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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22927087 No.22927087 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.22927096


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.22927118

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22927126

Well, while it may make sense on paper, the only way we'd know for sure is if we had access to the analytics of the NijiJP blokes. If their %SEA audience dropped by a significant amount after they were out in January, it would lend some credence to the fact. As is, it's hard to say, the female audience is tricky in that they only show up for certain kinds of streams too, normal gaming is right out for most.

>> No.22927147
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>> No.22927166

What worked?

>> No.22927177

>Mysta's stream ended
Tick tock HoloENfags

>> No.22927243

>Literally no one in that picture is a top tier Niji.
>Kaida, Kou, and Deron getting 4k is actually high for their usual numbers.
You seem knowledgeable about Nijis enough to fulfill this request: to test this theory, give me a list of who would be the NijiJP with the most potential audience overlap with Luxiem.

For instance, Kuzuha is right out, his audience expects him to play FPS and that is what drives his biggest numbers.
I can think of Kanae and Fuwa but I'm not knowledgeable to know who would have the biggest overlap with them.

With a list of 5 or 10 I could plot their chart and people would be able to make a fair assessment looking at numbers

>> No.22927247

what, he's gonna get 83k or something?

>> No.22927264

This retard is posting on cooldown about muh EN gold. Its honestly pathetic

>> No.22927273

Well, duh. They frequently mention numbers (memberships, CCV and subs) on streams. They clearly are pretty conscious of their numbers. When you are conscious of your numbers, it's natural that you want to drive those numbers up

>> No.22927305

Sorry Nijiniggers, the fujos have used up their bot money.

>> No.22927307

It's intelligent too, I wish Ame would to her watchalongs on Twitch, like Miko does

>> No.22927312

Reine song still stuck at less than 6K with 8k concurrent viewers over an hour later.

>> No.22927310

Millie's channel got flagged

>> No.22927378

Kobo starting, she's already hit 2k

>> No.22927383

reminder that median is a metric that doesn't actually matter and it's mainly for ranking purposes, doing it on yt is just free views for the channel

>> No.22927386
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Dont mind me. Preparing for Ankimo hornyposting later

>> No.22927400

It's kobo time

>> No.22927420

>doing it on yt is just free views for the channel
Watchalongs? I doubt that has any replay value and doesn't Miko get a good income from her watchalongs on Twitch?

>> No.22927428

Yeah, I found it when I went back a few days.
Still feels pretty rare for HoloEN to have 2 ongoing 10k streams these days, but it's probably recency bias.
HoloENs except for Gura usually don't get much higher than 10k so any new overlap automatically makes it impossible. Doesn't help that we don't see many occasions of two overlapping buff streams.
It's usually one buff and one debuff or god forbid, double ER.

We have a chance tomorrow if Gura's Half Life overlaps with Mumei's minecraft tho.

Mysta had a guerilla emote reveal after the Valorant collab that peaked at 4k and he unlisted the stream shortly after.
He also unlists his SC readings.

It's pretty smart because it keeps his strong VODs in the algorithm and his shit VODs from clogging up recommendations.

>> No.22927444


>> No.22927448


>> No.22927451

for real? if true that's going to release hell.

>> No.22927475

Provide some evidence mang.

>> No.22927476

That's weird, usually verification doesn't freeze like that anymore. It used to, but they changed it.

>> No.22927481

No? She still recovered her waiting rooms within 1-2' in all of her streams today

>> No.22927507

Flagged how? Like, what exactly happened to it?

>> No.22927515

they do actually, since you can sync them yourself after if you don't care about chat interaction
miko would get that anyways streaming anything on twitch as long as she got subs for it

>> No.22927516

anon bought and tested viewfarms

>> No.22927527

Removing underperforming streams is stupid from any standpoint other than cheating /#/s perception. No one else cares. Its like a farmer destroying a poor crop entirely

>> No.22927542

Vox got a whooping 800 viewers when Mysta went from 12k to 6k going into SC reading.
Funneling isn't THAT strong or else every HoloEN would automatically get 10k when Gura ends.

>> No.22927547

There like 5 ER stream right now!

>> No.22927561

he unlists streams for the sake of numbers, holy shit

>> No.22927564

Toko at least has established a solid morning slot for herself. Her close association with Suisei probably didn't hurt either, especially now that comet is starting to takeoff in popularity. But yeah, the rest of Nijisanji with a few exceptions are really stagnating. They just barely inclined from all time lows in terms of CCV last month. The new recruits plummeted to 3 digit views in record time too though it remains to be seen if that's more because of them being VTA graduates or if the general Nijisanji fanbase is more entrenched in their "watch their favorites only" mindset. Don't get me wrong, Nijisanji isn't turning into another Upd8 any time soon. As long as they have Kuzuha, Mito, Kanae, Chinman, and their brand-name remains strong they're not gonna suddenly decline. But they are gonna be stuck in 2nd place unless another major shakeup changes things like how COVID upended their dominance in the JP market.

>> No.22927582

That's good to know Mysta, thanks for the info.

>> No.22927592

That guy was making shit up. All Millie's streams looked normal today (except her cookie run where she lagged several times and dropped to 0 viewers).
Dunno why she privated it, though

>> No.22927606
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No one can beat Hololive's funnels

>> No.22927624


>> No.22927665

>cheating /#/s perception
Except it doesn't even work because the autists in this thread can still see his 2 4k SC readings and count it in his median.
It's objectively smart for VOD growth because it keeps his strong VODs like his Valorant collab and his Easter Egg painting VOD being the more recent VODs that get recommended.

>> No.22927667
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>for real? if true that's going to release hell.
Anon is clearly talking out of his ass and trying to false flag

Here is her most recent stream (an ASMR) and one from last month (also ASMR).

Approx same starting time, approx same length and peak and if much her recent chart is much more well behaved than her last

>> No.22927714

huh Ame jumped from 6k to 8k last night after collab ended.

>> No.22927731

>no delivery

>> No.22927736
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Kiara is making mad korean bank right now

>> No.22927776

It's really not, doing it at the end of stream is
Yt recommends popular vods anyway so there is very little risk of the algo recommendeding SC readings, and he cucks any extra views he might get from them because SC reading is a type of content a lot of people do in fac want to watch

>> No.22927780

hey, spy x family is great

>> No.22927808
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>> No.22927812

That's my point, funnel is effective for reaching a higher peak after the stream stagnates, but you're lucky to even get 30% conversion.
Kronii had 7k and Irys had 3k and Ame "only" got 1-2k out of it (her 8k peak was when she fought Radahn, which would've spiked her number anyways).

>> No.22927813
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>Funneling isn't that strong

>> No.22927872

>only 3k
we don't talk about midget numbers here indog

>> No.22927883

Kobo SEA internet fucked her up today.

>> No.22927926

Should have play the pc version.

>> No.22927932

This event happen today, most people prefer this game than LOL WR in indo

>> No.22927976

Mobile and PC version is pretty much dead in SEA anon.

>> No.22927981


>> No.22928006

530k, damn the indo market is strong

>> No.22928026

Gooks are so easy, holomem just needs to act like they want to learn korean then gooks will come

>> No.22928040

Inclining in general is really fucking hard and there's only maybe 20 examples (out of hundreds of vtubers) of real, long lasting incline in the past year.
This thread hates them, but Luxiem is actually one of the few examples of actual incline (their debut week numbers were 2-5k).
We literally saw Bae's "incline" dwindle the moment she lifed her foot off the pedal and all the attention Fubuki got amounted to nothing after a few weeks. Kuzuha was piping hot in Sept 2021, but now in 2022 his numbers are the same as Aug 2021.

For most streamers, stagnating is good enough. At least you're not actively declining.

>> No.22928041


>> No.22928077

Sasuga Windah's onahole!!

