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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22646816 No.22646816 [Reply] [Original]

This is a cancer that is spreading in Japan's vtuber and streaming industry, the only reason why EN vtuber is better

>> No.22646893
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You WILL play Apex

>> No.22646974
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>> No.22647142

Facts, but it isn't spreading. It has been a tumor for the past 2 years.

>> No.22647157

You weren't here when the vtuber PUBG arc is happening huh?
Oh and Aqua also get shitted on in that PUBG tournament lol

>> No.22647527


>> No.22647569

were you in a coma for the past 2 years and just noticed it now?

>> No.22647608

>Hal and Towa literally said this might be the last big Apex tournament because it's reaching the end of it's life cycle.
At least pretend you watch streams anon.

>> No.22647938

Apex is the most popular dating App in Japan

>> No.22648153


>> No.22651039

it isnt spreading it's dying and that tourney might be the last vsaikyou apex tourney
apex is dying from cheaters, devs lowering skill ceiling, overall drop in interest, shitty ranked mechanics, terrible sbmm, frequent leavers and the many many bugs some of which can cause you to get banned through no fault of your own
t.apex obsessed fag

>> No.22653863

what's the next big game? overwatch 2? I don't see Valorant get nearly as much engagement

>> No.22654334

That’s not Elden Ring.

>> No.22655914

valo's engagement is mostly NA and SEA (i would know, im indo)
japan doesnt really have a big market for it unless some big collab with riot happens (which is unlikely imo due to china) we'd probably have to wait for another big FPS or maybe apex will come back with their updates i dont really follow news from other fps tho desu

>> No.22656083

Do you anticipate some people poking around more in Fortnite since they are removing building, or will we be free from competitive shooting for awhile?

>> No.22656130

Gundam Evolution will be the next big game.
Screencap this

>> No.22656199

16th place.

>> No.22656232

16th place but got a prize equal to the first place prize lesss gooooooooo

>> No.22656251

Would Bandai give permissions for that?

>> No.22656271

some of my friends were kinda excited hearing that and i have heard of some streamers going back to fortnite because of it, but to me the mechanics of fortnite just arent as fun as apex
idk why but i really like the movement in apex and how you can chain them together to juke other dudes so it's a pass for me, but knowing just a few people i know personally are already showing interest in fortnite would probably mean it's going to have at least a boost in playercounts for a while
i dont really know how fortnite works especially in competitive now that building is gone but i dont think i really care too much about it

>> No.22656290

Personally I find it pretty funny how hard they try to stay relevant by paying vtubers to shill them but it's never enough.

>> No.22656425

it has like 200k players on right now though?

>> No.22656667
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i mean they're not doing that bad and this one's just from steam so idk man, i also dont really think EA has paid any vtubers other than hal

>> No.22656871
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I don't know what would take priority over it.
Valorant sucks to watch and play.
OW2 maybe, but there's good reason OW died and with current blizzard I don't see OW2 being a huge hit.

MOBAs are basically out the door now.
RTS games have been dead.
I dont' see fighting games becoming big any time soon ,maybe in japan there's more taste for it but they've always been a bit iffy.

Siege maybe? But its pretty old and I don't see it catching on either anymore.

Maybe Halo infinite if nips are into that?

>> No.22656968

i have never seen any jp play halo infinite but while it'll be kinda fun to watch them play that, some streamers have complained that they get less interaction with chat whenever they play that game because there's barely any downtime (snip3down)

>> No.22657020

I assume Hal knows more about the state of the game than I do but it doesn't seem like it's dying at all? Is he personally tired of it?

>> No.22657115


>> No.22657138

CS GO hopefully. We will see if those "fps specialist" vtubers are really skilled in fps. CS GO is the ultimate professional fps for eSports.

>> No.22657140

It'll never happen, but big cross-company day long Arma3 operation would be kino.

>> No.22657143

When is the next big minecraft update?

>> No.22657262
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>> No.22657266

cs sucks.
i played it for years but lets be honest, people only like it because of sunken cost.

the gunplay is absolute horseshit.

