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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23128094 No.23128094 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>22935161

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and belligerent alike!

Interactive map:


>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.23128114
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Anchor post for any additions to the map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.23128181
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Proposals to be voted on
>Vote post archive

>> No.23128239

How to sex a shrine maiden without stabbed?

>> No.23128257
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What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What's your nation's current goals now. What are you trying to aim for your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How to your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?

>> No.23128442
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>> No.23129048

I just realized I forgot to vote on the last issue. Sorry about that. I'm on a forced vacation. I'm still lurking and bumping the threads when I can.

>> No.23129121
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tonight ill be going through the logs and making sure risuner shit is archived properly. Want to make sure everything is neat and easy to see.

>> No.23129345

if you're on a forced vacation why are you here, go do something productive like you've been meaning to, it's why we did that to you

>> No.23129528

very carefully

>> No.23129595

I didn't realize that I missed the vote time until the last thread almost archived. Just apologizing for missing it. I'm still thread rep with voting duties. And lurking still helps give me ideas as I can see what others come up with.

>> No.23129983

>/rbc/ was once home to an advanced civilization of engineers
>after many tireless decades of effort, they managed to perfect their magnum opus: vitubium-circuitry capable of powering golem automatons
>once completed, these nigh-indestructible golems were tasked with handling everything, leaving the robosa to become complacent and lazy
>it was only a matter of time before an unknown tragedy struck, catching the robosa off guard and causing them to die off
>now only the golems remain, taking care of the ruins of their creators as they wait to be given purpose once again

>> No.23131456
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Put together a mask and stole a katana! Gonna try to figure out what kind of footwear they would wear, and then I'll do the naginata and the hair. Probably a ponytail, something low-effort.
Blessed by the goddess, she is.
I hear many /morig/ priestesses are rather Morisexual, maybe if you can get pink hair and fat tits you'll have a chance.

>> No.23132427

what year are we in, by the way?

>> No.23132601
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We have a new flag for /pcg/ + /cylg/.

>> No.23132680

We settled on 1120 VTE in the last vote. https://rentry.org/np9ke

>> No.23132735

will fix dates, then.

>> No.23132916
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Bubon Ursus

Also referred to as Owl-Bears are a species of bears native to the region and their territory expands across the western part of the continent.

The omnivorous animal has a thick brown fur with some stripes and patches around it of lighter color, their tails are small and brown. Adults will generally be around 200-350 centimeters tall and weights of 160-260 kg with males being slightly larger than the females. They are quite phisically able and agile, they can reach speeds of 65 km/h, powerful bites, and can crush trees easily.

In the wild they will hunt and protect their territories in small groups of 2-4 with each bear collaborating in switching patrols, the territories they range through are quite vast and as such the bears are known to not be rather relaxed in what they tolerate in their territories, multiple unrelated groups of bears can overlap on territory held with little to no issue. These groups of bears will sometimes get together with other groups around rivers during mating season, there the bears will choose partners for the next season, fights among the bears are uncommon as they are avoidant of each other.

If a couple mates and have offspring, the couple will separate from their groups and proceed to reduce their home range becoming highly territorial. The parents will proceed to care for the cub together, althought the father has to be careful due to the mother being in a highly aggresive state. Once the cub reaches a year old the parents will abandon it so that it can fend for itself.

The bears will often eat whatever they find and prey on larger animals in addition to their opportunism, this sometimes causes the bears to enter human towns and cities to scavenge food, tolerated by most of those living in the cities. The Owl-Bears are surprisingly friendly and smart, they will not attack humans as long as they aren't offended first, and their small socialization tendencies indicate that maybe they could be tamed. There are stories about children and hunters going up to Owl-Bears and hugging them, leaving unscathed, still, it is not recommended to get close to the bears regardless as they are highly respected animals and considered a symbol of the Republic.

Also: Please do a section in the General lore entry titled as such
Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
Wildlife of the Republic and surrounding regions
In this section do include the entry about Foxhounds and put the Owl-Bears entry after it.

>> No.23133007
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>to not be rather relaxed
I fucked up, remove the "not" here please.

>> No.23133879
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I never asked but how much are /who/ people into forests and nature?

>> No.23134300
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Forests are great for many reasons, among some of them are enjoying nature, hiding bunkers, and fueling an industrial revolution.

>> No.23134372

Which border would /who/ build the Maginowl Line on?

>> No.23134480
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>North Frontier is a bunch of forest and mountains
>Eastern Frontier is a bunch of mountains and peaks
>Southern Frontier is hilly terrain with a close ally.
You know, probably none of them

>> No.23134543

Sounds like someone's gonna get blitzkrieg'd by Sanalites. Tanks just drive on forests.

>> No.23134747
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>Across the snow and subartic climate
Not that it's impossible, but good luck with those supply lines.

>> No.23134824
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Havent read much up on /who/ but ive seen you guys around here a lot. Do you have nuts?

>> No.23136576

They're kind of a mess rn because I just throw them at the end of the rentry every time there's an update. Helping with that (like reorganising the rentry yourself and posting your link) is very much appreciated.

>> No.23136704

Looks very Karri-chan kakkoi

>> No.23138294
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dunno, maybe in the forest

>> No.23138687

now i wonder what /who/ would do to a visit from risuners. maybe i should actually brush up on the lore.

>> No.23138916

What tanks?

>> No.23139059

The ones whoever is gonna build in a century or so, I guess.

>> No.23139293

What about trench warfare?

>> No.23139308
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It's probably pretty common across the country, at least the part that isn't deforested for farmland and stuff

>> No.23139324

What about it? It's pretty cool. Great aesthetic.

>> No.23139565

Unless something drastic occurs, we're still working on breech-loading and percussion caps for cavalry carbines. Where are fighting vehicles coming in? The CLOSEST think I can think of is a thick-planked wagon drawn by cataphract-armored draft horses. These wagons would be tough enough to mount at least two swivel culverins or abus-style guns. So no forward-facing guns, unless you want to stick an unprotected gunner atop the roof.

We DO have Puckle-guns, though...perhaps sponson-mounted ones?

Regardless, these proto-tanks would be slow, vulnerable, and only good on defense. Unless you somehow figured out a way to have like a large guys pedaling in unison to propel a vehicle from inside. In which case you run into the problem of needing large numbers of trained personnel to push an armored card/wagon much like how galley and dromon fleets needed hundreds of rowers to staff a few ships on campaign. Assume 8 peddlers, a captain, first mate, two to four gunners, and at least one rifleman to fend off infantry saboteurs from the rear.

>> No.23139688

Da Vinci's medieval tank comes to mind. But in this instance, I was thinking ahead to WW2 tech, since I mentioned the Maginot Line.
I think perhaps even closer would be something like a heavily armored elephant equipped with a sizeable canon, I believe that's something that occurred in India.

>> No.23139819

The Hussites got a pretty kino aesthetic admittedly, even if their war wagons are overrated

>> No.23139895
File: 8 KB, 225x225, magiciseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your daily reminder that tech is over rated and pic rel wins

>> No.23140390

Yeah, about Leo's tank? Any attempt at fighting vehicles during this time are going to be VERY susceptible to sharpshooters, light cavalry, and fast-moving close-combat infantry. A few Spanish-style sword and buckler infantry backed up by a reiter or two, maybe a lancer, would be enough to utterly trounce a single tank so long as at least one or two of the team members were able to bring in a grenade.

WW2 tanks won't show up for many centuries. They will, obviously, but expect a tabletop or vidya like division of tank classes for many decades. Tankettes (think treaded tractor with a light gun or machine gun, only a tank because it's a treaded vehicle with a heavy weapon), light "cruiser" tanks, medium "cavalry tanks", slightly heavier "infantry" medium tanks, true heavy tanks, and superheavies. Eventually, you might see a consolidation of cruiser, infantry, and cavalry tanks into the MBT, a la the M46 Patton or Centurion.

Animal-mounted cannons WERE fairly common, the Indians had an entire genre of animal-mounted (camels, usually) guns, with the resultant troops being known as "Zamburak" corps. I am not making this up, downsized falconets and gatling guns both showed up on camelback in the Near East and India. Elephants are very impractical, however, they spook more easily and any artillery mounted on their backs MUST be disembarked before it fires. The sheer uselessness of elephants against any non-musketeer gunpowder infantry was evident even to non-Europeans--the Mughal Emperor Akbar himself tried designing gun carriages that could allow light cannon to move as well as they could on camel-back. If you park the guns on wheels and shoot at the other guy's elephants, you no longer need to train or feed elephants of your own.

>> No.23140862
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Inked magic user doing mudra to wreck tanks sound pretty awesome, but by that point it's pretty much high fantasy instead of low I reckon

>> No.23140926
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So would anyone here like me to either continue making stories about visiting risuners or would you like to be put on the list of places to explore? General question time with squirrel people since all im gonna do is make rentry files and try to make things look better.

>> No.23141130

Do your witches ever use their powers in the name of violence?

>> No.23141134

how outlandish/lore-breaking is it if certain people are able to repel or summon rain? thinking of writing something for /ehe~/

>> No.23141174

I enjoy reading the stories of Risuners going around meeting people, and would like to see them come to mine soon! So... both?

>> No.23141266

That's pretty in-line with the environmental effects Chuubanite has in other countries, so I'd say you're good to go.

>> No.23141739

Sounds good to me. Like what >>23141266 said, it isn't without precedent. Maybe the /ehe~/ chuubanite needs designated people to activate its effect when needed to regulate rainfall instead of having it always on/off? That reminds me, how do you think of having your land be at the western side of Bakatare? Seems it's the most likely place to have ENSO, which would make artificial regulation of rainfall more important

>Captcha: JPAHA

>> No.23141762
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Only in self defense with grape agate wands or "grape blasters" other than that most of the effects are just alternative ways of using energy such as rubies for coal and some of them granting natural abilities such as gliding. I actually need to determine what would diamonds do since morig just gave us 2 of them and it will take very long before we can have fuckloads of them. but give it a century and we will be swimming in them.

>> No.23141837
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and you are? unless your already on the list.

>> No.23142112

I think I am it's /meat/

>> No.23142190

Luknight working on follow up story here
Where should Luknights explore?

>> No.23142221

I thought it's explicitly stated that chuubanite is "predictable, consistent, and universal"? I swear this chuubanite stuff is wacky man. As for the land, I'd happily take it as long as bakatare don't mind

>> No.23142532

Yes, but different kinds of chuubanite have different effects (that are still consistant). While /morig/'s Chill Zone being always on is beneficial to them, a hypothetical Rain/Drought Zone being always on in /ehe~/ would be disastrous for the local infrastructure. If we take into account irregular weathers due to ENSO, then you'll need humans to determine and decide when to turn it on/off and to what degree, which would fit Kobo's lore from what I know. As for Bakatare, don't think anyone from there is here so it should be fine?

>> No.23142605

they could try some magnetic shenanigans, or mabe test out the rune thing to see if they can make up a workable system

>> No.23142851
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Yes. You were next up if /uuu/ didnt say anything. theyre the other magic forest place besides /rose/ so i was gonna give it 2-3 days and if nothing then meat fleet will be next. and oh boy will that be a fun one given past tensions but also considering how important meat is to risu now cuz bog iron and yes i keep pic rel in my risu folder cuz idk why tf not?

