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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23130926 No.23130926 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide : https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

>> No.23131189

>What are the panels that you should have on your Twitch profile at a bare minimum, and which ones would make it a lot better, even for a new2view?

>> No.23131202

/asp/ie feet

>> No.23131462

Who do you think has or could have the best feet?

>> No.23131531

About, rules, credits (if any), and FAQ as you go on

>> No.23131584

>go on clover corp's twitter
>check followers/following for mutuals
these are your clover gen 1 chuubas

>> No.23131698

Any good examples of character sheets for live2d artist?

>> No.23131723

>last tweet april 13th
It's slowing down

>> No.23131956

All you really need is the front, but front and back is always good to have as a rule of thumb.

>> No.23132214


>> No.23133054

What are your thoughts on women using male avatars/characters? I'm nonbinary irl and have been doing voice training to make my voice less feminine, but it's still likely it won't pass as a man's voice. idgaf about pronouns or being "misgendered", just want to get opinions about the viewer experience with such a vtuber.

>> No.23133224

see yugo asuma from nijien. people on 4chan hate him because hes playing a male character while actually being a female, be careful

>> No.23133238


>> No.23133304

>people on 4chan hate him
>be careful
rando retards on 4cha are of zero concern and EN indie viewers here make up such a small percentage of viewers that they don't matter whatsoever.

>> No.23133307

I wouldn't be interested in watching.

>> No.23133399

People's opinion here on things like shouldn't be taken into consideration at all. Just watch Hiiragi Yuu. She's got a good stream about creating a brand identity and things to focus on as a new chuuba as well.

>> No.23133989

I don't watch any nonbinary or trans vtubers myself, but not because those things happen to be a dealbreaker for me or anything. I can't really give you the exact feedback you're looking for since I don't watch anyone like you, but I guess I can give you my opinion as a cis man.
I don't see the problem with presenting yourself in the way you feel most comfortable. I do admittedly get a little judgy with trans and nonbinary people who plaster their pronouns at the very top of their profiles because more often than not I find it unnecessary. I can typically tell what gender someone is trying to convey even if they don't necessarily pass, if that makes sense.
The insistence on introducing oneself with a pronoun just comes off as unnecessary self-indulgent identity politics to me, but you don't really sound like the type to do that. I will also acknowledge that proudly labeling yourself with pronouns helps some people feel more comfortable in their own skin, but I honestly find it off-putting. Again, just my opinion and certainly not a dealbreaker.
As for your avatar, it's probably going to be pretty jarring if you're going for anything super masculine or bara-ish, but I doubt I'm telling you anything you don't already know. You'll probably do just fine with a somewhat androgynous-looking male avatar, or maybe even a boyish one depending on your personality.
So long story short, I would imagine that the average vtuber viewer is probably pretty accepting of someone in your situation. People on 4chan might hate you, but I'm really stretching the definition of the word "people" when I say that. The shitposters here barely watch streams, and even fewer people here watch indies at all.

>> No.23134391

FAQ too <3
Jokes aside, should rules be made even as a very very very small streamer with maybe 4 ccv? (If that even is my ccv, I don’t know because Twitch doesn’t seem to use that terminology anywhere in the analytics unless I’m not looking in the right place)
Also not sure about the FAQs either, I don’t get any questions really though other than “what inspired your model/to be a babi” really.

>> No.23134710

Thank you for sharing their info, I'll check out their stuff.

>> No.23134766

I appreciate the feedback, thank you.

>> No.23134793

>open thread
>I'm nonbinary!
>I'm trans!
>I'm just a babi!
its like i'm reading the cringiest parts of twitter.

>> No.23134909

>its like i'm reading the cringiest parts of twitter.
So you don't use twitter much. This thread is incredibly tame compared to the worst of twiiter.

>> No.23135087

Thank you for taking the time to write all this. I was interested on getting perspectives here because other parts of the internet can sometimes be echo chambers when it comes to volatile topics like gender.

I'm primarily interested in vtubing to entertain people, so pronouns related to my character/avatar or the anonymous person behind it aren't a focus for me at all. It's just not something that bothers me. Ideally I want to avoid what you described - that jarring sensation of something being really off with the voice/avatar combo.

Definitely not super masculine. The illustrator I'm commissioning does very "pretty" male characters that get mistaken for being women, which is my general aim.

Once again, ty ty ty

>> No.23135130

>open thread
>people asking questions
>people giving feedback
good good
>some faggot complaining again
it's like I'm reading the cringiest parts of /asp/

>> No.23135208

All the best, nonbinary anon.

>> No.23135603

rope yourself

>> No.23135761

Yeah man, no problem. That really is the great thing about this website even after the massive dip in quality that went down at the end of the last decade—you get a wider range of opinions here than practically anywhere else on the English-speaking internet.
Just be confident and be yourself and you'll do fine.

>> No.23135792

I do!
they are just members their whole thing is debuting and instantly graduating
2view andy this won't make you popular

>> No.23135830

>2view andy this won't make you popular
I'm not a sellout, so whatever.

>> No.23135858


>> No.23135875

Would you call yourself a slave or a master?

>> No.23135941

I literally will watch anyone entertaining enough to keep my attention, doesn't matter what the model is or who they are. Cordy may be a babi, but he's the most enjoyable aspie i have watched. You'll have people who like you for your content, and it won't matter who you are. Just play whichever character you want, anon.

>> No.23135957

What does it have to do with being a mentally ill commie?

>> No.23136184

someone would have to be willing to buy you lol. easy to not sell out when you have nothing of value

>> No.23136287

Sounding a little slavey over there bro

>> No.23136369
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I am a cute girl…

>> No.23136527


>> No.23136604

t. ummy

>> No.23136773
File: 622 KB, 676x607, FRORzQnXsAENF1l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunny wink

>> No.23136789


>> No.23136816

you look like a dude, sis

>> No.23136824
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>> No.23136880
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Results from the poll

>> No.23136886

Sorry to be a pest, do you have an idea as to where I'd find that stream about brand identity by Hiiragi Yuu? I didn't spot it on YouTube or twitch.

>> No.23136946


>> No.23136982

Not to be a meanie, but I think the under 18s need to get the fuck off of 4chan.