>> No.22657509

the stats dont really show but it is kind of starting to show signs of dying
bugs strewn around with band aid patches, respawn unable to fix a lot of cheater issues having to resort to manual bannings by hideout and his team, as well as it being a lot harder to balance bringing in a new legend each new season
imho the amount of legends in apex is already close to the max it can balance, once it becomes too much it'll either be horribly OP for newer legends or the newer legends will just be very weak like something out of R6, im just scared that it'll fall into the team fortress 2 problem of generalists vs specialists
the meta is still more or less stagnant with only a few unique legends like loba, crypto and horizon here and there but other legends like rampart or mirage just doesnt get used at all in competitive
so im genuinely worried for the game if respawn keeps on adding a 4 new legends a year

>> No.22657767

just that it seems to be at the height of it's fame now and is on the way to go down.

>> No.22657854

fuck you Vsaikyou was fucking hype af.

>> No.22658551

I don't know how Valorant gained their popularity. It's pretty much CS with Fortnite skin and extra gimmicks. Hell, I still prefer CS GO and CS Source because they're still fun now. Pekora also having great time playing TF2.

>> No.22658598

shit is just valorant with less stuff

>> No.22658668

Valorant was nice because it had better netcode than CSGO does, and the simplified maps make things way easier to see than CSGO where a lot of times you just have trouble seeing models thanks to the shitty lighting and effects

It just sucks because the maps and skins are fucking cancer. And all the abilities just ruin the flow of the game while also trying to be CS.

>> No.22659040

Say what you will about the game but it's really endearing seeing all these vtubers try to improve and get better at something with a team.
It's a sense of camaraderie and struggle that EN whores who go tummy hort every other day can never display.

>> No.22659404

It sucks when they updated the damage balance and made AK and M16 too powerful. Now everyone run around with only those two. As Mac10 users I used to enjoy the game when it's still very balanced.

>> No.22659607

>the only reason why EN vtuber is better
They are playing it too.

>> No.22659608


>> No.22659796

It really does suck that there's basically 3 weapons in the game with a bunch of filler.

I still liked running around with a p90 but past mid-tier ranking that stops working because 1taps are basically 90% of fights.
There was that brief moment in time in CSGO when they first introduced the revolver and that was pretty hilarious due to how broken it was.

But honestly the gunplay is just why I stopped. It sucks when you go to literally any other game and guns make some semblance of sense, then you go back to CS and shoot someone from 2 feet away, but because you moved half a second ago your bullets hit the floor.

>> No.22659977

If it wasn't Apex they would play Valorant, PUBG, Sudden Attack or whatever is the current hot fps.

>> No.22660017

wtf is sudden attack

>> No.22660154

A CS 1.6 clone from korea that utaites played on nnd a long time ago.

>> No.22660231

probably one of those pay to win csgo clones meant to appeal to seaniggers with shit computers

>> No.22661755

Same. I dig their devotion and them trying their best at something, even though they may not be the best, people giving their earnest best without really "tryharding" per se is something you see less and less in the west. I hope they find something to replace it with soon.

>> No.22662354
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>> No.22662679

Japan has the 3rd largest viewer base for VCT, should tell you about how big it is there.

>> No.22662908

>Valorant sucks to watch and play.
It's the fastest growing game right now in the JP scene, and I believe there's a Japanese team making the rounds on the pro-scene, which will make people even more interesting on it.
>OW2 maybe, but there's good reason OW died and with current blizzard I don't see OW2 being a huge hit.
God no. Overwatch was always a cancerous moba wannabe with god awful maps and even worse character balance. The only difference OW2 will have is one less teammate, which honestly won't fix the more glaring problems that game always had. It could have some early adopters tho if Blizzard tries the same thing they did with OWL and force it to exist, but with the game being worse than playing TF2 against bots I doubt it would remain popular for longer than a year.
>MOBAs are basically out the door now.
Eh, not really. They stopped growing as much as they did back on the early 2010's, but they're still have a lot of staying power. The problem is the skill floor is pretty high.
>RTS games have been dead.
>I dont' see fighting games becoming big any time soon ,maybe in japan there's more taste for it but they've always been a bit iffy.
Fighting games popularity on Japan has been on a downward spiral ever since devs stopped releasing them first on arcades. Recent releases got much stronger sales in the west.
>Siege maybe? But its pretty old and I don't see it catching on either anymore.
You already pointed out it being old, and Ubisoft is hellbent on molding the game on their own constrained vision and that's making a lot of pros and casuals mad and more likely to drop the game
>Maybe Halo infinite if nips are into that?
Yeah, no.

>> No.22662950

Because you don't have to learn 200 autistic lineups just to play ranked.
If that's your thing they added characters that have to do that anyway.
It's the right choice, don't tell me you had fun lining up your right pinky to a specific pixel on a dog's ballsack just so you can smoke CT from A main.

