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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23202692 No.23202692 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23202821


>> No.23202868

>doxxes her own mother
>yas kween own the hecking antirinos

>> No.23202872

>cuckbeat slide thread

>> No.23202893

All she needs to do is not give it any attention, this board has less influence than it think it has

>> No.23203241 [DELETED] 

Op here. I'm not a cuckbeat but this is a nothingburger and her western audience doesn't give a single shit about who she sleeps with.
Plus cover already started that they don't care about a talent's private life too unless it interferes with their contract

>> No.23203691

This. Nobody gives a shit about vt. True fans don't come here anyway, just antis.

>> No.23203716

why are you spamming /vt/ with mikeneko and mori threads I feel like vomiting visiting this board

>> No.23203751

I don't know that she'll be able to. It was spammed in her twitter hashtags too

>> No.23203770

i would agree, but /vt/ seems to live rent free in almost every vtuber's brain desu which mean we have influenced them in one way or another, even if not directly

>> No.23203851

The problem is Mori herself comes here and gets all caught up in her own head reading these conspiracy theories and it bleeds into her streams. Like the recent Elden Ring collab where she snapped over someone complaining about her jokes when the was a single comment about it and most of the audience didn't mind the jokes.
Most fans don't or don't care about here and she just has to ignore what happens here like everyone else.

>> No.23203911
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you think mori would even care a single bit? lol she literally seems unaffected

>> No.23203962
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alright what the fuck did she do this time

>> No.23203980

>literally replied to an anti on twitter not that long ago

>> No.23203982

Cope. One comment and her day is ruined.
see: shrek joke rant, condom sc, ntr twitter meme, etc

>> No.23204021

That's what she will do, because she can get away with it. What she should do is honestly address it, maybe there's even mitigating circumstances, like it's over and she never claimed to be single at a time when that wasn't true. Or she could just apologize for lying.
There is zero chance of that happening.

>> No.23204026

Why are people saying Mori was the one to doxx her? Didn't people just find her mom's instagram?

>> No.23204105

She's learning then. I hope this means she doesn't stop the ASMR streams. That's the only thing I could see actually being really effected by this and I really hope she won't stop them because she might feel bad about it now.

>> No.23204116
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>True fans

>> No.23204172

It sounds to me like Mori's mom was doxxed.

>> No.23204240

that's public relations 101, distract

>> No.23204305

Exactly. What did Mori do?

>> No.23204387

If she doesn't care then why did she tell her mom to delete the post and then her account?

>> No.23204456

>mom doxxes her full address on stream, along with posting suisei's face after mori sent her a picture of them hanging out.

Yes... ignore it all and move ahead.

>> No.23204478

If you know what post was deleted then you know why she wanted it deleted.

>> No.23204498

True fans do come here, but we come here to laugh at the schizos. /vt/ doesn't understand that it's just a freak sideshow.

>> No.23204540

Mori cares what we think because she's actually from here and has been here long long before vtubers were a thing, so she can see the benefits of here along with the detractions. Newfags, sensitive redditors used to babied in a playpen atmosphere talking about vtubers etc find it shocking but no it's just a bit closer to actual human discorse on the subject instead of mindless happy sparkles positivity. People with weak egos want an infantilized weak audience but Mori actually does have a strong ego pushing her through everything regardless of how dumb an idea something was or how little success she was getting out of it.

I'd wager she doesn't really pay much attention to yesmen redditors/discord orbiters/wannabe groomers. They don't -need- paying attention to because they are complacent and have nothing interesting to say anyway - they're already under her thumb of control. Those "true deadbeats" etc = the pliable, the naive, the perhaps gullible. Having heard a number of indies/small corpos speak frankly on the matter they get bored of being told everything's fine and perfect. No, no it fucking isn't otherwise they'd have infinite growth and success and that is clearly not what happens in reality. What good are fans who lead them right off a cliff of relevance.

Here, she faces resistance, criticism etc that can get very granular and specific and that prods at something in her. Either she likes feeling persecuted to keep feeling like an underdog (even though she's far far far more powerful than the people making fun of her) or there is some guilty conscience speaking that she is concerned about how legit she is, is any of this real, is she actually cool to people who aren't redditor beta twerps, what do people say if they're allowed to really comment etc. However there are also fans here, even today, you STILL have people defending her. If this was literally nothing but antis it wouldn't be a controversy, it'd just be unanimous rejection. However the fraction of people rejecting Mori grows with each subsequent yab. Unity is fucking impossible these days with Mori in there in EN, I'd say the closest one could bargain for is to just be neutral towards the ones you dislike instead of actively shitpost them while loving the rest.