>> No.23142956
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Luknights would likely explore silvanus given thats where i presumed you landed. If you wanted to meet up with /inf/ you could by going further south. Pic related for map. Each settlement in risu archives if you care to look.

>> No.23143168
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Oh and about >>23141134
I would say since we use magic gems for crazy bullshit (in limited numbers) I would say its totally cool for you to have specific rain powers. Or you could do your god/chuuba/oshi has the power to control the rain at will wherever it is needed. I personally would like to imagine that /ehe/ would be very water based with rivers having waterwheels and the equivilant of this eras hydrocarbon power plants. Dams would be a thing too but this is just me throwing out ideas. Makes me wonder how you would handle beavers.

>> No.23143172

/vrt/ here, i would love to have risuners visit, its actually partly what got me to write the story of a robot visiting hfz and getting addicted to wrestling

we can offer gemstones for nuts too and would love to draw some sexy risuners as tribute to our goddess

>> No.23143297
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to look up /vrt/ and didnt even know you guys had a presence here. Either way HOLY FUCKING SHIT LETS GOOOOOOO! WE WOULD LOVE TO EXCHANGE OUR NUTS AND HAVE YOUR PRETTY GEMS

>> No.23143319

Anon please, I'm trying to justify /ehe~/ having rain shamans, not putting them out of jobs with automation

>> No.23143371

i meant putting the runes ON people, so it'd still be highly ritualized, in an case if they fuck with the weather too much they'd probably end up getting hurricaned

>> No.23143445

well no wonder since i am the only guy posting in here and i barely got a chance yet since i am in wage slave hell right now and brain is just working enough to read in here

>> No.23143706

coincidentally I'm depicting /ehe~/ as a theocratic peasant republic that's also anti-industrialization, so automation is definitely a no no

>> No.23143749

ah yes. some people are the only ones from their threads. Hell i was like that for a while now i know we have 2 confirmed risuners and probably like 1 or 2 more that occasionally say shit here. Feelsbad about anyone who has to wageslave though so dont stress it. If i see you even a few times ill consider writing about a visit to you lot.

>> No.23143838
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like dithmarschen?

>> No.23143901

Same guy who wrote >>23143168 here
More ideas could be something like having a few lesser shamans who act as warlords/region rulers that control the rain in their respected areas. Were sprinklers a thing back in 1750? Seems like an idea that you might like if going automation route but it look like your not. Have fun with whatever you choose bros.

>> No.23144002

Luknight Expedition to the Risuners
Entry, April 25th

We have now spent a week in the city the Risuners call Silvanus. We have already bartered many of our bags of sugar for nuts. Some of the Bunaito crew have exchanged a 'special' kind of nut with the Risuners as well.

While the Risuners have been accommodating of us with regards to lodging, some of the more homesick Luknights have chosen to erect tents outside the city. Outdoor baking of gingerbread walls for our preliminary embassy is also going well, though we've set aside an entire wall for breaking into chunks and treating the friendly Risuners. We should have it constructed one week from now.

Risuners have been friendly, but there has been one scuffle. One of the researcher-naitos, Sir Carob Nalava, upset a few of the Risuners by tapping one of the trees outside the town. Sir Carob believes that combined with nuts and thin layers of pastry, he could use the sap for a marvelous new treat for Himesama. We negotiated with the angered Risuners for a few hours (the language barrier was an issue) and received forgiveness on the condition no more trees be tapped. Sir Carob was disheartened, but agreed to the terms, and told me he already had enough sap for a prototype. Perhaps I should keep an eye on him...

Lastly, an outside concern. I am informed by the locals that regular cannibal raids occur in the Risuner coastline, especially here. I have no doubt I could defend myself in single combat against these knaves, but fear for the greener Luknights...

Loyal to Luna as always, Sir Saccharin Plumdrop III

>> No.23144024

Glad to hear that! If we're informed of that beforehand we can prepare a feast for them. Maybe the Risuners will meet the /meat/ Risuners too? Could be interesting to see the culture shock
It's a good pic very useful too

To be fair, that seems to be the norm for this thread nowadays, but having multiple regular contributors per split seems to always be the exception rather than the norm. What did we do wrong?

>> No.23144076
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Got so into writing i forgot picture, nanora

>> No.23144322
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I've been having a blast reading about Risuners visiting other places so far.

>> No.23144432

something akin to Dithmarschen but less gommunism and more populism/religious element, It's a mishmash of ideologies I know

cool idea! maybe I'll incorporate this and make some sort of 'council of chiefs' or something, to make it more 'democratic'

>> No.23144836

Holy shit. I like the idea of the tree sap thing. One way to piss em off sure but at least you didnt chop it down. I know you all will find ways to use nuts in candies if you havent done so already.
GREAT! I love the idea of the nature focused people being friends. we shall dominate these lands soon enough
Much love rosebro.
I have a few ideas that will be of surprise to /meat/ this one will be very fun considering past and present relations. Giving all the lore you guys write also gives me a lot to go off of.

>> No.23144839

gommunism didn't even exist back then, nor can it be considered anything like it even if it gets memed into it now a days, it was basically just a bunch of peasants that ended up without any feudal ruler (at least until they were annexed by the danish)

>> No.23145051

for real? cause my left wing-adjacent friend always uses Dithmarschen as an example of 'early decentralised form of socialism' or something along those lines

>> No.23145124

Sounds like some form of Integralism (the less nationalistic/xenophobic ones, at least), which is actually pretty cool and underutilized (perhaps understandably so, given the kind of ideology it's usually lumped into).
I think a lack of popular input in the decision-making process is probably kind of natural, considering that the rain shamans have a natural monopoly on the control of rainfall pattern that can absolutely kill the local agriculture. It isn't mutually exclusive with populism - in fact, it might be interesting to see how the country/ideology juggles between having popular support and not having popular input in the system.

They're not the same thing, although they can be considered tangentially related. Communism has a lot of specific stuff that only applies to industrial society.

>> No.23145467
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Back. Was posting on my laptop for a bit while exercising but now is the time to reorganize the general lore thread. So much new info I can include and update. And of course to just make it look pretty.

>> No.23146054

>early decentralised form of socialism
that's a... strange way to describe it, generally socialism refers strictly to industrial era economics like >>23145124 said. capitalism was barely even coming up as something we could recognize in the early modern period, so it's a misguided example. I guess it doesn't help how games like EU4 were adding things like "achievement: liberate russia" in their game to add fuel into it.

>> No.23146593

socialism existed since the ancient greeks. the modern understanding of socialism comes primarily from marx, though he wasn't exactly the first modern socialist thinker. certainly, the most influential.

>> No.23147271

>socialism existed since the ancient greeks
That doesn't sound right, i need to read more

>> No.23147693

so far the lore proposal for /ehe~/ is a rain shaman-dominated, oligarchic, agrarian society with populist iconography (with names such as 'peasant republic', etc.) to appeal to the masses. Is this a good/accurate summary?

>> No.23147785

as i said, modern socialism is mostly influenced by marx and hegel. it might not seem right to you if you don't know how socialism get's it's name, but the idea that socialism itself was a reaction to industrial era economics is a common misconception.

>> No.23147881

is it possible to post a blender file into catbox? i have a mask i modelled myself and i want to try putting it on the rest of the model

>> No.23148408
File: 3.48 MB, 2000x2000, 1632526060087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit anon, that's awesome. Do you mean I upload mine or you want to upload your file? Because my .blend is just barely over catbox's size limit of 200 MB, but you can upload yours and I can try putting it on there. Or I can upload my .blend on another website, any ideas? We can have variants, this is pretty cool.
Thank you! I've completed it to my satisfaction, for now at least.
Please anchor to the /morig/ Overview after the anthropology section with the attached picture.

# Hair and eyes of the Deadbeat
Deadbeats have rather small amounts of hair. Body hair is almost completely absent on the trunk and limbs. Males are beardless, and hair on the scalp is an utter rarity. Females have sparse scalp hair commonly enough, and both sexes have thin eyebrows, though chuubanite exposure acts as a significant hair growth enabler. The lack of melanin in the skin is also found in the hair and eyes. Hair will be white, pale grey or platinum blonde, with irises displaying a similar range of colors. For both, high concentrations of Mori-type chuubanite in the body have an effect, tinting the features with the pink shade typical of the magical substance. Most deadbeats do not have chuubanite accumulations sufficient to display this, but it is usually found in Goddess Faithful clergy-people. The eyes can even glow slightly in certain individuals and under the right conditions.

![Goddess Faithful Priestess in basic equipment, with extended use Death Mask, katana and light naginata.](LINK)

>> No.23149027

Would Robosans be happy with making friends and sometimes enemies from other nations?

>> No.23149272
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well. it turns out this will take a bit longer than i thought. well shit

>> No.23149419

Take as much time as you need. But always take care of your needs and duties first. No rush.

>> No.23149801
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x4335, 1647044611505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yee thanks man. turning a bunch of bullet points into something thats essentially an essay is a project.
>6th grade english teacher "One day your gonna use these essay writing skills and be a great writer. Its important you learn these skills"

>over a decade later uses it to shitpost on 4chan about making a fake nation based on anime youtuber girls from indonesia.

kinda tempted to go tell my teachers this if any of them still work there

>> No.23151273

my mask is like 1 mb of the worst geometry you've ever seen, so i'm gonna take a little bit to fix the janky ass triangles and subdivision surface artifacts they cause

>> No.23151619
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>Inb4 just saw tweet of risu along gura and sora being the reps of their respective areas

Risu is the representative of all of hololive indonesia. We just cant stop fucking winning.

>> No.23151997

Wondering what the annexation process is if Phase Connect absorbs former /tsun/ members. Obviously we throw up an Exarchate, Despotate, or Katepanate, with potential for integration into a wider Theme of Murexia.

Exarchate of Celesta (Miori)
Exarchate of Strýchnos (Kallin)
Exarchate of The Optimatōi (Meru)
Exarchate of Skeletós (Orla)
Exarchate of Glaukonia (Urara)

Working names only.

>> No.23152624
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Sounds good anon.

>> No.23152796

Something that I found out when doing my dye rep (the thing that writing about fake countries based on anime girls streaming make me do):
>/meat/ carmine dye is popular for its crimson colour
>it comes in cheaper variants made from crushed bugs, and a more expensive one with sharper colour
>local cacti farm owners won't tell the secret of making the latter
>people infiltrate the farm to steal the secret
>finds out the hard way that the latter is made by purifying the aforementioned crushed bugs in boiled ammonia
It's actually kind of funny how often /meat/ dabbles in /ringo/ stuff

>> No.23152865

technically both are guro, so it makes sense.

>> No.23155616

i applied a subdivision surface and have been manual adjusting vertices for about an hour now, do you want me to submit it as is? because I don't know how to texture or paint yet in blender

>> No.23155651


>> No.23157043
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>some of the mundane applications of Mori chuubanite are perfume and haircare products
One whiff and they won't stop biting.