>> No.23137034

The best way to find your "true" CCV is to look at the Affiliate (or partner) achievement on the Achievements page. It shows your true average without raids and afaik is the only place that number is available.

>> No.23137070
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>> No.23137076

*at least one of the under 18 is a 26 year old man

>> No.23137389

>no one over 40
I must say that I am a little disappointed. Where the papis at?

>> No.23137911

Honestly you're just debuffing yourself, you're still facing the same problem as other babis. There's quite a number of females using male characters but they tend to not catch on and struggle to grow because they face the same problems as other male vtubers out there. Do as you like if you're just having fun though.

>> No.23138032

Killed themselves or just struck out on their own without reading the drivel that gets posted here on the daily. If you've survived into your 40s you probably have the means and confidence to just DEW EET.

>> No.23138495

Damn you sound mad because you get no views and stack zero paper.

>> No.23138649

Yeah, I'd be shocked if a 40 year old had to read this thread considering pretty much all the advice here boils down to "be honest with yourself and get started"

>> No.23138655

>he doesn't understand disdain

>> No.23138722


>> No.23138756

>he can't think in complete sentences

>> No.23138762
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1629844406665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know vroids come up as a talking point in the threads every now and then and i just scrolled past this on twitter
i'm honestly blown away by how good you can make things look in the program

>> No.23138823

Beats being in denial over your very own existence.

>> No.23138876
File: 2.06 MB, 2315x2265, 1634053688449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute tiny thick eyebrows
Those are the best

>> No.23139329 [DELETED] 

>Tony Hawk of Hockey

>> No.23139474

A lot of the problem with vroid is that the default face shapes look really bad. I genuinely prefer watching scuffed models or just pngs over it in most cases. Not that you can't get something good out of it, like any tool.
It's like what I've seen of vrchat with people running around as exact copies of each other with slight colour changes or a few accessories.

>> No.23139536
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Here’s a fun game: Post an /asp/ie without actually posting them, and other anons would have to try guessing.

>> No.23139692

Could you elaborate on the issues you see male vtubers facing that female voices/male characters deal with?

(also, what does "babi" mean?)

>> No.23140116

Babiniku is a term used by the vtuber community to denote people who choose to inhabit their true body which is mostly just males using female avatars but it can be used to describe the opposite too where females use male avatars.

In the vtuber sphere right now, it's clear that most viewers are demographically male and is thus looking for a female to watch, by choosing to pick a male avatar you'll pretty much losing your natural buff as a female in order to stand competitively with the other male vtubers out there. Unless your design is completely adrogynous and can be mistaken for a girl, it's still a hard sell since we have Nen from Tsunderia stuggling and Ray von Rabenstein who are both newcomers that use male/androgynous avatars and they arent doing the best. Overall if you can learn to be entertaining enough you can grow but it's still going to be way harder than if you just straight up used a cute girl model.

However if you're doing this as a hobby and for fun, do as you like there's nothing more important than feeling comfortable and being yourself. If you plan to make this a career though, you have to deal with this inherent debuff that would be brought up.

>> No.23140197

Have to ditch out early because it's monday, How did the admiral stream go? any Yab?

>> No.23140263
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>> No.23140454

Is short for Babiniku, which is also short for another Japanese phrase, but the important thing is that it's just a word for males using female, usually anime-styled avatars online.
This is the first time I've heard the word "true body" referring to it, or that it also can refer to females using male avatars. So I don't know what they're on about.

>> No.23140808


>> No.23140819

Has any rigger gotten in trouble for using pirated L2D Cubism?

>> No.23140849
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>under 18
Get out and go to school you little bastards

>> No.23140929
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I had a great time and had some people in that seemed to enjoy a stream that's meant to allow people to open up with their negativity. I think i'll keep doing these every 2 weeks or something like that. It's basically menhera zatsudan, which i feel like it could catch on. I could be more relatable as i openly talk about my struggles and feelings and maybe it might be a refreshing counter-point to the "toxic positivity" that a lot of people have.

Who knows, time will tell.

>> No.23140934
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バ美肉, babiniku, has the kanji for beauty and meat.

>> No.23140967

nope, pirate away

>> No.23141086

I'm aware of the various wiki entries, but nowhere does it say female with a male avatar here, or the idea of it being their true body.
Bishoujo and Bishounen start with the same Bi at least so I don't have anything against it, it was just the first time I had heard that.

>> No.23141090

Alto Tiro?

>> No.23141208


>> No.23141338

Give me about 10 more years.

>> No.23141342


>> No.23141684


>> No.23142021

>mashi deleted her vods
hope you're happy, anti anon

mashi i love you

>> No.23142603


>> No.23142935

I should

>> No.23143254
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>captcha: 22D8K

>> No.23143819

>but nowhere does it say female with a male avatar here
Yeah babi technically only refers to a male with a female model. Traditionally male anime/cartoon characters have been voiced by plenty of females so it's definitely not as odd.

>> No.23143857

Hey /asp/friends! Going live in about 5 mins, I'm gonna be doing some comfy 3D sculpting requests! I want to branch out my streams to some more creative stuff but not just drawing like everyone else :)


>> No.23143975
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>> No.23144098
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Self-harm anon

>> No.23144221
File: 252 KB, 442x724, 1064885x26d5270a-7621-4d5f-80ad-0acb81ef71fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's still a hard sell since we have Nen from Tsunderia stuggling
No one looks at this and think it's male. It's a female character with a female voice that's being called a male. I had to google who it was and thought maybe you had the wrong person until I checked their profile. Nen's struggle definitely has nothing to do with their model being "androgynous".

The other person has been streaming for less than 3 months and already has a 20 viewer average.

>> No.23144351
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>> No.23144377

What are some stream overlay turnoffs? What are things you want to see more of that makes things more pleasant?

>> No.23144426


>> No.23144460

where are you getting this "true body" bullshit from? It's guys who wanna have a cute anime girl avatar. That's it. Some play into it more than others but that isn't even as common.

