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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22870809 No.22870809 [Reply] [Original]

>effortlessly has better charisma, energy and flow on this kind of beat than any mori song
Is koone good or is mori a shit?

>> No.22870977

mori is a tryhard shithead
dog is soul

>> No.22871835

Mori, despite being a 'huge fan' of fake type doesn't seem to understand what makes the style work.
She did at one point but nowadays she seems to completely have forgotten about it

>> No.22872139

I have a high standard for rap.
I think certain languages shouldn't bother, Japanese especially shouldn't because you could make every single word in a sentence rhyme with intricate wordplay and it just sounds like regular Japanese.

>> No.22872377

>you could make every single word in a sentence rhyme with intricate wordplay and it just sounds like regular Japanese.
If you dont know japanese yeah

>> No.22872516

Well yeah? I purposely chose the words intricate wordplay to convey that.
It's not rap.

>> No.22872517

Just like to japanese people, english sounds the same if you are rapping or not.

>> No.22872547

Comparing vtubers to Korone is like comparing painters to Michaelangelo.

>> No.22872637

Kari Kakkoi

>> No.22872719

That's blatently false.
The first rapper of this song is Turkish, you can tell it's clearly rap and also if you compare it to the actual Turkish language it sounds very different.
Even english, you can't pretend that even Japanese people would see it as talking or singing.

>> No.22872761

The turkish guy is obviously singing. The second link is just talking fast.

>> No.22872774

Aye sure

>> No.22872796

I'm not even joking, that's how it sounds to me as an ESL.

>> No.22872857

You barely took a minute to respond, don't start your shit.

>> No.22872916

That's because I literally heard the first 5 seconds of each. I'm not going to listen that shit for half an hour.

>> No.22872943

The most hilarious thing about Mori is she is not even the best rapper in Hololive. She's easily been mogged by these other girls who only rap on occasion for fun.


Dog is so effortlessly good at rapping too, I love it.

>> No.22873010
File: 2.16 MB, 720x720, Mori Loves Lean[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fez7rwf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is koone good or is mori a shit?
The answer to that is that only one of them had an entire race of people making fun of her music on twitter.

>> No.22873013

How is that second dude any different from japanese rapping?

>> No.22873027

Exactly so you were talking shit, "this sentence sounds like a sentence" are you a fucking retard?

>> No.22873115

Flow, sentence structure, syncopation and the actual lyrical content.
The seperation of a Japanese girl singing and a Japanese girl rapping is just the notes being hit.

>> No.22873118

Bizarre thread. Here's your (You) though.

>> No.22873171

Do you even understand what singing is? I just told you that the first one sound like a song, but the second one sounds just like an announcer talking fast.

>> No.22873184

>Is koone good or is mori a shit?

>> No.22873195

Is it really effortless when fake type did the lyrics and music?

>> No.22873220

You're just coming across retarded, especially if you're trying to convey that the song in the OP is good.

>> No.22873230
File: 39 KB, 439x471, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do.. Do you people think Korone and Okayu unironically had sex or performed some sexual activity at some point?

>> No.22873275

>song in the OP is good
I literally never said that, strawman beater. I just said that what you think that is obviously music sounds just like someone talking as fast as they can to a lot of people.

>> No.22873334

Kek, that's literally how a lot of people raps. They can't sing for shit, so they just talk fast and hope that people are impressed enough to mistake that for singing.

>> No.22873342

It's not a strawman, right at the beginning my argument was that Japanese and rap together is meaningless.
The latter half of your sentence really comes across as silly and implies you are listening to the sound of the voice and not the words, like a retard.

>> No.22873371

Yes, both with me last night.

>> No.22873398

No and what the hell does that have to do with the topic you fucking retard

>> No.22873419

Wdym its not rap?

>> No.22873600

La+ rap response to Haachama's retarded rap is unironically Hololive's rap pinacle.
Mori is somewhere in the top 5 for sure tho.

>> No.22873629

>Mori, despite being a 'huge fan' of fake type doesn't seem to understand what makes the style work.
good, shes better than fake type and korone is the only thing saving this song

>> No.22873630

>implies you are listening to the sound of the voice and not the words, like a retard
You know that music doesn't need to have lyrics, right? Music is literally all about how it sounds, if all you care is about the words and not the voice, then you are just reading a poem.
Crush 40, the band who sings some of the most iconic songs from the Sonic franchise said once that they start with just humming tunes, and then they add lyrics later to fit with the humming.

>> No.22873646

>Mori is somewhere in the top 5 for sure tho
no she isn't, she is garbage

>> No.22873656

oh nice, but i didn't hear it. link?

