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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22904107 No.22904107 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really okay? Didn't they stop interacting long time ago because of the unicorns?

>> No.22904312
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They're friends outside of vtuber activities.
I saw them in Tokyo Nishimora once

>> No.22904742

honestly, after seeing her irl i just hope she gets the dick just so i won't feel bad for her

>> No.22905653

Are we pretending she is ugly now?

>> No.22905816

>35 y.o.

>> No.22905881

Are you gay?

she's nowhere near that.

>> No.22906059


Atleast have standards, man

>> No.22906783

The only way you think she's ugly is if your a jealous chink or SEAslug.

>> No.22907526

They will very likely not interact and Subaru will just pretend on stream that they didn't see each other backstage. It would be a dick move to say No to Ui just because she invited a male

>> No.22907688


>> No.22907747
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>> No.22907829

Imagine simping for a below average slit-eyed gook. Vtubers were a mistake.

>> No.22907906


>> No.22907918


>> No.22908208

I’ll be giving her mine all night tonight.

>> No.22908293
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>> No.22909076

Considering the way people react on this board whenever my oshi's appearance is brought up, I really think it's hard to deny that there are genuinely jealous women posting here. Men don't make the types of comments I see here about the girl's appearances.

>> No.22909173

Same girl or?

>> No.22909245

You've never seen Subaru,no one has, stop lying

>> No.22909324

Then why didn't she just invite Subaru and not invite him? I don't like how she's pretending nothing is wrong and put Subaru into risky situation. I'm not even a purityfag but I know how crazy purityfags can be.

>> No.22909381


>> No.22909461

It really does sound like a jealous women bitching and moaning in this thread, if it where a dude he would have called Subaru a whore already not this petty shit.

>> No.22909516

And they are right?

>> No.22909628

do your rep

>> No.22909973

I'm not a Subatomo, I hate Subaru for not collabing with Maimoto. It's a betrayal of the worst kind. She should stay a comedian and not try to chase unicorns.
But the people who pretend she's ugly are honestly just pathetic jealous women.

>> No.22910373


>> No.22910492

Stop blaming the fans or Ui for Subaru's business decision to ignore her friends on stream to make more money. Nobody forced her to pander to unicorns, she did it herself. ANd nobody is forcing her to show up as a guest here, she chose to.

>> No.22910497

>t. makes kids scream and run away with her looks

>> No.22910503

Same here. I don't even mind if she is chasing unicorns but the fact she cut off who is basically an uncle-figure who unicorn probably wouldn't mind, leave me a bad taste. You just don't cut-off your family, man.

>> No.22910588

>she did it herself.
You just make it worse, m8. You essentially paint her as a greedy scumbag.

>> No.22910729

Looks like they are correct for once

>> No.22910773

......She is not pretty, that's for sure.

>> No.22912105
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Subaru stopped interacting with Maimoto because she wanted to increase her unicorn audience, but also got criticism from casual fans for suddenly changing her character. This collab is a way to appease them, she'll be back to saying "I'm busy" or "management is stopping the collabs" once it's over

>> No.22912933

>He doesn’t know she doxxed herself over being horny for Okayu.

>> No.22912950
File: 2 KB, 84x125, STOP_POSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked you and your opinion doesn't matter because you're...

>> No.22913086

>t. jealous non-jp asian roasties

>> No.22913134

>You essentially paint her as a greedy scumbag.
That's just most of hololive m8

>> No.22913183

Is that the code word of scheduling actually means???

>> No.22913213

Yes? She has a job and is making sure she doesn't lose it, you'd do the same in her shoes

>> No.22913255

There's a saying in my place:
A guy who says that a woman isn't attractive will still get his dick hard when she's naked in front of him, because if he considers a woman to be truly ugly, he would never even know her existence.

>> No.22913639

Can you repeat in proper English?

>> No.22913980

The managent that seems to be sitting around all day doing nothing is micro managing the girls, watching their every movement and telling them what to do or not to do? Then why did they let Rushia run to Keemstar instead of stopping her? What a load of bullshit.