>> No.23144552


>> No.23144572
File: 1.35 MB, 1257x703, 106593497a84988d-2d4f-4f7a-93f3-249f4c67fc79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any extra stuff is needed in all honesty. just the game and an random soft on the eyes image behind it. You can also just fullscreen the game if you want, that's fine too as long as nothing important gets blocked..

>> No.23144587

"true body" is some of the most chuuni shit I've heard in a minute

>> No.23144752

"My ultimate form: a WOMAN"

>> No.23144882

>You fools! I've only shown 5% of the soles of my feet!!

>> No.23145731

Really goes to show you don't need a crazy overlay, she used the same thing for ages and didn't change it until AFTER she had hundreds of viewers.

>> No.23146270

I miss Mashi...

>> No.23146549

She looked so much better before the headband/bow... the simplicity was refreshing yet she was still unique enough to be distinct.

>> No.23146903

if it looks like its made in mspaint or made by someone with clearly no artistic talent. things like basic gradient, big ass ugly fonts, ugly patterns, etc

if you suck at art, just use a basic free one and maybe alter its colors to fit your theme, don't try to make one from scratch

>> No.23148038

The day I get my first fanart will be the happiest day of my vtubing career.
I still have some art a friend made of me when I was eleven. Nothing makes me happier than knowing someone put time and effort into making something for me.

>> No.23148139

I'll just have to draw every /asp/ie until I get to you.

>> No.23150089
File: 1 KB, 88x74, nagito sleep4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm back bitches
soon i will stream again under an actual poorly made PNG i will make
don't remember me????
don't worry about it
i'm just a nigga trying his best and this time i will have the most fun in my life through streaming

>> No.23150150

you look awfully pale for a nigga

>> No.23150184

i will save you

>> No.23150977

>17 in the 30-39 range


>> No.23151391

Come here so I can bend you over my knee.

>> No.23151452

careful anon, I'm sure your knee is achy

>> No.23151465

what do you mean by yikes you little pasty-faced, snot-nosed piece of shit. that'll be you before too long.

>> No.23151645

Depending on what you look like hot, bringing up memories of getting molested which is hot.

>> No.23151748

>t. one of the 2 under 18 snot-eating kids.

>> No.23151801

No joke. Or an especially rambunctious 21 and up...

>> No.23152349

nice, this one struck a nerve.

>that'll be you before too long
cope. I have a good career and social life. Given my current trajectory, it's very unlikely that I'll still be here after 30.

>> No.23152441

Ooh, this one has thin skin.

>> No.23152467

>good career and social life
You wouldn't be posting in the /asp/ thread if you did.

>> No.23152521

take it from a boomer, you're here forever

>> No.23152756
File: 3.48 MB, 1920x1080, FCCBAAE7-918E-493F-B8D6-8196C0BBE761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t mind me, just trying to get an idea sketched out for some layout stuff.
I might try the border like that, but maybe will try something else…
I want something kind of sci-fi but not like typical EPIC 1337 SCI-FI… no generous amounts of extra angles and line thicknesses, maybe a little art nouveau? Honestly not sure what direction I should take, other than “make it look not shit”.

>> No.23152817

No man, that under 25 loser posting on 4chan on a Monday night is better than the rest of us, for some reason. Also, they won't age like we did. And this website is gay and they're too cool for it!

>> No.23152920

I have a good job, plenty of money mild internet fame plenty of women who want a lasting relationship even after years of saying no. And I feel the same. 30 feels so strange. It's a weird foreign concept. Imagine being old. It's like a movie that over stayed It's welcome.

>> No.23153019

Focus on that first. For real.

>> No.23153056

30 is old? That sounds fucking preposterous to me. Is this just because I'm nearly 27 or what

>> No.23153116

Texas stanby?

>> No.23153174

you are correct on all counts anon

>> No.23153229

I guess you had shit genes or something.

>> No.23153260

You're litterally ancient to me desu. Better to burn out then fade away. The only way to save your self is suicide by cop. I don't make the rules old man.

>> No.23153295

Thank god you won't live long enough to make an actual change in the world.

>> No.23153304

to be fair, it is quite old if you are fat, ugly, gay and retarded. and have AIDS
I'm gonna live to be eighty continue to be hot until at least 65

>> No.23153349

You can pretend that you're not old by 30, maybe your body is fine etc. But it's your mind. It's a prison you'll never escape. And one day you'll have to answer for the crime of gluttony, the jury may not be as understanding as I am.

>> No.23153391

Who's on the glutton jury?

>> No.23153404


>> No.23153500

I know people on this website love to say this shit anon, but hoowee that is a whole lot of projection you're throwing that guy's way. pardner. your thirties are where your adult life truly begins imo

>> No.23153578
File: 395 KB, 265x199, 719ff2c0b3a2d4b720397cd4d3af56429b1908db6409f1ab99099bcb523d2600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are you talking about, go take your meds son.

>> No.23153668

you don't understand grandpa. he has money and e-fame! and no bitches or self-esteem

>> No.23153976
File: 176 KB, 1920x1081, schedule-off-blueyellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i download a free schedule but how can I put text in the same font as the image?

>> No.23154017

Find out what font they used and install the font.

>> No.23154037

Ask the person who made it what font they used and go download/install it if you don't have it already.

>> No.23154079

Find the font or one that looks like it, download it and if it isn't free, get it from vk.com

>> No.23154195

Look at us being the other half of anon's brain

>> No.23154238

thank you so much

hahah i need to use it more! sorry but thanks again for helping me out

>> No.23154306

You're fine, I'm just teasing. Just don't underestimate how powerful a search engine is for queries like "how to _____"

>> No.23154663
File: 1.38 MB, 4096x1714, 43EB9A97-B2DB-4E4F-A855-D19912F5572F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should go back to this idea that I sketched out back in late November

>> No.23154723
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 964616746374564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost weekly drunk corpo insider here from >>20261442. Not enough alcohol in the world edition. Questions? I might have answers. Advice? Plenty of that

>> No.23154878

What do you think of the Tsunderia thing? Are they dead now?
With two corpos pretty much imploding recently is there a future for small corpos left?

