added and such, that it would mean coins moving faster than before but eventually result in things slowing down into what they are.

>> No.23248881

i forgot to respond to you but you're so true for this sis

>> No.23249466
File: 15 KB, 352x380, alright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volatility just needs a little a rework since most people would just mindlessly buy a coin if she dips enough like when sora dipped to 5.6k and people bought her above her average price hours before the next adjustment https://files.catbox.moe/5p6rxu.png

>> No.23249848

It wildly depends on the coin and their respective volatilities as Sora has 1/5 the shares of someone like Mori, it just depends, plus with time, volatility will always have to change with the volume more so than it does now, people should be punished for overbuying past average which they are, it's just a matter of how soon this change happens.

>> No.23249873

That may be because of people using different averages, and also Sora's volatility is still within sort of within reason. Its coins like Mori, Miko, Hololive, Pekora, etc that are having problems with too slow price actions.

>> No.23250087

>barring a PSU tester, multimeter and a deathwish, etc
I've done this kind of tech support (debugging PSUs) in the past and I can tell you the deathwish is not a requirement kek. But, again, I have professional training. Anon, should be fine as long as he doen't open the PSU enclosure, at most he will short it. DO NOT OPEN THE ENCLOSURE tho, I'm not responsible if a capacitor kills you, ok? ok, good boy

>> No.23250287
File: 584 KB, 1500x2319, school mei3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is an outlier and the problem lies in her being a music channel, holo/peko/miko are all divvy coins and their shares are inline with the norm
her 14-day avg at the time is even lower than my 9-day avg by

>> No.23250405

The shares yes, they are inline, however their volatility is still very slow. The point made there, i think, was about the volatility and not the volume.
but yeah, due to mori doing the mori cycle, she is an outlier in this. Her volatility is by far the most fucked

>> No.23250987

>Fubuki 4

>> No.23251230

raspberry pi availability is literally non-existent

>> No.23251307



>> No.23251750
File: 76 KB, 521x479, my brain is dead but my hands keep typing please have my apologies in advance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpebbqy.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally have nothing to say against what you've brought to the argument here.
>I will largely say it strongly depends on implementation of how the multicoin scales with the volume
>old fags stay ahead for months as a result of time in the game, and the only way to fix that is nerfing dividends
You're right about both of these points. There will need to be great thought put into the implementation, and I suppose it is necessary to nerf divs still. Maybe. I don't know.
I'm not bored and I hate talking about these things kek, we are not the same in that regard

My head is a dumpster fire right now, please excuse me.
>in truth it's the rich that would benefit from multicoin expansion, as they would be able to utilize it to its fullest
I thought about this for a good half hour, and I think you might be right. This will need further thought, but to be perfectly honest with you I am very tired right now which doesn't work well with my natural retardation. Maybe I will revisit this later to either contest it or find a solution that works.

>The point isn't for the game to become a time sink. The point is to make it fun and rewarding - to award strategizing and doing reps rather than monitoring the market non-stop
Back in April I felt rewarded when I found an upcoming stream that was going to do well since I would make a large profit off it (that I could retain). I felt rewarded for finding the perfect balance of coins to sell at the next adjustment (since I had to account for the extreme speed at which these prices fell). I do not feel as rewarded for chasing inflation so that I may gain a few positions over two or three months. If the multicoin expansion goes forth, those rewarding aspects of the old game will come back. Not perfectly, but they will come back.

I am not suggesting you monitor the market 24/7, I am suggesting you spend half an hour or longer of your day looking for popular streams and buying accordingly. Guerrilla streams were fun to watch out for (you would need only look at holodex every few hours to take full advantage of them)! If a coin dips absurdly low and the chuuba's next stream is in two days, you must decide whether it is worth holding those bags through the next two adjustments. That is something that interests me, something that I like to think about. I don't want to have to stare at a graph that tells me which coin's monthly rate of appreciation is the best. I want the game to be fun, and fun is what I mentioned here:
>The main idea of this is to let you move your wallet around a lot before the next adjustment
Every day will be a significantly larger win or loss. If you're in the green, you FEEL like you're winning. It used to be the case that most days were green, since players were responsible for changing their stacks around daily (and most players weren't idiots). If you started your day off in the red, you really screwed up. The psychological effect of that green/red thing is huge. I want to clarify that I am more concerned about fun than anything here. That is my main aim, to make the game more fun.