The game picked up that lost complexity in other places, but at the very least those things feel like they're worth learning.

>> No.22662994

i didnt know that, most of the streams not only on twitch but also on youtube only show apex and rarely valo so that made me quite biased and also only very few holos play valo

>> No.22662995
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No. I don't think I will.

>> No.22663080

Haha you can't even play titanfall 2 anymore.

Unless you install northstar but that would ruin my joke.

>> No.22663239

will you be the BT to my cooper anon? ಥ‿ಥ

>> No.22663281

i got to LEM like a decade ago and i only ever knew like... 10 nades.

>> No.22663816

Im so mad at respawn butchering titanfall just to make battle royal out of it's corpse. It was such a perfect blend of oldschool arena shooters and modern ironsight games. And whats more important it wasn't autistic "le eatsports" game

>> No.22664316

You should blame EA more than Respawn. They're the ones that thought it was a good idea to release Titanfall 2 in-between Battlefield and CoD. That basically killed the game before it was even born, and Apex was probably Respawn's last attempt to stay alive.

>> No.22664935

Seethe and dilate and die in a ditch.
I bet you are one of those people who play mobage and grind 24/7 and pay bucks to own a PNG just to be relevant in your pay to win shit grinding game.

>> No.22666502

well sorry about that whether we like it or not Apex is so big in Japan and it will stay like that

>> No.22669608

Until recently, apex was mostly literal pay to lose lmfao

>> No.22669652

Apex is literally a dating game on japan now, japanese's society is so fucked up they need a game as a excuse to socialize and talk to the opposite gender

>> No.22669997

Good. Japan needs a more declining birth rate so that it can open up to the world and not be xenophobic.

>> No.22670028

How fucking new?

>> No.22670116
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it's time for japan to learn from the kings
bring on the deathmatches,

>> No.22670881

next will be the valorant vtuber arc, then Aqua will get shitted on again

>> No.22670936
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>> No.22671001
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>Talking as if CS and CSGO are complicated

>> No.22671345

lol the fact you think you need to know intricate smokes to play at a decent level shows you dont play the game and just regurgitate shit other people say

>> No.22672140

PUBG needs to come back from the dead, I still think it's the best game that got vtubers addicted to it

>> No.22673930

japan is already infested with mutts and sexpats everywhere

>> No.22674908

CS inna nutshell
>Buy gun
>Shoot opponent
>Kill or be killed, that's it
Why you want to turn a simple game like that into runescape?

>> No.22675000

only for the nostalgia factor

>> No.22675695

>I don't know what would take priority over it.
Splatoon 3

>> No.22676337


kek, these baby tier gamers will never experience true FPS experience


>> No.22676434

CSGO boys, we're home

>> No.22676567

I cant believe csgo has no niggas in it

>> No.22676883

CSGO might be the most watchable eSport fps, but it's not a good measure for overall fps skill and only has that sort of mystique about it because of legacy. Low time-to-kill tac shooters like CSGO overemphasize only one type of aim: your ability to quickly and accurately get a first shot off onto small, mostly stationary targets (head clicking). An insane tac shooter player who doesn't play other types of shooters will have a very specialized style of aiming that transfers poorly to high time-to-kill tracking orientated games like Apex. In aim training communities, the whole thing about needing insane aim for games like CSGO is memed to hell. Tac shooter players get mocked for actually having pretty shitty aim holistically since the most important factors in those games are actually things like crosshair placement, knowing angles, rotation timings, map knowledge, utility usage, game sense, etc. If we're just talking about aim since that is the main thing in common between games, then tac shooters are by no means the standard for FPS skill since tac shooter players are mostly just one-trick ponies as far as their aim is concerned. God forbid you give them a wiggly target that doesn't die in one shot, they'll get fucking exposed for real.

>> No.22677851

I was playing a GunZ private server last year and encountered a bunch of super rare new players. I asked them how they found out about the game and they said fucking Tiktok. So I searched GunZ on the tiktok website and there were ones with hundreds of thousands or even over a million views, which was so crazy to me.

I started looking through them and found this guy who was sort of chronicling his progress as a player. He was doing Ground Double Half-steps after maybe half a year of playing and I thought, "it took me my entire gunz career to learn how to do that, you fucker". Honestly, zoomers who probably grew up on Fortnite speed building are kinda built different.

