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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23071016 No.23071016 [Reply] [Original]

>good rigging
>doesn't have to split money with a corp
>gets a cool eyepatch
>going to hit 1 million subs soon
admit it, she won.

>> No.23078643,1 [INTERNAL] 

We’ll see how long it takes for her to shit her bed again because she can’t put away the crazy.

>> No.23071148

yea, she won you dudes over because her content is literally roping in desperate and lonely men, she is winning against you unicorns

>> No.23071154

>forever known as a lying whore
>love of her life (mafumafu) hates her now
>probably blacklisted from other corpos due to her spilling info
>lost a good chunk of her fanbase, the rest are non-paypiggy EOPs who forgive anybody
fuck no she didnt.

>> No.23071244

The copium is off the charts here. I'm sure you think Kson made a mistake for leaving the black company too kek.

>> No.23071341

stay in your containment thread cuck

>> No.23071713

>Brony rage at her success.

>> No.23071880

>Free model gifted from "fan"
>Gonna make $$$ with such model
>"Fan" suddenly want 50% cut for their contribution or they will sue you
Winning ? yes !

>> No.23071892

more like being sick of you insufferable faggots spamming and clogging the board with your shitty threads when you have a fucking general to talk about her in

>> No.23071897

yea but have you seen the eyepatch?

>> No.23071957

Then become irrelevant as kson in a few months.

>> No.23072021

>"Fan" suddenly want 50% cut for their contribution or they will sue you
No contract of a work for hire and messages that prove it was a gift is going to make that really difficult. The fans involved must already know she is a moneymaker so that can't be the motivation behind it.

>> No.23072057

She can also buy new outfits whenever she wants and she doesn't have to wait for the rest of her entire gen or the entire branch to get funding for theirs too, literally she gained the indie benefits and only lost the ability to collab with hololive.

>> No.23072060

Most of those are anti threads though anon. Including some of the positive ones, which are falseflaggers posting low-effort bait in an attempt to elicit this response.

>> No.23072104

Kson is doing great. The corporate drones really aren't hiding their real motivation well.

>> No.23072180

The irony.
I regularly have 60-70 threads on this shit board hidden and most of them are spammy Hololive shitpost / low quality threads probably made by retards that don't even know what a catalog is.
The page-view on this site needs to be deleted already, fuck, it is utterly worthless and always was. I told moot for years to add the catalog and he never did for so fucking long. Imageboards before this site even existed had that catalog view and it is the superior system.

>> No.23072201

>gifts her a multi-thousand dollar model
>to this woman who indisputably made at the BARE MINIMUM five figures a month
Some people are just born marks I guess.

>> No.23072254

>I told moot for years to add the catalog
lmfao ok buddy, biggest laugh i had all day thanks for that

>> No.23072324

Well the best thing about Hololive is the girls almost exclusively playing with eachother.
She wins in lots of ways but she won't get to collab with the worlds best vtuber, Pekora, again.

>> No.23072341

Go back to /v/, then go back to whatever shit site you crawled out of.

>> No.23072363

Despite the meme of artists working for free for "exposure" in this case it actually means something. The people involved will be hired by others thanks to their quality work in just a few months time. Anyone else who wants to debut in a similar timeframe will go to them.

>> No.23072377

t.reddit newfag

>> No.23072428

Why do bronies get so upset at other vtubers existing in the catalog?
I have no interest in this girl, never watched her debut, but you faggots are pathetic. God forbid people use the vtuber board to talk about vtubers instead of endless Hololive circlejerking and bait threads.

>> No.23072491

sure they could be, but i've also seen people in her thread talk about how ksonfags did this same thing to divert attention away from her general and that they think it's a good strategy to keep schizos away and even praised one thread for having over 100 replies. i don't think it's unreasonable to think some of these threads are made by nekofami for this purpose.

>> No.23072537

if she breeching out and collab with other, win

>> No.23072552

They are the 2hufags of this board. Rather ironic, isn't it? They whined about it on /jp/ for a couple years and now they became the same.
I say they, most of these faggots only found vtubers last year at best.

>> No.23072634

i'm not even a fucking brony you retard, i'm just tired of the spam. stop letting holobronies live rent free in your head
>instead of endless Hololive circlejerking and bait threads.
instead we get endless circlejerking and bait threads about a newly debuted indie instead, because that's so much better right? holy shit you're retarded

>> No.23072648

when the cat was still a green cat, her non-holo collaboration was only with tamaki

>> No.23072763

I'm sure some of them, (including probably this one), are actual fans but the majority are actual anti threads, falseflaggers, and shitposting. Also she literally debuted 12 hours ago so this problem will mostly fix itself.

>> No.23072885

If you give a shit why don't you and the boys you have on the discord report them? Moderation is 100% report based anyway.