>> No.22928081

Kiara has a solid 4k core audience but duolingo also gets her 4k but with more gooks. Where's her core audience?

>> No.22928105

told you stop pandering into EOP and play mobage, most indonesian cant even afford proper pc for playing recent pc games

>> No.22928107

Are we starting with the Kanata lewds already?

>> No.22928106

Anon have you seen the overlap happenign right now?

>> No.22928125

her core audience are watching other streams kek

>> No.22928136

Isn't the chat speed embarrassingly slow for 600K CCV?

>> No.22928183

Will HoloID try this meta? That is an insane views for a mobile game, is that a SEA only tournament?

>> No.22928184

>We literally saw Bae's "incline" dwindle
No, we didn't. She is going to quietly have around an 8k median this month when she was hovering around 5k before her birthday month. She picked up a decent amount of core viewers thanks to that stunt.

>> No.22928190

I bet most IDs watching aren't using an account.

>> No.22928200

No one want to watch their oshi degrade herself to gooks, especially since Kiara treats them as royalty above the average kfp

>> No.22928201

That's not a very core audience behavior

>> No.22928205

Not a whole lot of retarded chink luxiem propaganda in here after this came on

>> No.22928222

i've seen several jps who get way worse than their usual floor on english streams, it seems those streams are mainly tourist central and regulars avoid them

>> No.22928234

Asians got other holos to watch right now
Euros are just getting home

>> No.22928242

Some core, some -secondary- (like Miko, so she gets murdered on overlap).

>> No.22928258

I don't know why HoloID3 keeps overlapping in this 8-9pm slot.
All 3 of these girls have shown the ability to get 3k+ by themselves without overlap, but insist on nerfing each others numbers.
Kaela and Zeta started at the same time ffs. Kaela in particular should be dodging this timeslot because most people are going to be watching Kobo anyways.

>> No.22928264

Isn't that the game sued by Riot for copying or some dumb shit

>> No.22928285

Nina's unarchived karaoke still has more CCV than finana's, it's funny how this keeps happening

>> No.22928306

What meta? Casting a tournament? Not only they might not have permission to, but they definitely don't have the knowledge to attract most of those hundreds thousands

>> No.22928335

There is also another pov from the official channel with 270k CCV

>> No.22928338

it's the old age question of why would you stream next to peko at 9pm jst, some people believe you make yourself more resistant to overlap that way, but i dunno

>> No.22928340
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current live top10

>> No.22928353


>> No.22928379

Vsaikyou ccv mogged twice over by an indog mobile game tournament, oh no no no

>> No.22928386

Nina is singing in Asian timeslot. Finana was singing in NA timeslot on a weekday

>> No.22928403

>She picked up a decent amount of core viewers thanks to that stunt
No she fucking didn't. She got people who would watch her if literally no one else is on, or if she's playing Minecraft. The moment she overlaps she fucking tanks because people would rather watch someone else.

>> No.22928407

>ollie is 3view shitter now
what happened zombros? does the farmer hat filter her audience hard now?

>> No.22928419

Here's the thing as well. Having 5 k average viewers in a month of streamer puts you in top 500 on twitch. Even if it probably is lower lets say in the top 1000 if we combine all platforms. you're basically top 1000 of millions of streamers, you've made it as a streamer.
And if the goal was to get into top 100 you would need roughly 16k average instead of 5k.
And then put that into perspective of company connected vtubers, you have some support that allows you to be stable even if you aren't performing top notch or pushing for it. You don't have to be inclining to be doing decent as a mid/low tier chuuba.

>> No.22928427

I mean that number of viewers obviously watch the streams of those players playing the game too right? Playing the game just to 'try it' might be a good experiment if they can get a smudge of those viewers

>> No.22928430

Kobo stole her audience, nothing personal, indogs left her for the better one

>> No.22928459

I saw some anon said this stream would be ENgold. What happened?

>> No.22928486

ID3 aren't pro players like them though.

>> No.22928487

So what the fuck is Holo ID doing? Why is no one playing this game?

>> No.22928495

Peko and King on top, name a more iconic duo

>> No.22928498

That aint funnel. Hell not even ike got that.
Fujos apparently are only waiting for events to show up.

>> No.22928500

someone.. tell them to play mobile legend..

>> No.22928522

What? It starts in 30 minutes.

>> No.22928532

Chinese dev

>> No.22928540

>muh pc game good, mobage no good suck ass

>> No.22928548

It was shitposting because they said the males would be on vc

>> No.22928555

>Mobile Legend
>Chink Company
Not gonna happen

>> No.22928560

That anon forgot Nina doesn't have a dick

>> No.22928563

True blood chink game, unlike riot games which is an American company owned by a mega chink company and who would not risk the bad PR of giving something as petty as the coco drama attention

>> No.22928565

That was Bae's Vampire Survivor stream, and she went from 4k to almost peaking at 10k. That is an amazing funnel.

>> No.22928590

shes been live for 30mins already. is she waiting for vox to end to start singing?

>> No.22928599

>Mobile Legend
It has chinese dev, anon. How many times do we have to repeat this?

>> No.22928625

Bae's schedule this month has been light (only 11 streams, 1 unarchived karaoke and 1 April Fools) but her floors are still as low as before (3k) but she is still heavily reliant on avoiding overlap for any chance of getting much more than 5k.
Most of her good numbers this month are from catching funnels, which is valid ofc, but I don't think her core has grown that much.

For example, she got 9.8k for this stream, but that graph does not inspire confidence.
This one was stuck at 5k until Gura and Kronii ended and gave her 3k.

Bae should really start playing Minecraft more, it's her first 10k "normal" stream this month.

>> No.22928628

That's why I said experiment and since Kaela is already playing mobile games for her streams, wish she would try it so we could see if it brings numbers

>> No.22928634

Did you conveniently forgot who owns Riot?

>> No.22928688

Did you conveniently forget that Tencent is the only fucking chink company that literally doesn't give a fuck about the ccp?

>> No.22928699

Tencent doesn't count. They literally don't give a shit.

>> No.22928710

Tencent cares about profit and not ccp

>> No.22928730

All of them probably still have a day job.

>> No.22928739

>CN dev that ISN'T Tencent so they can't just shrug off any negative press antis can push.

>> No.22928747

Riot is owned by Tencent, no? I recall even Moona got a sponsored by them to play PUBGM.

>> No.22928756

>Zeta is sub 2k while Kaela is a 3view
>Kobo 4k strong

>> No.22928774

She got 6k out of a OW collab that ended with 34k concurrent viewers.
It's a good funnel, but she god less than 20% of the viewers and that's ignoring the natural incline of having her first long Vampire Survivor run too.

>> No.22928785

Why do you fucking keep timelooping this shit?.we keep telling you, Tencent is literally the only CN company that is willing to ignore the antis because they're just that big. Yet you keep. FUCKING. ASKING. You stupid seanigger!

>> No.22928786

aqua and apex.

>> No.22928826
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>What happened?
What happened is that the whole goal is to get people to talk more about that particular group of streamers, to numberfag them and to give it more importance than their numbers warrant, putting them (at least on a conversational level) on the same level of the group they're being compared to.
>and it works too

When you look at the numerical comparison between (for instance) VSPO girls and NijiEN girls compare to the frequency each of these groups is talked in this thread you can see that it is not really proportional.
>pic related

But people like to talk about what they like to talk, so they'll talk more about the people behind the number than about their real numbers anyway so, carry on.

>> No.22928840
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Not a very spiked graph today, decent.

>> No.22928850

>Suisex with NSO
Kind of ironic that after the EN arc of this more JP are playing it lately now that the hype for this died (like every FOTM game). More specific, the jp ones which the NSO schizos were sperging about how they will broke midthrough because it will be "too close to home".
How long before Mike also plays it once she debuts her Live 2D model

>> No.22928859

in a perfect world kobo would be playing mobile legends......