>> No.23155132

Thanks for visiting again! Super vague question incoming. Really, multiple questions. I am also drinking. Cheers!
Let's say that I'm someone with no prior content creation experience before this year who wants to make it into one of these corpos after having watched them and come to the conclusion that I could probably do well in one of their roles. Let's also say that I'm committed to making content on my own and building the following necessary to make myself worthy of consideration to one of these corporations.
I'm an English-speaking man. I feel like I have a knack for streaming in particular and can sing passably. I'm prepared to spend the next five years of my life pursuing this regardless of the outcome.
About how long do you think I should devote to this end? Which corpos do you think I should reasonably set my sights on? And lastly, is there really a place for someone in a corpo who doesn't have any interest in BFE or something similar? I would hope the answer to the last question is yes but I would just like some reassurance. Thanks again.

>> No.23155555

Thank you to everyone who joined!! It was super scuffed (display capture my behated) but it was fun! We got some really cute requests made!

>> No.23155732

what do you think is the best way for an artist(painter) to make it and use their skills to market from 0? i feel like art is a massive buff and even mute artists have stronger CCV than most indies. if i had 1k+ followers i think i can easily get my art to have a few thousand likes on twitter and grow but its tough working with sub 100 followers

>> No.23156006

Not that anon but from what I observed you can stream yourself drawing vtubers or popular game characters to grab views, then post the art on twitter to get likes, retweets and some new follows.

>> No.23156255

well course, but like i said working with sub 100 followers is rough

im guessing i can try sucking off finana or something but i wanna know what mr insider has to say

>> No.23156313
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, 3957984657648974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many thoughts, most of them I can't say here. Believe it or not, I think the company itself should be fine in the long run. You're seeing the worst of things right now, but there's good things in the background that they aren't talking about. Give it a couple weeks and if they're smart about things, there will be reason to believe they'll be okay again.
As far as the small corpo scene as a whole, it's still doing fine, really better than fine, even with the CL drama. If you read between the lines, this just further enforces that there are good agencies, bad agencies, and everything in between. If you still want to be in an agency, do your due diligence and READ YOUR FUCKING CONTRACTS. If you have questions about them, ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR FUCKING CONTRACTS. I wish more people didn't need to learn those lessons the hard way, but here we are.
That is indeed vague. I would say you should devote as much time to it as you want to. Self-improvement is only possible if you buy into it, and that's what you're really talking about. It sounds like you have the commitment, so do it for yourself first. Give content creation a try when you're ready, and when you have a few months of actual content that you can be proud of, start sending out applications. You want the first impression to be a good one.
Reasonably, unless you get god-tier luck and somehow get 3view-tier numbers out of the gate, I'd focus on Tsunderia (as the only small corpo with males currently) or Phase Connect. No males there, but they're the only other startup I can reasonably see accepting them, even if the others say they're open to it. If you're feeling adventurous, you could try CyberLive or MyHoloTV, but to be honest I don't trust their management all that much.
I would say there is a place for non-BFE male chuubas, but you do need some angle to make yourself interesting to stand out from the crowd. Kazune of Tsunderia is a music producer and serious FPS gamer, Tomoya of Tsunderia is the gay best friend/choir kid experience, and Nen of Tsunderia is more like an excitable little brother. Whatever you choose, it needs to set you apart.
Marketing from 0 is fucking rough. What I would do to start is to make a shitload of VTuber fanart and post to the appropriate tags on Twitter. Hope you get a like or RT from someone big and start getting a trickling of followers. Chroneco was tiny until their Takodachi art and animations caught on. Now they're one of the biggest emote artists in the scene. When you're that small, you always need a little luck.

>> No.23156470

i have a track record of hundreds of millions of views as a normal youtube, cartons etc. with a history of streaming. I'm more washed up now after quitting for a while. but i'd be interested in corpo life for a secured paycheck and budget. which ones should I join? i have a dick btw but I'm willing to change that for the right price

>> No.23156540


Young and dumb here, what sort of questions to ask regarding contracts, and what are some red flags to watch out for?

>I don't trust their management all that much.
Any reason as to why? I'm following someone from MyHoloTV and they seem satisfied enough, on the surface at least.

>> No.23156549

Not that anon but if you're right you would be an easy shoe-in for nijisanji. Hell even Hololive too if you got a track record like that.

>> No.23156619

>Reasonably, unless you get god-tier luck and somehow get 3view-tier numbers out of the gate, I'd focus on Tsunderia (as the only small corpo with males currently) or Phase Connect.
That's pretty much what I was thinking myself. Thanks for humoring my incredibly vague question, dunk insider anon.

>> No.23156666

also, since I forgot to erase my name from a shitpost in another thread I'm now the guy who sang (?) My Dick. Thank you, and good night.

>> No.23157143

alright sucking off finana it is...maybe some of the dudes too...

>> No.23157213

Got 2 pieces of art from my stream today and also made it to over 50 followers... I'm so happy

>> No.23157331
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 51864371896423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of millions? That's what Korone has now! What the fuck are you doing here? Go after the big boys, anon! Strike while the iron's hot and male VTubers are the in thing!
We were all stupid once, no shame in that. What you want to do is make sure that all your job responsibilities are clearly laid out in print, and that all of the corpo responsibilities to you are also there. Assume that anything not listed is not a requirement from either side, and if that's a problem, don't sign it. Also make sure the payment terms are very clearly laid out so you know exactly when you're getting paid and how much it should be (whether that's a salary, percentage of revenue, or some mix of the two). If it's not there, or they're vague on how you'll be getting your money, don't sign it. The main thing to keep in mind is that that document is the ONLY thing that ties you to that company, so you should both want it to be as thorough as possible to cover both your asses.
I don't want to get too specific or bad-mouth someone that isn't here to defend themselves, but suffice to say I've seen both MyHolo and CL pull some really shady shit. MyHolo in particular have shown glimpses of that like when they were called out for metatag abuse on YouTube. Yeah sure everyone pulls stuff like that sometimes, but their response was petty and childish as hell, and that was in public! Then there's the business with their first 2nd generation...just shady shit all around.

>> No.23157527

with Stellux's collapse and the rise of various other new corpos out there, are there any new corpos that catch your eye who you think will grow up well to look out for? Outside of the big ones that have generals here on /vt/ of course.