>> No.22873688

maximum cope

>> No.22873697

Nta but you’re just saying nip rap sounds like them talking right? If you have a decent understanding of Japanese it absolutely doesn’t. You’re also cherrypicking hyper fast rap god 4 rhymes per second english shit when theres a lot of slow english hiphop that sounds even less like your examples of rap than shit mori makes

>> No.22873701

? FT just suck, and korone rules. those are the facts

>> No.22873750

I think hes disagreeing with you saying mori is better

>> No.22873779

Here you have anon.

>> No.22873786

its a weird thing to call it cope when im just trashing fake type but i guess everyone on this board just assumes tribalism is happening at all times

>> No.22873807

I'll try to go through each fundamental part.
Flow, the choppiest bars and the smoothest bars in Japanese rap have very little difference. There is very little variation in the flow at all, it's almost always the exact same rhythm.
Syncopation, this isn't actually a commonly spoken about thing but this is how the rhyming and flow clash with the instrumental. Like being so off beat that syllables stand out more, or being so on the beat that you really have to focus on the words being said.
Just like flow, there is almost no variety in japanese rap, it's done in a similar way every time.
Poetry. Different cultures have completely different styles when it comes to the creation of poems. With English rap, in combination with the musical measure it allows for verse size that are remiscient of a regular stanza.
I don't know if there are rappers doing Haikus or whatever in their songs but even if they do, it won't sound as good.

>> No.22873813

I'm not huge on fake type but I do think that if you blatantly misunderstand how the people you claim to be your biggest influence in music actually write and perform their songs, that shows a large problem with you.
And I'll take it a step further and say that it seems like once she got into hololive her music style shifted from a fake type style to being an almost Eminem type style but not understanding what makes Eminem work either.
Her latest album honestly shows she's just not good at understanding what makes rap work and is better off leaving her "rapper/reaper" persona behind

>> No.22873899

you are a fucking retard with no ears if you believe literally anything in this post

>> No.22873945

Go ahead and contradict me.
I'll give you another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXlhodEbiSQ

>> No.22873997

What’s with this genre of posts where people spout musical words but don’t actually understand music

>> No.22874043

I think that you dont understand japanese and only listen to vtubers perform the same songs that are made to show off speed. Its like if I was a nip, was only exposed to rap god, modern eminem and fast rap, and assumed all rap was like that. You’re making a very broad opinion with not even basic knowledge like the language being spoken in a language and criticizing it all. Very stupid

>> No.22874075

Hip hop began with taking samples of pre-established songs while a master of ceremony hypes people up. It's not about musical talent.
Show me

>> No.22874095


just so you know im bothering to take the time to respond to your post and linking these because theyre bangers everyone should hear, not because of your retarded vomit only someone who has never heard sound before or lives in an atonal reality could possibly believe

but yea dude htey both sound the exact same.

>> No.22874142

Whatever we post you’ll just say sounds like japanese speaking because you dont know the language. Its much more respectable to concede when you dont know what you’re talking about than to die on a pointless hill

>> No.22874166

yo this shit rocks, thanks for the link

>> No.22874219

You're literally proving my point.
There is a slight difference between the two songs in speed but there difference between those songs and Korone's song compared to generic rapper A to B is miniscule.

>> No.22874383

If this is rap, the jap shit is rap. The reason you hear similar flows in japanese is also the reason you hear similar mumbly flows in america. Its what the people want to hear. When japanese people think of rap, they like fast flows, that doesnt mean “their language is incapable of different flows” or whatever retarded shit you’re saying. Many countries outside america also have this bias because people generally dont want to hear autotuned moaning with simple flows on a song

>> No.22874476
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Bro, Korone is one of the most dedicated, hard-worker vtubers in the whole scene, on top of that she's a natural entertainer and her personality shines wherever she goes.

I can't imagine a person that represents the complete opposite of her other than Mori

>> No.22874591

I don't know what you're trying to say. At the very beginning it was made clear "I have a high standard for rap"
Ever since streaming music became the norm, the segmentation within genres became huge so what you think you're suggesting isn't actually the case.

>> No.22874662

What is the cutoff point for “rap” and why doesn't Japanese music never reach it based on the language itself.

>> No.22874668

>vtuber does anything
>immediately think of Mori
she won

>> No.22874672

A cake shouldn't be this genki, jesus christ, my dick and heart.

>> No.22874709

You're being autistic if you took the "it's not rap" part literally considering literally every other thing I said.
It's no wonder you don't like rap if you're so terrible at communicating.

>> No.22874755


>> No.22874783

The comparison here is pretty obvious tho? Mori stated that FAKE TYPE was her biggest influence in music. Korone released a FAKE TYPE style of song that sounds better than anything Mori has done

>> No.22874819

It isn’t a fake type style of song fake type literally did the song

>> No.22874844

>Syncopation, this isn't actually a commonly spoken about thing but this is how the rhyming and flow clash with the instrumental. Like being so off beat that syllables stand out more, or being so on the beat that you really have to focus on the words being said.
wow, it's almost like you have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about, even regarding english rap anon, who would've thought :P

>> No.22874857

8bit drummer's play along and reaction tot he top video was kino

>> No.22874858

Rapfag, is this rap?