Your dividends idea seems exciting but, as the Kenzoku said, I would like to see it simulated and expanded upon before it is implemented.

I may go to sleep a little while after I make this post, but I'll try to respond to any replies once I wake up.

>> No.23252975
File: 393 KB, 2048x1536, FRQhY65VcAAPzLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora bus

>> No.23253017

where is it going

>> No.23253401
File: 112 KB, 750x1262, FPIlAGOVIAMj3EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon nasfaq.
I just wanted to say that Triangle having a vibrator up his ass was and is real, and he's lying to you to save face.
Sincerely, priestess.

>> No.23253465

I believe it

>> No.23253473

Well we've had too much game discussion so I guess we can have a little gayposting as a treat.
Does having a vibrator up the ass increase your flow?

>> No.23253613

It vibrates at specific frequencies which harmonize with his brainwaves, giving him increased flow

>> No.23253620
File: 103 KB, 300x300, 1645545239705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may explain nenep's seemingly endless luck holy fuck

>> No.23253694
File: 39 KB, 900x900, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/nasfaqq/ no gayposting speedrun any% (impossible) ((gone gay))

>> No.23253804


>> No.23253997

I will now speedrun gay posting nasfaq into mahjong game

>> No.23254128
File: 1.40 MB, 1057x1500, mori reading riichi book 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4p, East, Dreamland Odyssey (Kaguya Event Game Mode)

>> No.23254204

Anon is that the legendary mahjong skip no dick posting exploit?

>> No.23254271
File: 403 KB, 764x751, Smuclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's been whaling

>> No.23254348

Is there a seat open?

>> No.23254373


>> No.23254453

Is there a seat open in 5-10 minutes

>> No.23254468

There is a seat open right now
if no one else takes it, it will be open in 5-10 minutes

>> No.23254652
File: 56 KB, 850x599, mori notes tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the possibilities for implementing options is for them to have a, say, three day lockdown period. Basically, they have a set date when they have to be cashed in within 24h, or they will automatically expire, and you cannot purchase them during that point. You can still trade them in a player-vs-player way. The options themselves kind of have to be player-to-broker, otherwise people won't engage in them if it means they could lose, especially if taxes are involved. I refuse to post things you could easily dunk on. If you want to do it, you need to work for it.

As for the dividends idea, it is fundamentally a rework of how dividends work. It would need to be play-tested and paired with other updates to the adjustment formula/volatility to allow for greater player agency on the market. In this scenario of dividends, the "growth" factor could be exponential rather than linear, really rewarding coins that had a very good week or that are peak performers overall. Just giving out some potential ideas to toy with.

This is what I think Options should cover - wagering on a coin price several days in advance. A wager between you and the broker, with the "expected" baseline dependent on other players also doing options for said day. This would reward stream reps and knowledge of the market's workings.

Trading is, sadly, at this point in the game simply unsuitable to recreate that early-game experience with the exception of a reset with completely different trading mechanics. Believe me, I can still somehow place high on the trading report even though I no longer do POI reps or any reps other than watching my oshi and select streams from other chuubas I'd watch either way - a disciplined trader with POI reps and good multicoin evaluation would out-do any actual stream reps, sadly, and this is due to the sheer force of scale.

Not everyone has the same idea of "fun". Watching yourself slide because you elected to go on a trip with your friends and thus didn't trade for two days in what is effectively an exponential type of market which causes you to slide back a ton doesn't sound fun. Especially since it more than ever empowers bots who can trade non-stop and do POI reps perfectly.

Sadly this speedrun is no longer Glitchless.

Only a tiny bit. Nothing significant.

>> No.23254860

Where's my seat

>> No.23254898

it was taken by someone else

>> No.23254920

well what about you? who is the top and bottom in your relatioships?

>> No.23254925

Who's their oshi

>> No.23255119
File: 235 KB, 650x725, 20211117_135744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my wi-fi is acting weird and I don't know why. I'll probably play later if you guys are still playing and there is a seat open.

>> No.23255274
File: 31 KB, 400x400, WFTcvDRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

investigator is obviously the top

>> No.23255285

on my lap

>> No.23255463
File: 97 KB, 627x1000, sample-265116b4b041d838c57705be6bf96160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haatons together strong
one of us will impregnate the menhera and make her happy

>> No.23255513

1 seat open.

