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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22802791 No.22802791 [Reply] [Original]

20days till debut hype Edition

A thread for the discussion of God's choosen vtubers from idol corp Israel!

Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnSGu_Iaz18


【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaksHmr89krw-g9EaktdjBw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

~ Debut Date - אירוע ההשקה ~
- עשירי במאי 2022 ב-3 אחה"צ -
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 3 PM (Israel Time)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 12 PM (GMT)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 9 PM (JST)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 7 PM (WIB)

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-E-oMwc7SHuiK5gT_ule8Q
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

~ Debut Date ~
- עשירי במאי 2022 ב- 3:45 אחה"צ -
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 3:45 PM (Israel Time)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 12:45 PM (GMT)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 9:45 PM (JST)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 7:45 PM (WIB)

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmy_EmxnYQ8aar8fNZrumw/featured
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

~ Debut Date ~
- עשירי במאי 2022 ב- 4:30 אחה"צ -
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 4:30 PM (Israel Time)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 1:30 PM (GMT)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 10:30 PM (JST)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 8:30 PM (WIB)

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

~ Debut Date ~
- עשירי במאי 2022 ב- 5:15 אחה"צ -
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 5:15 PM (Israel Time)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 2:15 PM (GMT)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 11:15 PM (JST)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 9:15 PM (WIB)

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-Cjd6k8VUMI2hdfHYwCfg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol

~ Debut Date ~
- עשירי במאי 2022 ב- 6:00 אחה"צ -
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 6:00 PM (Israel Time)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 3:00 PM (GMT)
Friday, May 11, 2022 from 12:00 AM (JST)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 10:00 PM (WIB)

>> No.22802959

Will they dance like this?

>> No.22803009

Why do these fuckers come up in every single YouTube ad?

>> No.22803043


>> No.22803906
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This is going to be a scam
They already have sponsors and are pouring a lot of money into a market that does not exist.
They are hoping for global hype. They know the israeli otaku is barely existent which is why the angle is gamers.

>> No.22804022
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What do you think about their heights?

>> No.22804176

I keked when I got a youtube ad from them

>> No.22804307

built for big goyim cock

>> No.22804431

Triple cunny, would fap to.

>> No.22805586


>> No.22806920
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>> No.22807127

Why the fuck there's WIB there? Did they expect Indonesian watch Israeli Vtuber? Wtf?

>> No.22807192

Really makes you think

>> No.22807338

מה דעתכם לבנתיים

>> No.22807387

are they going to speak english or their disgusting demon language

>> No.22807773

they mentioned that they will speak both, probably like holoID

>> No.22809957 [DELETED] 

Why did the jews get it right on the first try while en2 couldn't?

>> No.22812251
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Being Jewish prevents her from being oshi material but I love her design Bros.

>> No.22812986

Yes. They are banking on foreign money.
>their debuts are from 3 pm to 6 pm
These are works when most israelis are still at work or school. Not even mentioning that there is no israeli otaku outside of reddit tier seasonalfags and a couple of high hidden power level here and there.
Israelis FUCKING HATE spending money on ANYTHING!
They are literally hoping to get money from sea and from ads
A scam. There are no arts or high quality entertainment in Israel. It's only about following the money and doing the least possible.

>> No.22813271

Where are the women

>> No.22813369

You see those room dividers? They are white with a brown middle section with little holes in them
Those are to keep the women out. The women are on the other side of the room.

>> No.22813553
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op is this you ?

>> No.22813765

OP is a paid shill
He has gotten 17 nintendo switches already.

>> No.22814025

Happy Hitler day

>> No.22814283

Hitler unironically did more in the creation of Israel than fucking Br*tbong.

>> No.22814311

is that indonesian facebook?
are you retarded? its a scam because they want to make money? do you think hololive does it for their own good will?

they never even claimed to be doing it exclusively for Israel, just that Israel will have its own gen. There are youtubers with 400k subs here, why wouldnt vtubers work?

>> No.22814338


>> No.22814421

If you're fundraising for your next holiday in Gaza, it's inefficient to target other jews.

>> No.22814490

I'm dumbfounded by this agency too. They seem to be very well funded and connected, yet they picked the shittiest country in the shittiest timezone possible with a language nobody speaks. Maybe they want to stream during middle eastern timezones to pander to actual oil barons?

>> No.22814560

Imagine a muslim vTuber agency and instead of sending superchats you pay 20€ to throw a virtual stone

>> No.22814725

>Arab princes dropping 100k usd superchats while going uooooh at some halal cunny

>> No.22814788


>> No.22815139

>They seem to be very well funded and connected
What gave you that impression?
They are an Israeli company through and through. The whole deal about bringing vtubers to countries that don't have them is a tagline.
The fact they are not even honest about where they are from, and talk about global expansion before they even had a single generation debut is what really stinks here. They have a bunch of collaborations and funders from big companies already.
By the way, nobody in israel uses twitter. Everyone uses facebook.
Imagine if hololive when they started out, instead of hyping up twitter, they hyped up weibo.

>> No.22815212
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What made her angry?

>> No.22815321

If your best youtubers only get 400k, that's really bad. Like worse than african shitholes bad

>> No.22815404

getting 400k subs in a 6.9m hebrew speakers country is bad?

thats almost having 17% of the country subscribed

>> No.22815894

Speaking hebrew in the first place is bad. Basing your channel on a dead language is just a bad business decision

>> No.22816044

Shalom borther, looking forwards to their debutes.

