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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22680958 No.22680958 [Reply] [Original]

>Hana trying a pandering stream to get more viewers
>Just steadily above 1k

Jesus Christ. Reminder that going woke always means going broke.

>> No.22681001

Yet Kronii gets a pass (heh).

>> No.22681241

How did she go woke?
Dropped her when she bitched about chat one too many times. She didn't seem like the woke type though.

>> No.22681393

She's the biggest daddy's girl you'll meet. Said daddy is a PASSIONATE supporter of the DSA and encouraged her chat on multiple occasions to join.

>> No.22681863

I stopped watching her when her dad became too insufferable, I left before the commie shit but way before that he'd be extremely condescending and insulting.

>> No.22682500

no streams into begging marathon is what made me leave

>> No.22684761

>supporter of the DSA
What's that? Down's Syndrome Association?

>> No.22685243

Democratic Socialists of America

post proof

>jp redebute

>> No.22686632
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>post proof
There. Try to defend your commie oshi and her papa now, cuck.

>> No.22686686


>> No.22686786

Hana didn't go woke, she sabotaged herself on purpose because she wasn't comfortable with being the face of NijiID and she didn't want to be at the forefront of the English vtubing market.

>> No.22686876

she is not my oshi. I haven't watched any of her content in months (except just now to see what OP was complaining about). I just don't appreciate people making unsubstanciated claims in threats like these.

>> No.22686883

could you imagine if this happened on Nina's stream?

>> No.22686921

Why would you join a job that puts you on the spotlight and then get uncomfortable because of said spotlight? This is like a singer saying she doesn't want the masses to hear her music.

She basically killed the NijiID branch herself.

>> No.22686984

Hana thought she'd just be a small time streamer but she had the chance to preempt HoloMyth and be a superstar vtuber. That scared her.

>> No.22687059

Hana is one of those obnoxious "I'm too cool for the room" cunts. Both her and her dad came off as uppity lefty shitters. And her voice combined with that shitty indog accent is pure cancer. I dont know how the hell did anyone watch her in the first place.

>> No.22687106

Meanwhile Moona always gets at least 6k when playing Minecraft and 10k in karaoke.
Niji ID is dead while Holo ID keeps on winning.
That's why you don't put a brake in entertainment industry girl, moving forward together with your colleagues is bullshit, you move forward by yourself and you will automatically make your agency inclining.

>> No.22687107

>I dont know how the hell did anyone watch her in the first place.

One of the first vtubers to be fluent in English. The market was just waiting for vtubers, as demonstrated by HoloMyth.

>> No.22687115

what an E-girl

>> No.22687196

Concession accepted..
>I dont know how the hell did anyone watch her in the first place.
Lack of options desu. Hana's the only one I remember back then who'd stream consistently and use English. Being boring and having an accent almost as bad as a pajeet wasn't that big a debuff.

>> No.22687236

is she actually a based commie like Mana or just another lib?

>> No.22687240

Actively cucked her branch it's both sad and a little funny.

>> No.22687325

>pandering stream to get more viewers
Too fucking late then. Shouldn't debuff herself for long time and in consequence kill entire branch.

>> No.22687347

>Hana thought she'd just be a small time streamer
its just because her genmates are deadweights, big fish in a small pond, imagine if her genmates was ollie, moona and mika in the same branch, she will never say no to incline

>> No.22687404

Oh is the Hana schizo back? I remember he was making daily threads about her to the point I thought he was secretly her fan and was just pretending.

>> No.22687421

it is actually funny when hana fake the pajeet accent, but it is cringe when her branchmates did it

>> No.22687453

i guess tazumi thought the jp livers didn't have enough competition already
is he going to be happy if some id and kr livers incline at the expense of jps? for what purpose?

>> No.22687551

>amermutt coomie retard
Kill yourself corporate bootlicker.

>> No.22687669

Commies and corporate bootlickers are literally opposites.

>> No.22687786

>>22687669 is correct.
Commies are cringe, but should make fun of them correctly.

>> No.22687902

Not in USA

>> No.22687913

Hana and her dad literally just want everyone to be equal. It's a more pure ideal than whatever you retards believe because you desperately want to fit in and be BASED :D on 4chan.

>> No.22687970

wtf?! why would he kill her daughter career like that? oh it seems he still in indonesia, guess I pay him a visit if I see obnoxious gweilo with his hapa daughter.

