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File: 2.06 MB, 1148x1728, marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23239937 No.23239937 [Reply] [Original]

I hereby present you the new Queen of Spain, since she's sailing under the spanish flag,

Say something good about her; may her rule lasts 1000 years.

>> No.23240012

Dios mio la culo grande

>> No.23240126

prensa de apareamiento

>> No.23240202

I hope now ugly mutts will stop pretending "overseas sexy guys" ever referred to anything but IBERIAN BVLLS

Reminder Marine took several summer trips to Spain

>> No.23240244


>La pirata de las ubres suculentas.
>La pirata de las nalgas sabrosas.

I'd like to be reincarnated into Marine's toilet paper.

>> No.23240370

wtf I have a chance with her

>> No.23240474

You're still a scrawny otaku

>> No.23240903
File: 2.65 MB, 720x1280, VIVA_MARINE_REINA_DE_ESPAÑA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Te quiero, Marirín.
>Te quiero, Marirín.
>Te quiero, Marirín.
>Te quiero, Marirín.

>> No.23242030

>Te quiero
>Over the amo
Fake fan

>> No.23242630

No, that is actually the correct way to say it in spanish, no one says "te amo", maybe if you go to into a 1800s book you might find someone saying that. "te amo" is still used in portuguese though.

>> No.23242815

SEA here, I don't want my country to be colonised by the Spanish again, let alone for 1000 years. I still like Senchou though, but yeah I'm not gonna wish for our history to repeat.

>> No.23242896

I also took several summer trips to spain and the employed men are help, like waiters and receptionists.
I think you mean brit bulls

>> No.23243108


Nah, I'm the guy he's (you)-ing and he is right.

We say "te amo" for " I love you" and "te quiero" for "I like you".

>> No.23243320

That's latinamerica, not Spain.

>> No.23243488

Incorrect, not in Spain you don't.

>> No.23243558


I'm a native speaker from Spain, you big dummy.

>> No.23243736

You are all wrong, the answer is
>¡Te quiero hacer el amor Senshou!

>> No.23243795

You are not, I would know because I am spanish myself and if you say anything like "te amo" people will understand but they will look at you and roll their eyes as if you took something out from old literature. For any purposes "te quiero" can and will be used to mean "I love you" most if not all of the times.

>> No.23243798

That’s not the flag of the Spanish navy

>> No.23243829

Its because we named a snack as Filipinos?

>> No.23243852
File: 398 KB, 850x1202, maririna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tienes razón, ciberamigo.

>> No.23243879


>> No.23243911

>Te voy a follar intensamente
>Te voy a romper el chocho
>Te voy a meter tanta lefa que te vas a quedar embarazada 1000 veces consecutivas SENCHOU!

>> No.23243966

I like you is "Me gustas" mega retard

>> No.23244078


It is, if you are thinking of the spanish white and red flag that's the "Cruz de Borgoña".


>> No.23244379


Lo onions, lo onions. I agree that "te quiero" is much more common and that "te amo" sounds like an archaism, but it has its place as a more powerful expression of love than "te quiero".


"Gustar" y "querer" con connotaciones románticas vienen a significar lo mismo.

>> No.23244633


"onions" != onions

Didn't know the /fit/ word filter was active in this board.

>> No.23244658

the owner of this site eats a lot of it so he's very sensitive about it

>> No.23244749
File: 185 KB, 850x1200, IMG_20220417_000704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¡Yo amo esta cebolla como no tienes idea!

>> No.23244977

How many spaniards are on this board?

>> No.23245054

The filter is active everywhere in the site except on /ck/

>> No.23245082

Probably many more Mexicans statistically than Spanish from EU.

>> No.23245113

I hope so, I can't stand spaniards.

>> No.23245221
File: 172 KB, 724x1024, cebolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


¡Haces bien! La cebolla es preciosa y merece todo el amor del mundo.

>> No.23245231

I wouldnt bet on it
Maybe if count chicanos and the chinese posting from Mexico

>> No.23245277

Me neither
t. also Spaniard

>> No.23245593
File: 2.30 MB, 901x1280, cebolla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Queen Marine will join us under her banner (our flag).

t. another Spaniard

>> No.23245703

El culo de Marine es sufucientemente grande para sofocar a dos personas al mismo tiempo y yo quiero ser usado en la demostracion.