>> No.22914106

I'm a rock-dwelling EOP, what even is this that Subaru and Maitomo are getting announced as guests more than a month in advance?

So things have gotten so tight that even Totsumachis with non-holo vtubers have extensive bureaucratic overhead. No wonder Hololive seems to have lost its charm since 2021

>> No.22914604

Ok Confucius

>> No.22914691

that's the majority of this disgusting board

>> No.22914782

>because of the unicorns
YAGOO figured out Unicorns don't pay anymore, or if they do, it can easily be offset in other mediums.
It's why Troon is gone, it's why Kiara and Pomu are chatting more, it's why FBK gave a shout out to finana, it's why Polka told Pomu she was watching her stream, and it's why Holostars is expanding and are being more incorporated to Hololive

>> No.22915219

The age of unity sounds fucking amazing. I really wish that you're right but I just can't see it happening.

>> No.22915275

>Then why did they let Rushia run to Keemstar
They told her to stay low, they can't do anything if she decides to do whatever she wants anyway, besides forcing her to wear a straightjacket and a ball gag

>> No.22915295

Meds, schizo.

>> No.22915444

That happened because not only is she completely retarded but also because it was bad luck that it happened on a national holiday. Manager told her to sit tight, stfu and do nothing till monday, maybe 48 hrs, until one of the higherups could advise on a course of action.
But she "couldn't wait!!!1" because of retardation and hence fucked herself over.

>> No.22915577

I blame rushia for making shit even worse. I'm sure that after that debacle the legally binding paperwork the other party has to wade through before a collab increased tenfold.
Every yab adds pages to this shit.
Soon it will be a fucking telephone book sized thing.

>> No.22915704

that was over a long weekend holiday which iirc the japs are also austic about

>> No.22915769

Based Subatomos throwing Rushia under the bus to derail a bait thread

>> No.22915807

things were getting tighter before that. remember pekora's project getting axed dispite other holos doing something similar?

>> No.22915909

hey she did it first

>> No.22915964

Hololive has closed its door for a while now. The Hololive / male Nijisanji collab streams that got privated with the Holocaust have never been restored on purpose

>> No.22916182

I really doubt they are going to interact, probably just a duet with Ui each or maybe Maimoto with Tamaki and Ui if it turns out she's the third guest
Subaru really cares about her gachis she's not about to throw it away on a live that's not even her's

>> No.22916306

SEAnigger hours?
SEAnigger hours

>> No.22916329

She is objectively below average.
If you think she is attractive, then it's proof that personality and likeability matter more than literal looks, you're just attracted to her for reasons other than her face.

>> No.22916369

Damn you actually somehow made this Wholesome, kudos.

>> No.22917235

Those streams are only private on the channels of chuubas who GFE bait.
Pretty sure Matsuri’s POV of this is also up, but can’t be fucked digging.

>> No.22917284

Why wouldn't Subaru be able to interact with Maimoto on stream when Matsuri basically sexually harass her Apex Coach and Polka makes videos with Peanuts, a guy that raps about fucking bitches and smoking weed?

>> No.22917429

rm exposed, so she's not gfe
not gfe
tomboy gfe

>> No.22917529

Haven't watched Holo in like a year, since when is Subaru GFE?

>> No.22917569

Since the start of 2021

>> No.22917745

YOU haven't watched hololive in a year, Subaru changed up

>> No.22917774

Not a scumbag but definitely focusing on making money and staying relevant via gachikoi's support, which is 100% understandable since it's her job, but you can't pretend it's some sort of unfortunate situation she finds herself in.

>> No.22917787

Since she moved into her own apartment and realized how much money there was in having simps.

>> No.22917858

she dont but now she has long hair and a dress i guess thats what they mean also retards

>> No.22918125

>Peanuts, a guy that raps about fucking bitches and smoking weed?
What the fuck. If these girls can do all that then why did the management not allow Subaru to do a call-in stream?

>> No.22918139

She's a liar

>> No.22918207

It was never disclosed what exactly she had in mind right? I don't remember hearing that it was "something similar" to what others had done. Did she say that?