>> No.23159398

I wrote about /meat/ dye and its usage: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatdraft
>/meat/ risuners tried to recreate pretty stone magic
>ended up carving open their skin and shoving magic dye in them
>they might have traded the secret to /meat/ in exchange for peace between the two groups
>“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
Are we the baddies?

>> No.23159822

Haven't written on it but there would be forts near the borders and strategic locations. Something like a Maginot line would be too hard and expensive to maintain during this period of peace without any obvious enemies. The forts would be more in a network than a static line.

>> No.23160354

but /meat/ has created plenty, case in point being the artists such as awa and minori. also, didn't /meat/ or variants of exist before /risu/? the comparison between /meat/'s chuubanite effect and /risu/'s forrest have been made in the past, i wonder if it would make more sense to say that /risu/'s chuubanite is a variant of /meat/ chuubanite that adapted to the natural environment rather than to humans, and thus the magic risuners use is derived partially from /meat/'s chuubanite effects. this could explain why /meat/ risuners are capable of replicating /risu/ magic with /meat/ chuubanite.

>> No.23160894
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Both /meat/ and /risu/ chuubanite has a high affinity to organic material and promote fast and sometimes unique growth, but I think the connection stops there. It might just be a coincidence, especially when taking into account that there are likely other forms of chuubanite that also have a similar effect, as nature-based vtubers aren't exactly rare.
I should also note that /meat/ Risuners didn't replicate /risu/ magic gems. They just happen to discover a new way to use chuubanite while trying to do so.

>> No.23161311

>I should also note that /meat/ Risuners didn't replicate /risu/ magic gems.
then what's the point of having a unique /meat/ risuner magic system? i thought you were doing it so that captured risuners could still use magic? what is the dye magic capable of doing if not replicating risuner magic? also, i was just mentioning the fact that someone mentioned a connection between /risu/'s forest and /meat/'s chuubanite when they were first talking about their region.

>> No.23161897

>unique /meat/ risuner magic system
It isn't unique to /meat/ risuners, they're just the ones who first discovered it (in /meat/ at least - I would love to see others having their own magical tattoo because that stuff's awesome). I specifically mentioned it being adapted across /meat/ after they share the knowledge. I guess I want to make it so that /meat/ risuners don't exist solely to be assimilated into /meat/ without having them impact /meat/ culture in some way (even if said something fits /meat/ aesthetics).

As for the effects, it's kept ambiguous to leave room for future addition, but so far we know it can:
>passively improve resistance against pathogen (stated in the rentry)
>propel the bearer when activated (through linera acceleration, which is one of the stated effects of chuubanite in general)
I thought about having it give heightened senses, either passively or as an active effect. Not sure if it should be given direct effects that are too powerful unless we want to go full ATLA

>> No.23162632

doesn't normal /meat/ chuubanite improve the imune system, among other things? also, how would you activate it? simply consuming the chuubanite would be too slow, and couldn't be turned on or off. how about this. the glyphs trap any chuubanite in the blood as a battery of sorts to be used later, so /meat/heads who uses glyphs will be less effected by normal /meat/ chuubanite, meaning they wont regenerate as well as someone without glyphs, but when those scars come into contact with special dyes that are enriched with /meat/ chuubanite, they activate and have whatever effect the glyph allows for. this is a combination of both glyph and activator substance styles of activation as far as i understand them. as for the effect, we could choose anything, but i would prefer if we came up with something /risu/ and /meat/ have in common, i don't want to say all /meat/ magic works this way, but maybe we can think of other ways to make use of it later. since you probably know more about the /risu/ side of things, tell me a few important things about you guys that you think should be reflected in any new magic system we create together.

>> No.23164394

so, when you say in the rentry that movement can be used to activate it, do you mean some sort of contortion that changes the shape of a scar, causing it to take on the form of a glyph and thus activating it that way, or do you mean something else? remember, there is a direction that energy flows when using glyphs, namely that it travels in the z axis. you would need to be pretty clever to make use of it that way, and any wrong movement, even if it was unconscious, could activate it accidentally. movement sounds like it would either be hair triggered, or require some jojo style posing nut: oh, you're approaching me? risuner: can't bust the shit out of you without getting closer so i think having the dyes as an activator substance might be easier. also, i thought the idea or /meat/ risuners was that /meat/ liked a few of the risuners they captured like in that one greentext some time ago and decided to assimilate them into /meat/ society. just want to be caught up on all the details. ty if you respond.

>> No.23164553

>also, how would you activate it? simply consuming the chuubanite would be too slow, and couldn't be turned on or off.
As stated above, it's a passive effect, meaning that it's activated the moment the glyph is complete according to the chuubanite proposal. I mark the improved resistance to pathogens as passive since I don't think there's a situation where it needs to be turned off.
>when those scars come into contact with special dyes that are enriched with /meat/ chuubanite, they activate and have whatever effect the glyph allows for.
That would mean the glyph's effect activates the moment a tattoo starts being applied, which would cause several issues:
- Tattooing is usually not something you want to do in a hurry, so that precludes most active usages of the glyph, especially when taking into account that one of the main benefits of having glyph tattoos is (ironically) concealability and easy activation.
- If we assume the effect of chuubanite is related to the mass of said chuubanite, then introducing it one drop at a time probably won't have much of an effect.
- What are the scars made of in this case anyway?
>as for the effect, we could choose anything, but i would prefer if we came up with something /risu/ and /meat/ have in common
I'm not entirely sure why said common effect is needed or even preferable, but you can say the propulsion effect of chuubanite in general is similar to the gliding turquoise.
>i don't want to say all /meat/ magic works this way, but maybe we can think of other ways to make use of it later.
No one said it's meant to represent all /meat/ magic though? If anything, your suggestion that the glyph makes normal /meat/ chuubanite less effective on them would limit it being used alongside other /meat/ magic.
>since you probably know more about the /risu/ side of things, tell me a few important things about you guys that you think should be reflected in any new magic system we create together.
I'm not a Risuner, so you might want to ask them yourself about it. I just read the archived lore.


>> No.23164894

>when you say in the rentry that movement can be used to activate it, do you mean some sort of contortion that changes the shape of a scar, causing it to take on the form of a glyph and thus activating it that way, or do you mean something else?
An idea I have is that in the resting state, the glyph is almost complete apart from a small gap, which would be connected either when a specific muscle move (or twitch, as it would likely be), or when a gesture is done (similar to mudra). It's probably a personal choice, with the former allowing easier activation (and not having to drop whatever you're doing if the gesture is based on your limbs), but also easier misfiring.
>remember, there is a direction that energy flows when using glyphs, namely that it travels in the z axis. you would need to be pretty clever to make use of it that way, and any wrong movement, even if it was unconscious, could activate it accidentally.
For the propulsion, the direction of the force is perpendicular to the surface of the glyph as stated in the chuubanite proposal, so yes, making use of it would require training to know when to activate it and how long. Otherwise, triggering it at the wrong time or wrong position might end up breaking the user's limbs or neck.
>i thought the idea or /meat/ risuners was that /meat/ liked a few of the risuners they captured like in that one greentext some time ago and decided to assimilate them into /meat/ society
I left the transition from captive to /meat/ risuners ambiguous - they might have escaped; they might have been kept around due to personal liking; they might have proved themselves valuable enough to become part of /meat/ society. Regardless of the method, the end result's the same, so I don't put a lot of focus on it. Also, I think in that greentext, it's the /meat/head that left his homeland to join the risuners in /risu/.
>just want to be caught up on all the details. ty if you respond.
It takes time to parse what you're saying and organise an answer, please understand.


>> No.23165515
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>>23164553 (Me)
>I'm not entirely sure why said common effect is needed or even preferable
Before anyone asks, no, I'm not shitting on /risu/. I quite like their lore, actually, that's why I don't want to copy their stuff wholesale unless there's a reason to.

>> No.23166223

>glyph's effect activates the moment a tattoo starts being applied
my thought was having it in two parts, a scar and the dye put into it for activation. scar tissue isn't the same as normal tissue, and can be used to keep chuubanite in a specific location, then all that is needed is for the dye to be put on the scar, keep in mind the fact that the dye is an activator substance for the glyph itself, so you might not need to apply it perfectly. if this isn't what you imagined it as, that's ok, i'm pretty sure both of our methods are possible according to the chuubanite rentry, but you mustn't underestimate how inconvenient a hair-triggered chuubanite effect would be for the user and their surroundings.
>why said common effect is needed or even preferable
if /meat/ risuners are the ones who introduced this to us, it should reflect that. i said we could come up with anything because there is no singular effect, it can change according to the glyphs used, but this was back when i thought we were talking about a unique expression of magic as opposed to the stuff that is inherent to literally all forms of vitubium as an element.
>limit it being used alongside other /meat/ magic.
glyphs are programmable, that's the big advantage of it over activator substances. you have much more control over chuubanite if you use glyphs, but you get a stronger effect with activator substances. if the glyphs will slowly run out of power, there needs to be a way to reactivate them. either reapplication of the tattoos and scars, or a passive reactivation by fueling it chuubanite through the blood, but that takes away from the chuubanite already in the blood, so of course it would take away from other uses of chuubanite. it's not like it no longer works at all, just that some of it ends up getting trapped by the glyphs and some of it doesn't. you need to understand, balancing is always a concern for me, it doesn't sit well with me when one option is presented as a straight upgrade to any other option, and if there are tradeoffs, i want them to make logical sense given the subject material. also, keep in mind, the normal /meat/ chuubanite effect might harm the glyph by either dealing with the dye faster, or replacing the scars with normal flesh, unless the average /meat/head is a pile of scar tissue. also, i never ment to imply anyone said it's meant to represent all /meat/ magic. sorry.
>the glyph is almost complete apart from a small gap
so correct me if i am mistaken, but there are essentially one tatoo broken into two parts on different areas of your body that are either closer or further away from each other, but you can unite them with some form of movement or pose to complete them, allowing for the effect to activate. that's pretty clever, but if the movement is natural enough that a simple twitch could activate it, it wouldn't matter what other tradeoffs it would have, unless the effect is weak to the point of being hardly noticeable, nobody is going to put up with that level of uncontrollability, plus, its a waste of chuubanite.
>It takes time to parse what you're saying and organise an answer, please understand.
sorry, i write informally on the internet, as you can probably see. i hope it isn't too inconvenient for you, but i prefer writing like this overall.

>> No.23166570

you know, another thing it reminds me of is dishonored. you said there was a propulsion effect? it's literally just a form of blink, right? if /meat/ risuners get assimilated into the overall /meat/ culture, i bet they would be pretty good at sneaking around and setting up ambushes, given our general strategy of asymmetric warfare. imagine a /meat/ risuner jumping from treetop to treetop while stalking their prey.