>> No.23245780

It does, in books kek

"Querer" viene a ser siempre relacionado con el amor, aunque sin connotaciones románticas, también indica que "amas" a alguién, el "te amo" en diccionário puede querer decir esto pero es algo puramente de novelas o libros. El "gustar" aunque pueda ser no romántico, la peña no lo suele usar cuando se refiere a personas porque suena como tal y puede generar confusiones, lo que uno va a decir cuando "le gusta" alguién de forma no romántica va a ser algo como "maria/juanito me cae bien".

>> No.23245893
File: 12 KB, 800x533, Cruz de Borgoña.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using the true flag

>> No.23245983

I don't get it, if it's real words then why does it matter if it's used.
If used correctly no one is going to care if you throw out thou's and thus' in a casual english conversation

>> No.23247621

t. Spaniard

>> No.23247880

yo no entender la relacion entre el pirata y el bandera de espana

>> No.23248045

Implies a chance of faction, Spaniards were avid pirate killers.
She became christian

>> No.23248068


Maririn's ship is sailing under the spanish flag.


>> No.23248213

muy bueno, quiero fanart de marine y cervantes

>> No.23248224

But why is she flying a spanish flag?

>> No.23248308

Overseas sexy guys always referred to the Spanish, apparently.

>> No.23248467

Under Marine's rule, everyone will be amigos.

>> No.23248524


>> No.23248707

Don't worry, the discussion was basically useless shit, unless you are trying to learn spanish from spain and sound natural.

>> No.23248900

marine es española desde hoy.

>> No.23249123

I live in Spain, can I be considered Spanish?

>> No.23249254
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 142031415804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23249272

Why not? A lot of pirates and corsairs are from spain, her uniform is based on the golden era of piracy

>> No.23249561

Those flags clearly have no crests in, so she's flying under the Spanish civil ensign. As her ship is armed to the teeth and clearly intended for warfare rather than merchant shipping, this is a breach of international law.

>> No.23249662

Is her ship called El Impoluto?

>> No.23249689

They had some pirates themselves but Spain was more famous for being the victim than the pirate in that age though, it owned the gold mines in South America and it was its gold laden transport ships that everyone wanted to raid.

>> No.23249695


She always has been spaniard pirate

>> No.23250043


>> No.23250318

I don't want to admit it, but I'd rape her.

>> No.23251182


Spaniards and portuguese were two of the best sailors and shipbuilders of that era. Lots of spanish-portuguese words are loanwords in japanese language (bread = pan).

There were lots of successful spanish pirates (Amaro Pargo, Iñigo de Arieta, Cabeza de Perro) but they were much less celebrated so today they remain uknown because they were criminals stealing from their own country while the british had "patentes de corso" that made legal for their criminals to steal from other countries, so they proudly embraced those kind of criminal acts.

She's fighting other pirates in her MV, but I doubt the choice of waving the spanish flag was based upon those historic details, we were just an important player in the Age of Discovery and Spain has good reputation for being a fun and exotic country to travel to between japanese people.

Festival a spanish flag in her bio.

>> No.23251244

She's a pirate, she could've just stolen the ship.

>> No.23251607
File: 155 KB, 850x1202, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_kusana_dudqja602__sample-700c7c653640b5ffd14b4868d8389a37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also confesses people to repent for their sins.

>> No.23251608


Or downloaded it without any hassle from the The Kaizoku Bay.

>> No.23251741

Does she want to become British?

>> No.23251913
File: 1.73 MB, 725x1283, marina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same, I'm commissioning a DP scene where Cervantes (El Quijote) and Cervantes (Soul Calibur) mercilessly impale all of Marina's hungry holes.

>> No.23252239

Didn't need to be British to do that, their ships were easy to target.

>"Spanish ships had carried goods from the New World since Christopher Columbus's first expedition of 1492. The organized system of convoys dates from 1564, but Spain sought to protect shipping prior to that by organizing protection around the largest Caribbean island, Cuba, and the maritime region of southern Spain and the Canary Islands because of attacks by pirates and foreign navies."