>> No.22928866

now kiss

>> No.22928870

Go Noah go!

>> No.22928883

Kobo is ID Gura, so much like Gura, her teammates suffer greatly from overlapping with her.
Zeta had almost 3k before Kobo started and Kaela is playing a debuff game that only Japs like for some reason. It's like shitty GTA.

>> No.22928896

Tencent is too big for those chink nationalist. What are they gonna do to Tencent ? Calling their 500 chinks fellow to hack League ?

>> No.22928915

You probably don't know about this but Mobile legend is owned/got acquired by ByteDance(tiktok company). You see holo use tiktok right?

>> No.22928938

eop board, people talk more about fucking reimu and finana in this thread than even some mid jp holos

>> No.22928949

Oh no, he's actually retarded

>> No.22928965

except you don't need rights to use tiktok, they need rights to play a game.

>> No.22928999

Yes, and that's because social media sites dont fucking need GAME PERMISSIONS.
Look. If ID HASN'T tried to get mobile legends perms, then they should at least give it a shot, but otherwise consider it dead if they did try.

>> No.22929034

It's just more fun to talk about NijiEN than VSPO despite the disparity in numbers.
Like when Nose or Noah gets 8k with Apex, it's like "okay cool, there's no FPS overlap right now I guess", but when Nina gets 4k with Minecraft, I'm interested because that's not normal and there's a 90% chance there's a male in VC.

>> No.22929052
File: 54 KB, 1436x538, holostars vs neoporte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, same thing goes for Holostars.
At very least in this thread, pretty much every conversation about them (or eventual future generations) is started with the express purpose of getting people to talk about a group of streamers that wouldn't otherwise be talked about in this thread due to their unremarkable numbers.
>pic related

Like NijiEN girls and VSPO, the proportion of talk about Holostars in relation to their numbers is very disproportionate in relation with Neo Porte, for instance.

But, again, people will talk about what they like to talk and, given the nature of this site and board, that's for the best

>> No.22929143

>90% chance there's a male in VC.
Or $11

>> No.22929189

>eop board
See >>22929052, it's not just EN branches

>It's just more fun to talk about NijiEN than VSPO despite the disparity in numbers.
People will talk about what they want to talk and that's the nature of this site, I have no problem with it.

My point is just that it is less motivated by numbers (answering the question of "what happened" that anon posed) and more about what people either want to talk or is baited into talking by other anons

>> No.22929205

>Viewbotting a 4k stream
Unlike the males, NijiEN girls have normal looking graphs.

>> No.22929219

I blame beggars for this

>> No.22929245

What the actual fuck happened to Bae anyway? Did she just burn out? Fucking Mumei and Fauna have the most hours out of council this month, one has a shaky schedule and the other one took a 5 day break, so what the hell? But yeah if anyone wants to look at how bad overlap kills her just look at her SC reading. Most of the ENs can get at least 2-2.5k for SC readings on overlap and she couldn't even do that much despite having a gimmick on here

>> No.22929278

She got sick, and then had an unspecified family emergency that took her out for a couple of weeks

>> No.22929291
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Except millie, that 13k will forever remembered

>> No.22929299

half of the homostars talk here is about their new gen's shit numbers and some retards collab begging (and subsequently getting told to fuck off).

>> No.22929314

She's jealous because roberu keeps on flirting with mea.

>> No.22929327

She started hitting the gym and physically overexerted herself last week. She's also got some kind of school on top of that as well?

>> No.22929447

To be fair to Bae, Mumei and Fauna haven't overlapped nearly as hard as she has this month and Bae's stream choices for half of her streams this month are downright awful.

We're about to see some really cringe numbers tomorrow at 3pm PST/6pm EST.
Quadruple overlap and 3 of those streams are debuff games (Skyrim, OPUS, Sayonara).
Gura will be overlapping with Mumei's Minecraft too, which hurts it's chances of getting 10k. Despite open VC, Gura, Fauna, Kronii, Ame, and Ina are all streaming earlier tomorrow (usually they go to sign off for the day after streaming) and Mori is in Hawaii, so the only people who might call in are Bae and Irys. Sana is irrelevant.

>> No.22929513

Both Mio and Towa are not around right now. Ayame needs a new guardian to drag out to do streams.

>> No.22929599

i get the feeling if people asked her she'd come out, no joke, koyori somehow got her to join her amogus roleplay collab, that was her last stream 3 weeks ago btw

>> No.22929619

Are you the anon who keeps track of monthly medians?
Can you give us an update? I'm curious how things look a week before the month ends.

>> No.22929626

Cover should get Konami perms first before Chink perms.

>> No.22929633

A little bit earlier and she could have roped in some late night JP stragglers (like Flare, Watame or Haachama), and if she last long enough she could some early birds.

But that time is smack in the middle of the JP dead zone

>> No.22929670

>Are you the anon who keeps track of monthly medians

>Can you give us an update? I'm curious how things look a week before the month ends.
Later today, so I can catch all streams starting today (JST)

>> No.22929707

If she entered college right after highschool, she's in her last year of college
Apparently in australia you have to do an academic research paper/thesis before graduating, so she may be preparing for that

>> No.22929725
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um, lads?

>> No.22929767
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>> No.22929771

Fucking lol is that real

>> No.22929778

>being this desperate
how long until she sucking random hobo cock on stream

>> No.22929800

at least she's getting 4k for this, i guess

>> No.22929817


>> No.22929861

>being this desperate
My thoughts as well and lines up with anon saying about her mengen asking about strategies to incline to 1.5M.

Out of every strategy, becoming a /here/ chuuba would be the worse

>> No.22929868

Not the op but Fuwa and Kanae's audiences are mostly Japanese, especially Fuwa, his contents is kinda random, he gets more viewers whenever he plays horror games while the audiences aren't interested in games (example : Vox audiences aren't interested in FNAF), his character is also a host which is only unique to Japanese women, most of Luxiem's audiences are not Japanese except Shu, Toya is also the same, him being a lolicon repels a lot of Luxiem's audiences, he also does zatsu a lot which makes non Japanese who don't understand the language won't watch him...
The most likely NijiJP boys to have overlaps of audiences with Luxiem are maybe Akina and Kaida, and maybe Kagami Hayato

>> No.22929872

God Nina is bad, I'm starting to understand why she's stuck st 6k

>> No.22929875

we have it scheduled in two weeks, she told me not to shower or wash before then so she would get the real tasting experience.

>> No.22929887

>"I'm going to fight the antis now." Sui : Are you insane? That's the worst thing you can do.

>> No.22929895

if she wants free subs and doesn't care about getting regulars, shorts are the best strat

>> No.22929920

>incline to 1.5M
not leaving the company but redefining yourself in it.

>> No.22929922

>>22929868 (me)
I mena Luxiem's audiences aren't interested in games

>> No.22929936

Holy based Kson you returned to your origins didn't you?

>> No.22929977

I’ll just bite the bullet and chart every niji male. Right now, with 4 or more streams in April, there are only 30.

>> No.22930009

(Niji JP only)

>> No.22930062
File: 21 KB, 107x93, 1621374061538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, some numbers

>> No.22930122

unironically going back to Hololive

>> No.22930179

I'm the OP but I missed his post lmao, but yeah I agree.
There hasn't been much convincing proof that there's significant overlap between Luxiem and ManjisanjiJP except Kanae's zatsu numbers have been pretty shit lately.