>> No.23167786
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>you mustn't underestimate how inconvenient a hair-triggered chuubanite effect would be for the user and their surroundings.
I never dispute that. I acknowledge that as a choice for the user (see >>23164894).
>balancing is always a concern for me, it doesn't sit well with me when one option is presented as a straight upgrade to any other option, and if there are tradeoffs, i want them to make logical sense given the subject material.
Well, if you want some tradeoffs for the glyph tattoo/scar system:
1. See above.
2. It's fixed once it's applied unless it ran out of juice or is surgically taken out.
3. You only have a limited area of skin to apply them.
3a. Especially if you don't want to announce you have tattoos to everyone.
3b. Or have to learn to control every trigger for all the active ones.
4. The chuubanite is completely within the user, potentially limiting what kind of effects it could have (e.g. you don't want to have it burn like coal).
>you can unite them with some form of movement or pose to complete them, allowing for the effect to activate
Yes, I got that idea from mudra and hand seals. I'm sure some anime probably have used that idea too. The hand lines on picrel also help (although it isn't the only way such a system can be implemented). I miss her...
>if the movement is natural enough that a simple twitch could activate it, it wouldn't matter what other tradeoffs it would have
I mean, if the user decided to make the trigger a natural action AND didn't train themselves to avoid that, then maybe them being taken out by a misfire's going to improve /meat/'s gene pool.
>i hope it isn't too inconvenient for you, but i prefer writing like this overall.
I don't really mind that myself, just that I hope you understand its lower readability means people will take longer to read it by definition.
I haven't played Dishonoured, but I did mention that in >>23035948. Like what I mentioned in >>23164894, it takes training and discipline to master such an effect, and Risuners' innate spryness (and smaller physique? If we assume risuners have an average physique, /meat/ risuners would be a bit smaller than average as I based their physical traits after a smaller squirrel) makes them more likely to master the skill. Having a tail for balancing helps too - actually, that also gives them one more limb for triggers. Thanks for the reminder!

>> No.23169062

ty for the responce, i think it is a pretty cool idea, but those tradeoffs aren't as bad as you think. the hairtrigger thing is a choice, you could easily negate it if you wanted to. it being fixed just means you need to be sure you're doing it right before you commit. the area of skin is meaningless without something to contrast it to. the ability to conceal a chuubanite effect at all is more of a strength than any kind of trade off. how easy it is to control your triggers is a matter of choice, once again, and so is the effect it produces, so it just means you need to be sure it's what you want before you commit, but since there is nothing to contrast it to, either way, it's a straight improvement without any actual tradeoffs. get someone who knows what they are doing, and the impact of every one of those tradeoffs can be reduced to nothing. we know it takes chuubanite to replenish. the two ways of reactivating it are either to reapply the tattoo, or have the tattoo replenish itself by feeding off of the chuubanite in the blood supply. what happens to the chuubanite in the blood supply? are you implying there should be a way for the tattoo, this inadaptable thing that you yourself said can't change once you've put it on, to recognize when the chuubanite is meant to heal the body, and when it's meant to replenish the tattoo, and to then change how it responds to the chuubanite in the blood stream according to that? no, if it can replenish itself by trapping chuubanite in the blood stream, then it would do so indiscriminately, meaning there would be less chuubanite to regenerate someone to full health. the good news for you is that this is a choice as well. you can either decide that the tattoo replenishes itself, and therefore weakens any other effects, or you can say it doesn't, and that you'll need to reapply it every now and then to keep it from running out of power. desu, it still isn't enough of a tradeoff to be balanced, but it at least makes logical sense as a tradeoff given the explanation i provided, and that's the most important piece to all of this.

>> No.23169380

Was sleeping. Upload it and I'll see if I can't texture it.

>> No.23169592

Also, welcome back lowercaseanon kek.

>> No.23170975

you mean me? i've been bumping this thread for a while, but i guess i haven't really said all that much for a while, so sorry if you guys thought i was gone.

>> No.23171133
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>Mori-milk based conditioner
It'll sell like hotcakes!

>> No.23171181

He's a /meat/head so he's always around

>> No.23171220

Just hadn't seen you discuss something in a few threads, always nice to see an anon.
Can't escape from the cult...

>> No.23171271

ty anon, i get busy every now and then but i'll try to post here when i can.

>> No.23172776
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Glad to hear I'm not the only one who finds it cool!
Yes, the tradeoffs can be significantly mitigated if the user's skilled. That... is kind of the point of skill. It's a tool that can provide significant benefit to those who can master it with minimal risk. If a tool's benefit can't outweigh the cost, then it isn't really a useful tool in the first place.
>contrast and balance
Now that you mention it, what kind of magic do you want to use to balance this proposal against? Having one might make the discussion easier, as then we can compare and contrast the two to see if one is superior to the other in every way.
Actually, it's an interesting question that I don't think has a concrete answer: does "spent" chuubanite has different chemical properties compared with its unspent counterpart?
Other than that, I guess if you put it that way, then yes, there's always a minimal opportunity cost in using chuubanite due to its finite nature, same as things like time and other resources. What I meant to say is that the function of glyph tattoo/scar doesn't inherently impede other magic systems.

>> No.23173014

>does "spent" chuubanite has different chemical properties compared with its unspent counterpart?
I have an as-of-yet non canon idea for an answer to this. Basically, spent chuubanite is chuubanite that has lost its attunement. So if we consider your scar tattoos that contain a certain amount of /meat/-type chuubanite, spending this magical energy would slowly turn this into standard chuubanite, unless the attunement was "topped" up, which could be done with whatever process is used to turn neutral chuubanite into /meat/ chuubanite.

>> No.23173252

I'm not entirely sure if such "neutral" chuubanite is really a thing, although what matters in this case is whether a used chuubanite is different from an unused one chemically, since if so, then it would be possible for the compound to release inert chuubanite and take up active one in (say) blood. In that case, then yes, someone with non-full glyph tattoo will have it take up at least some of the chuubanite in their system. One it has been recharged to full, though, it shouldn't take up more (barring natural decay) until it's used again.

>> No.23173477

I think I saw someone talk about neutral chuubanite being found in the schizo lands and such, but yeah I don't think that was formalized either. Cycling spent for fresh chuubanite seems like a decent system though.

>> No.23174557
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All the talk about meat and risu chuubanite happened while i was sleeping. wtf bros

>> No.23174604
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Better late than never! Let us hear what you think about it!

>> No.23174622

Same, why do those big talks happen in 00:00-07:00 EST, damn euromeats.

>> No.23174830

Well i know meatheads said they captured a risuner at some point who knows that magic exists. They definitely didnt capture a witch as that would be near impossible even for meat raiders. Risu magic works because of risus blessing of the land (nut tribute once a year) and because the chuubanite affects the trees themselves as well as the things that grow on the trees (nuts). Risuners eat chuubanite essence every time they eat nuts and since its their primary food source then risuners dont even know it but theyre constantly packing their bodies with chuubanite energy or at least the traces of it. So a meat risuner would either lose this ability over time or their chuubanite would adapt to meat lands and serve their needs of being infused in their bodies rather than being eaten.

>> No.23174877
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Also to note is sadly I do have to do a bit of wageslaving so ill be back in about 6 hours or so. Ill fully explain it when i get back.

>> No.23175260
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Yeah, that's basically what I have in mind. The ancestors of the /meat/ risuners only knew there was some kind of magic gems that could be used, but they likely didn't know where those gems come from, and definitely didn't know how to reproduce the process of creating them (not to mention not having access to the magical forest anyway). The whole living in foreign and often hostile land meant they would be pretty desperate to recreate something like the magic gems to protect themselves, which was why they started experimenting on whatever they could find to see if they could make magic out of it. I imagine one of the reasons they tested on dye might be because they also came in pretty colours, but it doesn't really matter.
Ultimately, the result was that they found out shoving chuubanite-enriched dye into themselves (still discussing with the other anon about it) in specific patterns (glyphs) allowed them to use magic, and so they began developing that technique, which eventually spread to the rest of /meat/ as they became part of the /meat/ population. Ultimately, this technique doesn't run on Risu chuubanite, the blessing or magic gems, and now they're probably all running on /meat/ chuubanite like other native /meat/heads - they just happen to be lucky enough to discover this technique while trying to recreate it.
The only noticeable difference on whether they knew witches exist would be that if they did, then /meat/ risuners would have their own witches, but what they do will be drastically different from /risu/ witches. It's ultimately just an aesthetic thing.

Good luck, see you later! Although by then it's my turn to wageslave

>> No.23175574

>Vitubium in /risu/'s nuts is also an aphrodisiac.
>Thus horni tree rats.

>> No.23175729

>Yes, the tradeoffs can be significantly mitigated if the user's skilled.
it's the tool that has to have the tradeoff. imagine the differences between a sword, a polearm, and a shield. a sword is versatile, and it's cutting area is quite large, a skilled swordsman can be very effective with it, and could quickly maneuver the sword around a shield to strike at the person carrying it with more ease than someone with a polearm, who is only effective at medium range, and only has a specific area of their weapon that is meant to hit their target, yet a swordsman might find it difficult to get to medium range against someone with a polearm because they have better reach, and arguably better grip, even if everyone has the same level of skill. the tradeoff is an immutable aspect of the tool itself, skill can only ever help mitigate some of it, never all of it. with a different tool, the same person would be able to do somethings better. furthermore, the majority of the tradeoffs you mentioned are reliant on preparation, which i suppose is a skill, but most of that preparation would have been done by other people making mistakes that people learn from, or otherwise make good use of what they have. the one skill you need to master any tradeoff of using this method is not being a complete dumbass before you get your tattoo, and you can just get a new one elsewhere if it doesn't work out for you. tools with benefits that outweigh their costs are tools that are so bad at achieving their purpose that using them gets you further from your goal. it doesn't matter how inconvenient it is to use a tool if it's the only thing that lets you do what you are trying to do. part of what i meant by contrast was what benefit is there in not having it. the way you are describing it, anyone anywhere in this setting without a tattoo is stupid and inferior. people with tattoos can do everything they can do and then some. this applies to other factions besides /meat/, btw, so walking around covered head to toe in tattoos might not be so suspicious in a setting where everyone with half a brain could gain a straight upgrade just by copying some easy to use tattoo patterns and enduring a negligible, almost nonexistent amount of pain from the needles. imagine a weapon that has all the functions of another weapon, but also has an additional feature that the original doesn't. maybe it costs more to produce, maybe it requires more material, finer craftsmanship, and more time, maybe the user has to learn a new set of techniques in addition to all the previous techniques to fully make use of the new features added onto the weapon, but regardless, once all the preparations are made, it is everything the original was, and then some, without a single added drawback to think of. obviously everyone with half a brain would go for the new and improved weapon. my suggestion makes logical sense from a physical standpoint, and it gives your suggestion the one thing it absolutely does not have right now, a tradeoff. do you not like my suggestion? i think it works perfectly fine, and it balances things out just a bit, which is my main concern, but not necessarily my main standard i suppose.
spend chuubanite is depleted, it loses any special atributes and probably turns into some waste product that can't be used as chuubanite, but maybe won't kill you since it is fairly abundant in living organisms, unlike led which is rather toxic if ingested in high amounts. being turned into vitubium turns chuubanite into an infinitely replenishable resource, which the rentry specifically advocated against, and it brings up the question of whether or not our universe should be able to host life at all if vitubium's natural state is it's pure, highly unstable form.