>> No.23255767

come on in we got a seat

>> No.23255771
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1629442059638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immagine your cute nasfaq gf sitting on your lap watching you play mahjong with the bros...

>> No.23255784 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.81 MB, 3779x3779, network+0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a network

>> No.23255792
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>Went back to read a bit of yesterday's thread

>> No.23255877

anon this is the gayest thread on the board, you should know this by now
captcha: maaan

>> No.23255886
File: 346 KB, 1384x2091, 1649037557355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you think I did but it was not gayposting.

>> No.23255892

You don't want to know...

>> No.23255943

>0 only bought 27 rushia while bread bought 246

>> No.23256042

mating press?

>> No.23256081
File: 86 KB, 284x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.23256139
File: 25 KB, 248x248, 4123123213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got my eye on you.. mainly because i'm pretty sure you're the one who started it by trying to findom the kenzokus.
OH AND CAN'T FORGET >>23222928

>> No.23256203

interacting with a kenzoku as a heimin is inherently gayposting

>> No.23256236 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23256241

gay game gay thread

>> No.23256335
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>>23222928 (Cross-thread)
I mean, most of us have days like this...
I would love for ina to grab me with her tentacles and force me to do what she wants... Like you know...
You know, this type of stuff...

>> No.23256394

>cleaning ina's room
do it and your a dead man

>> No.23256905
File: 2.99 MB, 2586x3697, 1646853824667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you looking at yesterday gayposting rratman? no seriously how the fuck are baelz fan called I don't remember

>> No.23257287
File: 419 KB, 858x534, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. I'm pretty comfortable fucking with electronics, but probing inside a PSU is where I draw the line. If I go for the multimeter chances are the PSU is toast anyways. Those caps are fucking scary.
Damn, what the fuck happened? I blame crypto miners, as always.

In other news, this is working. There will be multiple commentary tracks available too. No surround audio option in Firefox, it can't into 6.1 channel HE-AAC... Video bitrate is higher than usual this time, I like this movie... Bongs/EUs/SEA/the-bandwidth-impaired can select the 1080p WEBM or 720p MP4 for YouTube's AV1/H.264 encode from the hardsubbed Backstroke of the West upload.
ASS and VTT softsubs. ASS subtitle selector is the big button that says "Subtitles: Star Wars..." - that will always render within the video frame and within the video only. The VTT subtitles under the little "CC" icon will use your entire monitor as a canvas. Counter-intuitive? Button inside the video player - subs fill screen. Button outside the video player - subs stay within video.

>> No.23257306

>baelz fan
isnt it brats/baerats

>> No.23257395

I don't remember this line

>> No.23257573
File: 806 KB, 1040x1080, 1626269999814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool. You think who was cleaning her room since the first stream?


>> No.23257625
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Smelly boy is probably one of my favorite lines from this shit show he does actually say Jedi scum

>> No.23257886
File: 215 KB, 850x1198, 1630294826965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you believe me if I said I forgot findom was a thing that people were like, actually into?

>> No.23257922
File: 2.47 MB, 1800x2400, 1630917323536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, do not clean!

>> No.23257944

sure kenzoku onahole

>> No.23257986

So, you're openly saying you're looking for a nasfaq bf whom you'd bully and dominate financially?

>> No.23258040

I said I'm not, can't you read?
I'm not sure how that lines up with anything I've said.

>> No.23258071

yeah and triangle totally doesn’t have a vibrator on at all times its what he says after all

>> No.23258093
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I don't.

>> No.23258191

I bought an aneros helix a while ago, it feels very nice.

>> No.23258193
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>> No.23258311

Post photo of the receipt with a timestamp or I call bluff.

>> No.23258330

so how many of yall listen to sissy hypno?

>> No.23258374

triangle definitely does

>> No.23258486

who the fuck keeps receipts

>> No.23258571
File: 993 KB, 322x350, oh_sex [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F97hy0e.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23258593
File: 110 KB, 275x275, 1619581464008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all their talk in thread I haven't even been dm'd by a kenzoku so I don't know what narrative you're trying to push here. That's even with me being a poorfag, which should mean they have weight to push around to bully me with. Or they could try and give me game advice, but nope.

>> No.23258668

Do you want for someone to push their liquid to bully you?