>> No.22816308

thank you for making the thread anon. I've been meaning to but ive had stuff going on

>> No.22816654

is it? artists here for example make shitload of money, youtubers in israel keep appearing on TV commercials and getting sponsored, its a small country so its easier to reach audience and become viral.
np idolbro

>> No.22816788 [DELETED] 

Her big sis

>> No.22816793

If this agency wants to succeed it is going to hve to go all in on the EN market. I don't even know why they think it is a good idea to use Hebrew as a secondary language on stream.

>> No.22816975
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numberlfriends, what are your judgements?

>> No.22816998

Us Kiwis can do both at the same time. Small enough to get local attention easily but since we're native english speakers, we get all the global benefits from being part of the anglosphere

>> No.22817064

There's a Kiwi chuuba?

>> No.22817128

Way to strawman, faggot.
This is a scam because there is no demand for this.
Wonna bring up hololive? Sure, lets do that.
>Hololive was a domestic company first and foremost, judging very hard before they branched out overseas.
>People literally requested holo EN for years, and they started with china and indonesia first, neighbors of theirs.
>Hololive was founded after there were several generations of virtual youtubers that have proven that there is a large demand for this avenue in particular, most notably, kizuna ai, who was already at a million with several succesful trailing projects like mirai akari and luna.

>Choosing a generic name that is way too open that they could fuck over people in court with when facing opponents with less money
>Not being transparent about being an israeli company
>Trying to build hype before they have even had auditions
>Announcing switch giveaway and nintendo partnership literally before anything else
>Making a youtube show when youtube is a minor player in israel
>Basing twitter as their main social media despite twitter being almost non existent in twitter.
>Advertising on 4chan. Don't lie, one of you faggots is an insider, I can tell.
>Having an otaku pander style work for a country that has no otaku
>Showing them off in times where people are mostly at work or school unless they are foreigners
And the weirdest part is
>Choosing lolicon designs and anime aesthetics for the characters
Israelis think anime is for children and would actually report you to the police for pulling up saying you like girls that look like this. This will never show up on a billboard in central tel aviv, haifa, eilat and especially especially not in jerusalem.

This is really fucking fishy. You have to be blind to say this is not.
>inb4 I get called an anti semi or a muslim by some shitty scrawny fuckboy with rotting teeth that is balding at 20
ani yodea sheatem koraim at ze. Ani yodea ma atem osim. kol ehad ve ehad mechem zevel tafel.
tivrehu cvar cmo huldot im hakesef. kolam yodim she ze ma shetihnantem.

>> No.22817176
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My thoughts? Nikki love!

>> No.22817602

>Announcing switch giveaway and nintendo partnership literally before anything else
>Making a youtube show when youtube is a minor player in israel
>Basing twitter as their main social media despite twitter being almost non existent in twitter.
>Having an otaku pander style work for a country that has no otaku
>Showing them off in times where people are mostly at work or school unless they are foreigners

literally nothing wrong with that. Just because you don't agree with their business decisions doesn't mean its a scam.

>Not being transparent about being an israeli company
>Trying to build hype before they have even had auditions

can you prove these points? or do you like coming up with shit?

>Choosing a generic name that is way too open that they could fuck over people in court with when facing opponents with less money
>Advertising on 4chan. Don't lie, one of you faggots is an insider, I can tell.


>ani yodea sheatem koraim at ze. Ani yodea ma atem osim. kol ehad ve ehad mechem zevel tafel. tivrehu cvar cmo huldot im hakesef. kolam yodim she ze ma shetihnantem.

Holy meds. I remember you posting its a scam and they have no models or talents, now that they actually posted high quality models and show actual passion towards the project you just schizopost.

You should visit their discord, they actually seem genuinely passionate for the project.

>> No.22817755

I don't go here but if you think the landscape now for vtuber companies is the same as when Hololive was founded I have a fucking bridge to sell you retard.

Hololive and Nijisanji did all the scary work for them

>> No.22817805

Still don't get where is the scam part? Who are they scamming? Is the scam that they're pretending to be targeting the Hebrew market, when they're really targeting the international market?

>> No.22817946

>its a scam, they should run away with the money, they are scamming people.
>there is no market, there is no money to be made, they are spending a lot of money on marketing.
which one is it?

>> No.22817975

What the fuck haha

>> No.22818022
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>>Having an otaku pander style work for a country that has no otaku
not true. there are multiple cons every year and the community is only growing larger. recently anime movies have started to get broadcast in theaters.

>> No.22818043

None that I can think of. NZ content creators are generally focused on normie audiences. It's mostly fps/battle royal and irl stuff. Number 1 is a 8mill sub fornite guy

>> No.22818349

I'm not gonna say I'm not interested, but it's the sheer absurdity of everything about them that makes it interesting. If it were an agency started in say, England or Germany or France, then it would probably raise an eyebrow but it wouldn't feel too weird, but Israel? Not to mention the insane production value they're showing off. I'm more worried that they're setting themselves up to be Israeli VerseN/Phase/Prism; they're gonna come out with a ton of money to spend and then all end up being 2views in spite of it. I hope they're prepared to accept that.

>> No.22818715
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Why do you even bother responding pretending to be a voice of reason.
All you are doing is showing how much you are trying to save face.
I have not been the only one who said you are a scam, I only posted about this one other time.