>> No.22918286

Different managers

>> No.22918298

This just shows that women is the worst enemy of women. 4chantards are also worst enemy as well because you guys also said she's ugly? WTF no wonder you guys are bunch of virgins. You guys expect someone that's 9/10 or 10/10. I can't believe the stereotype of "knee too sharp" guy still exist.

>> No.22918402

She isn't any more than the others are. The one truly gfe holo was fired.
Subaru unfortunately has far too many eop or non-jp esl niggers, usually of the seamonkey variety, that only know her through clipnigger channels that clip .1% of her content.
They proceed to make grand pronouncements about her behavior based on said clippnog content without ever having watched nor comprehended a single stream of hers.

>> No.22918449

only nijifags called her gfe just because she doesn't interact with males anymore

>> No.22918518

People here have seen too much porn and hentai.

>> No.22918551

time to enlighten those clueless fucks what exactly is GFE

>> No.22918583

Peanuts-kun will steal your girlfriend and fuck your idols

>> No.22918657

Where do you niggers even come from? Crawl back

>> No.22918667

>Annoying orange of japan
fuck off

>> No.22918713

Too much hentai. At least with porn some girls aren't perfect (even though they're still pretty).

>> No.22918799

>only true gfe holo
Rushia wasn't even gfe, she was just gf. There was no experience or pretend.

>> No.22918822

>at least with porn some girls aren't perfect
Why would I want to watch girls who aren't perfect when I'm consuming fiction?

Once you get a gf you'll lose all interest in pr0n outside of hentai

>> No.22918853

I would fuck her don’t get me wrong, but that’s about the extent i would go with her.

>> No.22918865

In all seriousness there probably aren't any actual restrictions that stop the girls from talking to men, but just a general acknowledgment that they'll lose whatever share unicorns offer revenue and likely no way to make it up. Even if it's not the big amount some of us believe it is, there's no way it isn't some thousands of dollars a month when some rich gachis are worth that alone.

The girls are probably protecting their own interests because there's no inherent reason not to.

>> No.22918878

Yes, Mafumafu's GF

>> No.22919010

I recall one of the girls mentioning this long ago, maybe festival. They're allowed to collab with guys/non-holos and they're allowed to have a bf/husband. The reason they don't do it is because there is no benefit to it, especially when they know what brings them the big bucks

>> No.22919089

Of course the excuse is a load of shit but she can't flat out say how the things are or either (or both sides) are going to blow a fuse over it, so she has to make excuses that can at least keep things among fans under control. Think of it as a white lie.

>> No.22919177

Oozora family is back?!

>> No.22919215

It was never gone

>> No.22919265

>faceberg screenshot
>4chan is to blame
maybe try twitter

>> No.22919291

Check the comments after that pic. Pretty much full of "knee too sharp" people calling her ugly.

>> No.22919294

>Those streams are only private on the channels of chuubas who GFE bait.
Two faced bitches will be two faced bitches.

>> No.22919341

Nah, it's just for show. We'll never get "Subaru joins Maimoto's stream unannounced because he looked like he was doing something interesting" ever again

>> No.22919423


>> No.22919476

And how is this a bad thing retard. Everyone who shits on her appearance have way too high of a standard and will die alone anyways

>> No.22919504

>Imagine thinking having at least average standards is high

Couldn’t be me

>> No.22919533

She's ugly and there's nothing wrong with that, kys

>> No.22919543

yes nijiniggers are really obsessed with subaru and miko

>> No.22919711

Rangeban women

>> No.22919809

you are deeply obsessed

>> No.22919943

those are all women and/or fags

>> No.22919963

OP is a nigger who don't even watch Maimoto. He's married to Mea, even though she's cheating on him with winning son

>> No.22920077

maimoto is married to ui, winning son is married to haneru and mea has a long term boyfriend.

>> No.22920119

>maimoto is married to ui
Ui is lesbian

>> No.22920192

>winning son is married to haneru
oh boy you sure know nothing

>> No.22920201

With the Shueisha thing going on, we'll probably get another collab with TT that will get the nazi incels mad especially if its gachi-killer Suisei.