>> No.23176096 [DELETED] 

So what's the consensus with Fandead and Rushia going forward

>> No.23176255

No consensus so far, but my take on it is that if the Mike thread sticks around, they end up in rushialand, no need to overthink it.

>> No.23176737

Is the land a radioactive wasteland right now? Also how will they rebuild nature?

>> No.23176850

In vitubia time, I think it would be reasonable to say a few years have passed since the graduation. Nature has probably already recovered in the whole land except maybe right where the "bomb went off" so to speak. See chernobyl being a thriving natural reserve.

>> No.23177414

Chernobyl is still radioactive to this day though. Unless there's a way to use Vitubium to clean up the radiation they'll have to settle in not irradiated spots.

>> No.23177567

Chernobyl is more radioactive than other places, but you could live there. Especially in pre-modern times 30% more cancers in the 60+ population (made up numbers, just making a point) would not impede settlement. /rushia/ is pretty huge, so there would be plenty of land far from the hot spots which would probably still not be survivable.

>> No.23177887 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't Mike have come out from the epicenter? It's possible she and Fandead developed an immunity to the radioactive material somehow

>> No.23177894

So I kinda have an idea of creating a "dead vitubium dust" that can mix with the soil and water. The dead vitubium dust can absorb the lethal radiation that energizes the vitubium. Energized vitubium dust is non-lethal at small dosages and useful as fertilizer to give plants more energy to grow. The plants then convert the vitubium dust into a nutrient in their chlorophyll and sap.

>> No.23178110

Their new name is Nekofami. Yeah, I could see that. Apparently some Fandead escaped /rushia/ through a portal to /jp/ while everything was dying, so you could have them coming back transformed into a new form after spending some time in the Warp, or something like that.
I think the specific effects of vitubium when mixed with other substances depends on its attunement with a given general, no? Unless dead vitubium is specifically neutral chuubanite. Where would it come from?

>> No.23178144

>absorb lethal radiation
lethality, even in regard to radiation, is mostly about dosage. you'd end up making an antivitubium that way.

>> No.23178442

Perhaps the vitubium comes from the warp in /jp/? It could lose all of its power from the warp.

So its literally impossible then because antivitubium is anti-energy. And anti-energy deletes energy it comes in contact with like anti-matter. We can take the mutagen approach then. Any creature not evolved to tolerate the radiation will die. Thus the radiation is a natural barrier to kill invading Holos, schizos, and unicorns.

>> No.23178671

>And anti-energy deletes energy it comes in contact with like anti-matter.
Sorry, I feel the need to be a pedantic nerd. Anti-energy isn't a thing, that would break the First Law. Carry on.

>> No.23179140

The mutagen approach is the more logical conclusion anyway. Any creature that doesn't die from cancer caused by radiation will reproduce and live on; even if that creature evolves into another species than its parents. Thus you get more radiation resistant flora and fauna. As for those returning from /jp/, they can bring supplies with them to help them survive the wasteland. For those left behind the living are resistant to radiation and will thrive in the wasteland. Mikeneko herself can be a reincarnation of Rushia but born in a mutant's body that is immune to radiation. That's my guess what could happen. In the end its up to the nekos to write their lore.

>> No.23179252

We need a /meat/head to become a nekofami. She has wrist cuts bandages, she's practically a /meat/tuber already.

>> No.23179570

>Where would it come from?
/meat/head here, i mentioned it being the blood of the chuubas some time ago. it basically comes from the warp, but not "in /jp/" but rather from what i call the "heavenly realm" which you can think of as a universe full of concepts, like the warp. vitubium can bridge the gap between our realm and that one, so there could be a process to get more of it, like stealing energy from a black hole by tossing something into it. that process, i would argue, is what /meat/ engages in, though it would only let in energy which would disperse and later become vitubium someplace else in the world, likely deeper in the earth. on a purely physical level, i think it should just be made naturally, same as other radioactive substances, mostly from dying stars.
>antivitubium is anti-energy.
when was that suggested? vitubium is it's own element, if it was pure energy it wouldn't work at all. i wasn't even refering to anti-matter, though, since we had previously talked about a chuubanite that neutralized chuubanite near it, one suggestion was to mix it with led, but if there is a form of vitubium that absorbs vitubium radiation then that's it. desu, i would prefer it just be made inert and functionless. in the same way having too much radiation makes the universe unstable, having too little could screw up the physics of our setting a bit, too.

>> No.23179667

i'm sure she'll get plenty of /meat/ content made about her, but i wouldn't call her a /meat/tuber just yet. menhera and horror tubers aren't automatically /meat/tubers.

>> No.23179800

i was asleep too. i messed around with the geometry a little this morning. You should see two modifiers, you should apply mirror if you aren't going to change any vertices yourself. make sure the mirror modifier has "merge" selected as to not get a ridge in the middle of the mask when you subdivide. i made sure the mask's shape will hold up through subdivision so you should be fine with that for when you go into render
P.S. i ran into this glitch when testing the link, it works, but sometimes it will open a new blender window and fuck with the geometry, like turn it into a ball of tris, i don't know if this is file specific but if you open it through the normal directory you shouldn't get any problems.

>> No.23179888

>>23178110 (Me)
I was referring to dead vitubium specifically. Regarding "usual" vitubium, yeah I think its energy just kind of leaks into Vitubia from the Heavenly Realm. /meat/ draws it in with their rituals, and other nations may do something similar with theirs (Risu's yearly nut ritual for example), or a specific totem could act as a nexus for the transfer (like Mt. Mori or the meteorite given to Sanalites by Sana).

>> No.23179985

dead vitubium comes from depleted vitubium. it's implied in the name. the real question would be what it's properties would be.

>> No.23180044

Antivitubium is either anti-energy or anti-matter. Anti-energy cannot exist but anti-matter can. Anti-matter/dark matter may be the tools of jannies to erase you from existence (if you're permanently banned from 4chan then you may as well not exist). Anyway I'm warming up to the idea of Mikeneko's general becoming a post-nuclear paradise. Especially if its cities reclaimed by nature. Which seems like a comfy setting. Or I've been playing the new Kirby too much.

>> No.23180451

don't lump antimatter and dark matter together like that. the way you are speaking of this stuff kind of implies you might not have done your astrophysics reps. antivitubium specifically refers to the stuff people were refering to in previous threads. it is not antimatter. it wouldn't be antienergy even if that were a thing because vitubium is not energy. antimatter is just normal matter, but with an opposite charge, pretty much. why would a janny use something like that when they could use literally anything else, including natural phenomena. dark matter is practically a spook, physicists use it to explain why their models don't perfectly predict the distribution of matter in the universe, who knows/cares what it is/does?

>> No.23180526

wait, what the fuck is antivitubium? I don't think we have defined vitubium itself well enough to start fucking around with theoretical physics tier shit

>> No.23180527
File: 304 KB, 716x887, 1636706797179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I've seen worse topology. Any ideas how we could color this thing? If you've got a reference or something like that.

>> No.23180645
File: 12 KB, 258x325, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking we base it off this. i know the mask i made is larger and wraps around the head more, but i think it will work

>> No.23180727

The OG? Yeah, could work, maybe I can make the pattern in the middle larger to fill out that forehead more.

>> No.23180989
File: 18 KB, 965x371, morigconlang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooo i've got a small idea, what if we made inscriptions with the picrel script?

>> No.23181047

Ahh I wanted to use it in something, that's a great idea! What should it say? something short with big letters, or a whole incantation thing?

>> No.23181545

I'm still trying to figure our if antivitubium means the anti-version of the matter or just "dead" vitubium.

I'll need to do more research. All I recall from anti-matter is that when it combines with matter then both of them disappear. As for antivitubium I think dead vitubium would be a better name. Dead vitubium is vitubium that's so stable that it has lost almost* all energy transferring properties. Thus making it a lump of dense metal. Might be useful in forging alloys and salts that are resistant to energy. Including radiation from decaying isotopes.

*By almost all energy transfer I mean the metal can still be heated up and cooled. Dead Vitubium would lose energy storing properties.

>> No.23181609
File: 1 KB, 236x126, 211321241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we can make it in latin, since that's what the script is based off of. what's something significant to /morig/? because i don't actually know what they would write. maybe "magna supra" which would look like picrel

>> No.23181736

Makes sense. Well, the Allah Akhbar of /morig/ would 100% be "Memento Mori", so that would be a good choice.

>> No.23181772

>I'm still trying to figure our if antivitubium means the anti-version of the matter or just "dead" vitubium.
neither originally. look through old threads. all it means is that nearby vitubium effects are weakened or canceled out. the only person who thought it was antimatter was you. if "dead vitubium" would have the properties you describe, it absolutely can't be depleted vitubium. it must be vitubium mixed with some element that stabilizes it, probably led since that was what the other anons from the other threads which you apparently missed suggested.

>> No.23182081
File: 1 KB, 270x126, 98765432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, here you are

>> No.23182121

In other words there's no such thing as antivitubium. Got it.

>> No.23182221
File: 109 KB, 893x900, FDijfeMVkAA2D35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23182288

Nice, thanks anon. Lemme pull this into CPS and try to edit this into a nice graphic, we can use something like this in a lot of other things, like banners and stuff.
Also, do I misunderstand something about the alphabet, or that first "m" should have just one diamond, correct?

>> No.23182568

Shit, I'm totally going to embed actual diamonds where the lettered diamonds are, diamonds are one of our main mining goods.

>> No.23184070
File: 363 KB, 2688x1512, coolmei_art_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the use/characteristics of /who/'s chuubanite, I think as the Republic is supposed to be a scientific civilization, the use and extraction of chuubanite should be fairly limited. I propose that although the nation is minerally rich, its chuubanite is dispersed and mostly found in trace amounts in the soil, with limited veins that produce lower yields. The Mumei affiliated chuubanite's effect is very minor, only improving the crop yield and quality of the produce and perhaps being a little bit more stable & lasts longer. In a similar vein, chuubanite's effect on the population is relatively inconsequential with minor improvements of their physical constitution.
As there isn't much need of incorporating chuubanite into their tech, and extraction is very cost-prohibitive, the result is that the most common use of chuubanite is in powered torches/lamps and magic neutralising slabs made with Mumei affiliated chuubanite and lead. Since the lead slabs also weaken the effect of the chuubanite in /who/'s soil, they are only installed near fortifications and on military ships.

Not going to write a proper paragraph for the rentry yet, what do others from /who/ think?

>> No.23185292
File: 363 KB, 2914x1884, raptors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on, i'm currently busy right now with my IRL duties so I won't be able to offer much commentary or ideas, but from a quick reading it sounds plausible for the Republic.

>> No.23187599


>> No.23187634

how's it going so far? i'm probably gonna be gone for a bit playing overwatch 2 so i may not look for a while

>> No.23187752

Well, while starting to draw the letters I got it into my head that it would be way more futureproof to create a vector font from the lettering, so I'm doing that right now https://inkscape-manuals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating-custom-fonts.html
I'll post it if I get it to work.