Let's go over something really fishy you just dismissed, asshole
>They claim to be bringing vtubers to israel
>There is no existent market for these girls and they are clearly making sure that other countries get priority
You called these business decisions.
If those are business decisions this is deception and a scam by definition.

>Can you prove this point
Here we go
These are the four videos they have up on youtube.
I am going to translate for our nice global friends, surely that's not a problem, right?
>Video 1: Internet stars virtual youtubers are arriving to israel
Like I said, they are trying to brand themselves as a company hat brings vtubers to countries without them. This is clearly deceptive marketing
>Video 2: Come join and get exclusive rewards
Already, promising rewards before they have talents
>Video 3: Teasing 4 designs that look nothing like the final designs
>Video 4: Finally showing the girls
This company had made partnerships, giveaways, and promises before they even held auditions

>High quality models
Surely, you must be joking, right? The art is japanese. They managed to get a fucking nintendo partnership already, each model would be 1-3k usd max. So they spent 10k on models? So what?
You know what. I will visit their damn discord. surely they are transparent individuals despite lying about everything, right?

>> No.22818810

By the way, faggot
You never adressed my biggest point.
The lolicon aesthetic is clearly taboo for an israeli audience.

>> No.22818904
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Anyway it seems like Nikki and Kattarina went for coffee together a little more than a week ago. Nice that they're doing stuff together

>> No.22819081

What kind of unholy abomination claiming to be a coffee is that?

>> No.22819184

They are scamming investors and hoping to bank on the hype from sea countries before it falls through.
Which is exactly why they are gunning for non Israeli audience.
It is a scam because they are promising their investors one thing but are hoping to bank on another.
This project will fall through and the people running this shit would be already laughing with the money.
The community is still tiny. The most hardcore otaku are netflix anime redditors. The group of israelis that is hardcore into the hobby enough to get vtubers is probably less than 1k. You can't make stream revenue from something like that on a production scale.
Have you noticed how they tried to advertise it as "gamers" they did not even bother making it about otaku because they knew no one would bite.

>> No.22819296

>20 days until debut
Fuck off

>> No.22819452

>You called these business decisions.
If those are business decisions this is deception and a scam by definition.
schizoposter, they answered these concerns of yours many times on their discord. If you would actually follow the project and not make shit up you would already know the reasons behind that.

They said that they started with israel as a proof of concept, to show that even small and niche countries like Israel can have success with VTubers. That's not a scam, that's them trying to prove there IS a market for these girls.

>Like I said, they are trying to brand themselves as a company hat brings vtubers to countries without them. This is clearly deceptive marketing
how is that deceptive if thats literally what they are doing. If they chose croatia would you post the same shit?
>Already, promising rewards before they have talents
>This company had made partnerships, giveaways, and promises before they even held auditions
how do you know they have no talents? they posted in their discord page that they auditioned talents in august retard. Even another anon in the other thread claimed they saw their audition posts on facebook half year ago.
>Surely, you must be joking, right? The art is japanese. They managed to get a fucking nintendo partnership already, each model would be 1-3k usd max. So they spent 10k on models? So what?
You know what. I will visit their damn discord. surely they are transparent individuals despite lying about everything, right?
They claimed they spent 10k $ on each talent, don't know if that's true but thats what they wrote on their hebrew discord page.
If its taboo, why are there no comments about that anywhere in their socials? why none speaking up about that?
you don't even know basic information about this company, yet you claim you know shit about their investors and what they promised them.

>> No.22819455

probably what most women get in some way. tons of sugar with a side of coffee topped with whipped cream and then i guess cinnamon
oh nyooooo

>> No.22819574

It worked for Raid Shadow Legends. Put more money in advertising than actually building an enjoyable product.

>> No.22819639

its funny because raid is also israeli game

>> No.22819645

That's not coffee, that's obesity in a cup. And that's not a chuuba, that's a chonka.

>> No.22820299

As is the case for literally all successful mobile games

>> No.22820476
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Same old same old
>he has been in their discord since august
No wonder you call me a skitzo, you are either a close associate or actually one of them
You sure are a piece of shit.
Here I am bringing up actual things they put out, and you keep calling me skitzo and saying that "they said everything on the discord get with it"

Once again you are trying to bend shit
>They started off with Israel
They did not, they ARE Israeli.

>They posted about auditions in august
Accept that until 2 months ago, they had no idea that they will have 5 idols, or even what would they look like
Months after they were created
Months after they took money from investors

>10K on each talent
I work closely with people getting their live 2d done.
Only extremely high end art and rig would cost each over 1k.
You have crazy examples of someone spending 16k on a live 2d model, but that model is so elaborate that is has an insane range and polish from every angle.
These drawings probably cost around 500$.
I can't even comment on the rigging, because there is barely any official things showing them off
> A company spending 10k on models not showing them off
This looks like a 300$ rig at most.

>If its taboo, why are there no comments about that anywhere in their socials? why none speaking up about that?
Because they are not using israeli advertising
They are not using Israeli social media
They are not advertising in the place they say the entertainment is for.

>you don't even know basic information about this company, yet you claim you know shit about their investors and what they promised them.
Alright, lets peel that right open

Image 1
When you go to the idol official website and click contact, the first thing you see is business end for giving them money

>> No.22820594
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This is the idol about us page
>It has no history of the company
>It has no information on who runs it
>It only shows the same splash art of the characters
>It doesn't have a shred of transparency on who runs this company or what they actually do, just a tagline.