>> No.22874995

>You're being autistic if you took the "it's not rap"
You said you had a higher standard for rap, im asking you to define that standard and explain how the japanese language is incapable of reaching it
>literally considering literally
>literally considering literally
>It's no wonder you don't like rap if you're so terrible at communicating.
>literally considering literally
You’re retarded, learn how to read and write before you come in here saying dumb shit

>> No.22875276
File: 216 KB, 1000x1502, 85839D2D-FD4B-439B-B2F0-4F046C33B02F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve managed to have gone this whole time without an oshi
>I maybe have watched a few more Korone clips than others
>doog god comes out
>slowly begin to think Korone my actually be my oshi
This is fucking brainwashing or something. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I was the man with no oshi

>> No.22875403

Embrace the doggo, she has never disappointed us

>> No.22875532

Yes but it's not a FAKE TYPE song if that makes sense? It'd be best described as a collab between the two. It still shows that Mori just doesn't understand what makes FAKE TYPE songs work, at all.

>> No.22875538
File: 466 KB, 498x498, 967413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh, she's too mainstream" well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it
"It's not hip-hop, it's pop, " 'cause I found a hella way to fuse it

>> No.22875558

>He thinks SEA counts as people
And the problem OP is that you're a stupid faggot who instantly think of Mori for anything music related, doesn't matter what she does you will always wanna bring her down.
She's still in Hololive.
She's not graduating.
She has made and will continue to make more money than you ever will.

>> No.22875586

>you know nothing!
>here's me being incapable of articulating why

>> No.22875617
File: 34 KB, 460x755, D99CD3AC-871C-4D2E-A57F-85DD4A437DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its strange to me when people draw pekora, nene and korone sexy. They’re too much like children show’s characters

>> No.22875685

You're showing how bad at the language you are. We aren't writing novels, we are writing to express speech. You repeating those three words makes you come across like you can't tell the difference between conversational English and your textbook shit.
and here I already explained, >>22873807

>> No.22875699

Im not a mori anti, deadcuck, I just mildly dislike her content. Also rap over this kind of beat is very much mori’s style. Unrelated but does anyone have that mori disstrack that some SEA retard made? He talks about condom money for connor and I think it was taken off of youtube

>> No.22875710

It's because Mori has no flow at all unless her producers/mixers force her to have some. She put all her efforts into speaking fast without understanding why that's not all there is to a fast rap song.
She's literally, not figuratively, but literally autistic and her brain went from step A to step C without processing step B but she can't take any criticism and will refuse to learn step B at this point because she somehow thinks that her lack of knowledge is something to be boastful about

>> No.22875815

>You repeating those three words makes you come across like you can't tell the difference between conversational English and your textbook shit.
Anon, maybe you dont get out enough but if someone said “literally considering literally” in a conversation, regardless of context, they would be mocked. Has nothing to do with it “not being textbook”.
>and here I already explained
If you cant make the distinction for when something doesn't meet the “standard of rap” in english, you’re opinion on a language you cant understand is irrelevant.

>> No.22875915

>Anon, maybe you dont get out enough but if someone said “literally considering literally” in a conversation, regardless of context, they would be mocked. Has nothing to do with it “not being textbook”
I'll go through the sentence for you, it can be a teaching moment.
First part of the sentence "You're being autistic if you took the "it's not rap" part literally" then there's the word "considering" which is a preposition, which means that it's linking the rest of this sentence " literally every other thing I said"

>> No.22876038
File: 34 KB, 398x360, DD0305AF-76EE-4310-B45C-C6A40F6D6167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You repeating those three words makes you come across like you can't tell the difference between conversational English and your textbook shit.
>goes into textbook lecture on how his retarded sentence doesn’t actually sound retarded
You cant make this shit up

>> No.22876097

Are you that retarded? I'll explain it even more for you, there's a pause after the "considering" and the second use of literally is a different use than the first one.
Just accept it, you embarassed yourself.

>> No.22876196
File: 549 KB, 1181x1575, DD4E871D-3BCF-4B4C-A99B-ABD00ADCB4AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is still going
+you’re korean

>> No.22876245

I will keep going especially if you've reverted to such an easy to mock position.
Diddums little chinky man can't read

>> No.22876345

>incorrectly asserts that I am asian
>doesn't deny being korean

>> No.22876383

Mate you could think I was an Englishman and I wouldn't give a shit, you cannae even talk right

>> No.22876476
File: 136 KB, 583x811, D0134183-7BCB-45FF-B847-BB1355E416C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannae even talk right
You will never not be korean

>> No.22876507

You're literally some form of asian if you are being specific about what type of asian I must be.