>> No.23187872

wait nigga i already have a font creator, why didn't you just ask? i got a license for it and everything, give me a minute

>> No.23188003
File: 88 KB, 331x458, 1628373130969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based, thanks anon.

>> No.23188278

When it comes to scripts I've always had a hard time imagining them. Mostly because I never used a calligraphy brush before. And I used to write print as a kid because cursive is girl language. So I never got the flow of physically writing.

If I were to imagine a script then it would be a simple yet high skill language where every stroke of the brush flows into each letter.

>> No.23191190

You might be imagining arab, though I'm not sure that counts as simple.

>> No.23191710

I guess it also depends on your language and how letters flow into script as well. Different languages do have different scripts. Especially Asian languages that don't really use an alphabet.

>> No.23191812

Correction. They have an alphabet but the alphabet is sounds rather than letters.

>> No.23191911
File: 2 KB, 197x46, 987656789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna be 100% with y'all, i have no fucking clue what i'm doing, but here's a WIP of the font

>> No.23193048

I need someone who is good at writing comedy to write a short greentext about this
This is too good to pass up!

>> No.23193403

Poured down my heart and soul on this video for the bros over at /vsj+/ dedicated to our beautiful thread :)


>> No.23194319

The New World will always be a mystery to us Old World bros

>> No.23194523

Can I visit? I do have an archive of Pomf!

>> No.23194888

/vsj+/ has the biggest tourist industry. You may visit anytime. Don't forget documentation!

>> No.23195218

Why the papers? Do you have an illegal immigration problem?

>> No.23195316

Damn that's soulful as fuck, great work anon.

>> No.23195347

Should /vsj+/ count as a /here/ civilization since Nyanners used to be one?

>> No.23195455

she disowned us, at best it's "formerly /heer/"

>> No.23195479

That was long enough ago, that's more in the realm of myths and legends by now.

>> No.23195484

We need to be careful with whom we invite as the holopeople are a very diverse ethnic group which also comes with very diverse behavior, so proper documentation is crucial in keeping the peace

>> No.23195537


>> No.23195588

Maybe it can be something similar to the germanic franks who split into east francia and then they diverged from eacother and became germany and france two very different countries

>> No.23195664

which makes sense with >>23195455

>> No.23195693

Franks, Normans, and Lombards are cucks
Why would you willingly become Latin?

>> No.23195855

>There are still people worshipping a goddess that disowned them
Y tho

>> No.23195902

Well, we are not latin. We lore similar to the latin one except we didn't get clowned on by dogshit germanic barbarians

>> No.23195918

Well, most goddesses have never blessed the people of Vitubia in the first place and they still get worshipped.

>> No.23195999

Ironic since your people were the barbarian tribes who destroyed the once powerful /jp/ era empire of /774

>> No.23196276
File: 96 KB, 2560x1536, VSJ flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but my national identity is that of the new federative republic, and not of the nyanners tyranny

>> No.23196995

Looks cool, how does it work exactly? Do you have to pick from existing shapes or you cand raw them. I think I liked the calligraphy look of the original a bit more but this is good too.

>> No.23197267

I also want to make this clear for OP who manages the general:

National Flag: https://files.catbox.moe/1rr4xf.png

Naval Jack

Coat of arms: https://files.catbox.moe/erw29u.png

National Anthem - On our way! https://streamable.com/zc52rp

>> No.23197438

Don't use that link for coat of arms BTW. It has a weird pink outline. Use this one instead: https://files.catbox.moe/f9fmtp.png

>> No.23197687

i have to fuck with the vectors myself, pain in the ass really but not as hard as you'd think. i also designed the script to be about four main shapes used in different orders, so that's easy

>> No.23197715

Flying from New York to London puts, on average, more radiation in your body than sleeping in a tent for a night in Chernobyl. Especially after cleanup operations. Pretty sure NatGeo dissected this pretty well in an on-site article a decade back or so.

>> No.23197952
File: 2.59 MB, 2500x1257, 1628736338012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I noticed that, handy. Keep us updated anon.

>> No.23198055


You're still the wannabe continental hegemon. We have something to say about that.

Fucking Latins, you're gasmouloi. At an unlikely best.

Kyriai Eleison! We're ready to crush the Latins.

>> No.23198488

The problem isn't just radiation on the skin. Its injesting and inhaling radioactive food and dust. Animals would have to adapt to tolerate radioactive food and dust or be keen enough to avoid rad poisoning all together.

>> No.23198599

In the concentrations found in Chernobyl, those things are survivable, you just get a lot more cancer. There are plenty of large animals, mammals, fishes in Chernobyl.

>> No.23198761

Yeah but...

>> No.23198812

Try it. You won't even make it close to Nova Pomfia

>> No.23198879

A bit of cancer's never killed anyone. Well, not often enough and quick enough to prevent sexed reproduction and the birthing of the next generation at least.

>> No.23200095

That might work for animals that mature quickly. Not so much for humans.

>> No.23200271

Nah, works for humans too. You can look at cancer rates in Nevada after the nuclear bomb tests, or Ukraine outside of the exclusion zone (where radiation levels aren't that much lower than in the exclusion zone). You get a lot of thyroid, colorectal cancers, but at those dosages they are lethal late enough to make kids.

>> No.23201856


>> No.23203388
File: 10 KB, 551x80, 987656789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

font so far

>> No.23203665
File: 298 KB, 1024x683, 1635706637415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good! This styling kinda makes me think of the thai alphabet, I think it might be the thicker lines.

>> No.23204736

>the tradeoff is an immutable aspect of the tool itself
That, um, I'm just going to disagree. I don't think we really have the same idea on how a tool should be weighed in that regard.
>the way you are describing it, anyone anywhere in this setting without a tattoo is stupid and inferior
I don't think that's really something you can claim without, you know, other people pitching in.
>do you not like my suggestion?
Not really, no. Sorry. I try not to comment on that too much since I try to be polite, but I can't see how it actually deals with the issues you described, or conform to how tattoo in general worms. You're free to make it also a thing in this setting if you want, though.

Speaking of which, I would really want to know how others outside of /meat/ think of it. Maybe some outsider perspective will help improve the discussion.

>> No.23205044
File: 17 KB, 122x308, 1619622981693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/meat/ already has higher strength and regeneration thanks to chuubanite shenanigans, so tattoos that give higher immunity and make you a bit faster for other /meat/heads doesn't change things that much. The concept is fine, the magnitude of those performance improvements just has to be in line with other similar applications of chuubanite.
t. deadbeat that will have to fight those fuckers

>> No.23205467

Against /meat/heads and any other invaders deadbeats would probably have a massive home territory advantage.
So they would favour a defensive strategy since they mastered the art of _deflection_
sorry, I’ll see myself out, kek

>> No.23205619
File: 3.78 MB, 480x270, 1647011316291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you can have that one, ryonafriend.

>> No.23205683

We do need to figure out how glyphs work at some point. Specifically the limits of complexity. Glyphs can get as complicated as a microprocessor as seen with Robosans. Though I don't think tatoos can get that complex in human skin. We can heal small scratches easy. Plus I don't think we can carve finer glyphs in flesh in my opinion. That said /meat/ is certainly free to try.

>> No.23205716

I don't know if the higher strength is actually due to chuubanite or just lifestyle choice, but the regenerative effect might help muscle/bone training? I vaguely remember those relying on them constantly having microscopic tears being repaired.
As far as the effect goes, I don't think it's going to be stronger than more mundane chuubanite use with the same mass and glyph. Maybe it is more efficient than external chuubanite effects when it comes to physiological effects (since it's buried under your skin)?
I imagine the main benefits of this technique's that you can't disarm someone's skin (easily, at least), and it's easier to hide under clothes than chuubanite-inscribed clothes/gears of the same size. My original mental image for a use case would be a /meat/ risuner using the linear propulsion to make seemingly impossible jumps and leaps to sneak around. Might also be useful if they need to ram or punch people too.

>> No.23205895

>I vaguely remember those relying on them constantly having microscopic tears being repaired.
That's how normal muscle growth works, so that checks out to me. Basically a bit like steroids that boost your muscle recovery, resulting in increased muscle mass (aka more /meat/).
Also, on the linear propulsion thing, are we keeping conservation of momentum in, or nah? We don't have to, we could just say the chuubanite pushes on the Heavenly Aether or something like that to satisfy my autism, just wondering.

>> No.23205992

I imagine the limits of glyph complexity is an engineering one - how fine is the tool making the glyph, and how stable the material is. For tattoo and flesh, there are some truly intricate tats out there, although by their nature tattoos are prone to stretching if the skin stretches, so that might ruin the glyph in question. The low total mass of ink in tattoo might also put a limit on its effectiveness (assuming chuubanite effect is proportional to the mass of chuubanite consumed, which seems logical). You can potentially pack more chuubanite in your skin if you go for scarification, but that comes at the cost of lower resolution and thus glyph complexity.

>> No.23206282

I have some things I want to ask about tatoos later. However I'm waiting to see what you come up with for limits first.

>> No.23206319

>tfw /meat/heads are actual fantasy steroid junkies
For the linear propulsion, I took it from the chuubanite proposal, where chuubanite is stated to have the ability to amplify the acceleration/force. Not sure how that interacts with conservation of momentum, though.

>> No.23206534

I don't think I can give concrete limitations without us first deciding on a scale of how the mass of chuubanite spent and the complexity of glyph affects the effect. I mentioned the limitation of skin area, muscle movement/gesture to activate the glyph, and the mass of chuubanite embedded as limits, but they're all relative to other potential ways to use chuubanite glyphs,

>> No.23206665

Ah, yeah that part of the entry was a bit vague. Probably intentionally, to give us room to make decisions.
If we wanted to go for a rigorously physical interpretation, I'd say that chuubanite is able to create a stress in the material, IE it can contract or expand, similarly to magical piezo crystals. This would allow it to exert sudden bursts of force that would allow your leaping and jumping feats by suddenly contracting when the muscle is actuated.
Or it can just generate a force by pushing on the void. That has a ton of implications for latter technology, but it is kind of similar to the anti-gravity feats that it already has.
Hmm when I started to write this post I kinda preferred the stress interpretation, but now that I remember the anti-gravity stuff, we're breaking conservation of momentun anyway, so I guess this implementation wouldn't require new assumptions.

>> No.23206715

I've witnessed this several times now to wonder:
Now that it's happening again, which unlucky nation shall take the brunt off from /morig/ once again?

>> No.23206854
File: 1.58 MB, 3810x4096, 1642037415598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An expedition should be sent to the schizo wastelands to figure out where they will be headed next. We can capture a couple shaman's and interrogate them, they don't have /meat/'s love for pain.

>> No.23207152
File: 174 KB, 672x936, dis-38-bond-of-agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the stress interpretation cause the glyph to be pushed the other way and thus rip it from the skin?