>> No.22820653
File: 366 KB, 1056x986, 5IJF1iecS9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In contrast, this is what you get in hololive
This is what you get in most reliable, trustworthy services.
You get faces, people, names, and long descriptions of what the company is about.

>> No.22820833
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Lets dig into the baseline sentiment that they keep trying to push
>Idol is a global company, setting foot in Israel in order to bring them idols
Lets go and examine the evidence
First and foremost, the design for both the video and logo are very reminiscent of Israeli graphic and motion design.
They only started switching it out for different things once they had the money to commission Japanese artists.

>> No.22820914
File: 55 KB, 642x305, firefox_wWDH9frtCS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol corp's official first tweet was in hebrew, announcing their reach into israel
It had 8 likes.
>They are claiming they were an established company that decided to just bring idols to israel.

>> No.22820939

>it’s true

>> No.22820958
File: 30 KB, 928x511, firefox_UoAhq1Ob1v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idols official channel, not official israeli channel, official channel is fully in hebrew.
It is, according to google and youtube, running on israeli soil.

>> No.22820995

So this is what /idol/ threads are going to look like huh

>> No.22821038

>not getting TheLivingTombstone
What were they thinking?

>> No.22821042
File: 302 KB, 640x409, 11586692143d2vv0c8i1jgwnqcbmepwlzor0le9ghpfwid8epwn4yb0t4cwuzxgvakbct3d6pablcf9vknyh5zj8hhz4jhrzurffrelqaycnpth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why their origin country matter? how does that affect the fact they started off with Israel? They are an international startup originated in Israel that chose Israel as its first country.
>No wonder you call me a skitzo, you are either a close associate or actually one of them
you are worse than anti-vaxers, in fact you probably are one.
>Accept that until 2 months ago, they had no idea that they will have 5 idols, or even what would they look like
0 proof of that. In fact, their statements are completely the opposite of that, and they are more reliable source than (trust me).
>art not worth bla bla bla
they chose artists who already did famous chuubas, most live2d artists I saw that didnt even create famous chuubas ask for 2000$ per illustration, and thats without rigging.
>This looks like a 300$ rig at most.
they posted who is the rigger, and he takes 700$ base price for simple designs in his commissions page and thats without toggles and emotes which they showed they have.


so lets get it straight, they didnt show who the founders are in the website, the logo looks israeli and the first tweet has 8 likes. Oh, and the description is in Hebrew.

Yeah okay. You really proved your point. Heres your prize, pic related.

>> No.22821098
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It is a fact.
The only evidence out there that Idol is a global force bringing vtubers to israel is their website
Holy shit
I can't believe it
They archived it.

>> No.22821123

That would cost them a lot of money.

>> No.22821138
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Translation coming soon. Hold on
Nice try, clown.
Should have advertized on reddit instead

>> No.22821154

>Israelis FUCKING HATE spending money on ANYTHING!
Thank you for the hearty chuckle jewbro

>> No.22821186
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>> No.22821230
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Alright, wrapping up translation.
Please wait patiently for the comedy.

>> No.22821250

you mean the translation that has been posted 100 times on /vt/ already? why are you acting like you found a big secret, thats their public landing page before they posted the debut trailer, they said they will create a new website once they posted the trailer and they did.

Imagine being THIS schizo. Anons had a point about jews in 4chan.

>> No.22821297

Does anyone want to make a new op to put this dumpster fire of a thread to rest?

>> No.22821361

Why does everyone on this site want to suck circumcised penis so badly? Keep this shit on your home board >>>/pol/

>> No.22821362

he'd literally just go to the new thread there's no point he's just probably going to be a residential thread schizo at this point.

>> No.22821404

The fact they are already getting schizoposters before they even debuted is amusing

>> No.22821465

>that's why I mentioned it
I expect this group to be equally successful and trashy.

>> No.22821528

They're Jews, of course some /pol/tard is going to have a vendetta

>> No.22821556
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I honestly don't know what you expected.
That being said, it's kind of ironic that since Idol is an Israeli company it probably has more reach here out of spite from /pol/acks than anybody else.

I wouldn't have even heard of them had they not been posted about here immediately because lol jewtubers. Now I'm kind of excited.

One thing I'm curious about is potential reach in America. Jews have always been stereotyped as nerds over here (and most jews I've met are some form of nerd or another), but I notice a lot of them tend to avoid anime for some reason. Considering they seem to be gunning for an overseas audience, I'm curious if they'll actually attract a decent-size jewish following or if it'll mostly just be goyim wanting khazar kunny.

>> No.22821714

the sad thing hes not even a /pol/tard, just your local conspiracy schizo whos having a meltdown when people dont believe the disinformation he is trying to spread.

>> No.22821729

I need to ask, does israel consume vtuber content? That seems like a oddly random country for a company to pop up

>> No.22821822

Yeah, the indie that made the snake go insane. I don't remember her name.