>> No.22876566

No I just know that Koreans have hatred for Japs in their dna and vice versa. Also stop saying “diddums” speak a real language

>> No.22876629
File: 219 KB, 1473x370, a111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where that is coming from, I don't even dislike Korone?
I don't normally do this but I left my wee face in the screenshot, you'll have maybe even see me in chats if you look but I mostly just make a tongue face.

>> No.22876734

one of the most prominent issues with mori's music is that her flow is fucking terrible. she overstuffs the verses, and it makes it awkward and not flow naturally, different from doggy god's street which has verbosity but consistent flow and syllabic rhythm.
mori attempts to do this in her lyrics, too, like in her song Red. Look at this example up until the pre-chorus: https://youtu.be/-AuQZrUHjhg?t=35

see how in this example she can barely annunciate the words and its performed like shes trying to rap while juggling marbles in her mouth? this is because she either over stuffs it with either too many syllables or awkward words that don't transition well to the next part of her sentence, it comes off weak. The only, ONLY times i've seen her pull off a good flow is in the first part of DEAD BEATS until the chorus, which is dogshit (https://youtu.be/6ydgEipkUEU?t=25)) or in Graveyard Shift, which had to be written the way it was due to the fact that it was a collaboration with a Japanese rap duo, and the Japanese language lends to this kind of rap better.

I don't think she's untalented (not gonna lie the ouroboros rhyme she did in Red was really clever) but she needs a co-writer or to do second passes. most of her raps read very first draft.

>> No.22876810 [DELETED] 

>you'll have maybe even see me in chats
Apologies, I mistook your britishness for retardation, an honest mistake. Also I'm doxing you

>> No.22876830
File: 184 KB, 490x416, 1638422752953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. I was starting to get concerned this board was going to be incapable of getting its narrative straight.

>> No.22876843 [DELETED] 

My name is Scott Knight, doxx me? You're showing your asianness.

>> No.22876886

Compare Mori's english raps the works of say, famous indie white rapper Watsky, who is kind of tangentially related to the nerdcore scene and got his start on YT (as far as I know).


Watsky's lyrics are smooth as butter. The pace is consistent, everything is interconnected, and there are no awkward words to disrupt the flow. beat, beat, beat BEAT and repeat.

>> No.22876897

Is doxxing an asian thing? Also you live in Manchester mate ya done

>> No.22876927

Don’t know what you meant by this brother

>> No.22876929

I got oral thrush from a girl from Manchester once.
It's Scott from Scotland

>> No.22877583

Right after the song released the board had a slew of threads going I HATE MORI FOR MAKING KORONE DO A RAP & ELECTROSWING SONG REEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Seems like now they've settled on being smug about Korone's song being better instead.

>> No.22878332

how dare she make korone put out one of hololives best ever originals

>> No.22878362

Schizos gonna schizo.
That plus this board has a massive contingent of people that only consider dad rock & anime OST real music and will melt down completely if something else is being sung or made.

>> No.22878381

don't use my cute dog for making schizo threads

>> No.22878396

Surpassing rap is not that hard, anon.

>> No.22878417

this song is a banger

>> No.22878430

>I have a high standard for rap
This is really funny to me but for some reason if I mention why I'll get banned on this board.

>> No.22878525

Because he is expecting an anime dog girl rapping on a electroswing beat to have the same lyrical complexity and flow as a kendrick lamar or mf doom track?

>> No.22878556

Not a schizo thread

>> No.22880077

Koone is a vtubing God. Simple as.

>> No.22880814
File: 527 KB, 1191x868, 9803F127-1B74-4872-A125-C94F8455071D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, unless my nipponese is rusty, the diner in the music video is called nahone

>> No.22881292

Yes, i just caught that yesterday
Not only the song is a 10/10, one of the best holo originals for sure, second only to unison, the mv is so fucking good. Again, maybe second only to unison. How does the doog do it? She can't even skng good. I expected nothing of this song and it's so perfect, I am amazed. Koone love.

>> No.22881417

wish fake types other main animator would do a holo MV

>> No.22881444


>> No.22881612


>> No.22881618

As someone who honestly likes rap, Mori is trash. She literally sounds like a random girl doing a parody caricature of rap after hearing 2 eminem songs.

>> No.22881672

Neither will mori demon trip san

>> No.22881702


>> No.22881752

Well it's not that I expect it but it makes it difficult to enjoy the song.
I like the video at least.

>> No.22881989

Nigger, Rip Slyme and everything their members have gone on to take part in or produce, which is a fuckton, goes intrinsically against the retarded bullshit you're spewing.

You're talking about Mori in particular, not about japanese Rap/Hip Hop in general.

Fucking secondaries.