>> No.23157532

yeah but i built my career off of reviewing movies and shows and leafy style content of making of funny videos online. I mean whats a corpo that might get you like a stead 2.5 to 3k salary or a decent rev split like 80 20 without having a non compete. I'm here because my main board banned me, very sad

>> No.23157881

I'm on 30-39, probably meet your board of directors and commissioners more often than you do, and can definitely steer your company and career trajectory within 3 months

>> No.23158147

Now do a (biological) male or female poll. I swear most /asp/ies are dudes

>> No.23158879

Car anon here, doing a karaoke stream! Come join! https://youtu.be/FCsodVPd9Vo

>> No.23158919
File: 87 KB, 1200x675, 3719687654373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too soon to tell. Idol has some serious financials backing them up to buy them time to get momentum, but their name is an SEO nightmare, and I think they're too ambitious right now, much like Phase was when they debuted. Athena is putting Akio on her back and trying to carry them, but again, just too soon to tell.
Review content is an interesting angle. We have react content and watchalongs already, but pre-produced review videos could fill a hole that VTubing never knew it had. You'd have to convince a businessman of that, but numbers can speak volumes for themselves.
As for the salary, you're only going to get figures like that from the big two. Expect to have to haggle a lot to get both a salary in the thousands AND a normal revenue split. What's non-negotiable is getting hit with a noncompete in that you can't sign with another VTuber company, but you could continue with an independent account. That's standard already

>> No.23159023

Hey /asp/, I need a second set of eyes to tell me if something feels or looks "off".
fyi this is bright as fuck so be prepared to go blind if you're on night mode.

>> No.23159092

looks fine to me

>> No.23159125

Dope, cheers

>> No.23159355

>what the absolute fuck is shambling in the background

>> No.23159502

not looking to continue doing reviews just streaming which I've been doing. the non compete is fine as long as it's not a total ban from streaming which I assumed since like the busty dragon lady and others never cam back on alts

>> No.23159838

personally i would add some breathing movement to the chest but for basic anime stuff its fine

>> No.23159907


>> No.23159950

Thanks, actually really wanted to do that but had minor rigging issues regarding the chest area. had to opt for making the censor arm simulate breathing instead.

>> No.23161005

>that pic
Only the most lucky of paypigs can go on a date with the creator of Skeb

>> No.23161058

>but pre-produced review videos could fill a hole that VTubing never knew it had. These days a majority of people are throwing these on in the background and using them like mini-podcasts, so a Vtuber adds even less to it.
People with rantsonas have been doing that for nearly a decade...

>> No.23161705

Stream went to poop Karaoke stream is up again!

>> No.23161866

>pre-produced review videos could fill a hole that VTubing never knew it had
nta, I wrote this exact same thing a full year ago in a /vt/ thread and to sum up the replies: "nobody's interested in non-live vtuber performances". Jokes on them, it's my highest viewed video to date. I implore anyone and everyone to make review videos, you'll be tapping into multiple different markets and you'll stand out among the crowd of "white guy with glasses sits infront of a gaming bookshelf for 40 minutes"

>> No.23161889

this is hilarious

>> No.23162023

It makes sense. Avatarfag youtubers (Jaidern animations and the like) have been a thing for a while, this wouldn't be all that different.

>> No.23162066

Just wrong though. There's so many who are vtubers all getting millions of views each month. Anons here just kinda have weird hangup. Always remember there's only like 50 people here.

>> No.23162136

>There's so many who are vtubers all getting millions of views each month

>> No.23162325

>There's so many who are vtubers all getting millions of views each month.

anon vtubers like Iron Mouse aren't even getting millions of views each month.

>> No.23162512

Why are people in this thread so keen to believe baseless claims from "insiders", "big youtubers", and just anyone in general willing to tell them what they want to hear? People can't be that gullible. You can't let that kind of confirmation bias rule you.

>> No.23162635

You're right, anon. They should listen to me instead.

>> No.23162758

Absolutely. Truth be told the only thing's you'd be doing to set yourself apart from them is having an anime model and non-interchangeable PNG frames. Beyond that, it's entirely based on the scope of the creator.
How am I wrong, I literally have self made proof of my success.

>> No.23162803

post your proof if you're insistent about your proof.

>> No.23162902

People should assume any information here like that which can't be confirmed is a lie. Someone's YT/Twitch stats, the claims of being an insider, any audition "number filters", any just about anything you can't just look up yourself to double check. There's no reason whatsoever to believe it and you wouldn't believe bullshit like this outside of the thread (I hope) so what reason do you have to believe it /here/?

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but no, that on kid you knew in gradeschool's dad did not work at Nintendo.

>> No.23162920

Iron mouse gets 2.7m honestly thought it would be a lot more but I find some huge streamers don't get that many youtube views.

Gundam switched from his 3d avatar to 2d stills recently so I guess that's back to ran sona? Or is that just a png tuber lol. 3m a month

I'm struggling to recall them all desu I just don't watch other youtubers desu. There's the white ghost guy with blue eyes.

>> No.23162942

It would be completely different, all of those people have a bunch of different frames of artwork and animations to go along with their videos. A vtuber, at best, has a PNG they can make faces with and swivel a few degrees left and right.

>> No.23162978

Idk what you mean? Proof that I'm right? Proof that your right? Your comments a bit confusing what are you trying to prove since I'm saying there's plenty of decent sized vtubers.

>> No.23162997

Okay, but I'm really Hitler doe. The real one.

>> No.23163019

thats not entirely true if you look at channels like Its A Gundam, but I'd honestly take 10 or 20 different emotions worth of bust-up drawings of a character over the swiveling Live2D model with limited expressions

>> No.23163094

It's not COMPLETELY different, but it is different. A lot of them only have a couple of still images that they have change while they talk over footage of a subject. Though I suppose a better example would have been S*b*rspark

>> No.23163127

That's bullshit. I have several of you and they're all the genuine article. You can't POSSIBLY be THE Hitler.

>> No.23163156

Proof that i'm right, that you 'can' stand out from amongst the crowd. Idk why you brought up other vtubers getting millions of views though since 99.99999% of them aren't making the same style of content. Plus i'm on /asp/ for a reason lol, if i was pulling a million views I wouldn't be here

>> No.23163170

Oh yeah I remember him, I'm a pony fucker so I remember when he started out and I was still bigger then him. He was insufferable penis.