>> No.23258693

oh so you want to be dm’d by a kenzoku

>> No.23258706

No, I was just giving an example of what they could be don't do you dopes.

>> No.23258709
File: 46 KB, 453x457, INAFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like a DM from a tako?

>> No.23258747
File: 909 KB, 952x765, 1647686306446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I see any of you DM me I'll kill you.
also meant to type but between be and don't.

>> No.23258776


>> No.23258790
File: 819 KB, 928x1200, Ina_smile3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll kill you
Come now, you wouldn't hurt this smile would you? How about we sit down and drink some tea?

>> No.23258808

the heimen is low-key asking for DM. go for it lonely traders, it's your time.

>> No.23258844

Take everything I say at face value. There is no underlying cause, I am an extremely honest person.

>> No.23258872

I’d dm you but I’d get shit from the other heimin if I did that.

>> No.23258871

tfw no dm

>> No.23258994

I mean we have our very own findom ([造] Miyatsuko-Priestess Treasury) and our very own paypigs (everyone else with 造 in their name)

>> No.23259065
File: 441 KB, 1630x2048, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_inre_kemomimi__16c9b6e2683fcd5c47710fee39e74713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my tako DMs...

>> No.23259104


>> No.23259109
File: 80 KB, 736x1308, dfbc368ad2c44542c7a12c162897215e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.23259213

Towa Nguyen

>> No.23259231
File: 904 KB, 1874x2868, __kurokami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_inaba_reito__284b6ecb58466be5d3b6ad1e6c79ba59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. I'm going over to the dark side.
Honk, where the FUCK is my Kurokami icon.

>> No.23259304
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1648833658545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you dm me pussy, I bet you won't

>> No.23259420
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And I'd sell you out to the other heimin in a heartbeat.
Is that what zaibatsus are? Just findoms?
Alright well I have inadvertently made the thread shittier so I suppose I should contribute to the game discussion a little bit.
Take this all from the perspective of a newfag but there's a lot of things that I don't really get that seem really strange, which I suppose I should do in a bullet point fashion.
• The way taxes work seem to REALLY favor just holding the higher your multibuying becomes. The amount a coin has to spike is absurdly high past a certain point of multibuying, and that's assuming your x1 selling. Granted that can definitely happen in some cases, but it's definitely strange.
• Certain coins seem REALLY shit and some seem REALLY good. I am a big idiot, so could always be wrong but I've noticed there's some subsections of coins that seem to literally never incline, they just somehow drop even when the chuuba's numbers aren't even that bad. LUNA$ is the first that comes to mind. Then of course there's the music channels, but even besides that it feels like there's like 3 or 4 you can count on always dipping and then coming back up, GURA$ I've noticed seems that way.
• I've bounced it around in my head and honestly I don't really like Auction House stimmies. I don't really care about rivalries or whatever, I'm just playing for my own fun, but it does kinda ruin the concept if you don't know if whoever you've declared your rival will suddenly get injected with millions and leave you in the dust. I get why the Auction House exists but it leaves a weird taste in my mouth.

>> No.23259538

I keep making typos today...

>> No.23259564
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>> No.23259635

The Auction House Stimmies are fine when it's an agreement between players (for money transfers, as an example), but when oldhags with more liquid than brains suddenly drop 8 digits on some unsuspecting newbie, it's basically asking that guy to quit, as the player that suddenly jumped tax brackets will have none of the progression or buildup to learn and adapt to changing networth.

>> No.23260050

I could use some stimulation.

>> No.23260068

Front end or back end?

>> No.23260079

What the fuck what?

>> No.23260099


>> No.23260134

One trader discovered one simple trick for persistent back end stimulation. You won't believe what it is!

>> No.23260139

>Heimin bonked apples
lmao, even

>> No.23260144

stimmy check ongegai, I will be your personal free use sex slave, I like pet play, feminization, and bondage.

>> No.23260291

avarice post

>> No.23260331
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, Refresco-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19th hour, enjoy, etc..

>> No.23260407
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>> No.23260431

Uhh, hey? DM me.

>> No.23260488

it's over

>> No.23260620

Did you know more monopoly money is printed each year than real US currency

>> No.23260655
File: 42 KB, 1076x1035, 1641669085335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to reach the Top 100 anymore?