>> No.22882112

>he can’t enjoy mumble rap

>> No.22882155

It's my pet peeve when chat calls talking fast "rap" talking fast is not rap, when there is no rhythm or flow you can hardly call it a rap. Unfortunately, most of Mori's music lacks rhythm or flow, even when the backtrack does Mori is terrible at riding the beat and her lyrics while clever do no SOUND good as a rap. Listen to 2pac, Biggie, old Eminem,hell even new Eminem, Kanye and you will see that even though they are mainstream, they have actual soul and hit their lines hard. Mori it feels like she has 0 weight to her delivery and it isn't smooth like snoop. I know it's unfair to compare her to legends, but even YouTubers like Dax blow her out of the water. Nicki Minaj and even fucking Doja Cat dunk on her, and it's not just the music type, it's their delivery. Mori is just average at best and only signed because she's good for a vtuber. I guarantee you en holostars will have a REAL rapper, and he will smoke Mori in a rap battle and make her regret ever agreeing to a public rap battle stream to be forever immortalized on their channels.

>> No.22882409

Korone good Mori shit simple as

>> No.22882437

>I guarantee you en holostars will have a REAL rapper, and he will smoke Mori in a rap battle and make her regret ever agreeing to a public rap battle stream to be forever immortalized on their channels
No way in hell. Whatever male vtuber dares to do that would be committing career suicide. Hell, maybe even actual suicide by stirring the obsessed cuckbeat nest.

>> No.22882528

The en homo rapper will be a deadbeat guaranteed and try to fuck her more like it

>> No.22882679

We have half a dozen of these threads made every day, and you call them obsessed?

>> No.22882765

The big cuckbeats are in twitter and reddit. They wouldn't dare come here, lest their conditioning was shattered.

>> No.22883297

That holostar en is me. I will make a song about lean

>> No.22883650

Why the fuck would you fuck Mori if you have your whole fanbase to choose from? Just slightly leak your roommate like Kiara and you'll get all kinds of DMs from thirsty ass fan girls. You won't believe the amount of pussy famous people are offered up, it's no wonder they cheat on their wives on the regular

>> No.22883779

Allow me to correct a particular misunderstanding: Mori never cared about rap. She wants to be a star, and since rappers are the faces of stardom in the music business she copied them. It explains why her rapping is ass and why she doesn't know shit about anything.

>> No.22884693

it would be like jacking off to some weird fetish of porn im not into, could get the job done but i'll not get the satisfaction.
Regardless hiphop/rap isn't like other kind of music that you relax to, it's an emulation of sitting at a fire while some niggas bang drums and some shaman dude tells stories. You're supposed to listen and be elevated.

>> No.22884816

New here?

>> No.22884877

It's good rap if I don't understand. Do dogbangers really? Your hate for Mori is astounding at this point.

>> No.22884979

hold up on the lean and show us what post you're replying to

>> No.22885147

The en’s will all be neckbeards lets be real here.

>> No.22885445

You can relax to hiphop you goober

>> No.22885486

Im going to be an en and im a young cute sexy boy

>> No.22885577

Yeah if your some midwit drone that blanks out dialog.
At most like the relaxation during the focus of reading a book, not flowing through the moment mentally and physically snug like real relaxation.

>> No.22885980

Shut up nigga what are you even on about

>> No.22886060
File: 270 KB, 704x1068, 1589928750074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the dog GOD for a reason

>> No.22886083

Go away with that cringe shit, you fell for some weeb pandering if you think that song is hiphop

>> No.22886137

>doesn’t know nujabes
You’re either baiting or genuinely retarded

>> No.22886159

I know it. You fell for some internet pandering because you don't go outside

>> No.22886264

>literally had a conversation with a normie friend about nujabes and he brought him up 2 months ago
Ok anon, you talk to a lot of people and you go outside a lot. You’re a healthy boy

>> No.22886377

Aye your normie friend, that's 'normie' because he doesn't like anime girls. Never mind the fact he is a fucking turbo nerd.

>> No.22886441

Rap isn't real music, now shut the fuck up you pretentious fuck.

>> No.22886566

Don’t know what to tell you man. Dont know why you value normies so highly, maybe because you wish you could be one but anime is normie shit, and normies relax to hiphop

>> No.22886578

Hey maybe considering stop feeding yous to the retard that thinks music can be objectively quantified as good or bad. I personally don't give two fucks about rap, hip hop, or any of that nigger shit. But I am not an ignorant asshole so I would never say that that music is inferior to the 70s fussion jazz I do like. Some aspects of music production can be qualified as more or less polished, more or less intentional, so on and so forth, but saying something like "jp rap is not rap" is beyond retarded. You are a shame to the music theory and arts circles.