>> No.23204544

Mori stop samefagging.

>> No.23204586

mori's mom doxxed mori and... well, lets just say cuckbeats isn't just a connor meme anymore. She really should have tardwrangled her before this happened.

>> No.23204599

VT antis don't have any influence on numbers or on communities. Seriously, vtubers hated by /vt thrive, and vt can only seethe in impotence.

The biggest influence vt has is on the vtuber's minds. They can't help coming here. This is the only place were they can find criticism, the other places are populated by yes men and adoring fan, for whom every single stream is the best stream ever.

>> No.23204617
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remember when mori's mom was doxxing her daughter to friends and strangers and everyone thought it was le cute and wholesome? rorumao

>> No.23204671

Her mother is going to be getting phone calls on the regular. Hopefully the extent is scammers and fake pizza deliveries... but we know that's not where it will end. Raiding streamers never ended, and with VOIP some guy in SEA can destroy her mothers life with a single call to the police.

But sadly that is the only way we will get rid of Mori. She is saying "haha mama karaoke" because no one has called her and threatened her yet. Which WILL happen. Then she will get angry and blame anti's, rinse and repeat until EVERYONE in her life distances themselves from her toxicity and she ends up alone.

She made this mess, now deal with it

>> No.23204674

Mucho texto, not even Mori would read this.

>> No.23204817

To be fair, Mori's mom has absolutely zero reason to know it's a big deal because unlike JP's who actually want privacy, Mori wants everyone to know who she is and openly states over and over she doesn't like being secretive but does it for the sake of keeping the peace. The only value Hololive has to her, is as a place to draw a new audience to her real content. But the reason Hololive doesn't want people openly revealing their identity is so they won't get leeches like Mori who use Hololive as free advertising for non-Hololive things. Most JP's don't want to reveal their real-life identity, at best they would theoretically want to point to another anonymous account where they also do stuff. But Mori (and Kiara) wants everyone to know who she actually is in real-life.

>> No.23204950

You severely underestimate the menhera

>> No.23204978

Mori, you reading this thread?
Use your reddit mod powers and just censor everything on /r/hololive. Never acknowledge it. Make a very vague statement in a superchat stream about moms joking about shit, to qualm the schizos and give the delusional something to believe in.
This is an actual nothingburger. Ayame had something similar & it never impacted her. Rushia's situation was different due to the pure amount of outside drama tubers tasting blood to cover it when she didn't even have a boyfriend. You are absolutely fine Mori. Just silence anything, ban keywords related to in your chat, etc, completely ignore it and silence it and you're fine.

>> No.23205069

Ignoring everything on this site is the easiest solution. This site is less than 1% of the fanbase and has 0 influence over any decisions, Twitter and Reddit have more influence than this place. Even /here/ chuubas acknowledging this site know its full of retards and schizos.

>> No.23205426
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>> No.23205469
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>> No.23205477
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same energy. deadbeats read messages like this and go "MORI CAN'T STOP WINNING" btw

>> No.23205825

>doxxes her own mother
how did that happen?

>> No.23206243

Never underestimate doxxbeat prime.

>> No.23206360

>t. discord tourists
you tourists are the ones that make the anti threads
you know that right?

>> No.23207301
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I wanna laugh at kekbeat memes with a femanon

>> No.23207332

ok reddit

>> No.23208816

What I can't figure out is why when Mori signals who she really is it's so distracting whereas with Kiara it seems more natural and not as big of a deal.

>> No.23208915

Because Mori is the equivalent of those skinsuits fat guys use in possession hentai.

>> No.23208944


>> No.23209237

I don't like Mori but the last fucking thing she should do is address this shit. All she has to do is keep her mouth shut and wait for the storm to pass because the super majority of people don't know about this shit, don't care about this shit or are pathetically desperate to pretend it's not happening.

