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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22905665 No.22905665 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22905747

The soccer ball should be NijiKR

>> No.22905967 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22906177

KEK it's funny because it's true

>> No.22907200

new en males are also absent.

>> No.22907827

Wow, a Two and a Half Men meme. So this is what Holobronies find funny. What's next, a Big Bang Theory meme? It's by the same guy, you know.

>> No.22908215


>> No.22908949

Reposting QRD before rrat breeders misinterpret the situation and spread shit further.
The tweet was made for a collab with some sort of Japanese karaoke platform, and none of the NijiID original songs got in (which is understandable, due to copyright shits and lack of appeal for the Japanese)
But regardless of song status, ex-ID is supposed to be main branch now, so they should be in the pic.
>It's post-merger, Ex-ID is main branch now
>Main branch non-singers are in the pic
Therefore Ex-ID should be in the pic.
Unfortunately what probably happened was the deal was made pre-Noctyx (notice no Noctyx), and thus pre-merger, and since there was no ID song, guy in charge of pic didn't bother putting in ID livers, they thought they just needed to put in the current members of the branches with featured songs.
Pushback from ID fans (There's like at least 4 of us) is needed, since this indicates central management is fumbling how they handle ex-KR and ex-ID.

>> No.22909437

Holofags have never watched anything that has ever been culturally relevant.

>> No.22910641

Yeah, Noctyx didn't do as well as the expected

>> No.22911624


>> No.22911699

I don't fucking know what you guys at /niji_id/ still believes in.
This guy treats ex Niji ID livers and managements in a shitty way as possible and you guys still supporting this shitty company.

At this point, the livers are in a state of "mati segan hidup tak mau", leaving them as soon as possible so they graduate faster and then fully supporting their next persona is the best possible outcome for everyone.

>> No.22911703

holy mother of based
the rratslayer

>> No.22911715

they are not even bother to make an announcement about ID and KR on the day they officially managed by the main branch. so rude

>> No.22913704

well, their only concern was money after all

>> No.22916981


>> No.22917231
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Anonchamas I know you are unfamiliar with NijiID.
The original image is from a NijiID clipper.
Taka's pocket

>> No.22917332

No need to concernfag this hard, Indog ESL-chama. If you're REALLY concerned about them (and actually watched them in the first place), then you just simply need to continue watching their streams and support them just like usual. The ex NijiID livers could just chose to graduate like many of the ex-KR members, but they didn't. If you followed their 'Nijisore' streams, then you would know that they most probably have discussed their future in Niji while having their 'bukbers', and they still find it worthwhile to continue streaming as Niji livers.

>> No.22917434

The worst part of nijishitshow is that they have all these bonerific models that go to waste when they shitcan someone who can't do well enough among 200 livers and no support.

>> No.22917500


>> No.22917520

delete this

>> No.22917532
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>> No.22917681

Nijiniggers literally in shamble right now

>> No.22917696

Yeah everyone who criticizes Nijisanji are holofags. We are family! FAMILY!!!!!

>> No.22918831

Taka is angry and I don't blame him
I still feel bad for the ID managers that got fired during this covid time

>> No.22918860

That motto belong to Ironmouse and she actually did good with that motto.
Nijisanji called themselves family, but an abusive family that neglect their children
Sadly we can't call CPS on this one.

>> No.22918873


>> No.22918913

This is both funny and sad.

>> No.22918970

So Anykara just went full black company now huh ?

damn, i feel sorry for small subs nijis now

>> No.22919080

It's more that the ID songs aren't even registered In JASRAC, the de facto songs rights platform/racket in Japan, that factored into its exclusion from this collab.

>> No.22919148

Oh no no no nijikeks btfoed like always

>> No.22919170

I dunno what people are pretending to care about in this thread but there's an offpako stream

>> No.22919252

Noor's still around though just not as a streamer anymore but she's like part of EN management and sometimes helps JP with some stuff

>> No.22919276


>> No.22919332

Ok which one with the tan gloves? Because she got big fat hands like Ollie and we know how it turn out.

>> No.22919344

Let's test them with "who is that liver is" and bet how many JP members won't even get 1/3 of their names right.

>> No.22919437

she addressed it and its the weird seem of the glove makes it look bigger

>> No.22919441


>> No.22919477

famili :3

>> No.22919489

she's coping hard

>> No.22919508

Well, they've done "Nijiquiz" gimmick streams since before anyone on this board heard Miko say "nigger". I'm pretty sure the EN branch is the only one to unironically do the family shit, anyway.