>> No.22920235

How the hell does TT and shueisha correlate?

>> No.22920396

>Everyone who shits on her appearance have way too high of a standard and will die alone anyways
Over 50% of vtuber watchers and over 90% of vtuber supachatters and members are these exact people

>> No.22920399

remind me again why [redacted] attacked ui? was it over a woman or a man?

she introduced him to her mother. oh but I'm sure that was just a joke right?

>> No.22920423

If you're watching subaru odds are this was going to happen to you anyway

>> No.22920520

Anglo roasties are something else. Their jealousy and egoism are completely fucking schizo. This is why Amerimutt sjws/woke fatfucks are fucking egomaniacal creatures.

>> No.22920601

Subaru swimsuit sex

>> No.22920661

Yes this is why women raping men is not a thing. You got your dick hard, you wanted that shit

>> No.22921427

I have a question for Ui-mama fans. I'm quite sure there are a lot of unicorns in your fanbase(that's why she never talks to male, well except Maimoto), what makes it okay for her to collab with Maimoto but not other male?

>> No.22921475

Women can get aroused and have orgasms during rape.

>> No.22921548


>> No.22921751

Do you honestly believe that most any 4chan board is from the Anglosphere?

>> No.22921901

Subaru does not look like that, though.

>> No.22922051


>> No.22922127 [SPOILER] 
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It sure is

>> No.22922363

>remind me again why [redacted] attacked ui?
You mean rushia?

>> No.22922574

You don't watch Maimoto. He shot himself with all the shit he did. I have a hatred for Subaru because she can't open her mouth without telling a lie but abandoning Maimoto was the right and only thing she could do.

>> No.22922730

EOP nigger, she was collabing a bunch of non holo vtubers including ex-Iroha. maimoto was merely one of them

>> No.22926333

based imagination chad

>> No.22927669

Maybe /k/ or /mlp/

>> No.22929814

Is that an imagination from your tribal mind? If Maimoto is so bad then why is every girls (except Subaru) still loves him?

>> No.22931080
File: 176 KB, 848x1200, FQ4pshsUUAE5ueE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I can't believe Watame is going to collab with Maimoto too!

>> No.22931444

I like how since you don't watch Subaru you insert headcannon

>> No.22931532

They did tell Rushia to not contact him, she ignored them and still did. Otherwise what'd you want them to do? Just lock her out of her accounts right away when the drama sprung? Even if they actually did, nothing is stopping Rushia from using her roommate account or making a new one to send her info. Cover would have had to immediately send in staff members in the middle of the night to her house to confiscate her communication devices and put her on house arrest.

>> No.22931714

>Do you honestly believe that most any 4chan board is from the Anglosphere?
Overwhelmingly so in every case except /int/ (for obvious reasons) and this shithole (because vtubing attracts SEAniggers like a psi-emitter attracts a Zerg infestation).

>> No.22932167

OH SHIT. How are Holofags coping right now? I don't remember Watame being Matsuri/Towa/Suisei type, no fucking way they're fine with her being in the same room with Maimoto let alone her talking and singing with him.

>> No.22932639

>He shot himself with all the shit he did
Did the voice in your head tell you that? Maimoto never has any yab anon.

>> No.22933354

>you guys
Here's a little revelation, my dear friend.
This board is filled with jealous roasties
Yes, I am serious. Where do you think all the drama and gossip faggotry comes from?
You think guys are like this? Maybe the catty feminine types, but not guys in general.

>> No.22933436

What always got me is that sabine was only like 20 in this picture, but all the women insulting her look like boomers. Like they're fucking irate their sons (?) think this chick is hot?

>> No.22933546

It's not just this board, "2/10 wouldn't bang" is a common post when confronted with a woman who isn't airbrushed and photoshopped. You really get the feeling people don't "touch grass" and realize most women do not look like instagram models (because those models are fake).

>> No.22935379

As far as I know, Maimoto's only yab is going to sex shops (the ones where you get laid)

>> No.22935542

>sex shops (the ones where you get laid)
Those are called brothels, anon. It's pretty yab.