Fuwa, Kuzuha, Kanae have 60-70% male audiences anyways because they mostly stream FPS games and women don't watch those, whereas Luxiem is overwhelmingly female audiences.
Kenmochi's audience is the normie meme audience that is an isolated audience that no vtuber to my understanding has access to. 30k people just manifest out of thin air 6 times a month to listen to him chat and then disappear without funneling anyone.
>The most likely NijiJP boys to have overlaps of audiences with Luxiem are maybe Akina and Kaida, and maybe Kagami Hayato
From what we've seen, none of them have had noticable decline overlapping with Luxiem so I doubt there's more than 1000 (Kaida is like 2-3k median anyways).

It's pretty clear that most Luxiemfags are newfags from China/Taiwan/HK/SEA who have never seen NijiJP before and won't watch them if NijiEN isn't streaming. It's like how HoloEN's audience is made up of a lot of EOPs who have never watched a JP stream.

>> No.22930222

There goes the EN monthly gold for nijiEN. They thought they could get a streak and win 15 golds. What a shame. Better try your luck next time.

>> No.22930267

HoloID should really try to play this game

>> No.22930273

Both of them pandered hard to lonely men with deep pockets yet why does that one filter viewers so much, even with a gimmick unlike Lamy who's playing like normal?

>> No.22930289
File: 53 KB, 899x577, 1626605442784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... how do we save japan?

>> No.22930300

>945k right now

>> No.22930302

Can't believe Nina called Mysta a cuck right in front of 6k nijisisters

>> No.22930306
File: 486 KB, 2880x2880, Money magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.22930325


>> No.22930346

Nah, my theory is that it's not newfags, but they were introduced to vtubing by HoloEN, a majority of them were. Eversince the boom of Myth, vtubing had become more mainstream and people picked up on it. The thing is, there's not a single market or gen that caters to the male audience that came along with that boom. Females fans doesn't have anywhere to go other than liking the girls, but now they have cute boys doing cute things. That's why imo, Cover made a bad decision on not capturing both markets overseas early on in 2021 when they could afford a male EN gen.

>> No.22930347

I'm not gonna watch ViewfarmSanji stream. So thanks for the quick update

>> No.22930350

>pandered hard
she just said she liked money on her debut, watch streams
also she started half an hour after 3 ER streams had started already

>> No.22930384

>Bae should really start playing Minecraft more, it's her first 10k "normal" stream this month.
I heavily suspect she got that 10k because people were expecting Open VC

>> No.22930397

female audience* not male audience

>> No.22930404

kek, basic bitch economic take. Japan runs a trade surplus meaning a weaker yen benefits their economy.
That’s the whole reason China keeps their currency artificially deflated in relation to the dollar.

>> No.22930418

As someone who hasn’t paid attention to their situations of late, what is the QRD on Iroha and Kaela # struggles?

Iroha subs look like low tier old guard which seems really bad, especially compared to rest of her Gen.

Did Kaela suffer # culling on same level as Sana or is she that her unpopular next to Kobo and Zeta?

>> No.22930449

>Boys doing cute things
Chinks Viewfarms aren't real audience

>> No.22930472

She is very lovey dovey in members only streams.

>> No.22930481

Isn't Japan a net importer? Part of the reason why their economy stagnated was because china took over the cheap electronics niche that they had control over in the 90s

>> No.22930500

I still remember when niggas used to shitpost about lamy feeling inadequate during holox debut kek. Turned out 4 of them are boring shitters bloating the talent pool.

>> No.22930505

>Did Kaela suffer # culling on same level as Sana or is she that her unpopular next to Kobo and Zeta
the latter, not taht it really matters because her performance is still amazing for an ID

>> No.22930506

>She is going to quietly have around an 8k median this month
Anon numbers without context mean nothing.
She's barely streamed this month and most of the streams she had were collabs

>> No.22930522

Honestly, I think it's just because Lamy started first and Chloe's ER streams are like Koyori's ER streams where the number fluctuates like crazy depending on overlap.
Seems like Chloe is catching funnels/being a waiting room when there's not much overlap so people aren't as invested in her playthrough. Feels like the equivalent of Irys/Ame's ER runs for HoloEN, albeit Chloe's peaks are much higher.
Lamy has gotten 10k before overlapping with both Pekora and Botan playing ER so something is working for her too.

>> No.22930530

Both can only play shit games

>> No.22930538

Should get Konami first before any Chink games.If they cant get a JP perm,they wont get any Chink perms.

>> No.22930545

apparently Iroha is disliked by JOPs for something about being "professional" or something, she also streams too much FF and debuff games.

Kaela is a deadpan hag which isn't liked by IOP audience while Zeta is cute and attracts SCs, Kobo is self explanatory. Kaela can still be saved by MOBAs though and hearthstone

>> No.22930566

Well she has a brain while the game's MC does not

>> No.22930584
File: 14 KB, 664x46, bmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has absolutely disappointing numbers in her supposed "specialty"

>> No.22930592

Yeah only Laplus seems like top holo material. Shame.

>> No.22930601

on Iroha, she got stuck in a loop of content where she just did the same shit week after week, canceled streams constantly because moving/getting lost (no joke)/had another job besides streaming/other excuses, and is the holox with the least amount of interactions in her own gen and barely collabs outside compared to the others, barely capitalized on her ship with laplus, and is now in FF hell and accidentally offended nip autists, don't know how she's getting out of this one to be honest

>> No.22930612

Is 4chan in general so isolated they don't know people post very popular screen caps from /here/ all over social media? You think kson personally snapped that screenshot and she's /here/? The woman who kept calling shit based and then randomly asked what that means 1 year later?

>> No.22930610

>MOBAs and hearthstone
Someone has to play these games

>> No.22930613
File: 183 KB, 828x764, 7F10E5E0-8F99-4C4B-82C0-EE8474C1DAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the exception of the economic consequences of the earthquake and the economic consequences of the pandemics Japan runs a trade surplus

>> No.22930631

She's an ID. consistently pulling over 1k for every stream is not that bad. She fucked up her debut stream, so her sub count is abysmal compare to Kobo and Zeta, but to be fair no one ever have any high hope for ID to begin with.

>> No.22930648

I see yukimin are still very salty.

>> No.22930674

>You think kson personally snapped that screenshot and she's /here/?
Nope, just that she may be surrounding herself with /here/ people

>> No.22930680

do you expect them all to be? most holos are there to fill niches lmao, you'd think you'd get this already after the company hired someone like Luna

>> No.22930687

qrd on Iroha's grave sin towards the mighty elevens?

>> No.22930690

>normie meme audience
are JP normies all lolicons?

>> No.22930699

Yeah, Kaela's doing fine for an ID, people are just trying to compare her to Kobo.

>> No.22930781

Well gen 5 has lamy and botan for guaranteed 10k streamers while holos has only 1.

>> No.22930786

She essentially said “FF is the first game I really enjoy streaming”, which clearly doesn’t sit well with people putting up with the rest of the games she was streaming, by her admission, out of obligation.

>> No.22930838


>> No.22930850


>> No.22930884

something about not considering herself a professional or something like that, she worded it poorly

>> No.22930899

>gen 5
>guaranteed 10k

>> No.22930906

Lamy panders to the ojisan market, Chloe has started leaning towards the teenage/nousagi type market, but Peko has a stranglehold there and the Orca doesn't offer enough to overcome the sudden mismatch between her looks/voice and behavior.

She dropped her cutesy act waaay too early imo (with all the bath talk). That plus the long SC readings pretty much shifted her perspective from being Ayame lite (where there is almost no competition) to Pekora-lite.

imo she's having trouble establishing her identity properly right now. She needs something unique that no other chuuba has.

>> No.22930929

do you know how long it took lamy to not be a shitter, and she can still get embarrassingly low sometimes

>> No.22930958

Feels like beating a dead horse since everyone has said it already, but that's because it's just the truth.
Bad stream choices and repetitive content.
Sub growth is low because she doesn't have much clippable content (clips and going viral are always the biggest boost for subs) and despite doing lots of zatsus, it's not interesting like actual zatsu experts like Chinman and Ange.
Cannot stress how bad her game choices are and how late she is to trends.