>> No.22821919
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Bringing you the next generation of Israeli digital entertainment
A whole new generation of net stars
Project Idol is bringing the next generation of online influencers and net stars - The Virtual Youtubers.
Enter an exciting new world of color, rich with high quality content and interesting individuals.
BREAK ALL LIMITS: We are planning to break all limits of digital content and promote a new standard of quality sparing no expenses for our content creators
MAKING IT TOGETHER: We believe that the way to success is paved with cooperation, that is why our content creators are working together
PROMOTING OUR VALUES: We understand the influence net stars have and grantee to promote important values in smarter ways, promoting charities and foundations to the improvements of information

Meet the idol
Idol virtual talents incorporated is a startup company for digital content. We are creating virtual youtubers and advancing them in virtual space (word for word translation, this is not a mistake). Our goal is to use the newest technology in order to bring magic (yes, they used the word magic) into the lives of people around the world

Content creator support: We provide management services to virtual internet star that take part in idol. Our wide support allows the net stars to be focus on what they are really good at while we worry about the heavy lifting.
Building content: we create (yes, they wrote that they create, this is written as plain as day) live 2d and 3d model for our representatives, build products for the viewers and fans. Idol corp is is in direct contact with artists around the world to bring our representatives the best quality products.
Promotion and advertising: We initiate cooperation withbusiness (yes, there is a typo here), develop social media strategies and help our talents reach the highest level of notoriety through digital marketing.

Check out their cool office. It is totally not an existing office that had their mark photoshoped on.

>> No.22821923

They all probably live within 500m of each other with how tiny and centralized Israel is.

>> No.22822015

Vtubers in general aren't the most mentally stable but jewtubers seem like the perfect bully bait. Literal crack for sadists Just the thought of watching one breakdown after being called an oven dodger has me slightly aroused.

>> No.22822021

I knew it would be bad but I'm impressed they got such a dedicated anti -1 months into their debut.

>> No.22822081

okay, and you proved exactly what by translating?

>check out this image that proves there are no offices
its clearly a mockup image, retard. What the fuck are you trying to prove? why would they have offices in Israel?

>> No.22822105

>the pic is legit

>> No.22822145

>Check out their cool talents. But wait, if you zoom in, whats that? PIXELS? Totally real people, not 2d anime drawings.

>> No.22822176

that's called stock corporate images anon wtf is wrong with you

>> No.22822245
File: 32 KB, 500x500, EFoNrHxW4AMevay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you choose to fall for this?
We literally have a shitty Israeli startup advertising their get rich quick scheme on our board.
Can you guys really not see this BS.
Look at this guy>>22821042
This guy doesn't address anything I say, he just meds over and over while greentexting real concerns.
This guy just fucking called me an anti vaxxer because I said this company is fishy.
Doesn't any of this seem fishy to you?
We have literally been having generals of this for over a month.
Does any of this look organic to you?

>> No.22822303

How many shekels will i have to pay them to get them to call me a filthy goy?

>> No.22822347
File: 193 KB, 1004x686, 12312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google is filled with companies using this exac image with their logo on it, its called concept art retard, all companies use it, I bet even Cover has some shutterstock images on their website.

Its clear you never worked for a company.

>> No.22822376

6 million

>> No.22822419

The "stock photo" thing is fishy as fuck.
All I see is deflecting is calling the anon a schizo.
>shitty basic company name
>no info on founders
>photoshoped pictures
I wouldn't just trust it until they start streaming.

I wonder how many of these companies are legit.

>> No.22822516
File: 520 KB, 1431x1032, mXn4IGvApz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a mockup image
Real companies don't need mockup images
It doesn't answer the fact that they chose to hide the people running the campaign the moment that they decided they needed to be a faceless global entity.
You guys are probably people with special interest from the discord, but sure, I'll bite
Here is what a transparent company looks like
This is called Akio air, a small, english speaking vtuber agency
They have a website that shows the people involved, their position, their background, about the company and other types of things.
Idol has none of that.
Forget about everything else they have done. As a company having none of that up is extremely fishy.

>> No.22822554

Maybe they are actually just trying to raise a generation of weebrews?

>> No.22822566
File: 289 KB, 549x550, 1645668517063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real companies don't need mockup images

>> No.22822625

>get rich quick scheme
Fucking lmao. Please don't take your meds and keep going.

>> No.22822643

I literally addressed everything you said. I'll keep calling you schizo, because you are one. Half of your points are (trust me), you didnt even make one valid concern or had proof.

its hard to take you seriously, when most of your questions has been answered on their discord and the so called "anonymous founders" you claim there are, are active and friendly on their discord and hide nothing.

>all of the team uses random images, doesnt show their faces.
very professional and transparent indeed.

>> No.22822747
File: 349 KB, 389x442, firefox_SolftNlkVq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to address this post as well because it brings up a good point that makes things even more fishy.
>. I don't even know why they think it is a good idea to use Hebrew as a secondary language on stream.
This is correct, business wise, this would be the smartest choice.
Israel, being a small, young state, wants more art and representation of itself out there. There are special funds to create entertainment in the hebrew language for the Israeli audience.
This would make a lot of sense why they at the same time pretend to be hebrew speaking towards a hebrew audience, but actually aim globally.
I am not skitzo. I am willing to listen to any theory that is telling me I am wrong.
So far all I got is being told I need meds and being told there are answers on the discord, but not given real answers.

>> No.22822759

Anon, your math reps.

>> No.22822801

I doubt it

>> No.22822809

What even is the scam according to you? They will claim to make an Israeli agency but it will actually be Palestinian? That they spent a bunch of money to overly publicize an agency only to never release it? Seriously, what is the threat here

>> No.22822848

can you actually write down your valid questions, without making statements that you have no proof of? If there is an unanswered question ill ask it on their discord.

>> No.22823035

You keep dismissing valid things I am saying.
You ask for proof, I show you proof.
Do I really have to screenshot every single post you wrote, where instead of giving me real answers you just called me skitzo or referenced the discord?