>> No.22886700

Korone's song is fun, but there's nothing special about it.
Mori has some decent songs and musical sense, but she's a very mediocre performer. It's especially obvious with her Boogy Vox collabs where she's mogged in both singing and rapping. I think she needs to work on less stuff at once, commit to a style, and focus on improving her technique.

>> No.22886736

You will never be white

>> No.22886805

are we pretending nujabes isnt the most influential hiphop artist of the 00s now. is this where this moronic thread is at

>> No.22886947

>korone kills herself grinding on the entertainment business for years when it was dominated by males
>haha she is a natural!
I hate this

>> No.22886988
File: 2.17 MB, 640x360, Lewd Korone wants to know How Was it[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkdnjp9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22887081

why hasn't mori made a song with fake type yet?

>> No.22887295

Shut up nigga oh my god

>> No.22887359

We don't know much about this because discussing this kind of information is illegal on this board. Great rules! I really appreciate not being able to discuss or learn about my favorite entertaiers. Keeping the delusion of a strawman nonexistent neckbeard that the anime girls are real and the person behind is irrelevant is super important and I really like that about /vt/!

>> No.22887407

Dude that anon was completely retarded from her he very first post he made at the beginning of this thread. Please pay closer attention.

>> No.22887427

>Keeping the delusion of a strawman nonexistent neckbeard that the anime girls are real

>> No.22887540

No, I refuse to believe unicorns and the such are real human people.

>> No.22887688
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"Talent" and "being a natural" are shit ways to describe the results of someone's efforts.
Now, calm down and have a dog tummy.

>> No.22887741

Yes I agree. I respect koone inmensily, I unironically think she's the best vtuber we will ever witness.

>> No.22887812

Can you not use my oshi to anti post? Thanks.

>> No.22887939

You can have talent that is developed mostly through hardwork, that anon said she was the most hardworking right before he said she is a natural entertainer, both of which can be true

>> No.22888021

oh most definitely but not knowing who nujabes was is like 4x as funny

>> No.22888122

Of all the things you could call Calli, you can't claim that she isn't dedicated or hard working.

>> No.22888179


>> No.22888552
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>> No.22888684

>I have a high standard for nigger monkey noises
>this compliments my high standards for eating dog shit out of sidewalks and drinking homeless man piss out of public toilets

>> No.22888932

really hope everyone who makes posts like these is still just 14 cuz its so fucking tragic imagining adults being like this in the face of art

>> No.22889070

More like fart

>> No.22889724

Yeah, Korone's appeal goes beyond hard work or talent. She's a naturally fun person.

>> No.22889785

Holy ESL, go back to your mudhut and study a bit more English before your next hate thread

>> No.22889908

he isn't though, that's dilla

>> No.22890165

>I have a high standard for rap.
Do you though?

Add Arabic and Hebrew to the list of languages that should never ever be rapped in. Sounds like shit. Too many sounds כ ע ח צ. I'd add all of the Hebrew "counterparts" but they don't pronounce them the same anymore ض ص ق غ ع خ ح ظ ط that don't lend themselves well to rap.

>> No.22890540


>> No.22890807

Retarded deadcuck

>> No.22890874 [DELETED] 


>> No.22890993

shit, wrong thread

>> No.22891367

Mori's rap is a totally different genre than those guys.

>> No.22892140

Yeah, the bad genre

>> No.22892290

so apparently to you, a ‘smooth flow’ is when you rap in straight rapid notes, with no syncopation, in a way that has the listener not understand a single word you’re saying?

>> No.22892502

why is everyone whos good at anything dead

>> No.22893766

You only realize how good something was when its gone

>> No.22898904


>> No.22899644

Cringe, take your foreskinless retard self for a walk

>> No.22899812

chigire! chigire! chigire!

>> No.22900731

Not that anon but nujabes is pretty influential and I have my foreskin

>> No.22900920

Dunno what to tell you, it was internet pandering

>> No.22901222

Can't stand any of mori's music, it was good, but now it is entirely unlistenable for me.

>> No.22902740

What was internet pandering?

>> No.22902875

Artists like Questlove etc coming out all around the same time talking about Nujabes. It's blatantly in your face which you would realise if you weren't so easily pandered to.

>> No.22903180

>Like Fake Type
>Like PPP
>Like J-rap
>Okay with Mori
>Like Korone
>Like Hololive
>Like F/T working with Korone and Hololive for a j-rap orisong
Am I supposed to be offended? Mori is resurrecting a dying genre by bringing in her people to the Hololive fold. I can't wait for Kanken, Biz , ill.belle or Takayan to collaborate with the talents. All we need is another Holo with the same vision to take advantage of this opportunity.

I don't care about who mogs who, it's still a genre I like and i will listen to both.

>> No.22903319
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Fuck yeah anon how could I forget Rip Slyme.
This shit was the best part about Gantz.