>> No.22688049
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>/vt/ is still seething YEARS after the fact because they know she was right

>> No.22688098

Oh i remember one failed artist to do that with Europe.

>> No.22688247

judge it by yourself>>22686632

>> No.22688298

I am not american, you drooling retard.
>muh equality
Kill yourself amerimutt, your delusions do not reflect reality.

>> No.22688329

The one you worship as a god?

>> No.22688358

hana BTFO'd antis a long time ago and yet they keep coming back for more. she somehow attracts the kinds of OP quite a lot, they're probably her biggest fans.

>> No.22688417

I'm not even based by 4chan standards. But check this course in microeconomics if you want to understand reality.

>> No.22688440

Or her only fans, considering the current time of events.

>> No.22688446

Moona will never be like she is now if she was in Niji ID, her meeting with Pegor is what changed her. I guess it's a fate that Holo ID got things like pekomoon while Niji ID got someone like Hana.

Also, it seems that both Niji ID and Holo ID are underestimating the ID market, they expected a slow growth. Remember that Holo ID's manager made a joke about Moona will reach 500k subs in 6 years. That low expectation got into Hana's head and she thought her growth was abnormal and needs to be stopped.
It used to be slow and deserve to be mocked by this board, but the recent rise of Mythia and Kobo among ID viewers says otherwise. Maybe what they need is talents that genuinely interesting for local viewers, instead of using their Japan standard.

>> No.22688522 [DELETED] 
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why are commies so delusional?

>> No.22688603 [DELETED] 
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>tfw you beg america to feed you
do socialists really?

>> No.22689095 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22689129

it's pretty sad, Anycolor should have threatened to graduate her that if she wasn't going to play boomer shooters every stream in a cute voice with her dad as a permanent guest for every stream. they should have never let her play adventure games, FFXIV, PSO2 or any of the other crap she wanted. fuck you Hana for single-handedly killing NijiID

>> No.22689689

moona got the mentality, risu and iofi are not even pass 200k that time, braving herself trying to find her own place in holo while got harassed here and there is hard, if hana in mooner place, pretty sure shes just gonna debuff herself again.

>> No.22689883
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I'm just waitin for some PW man

>> No.22690631

Based Hanaposter spinning negative press to make sure nobody forgets about her

>> No.22690697

What is it with coffee themed vtubers always being right?

>> No.22691047

All corpos are pushing commie shit constantly. Horse shoe theory or whatever the fuck happened doesn't matter. They are one and the same today.

>> No.22692286

You are a moron.

>> No.22692667

>t. amerimutt
Why are mutts so retarded?
Also, how is he wrong? It's enough for corpos to just slightly pander to lefties, and lefties will eat that shit up without a question, leftoids can spam essays about muh ebil gaypitalism but they will never stop consuming, corpos know lefties are retarded and that's why they will get away with anything.

>> No.22693342

corpos pander to wokism not leftism moron.

>> No.22693480
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Don't forget that Hana also caused all the unicorns to seethe.

>> No.22693483

>there are still people who think that was actually her dad

>> No.22693551

>they hated Her because She told them the truth

>> No.22693619

And? The woke left is the majority and it btfos any non-woke leftie.

>> No.22693668

>being a whore... is good, i-t just is, okay?
Islam is right about women.

>> No.22693690

Hana speaks the truth that their “oshi” is just an egirl draining money from losers.

>> No.22693719

Impressive, very nice.
Now show me the political candidates they donate to.

>> No.22693774

>Supporting workers rights is bad
Didn't know we had shills for Amazon here. Get back to your wagie cages

>> No.22693779

>being a whore is bad
>unless you do it from behind a png

>> No.22693874

Wokism is not synonymous with leftism. It's more of a neoliberal belief and the neolibs are closer to right wing than left wing.

And communism is the antithesis of corporatism. No corporation would ever support any amount of communist beliefs. They work to actively dismantle and discourage any communist thought amongst their workers and the public.

>> No.22693885

Learn English, seanigger. She was talking about hypocrisy of Vtuber fans who hate e-girl but still simp to vtuber when they are both basically a same thing.

>> No.22693913

>sexpat is a dsa member

>> No.22693976

Democrat? Name one corporation who actually donate to Democrat Socialist Party or American Communist Party. Even fucking Bernie Sander got sabotaged and sidelined.