>> No.22919579

Only EOPs and especially holofags called them a family, niji jp has never been a family as a whole and the closest to a family any of the branches got was niji ID.
do you fags not know what a black company is?
anycolor is a shitty company but not a black company, black companies are actual human rights violation companies

>> No.22919605

Ok but where's KR

>> No.22919681

i mean you can see how high the seem is if you compare it to mikas, ive had gloves like that before and they make your hands look bigger then they are.

>> No.22919760

lol you're in denial.
Slender hands will look slender no matter what the color of her gloves.
Fat Hana is reality, accept that.

>> No.22919868

anon you can see the fabric fall inward when she pinches the pieces, if she was fat fingered the gloves would be skin tight like they are on mika

>> No.22920157

Notice when they made heart with their hand, Hana still have thicc fingers.

>> No.22920213

Also when Mika hand hover over Hana hand the size difference is HUGE

>> No.22922420

LOL, no reply. I guess they went into full denial

>> No.22925223


>> No.22925668

Rent free

>> No.22926848
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Wtf i love riku now

>> No.22927643

well, that's just sad, not even worth shit on.

>> No.22928545

>no need to concernfag this hard
this kind of cope that kills nijiID, their fans with hardcore positivity, i made the similar statement on /nijiid/ months ago and their faggot just saying that "its just a hobby" "as long as they are happy" etc etc, and then they got axed kek

>> No.22928795

Hope ZEA will go to HoloID if it comes to that.

>> No.22928909

hoping shes join gen 4, she deserves better

>> No.22928918

yeah those retards think the agency works like Vshojo, it's not the talent who call the shots, even if they are happy, if the upper management think they are a failure, they might get canned

>> No.22928935

That would be a big steal for sure

>> No.22929109


This is a toxic positivity. Of course they wouldn't want to graduate right away because they have no safety net right now. I'm pretty sure most of them are very disappointed but they won't show it for the sake of solidarity.

Things would be different if they see a decline in their fanbase and see no future in continuing, they might consider to continue as indies with no attachments or band together to make their own independent agency like re:memories. That's how I want things to happen, instead people like you are feeding toxic positivity and you're just prolonging their career in a limbo.

>> No.22929283

Everyone knows that KR will be axed sooner or later, but for ID to also be included shocked many people and is an interesting subject for debates.

>> No.22929409

Aren't these guys doing stuff behind the screen now and have some power in filtering auditions?

>> No.22929552

Only Noor was confirmed doing stuff for EN as staff

>> No.22929741

Do IDs can even survive without anykara's funding? Let's be fucking honest here, if it wasn't for the fact that they got big3 buff they won't survive, especially as ID market is likely to explode to mainstream either this or next year, they'll never be able to recreate what reincarnated KRs did, they're too incapable to compete in a highly competitive ID scene, that's why they'd rather stuck to limbo than to grad

>> No.22929947

>t-this is toxic positivity!
Streaming as Nijis could very well be the most realistic (and profitable) option that the livers have right now, but you seem to be under this mentality that abandoning Nijisanji must always be the first option come to mind. Nothing guarantees that they will get better numbers if they go indie or join another agency, nothing guarantees them being accepted even. You gave me the impression that you're more interested in taking jabs towards Nijisanji rather than caring about the choice of the livers.

>> No.22930110

>caring about the choice of the livers
Most of anons in this thread don't even watch them in the first place. This is just a tribalism bait thread bro.

>> No.22930930
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>Oh they are probably tribalfags
This is why they were mocking you nigga, if you discard everything others have said by saying
>Oh they're just shitposting
>Oh this is bait
If you can't differentiate actual bait/shitpost with legit concern/criticism then might as well get the hell back to your hugbox and stay away from 4ch

>> No.22931146

Man that was piss poor post from me but yeah, my point is to please help your livers to grow tf up, stop that toxic positivity and pretend as if things are just fine, stop saying as if every truth that others mention were intended to bait you, because they're not

>> No.22932472

>streaming for niji
Anon, most of them are either rich, and already have another source of income, niji id's wage is minimum at best, and the supachas wont go straight to money either, it will go through the normal taxes and it will become points for the livers to spend on
Some of them are already scouted by other agencies anyway

t. ex staff

>> No.22932659

Also for some anons who asked for hana's backup plan https://twitter.com/anyaadayo [\spoiler]

>> No.22933477

Honestly, I still feel that NIJI ID might get poofed sooner than we think if their mgmt doesn't know how to handle them properly and KR as well

I do hope their mgmt man's up and make up their shit

>> No.22934398

>Some of them are already scouted by other agencies anyway
Does reincarnated IDs have a chance at this point and age tho? I mean we all know the tale of Maya and Alia but do you really think they can recreate what she has achieved?