>> No.22823085

They're all palestinians, they just don't know it yet

>> No.22823088

>They had auditions 2 months ago/they marketed before they had auditions.
Go ahead, show me the proof, where is it? I want the proof they had the auditions two months ago and not over half year ago as you claim.

>> No.22823753
File: 111 KB, 1389x878, gotcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innie minnie miny moe
Catch a liar by the toe
Check mate you son of a bitch.

You went from defending them as not being initially Israeli to saying it does not matter if they started off in Israel, then said on an image never implied to be Israeli that why would they have an office in Israel.
You are probably a /pol/fag since you know how effective it is to just call someone skitzo after a long post and deny everything.
I will paste this in every thread about "idol" to inform the mods this is advertising.
Should have went the reddit rout, Aviel.

>> No.22823967

>You went from defending them as not being initially Israeli
Never said that?
> then said on an image never implied to be Israeli that why would they have an office in Israel.
I said why would they have offices in general? they have no clients and they are a small company. You think Prism project or phase connect has offices?
>I will paste this in every thread about "idol" to inform the mods this is advertising. Should have went the reddit rout, Aviel.
Ah yes (one of them), totally not schizo.

>> No.22824054

also, waiting for my proof.
for someone who claims your questions are ignored, you seem to deflect any criticism of your conspiracy theories.

>> No.22824105

oh he mad mad

>> No.22824195
File: 2.99 MB, 2508x3541, 1650469039569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So called skitzoposter here
I made 22 posts ITT
There are only 37 IPs.
The representative arguing with me is definitely replying double to posts and bumping his own thread
If I was just a troll he would not bother talking to be either, because he seems to know 4chan well enough to avoid bait.
This is advertising and shilling.
Here is an example
All three of these were made without IPs going up and within one minute of one another.
This guy is samefagging
>inb4 he gives me an image with f12 where he removed the (you) from some of them

>> No.22824272
File: 29 KB, 349x642, 1212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was only bait

>> No.22824311
File: 136 KB, 1366x573, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22824431
File: 29 KB, 628x297, firefox_ZI1omJHcky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up, Aviel
You are clearly a social media master, you want me to pretend like you don't know about f12?
You are too deep in shit.
You got your money already? Right?
You already got all those agencies to give you cash, even got nintendo to feed you a little.
Now just pretend like the company dissolved and run away with the money.

>> No.22824500
File: 3.02 MB, 498x469, hacker-pc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me anon.

>> No.22824552
File: 196 KB, 1942x1695, 1646027199092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22824813
File: 323 KB, 1000x508, firefox_AklBoEK0rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Aviel
You forgot to pretend to be 3 people.
It's getting a bit late isn't it.
Your imale will spank you for staying past your bed time.
Why did you wipe your whole website into an english one Aviel?

>> No.22825161

Honestly, im getting second hand embarrassment for you.

It's funny how you deflect my valid proof request by posting (them) replies.

Go ahead, answer this:

>> No.22825250

im just going to ignore him for right now, you excited for their original song? im looking forward to seeing how it turns out. i dont really know any of those involved off the top of my head so im wondering how it'll turn out

>> No.22825371

Juby is actually crazy famous

>> No.22825375

Fuck off shill.

>> No.22825501

Yes I am

>> No.22825817
File: 204 KB, 1868x1126, 103-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They had auditions 2 months ago
You are the only person that said this
I have never said anything about when the auditions happened because there is no source that clearly states that.
I think I pointed out that they had 4 wrong models and no names up until mid march, about a month ago, where they suddenly had 5 in a completely different look to what they teased.

Why are you still doing the "epic trolling libtard" speak?
If your company is actually legit but is just struggling with an image and finding a place in the world you are actually fucking yourself up in a very serious manner.
You realize your facade is backfiring, right?
Is that all you have left to defend? Not: calling you out for corruption, not calling you out for being inconsistent about your story or hiding your personal detail?

Why not be honest? If you are really legit, drop the facade, become transparent, be honest about your goals, Explain why you are trying to be global right off the bat, and most importantly actually aim to make this content for Israelis.
Sure, it is hard, but if you work hard enough you can expand the israeli otaku and be so much more than just a drop in the bucket.

Why am I trying so hard? You are probably just going to give me another "epic trolled" response or another strawman.

>> No.22825860

I want them to fail personally.

>> No.22826031

Six million? Dont you mean seven million?

>> No.22826065
File: 670 KB, 1500x1061, Aki.Rosenthal.full.2840169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New IP
Welcome to the thread
I am the supposed skitzo
I don't mind an Israeli Idol / Vtuber group happening. I would actually be excited to see the kind of passion we see in japan for the arts here in Israel.
I just don't want another project to turn out to be a scam or a scheme.
Did you know Israel makes games. Can you guess what kind of games they make here? Cheap gambling casino games and things like raid shadow legends.
I would love to see real creativity in my corner of the world

>> No.22826152

>If your company is actually legit
If you want me to reply seriously, how about you drop the "got em" facade first?

>> No.22826242

No, it was 8 million.

>> No.22826379

Ya know now that i think about it 8 million seems a bit low. I swear its 9 million.