Subs are poor because she has the worst Holo debut in recent history, but her actual numbers when not overlapping with ID3 are pretty impressive for HoloID.
Needs to stick to streaming LoL tho because she has really bad zatsu skills and cannot carry boring games (12 Minutes was a painfully silent stream), but she's definitely carved a niche for herself in HoloID.
I wouldn't consider Kaela struggling honestly, she's better than Iofi, Risu, and Anya already.

>> No.22930961
File: 163 KB, 720x585, kobo1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this speed Kobo Ori song will reach 1 million in a bout 24~36 hours I think

>> No.22930964

Blue woman strong, no need to develop further.

>> No.22931000
File: 76 KB, 1381x185, 1649863187268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this apparently seemed insulting to her fans when her definition of "pro" differed from theirs.

>> No.22931002

Lamy fags are mentally diseased

>> No.22931015

isn't it 15-7. so technically they can still tie.
although the only guaranteed golds i can think of are vox's bday and if alban does his first karaoke

>> No.22931025

Cover looks for talented people, gets shitty talents for Council and HoloX

Cover should just stick on getting streamers PL only. They got the legendary gen 3 from that, but the downside is that 4 of them sucks at singing and dancing while marine is a hag.

>> No.22931037

Kaela should let Ckia appear on stream more. Or better yet Ckia Karaoke. That'll pull big numbers for her

>> No.22931070

go to bed dumbass

>> No.22931084

I don't get why Cover even chose her. Just because she can play LoL and heartstone?

>> No.22931095

see here >>22496925

tldr her word choices and definitions of being a "pro streamer" + fangirling FF14 to the point where she implied she didn't like any of the games she streamed until now.

>> No.22931112

I got my first oshi in council, it's a win for me

>> No.22931133

>gets kronii and Sana
>Kronii and sana can't deliver
Yeah, they should have just chosen streamers

>> No.22931140

da gula killa curse

>> No.22931147

my oshi is on holox, so it's also a win for me, can never satisfy people who want 5 pekos every gen

>> No.22931191

>there's a market for male vtubers in KR

>> No.22931199

Watch this, compare it to normal Kaela and give me your thought : https://youtu.be/V8Nv8REuRPM

>> No.22931227

There is a video that Yagoo said during the anniversary of holoid that one of the id3 is good at fps game I expect it was kaela

>> No.22931239
File: 864 KB, 1199x756, gfght.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic

>> No.22931266

My guess? They wanted a tardwrangler. Hags are perfect for it since most of them are experienced on dealing with others, also hags are more emotionally stable than the young ones even if that usually lead to lack of ambition to better their numbers.

>> No.22931267

i mean, why wouldn't there be one, there's fujoshits everywhere

>> No.22931269

You're an idiot.
Are you not aware of Kronii's previous vtuber persona? Her issue isn't lack of streaming experience, it's imposter syndrome because she didn't expect to end up with the size of audience and the huge expectations along with it and BROKE because of it. She's been picking up the pieces and slowly pulling herself back together one debuff game at a time.

>> No.22931279

Cover hiring for each gen are usually spread out to cover greater variety. Can't have them competing too much for the same audiences.

>> No.22931291

Roommate stuff?

>I don't get why Cover even chose her
Kaela fills a niche that no one in HoloID had before and her chill vibe is very different from the rest of her gen.
Kinda like how Kronii's depresso vibe sticks out in HoloEN and she has her own audience because of it.
MOBA is a market that no one in Hololive has tried to attract recently too, so it helps that she's ok at it enough that you're not just watching because it's a cute girl.

>> No.22931310
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, 1629501709908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22931351

>Roommate stuff?
watch this vid: it's like Ollie with Olivia

>> No.22931366

Why don't get they get more gamers?. See the success of that entire gen and even getting them to sing with more popular songs that the so called vsingers. Aqua got an impulse from the "pro gamer" angle I still remember when her smash clips were even put on japanese retailer stores so it's rather surprising when they keep getting some Holos with no experience on games or low passion for it.

>> No.22931372

his model looks like every porn manhwa with milfs

>> No.22931376

It's an easy transition from Kpop to KR Livers

>> No.22931454

well, it has to be, right? We've seen Kobo and Zeta play and they're both terrible.

>> No.22931464

No. Ckia is Kaela Loli persona. Clearly the whole boring hag shit is just an act, Kaela can be much more entertaining than this.

>> No.22931487

I see, but to be honest, it works because it's a gimmick and contrast from the usual.
Olivia works because she's so different from Ollie and is used sparingly. If Ollie was Olivia all the time, she would just be another dime-a-dozen "cute girl" vtuber.

>> No.22931528

Reines view counter is busted. What's going on with that thing. 22k Likes 14K views compared to Kanata who released at the same time 25k Likes 46K views.

>> No.22931547

Zeta is new to valo if I'm not mistaken, while kobo is pretty decent but not really show that she is good with it. They both streaming valo right now, you can compare it

>> No.22931580

They're both fucked because that's what happens with premieres with big numbers.
Need to wait till the 12 hour mark before getting a sense of what the real number is like.

>> No.22931600

yeah, the original anon said she should use the gimmick, because everyone calls normal Kaela boring, even though I think she just hasn't quite found her footing yet. It's just that everyone's comparing her to Zeta/Kobo who are the strongest ID gen yet. Kaela is still in the top half of ID.

>> No.22931682

Kobo rage makes it interesting, i still dont get her appeal

>> No.22931738

Honestly anon, Kaela is like Lui, they're just hags who have to tardwrangle the rest of their gen, they aren't expected to put up numbers.

>> No.22931767


Debuff detective talking about why Fish Tank and Ame in the AM died.
She seems more comfortable producing assets and stuff for such shows and letting someone else do the talking.

>> No.22931772

man, day really ended with a gura bronze, barely any streams before the 3D live to go into overlap hell after it really killed holojp today

>> No.22931844


>> No.22931854

>4m subs
Dead subs? Dead subs.

>> No.22931860

How high will Iofi get with a peko buff for her salon series?

>> No.22931896

a rare 10k iofi stream

>> No.22931920

She waste her 20k+ streams because she hates talking? Kek

>> No.22931977

So what are debuff games in general?

>> No.22931984

It's over NUMBERBROS.... Iofi unleashed unbraided Pekora's hair...

>> No.22931985

Interesting, that means if you put "tardwrangling other people" in your cv when you apply for holo you probably could get higher chances to be hired.

>> No.22931999

>everyone calls normal Kaela boring
I think Kaela is kinda boring sometimes because she's new to streaming and even for a hag, her reactions are very muted compared to other chill hags like Lui and Mio. However, there's nothing wrong with her because there needs to be variety in a gen and she appeals to a different audience than Kobo and Zeta (altho admittedly, it's a smaller audience).

If you think of a gen as a cast of characters, you don't want multiple people to have overlapping traits and personalities. The "smart and polite, glasses-wearing girl" of the cast will never be the most popular character, but those side characters still have fans and contribute something different to the group dynamic. There's nothing wrong with being a supporting character to prop up the stars more.


>> No.22932042

predict the number?

>> No.22932051

She’s reaching a point of retardation where she would be more valuable graduated and working as a faceless unknown mook behind the scenes than in front of the camera

>> No.22932057

anybody care to explain what went up with mystas bullshit graphic this time? It spent 40mins plateaued at 9k and then a sudden huge jump to 15k? Wtf is that?

>> No.22932099


>> No.22932100

Do you guys think NijiEN's blatant number obsession is because they saw what happened to the other Niji branches?