>> No.23163199

I looked him up and in a 10 or so second segment, he went through 5 or 6 different posed emotes. A vtuber doing the same thing with a Live2D model is stuck swiveling left, right, and changing their face. A vtuber would have a significantly lower range of expressiveness compared to the PNGs of Gundam or Saberspark, so I truly do not see the point.

>> No.23163201

You best start believin' in HItler stories, anon...
You're in one.

>> No.23163222
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, 61916579467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my defense, no one /here/ wants Tsunderia to survive, so I'm not exclusively saying what people want to hear. But I'm not here to make any claims or astroturf. I just want to help you fuckers out because I deal with backstabbing assholes all day and this is the best place to actually do some good for this godforsaken community of autists. Listen or don't, it's up to you

>> No.23163274

Then we wouldn't disagree really? Maybe I misunderstood. It's not that you won't or can't stand out, but I was saying its not true that they don't exist on a decent scale

>> No.23163323

Ah ok I get it now, just a misunderstanding. Apologies.

>> No.23163368
File: 1.44 MB, 2036x680, expressions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to give a visual. Art style aside, the left has far more expressiveness than the right and costs significantly less as well.

>> No.23163436

Okay I'm fucking confused can some one tell me what the fuck a vtuber even is?
There's so many diffrent styles etc, then there's png tubers. Like if a png tuber has it set up with hotkeyable rant sona poses are they not a vtuber? Like fuck it at this point yeah XQC is a vtuber. Also fuck saberspark, not for any real reason but it's fun to hate on popular people

>> No.23163518

Any video creator or streamer who uses an avatar (in any way, shape or form) instead of their irl face, is a vtuber. The 'v' stands for virtual anon so no puppets allowed (sorry Arlo).

>> No.23163525

The "what is a vtuber" timeloop really won't go anywhere. I'm retarded so I'm of the mind that being a Vtuber implies there A. some kind of drawn/modeled visual persona and B. the intent to be a vtuber. Aside from that I honestly don't care who calls themselves that since Mr. Cow was just taking the piss.

>> No.23163602

Wait... so I've been a popular vtuber since like 2013... damn I have higher ccw then gura then lol suuuuuuck it fish loli fags.

>> No.23163690

That's kinda neat. Would sorta make you one of the first vtubers, do you have a screenshot?

>> No.23163721

>claim of numbers
>no proof
sure thing man

>> No.23164071

Well since what your describing counts rant sonas yes. And I am not by far the first nor biggest. I mean there's leafy for one lol.

I can't get numbers for livestreams on mobile sadly. I don't have more total views then her on one channel, I always ran 7. I think my highest ccw was 67k.

>> No.23164685

but here's the tricky part, what would you call yourself when you do your marketing reps in twitter?
Your potential as a "youtube reviewer with avatar" far surpasses any chuuba streamers, but branding yourself as a vtuber and networking with other chuubas more or less would lock yourself to a certain niche if you get what I mean

>> No.23165327

I completely agree. Had MASSIVE problems networking on Twitter when I started because I strictly wanted to focus on reviews, not streams. Even now I still feel like my content doesn't 'belong' in certain circles. Can't advertise on gaming threads because i'm "vtuber scum", can't advertise on vtubing sites because they don't like non-live streams. Personally I started focusing on animation and telling an overarching story through vtube-esque videos so if I tried advertising again, i'd label this as a "virtual project" or even just an "animation series". I don't have an answer for people who don't go down that route sorry i'm just speaking from personal experience

>> No.23165544
File: 1.82 MB, 1549x873, discount coachella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for coming to my karaoke stream! It was exactly like Coachella! I'll try to leave the stream archive a tad bit open for like an hour or so, but I'll take it down afterwards. If you got any song suggestions, feel free to drop them.

>> No.23166042

i mean its not THAT untapped of a market. theres a lot of png reviewers like sphere hunter or matt mcmuscles, i think in the non weeb circles png tubing has its own massive niche like nuxtaku or imagundam. people on this board tend to like streaming more, but its always a bit weird when they denounce prerecorded content outside of VODs and clips

>> No.23166344

Would you advise on creating a separate channel for prerecorded reviews / rants and streaming clips? Or is it better to just do both on one single channel?

>> No.23166391

Most people don't consider the PNG Rantsonas Vtubing since it was never considered before that which is why it's typically written off. No one considered Nux a Vtuber until Vtubing became a thing and lo and behold he completely dropped the PNG emoting and doesn't even do that style of video from what I can tell skimming through his last year of thumbnail previews. It's all either pre-recorded non-scripted or soft-scripted content or just live content cut down for YT. I don't think Gundam even considers himself a Vtuber unless he's being ironic about it.

It's a perfectly viable form of content creation, it's not not what anyone thinks when they think of Vtubing no matter what definitions of it people throw out there.

>> No.23166491

to add to this, there's no benefit to this type of content even if one were to use a Live2D model because the options for expressiveness are much higher with maybe 10-20 PNGs. It's not what most consider "Vtuber content", it's just the same rantsona content that's been around for almost a decade but with potential weeb flavor.

>> No.23166685

What's the best way to get orbiters and leaches to stop posting about becoming a vtuber and self promoting in my discord without coming off like a bitch?
The only way I can think of is to have my mods be the bad guy but I need to tread lightly since I don't want anyone freaking out or any unnecessary drama...

>> No.23166752

Just had someone come and tell me I'm their comfort streamer I've never felt so happy

>> No.23166797
File: 3 KB, 295x82, rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a channel for rules. Include no self promotion. Stealth ban those who don't follow.

>> No.23166939

Don't make a discord server. You don't need it, it's a recipe for disaster.

>> No.23167022

i think its fine, your voice can do the emoting, the l2d is just a bonus. no one watches analytical content for pictures of little dudes in a corner, but it does add a bit of character

>> No.23167173

You make a rule of no self-promoting or talking about other vtubers, and then warn+ban anyone who breaks the rule?

This is completely normal.

