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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2306445 No.2306445 [Reply] [Original]

idk man I just feel like the nature of their business model really just restricts their personalities, why would I invest myself in an organization that limits who or what their members are allowed to even acknowledge? It just feels too fake to me. I constantly feel as though they're putting on an act, and not just a usual streamer persona, but like they're being constricted by some vestigial corporate overlord watching their every move that'll drop them if they ever say the wrong thing. I just don't feel comfortable supporting something like that.

>> No.2306458


>> No.2306467

Don't fall for the vshojo/indie propaganda

>> No.2306514

I wouldn't call it propaganda, it's just what I've experienced as a consumer of vtuber content. In fact, I've hardly interacted with the vtuber community as a whole and I've come to this conclusion independently.

>> No.2306546

You ever think that it's good that there's constraints on their personalities? VShojo and most indies are just schlock precisely because they're not moderated by anyone. Using an idol-inspired business model has worked for HL, whether you like it or not.

>> No.2306589

This is interesting to me, I wonder how much of what I'm feeling is a result of the management of the EN side vs what Yagoo is able to control behind the language barrier.

I can't deny that it's been working for them, but how much of that is due to it being a centralized organization with marketing experience that sucks up a portion of the revenue of all of its talent? How much of it actually has to do with its micromanagement?

>> No.2306661

Well that's hard to say. I mean honestly I think micromanagement is not always a bad thing. By the way, I have to say that it's not necessarily true that they had marketing experience at the beginning. Yagoo basically saw an opportunity and bootstrapped the project from a completely different business.

>> No.2306738

Only insider could answer your specific questions and i doubt that anyone who knows shit would even share this in public
Just take your meds and enjoy the rrats

>> No.2306754

Monster Hunter Rise and The Caregiver Thread.

>> No.2306787
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> I just feel like the nature of their business model really just restricts their personalities
> Most blatant, fake and consooming branch of Hololive on picrel

>> No.2306795


I think micromanagement can absolutely go too far, just the fact that collabs outside of Hololive are a rarity is baffling to me. It's as if they've created their own self-contained world and they refuse to acknowledge anything outside of it, that's why clips of Ollie talking about vshojo are getting so many views. I've even heard the boys on Trash Taste say they'll probably never get another guest from Hololive, meaning they probably thought it was a mistake that Cali was ever allowed on, even though it brought so much attention to them. It just shows that Hololive is too concerned with controlling their image.

And even if they didn't have marketing experience in the beginning, they certainly did by the time they debuted EN.

>> No.2306833

If the restricted nature bothers you, watch ones who feel the least restricted. It'll be the most noticeable with vtubers who are uncomfortable with fitting the perceived mold or who struggle against it, like Gura or Haachama, and all but forgettable with vtubers who are comfortable within those restrictions or do as they please anyway, like Botan or Ina.

>> No.2306868

Vtubers are really just poor girlfriend substitutes for me, if i ever find a girlfriend my watch time would go down by 99%. But im never getting a girlfriend or having a family, so anime girls and superchats fill that void.

>> No.2306940

That's an interesting point, when I see how much Ollie has been allowed to get away with I wonder how much of the restriction is just perceived on the streamer's part and how much is actually enforced. Does ID just not give a fuck? I mean if Gura really wanted to she could probably do whatever she wanted. What are they gonna do, fire her? She's their golden goose. She could just fire back up Senzawa or some other persona if they got the rights and rake it in without Hololive taking their cut.

>> No.2306952

It's the opposite to me. Indies and vshojo feel fake by pandering to degenerates for money, while Hololive can act more like themselves because they have "fuck you" money.

>> No.2306961

I mean if we wanna talk fake...Every Vtuber agency and every Indie has some fakeness to them...Unless you believe Vhojo are all unapologetic horndogs.

And if we're talking big brother bullshit. Cover is one of the least offensive out there. Just look at all the shit Haachama gets away with

>> No.2307016

From the interview with Yagoo, it seems that the streamers are really mostly left to their own devices. It's only very specific topics they are actually instructed to avoid (since Taiwan incident, particularly politics). For the most part its just self moderating, which is why you have the gamut of Sora to Haachama/Ollie.

>> No.2307021

But there have been crossovers before.
They're not really self-contained. They just don't have the need to reach out.


>> No.2307041

If I recall correctly Choco asked if she can do ear licking ASMR and they said sure.

>> No.2307054
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The illusion of corporates restrictions helps hololive because when they push boundaries or get edgy it has that "you can't say that on TV!" steve harvey effect. Meanwhile indie vtubers could be as wild as possible and no one cares.

>> No.2307069

Probably based on manager, either their personal manager or project manager.