>> No.22932105

we already know at this point that HoloEN will never give a shit about numbers, that's just the way it is. We'll see if En3 changes things.

>> No.22932135

Kobo started another stream. Valorant this time

>> No.22932169

the explanation from fujos is that he hit 500k and a bunch of the fags started calling in, and i guess they must have a discord alert or something, but it still looks weird as hell

>> No.22932206

>Moba and hearthstone
unless she stream in burger hours, she wont get good number since her MOBA choice isnt that popular in Indonesia and i'm pretty sure only small minority cares about hearthstone here, she could try playing YGO for far better number

>> No.22932223

His stream went offline for a few seconds (the drop) and then Shu and Luca joined VC and women rushed in (incline to 12k) and then he hit 500k subs(incline to 14k).
The smaller rises and dips are cuz he's dumping money to play the crane game, which gets more intense the more money he dumps.
His drop to 12k was because Vox started his stream.

tl;dr stream turned into an impromptu collab and he hit a big sub milestone that he knew he was going to hit anyways (why he's spending $500)

>> No.22932222

You know what it is.

>> No.22932235

i will find lofi and string her up... this cannot go unpunished.

>> No.22932268

I have literally never seen a good post with the word "dead subs" in it

>> No.22932271

LoL WR stream was unenjoyable, its good for her to have sudden collab woth zeta

>> No.22932280

there's quite a lot of LOL players in indonesia, it's enough to give her an audience.

>> No.22932311

Put yourself on cover's holo EN shoes. You need to find women who are
>decent at zatsu
>decent comedic timing
>decent at singing
>decent at games (optional)
>knowledge in Japanese
>not too menhera
>willing to stream frequently
On top of that, that woman needs to have low PL social media activity, barely any photos about her with her boyfriend and decent looking. If ugly, that person needs to be undoxable or no photos on social media.
It's really hard to find a woman that meets these criteria

>> No.22932326

95% of the regular posts on this thread are not good
and that percentage? i didn't make it up, it's actually real

>> No.22932360
File: 1005 KB, 1850x2971, 2022-04-22 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>82,099: Kanata (Hololive)
>18,979: Pekora (Hololive)
>18,878: Gura (Hololive)
>16,512: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>15,097: Mysta (Nijisanji)
>14,881: Koyori (Hololive)
>14,824: Suisei (Hololive)
>13,319: Botan (Hololive)
>12,531: Vox (Nijisanji)
>11,809: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,656: Lamy (Hololive)
>11,154: Maimoto (Nijisanji)
>10,917: Ema (VSPO)
>10,542: Sango (Nijisanji)
>10,313: Reid (Neo Porte)
>10,223: Bae (Hololive)
Another very skinny day at the top, other than the event streams

>> No.22932388
File: 328 KB, 480x270, ENGOLDAPR22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>18,986: Gura (Hololive)
>15,109: Mysta (Nijisanji)
>12,574: Vox (Nijisanji)
>10,320: Baelz (Hololive)
>8,734: Kronii (Hololive)
>8,319: Kiara (Hololive)
>8,194: Amelia (Hololive)
>6,804: Luca (Nijisanji)
>6,618: Nina (Nijisanji)
>6,019: Amelia (Hololive)

>> No.22932393

>sub 20k silver
what a weak day

>> No.22932429

9 holos
5 nijis
1 vspo, 1 np
top 10 7-3 for holos, holo podium and gold
can we go back to having like 16 entries for holos please, i'm suffering from number abstinence

>> No.22932454

Open the borders for everyone

>> No.22932466

>decent at zatsu
>decent comedic timing
>decent at singing
>willing to stream frequently
>low PL social media activity, barely any photos about her with her boyfriend and decent looking. If ugly, that person needs to be undoxable or no photos on social media.
Sana already failed then kek
I'm joking, but she actually fails these criteria

>> No.22932478


1. Kronii (Hololive) - 25,476 (April Fools model swap featuring IRyS as Kronii)
2. Gura (Hololive) - 39,453 (April Fools 3DVR Variety Show)
3. Mori (Hololive) - 28,119 (Birthday Countdown and Call-ins)
4. Mori (Hololive) - 79,372 (Birthday 3D Live)
5. Gura (Hololive) - 40,764 (Unarchived Karaoke)
6. Mysta (Nijisanji) - 28,375 (Unarchived Karaoke)
7. Gura (Hololive) - 14,677 (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
8. Amelia (Hololive) - 10,640 (Elden Ring)
9. Mumei (Hololive) - 15,767 (Food Review w/Baelz)
10. Gura (Hololive) - 19,169 (Overwatch w/Ina, IRyS, Mumei, Kronii, and Amelia)
11. Mumei (Hololive) - 13,067 (Vampire Survivors)
12. Gura (Hololive) - 17,560 (Vampire Survivors)
13. Mori (Hololive) - 18,784 (Tea Party zatsudan w/Gura and Kronii)
14. Vox (Nijisanji) - 59,507 (Unarchived Karaoke + 522k subscriber celebration)
15. Vox (Nijisanji) - 17,071 (Karaoke After Party)
16. Elira (Nijisanji) - 14,510 (Unarchived Karaoke)
17. Luca (Nijisanji) - 40,337 (400k Celebration and Karaoke)
18. Mori (Hololive) - 15,201 (CHAD Cast w/IRyS and Baelz)
19. Uki (Nijisanji) - 19,080 (Unarchived Karaoke)
20. Shu (Nijisanji) - 18,409 (Luxiem vs. Noctyx Valorant)
21. Gura (Hololive) - 14,325 (DEVOUR w/Kronii, Fauna, and Mumei)
22. Gura (Hololive) - 18,986 (Food Review and Tier List)

Hololive - 15
Nijisanji - 7
Others - 0

>> No.22932507
File: 1.02 MB, 1233x1705, 1632986171435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Okayu (Hololive) - 30,846 - Okakoro Third anniversary
2) Aqua (Hololive) - 86,536 - APEX Custom
3) Hal (Neo Porte) - 95,384 - VSaikyo landing spot lottery
4) Calli (Hololive) - 79,242 - 3D Birthday Concert
5) Aqua (Hololive) - 42,497 - Eating Sushi
6) Okayu (Hololive) - 53,317 - Totsu
7) Subaru (Hololive) - 34,190 - Horror game
8) Aqua (Hololive) - 61,055 - APEX custom
9) Pekora (Hololive) - 45,307 - Elden Ring
10) Pekora (Hololive) - 37,335 - Elden Ring
11) Aqua (Hololive) - 61,955 - APEX custom
12) Hal (Neo Porte) - 36,464 - APEX scrims
13) Korone (Hololive) - 39,692 - 3rd Anniversary Totsu
14) Aqua (Hololive) - 74,595 - APEX scrims
15) Hal (Neo Porte) - 37,639 - APEX scrims
16) Aqua (Hololive) - 70,426 - APEX scrims
17) Hal (Neo Porte) - 166,003 - VSaikyo tournament
18) Pekora (Hololive) - 37,756 - Minecraft
19) Pekora (Hololive) - 21,559 - Horror game
20) Miko (Hololive) - 47,332 - Shiraken Human fall flat
21) Kanata (Hololive) - 49,428 - Kanata return stream
22) Kanata (Hololive) - 82,099 - 3D Birthday Concert

18x: Hololive
4x: Neo Porte

6x: Aqua
4x: Pekora
4x: Hal
2x: Okayu, Kanata
1x: Calli, Subaru, Korone, Miko

>> No.22932511

Honestly, rather than play a random mobile game from random chink company for numbers, it's better for cover to build relationship with Riot. and helps Wild Rift overthrow ML from ID market.

>> No.22932517

How is it a gura bronze? Didn't peko barely beat her by a few ccv and the sikver go to some 40k niji stream?