>> No.22904574

They’re pandering by talking about how they like a decently popular hip hop artist? Pandering implies they have something to gain from saying they like nujabes and or his work and they are only saying they like his stuff because it gives them something

>> No.22905700

ft dont like mori

>> No.22906625
File: 17 KB, 659x478, Chart_of_kana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of agree but for a different reason.
The way japanese language is spoken, the way syllables are broken down and delivered, the entire rules behind pronunciation makes japanes rap less impressive compared to other languages due to how simple it is to flow to beats. There's little in way of creativity because the language really does go along well with beats using basic music time signatures

>> No.22906914

Niggers have no art. Their crowning achievement pre-colonization was a fucking sand-castle in Timbuktu

>> No.22907359

You act as if a single a song of any genre has intelligent lyrics

>> No.22907456

Plenty do, but that's not the topic at hand is it you backpedaling faggot?

>> No.22907561

>marvel movies are retarded
>all movies are retarded

>> No.22907595

>Plenty do
Not a single song does and
>that's not the topic at hand
>conversation about what is art
Yes it is

>> No.22907784

I'd argue it's not the breadth of the language that would limit the ability to rap in it but rather your creativity in how you fight against those limits.
It's not all just about rhyming the end of your lines. And there's always a different way of intonating your sentence or switching up the flow of a phrase that can create something new musically.
It's easy as an outsider to the language to imagine they talk in a very fixed robotic way like any syllable chart would suggest, but in reality there is a lot of variation and creativity that just isn't easy to translate.

>> No.22907962

I think there's a misunderstanding maybe
I said it's too EASY to rap in japanese which is why it's less impressive and allows for less creativity

>> No.22908105

Please forgive him anon, a nigger needs to protect his garbage hood culture!

>> No.22908689

I think I see what you mean, there's less of a barrier for entry to rap in the language, right? I'd agree with that. There's literally fewer sounds to work with in japanese so yeah it's definitely easier to make your ideas work musically.
I'm trying to say that given those parameters it's still possible to be wildly creative and deliver something just as impressive as something in english.
Like, there's a lower bottom in japanese with easy lyrics, but you can still hit some really high highs with creative use of what's there.

>> No.22909469
File: 174 KB, 296x272, RENT FREE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he spends his spare time trying to convince people that Mori is bad
>he still uses her as a measure of quality and success
face it anons, if she was as bad as yall say she is then she wouldn't be this successful. shes pretty good, youre only lying to yourselves when you try to convince yourselves otherwise.

>> No.22909623

You're acting as if /vt/ isn't trying to condition just in the opposite direction lol. Pot calling the kettle black etc.

>> No.22909985

It's unreal how much better Calin stuff was than Mori's stuff is, and that was done as a gag and didn't have anywhere near the production or polish that her normal somgs have. Maybe that's just what makes it sound more like your typical American rap.

>> No.22910201
File: 2.05 MB, 498x298, ピーナッツくん-peanuts-kun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows there's only ONE good rap Vtuber

>> No.22910376

Check their MVs. Mori literally worked for them multiple times.

>> No.22910479

pre or post holo? If they were on good terms they would've collabed on at least one song right?

>> No.22910622

>popular = good
Is this what we have come to?

>> No.22911002


>> No.22911674

>if she was as bad as yall say she is then she wouldn't be this successful
Alright, but
>Was lucky to get a god-tier model
>Has a cult like following that extends to her roommate
>Is a Holo
I'm confident most niggers who listen to her stuff nowadays do it because it's Mori singing/doing it, not to mention that vtuber viewers have a really lenient taste on music in general. So yeah, the bar here is low.

>> No.22911808

holy mother of cope

>> No.22911965

>top 5
she's the 5th best Myth member, that's it.

>> No.22912336

>Lil Xan
I love how you cherry-pick burgerland's worst, just so you can talk about how the pink whore who tries (and fails) to rap in moonrunes is good.
You seem like the person who would unironically say that they were born in the wrong generation.

>> No.22912379

>hard working
>shows up two hours late to a full group collab
>OW collab with Towa

>> No.22912440

bait or brainlet

>> No.22912465

bait or cuckbeat

>> No.22912617

typical anti, no original thoughts, can only regurgitate posts theyve seen on here. next youll try to tell me that mori is le bad for corrupting (talking to) irys (her friend). watch streams.

>> No.22912730

Retard, Im op, i wasnt defending mori. There was some other guy saying japanese rap is meaningless for whatever bullshit reason he could pull out of his ass

>> No.22912882

I just listened to the song and it's basically just electro swing combined with rap lyrics. Is that it? That's all that makes Fake Type special? They combine two uncommonly combined genres?

>> No.22913031
File: 1.87 MB, 1917x1074, 1646279123353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 100% convinced every Mori anti thread is just actualy Mori antis arguing with deadbeat anti falseflaggers. Its like that one scene in the clone wars where they were shooting eachother but with a bunch of retards online.