>> No.23252461



Less than 1% of the spanish vessels were lost to pirates so the "easy to target" part is blatantly false.

>Between 1540 and 1650 -the period of greatest flow in the transport of gold and silver- of the 11,000 ships that made the America-Spain route, 519 ships were lost, mostly due to storms and other natural reasons. Only 107 were lost due to pirate attacks, that is, less than 1%

>> No.23252560
File: 40 KB, 461x410, 5D7529DF-CB20-4136-AD60-D0F9E3051482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we have experience fucking Japanese pirates

>> No.23252606
File: 79 KB, 256x262, Wheatley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23252615

Fuck me, I guess I was thinking of other countries then.

>> No.23252635

Why do you hate your own people?

>> No.23252731
File: 12 KB, 181x278, marine houshou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23252785

Why was there a spanish flag in the first place? should have just used marine's flag that's shown in the mv anyway

>> No.23253016


Do not worry, we hate (YOU) more than we hate us between ourselves.

Bonaparte's lil bro "Pepe Botella" accurately portraited the spanish people like a bunch of dudes all day rabidly talking awful shit about themselves, with the quirk that if you are not one of them and you dare to talk shit about the people or the country, you will get lynched with torches and pitchforks.

>> No.23253069

> dudes all day rabidly talking awful shit about themselves, with the quirk that if you are not one of them and you dare to talk shit about the people or the country, you will get lynched with torches and pitchforks.
so just like anywhere else

>> No.23253135

Don't worry we also hate you as much, just don't show it.
t. Mexican
PS: We ain't giving you any gold found you thieving aids-infected-whores.

>> No.23254092


Dunno, it seems to me a fun easter egg for enhanced worldbuilding, I just made the thread to proselytize Marine's religion. Maybe she's not even aware of the connection and it's just a studio thing.


I'm proud of you, rapemutt of my conquistador ancestors. Keep ferociously guarding my gold coins till the day european boats grace your cursed shores once again.

>> No.23254138

>t. chairo

>> No.23254873
File: 294 KB, 1024x1024, 1650041628374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there always filthy ass wetback spic thirdies coping out of their feeble minds whenever either spain or italy is mentioned?
Spaniards, Italians, Meds in general are White Europeans.
You, are not. Eat shit

>> No.23255221

Native europeans are blonde haired and blue eyed, not shitskinned curly haired wops.
You were European once in the ancient era (roman emperors were all nordic) but nowadays you are orcish half humans with shit hair and shit eyes.
You will never be a native european. Your fate is being ruled by a nordic elite like has always been the case.

>> No.23255807

Ask me how I know you've never been outside of your shitty country

>> No.23255808

I just noticed Gura chilling in that water donut and Ina fishing with her tentacles

>> No.23256251

thread so shit i thought i was on /int/ for a second

>> No.23257112


>> No.23257186


>> No.23257926
File: 41 KB, 256x242, 1574466994337.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me las piro vampiro

>> No.23259739

Because Spain and Portoguese were shit colonizer
>Barging in, no respect for locals, acting all haughty and self important
>"You must become Catholic or face the blade!"
>Obsessed over gold like that fucking dead beat aunt and uncle who visited your home all buddy buddy and nice but raided our fridge and stole our food while we're not looking. When confronted they start saying "We're famileeeeeeeee" shit like that. But with Spaniards it's more like "We're fellow Christiaaaaaaan!" different phrasing, same bullshit.
>Also for Philippines: They sold the country to USA when Philippines are fighting for their independence, thus screwing with them more. And this is right before WW2.
At least the Brits are teaching locals English and making good commonwealth and Dutch don't give a fuck as long they can profit from it.

>> No.23259937

Spain and Portugal were shit colonizers because they were horny motherfuckers that poisoned the world with millions of mutts.
The Brits did they right thing by exterminating the locals.

>> No.23260883

Spaniard bros does the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plain?

>> No.23261578

Yes, but only during the siesta hours.

>> No.23262452


>> No.23262765

>And this is right before WW2
It was in 1898 retard, not even the WW1 happened yet.