>> No.22932561

Kaela has a monopoly over the EN/ID Holoviewers that want to watch MOBAs.
It brings a good enough number for her to be in the top half of ID and beat a lot of NijiENs.

>> No.22932562
File: 45 KB, 657x219, 1647301186971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Sana really took it easy...

>> No.22932577

that niji thing is a premiere

>> No.22932585

They know they're not the first NijiEN lmao

>> No.22932589

Should add in an Apex count for April

>> No.22932600

really funny, but peko had 18.9k at the time of tally cutoff 12 mins ago and now she's at 21.3k after lamy ended

>> No.22932612

>the sikver go to some 40k niji stream?
The gachalever thing was a premiere, it's the finale of a long 3D series.

>> No.22932621

to bad she fucked about to much this stream, she just inclined past 20k. but yes, weak day

>> No.22932628


I don't even hate Sana, but this made me almost spit my drink out.

>> No.22932633
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Don't let any of this distract you from the fact that Nijisanji has yet to earn a single gold this month

>> No.22932634

Maybe for PC version. i personally never meet any LoL PC player, and every time i look at someone playing Moba in their phone it's always ML. Heck, even Kobo voting on her last zatsu show that only 35% of her audience play LoL mobile, while 65% plays ML.
Could someone help me to pull last max ccv on Kaela Lol WR stream?

>> No.22932635

Come on Niji, you can do it. Just one this month! Gambare!

>> No.22932648

premiere anon chama, next time use both vstats and vrabi since the first one filters out the premieres

>> No.22932677

she's somewhat of an expert.

>> No.22932684

Yep. Overlap hell didn't help, and neither did the fact nobody went for the pre-show funnel building

>> No.22932685

At least they have one incoming right? Warabeda?

>> No.22932688
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>> No.22932695


Rest of HoloEN - 8
Gawr Gura - 7
NijiEN - 7

>> No.22932702

That's what they want to get but fail to do so because of the lack of talent pool.

>> No.22932706

>decent at singing
>knowledge in Japanese
>not too menhera
>willing to stream frequently
None of these are true.
Ever since the beginning they made it clear you don't need to know how to sing or speak Japanese. Will they make you sing? Yes, but at least you don't need to be good at it.

>> No.22932721
File: 111 KB, 933x500, 1648898576258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even her answers are short as fuck kek

>> No.22932756

8k watching ID Gen3 + Risu right now (11pm SEA)

>> No.22932777

>last max ccv on Kaela Lol WR stream?
Kaela's last 3 WR streams:
>2.7k (Overlap with Kobo cucked her from 3k)

Kaela herself said during the last WR stream I think that she doesn't want to play PC because the queues are faster for WR (and she doesn't want to grind a PC account from scratch).

>> No.22932782

Should Sana be graduated so cover can secure 2022 Gold against Koshien?

>> No.22932829

Why does friend keep playing this huge debuff of a game? Her numbers are horrendous, definitely considering her sub numbers.

>> No.22932830
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>> No.22932837

Warabeda might not even have a graduation stream, and even if she does, she'll get the same as what Gibara got, which is in eminent slippage territory

>> No.22932839

well for the sake of numbers, she should be, but we know she won't be, so there's not much point discussing it.

>> No.22932841

>Stars shiny wonderful wow
LOL she doesn't give a fuckkkk
Even Kronii at least gave some sincere answers.

>> No.22932866

Why was the 19th so weak? April baseline would be 10k higher if not for it.

>> No.22932880

>Lacks of talents
Or you know, get the active and commited daily streamers with good opsec reps and content creation rather than a superstar artist? I watched this drama a week before, if you could choose between a highly talented but autistic workmate or an average talent but have good overall communicative workmate, you'd choose the average guy.

>> No.22932886

You overestimate how many viewers would turn up for that graduation.

>> No.22932890

isn't that a good thing? now i can enjoy zoombie without seeing indog shitters on chat

>> No.22932898

Fuck off Kuzuhaschizo, you even went as far as to jack tally anon's formatting. Go make your own fucking format.
Clearly not using numbers from vrabi gave you out.

>> No.22932900

>Stars shiny wonderful wow
Damn, that was lazy as fuck

>> No.22932940

Kobo 5k get

>> No.22932944

>Assuming Sana's graduation can beat 200k CCV when she barely has 300k subs
I actually doubt Sana's first costume can even get 50k.

>> No.22932953

Good for ID number but bad for Moba streamer, i really want to see her/Kobo playing ML while not overlapping with Windah, it can easily doubles their number

>> No.22932956

hey, she got an 11k for an utawaku earlier during overlap hell, let her kill her median playing her favorite game in peace for today

>> No.22932962

>Ever since the beginning they made it clear you don't need to know how to sing or speak Japanese.
The last 6 EN hires had half of them knowing Japanese (IRyS, Sana, Baelz), which means they value japanese skills a lot for the cross branch collabs
>Or you know, get the active and commited daily streamers with good opsec reps and content creation
And how many of those women are not titty streamers?

>> No.22933021

>bad for Moba streamer
2-3k is better than many actual LoL pros looool
Obviously doesn't compare to cream of the crop, but it's not a bad number at all for MOBA, which has crazy variance.

>> No.22933158

Is she in VC with Zeta?
I hear Zeta once in a while, but when Zeta's speaking in English, I can't hear it on Kobo's stream.
It's hardly a collab.

>> No.22933210
File: 128 KB, 1802x425, would change a position.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'll refer to >>22813983 again to explain how the list is made

>open live-ranking at https://live-ranking.userlocal.jp/archives-ranking
>delete the non vtuber from the list
>fix any peak that would change a position with the highest of mado, holostats, vrabi, vstats
>screencap, crop the pic
>copy the text
>paste text and pic to this thread

Maybe there is some confusion with the "fix any peak that would change a position". If it doesn't change a position it is not worthy manually editing out live-ranking

>> No.22933240

They both stream valo rn

>> No.22933268
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36512 > 36464
every thread until you kys

>> No.22933269

Has the Yen tanking helped or hurt Anycolor and Hololive? Does anyone have a breakdown of the superchat currencies for both companies?

>> No.22933296

Exhibit A: Amiya Aranha
>Good singer
>Good gamer
>Fairly decent schedule
>Does shorts

I'm fairly certain that this girl was rejected for Council because she doesn't have any streaming experience. Went to Tsunderia to acquire it. Tolled daily to stream just for that one chance in Hololive 3 but they could've gotten her for that Sana Spot. They missed the chance of another pekore/Miko/Subaru miracle where talents ain't shit, but dedication is.

>> No.22933302

>nobody went for the pre-show funnel building
Koyori had the buffet all to herself for almost 2 hours.
14k for Elden Ring ep 10 jeeeez

>> No.22933316
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Nijiniggers and their numbers alchemy

>> No.22933328

They're in discord but Zeta's is having tech issues so they can't get it going

>> No.22933336

Just in case, and there were quite a few last thread

>> No.22933352

I heard there are new rules for Niji. Something regarding what they're allowed and not allowed to say anymore
Anyone here knows what this is referring to?

>> No.22933372

... wait did you even read the previous anon's post? why did you just crop one part of it and acting like you "won"?

>> No.22933371

Helped both. EN is a good source of overseas revenue. JPs continues tanking in SCs though, even more so that there are gonna be 3 male debuts. Those female nips aren't gonna understand that they're giving away 30% of the SCs to YouTube.

>> No.22933394


>> No.22933397

>bad for moba streamer

>> No.22933410

It's valued but it's not a requirement.

>> No.22933416

Well that and quite frankly having a dangerous home situation that's putting her life in danger.

>> No.22933426

Pretty obvious he's just a (you)-baiting retard.
Ignore him.