>/meat/'s love for pain

>> No.23207319
File: 414 KB, 1200x630, 1636846768452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't the stress interpretation cause the glyph to be pushed the other way and thus rip it from the skin?
I guess there's a couple things here. Is the force applied to the glyph itself, or is the force applied to the flesh around the glyph? If the former, the glyph will be ripped off with either interpretation. If the latter, which would mean the chuubanite diffuses into the flesh around the tattoo somewhat, the force would be applied to the flesh as much as the glyph, again in either interpretation.
Consider picrel, all the glyph would do is assist the contraction the muscle belly is already doing.

>> No.23207653

I think picrel's a different case, since the proposal states that the applied force is perpendicular to the surface of the glyph i.e. coming out/going in the skin, so it can't really help the muscle contract (although other effects of chuubanite might do just that). Hence if the user want to make a big leap, they would have to activate a back tattoo while their front is pointing towards the direction they want to go. For picrel, the tattoo would be on the front or back of the forearm (and having it be too strong risk tearing apart the elbow joint?).

>> No.23207814

Oh, I wasn't aware the force had to be perpendicular to the glyph, I envisioned the glyph contracting along the plane it was drawn on. Since the glyph is already a flat plane, contraction perpendicular to that plane would be very small, whereas contraction parallel to the plane would be significant.
Well, it's just an idea. Any of those options can work in the end.

>> No.23208176

let me just ask this. does the glyph get replenished by any other means besides reapplying the whole tattoo again? if the answer is yes, physics demands it take a toll on how effective other forms of chuubanite are on the body.
>I'm just going to disagree
why don't you use a hammer to drive in screws? why don't you use a screwdriver to hammer in nails? if you disagree with the idea that a tool can have an immutable tradeoff to it, why don't you invent an omnitool that does everything just as well as anything else in the right hands. even our hands are imperfect tools, we could never have the mobility and flexibility of the octopuss, and yet they have their tradeoffs, too. it is an objective fact, whether or not you disagree with it doesn't make much of a difference.
>don't think that's really something you can claim
look at the progression of technology as a whole. typically, there are a few tradeoffs to it's progression. 1) the production gets more technical as more complex systems are integrated, which make the product better in every way compared to it's previous variant outside of production. 2) the uses of the technology may increase, allowing something to do everything the previous variant could do, but also something new. though people who used the old versions already know how to perfectly make use of the old systems which now work better than before, they will need to learn how to make use of the new systems which the previous system could not replicate at all. these two tradeoffs are not tradeoffs. they are progressions. objectively superior versions of their previous counterpart with "tradeoffs" that don't even have the chance to make a difference.
>more complex systems are more complex, but can do more
>more options means more skills to learn, but it also means more skills
imagine thinking getting a larger inventory space in a game where you have to organize your inventory is a tradeoff because you have to organize more stuff, when the benefit of the larger inventory space is specifically that you have more space to organize more stuff. it's a self-defeating drawback with benefit to spare, therefore it isn't a drawback at all, it's purely a benefit. that is what your tattoos are, and that is why i want an actual counterbalance to them. all i am asking for is a counterbalance that is inherent to the tool, just like a screwdriver is inherently different from a hammer, both having pros and cons that make them better or worse compared to each other in different scenarios, i want a drawback that couldn't be 101+% negated by someone with half a clue what they are doing. please.

>> No.23208353

To be fair, the list of functions on that rentry isn't meant to be exhaustive, so there might well be glyphs that can cause contraction/expansion in those directions as well. For /meat/ use, though, I imagine something that amplify/prolong muscle contraction signals would be more fitting.

>> No.23208830

one of the risuners is having mating sex with one of them constantly.

>> No.23208873

What about the body having its own chuubanite/vitubium that you have to maintain in order to survive. Tattoos can ruin the vitubium balance in the blood stream. Too little vitubium and the body loses its ability to heal. Too much vitubium will cause poisoning that leads to a super hot fever that may cook the body alive. We also piss out stable vitubium, which is vitubium that can no longer hold energy. Every person's vitubium needs depends on their genetics and lifestyle. It is also impossible to OD on vitubium from food as obesity, heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems, and diabetes will kill you first.

>> No.23208911

How about morig?
Do you have any vtuber aligned powers?

>> No.23208943

i believe their bone density is very strong. Not too sure though.

>> No.23209010

>I envisioned the glyph contracting along the plane it was drawn on
desu, he just said that it would be on the z axis. if the z axis is curved it would stant to reason that the effect would curve. general relativity reps i guess, what with gravity literally just being the curvature of spacetime and everything moving in a perfectly straight line in space relative to it's frame of reference.

>> No.23209160
File: 69 KB, 578x811, 1648185742717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /risu/ land is blessed with magic chuubanite that enhances tree growth
> trees grow nuts that contain essence of magic energy
> Risuners eat these nuts constantly
> Risuners are filled with magical energy which explains their extreme squirrel like dexterity and speed

>> No.23209364
File: 2.12 MB, 3618x4096, 1650073445625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our powers are fully passive rather than active. Mori-type chuubanite accumulates in hard materials and encourages further hardness, so it tends to accumulates in Deadbeat skeletons and kind of crystallizes there (it does that in our diamonds as well), and encourages our tissues to harden and densify, including our bones and muscles. We've got a whole ass autistic rentry on the topic if you're interested.
TL;DR, we've got higher defense as opposed to health regen.
Dangerous amounts of chuubanite results in increasingly heavy deadbeats, but only our few priestesses can survive the strain this causes on the mind and body.

>> No.23209387

Well, we already know chuubanite naturally lost its power over time, hence the need for the glyph to be replenished one way or other. /meat/heads already eat chuubanite-enriched flesh, though, so I guess it means an inked /meat/head would need to eat more to keep the glyph charged in addition to their other needs for chuubanite.

>> No.23209495

as i said, tattoos only limit the chuubanite in the blood by trapping some of it, maybe if you had too many tattoos then it could impeed your health, but for that to happen, it would have to rival the passive intake of chuubanite in everything from air, to food, to even nutrients absorbed by the skin. even if it got to that point, the remedy would be simple. higher intake of chuubanite. if we must make this a major issue, keep in mind that my suggested tradeoff is only attached to the passive replenishment of the tattoos via the bloodstream. all you need to do is say it doesn't do that anymore and my tradeoff is meaningless, and no longer has any logical justification, which takes precedence over whether or not it would balance tattoos, even though it definately wouldn't because regardless of which option you take, it is a choice whether or not an individual wants their tattoos to syphon chuubanite from their bloodstream, that choice is met by the fact that they must constantly reapply the tattoos for them to stay effective.
> We also piss out stable vitubium, which is vitubium that can no longer hold energy.
when did we decide this?

>> No.23209649

>Well, we already know chuubanite naturally lost its power over time, hence the need for the glyph to be replenished one way or other. /meat/heads already eat chuubanite-enriched flesh, though, so I guess it means an inked /meat/head would need to eat more to keep the glyph charged in addition to their other needs for chuubanite.
this, pretty much. i am not saying people with tattoos lose the ability to recover from any kind of injury at all, just that some of the resources are diverted elsewhere.

>> No.23209668

We didn't. But eventually the chuubanite will stablize inside the body. Which means we eventually have to get rid of it naturally somehow I think.

>> No.23209915

now that you explain it, it makes sense. ty, i think that sounds fine.

>> No.23210136

would this affect their abilites in bed? is that one risuner banging a walking rock with tits?

>> No.23210210

you can be sure they'll have the hardest hard-on you've ever experienced, if you're into that.

>> No.23210272

well the risuner is the guy so how does this affect the girls? is she just buff as fuck and manhandling him? which hes probably into anyway

>> No.23210274

If I get this stuff wrong then let me know. Anyway I figure chuubanite, or the purer vitubium, would naturally be carried out by the body as salt would. Either by sweating or pissing. Salt might actually be what bonds with stable vitubium to help the body carry it out. I'm getting ahead of myself.

As for stable vitubium in tattoos, salt might be the way to draw it out. Which /meat/ might be happy with rubbing salt in open wounds.

>> No.23210396
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Given my experience with high density, low-moisture collagen, it's more like he's banging a girl made out of car tire. They'll still get wet though, vaginal discharges are necessary for proper function of the organ.
On the manhandling front, I have agreed with Risuner that pic related is canon.

>> No.23210477


>> No.23210734
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>> No.23210785

pure vitubium is unstable, it's the polar opposite of dead vitubium. that's like mistaking fully enriched uranium for fully depleted uranium waste. salt is too abundant in this universe, we should just say vitubium is radioactive and has a half life where it slowly turns into some completely different element. instead of explaining dead vitubium in a chemical way like we do with chuubanite, lets just explain it in a nuclear way and cut the losses. what do you mean by
>draw it out.

>> No.23210906

By draw it out I mean lewd thoughts.

>> No.23211121

you mean /meat/ lewd thoughts or normal lewd thoughts? because it could go either way, but either way i kind of like it. it should be special salt, not the common crap you see just about anywhere, but it would be pretty funny if the thing that took away someone's chuubanite powers by forcibly binding with it was salt.

>> No.23211254

To answer your question yes. As for salt there are many chemicals that are classified as salt. How hard is it to make iodized table salt in this time period?

>> No.23212124
File: 62 KB, 193x184, 1650591211090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infusing yourself with chuubanite, eh? That sounds like a concept I could do something with.
If I could think of anything, that is.

>> No.23212182
File: 289 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont infuse it. we eat it. its in our nuts

>> No.23212805
File: 1.27 MB, 3200x2205, 82745957_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if it's a tattoo, you would have to reach into the dermis of the skin to scrap them out. Hypertrophic scars might be easier to reach, although you still need to cut the scar tissue apart before doing that. Either way, you probably need to scrape the skin to remove the infusion, so it's probably not a very delicate process (which is why tattoo removal is a rather lengthy process IRL). If you happen to fight against someone who rely a lot on inked glyph, though, trying to cut through it and break the glyph pattern might work.

worth it

I thought we decided on vitubium NOT being radioactive in the conventional sense in the bylaws. We know its power decays gradually, and from the look of it, it seems to decay into an unpowered ("dead"?) form of vitubium instead of something not vitubium.
If we assume chuubanite is part of a body's natural process (which seems logical since it has always been part of this world from the look of it), then odds are it (either decayed or still powered) is eventually removed from the body through no.1 and/or no.2. The exact form of it probably doesn't matter.

Iodine hasn't been discovered yet, from the look of it. Hope you eat enough seafood to not get sick!

To be fair, that's also a kind of infusion, just more natural than, say, shoving it under your skin as ink or ash. Looks pretty sick if you're into that sort of thing, though.

>> No.23214408

we don't have to march up to Nova Pomfia, our carbineers just need to lock you up in your own citadels

>> No.23216530

>>23159398 (Me)
Made some additions to the draft:
>entry on murex purple production
>more words on how the glyphs work
>some wiki links for stuff people might need extra information

>> No.23216802 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 800x800, 1642396934050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, for the OP, if desired, there is a version of the globe with more of the Nijicontinent and dynamic clouds.

>> No.23216958

I know, I was planning to use it in the next OP because the file was duplicated when I made this OP... I guess now it means it has to be in the OP after the next one?

>> No.23217055
File: 647 KB, 1823x1572, 1643143892349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I just make globes, OP-making-kun can do what he wants with them.