>> No.23260713
File: 189 KB, 1200x1600, 1639762856876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of lusting over other anons how about you guys talk about something better? Of course by something better I mean romance. Do you guys know any new romantic developments? New nasfaq crush? New couples?

>> No.23260731

Depends on when you started and how long you're willing to grind.

>> No.23260774

Hoh? Romance-anon returns?

>> No.23260836

I just reached 100M ish this week. Started, I think 6 months ago?

>> No.23260855

>(not)Rushia comes back
>romanceanon comes back
I'm starting to get suspicions here

>> No.23260879

If you put up an auction on friday I can make you reach top 100 in a day baby

>> No.23260894

Is Romanceanon my new oshi?

>> No.23260946

Oh dear. That's... not very good. Have you been multicoining? What are your trades like?

>> No.23260961
File: 357 KB, 528x528, 1624735905155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no romance

>> No.23261001
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The issue with broker made "options" is that it relies on some sort of automation that needs to be defined, which is a whole sperate thing from the market, and is why the original options idea were made to be player-to-player instead as a result of this. I do agree on time-keeping in them so you can't just instantly do whatever an option would be due to how adjustments work, but the only method I've been able to think about is guessing numbers and essentially making a "bet" on the jump price of a coin preemptively, which then could just exploited for big events whenever they do happen, thus making it low risk high reward. Dunking is fun, let me do it, you'd rather dunks than vibrator posting and easy mode in the first place.
I don't believe you're them or back, please type more to confirm my suspicions, specifically about cosplay.

>> No.23261003

Let's see... there's priestess and brrat, from the more recent couples.
Kitsune Holdings is desperately trying to reach out to others to get a /nasfaqg/ gf. Would you have any advice for him?

>> No.23261009

No offense anon, but that feels really slow.

100m in 6 months
I've reached 70m in 73 days unless I'm somehow speeding.
No, I didn't take any loans, and yes of course I abused calli, who didn't?

>> No.23261022

kitsune is hopeless his lovequest will never end
he should just give up

>> No.23261140

I only started actually playing the game halfway into 6 months. Mostly abusing Mori and liquidating for divs every Friday. I've been getting really fucked by adjustments lately though, not having coins for spikes, bearish trend on Mori, still not totally convinced ringo cycle is real, etc.

>> No.23261324

>liquidating for divs
You mean the opposite, right? Right?

>> No.23261365
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Naruhodo, I had problems with adjustments too but since I limited the amount of calli I owned it become much better.

>> No.23261569

the opposite yes I'm tired

>> No.23261603
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That's understandable, I was gone for quite some time just to come back one day out of nowhere. You want me to talk about cosplays? I haven't really searched for any new cosplay or considered going through with the towa cosplay. I didn't check the cosplay thread in a long time, but I heard how it ended up last time and really hope it doesn't happen again.
Nobody is hopeless while searching for the love of his life. I feel like he is a bit to direct when it comes to this, take him sending "wah!" in the dms to every tako, maybe he should try befriending someone in the thread before going straight to a one on one discussion with your love interest.

>> No.23261751

For Romanceanon, I will keep my nasfaq love pure.

>> No.23261819

I'm going to masturbate and cry later.

>> No.23261843
File: 171 KB, 2425x1249, 1631849846370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List your nasfaqg loves

>> No.23261864
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You pass my inspection. You're fine, it's just hard to believe you're them with a simple post. Welcome back after a while, it's nice to see you around. The cosplay thread has actually gotten "worse" depending on your opinion on it turning into ERP and posting male Aqua cosplays and masturbating over that, not so much dox anymore at least.
As for your initial post, I don't think there's any new developments you'd be interested except for KH's unrelenting desire for a tako gf, otherwise it's been the status quo for the relationships you likely already know, at least on the surface, the details, you'll probably have to ask the parties themselves.

>> No.23261939
File: 2.88 MB, 2030x2903, 1645221472022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having some sort of romance with someone from /nasfaqg/
Couldn't be me.

>> No.23261943
File: 158 KB, 512x512, 1631971592853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to look at zhonkbot and have been buying Towa 6x all day.

>> No.23261986

>befriending someone in the thread

>> No.23262022
File: 54 KB, 564x797, a5848d1740ccefc38891878e1083c234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may take time, but everyone eventually falls...