>> No.23072930

>instead we get endless circlejerking and bait threads about a newly debuted indie instead, because that's so much better right?
it actually is, because the threads die down after a few days instead of being a constant presence.
when kson debuted the catalog was full of threads about her new model and now she barely gets posted outside of the kson general.
when pikamee debuted her new model the same happened, people made threads about it for a few days and then moved back to their thread.
when fucking cookieswirl became a vtuber there were people making threads about her too, even if most of it was ironic shitposting it's died down now.

now a new vtuber shows up that got people excited. let them enjoy their fun for a few days until hype dies down and they move to their general. this is literally how imageboards are supposed to work you whiny newfag.

>> No.23072951

They've already gained 5k more followers for their art in less than a day. Usually I'd say exposure is worthless, but this puts a pretty decent shota artist on the map.

>> No.23073079

yeah you're right. i'm just tired of the spam so i lashed out. it's never a good thing to lash out but i did and i own it. i don't even have particularly have anything against either mikeneko or nekofami, so sorry to the nekofami who see this.

>> No.23073083

I'm not in any discords, I'm not a snitch, and they don't break any rules. Afaik it's not against the rules to have anti threads, post bait, or to falseflag.

>> No.23073090

>comparing Kson to michael pink cat II

>> No.23073142

Fair enough anon, thanks for being sane.

>> No.23073216

>this is literally how imageboards are supposed to work you whiny newfag.
No it isn't. It's how this cancerous shithole works.
It's literally a rule to not flood.
Moot has repeated it countless times over the years to condense threads and stop reposting things so much that it became a meme in the 2nd year of the sites existence.
The fact it isn't enforced is a sheer lack of moderation and moots retarded policies that still persist today, pushed by a person that literally took the site down twice through ISP complaints and tried to destroy it.

The fact you faggots have free reign to flood a board is not "site culture", its faggotry of the highest order. Stay on your shit board and keep your aids culture there.

>> No.23073313

not a newfag but you are absolutely right. like i said to the other anon i just lashed out and i shouldn't have done that.

>> No.23073592

You clearly weren't around back when the most cancerous memes like chocolate rain and goatse were around and being spammed in literally every board if you think Moot didn't like that style of content.
Moot only ever gave a shit when people were spamming outright malicious or self-promotional content. Simply posting content you're interested in is not flooding.
Hell /vg/ only became a thing because /v/ wasn't spammy enough for Moot's tastes due to all the general threads filling the board between 2009-2011. Having nothing but generals makes a board stagnant and destroys board culture as people only visit their respective generals. That's why /a/ or /v/ have their own board culture while /vg/ is just a bunch of fragmented subcultures that have more in common with their respective subreddits than eachother.

>> No.23073718

totally clueless. the fucking coof has been around long than this moron has been on the site

>> No.23073861

The fact you could only post more recent things tells me all I need to know.
You don't even know the proper terminology. You were likely born this century.
There was, multiple times, huge red letters on the top of the site globally telling people to condense their shit and stop flooding multiple topics constantly. There were fucking animations made on /f/ mocking it. Many of them.
Likewise, you. I already know what board you came from.

>> No.23073922

Anti niggers are just virtue-signalling vocal minority losers. They dont realise it, and lack selfawareness since they are pretty much like woke trannies on Twatter or Chink bugs.

Most welcome Mkeneko like the Japanese creators who made the avatar dont give a fuck anything about shitty dramas. Rather, they dedicated themselves to making it.

>> No.23074022

the absolute state of newfags

>> No.23074140

Mikeneko love!!!

Fuck the antis
Fuck the trolls
Fuck the dumbasses who dedicate their sad lives by posting garbage about her all day

>> No.23074264

>Antis flinging shit at each other in rage
>Mikeneko still has all her fans
>Still making huge amounts of cash
>Gets gifted her live2D for free as a show of love from her fans as a show of support
>More attached to her Kaigai niki than ever now that they've proven their loyalty
Mikeneko chads, we won.

>> No.23074345

I don't think we will know it for sure until see how her 1st month sc earnings did in the chart

>> No.23074384

She'll have 2 eyepatches by then.
She'll be real hot shit with that. Who the fuck has 2, TWO, eyepatches?

>> No.23074400

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.23074484

Not that Anon, but why would I want that? Most of her fans speak English.

>> No.23074504

Looks like yesterdays stream broke Playboard. She probably earned well over 50k USD though, without Covers cut that's almost a years salary right there.

>> No.23074566

Source: It came to me in a dream

>> No.23074574

I mean most foreigners know that she has a private life and the chances of falling in love with them is literally zero, only retards think she will somehow fall in love with them after they somehow manage to travel to Japan and meet her by pure chance, antis just hate peolle loving things they hate because they don't want anyone being happy because they are either edgy fucks who think just because they got ass raped by their fathers that everyone should also be ass raped or just jealous of someone being successful.
The former doesn't apply much to Japanese fans since have the location and language advantage but many forget that ultimately it is up to her to choose who to go with.

>> No.23074590

And you will never be white

>> No.23074661

Its really cute, the head is a little too big imo but overall its a great model with nice rigging.
Very cute, very drawable.