GunZ was a really cool game. It was super mechanical and had a giant ceiling for skill expression, but it was also just an arena shooter so it lacked strategic depth and game-to-game variety. I think it would be cool if it came back in an official way, but they need to turn it into a battle royale or something if they don't want it to die immediately.

>> No.22677903

cant tell if this is a copypasta or not

>> No.22678379

>meta is still more or less stagnant
Honestly, Hal and Astel hit on what needed to be done with the meta, at least on vsaikyou: Lower points for non-meta picks. Make it possible for two Master level players and one shitter to team-up using Maggie or whatever and just troll the others with try hard comps.

>> No.22678392

your just mad your oshi is oshit at the game

>> No.22678568

that was pretty cool but i was talking about the meta in general for competitive not for this tournament, was very fun to see astel on maggie though

>> No.22678766

Valorant and OW2 are the only things that even have a chance of "dethroning" Apex.

A lot of the FPS/Apex players either just started playing it (Astel, Roboco, etc.) or have been playing it since release. It sucks to play and watch for sure, and won't ever be that popular, but there's pretty much no other game out that can compete with it.
Selen is outright taking time off Apex to practice fucking OW ranked of all things, and even HoloEN has started playing Overwatch outta nowhere. Either they're angling for a sponsorship, or there's business deals going on behind closed doors already which means it'll get pushed hard very soon regardless. I don't enjoy it personally, but OW2 is coming and 5 players means it should be easier to get collabs going at least.
Too old, ugly, and way too fucking hard. A lot of the FPS chubas already have some experience with it, like Towa, Botan, Kurumi Noah, etc., but I don't expect it to blow up ever again.
>Pubg, CSGO, Battlefield
Nah. All dead and/or have newer replacements out. If there was a vtuber scene already for them in any region then sure, but Japan isn't picking up any of these anytime soon.

>> No.22678831

just play tf2, best fps game to fuck around and have fun
t. met insane amount of friends cuz of it

>> No.22678860

i did and it was fun, i love tf2 but it's a huge shame that valve doesnt care anymore

>> No.22678875

Hololive is currently Elden Ring spam fest.

Nijisanji and the smaller corps are the ones actually streaming a wide variety of games every week.

>> No.22678961

>it'll get pushed hard
Just like Blizzard did with the OWL, and Starcraft 2 esports, and HotS, and Diablo 3 real life money auction houses, and everything related to WoW. Blizzard really did a lot of retarded shit in the past decade, huh? Maybe all the rape, breast milk stealing and Bill Cosby room shenanigans actually made them worse at making games.

>> No.22678973

Civilization. I want to see Aqua build a massive army that never moves past the stone age attack Shion's riflemen with it.

>> No.22678985

I was, but now I've moved to Rainbow 6 Siege which is IMO more fun

>> No.22680542
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Tbh I just see what FPS Botan love and follow her lead. Also she's already speaking, the Battlefield 2142 sucks

>> No.22682561

Why do the chuubas so optimistic about OW2?

>> No.22682681

Just how new are you

>> No.22682789

Riot poured a ton of money into marketing and shilling Valorant.

>> No.22682871

>CS GO is the ultimate professional fps for eSports
That's still Quake 3 arena.

>> No.22683042

The year is 2025 and VSaikyou Season 7 is a three game tournament for trios, Apex, Rocket League and Project L

>> No.22683349

>Project L
Could happen if you're talking about a cooperation cup-like tournament but with trios instead of 5-man teams. Honestly that sounds like a good format for vtuber fighting game tournaments.

>> No.22683777

You WILL come back

>> No.22683799


>> No.22684049

streamers are optimistic about every new release. means big viewer numbers for a while.

>> No.22685196

There is usually one vsaikyo every 8 or so months, so chances are it'll be vsaikyo Season 11 or more by 2025 Over half of the season 5 participants will have graduated by then

>> No.22686693

I hate fps players so much its unreal
they think whatever fps game they are playing is difficult because you need to develop muscle memory to aim, meanwhile their game is literally the same as counter strike with a gimicky mechanic that is a waste of time to use
in especially bad cases they will even use an "aim trainer" like aim labs
madness beyond belief I tell you

>> No.22687006

That’s fair. By the way, I find it funny that Apex Legends and Titanfall run on an extremely modded version of Source engine.

>> No.22687320

I mean….the beta testing for Gundam Evolution just ended? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.22688708

When will we go fast again, brother?

>> No.22689326

its really weird when suddenly holoEN played OW of all things I mean, really fishy there

>> No.22694806

Poor aqua