>> No.22916658

It's getting very cancerous. I'll be honest I never liked mori. I don't give a shit about the lean, her being a gay anarchist anti idol or whatever. I think drogs are based and that idol culture is good actually but has some very shitty things that are better off trimmed, and I am sure they will be in time. That said, I dislike her personality, and she seems genuinely kind of dumb. She would fit right in /here/. But the antis are straight up retarded assholes. Everything is about her, she's the just the worst thing that ever happened, everything she touches is garbage, etc. It's seriously so stupid. Go watch something you like for shits sake. I know I do.

>> No.22917926

typical deadbeat, no original thoughts, can only deny proof theyve seen on here.

>> No.22918068
File: 223 KB, 664x559, 1619101112104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rap discussion sucks because it always ends up with some wiggers and niggers talking about Gucci mane and migos or some try hard white kids in their 20s talking about flavorless backpacker shit like tech9ne or aesop rock. It's rather silly when we all know that the only rap that matters is drill from chiraq.

>> No.22918388

Why isn't this song on Spotify?

>> No.22918439
File: 104 KB, 282x316, 1650458398104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You retarded or something?

>> No.22918483


>> No.22921372


>> No.22923661

thhk and dyes have both done multiple tracks with her, and she animated their most popular song, what more do you want

>> No.22926585


>> No.22927272

For them to collab with Mori.
She has talked about how she went tl Japan to fuck hat, that didn't work out, she got pumped and dumped.
She has also talked about people in her previous professional circles looking down on her success as Mori. Gee I wonder who.
She ALSO has said she keeps doing work for those people for free. GEE I WONDER WHO.
I'll believe they're on good temrs when they actually acknowledge Mori.

>> No.22931261


>> No.22932159

Why FT hasn't done a song with her then?

>> No.22932441

Electroswing is the worst genre of music to ever exist.
Sorry Korone I get that you're a capable entertainer and that you've been streaming for like 4 years now and at this point you're an icon and stuff but I'm sorry. Electroswing is awful and pure cringe. It is the audio waveform equivalent of a fedora. I'm sorry. But I just can't watch you anymore. I need to respect myself

>> No.22932596

Korone's great, that's all.

>> No.22933433
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>> No.22933563

they did have something to gain, the attention from his death

>> No.22933874
File: 311 KB, 1122x588, 1641951912569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First appearance by AO (vocals of F/T) was Feb 1, 2021. with OWTH and has done multiple works with Mori ever since.
Latest MV by "Mori" was March 4, 2022, the same timeframe she was working on her 2022 EP, and her roommate stuff.

>> No.22934838

Comparing Mori to Korone is like comparing Hitler to DaVinci in the sense that they were both painters

>> No.22934894

Those sound like mumbling nonsense to me

>> No.22936890

that's just one member, why not collab with all of ft?

>> No.22937694

Because she and tophamhat haven't been on speaking terms ever since she got kocked up and he told her that she was a dumb bitch for not taking the pill and that she had to get an abortion.

>> No.22937779

>t. Fantano fan
Hold your own opinions

>> No.22937858

You don't know japanese and have no idea what you are talking about.
>you could make every single word in a sentence rhyme with intricate wordplay
Even if it were true, it would make japanese rap better.

>> No.22939228

No you don't understand, the main deciding factor in a piece of art's quality is how difficult it is to produce. This is why playing the saxofone with your ballsack is the highest and purest form of art possible.

>> No.22939514

Best take in here. The anti threads are just so fucking dull that this shit bores me to death at this point and these retarded monkeys are shitting fucking everywhere. I'm in favour of the deadbeat janny at this point just to get rid of the filth and make the board usable again.

>> No.22939591

That's one cringe comparison if I've ever seen one, are you underage?

>> No.22939875

If you don't understand Japanese your point is invalid.

>> No.22939945

source: one second of google on any of the artists involved, im not vacationing myself for some retard who needs airplane noises to even be spoonfed

>> No.22942288


>> No.22943175

Check Dyes" channel.

>> No.22943438

ft is 2 people

>> No.22944118

>beats using basic music time signatures
Bruh what the fuck are you talking about. Almost all hip-hop/pop music uses 4/4. Most deviations are similarly as simple. I get the tiniest bit of an inkling you’re bullshitting how much you actually understand about this shit.

>> No.22944369

only russians can rap


>> No.22944962

laughing at the idea of Prog Hiphop and dudes using a clicktrack to keep their bars in time

>> No.22944969

Didn’t even make this as an anti thread, cant make one jab at a chuuba without pussies like you moaning

>> No.22945086
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My man.

>> No.22945883

>their logo is shaped like a dick
kek fucking russians