>> No.23209294

mori is being blamed because she is the reason her mom was doxxed
she didnt help the doxxing, unlike the nene/aloe situation

>> No.23209384

How is she the reason she was doxxed? Because she's simply Mori, or because she actually DID something? You guys keep blaming her, but all I'm seeing are a bunch of Mori antis who stumbled across her mom's Instagram by chance.

>> No.23209454

>the last fucking thing she should do is address this shit
you are asking her too much
dont you remember the tweets and reddit comments that followed the cuckbeat reply
she doesnt have though skin, best case scenario, she hints at the situation in her roomate account or in a member stream

>> No.23209676

her mom was doxxed because she is the mom of calliope mori the 2M vtuber
its not to blame her, but "just being mori" is the reason one of her relatives got doxxed
> all I'm seeing are a bunch of Mori antis
this shit happens at every yab, are you a newfag or something?
> stumbled across her mom's Instagram by chance
blame jannies and /b/ for that one

>> No.23209751

Oh okay, so you just confirmed that Mori didn't actually do something this time, that's all I wanted to know, thanks

>> No.23209938

do you count "not preparing her mom or telling her to private her account to friends only" as doing something?

>> No.23210034

I'm gonna shoot you point blank in the gut and you'll deserve it because you weren't good enough at running from me.

>> No.23210040

There is such a thing as crime through omission.
She COULD'VE prevented her mother from doxxing herself.

>> No.23211351

Based take. Mori brings this shit upon herself.

>> No.23211576

She'll have to vent about it at some point.

>> No.23213497

She will 100% adress it in her next roomate stream.

>> No.23215431

yohoho she took a bite of gum gum

>> No.23215839

lol to true

>> No.23216259

lean consumer
alcohol abuser
eats like shit so she became fat again with brain fog

It's no wonder she's so dumb, there's not many braincells left in that wide head of hers. I hope that management pulls her from all EN off collabs to protect the other girls since that ugly mug is unmistakable anywhere.

>> No.23216370

Ay calli, I can make you squart your little pink puffster pussy out . Reply to this and we can set something up

>> No.23216500

I don't want to say her mother is lacking common decency but whatever comes before doxxbeat prime is what she is. A pridebeat?

>> No.23216572

cuckbeats was real all along

>> No.23216761

Being honest yeah, I'm gonna bail from /vt/ for a little while because people are suddenly posting doxxing stuff from other Vtubers as well, I didn't know about Pomu or Irys and finding out about those two on the same day is just big yab energy.
here's to hope people chill with that stuff because it aint cool seeing people legit dig into things that completely ruins the point of what a Vtuber is supposed to be.

>> No.23216840

I've been in a dark place lately. Sometimes it's been hard to go on living, but Mori has given me hope and happiness. She has been my reason to go on.
But these threads might honestly just push me over the edge. So thanks /vt/. Hope you're happy. Hope it was worth it

>> No.23217086

>waaaah im sad now because woman poorly larping as anime girl does normal human things

>> No.23217373

Anon ether do it or shut the fuck up if you off yourself that's on you no one else words cant kill people we cant teleport into your room via the internet to cause you physical harm only you can do that to yourself.

>> No.23217986

you could have prevented your mother from being disappointed it's still not too late, rope is cheap

>> No.23218067


She was doxxed because Mori left ALL the personal info of her and her mother in her roommate's old webpage. Heck I even have her us address and I'm not even a doxxfag

>> No.23218260

Mori's greatest weakness is herself, every time something minor happens she turns it into a big deal on her own, /vt/ doesn't even have to do anything.

>> No.23218310

Counter point: She is white.

>> No.23218333

Kiara gave up because she has way too many social media sites, so she found it useless to try to cover it up, people would find anyways.
She's a numberfag and likes the attention but unlike Mori, she doesn't have any side career that would leech from her hololive career. She's also not retarded enough to dox her mother and is scared of even talking to her mom in stream for the risk of her mom doxxing herself or Kiara on stream

>> No.23218473

deadbeats...I'm not taking this recent leak well...

>> No.23218488
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Mori's mom probably doxxed herself since she wants to move out to a nicer house with Mori's shekels.

>> No.23218672

>Pomu or Irys and finding out about those two on the same day is just big yab energy.

>> No.23218683

That's the strange thing. All the old people here seems to know about this and anyone with any previous following will be found out instantly. The whole kayfabe thing is silly and pointless.

>> No.23219376 [SPOILER] 
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