>> No.22934592

Is this why one of IDs tweeted this?

>> No.22934700

Aadya is now in Canada learning 3D animation and stuff.

Noor is 100% confirmed working in management because her real name was in uki's leaked stream's chat.

Vihaan was probably the "ayo who's Jimmy" guy from that stream but I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.22934824

What the point of backup plan if her audience is dwindling now? I checked and her latest stream only have almost 300 live viewers and most of her recent videos only averaged 5000 views per video now. If Hana switched there will be people who don't even realize she has backup alter ego and her viewership will plummet worse than ever.

>> No.22934981

The Nokia tactic is falling apart now
Too much in their damn plate, and their first action is rather than hire several people to carry several plates (ID and KR)
They decided to dump the entire thing on one plate and pretend that it's fine.

>> No.22935220

How do you know that’s her?

>> No.22935242

The merge was the best thing to ever happen to the IDs, they were all stagnated and happy to be in that position because of muh id pride, the only one showing notable growth was Mika and the seafags here hated her for not being satisfied with the small id circlejerk like the others, now everyone got spooked into actually trying to expand their audiences and grow, the worst it can happen is that the ones who continue to not give a fuck will go on as the 2viewers they already were

>> No.22935703

Anon, their JP income is crumbling and they were too busy trying to fix that first

>> No.22938680

Anon you didn't have to do him dirty like that....

>> No.22939247


>> No.22941653

It's kind of funny because exID now are getting more viewers than they were before merger..
The KR branch already merged retard, they are part of Nijisanji. They can't be axed anymore, neither ID.
They have no safety net right now? most if not all of them have other works.
They did announce it on the ID and KR accounts though??? That's where the poster with ID and KR alongside JP came from

>> No.22942072

That's the point, they're too damn buys trying to fix the main office, and willingly dumping more responsibility on their lap.
This is very similar to a crumbling company who keep slashing jobs to stay afloat but rather than saving money they lost the efficiency that keep the corporate cog running smoothly.

Remind me of this story about a company that decided to fire all IT members except one, expecting him to run everything on his own. It was a disaster.

>> No.22945132

>exID now are getting more viewers
And getting more money too from EOPs
Their Indonesian fans were gatekeeping too hard even against another local newfags, and called themselves a "community" instead of fanbase (they are just that parasocial). Also they have this "muh indo pride" this is why they (some of them) used to hate mika and slandered HoloID for pandering to the EOPs

But that's not the point
The image is used to criticize anycolor and it shows NijiID fans are actually growing from discord corpo bootlickers with toxic positivity to something more healthy, although they still have that kneejerk reactions. I think the fact that another fan need to explain shits about Jasrac to them and not anycolor, It shows that Anycolor's don't care about ex-nijiID and their angry fans or they have shitty PR and management.
In an ideal situation, anycolor should explain and calm down those fans.

>> No.22945321

ID are trash and should've been fired

>> No.22945510


>> No.22945680

The rudest and most annoying niji fans dont like or watch nijisanji or any other indies, they just hate hololive out of contrarianism.

t. honest nijinigger

>> No.22946834

>Implying EOP can only watch NijiID after they lost the ID badge
You know that's grade A bullshit. You're implying there's a region lock for ID streaming or videos. Those ID gained that fame from their own hard work and not because sudden change in management. What? Do you think Indonesian audience suddenly disappear when the ID management got dissolved?

>> No.22947096

What fame?

>> No.22947396
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good work knowledge and research poster

>> No.22947496

>differentiate actual bait/shitpost with legit concern/criticism
Yeah I don't think OP started this thread with the latter in mind lol.

>> No.22949451

More like gatekeeping fans no longer have any reason for gatekeeping English language out. Keep in mind some NijiID livers spoke English before the merge, so obviously those fans are not fans of those livers, they're small but toxic and loud not just to English-speaking NijiID but also HoloID.

>> No.22952995

where is the funny

>> No.22956911

>pre-Noctyx (notice no Noctyx),
The same side notices this odd thing that while there's no Noctyx, there's Ranunculus somehow, it was odd af