Its not like I understand nip anyways so I just listen for her cute voice.

>> No.23074692

idk i look pretty white in the pic on my us passport

>> No.23074724

>2 eye patches
No anon, by then she will have even more, maybe enough to do the eyepatch bikini.

>> No.23074742

>56k in superchats last month alone
nice try anon

>> No.23074836

Your skin color doesn't matter you have the heart of a nigger

>> No.23074874

At that rate she will have to get eyes on her thighs so she can put eyepatches on those.
Eyepatches for days.

>> No.23075096

>Beaten by the mf chink panderer male niji
>Stinky orca made more than her

>> No.23075308


>> No.23075371

What if what she gets isn't eyepatches but instead bandages to cover cuts?

>> No.23075459

I want to feel her delicate fragile feet on my cock. I want to rest my balls against the arch of her foot.

>> No.23075527

>mafu hates her

So is she single now?

>> No.23075574

>is her own boss
>is gonna make more money than she did before
Who gives a shit about the rest

>> No.23075683

I genuinely have no idea who this is, why is the entire fucking catalogue filled with this stupid pink cat?

>> No.23075772

That's right. Michael cat is way better than kson

>> No.23075835

why are cat women so fucking erotic!!!
and her voice! damn!!... FUCK YOU I DON'T WANNA BE A COOMER ARRRGHH

>> No.23075850

As will every popular former Holo.

>> No.23075913
File: 1.58 MB, 1010x1080, 1650800934234.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will, and you will like it!

>> No.23075988
File: 1.71 MB, 1269x1620, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Pink Cats the strongest form of vtubers?

>> No.23075993

>>forever known as a lying whore

lol at this virtue signalling nigger. as if hes a saint and morally superior. kill yourself, twitter nigger. you are just a loser who cant stop virtue signalling like trannies

>> No.23076286

This is your last (you) because at least you're very obviously shitposting and keeping your fellow indians outside of my threads. Don't spend it all in one place.

>> No.23077368

>Nyanners, Calli, and now Mikeneko
Not just pink cats, but pink-haired girls in general have a long-standing tradition of making schizos seethe, for which they have my utmost gratitude

>> No.23078643

the way her body moves reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5kJvzrt_vs

>> No.23078973

While things like this are cool, I have to wonder what the point is. It has basically no use in any stream.

>> No.23079041

She's a goddess. I kneel.

>> No.23079219

so pink for seethe and blue for sex? what's purple for?
she gets to enjoy being a chuuni catgirl

>> No.23079552
File: 3.76 MB, 480x480, wosemi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niji's pink girl is extremely wholesome and cute though. is that just an exception that proves the rule or does she make people seethe too?

>> No.23079619

I have a feeling she won't do her taxes this year

>> No.23079751


>> No.23079794

She made over 20k USD on just two streams from her JP fans, she's fine dude.

>> No.23081142

OP could have used a lewd Mike Cat art
Just sayin

>> No.23081358

it makes you insta cum

>> No.23081728

god damn this model is so fucking hot. it just looks unhinged as fuck. it screams 'menhera'. like 'this girl is fucked in the head just like you'.

>> No.23081847

The one difference is that she's not a virgin.

>> No.23081885

her general decided to stop existing due to the amount of schizo seethe

>> No.23082609

Neither am I

>> No.23083479

cope harder cuck

>> No.23083520


>> No.23084499

I literally fell into GFE after a relationship broke down lol

>> No.23084585

Still bullshit

>> No.23084752

Happy for her, I still don't understand why the Cover deleted her entire channel, they could have just limited "punishment" to dismissal.

>> No.23084825

The model is very cute. I hope she farms in millions in superchats.

>> No.23084904

why is she called mike?
is it short for something?

>> No.23084938


>> No.23084962


>> No.23085074

Roughly translates to "Michael's Cat"
It's me, I'm Michael. R*shia is my pet now

>> No.23085075

They could have even just given her a suspension.
I think they overblew the whole situation. And if the management had taken her mental health issues seriously from the start, she would never have gotten into that situation.
Management also heavily pushed the GFE act because of how much money it brought in.

>> No.23085264
File: 13 KB, 407x414, 1638928462465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is no longer part of hololive, there will be no consideration for her timeslots, and she will be crushed by her previous collegues,
As an indie her options are fewer and limited, kson is the living proof, alone she can compete... just for a while

>> No.23085700
File: 46 KB, 232x250, delustickpeek [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Few2t9n.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there is this darn Triangle who spits in the face of every convention and belief of what is required to be successful.

>> No.23088008

>there will be no consideration for her timeslots
yesterday no holo streamed at 2000jst which is when her debut was, I wonder if they were doing it out of respect or if they thought their numbers would suffer.

>> No.23088201

She would have made 5 times that amount if she hadn't fucked the alien troon.

>> No.23092213


>> No.23094957

>doing it out of respect
I'm going to believe this