>> No.22694066

>nijisanji expanding to 3 different countries
>cover also preparing for expanding to the same 3 countries
>hana blew up and showing good performance for vtuber at that time
>cover abandoning IN and KR project and going all out with ID
Many holobrownies doesn't know this, but Hana also the reason why there is holoid but there's no HoloKR and holoIN, you should be more thankful for her.

>> No.22694130

>Calls out ESL
>Anon is ESL

>> No.22694272

Corpos donate to hardcore neoliberals. Commies and similar retards (like BLM niggers) do exist, but solely as boots on the ground to threaten the middle class into compliance using violence and media pressure. At the actual government level it's all 'technocrats' devoted to the religion of maximum extraction.

The right is much the same, by the way. Whatever game they talk once they're in government it's the same 'wageslave for 50 hours a week to buy Chinese products before we outsource you', at best the difference you get is that the 'left' supports neoliberalism and thinks trannies should be allowed to rape your daughters, and the 'right' supports neoliberalism and thinks trannies should only be allowed to molest them (for now).

>> No.22695754

Hana is too bitch for me

>> No.22695939

Hana nuked her growth on her own because she's retarded, all this political discussion is useless, people had already left at that point

>> No.22696058

I love when retards burns their own career, it's just too delicious.

>> No.22698391

in what world are the leftie the majority?
rightoids are still in power despite the culture shift.
most of the loopholes that blow non-lefts out were shit the lefties were warning about before the culture tide changed.
corporations only pander to whoever is more profitable, they have no principles.

>> No.22698454

>pandering stream
>it's literally just her redebut

>> No.22698516

Isn't she the one that gracefully accepted the ID debuff and didn't bother interacting much with EN?

>> No.22698698

>yeah, this seems like a good topic for my daughter's cartoon larp hobby-show

>> No.22698800

Wtf I hate that guy now, and his offspring as well.

>> No.22698822

I could not possibly laugh harder at the downfall of a communist. Also, Hana is the living epitome of her own rule so many love to tout on the board.

>> No.22699223

What did she do?

>> No.22699287
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>"let's talk about communism!"
The fuck is wrong with that faggot? What is his nationality? Sound like chink to me.
We literally killed 500k commies.
Like "communist" is still considered as as insult in indonesia.

>> No.22699338

I used to see clips of her, she seems like the type of person that probably despises her fans and anyone who supports her, then again I feel like a lot of chuubas probably are like that too. She still rubbed me the wrong way though, glad to see she fell off

>> No.22699529

Based indos
Glad you schizos aren't Reds

>> No.22699975

hes american anon, the whitest of white bread

>> No.22700105

how much of it was due to her shitty dad and how much was due to her stunting her own growth because she wanted the rest of her failure branch to get 3D before she got a 3D model?

>> No.22700240
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>> No.22700251
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>Democratic Socialists of America

Ameritards think anything left of Biden is a fucking commie, Jesus how do you even manage to live in this shithole again?

Anyways, based dad.

>> No.22701049

You are only correct in that DSA is literally a wing of the democratic party. As are most self-professed commies or anarchists for that matter in burgerland actually. Elites cosplaying as revolutionaries.

>> No.22701533

>He thinks anarchists and marxists-leninists have anything to do with the Democrats

Why are conservatives like this?

>> No.22701854

Is every single person who thinks that American dude is her dad some species of ESL or what?

>> No.22701989

>>He thinks anarchists and marxists-leninists have anything to do with the Democrats
Yes, you all worship status and money and run in the same exact elite circles. The children of rich kids say eat the rich before getting their own cushy jobs in the power structure. You run cover for the dems and tell people to vote for the lesser of two evils every single election. You get to break plenty of laws and act as footsoldiers online and on the streets to keep down the working class and make sure their legitimate anger never manifests into a real threat and mask it as racial justice ideology. You are, and have always been, the things you accuse nationalists and over rightwingers of being outside of cuckservates and lolberts. Who you share the most with, since a cuckservative and a lolbert are also liberals just like you. Don't paly games when you have been found out anon.

>> No.22702025

Yes yes, we know, it's actually her boyfriend.

>> No.22702066

I just had to check, anon.

>> No.22702108

That was our biggest mistake. We should've genocided the sand niggers too.

>> No.22702176

Can you faggots take this shit to /pol/?

>> No.22702234
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That was the spookiest shit i've read this month, thank fuck i've learned long ago to not engage in normie politics.

>> No.22702272

t. glownigger.