>> No.22826439

אח שלי היקר

>> No.22826449
File: 127 KB, 800x579, HD-wallpaper-anime-virtual-youtuber-girl-kanae-virtual-youtuber-nijisanji-suzuhara-lulu-yuika-shiina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we establish I was a skitzo?
You just found a cheap excuse to refuse to answer me.
You acted like this before I started believing that you are a member of the company
Why should I believe you would stop.
I am an advocate for genuine art. I don't care if you are just a shill, a troll, or a the manager himself.
As long as I see this company keeping on being opaque and shifty I will make sure to protest its existence.

>> No.22826485

שלום חבר
חג שמח

>> No.22826815

חג שמח.
אני חושב שעדיף לתמוך בפרוייקט. הבנות לא עשו שום דבר רע ולא מגיע להן להתמודד עם עוד אנטי, חוץ מזה שזה מגניב לראות ויטוברים בעברית ובישראל. יכול להיות שאחרי זה נתחיל לראות יותר אינדי ישראלים כמו מה שקרה עם HOLO EN

>> No.22826984
File: 1.45 MB, 534x338, tiresome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 hours into general
>thread already dominated by schizo
>thread already full of dogwhistling /pol/acks

>> No.22827185

I just want to talk about cute girld dude

>> No.22827228


>> No.22827242

I dont give a fuck if you protest retard. I call you a schizo because you been calling idol a scam with no evidence for how much time now?

If you genuinely want your questions answered, start by not making baseless claims or seeking attention by posting its a scam 100 times.

Here, I will take the bait one last time. call me a shill and you get no more (you) from me.

>You are the only person that said this
I have never said anything about when the auditions happened because there is no source that clearly states that.

That's not true, you claimed in the following posts:

>Trying to build hype before they have even had auditions
>This company had made partnerships, giveaways, and promises before they even held auditions

following an image showing the prize video that was published two months ago, suggesting that they had auditions only after posting these videos. You had no proof of that, and thats why I called you out.

>I have never said anything about when the auditions happened because there is no source that clearly states that.
Clearly lying, but okay. At least we agree that we don't know when auditions happened, and that your claims about auditions happening before x are false.

>I think I pointed out that they had 4 wrong models and no names up until mid march, about a month ago, where they suddenly had 5 in a completely different look to what they teased.
They made a statement about that, when the website was running. I remember it, because it was published on one of the 4chan threads. Ill look it up later. They basically said it was just a placeholder because they didnt want to tease the designs.

>Why not be honest? If you are really legit, drop the facade, become transparent, be honest about your goals, Explain why you are trying to be global right off the bat, and most importantly actually aim to make this content for Israelis.

They actually answered most of your questions on this thread in the FAQ, if you only read it.

Why israel?
>We chose this region first since Israel is an upcoming country that has a lot of untapped potential regarding entertainment, specifically in the geographic region. In addition, we are also tapping into linguistic circles that are otherwise untapped by the larger VTubing community.

They said they will make content for both english and hebrew speaking people see this:

Id love to bite your rrat about them hiding their information from the public, but then again why would they show their faces and names on their public discord? makes no sense.

>> No.22827661

I am already seeing strawman here.
You clearly are a con artist with no intention of answering my questions.
You ARE very obviously affiliated with these people and are here to hype them up, and you are clearly acting up to cover up their dirty behavior.

We are done talking. I will make a couple of screenshots ITT to show some anons who their money would actually go to. You are just another shitty asshole trying to make scam money in Israel, just another brick of trash.
I hope you choke on matza.

>> No.22827774

now I know you're 100% baiting

>> No.22827816

Genuinely just ignore and report the retard at this loint dude

>> No.22827886
File: 463 KB, 1125x595, 1644706425198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22828087

how to run a scam (schizo style)
1. raise money from investers
2. spend that money on actual vtuber designs and actors
3. pay someone to argue with antis on 4chan
4. ???
5. profit

>> No.22828114
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x2343, s0.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, will do so from now on in future threads, sorry for sabotaging this one. It sucks considering there are enough antis like that:

>> No.22828118

finally, apartheid state chuubas

>> No.22828276
File: 101 KB, 600x598, IMG_20220420_225622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22829151


>> No.22830806

I have a Fritter feed set up to show all 5 of their twitters and nothing else. Omitting replies and retweets I rate their feeds as Emi > Lily > Neo > Nikki > Kattarina.

>> No.22830866
File: 136 KB, 1024x576, kosher_chuubas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Chuuba excites you the most anon?

>> No.22830986

i like Nikki, but ill watch all there debuts. need to check out more of each of their tweets
sounds yummy anon

>> No.22831413

Fritter is basically a backend that lets you follow twitter accounts and bookmark tweets without an account. It also works better because it's lighter weight and there are no ads and it even lets you sort accounts into groups. I'm surprised I never see anyone talk about it. The only reason I found it was because I was browsing F-Droid looking to see if there were any cool FOSS apps I didn't know about. Now I've uninstalled the twitter app because I only used it for following, not for tweeting.

>> No.22831574

damn that's actually really cool i thought you had just made a typo kek

>> No.22832025
File: 11 KB, 180x180, fritter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. When I showed someone the app on my phone's desktop he thought I was showing him a food app.

>> No.22833970
File: 7 KB, 329x96, mushroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22834228

already drugs yab?

>> No.22834961

nta, but from what I gather the company looks just plain shady, like the entire thing smacks of a pump-and-dump scheme for investors. I don't think this is a complete "take the money and run" scenario exactly; could be just as much incompetence as malice - but there's a lot of red flags for any sort of business - no contact, no staff listings, and so forth, weird places to be advertising/marketing, and so forth.