>> No.23262086
File: 118 KB, 1200x771, E_FWT8QVUAM5aPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or could it be?

>> No.23262260
File: 2.55 MB, 1651x2303, 1648383850945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you mind giving me details about your relationship? In private of course.
How else would you do it? Look at all the other couples from here, they've all known each other from here, and from here they started talking privately and then becoming something more, a couple.

>> No.23262346

alright since we've gotten the gayposting out of the way I assume it's time for Mahjong.

>> No.23262387

Romanceposting isn't gayposting.

>> No.23262409

What about earlier?

>> No.23262451

That was a pretty good fap. I think everything might be alright after all, you guys are cool.

>> No.23262453
File: 372 KB, 729x894, 1619901410122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind, though I won't share everything, I opened the perpetual aggie in the OP, or you can dm me on NASFAQ since you know who I am, hopefully in both.

>> No.23262589

Most players
>Philia or Ludus
Some i wont mention by name
>Storge and Pragma
The community as a whole

>> No.23262703

Which couples you are aware of?

>> No.23264023
File: 936 KB, 848x1200, E-HcSKrVIAAXYII [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F03xxxe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for the Numbers Review.
Data collected at Cycle 62.

Here's the R.I.C.H. report for today:
>Total Shares in circulation amount to 24,488,986, a 0.63% increase from yesterday's volume
>Average shares per coin is 376,754. There are 26 coins above this average.
>Calliope currently has the highest volume, at 2,437,886 shares, or 9.96% of market volume.
>Pochimaru currently has the lowest volume, at 42,068 shares, or 0.17% of market volume.

Top 5 Volume Increases (of 40):
>Aki :: +3.6%
>Suisei & Kanaeru :: +3.2%
>Flare :: +3%
>Towa & Chloe :: +2.7%
>Amelia :: +2.3%

Top 5 Volume Decreases (of 25):
>AZKi :: -5.5%
>Choco :: -4%
>Nene :: -2.1%
>Risu :: -1.7%
>Lui & Polka :: -1.3%

1 coin (Pochimaru) had a net 0% change in volume today.

Here's the R.I.S.E. report for today:
>Starting Liquid is estimated at $203,748.82, which is an increase of 1.51% from yesterday's estimate.
>Total Market Value for today is $587,569,697,608.88, which is an increase of 1.27% from yesterday's Market Value.
>Average Value per Share is $23,993.22. A total of 14 coins are above this average.
>Rushia currently has the highest value, at $59,127,534,250.68 in total market value, or 10.06% of market value.
>Nana currently has the lowest value, at $414,763,276.80 in total market value, or 0.07% of market value.

Top 5 Value Gains (of 36):
>Choco :: +67.8%
>AZKi :: +49.6%
>Korone :: +32.5%
>Mumei :: +27.5%
>Suisei :: +25.3%

Top 5 Value Losses (of 29):
>Polka :: -32.9%
>Towa :: -26.6%
>Pochimaru :: -23%
>Amelia :: -20.6%
>Nene :: -16.2%

1 coin (Fauna) had a net 0% change in value today.

Here's the F.R.E.E. report for today:
>Today's Superchats totaled to $441,448,583, which is an increase of 34.66% from yesterday's Superchats.
>The Broker made $745,282,032.06 today, an increase of 14.9% from yesterday's salary.

Top 5 Superchat Increases (of 22):
>Kanaeru :: +6.9%
>Ayamy :: +5.3%
>Shion :: +4%
>Kronii :: +3.6%
>Mio :: +2.4%

Here's the M.O.V.E. Report for today:
>3 coins (Civia, Melfissa, Rushia) adjusted green, but are still trending upwards.
>3 coins (Nene, Moona, Nabi) adjusted red, but are still trending downwards.
>2 coins (Suisei, Shion) adjusted red, but are now above their pre-adjustment value.
>1 coin (Nana) adjusted green, but is now below their pre-adjustment value.
>56 coins are on projected trend lines and have not intersected with their pre-adjustment values.

Top 5 Most Volatile Coins (per Hour Average):
>Towa :: $558.13 Up
>Choco :: $523.62 Down
>Flare :: $410.35 Up
>Amelia :: $359.72 Up
>Calliope :: $358.01 Up

Top 5 Least Volatile Coins (per Hour Average):
>Nabi :: $2.66 Down
>Nana :: $3.85 Down
>Nachoneko :: $5.08 Up
>Moona :: $6.43 Down
>Melfissa :: $7.41 Up

Overall Average movement was $39.15 per hour.
Average Upwards movement was $127.35 per hour.
Average Downwards movement was -$101.98 per hour.