>> No.22702282

He is her dad and he's fucking her

>> No.22702294

>It's not pandering if it's towards me

>> No.22702345

that's still less dead than if communist party come into power, your history rep wumaochama

>> No.22702980

>her dad literally just want everyone to be equal
Babby's first ideology. Lift some weights and get a real job.

>> No.22703186


>> No.22703347

Based and Fritzlpilled

>> No.22703430

> We literally killed 500k commies.
Holy based.

>> No.22703462

No no no, that would be bad.
The reason why communist is a dead ideology is because it's proven to be a failed ideology, no communist country with communist economy ever get prosperous.
With Islam, some Islamic countries are actually prosperous (because of oil). But some retards thinks that it is because of their Sharia system that makes them rich.
The point is, some people still believes that Sharia works, so the ideology will never die, for now. So if you kill them, they will come out more radical and more dangerous, with a thirst of revenge.

>> No.22704178

kek based dad, even though the DSA is too far to the right. sad that he isn't a based stalin chad like a true mon ami.

>> No.22704320

communism is a mimetic cancer

>> No.22704856

How embarrassing

>> No.22705631
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it's so incredible hana still somehow has this many dedicated antis on /here/ when she hasn't been relevant since before most of you learned what a vtuber was

>> No.22705678

I was going to say its not that bad until the second half happens and he starts outright talking about politicians and shit, what the fuck.

>> No.22707909
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Hana did what?

>> No.22708176

wrong, glico did the id market testing with maya putri, she got warm welcome, maya putri got postponed, data gathered, and send it to several japs company who willing to buy their data, anycolor and cover biting

>> No.22708697

It's just middle America and rightoid shitskin retardation. Dad is based.

>> No.22709316

well, most obese mutts are just this dumb

>> No.22709531

I stopped watching this cunt long ago when she said she preferred dub over sub. Shit taste.

>> No.22710574

How did she pander?

>> No.22711362
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>no communist country with communist economy ever get prosperous

>> No.22711480

Hana's antis are the same people seething they failed to cancel Nina.

>> No.22714527

literally who

>> No.22714673

>Hana is the spawn of a sexpat
Her mental instability makes sense

>> No.22715409

China is capitalist.
It's funny how people throw around the word communist for anything they don't like when they don't even know what it means, like this retard here: >>22691047
China has 1000 billionaires, compared to 600 in the US.
If it was communist there would be exactly 0 billionaires in China.

>> No.22715486

Drank all the gender fluid

>> No.22715593

Yeah, mine (cum)

>> No.22716381

I was gonna ask what the fuck is wrong with her dad, but he pretty much said it all on stream.

>> No.22716673

i don't care what hana's political beliefs are i still want to fuck the menhera out of her

>> No.22716859

Suddenly I understand why she never streams with her dad anymore

>> No.22716948

Even normalfags have been aware of them for quite a while now, this video is from 2017.

>> No.22717116

Same for the PH, but the president is a chink cocksucker so what's the fucking point.

>> No.22718087

Why is she forcing an accent?

>> No.22719099

holy shit I love me some Azura.

>> No.22719850

i wonder what his thoughts on Russia is

>> No.22719978

Did we all miss the part where he admits to being a faggot. Why is nobody talking about this.

>> No.22720109


>> No.22721655

Artia.. your macroeconomics reps.
China is even more capitalist than the USA, labor laws are basically non existent, they are there but without any enforcement unless The Party decided to enforce it.
China is politically authoritarian and economically capitalist, no trace of communism except in their teaching, which has been altered to be "communism with Chinese characteristics". Marx will be crying if he wake up in the current China.

>> No.22721867

Tell that to Jack Ma

>> No.22722115

Has Hana's dad ever been on stream since the DSA incident?

>> No.22722180

kek nice one

>> No.22722384
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Because of her, the entire branch got killed. Not really because of her, but she had the chance to make it big and bring her friends to be among the global elites like Moona did.

It's not a problem if Niji ID has no competition and still failed, we all can agree that ID is an unsustainable market. But look at Holo ID, they keeps on winning. They have someone like Kobo now who doesn't need to pander to EN to gain the same numbers and donations as her EN-pandering genmates and senpais, the kind of talent that Riku Tazumi can only dream of.

>> No.22722602

Her leaving the door open is why HoloEN was able to take the English market uncontested despite her being there before them.

She's singlehandedly responsible for both the death of NijiID and the success of Hololive.