>> No.23167235

At that point as the creator you're paying more for a model to deliver a lesser visual experience, it still makes no sense. There's quite literally no benefit to via any other method aside from having a decent 3D model. The little character isn't the sole reason they watch, but it's an important part of their brand identity nonetheless.

Not saying you need one of those either since plenty make due with nothing but their voice but if you're going to go the character route it still makes more sense for emotive PNGs.

>> No.23167454

Do everything on the same channel but learn to categorize things in a way that doesn't confuse people. For example putting [Clip] or [Rant] in the title and making the thumbnails have visible elements that correspond to those categories. A YouTuber I once watched would put "[Stream] insert title here - insert name here" as the title and a white vertical bar saying "STREAM" on the leftmost side of the thumbnail. Looked pretty nice desu.

>> No.23167597

I already have a rule for no self promotion. I'm not retarded. I don't know how to effectively enforce it without seeming like a bitch.

>> No.23167631

You are never the bitch. They are the bitch for breaking the rules.

>> No.23167679

DM for warning. If they keep doing it, ban. If people ask why, tell them you already warned the leech.

>> No.23167722

You have a rule and those who do not abide by it deserve to be punished. You're not coming across as a bitch, you're the authority here and they need to listen to you. If you really want to, you could make a quick Q&A compiling and answering some of the more common questions then give warnings + a link to anyone who asks.

>> No.23168079

>One day have my sister randomly ask if my knees are feeling weak.
>They are.
>Stutter and tell her they're fine.
>Can't feel them growing weaker by the day.

>> No.23169064


>> No.23169110
File: 194 KB, 577x432, no nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23170717

I tried doing ASMR for 2 months but i am still stuck at 30 CCV on twitch. People tell me that's good, but it is way lower than what i expected from what everyone has told me about it being free views.

>> No.23171176

well what was your ccv pre asmr? if you are stuck you may need to do more, maybe record stuff and put it on youtube, make more twitter clips, etc

>> No.23171384

Are you doing fetish stuff? Are you developing a parasocial relationship with your viewers?
Are you a female?

>> No.23171441

It was sub 10. So it was an improvement, but not what i was looking for. Sadly asmr isnt really clippable in the 'viral' sense, but i may have to look into youtube.

>> No.23171524

I'm male and doing standard bfe stuff.

>> No.23171733

You're doing really good in my opinion, but I'm not sure how to gauge things since male nijiEN debuted.

>> No.23172054

>CCV is 4.06
>~13+ hours streamed so far
A-am i gonna make it?

>> No.23172160

Regardless of current stats anon, you'll make it as long as you seek to improve your content and share it to get it noticed.

>> No.23173134

When are we getting a /meat/ rep?

>> No.23173675

How much are your commissions?

>> No.23174464
File: 506 KB, 2560x1440, D5BF307D-0B09-4D1E-BB56-FE18E8134756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my homemade MC skin, but does anyone know of someone who does them and would do a better job than me?
But if it’s already good… why change it other than a color adjustment?

>> No.23174671

30-40 ccv is where most people plateau unless they go hard on marketing and brand building. you are doing well if its just standard bfe asmr without much other efforts. theres plenty of low effort bfe stuff out there relying purely on a hot avatar and a nice voice, what makes you stand out?

>> No.23174735
File: 26 KB, 408x620, frogger-skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe add shading to the skin. Online editors such as Nova have a setting that adds slight color changes so that the skins feel less fake.
Here's mine, using the editor I mentioned.

>> No.23175092


>> No.23175384

You know what, /asp/? I don't shill myself, and I may not have as many follows as some of you. But what I can say is that 90% of my follows have been genuine viewers, and not just other wannabes who want to fucking leech off me. That means more to me than having big (fake) numbers would. I refuse to play this shitty chuuba networking game, I will only ever do things my way. I never want to be apart of the circlejerk here where I post my stream and then I only get viewers that are other /asp/ies. Fuck that shit- if you're in that trap, you HAVE to get out.

>> No.23175456


>> No.23175500


>> No.23175535

Why cant you do both though?

>> No.23175611

>not just other wannabes who want to fucking leech off me
Where does that come from? Pretty much the entirety of viewers are genuine for everyone.

>> No.23175626

It's to help him cope, so when he inevitably fails to maintain any level of growth he can just say "at least I didn't do x like some people!"

>> No.23175738

no aspies leech off of each other, we just like hanging out with each other cuz we all 2 views anyways and we have that losers club bond. at best some of us have 16ccv at the peak and thats not worth the effort of trying to leech anyways

>> No.23176578

I'm really glad aspies shill here, because ive thoroughly enjoyed a few here and try to make their streams whenever i can.

>> No.23177003

as you wish

>> No.23177267

boys please leave

>> No.23177416

Alright, thanks

>> No.23177601

Holy cope batman
Sure, and you can do anything if you put your mind into it! Ffs don't lie to people, even if you want to motivate them.

>> No.23177799

Okay, go motivate that anon.

>> No.23177884
File: 64 KB, 633x864, 1650733738608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss mashi…

>> No.23177926

we lost her... the anti drove her off

>> No.23178415

It's not as much of a sausage fest as I thought.
Anybody in London?

>> No.23178571

A misserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk, have at (You)

>> No.23178656

Why do people even think Mashi left? She deleted VODs so maybe she felt conscious of them, doesn't mean she gave up or is going to leave /asp/. She always seemed to have pretty thick skin when people talked about her.

>> No.23178786

What is a good service for scheduled tweets/other social media platform posts etc.?

>> No.23178832

Why do you think my twitch has "project" in it?

>> No.23178837

she also specifically mentioned being menhera. She might have thick skin one week, and crumble at one guy mocking her accent the next.

>> No.23179046

I don't know if I necessarily feel as negative as you do about it, but I don't really want to get in with the crowd in /asp/ either, yeah. I really mean that in the least offensive way possible

>> No.23179080

Many such cases!

Of which, I'm one.

>> No.23179126

Reminder that most of those males are babis

>> No.23179178

I only shill so as to not be guaranteed zero (0) viewers.

>> No.23179191

Not a great idea unless you're voicing a very young character and aim to do a young male voice, not aiming for an adult masculine voice.