>> No.23217187
File: 568 KB, 574x574, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like globes too! It's just that I can't upload duplicate files for OP, so I have to cycle through them a bit until the last one dies.

>> No.23217315
File: 614 KB, 3014x4096, 1646614438627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh right, I forgot the file duplication worked like this for new threads as well! I just wanted to make sure whoever was aware of its existence, I posted it late-ish in the other thread kek.

>> No.23219148

>I thought we decided on vitubium NOT being radioactive in the conventional sense in the bylaws.
that's the problem, it makes it so much more difficult to work around when it is like that. typically, when people hear stuff like radioactive they think stuff that either gives spiderman superpowers or turns someone into zombies and ghouls, they don't realize that you get radiation from bananas and the sun, but as a process it works so much better if vitubium is a radioactive element. otherwise it's just too hard to make anything coherent out of it with the differences between stable, pure, and dead vitubium. i think it might benefit us to have a revote while clarifying what these words actually mean, and how it influences the setting instead of allowing the average anon to go "radioactive? boy i sure wouldn't want my entire society to die from early onset skin cancer at only 10 years of age because the entire universe is made out of evil toxic radiation and evil toxic chemicals like dyhidrogen monoxide, ooh scary." or whatever. maybe i am being unfair to the average poster here.

>> No.23219185

NTA, but what do you think when you hear radioactive?

>> No.23219352

But vitubium is magic...

>> No.23219606

the typical mental image of particles being energetically flung like tiny bullets all over the place, while technically true as far as i am aware, is overly dramatized. it's just something that is in the universe. i might be describing it poorly since i am a bit tired at the moment, but idk.
a wizard did it. i would like to avoid these kinds of explanations if at all possible. we can explain more of it if it's radioactive than if we say it's just magical and that we should therefore just let it go without explanation.

>> No.23219716

Yeah, I'm asking for your mental image of radiation, not the typical incorrect pop sci idea. I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with the current voted interpretation of vitubium in your view.
I have some background, feel free to pull out the big words.

>> No.23219817

Water, fire, air and dirt.
Fuck'n chuubanite, how does it work?
I don't wanna talk to a scientist,
Y'all motherfuckers lyin' and gettin' me pissed!

I know what I fucking did.

>> No.23220236

Oh it's the fucking magnets thing, took me a while to get it.

>> No.23220503

frankly, i probably don't know that much more than the popsci types, but i know enough about it to know that they are wrong. i suppose the first thing to not is that there are multiple different types of radiation, and that light itself is a form of radiation, and that their intensity is dependent on their wavelength, which is basically just how energetic they are. microwaves aren't as energetic, so they pass through things more, which is why we use them to heat stuff up evenly* in microwaves, while ionizing radiation like xrays and gammarays are more energetic and thus are closer to what the popsci interpretation of it is. i probably would remember more if i wasn't as tired, but my knowledge is, as you can see, pretty basic myself. i would be more interested in hearing from you if i made any mistakes. regardless, the point i was making was that vitubium being radioactive wouldn't be as much of a concern as a lot of people probably think it would be, and since we use terms like decay and what not to refer to it regardless, unless there is a way for chemicals to decay in the same way nuclear particles do, then it's easier to just use a nuclear physics perspective on the stuff. again, correct me if i am wrong on anything. i am sure i said something stupid here, maybe i'll correct myself later or something.

>> No.23220667

i fucking beg you, use paragraphs

>> No.23221205

Alright, thank you for the clarification. Then, I do not think you have an issue. I think it was generally agreed upon that what was meant in the vote was that Vitubium does not emit ionizing radiation, that is no x-rays, gamma rays, nor alpha or beta particles for that matter. With that, less energetic radiation is perfectly fair game, because chuubanite being able to emite electromagnetic waves in the visible spectrum is universally agreed upon, and in use in the lores of /meat/, /risu/, /morig/, and perhaps others.

>> No.23221311

but they said specifically that vitubium isn't radioactive. i feel somewhat confused, so is it a radioactive substance or not?

>> No.23221401

It doesn't emit ionizing radiation, it may emits other types of EM radiation, which most laymen anon do not know as radiation but rather as "light". The phrasing of the vote leaves some ambiguity upon inspection, but I think this interpretation was universal among the voters, other can pitch in if they disagree.

>> No.23221547

well, if that interpretation is accepted then i guess i'm ok with it. since we already know the magical effects make it decay faster it's not like we're losing anything necessarily by making it this way. ty, anon. lol.

>> No.23221586
File: 847 KB, 2480x3508, FOzW1oOXIAASKFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/rose/ has rosestone, which emits both light and heat. technically /meat/ chuubanite hasn't been shown to glow, the one in the story doesn't mention where the chuubanite's from, and I actually intend it to be rosestones

>> No.23221627

No prob anon, always good to clear things up.
Oops, I stand corrected. I knew I was forgetting glowing chuubanite somewhere.

>> No.23222946

the bump limit is approaching. plan it out now and save yourself the trouble later maybe?

>> No.23223167

Something feels off about this animation, but it's tough to put my finger on it. The land masses seem too "floaty" for lack of a better word. In particular, it looks like /pyon/ is sliding as it disappears off the edge and the light source's reflection seems to be going under the land, for example when it hits Anya-Petra. It also feels like the different height colors are sliding a bit relative to each other. Idk, maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me.

>> No.23223418

Ah, I had a real dilemma here, an anon suggested I have the cloud cover rotate over the continents, since real clouds do move. However, if the cloud cover rotates at a different speed than the continents, then once the rotation of the continent is completed and the webm ends and loops, the video won't loop properly. So, the easy solution I found was to have the cloud cover move back and forth over the duration of the loop so that it returns to its starting point at the end, which causes an artefact that is especially noticeable near /pyon/. It's useful to know it's significant enough to be noticed, I'll make sure to find a better solution. If I made the clouds move any less fast that aspect was just not noticeable, so I think I'll drop the rotating cloud cover thing entirely. I'd want them to look like this eventually, but I'd have to do something to have this directionality wrt the convection cells:
The light source reflection thing is normal; it's because the ocean is more reflective than the land, so only it has a specular reflection. Though looking closely at the video above, the land should probably have a bit more specular, I'll have to play with it.
I don't see shenanigans with the height colors though.
Thank you for your feedback, it will be taken into consideration for the next version.

>> No.23223871

Glad to be of help! With the clouds, couldn't you just have the planet rotate multiple times in a single loop of the webm to get the ratio you want between their speeds while still having both complete their final rotations at the end of the webm?

>> No.23223980

That is a possibility, however if the cloud cover moved 10% faster than the landmass (about what it does now I think) it would mean 10 rotations are required to complete a full loop, making the webm ten times longer. To be able to fit it in the 4 MB OP, it would either have to be a webm for ants, or to be really awfully compressed (unacceptable). There's also the lesser concern that it would take me forever to render, but I could just let er rip overnight.
Hmm, a slower webm for ants might be nice though, could look cute.

>> No.23225605


>> No.23226421

/meat/ just reached /here/ status

>> No.23226597

>/meat/ vtuber comes to /vt/
>it's the ones whose lore is about them harvesting negative energy from humans

>> No.23226617

>/meat/ has been blessed by their oshis

>> No.23226668


>> No.23227261

Sprays can of paint into mouth

>> No.23227420

/meat/chads cannot stop winning!

>> No.23228556

looks like this thread will be past bump limit by the time i see it again. i'll post this to keep my place for when i review everything later. bye.

>> No.23230312


>> No.23230656
File: 131 KB, 463x453, 1613879677847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the /meat/ goddesses
>appearance: human skeleton covered with human exterior
>personality: faithful

>> No.23232115

>/meat/ has a better Mori than /morig/

>> No.23232905
File: 223 KB, 800x480, faunazi_party_flag_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Faunazi party and her loyal SchizoSaplings (SS) shall rise and take over /vt/ Heil Fauhrer! o/

>> No.23233060

Imagine how weird must it be for /meat/heads in universe
Akira's method of relaying revelations gone (banned)
Your Cthulhu cult pantheon was revealed to the world
Several literal who minor demigods (ENvtubers) submitted defeat in the presence of your pantheon
Ending with a surprise visit from two of your deities

>> No.23235468
File: 155 KB, 987x1600, 908289360983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, her fanbox and discord are still up, so I would say it's more like low-ranking priests stopped receiving revelations from her.
Perhaps she deems it the time of plotting, where only her most loyal servants are privy to her instructions...
>and then a few minor demigods surrendered instantly

>> No.23235711

>low-ranking priests stopped receiving revelations
Damn. Pay2win religion moment. We Scientology now
And yes, hilarious to see how the reveal of the ryona pantheon is like unleashing a WMD on the vtuber scene
Every clout chaser and bandwagoneer backed the fuck up

>> No.23236031

>Pay2win religion moment
just opsec, which admittedly isn't really a common concept in the vtubing world

>> No.23236259

>minor demigods with no power or influence plaguing the realm
>Espousing nonsensical philosophies like 'gender politics' and 'cancel culture'
>the Gatekeeper warriors of /hlg/ could not fight all of them
>The Custodian Jannies are preoccupied with Schizo attacks on /morig/ to handle it
>A random group of demigods tried to invade the capital of /hlg/
>Landed in /meat/ instead
>Tried to threaten the /meat/heads by mocking the /meat/'s deities in front of the world
>Their pantheon of abhorrent beings mind breaks the demigods instead
Spring 1120 VTE, The /meat/ Revelations Incident

>> No.23236338

Is ENvtuber demigod even worthy of sacrifices?
Are their flesh even edible?

>> No.23236480

it's the deiphagic equivalent of lard

>> No.23238382
File: 484 KB, 3840x2140, 1647279043599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen. That shit about reorganizing all that lore is going along nicely but holy fuck its a project. By tomorrow it should be done hopefully then i can continue my captain logs of luknights and rose.

>> No.23238959

Gambare Risuner! It'll be worth it. Let us know when it's done, I wanna take a look.

>> No.23239488
File: 476 KB, 423x473, 1647384918243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of luck with your work, my friend.

>> No.23241383

Looking forward to it

>> No.23241620

New bread doko?

I'll keep the coffee warm for you. Do you want sugar amd cream with your coffee?

>> No.23241765
File: 892 KB, 1248x1536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post once this thread's on page 10 after hitting bump limit.
Also, did someone say coffee?

>> No.23242121

Do you take your coffee with sugar and cream? Or would you rather have nutmilk (made from nuts)?

>> No.23242388
File: 7 KB, 211x238, nutty risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NUTMILK! The creamy texture goes well with coffee!
I actually mostly have it black

>> No.23242695

I drink coffee black. I hate dilluted coffee that doesn't taste like coffee. Which is why I hate Starbucks.

>> No.23242746
File: 124 KB, 360x450, 1631037714314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also a black coffee drinker

>> No.23242784

I brew my own, and as a result most chain coffee shop coffee taste like crap to me

>> No.23243787

New bread: >>23243578
stapler edition

>> No.23244460

PTSD triggered.