>> No.22723056

There's nothing socialist about the Chinese curb of its tech companies.
Tech companies are dangerous for a country with a huge population, they are very effective at making profits without the needs to employs a lot of people. That would leave a lot of people without jobs. It's the perfect kind of companies for small country like Singapore, but for China? They're going to cause troubles in the future.

That's why India's move to skip industrialization and goes directly towards tech industry is going to be disastrous, and we know the politburo in Beijing are smarter than policymakers at Delhi.


>> No.22723074

>Because of her, the entire branch got killed.
You're either stupid or terminally indonesian if you really believe this

>> No.22723651

Who is Jack Ma?

>> No.22723723

jack ma nuts

>> No.22724384

1k is alot compared to her peers in niganippleEN

>> No.22724676

while this is funny is a weird way because why would you bring up politics on someone elses stream let alone your daughters? i dont think literally anyone outside of this board even knows this happened, and even then i've literally never seen the shitshow until now so its clearly semi-deep, so its not really a reason why hana completely flopped
it had to do with her not being an EN streamer when she was the premiere EN streamer for a time like a fucking retard, turning down her 3d like a fucking retard, and scaring off unicorns like a based retard

>> No.22725280

>be the only member of a branch that even remotely strikes out
>with both fans and clippers across multiple languages
>focus on the less popular one
>branch never once takes off again
Anon is 100% correct that Hana killed the entire branches chances of getting any growth by not trying to be EN as much as possible, but he's also 100% wrong in his assumption that growth would have meant much for ID as a whole.

It's almost note-for-note how NijiKR's popularity split worked but just without any of the Chae mane-san bullshit; how many viewers from Bora's gorillion JPN viewers gave the time of day to others in the branch like Nari (who now is also getting her Bora moment), Suha or Ray, a literal fucking japanese woman? Hell, how many of Yuya's viewers, the other person who actually started to knock it out of the park, did?

>> No.22725553

i dont care about en whore, hana antis are there even before the artist even thinking about nina exist

>> No.22725561

>Anon is 100% correct that Hana killed the entire branches chances of getting any growth by not trying to be EN as much as possible
What do you unironically think would happen? EN viewers branch out and find out that she's far and away the best and most relatable english speaker in the branch but decide to support the whole branch anyway? You people are delusional fucking retards, the only reason Hana was successful was because she's an american with native level english. No one else in NijiID has that kind of draw.

>> No.22725674

>EN viewers branch out and find out that she's far and away the best and most relatable english speaker in the branch but decide to support the whole branch anyway?
This is literally the exact opposite of what I said.

>> No.22725754

She didn't kill their chances because there was no chance. EOPs were there for Hana exclusively and no amount of shilling would have changed that.

>> No.22725803

Yes, again, that's exactly what I'm saying. Read the entire post you mong.

>> No.22725879

I mean, she could've taken a sizable chunk of the English market before HoloMyth debuted.

Nijisanji could've had something to build off of before NijiEN if Hana had just taken the mantle that was offered to her.

>> No.22725907

its not only hana, her branchmates are lazy deadweight lifter, all they have was a left over from hanas view pool

>> No.22725931

Then I don't get what you mean by
>Anon is 100% correct that Hana killed the entire branches chances of getting any growth by not trying to be EN as much as possible

She did exactly that and the company completely failed to capitalize.

>> No.22725994

>cancel Nina
Why would fujos try to cancel Hana?

>> No.22726038

Why do you keep posting this irrelevant NijiID like anyone cares about her

>> No.22726052

I mean, she got them to check out a few clips but she did not lock down the English speaking viewers as fans.

>> No.22726069

being 3d is not that fancy, shes never break 5k views alone before myth, myth debuts were above 50k

>> No.22726175
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Because the literal next part of the sentence was
>but he's also 100% wrong in his assumption that growth would have meant much for ID as a whole.
As in, her growth at best would have caused another couple of people to start growing, which is why I made the KR comparison where that barely was a thing to begin with, but in reality would more likely lead to nobody besides her growing.

>> No.22726199

This is true. Those fucking sand cummer should be killed too. Fuck all those retarded habibs

>> No.22726230


>> No.22726327

The branch doesn't have to grow as much as Hana if Hana becomes one of the biggest English speaking vtubers. The branch would be safe by virtue of Hana being in it and being a huge success.

>> No.22726346

Reminder that Indonesia literally killed close to a million commies half a century ago, but it appears they missed a couple which is a shame.

>> No.22726509

threads about ID tend to get filled to the brim with ESLs please understando

>> No.22726541

Taka is hardworking tho
Zea is the real dead weight. She can sing well and promotes herself as an Idol but has never done a real utawaku stream.