>> No.23179200

You guys know that's because of you putting her on the pedestal as the best. If legit criticism of someone drives them off, this was deff not the site for them

>> No.23179263

Your phone and your non-chuuba twitch account can be a viewer :')

>> No.23179312

I want to get in with the /asp/ crowd because you guys inspire me but I feel too self-conscious to self post. But by the time my content is at a level I'd feel comfortable sharing outside of my twitter bubble, I'd probably be more suited to /wvt/.
I'll just quietly follow cool /asp/ies and hope to get noticed. mashi notices me and it makes me smile every time

>> No.23179439

>Males outnumber females 2:1
Welp, it's DP time

>> No.23179470

But I stream on my phone, Anon. And you're not supposed to interact with yourself on your alt, that includes "viewing"

>> No.23179540

Just matepress the babis as well.

>> No.23179652

Babis get the cuckshed. Men, not m*les, "male btw"s, or >males get the wamen. Eiffel Tower style. Spitroasted.

>> No.23179661
File: 246 KB, 594x724, Design_Partial_Ver2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on ordering a commission for a model soon, and this is the latest version of the design I have so far.
The artist I want to commission isn't available yet, which gives me some time to make changes. Posting it here to ask for feedback, so fire away

>> No.23179776

Using your own accounts just for the sake of inflating your viewership by 1 is pointless.

>> No.23179835

Question for any anons here that have experience creating art for Vtuber models: what canvas size do you make your files and in what unit of measurement? This is the one thing I can never seem to find on tutorials. If anyone could answer, even with just a guess, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

>> No.23179880

>what canvas size
>what unit of measurement

>> No.23179892

I think he needs a third color to his outfit, it's a bit monotone, maybe make inner layer of the cape violet or red? other than that i really like your design

>> No.23179974
File: 1.75 MB, 2894x4093, FFFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay anons! thank you for worrying about me. I think the critisism I got was very fair and it made me think a lot about how I want to improve my stream, and make myself as clear as possible to everyone listening! in a different thread someone sent an app that was like duolingo but for speech, so I thought streaming that might be fun?
anyway, please don't worry, I promise we'll meet again soon! mashimallows are very strong...

>> No.23180011


>> No.23180051

Mallows are made to withstand roasting

>> No.23180089

I usually see most go for 5000px squared for the canvas and 300 dpi

>> No.23180104

My fullbody model was done on 9000x12500 at 350dpi. Doesn't go right to the edges of the canvas but that's the kind of ballpark you want. The only necessity is that it's big enough to hold detail and looks good in both full view and torso view.

>> No.23180177

…when do you decide on a fan base name, if you’ll never debut because either you won’t or you don’t have the viewership?

>> No.23180220

My fanbase name came about naturally after a few weeks of streaming! So just debut anon!

>> No.23180274

What if I’m a 4view and dropping?

>> No.23180310

It's a dog eat dog world anon. Eat some dogs.

>> No.23180332

What app? It might be useful

>> No.23180396

uh i think its like 4k-6k pixels. you always want to do pixels because it correlates directly to file size and pixel per inch resolution, which should be 300ppi iirc to not have blurry lines

>> No.23180680


Wow you guys are gonna have to explain how dpi/ppi matters in a digital image that is getting transferred to a 4096/8192 texture atlas.

Pixels are pixels.

>> No.23180878

Some people want to print their models, if you make your image in 72dpi it will look like shit on paper.

>> No.23180991

idk the specifics, but 300 ppi is the standard for drawing so that your brush sizes under 10 dont become blurry shit

>> No.23181250

The black-on-black makes it hard to separate out the different pieces and loses a lot of detail. Thankfully, you're only suffering from that "below the fold" so it's probably not as huge a deal for a vtuber. It might be a bit of a problem when it comes to shading, though-- how much darker can you get for that cape's shadows? Will it just look flat when it's done?

>> No.23181853

It's cool anon! I like it

>> No.23183271

Are twitter polls a good way to gauge your nterest on certain streams?
Like “Shiuld we do X or Y?”

>> No.23183504

If you have at least enough followers to make more than one vote.
Just today I watched a chuuba I otherwise would not have because she made a poll just like that and the result I wanted won. Had a dozen or so votes.

>> No.23184370

I have 34 followers and got 9 votes on a poll with two stream options in the middle past 1h40m
Of course I used some hashtags as well.

>> No.23185169

Some people will vote but won't watch the stream either way.

>> No.23185832
File: 152 KB, 1170x1364, 6276EDF1-A17F-4316-82E2-0EBD477278FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23186076

anybody have links to all the current /asp/ies?

>> No.23186298

Some people are chronically online and refresh the TL constantly.

>> No.23186522

I’m streaming tonight anyway so

>> No.23186880

most of /vt/ came here directly from twitter and are completely unintegrated
/asp/ especially is >99% twitter users and the majority of the posts and questions ooze of underage
its nauseating to read most of the posts here and its unironically the worst board on the entire site together with /pol/

>> No.23187248

I'm came here from /jp/, but I'm a groomer, not a chuuba.

>> No.23187367

Are there any vtubes who aren’t fags and don’t fag bait?

>> No.23187517

>its nauseating to read most of the posts here and its unironically the worst board on the entire site together with /pol/
/x/ and /pol/ are easily the worst boards on the site. /vt/ and especially /asp/ is full of new friends but it still isn't as bad as those two

>> No.23187932

>/pol/ worst board
>on a site with board dedicated to my little poney, trannies...
Not even close. kys

>> No.23187994

it's fun to hate on popular people, but in this case, the writing for his videos are all very low effort and repetitive, so at least it's someone justified.

>> No.23188579

I wonder if any femanon came from from /cgl/

>> No.23189415

I hate horsefuckers as much as the next guy, but at least they gave us 15.ai
What has /pol/ done lately?

>> No.23189538


>> No.23189621

sure, but still not the worst

>> No.23189861

oh shit did they actually get that shit working? is it usable?
I remember reading about it a very long time ago

>> No.23190168


>> No.23190909

>record myself reading something
>sounds like I'm chewing food between sentences
>add an expander to reduce lip noises
>still sounds like I'm chewing but also can't control the volume of my voice