>> No.2307077
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I have a gf and watch hololive. I just like the content and check out multiple members.

>> No.2307093

That is actually based...

>> No.2307104

Nijisanji isn't exactly a risky collab though, they're almost as managed as Hololive so it makes more sense

>> No.2307109

m-muh corporate concernfagging is the new indie cope, it's so easy to see though your disingenuous bullshit. Watch who you want, go groom some small indies until you get bored of them and then come back to Hololive / Nijisanji.

>> No.2307194

>It feels fake
Meanwhile every single popular (female) indie does the same degenerate act and that somehow doesn't feel fake?

>> No.2307200

Maybe that's part of the appeal, I could definitely see that.

That's all the more baffling because if they're allowing their talent to do things like that then why would they so tightly control their associations?

>> No.2307233

Are you saying you have to have your choice of vtubers spoonfed to you by a corporation? lol

>> No.2307240

Ironically, the Taiwan controversy happened due to the lack of oversight.

With regards to collabs, I felt people seem to think Holo EN wanted to collab with everyone, which is not true. Ame outright said that this year she would focus on Hololive collabs. Kiara is likely to do the same, given how much of a Hololive fangirl she is. Gura is the most difficult to approach, even among Hololive members.

>> No.2307255

Simple. Do you want "anal beads" snuffy and "unleash the piss" Nyanners in the same stream like Ina for example?

>> No.2307412

Thing is, I don't think acknowledging Taiwan is even that big a deal, it only is if you want Chinese money. It's only a controversy because companies keep bowing down.

I get that if there's a talent company they're going to keep the majority of the collabs within the company to help promote it and keep a sense of unity, but collabs or even acknowledgements of other vtubers (other than on twitter) are so far and few between that it just seems unnatural.

This would unironically be hilarious

>> No.2307473

Only the EN branch is like that. Hololive always had hands-off approach and no way JP girls could put up with a manager watching their every stream and being in contact all the time.

>> No.2307505

Just look at Ame reacting to Ollie during the Apex stream to get the idea

>> No.2307531

Do you think it'll be like that even after EN Gen 2 drops?

>> No.2307555

an anti-Hololive thread is still a Hololive thread, retard

>> No.2307576

Though some of the girls mentioned their managers watching their streams at 3am and being surprised (though not in a negative way). Sort of like "What the heck are you doing still up?"

>> No.2307582

it might gets worse as you get more members since EN fanbase is even more sensitive than the Chinese. they want to avoid getting cancelled on twitter

>> No.2307631

Calli mentioned the Priconne event too soon during a random minecraft stream and got a discord message from ENMA in milliseconds. that shit sounds scary lol

>> No.2307653

If you want to groom a 30-view indie, then by all means.

But if you get into hololive it simply means you were better than the sea of indie trash. It means you can be entertaining and funny without hanging on a crutch of constant crude sexual references or alienating parts of an audience by making present day political references. Vtubers should be neutral, an actual real escape from the endless onslaught of ugly political and societal reminders. And it also means you're capable of working in a group, getting thrust in with these strangers and ending up becoming close friends. That's one of the bigger things people overlook with these "gens". It isn't just about finding 5 entertaining females, but it's 5 who can also all mesh together and play off one another.

All of these are admirable qualities in a modern-day female, which when combined with the branding makes them so much more popular than some skank who talks about her tits every day and will tell you ara-ara if you donate a $2 superchat.

Are the girls in hololive completely sanitized? Absolutely not. They make crude references and jokes plenty, but the biggest difference I've seen is they know how to ride the line between frequency and tastefulness.

If you really want to dismiss corporate vtubers just because they're corporate, you're a bigger fool than whatever cause you think you're rallying against.

>> No.2307660

>EN fanbase is even more sensitive than the Chinese

That's the biggest pile of shit I've read today.

>> No.2307671

All I ever hear about Gura is that she hates her audience and Vtubing, all I ever hear about Mori is that she's spinning her wheels until her contract is up and she can go back to her rap career, and all I ever hear about Kiara is that she is as insane as her antis. It seems like a bad situation for the talent and fans alike, at least for the EN side of things, so I just never got into it.

>> No.2307695

I'm convinced half of those "messeges" are just bits.

>> No.2307723

Until it happened nobody would have thought that oversight had to be applied to keep people from simply uttering the word "Taiwan" in an apolitical context.

>> No.2307726
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>> No.2307727
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>Anon got filtered by rrats from last year

>> No.2307761

y'know there's successful indies that don't make constant sex jokes, right? You seem to have a very black and white view of things

>> No.2307775

these nutjobs were cancelling gura before she even debuted. imagine what they would do if they had actual ammo

>> No.2307780

No one gives a shit about Twitter shitters. China is annoying because they actually get in the way of chat interaction.