>> No.22726668

>i wish more of it was made by gaymen for gaymen
>muh gay male objectification
I didn't knew he was that much of a faggot, fuck off

>> No.22726888

yes some are hardworking, branch meant to all the ID's

>> No.22727564

But being bigger could give her some more pull in having a say to the direction to their branch and prevent it from just being folded over.

>> No.22728159

ID died because of numbers and unless everyone had a quarter of hanas peak numbers as consistent ones going forward they'd be fucked and get folded in with kr
and theres no world where taka gets 1k viewers

>> No.22728395

He called her on birthday stream once. Can't remember anything else.

>> No.22730368
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>> No.22730583

she defended ethots using feminist lingo but the retards here cope by pretending she was dropping a redpill

>> No.22730629
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>Socialist pansexual Bostonian
The holy trifecta of shit. Hana never had a chance.

>> No.22730641

She joined as a joke. I'm not even kidding. Her words.

>> No.22730824

What? The most successful tech billionaire in China? How socialist of them to allow him to succeed.

>> No.22730839

Ah yes the bitch that basically sabotaged the growth of Nijisanji ID.

>> No.22731640

next you'll tell me you believe iwanaga personally scouted mitomito off of the streets
there isn't a weeb alive who'd apply to a vtuber job that isn't at least semi-serious about it as its a job with its own hours, especially nijisanji who was endlessly on the rise and doesnt care if you don't stream for three weeks or three years

>> No.22731642

I wasn't really paying much attention to her when she was famous(?), though I don't know what that even means back then number-wise. She's still cute and seems to be doing fine, though I think about a month or two ago she almost broke into tears before ending the stream so I hope she's doing alright.

>> No.22732255

Next you're going to tell me her mom isn't actually dead.

>> No.22732981
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1645686566370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are europoors itt

>> No.22733607

yes, and?

>> No.22734242

>not straight
>pan man
>has a daughter
fags, explain

>> No.22734341

>average white man
>gay socialist
do white people really?

>> No.22734495


>> No.22734642

>Her dad is a typical twitter millenial
Uh, how old is she?

>> No.22735253


>> No.22736191

He could be a cuck, too

>> No.22736289

If I were the daughter of a faggot with a dead mom I'd almost blame myself thinking my birth made him gay. No wonder she's menhera.

>> No.22737311
File: 1.67 MB, 333x281, 1648332324048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Nijisanji just make her graduate for this?

>> No.22737763

Just because a broken clock is always right twice a day doesn't mean the clock is always right, faggot.

>> No.22737812

They are right though. Every big bank now panders to the leftist commies. Me and my wife work in Finance and those fucks slam their agenda down your throat every day. "LOOK AT HOW INCLUSIVE AND NOT OFFENSIVE WE ARE. PLEASE DON'F BOYCOTT US AND GIVE US ALL OF YOUR MONEY."

>> No.22737867

Early 20s. Dunno why people forget millennials can be into their 40s these days

>> No.22737949

That's not what communism is, you moron.

>> No.22738025

You should have kept going and genocided your entire country.

>> No.22738173

>he fall for subversion by capitalist pigdog.
Genuine retard. Both you and commies. At least some commies know what's up.

>> No.22738205

Jesus christ, talking about american leftism in Indonesia is a surefire way to get heat. This guy is clearly ignorant that 99% of Indonesians absolutely loathe western lefties, even when the entire national identity itself is way left leaning compared to the US

>> No.22738332

Hana's problem isn't anything to do with her politics or values. She just lost that enthusiasm that carried her forward. I remember her earlier streams and she was doing her best to be a cute and fun vtuber. Over time however she just became another ironybro. Yes, while there's certainly an audience for that too, changing her persona that late in the game, when she already stopped making major gains in viewership, only alienated her original fans without gaining her any new ones.

I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with her, she just failed to maintain the persona that people liked.

>> No.22738399

why yes i worship willy

>> No.22738654


>> No.22740206

> antis
She used to be popular and a lot of ENfags used to watch her since she was the only EN speaking chuuba around back then.

She filtered all of us so we don't really talk about her much anymore. But neither does anyone really spam the catalog full of hate for her every single day, people just moved on.

When a discussion about her does pop up here though, we do need to make it clear that yes, we do hate her, here's why.
After that we just fuck off and watch our oshis.

>> No.22740386