The Financial Underwriters of Comprehensive Knowledge would like to remind you to stay informed, shitpost responsibly, and FUD accurately.

>> No.23264365
File: 822 KB, 1664x2435, __kurokami_fubuki_miteiru_and_fubuzilla_hololive_drawn_by_tsukimiya_tsukinami15__7081f72e9c0d02b139b5cecfb0a41c93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone thinks I ONLY like Takos

>> No.23264733

>he is expanding his hunting territory after being rejected and ignored from all the takos

>> No.23264803

sad KH coping hard

>> No.23264878
File: 22 KB, 225x225, fbk cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make it sound so predatory and indecent.

>> No.23264932

Bro you are the loneliest and saddest guy in nasfaq, you'd take anyone who would acknowledge your existence

>> No.23265149

Joesei x KH fanfic...

>> No.23265187

that ship will never sail

>> No.23266451
File: 8 KB, 120x120, 1621063724592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we be n/a/sfaqg for a minute? Never seen a Ghibli film. What do I watch first?

>> No.23266626

What are you looking for?

>> No.23266655

stop sucking off ghibli films, spirited away is good though.

>> No.23266735
File: 414 KB, 500x280, Nonspoiler gifs are hard to find.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Mononoke

>> No.23266813
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I don't know...something funny.
I already have Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / My Neighbor Totoro / Kiki’s Delivery Service / Spirited Away / Ponyo / The Wind Rises downloaded - I guess that covers most of Miyazaki's work? Also have From Up On Poppy Hill, Kaguya-hime, Arrietty, When Marnie Was There, and probably more that I can't find in this fucking folder.
I've never seen one. At some point I must've downloaded an entire fucking boxset of Blu-Rays or something. Should I watch Paprika instead?
K, guess I'll flip a coin.

>> No.23267115
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If you want something funny, I would suggest watching SKET Dance instead because it's a really good show Kiki's Delivery Service. It's a light comedy slice of life movie. It isn't very exciting, but it is pleasant.

>> No.23267220
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Hello, honk? Yes: I'd like to order one red day with extra red.

>> No.23267320

No, none of that. I'm fucking broke.

>> No.23267391

Do fandead gfs still exist (asking for a friend)

>> No.23267474

Already picked up and pretty sure I finished it after the crossover episode.

>> No.23267538

0, smart fandead, romance anon (alive?)

>> No.23267562

Any recommendations on dealing with someone who is too dense to catch the signs I throw at him? Or maybe he knows and is ignoring them...

>> No.23267622
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Skill issue.

>> No.23267815

A shame, please consider picking it up again at some point.

>> No.23268096

None of them will be my gf :(
Need some new fag fandeads to show up

>> No.23268212

I like a menhera are much as the next person but the self-respect vacuum necessary to call yourself a fandead is next level. Nobody should have to endure that.

>> No.23268469

Fandead were warned the whole way through they just didn't want to listen.

>> No.23268593
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Fags just know nasfaq what ever happens these upcoming months that I enjoyed my time here

>> No.23268650
File: 114 KB, 1154x719, 9304F37C-C45B-432C-90D3-94D80C9B58FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... anon?

>> No.23268841

Don't die.

>> No.23269520 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x633, they've never seen a yaku like this before.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm finally ready for mahjong.

>> No.23270079
File: 351 KB, 1060x1000, 1632573882407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polpol's Internet Overdose cover got privated and Suisei has been unmusiced again.

>> No.23271186

Make new bread

>> No.23272228
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>> No.23272373 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23273450

How in the world is the thread still alive?

>> No.23273561
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>> No.23273615

doesn't explain anything, but is cute.

>> No.23273655
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>> No.23273698
File: 201 KB, 1000x1000, 1631200443477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In response, KanaTowa.
Your go.

>> No.23273735
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>> No.23273897

please rushia and chammers

>> No.23273939
File: 855 KB, 2500x2526, E60jT8BVcAEPvCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23274095


>> No.23274187

no new bread for you

>> No.23274185

I'm sure someone is baking the new bread now. Surely.