>> No.2307798

Name one

>> No.2307824

Britanny Venti and her ilk are so far removed from Hololive they might as well be in Andromeda

>> No.2307827

Haruka Karibu

>> No.2307890
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This, although I watch a lot less than I used to. My gf got me watching the chuuba who became my oshi.

>> No.2307891

Not him and don't know what the bar for success we are going for here is but Athena Bambina is a pretty good anti-lewd indie Vtuber

>> No.2307896
File: 681 KB, 1024x766, driz on 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're describing youtube itself, as well as every public platform on the clearnet. You are not allowed to have your own opinions or you will be publicly humiliated.

>> No.2307906

I see your point but that's 3 out of how many?

>> No.2307917

>No one gives a shit about Twitter shitters
can you really say that after what happened to miko and marine

>> No.2307922


>> No.2307966
File: 9 KB, 275x183, Literally the first image I saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Athena Bambina
Literally the first pic I saw.


>> No.2307983

Ame and Ina are good, Gura just had an amazing RE2 stream last night and Mori has been dishing out lots of kino content lately including a new EP, her birthday stream and a live concert with Rikka from Holostars.

>> No.2307984
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Abigail Dovely.

>> No.2308047

Should've set a bar for what successful indies means but a christian Vtuber? Sounds based

>> No.2308117

>Gura hates her fanbase
>Literally wrote a letter to them as a thank you

>> No.2308176

You're right ofc but Hololive is arbitrarily adding more restrictions on top of that

There's definitely more examples of wholesome indes, but I also get your point about the sex jokes. If you're not comfortable or you don't find them funny then I can see why you wouldn't find a lot of indies appealing, but the fact is that shit sells. I personally find them pretty entertaining, even if it is pretty low-brow. Just how I am I guess.

By no means am I saying that Hololive members aren't talented, far from it. I just wish they weren't being held back by management.

>> No.2308214

>how much of that is due to it being a centralized organization with marketing experience
>experience of any kind
They just had a huge lucky break, not like they were aiming to be an idol company from the start

>> No.2308220

Oh no. I do like crude jokes. It's just that the ones who do it have nothing else in their arsenal

>> No.2308233

hello veibae

>> No.2308299

>Still insisting Cover doesn't know shit

>> No.2308353

Would she really? Spoonfeed me the rrat? Please?

>> No.2308410

By the time they started EN they had a winning formula, so whatever experience they had before starting Hololive as a whole is irrelevant.

I don't think that's always gonna be true, but whether that's a good or a bad thing is up to you I guess, all I care about is how entertaining it is lol


>> No.2308423

Cover STILL doesn't know shit, compare them to niji and the amount of merch they have all over japan, the reason hololive does well is because at this point it gets free publicity by existing, cover could be doing so much more but it isn't a joke when we say it's a small starting company

>> No.2308602

>Compare them to Niji
Why would I, like some tribalist faggot?

>> No.2308783

Ok, just objectively look at how much merch they put out. It's not a lot and they could be making a lot more money by creating and pushing more.

>> No.2308813

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2308818

how much money would they lose to manufacturing/shipping vs how much they'd get if the fans were just dumping it all into red chats lol

>> No.2308913

Yes. You're the only one. Never make this thread again.

>> No.2308969

Literally Dunning-Kruger: the thread. I wish these teenage redditor retards would stop coming here.

>> No.2308986

I don't understand the GFE thing. Does having a female voice playing through your speakers or headphones substitute having a girlfriend for you guys?

>> No.2309006

"Corporate is bad"

Cried a boy who never had an actual job or touched a business textbook

>> No.2309030

Have you seen in how much time their merch runs out? In fucking minutes. Look at the amount of sales merch that doesn't run out make, calli's song is number one in the charts, a lot of holo originals make top 10 in spotify. Plus their merch is ridicously overpriced like all anime merch, they're making profit for sure but they're not making enough merch

>> No.2309035

Eh. For me personally, the ocassional GFE is like a lie agreed upon. Just turn my brain off and listen to a girl whisper sweet nothings. Really not that harmful unless you go unironic gosling

>> No.2309047

Literally every indie vtuber that wants a corporate contract and has more than two braincells:
Several of the girls in Atelier, Nerines, Fuzuki Miki, Hiiragi Emuri, Alfhilde Odinsdottir and also some of the /wvt/ gang are good.
Mint, Nova ;_;

Anon... just admit you don't want to put the effort to find actually good indies. Yes, Sturgeon's law applies to vtubers as well, but there are good ones out there.