>> No.22835492

>weird places to be advertising/marketing, and so forth.
yes like twitter or youtube of course, you literally cant do a fucking pump and dump scheme with a vtuber agency because of how much the start up costs are, how much you have to pay for promotion, how long you have to wait for startup costs etc. and if it were a pump and dump why would the debut be months after the reveal trailer, why would the girls be tweeting on their accounts all this time. not to mention it also fucking takes to even get monetized in the first place. you would have to be a genuine single digit IQ retard to attempt that kind of thing with a vtuber company

>> No.22835653
File: 434 KB, 609x900, __yumeoi_kakeru_nijisanji_drawn_by_shikino_yuki__6b398c5bcc32169d56fc24bdc679241e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean
weren't the original debut dated around the start of February? They were saying that at some point in the discord
They also asked for phone number and email in order to get into the discord, which was pretty damn fishy. In hindsight I probably should have not gone through with it.

>> No.22836596

Like I said, I doubt it's malice - I don't think it's a "take the money and run" situation, and some level of strangeness is to be expected in the streaming entertainment business, but there is a lot of strangeness in particular. It could easily just be a case of certain cultural norms being lost in translation.

>> No.22837792

>Muslim Vtubers

dude, Muslim's can't Vtube because the HAIR is half the fun in these designs.

>> No.22838010

My thoughts:
>Katarina is the trendy NY JewMoney who's above the law ( * )
>Sparkles is the NJ 'jewprincess' bumper sticker who blew you in college
>Nikki is a Sabra in the IDF Recon
>Emi tends to old men, and cries to sleep every night
>Lily tends to old men, and likes it.


>> No.22839368
File: 598 KB, 2028x1576, good girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know,
....an actual Christian Vtuber company that was openly Jesus oriented would actually be able to make it in the world. they'd be VOMs level, but they could do it.

>> No.22841288

First, here is a anti-VTuber video from a catholic perspective.


Sure, there could be a group of seiso vtubers that are open about their Christian faith but there would need to be more to it than that. There would need to be a upfront transparent emphasis on charity with the superchat otherwise it would be the usual simping. Another thing is what sort of video games they would play. Would they abstain from playing M rated games except for maybe games like Halo? Halo LAN parties were popular when I was in youth group.

>> No.22841807

A vtuber group that might make changes in the vtuber industry..?

>> No.22842616

I can imagine a western seiso group making waves. Western vtubers are known to be the opposite of seiso so a group of seiso ones would really stand out.

>> No.22842922

My problem with that is that Christians online tend to be extremely two-faced and very disrespectful to other Christians, especially if they're Catholic. If there was to be a proper Christian vtuber group, to drive home a sense of charity and Christ above all else a multi-denominational group would probably be the best way to weed out any extremists.

>> No.22843052

Not all Indonesian hate Jew.

>> No.22843186

That makes sense. There is a lot of infighting in Christianity. Sometimes there's infighting even within denominations. Church politics is one of the reasons why there are Christians who claim to be believers who are not religious because they do not believe in the religious part of religion, or something like that.

>> No.22843800

But it would be really funny to have extremist catholic girls as vtubers..!
They might get deplatformed a bit too soon if they're too vocal, so they need a manager that can pull their leash when need be (male)

>> No.22843810

Looking good, will superchat 30 pieces of silver soon

>> No.22843867

-... .- -. --.

>> No.22843894

If you want extremist catholic girls, look no further than Athena Bambina.

>> No.22845254

I want more, and they have to be just as autistic, with pretty models!
Some kind of extremist catholic deathsquad of vtuber girls!
Girls who'll contribute to the destruction of vtubing in the west, and be the last ones standing!

>> No.22851354

i will never stop laughing at you schizo-chama. bump

>> No.22853321

Everything was going well until this answer, damn, I thought the Israeli friend could for a while longer, I give him 8/10 because he remained serene, although too much for my taste.

>> No.22853450
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x1266, 1649702363978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Most Israeli nationals are given PSDT as kids by taking them to Auschwitz. So Holocaust jokes literally trigger them.

>> No.22853602

Already doing better than Sony's vtubers.

>> No.22856340
File: 280 KB, 1131x1600, Nikki by her mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22857399

they gotta work on their naming skills

>> No.22858046

Schizo made a thread of his own compiling evidence against the company in case you haven't already seen.

>> No.22858160

yeah i did and i specifically didnt talk about it here. he's just saying the same retarded shit and probably samefagging some as well, but whatever some people were going to eat it up regardless cause le jews bad

>> No.22859643

Anyway I plan on making the thread again if it hasn't in probably about a week or another 10 days, obviously if another anon wants to before then go ahead, and if everyone is gonna continue to post in this one go ahead obviously. Thank you for making the thread today anon sorry about the schizo and /pol/ fags.

>> No.22859722

This is so disappointing
The cannibal fetish thread has more dignity than this place

>> No.22861496

did he seriously make a thread in 5:30 in the morning after arguing till like 1 midnight?

unironically schizo

>> No.22862957

>Kattarina Qutie
>Neo Sparkles
>Lily Sin
Okay, who came up with this, and why haven't they been dropped into Gaza wrapped in an Israel flag as punishment?

>> No.22863150

The cannibal fetish thread is one of the best threads on this board.

>> No.22863174

Because that's racist. Palestinians deserve better than jews.