>> No.22933442

He's the tally schizo anon, nothing that have any basis in reality can get through him

>> No.22933463

Just ignore that guy, been seething about it for a week now.

>> No.22933464

Holy shit that was Kaela? That was quite an interesting roleplaying
I can guarantee the "Ckia" personality would make her incline
Indos love the brattish type that can banter
That's why Kobo is perfect for IOD

>> No.22933483

ah, ok. Thanks for the info.

>> No.22933560

Given the track record, it's worth more points than the other stuff I listed

>> No.22933597
File: 753 KB, 1536x2048, aqua sushiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, Aqua Sushi sold out very quickly it seems

>> No.22933630


I'm going to numberfag the total wordcount of interview answers.

Mumei: 438
Fauna: 832
Bae: 1,316
Kronii: 720
Sana: 369

You can see by the numbers: Jesas, Sana lazy af.

>> No.22933641

Not like it is a hard combination of sushis

>> No.22933647

Will aqua ever stream again bros....

>> No.22933656

It's Aqua, what did you expect?

>> No.22933660

because his """"""method""""" relies on picking a site that doesn't have hal's stream on. It's like in a race to the finish you pick the one picture that has one of the racers curiously edited out to use as your tiebreaker

>> No.22933673

I hope she doesn't for the rest of April so she can have a 70k median and average

>> No.22933711
File: 167 KB, 757x788, holotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily one of the best group illusts in recent memory. 80k likes on Twitter is underselling it

>> No.22933714

by the usual aqua patterns, pretty likely you're getting a stream in like, 8-10 days or so

>> No.22933718

5k, 6k if went well

>> No.22933728

You know, if she really tapped into her inner Australian shitposting nature she could incline. Too bad she doesn’t really give a shit.

>> No.22933749

Kiara debuff, please understand. Without her it would be at 150k+ right now

>> No.22933752

>reading comprehension

>> No.22933768


>> No.22933777

anyone who replies to >22933660 just know you're replying to a schizo

>> No.22933798

meant for

>> No.22933804

Interesting, Mumei is not that much higher
Bae seemed to have put a lot of effort into it

>> No.22933815
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>> No.22933819

Yea. There's a reason she waited until all the FFXIV hype died down before doing it, she wanted peace for this.

>> No.22933831

I have not heard a single thing about this, what are you talking about?

>> No.22933869

You're underselling it, remove kiara, it's a 200K.
Mamaloni would never have drawn Holotori if they didn't had a Kiara collab

>> No.22933882
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Oh boy another day another /#/ thread. I sure hope it isn't full of schizos and fujos shitting it up again!

>> No.22933884

I mean, people talk shit about Bae sometimes, but you gotta admit she is the only one of council who could stream for a month straight and have the commitment to do stuff like her orisong as well.

>> No.22933914
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>> No.22933925

The thing about looking for pro streamers is that most of them would suck balls as holos and most streamers outside of chuuba scene are fucking faggots at best
Like seriously, by focusing on hiring steamers there would be roughly fuckall chance of them tapping new niches

>> No.22933944

>love brattish type
not really, if you switch the avatar, Kaela will be on top numberwise, the things that make Kobo more popular is her humor and her familiarity with local meme and streamer lingo

>> No.22934048

Oh seems like King will do mirror watchalong for VCT Masters. Wonder how high will it get, the Emperor got ~18k for his frame before even though the frame started at fucking 2 AM JST.

>> No.22934055

>18,878: Gura (Hololive)
>18,986: Gura (Hololive)
Which is it?

>> No.22934077

It worked when they somehow got Korone/Mio/Okayu on board when they're all NND streamers.

>> No.22934080

Is there any site like hololyzer for nijisanji to get a currency breakdown for super chats?

>> No.22934099

doesn't really matter, the standings don't change

>> No.22934113
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kek the comments on Bae's interview, which of you did this

>> No.22934127

Welp, good try NijiEN. Good try.

>> No.22934131

The do, Gura either beats Pekora or not.

>> No.22934153

Pekora got 21k later on a boss fight.

>> No.22934163

only Gold matters, we don't care about silver

>> No.22934192

>Kobo: clip that guys, my clutch and my AWP shots
this brat wants clips

>> No.22934204
File: 61 KB, 764x123, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really don't want to start that discussion after this happened a few mins after that post

>> No.22934239

Vox will get the first and only niji gold this month for her birthday

>> No.22934244

Don't try to numberfag twitter likes anon, that shit will rot your brain since what art goes viral or not is seemingly random.
Just be glad it still got 80k likes despite Hololive not having a topic.

>> No.22934270

M'lady's birthday.... it will be glorious

>> No.22934274

Ah, so the faggot posted it too early, I see. So much fir a "final" tally.

>> No.22934278

looking forward to a local schizo botting it to 200k

>> No.22934295

nta but the cut off is there for a reason isn't it? it's a silver so doesn't really matter

>> No.22934393

Then why even list anything below gold?

>> No.22934415

This is an old topic that we had, but I found a nijiclipper that clipped Elira and Pomu's unarchived, isn't this a no no?

>> No.22934449

Clipping unarchived streams is always wrong regardless of who's the chuuba

>> No.22934451

doesn't really matter anyways, peko has a 19,031 on the cutoff for vrabi

>> No.22934453

Nah it's fine, even gura has a dedicated unarchived only clipper.

>> No.22934454

Nah its based, don't snitchj on em

>> No.22934459
File: 87 KB, 1198x263, pekora hal vrabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The do, Gura either beats Pekora or not.
In the site where Gura got 18,986 Pekora had 19,031 at their cutting point

>> No.22934464

fair point. swapping the lower medals is less of a thing rather then silver to gold or whatever.
regardless, from what I can see on holostats pekora hadn't started inclining past 19k until just after 1 am jst, so it happened after the cutoff.

>> No.22934484

I know there's hololive clippers for it, but I've literally not seen nijiclippers do it before, I thought they were much harsher on it. I haven't seen any Vox karaoke clips for instance.

>> No.22934491

ok, didn't check vrabi. so it's a noth.. never mind.

>> No.22934497

That guy goes beyond just unarchived, he clips her unarchived membership-only karaokes too.

>> No.22934500

That's because Gura doesn't care. It is why PTSD is still alive and Eggroll had to stop, because the other ENs don't allow it.

>> No.22934540
File: 183 KB, 1279x839, pekora 19k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>22934459, vrabi cuts at midnight and they have her at 19,031 before 11PM JST


>> No.22934580

That's reportable.

>> No.22934609

It's ok guys I'll take up the mantle of Pekora got her silver stolen schizo, none of you guys need to bother

>> No.22934634

I'm gonna fucking shit and cum

>> No.22934670
File: 114 KB, 500x728, 1636180984331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ok there bud?

>> No.22934699

No, I'm not anon, I should have gone to bed already, but I'm still here shitposting on this armadillo breeding forum

>> No.22934740
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Here it goes:
>4353: Kobo (Hololive ID)
>2904: Zeta (Hololive ID)
>2188: Mika (Nijisanji)
>1634: Risu (Hololive ID)
>1448: Reina (Hololive ID)
>1297: Anya (Hololive ID)
>1166: Kaela (Hololive ID)
>965: Ollie (Hololive ID)
>646: Bonnivier (Nijisanji)
>486: Nara (Nijisanji)
>465: Derem (Nijisanji)
>460: Etna (Nijisanji)
>377: Ciska (Nijisanji)
>340: Hana (Nijisanji)
>306: Amicia (Nijisanji)
>211: Reza (Nijisanji)

>> No.22934773

Kobo's Valorant stream not included?

>> No.22934781

but gura also has those

>> No.22934798

yes, she's a queen

>> No.22934803

After midnight