>> No.2309090

Let me introduce you to illusion of exclusivity. >Make a limited amount of merch
>Make people want it because there is a low number of it
>Price becomes irrelevant to the buyer because they feel that they have something exclusive

>> No.2309092

Exactly. Can you imagine being arrogant enough to assume you can advise HL on business processes? Jesus fuck.

>> No.2309118
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>All I ever hear about Gura is that she hates her audience and Vtubing
I just find it absolutely hilarious how people with most complaints about Gura's content don't watch her content and people with most complaints how she treats her fans aren't her fans.
Unironically, really makes you think about it.

>> No.2309139

Technically I could since I actually studied the fucking thing but most of anti-holo /vt/ probably wouldn't like my takes

>> No.2309234

I'm not trying to shit on it, I do the same thing. I don't see how this can be considered GFE instead of just background noise. Do the people here just have no idea what having a girlfriend is like? The main argument is that it's unethical for these girls who provide "GFE content" and take superchat money to have a boyfriend IRL. But all I see is girls playing games and occasionally saying some positive words.

>> No.2309290

To be fair most of the people bitching are purityfags who treat Vtubers like wrestlers in the 80s

>> No.2309360

lol ok, so is Hololive a genius business venture or a product of luck and circumstance, which is it? Will they just be able to continue to run things as they are in perpetuity without any issue? Are people not allowed to express their opinions on things if they're not an expert? Not like I'm expecting Yagoo or Enma to read any of this shit lmao

Digital goods are the way to go, it's usually ~70% for the IP holders, whereas physical goods can be a lot less. I guess it depends on if there's money left over in the market after those digital goods are sold. I know JP fans are typically a lot more willing to shell out for physical goods, so it might make more sense for Nijisanji.

>> No.2309424

It's TOO limited, it runs out in minutes with popular holos

>> No.2309470

That's the point though

>> No.2309504

What is it that made people seethe so much about corporates?
Why is it most of these posts usually aimed at Hololive specifically as if its a breaking news a popular streamer having corporate guideline they need to follow?
Every damn streamer on Twitch vtuber or not, if they reach a certain status they will get signed to be streaming under a brand.
Or at least they are managed by part of a talent agency, you didn't realize this because you're a dumb fuck who thinks someone appears as "independent streamer" has companies managing them.
Shroud, Ninja, Summit, LG streamers or whatever, they all are streaming under a corporate agency. Vtuber wise, only recently Uto got exposed because that shit doesn't fly when people knows who you are signed with.

Yeah sure anon, you all wish they can stream "without restriction" because muh freedom of speech, you do you girl bullshittery. but eventually every streamer that "made it" will require corporates have PR experts, logistics, scheduling, marketing support behind them. All they had to make sure is the girls not to piss off on the wrong people.

>> No.2309571

Only the signed shit is limited and even then it’s up to the individual holo if they want to make it limited.
Everything else is made to order so there’s no possibility of it selling out.

>> No.2309697

The entertainment industry is stuck in a very last century mindset, and so are the consumers as a result. People can be very successful without the aid of a huge corporate husk leeching off their success. IDK why you're so quick to defend a boomer business model that should die out the same way TV has.

>> No.2309740

Again, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2309779

Corporations pouring resources to promote something doesn't result in the best product, it results in a "good enough" product that everyone knows about

>> No.2309831

As opposed to a shitty product nobody knows about, like 99% of indie vtubers, games, movies etc.? Also it not being the best possible product is not a particularly strong criticism.

>> No.2309899

yes anon its trash, if you speak JP watch Niji if you don't speak JP watching bland vanilla hololive vtubers is unforgivable unless the character/design/voice of any of those 5 really does it for you

>> No.2309964


>> No.2309972

>it not being the best possible product is not a particularly strong criticism
Maybe not to you, but why would I settle for the easiest, most accessible thing when I could just put in a little more effort and find something I enjoy more? I guess some people just don't have the time for that, and I guess that's fine, I just don't quite understand it


>> No.2309987

nobody is forcing you, stop making these retarded threads

>> No.2310020

Again, what's there to understand? Corporate products are superior to most non-corporate content. If HL girls were doing it on their own they would have never made it.

>> No.2310052


>> No.2310078


I guess we agree, then

>> No.2310171

>It just shows that Hololive is too concerned with controlling their image.
This is exactly why everyone that thinks of VTubers in the west primarily thinks of Hololive as opposed to, say, Kizuna Ai. Reaching out outside of "the peer group" is only ever good if you see a possibility to expand. All companies do this, and the most successful companies in the world are all about "controlling their image".

>> No.2311104

Pretty sure it's not just you anon. That's why other companies are still successful, they offer something that Hololive doesn't.

Also, this is obvious fucking bait in the first place. Just fucking watch other fucking Vtubers if you don't like Hololive. No one gives a shit
